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AngelMi l l er Bar r i noi st hef ounderofPur pos eandPr ai s e Mi ni s t r i es ,ami ni s t r yes t abl i s hedt oi ns pi r eandt eac h God' speopl et het r ut hoft heWor daswel lasbr i ngr es t or at i ont obr okenl i v es .Hergoali st ous eherownl i f e exper i enc est os how l ov et ot hos es uf f er i ngf r om br oken r el at i ons hi psandmar r i ages .Thr oughmanyc hal l enges andt r i umphss hehasr ec ei v edr es t or at i onf r om God. Bei ngas ur v i v oroft oxi cr el at i ons hi ps ,s hehast r ul y gi v enherhear tf orc ommuni t yout r eac handbui l di ng God' ski ngdom t hr ought heedi f i c at i onofHi speopl e.Ms . Bar r i noi sapr ai s eandwor s hi pl eader ,aChr i s t i anwr i t er andr ec or di ngar t i s t . “AngelB. �ass hei saf f ec t i onat el yknownbel i ev esi n c ommuni t ys uppor t ,out r eac handdev el opment .S hei s adomes t i cv i ol enc eawar enes sandpr ev ent i onadv oc at e ands uppor t snumer ouswomen' sadv oc ac yor gani z at i ons ; s pec i f i c al l yBl ac kWomenEmpower ed,S her r iDenes e J ac ks onFoundat i on( S DJ F)aswel lasot herc ommuni t y out r eac hor gani z at i ons .S hehasapas s i ont ohel ppeopl e c onnec tt ohav et hei rneedsmetandwor ksdi l i gent l yt o makes ur epeopl er ec ei v et her es our c est heys eek. Ms .Bar r i noi sabus i nes sownerandent r epr eneur .When s hei snotwr i t i ngorr ec or di ng,s heav i dl ywor kst oas s i s t ot her sbypr omot i ngt hei rbus i nes s esaswel lasherown. S heownsanut r i t i onc l ubwher es hef unc t i onsasa Per s onalWel l nes sc oac has s i s t i ngi ndi v i dual swi t ht hei r nut r i t i onandwel l nes sgoal sands hei st heownerofAB Ent er pr i s esLLC,amul t i l ev elr es our c ec ompanypr ov i di ngmar ket i ngandpr omot i ng,edi t i ngandot her s er v i c es .

Medi aI nf or mat i on: Cont actAut horDi r ect l y Si gni ngs / Aut hor Appear ances / Speaki ngEngagement s : pur pos eandpr ai s e@gmai l . com

Herbooksar eavai l abl eever ywher ebooksar es ol donl i neandt hr oughGul l i on' sChr i s t i anSuppl y i nWi ns t onSal em,NC.Ot herbooksbyMs .Bar r i no:ElPr opos i t odeDi os ,MiAl abanza( Spani s h t r ans l at i onofHi sPur pos e,MyPr ai s e)Bec omi ngOneFl es h:Mar r i ageGod' sWayandYouSayYou Wantt oWr i t eaBook:Whatar eYouWai t i ngFor ?

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