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MEET E l a n a Wa l k e r Meet i ngnewpeopl ewhent heyar eatt hei rhappi est poi nti nl i f ei soneoft het hi ngsIt r ul yenj oyaboutmy j ob.Theexci t ementi nt hebr i deseyest of ul f i l lher desi r esofhavi ngt heweddi ngofherdr eamsandt he gr oom,pr oudasapeacock,t oembar konanew j our neyi nl i f eandt ost epi nt ot henextphaseof manhood,pul l satmyhear t st r i ngsasIsi tandl i st ent o mycl i ent sshar et hei rdr eam weddi ngi dea' swi t hme. Imaj or edi nf ashi ondesi gni n2000att heI l l i noi s I nst i t ut eofAr ti nChi cagoandt hat ' swher emyl ove f orbeaut i f i cat i on,st yl e,anddesi gnwasdevel oped. Whi l ei nschoolIdi dal otofnet wor ki ngwi t hpeopl ei n t hef ashi onandmagazi nei ndust r y.That ' swher eI mett heownerofasmal lmusi cpr oduct i oncompany. Ibecamet heeventdi r ect orandwor kedwi t h cel ebr i t i esandent er t ai nmentexecut i vest hatcame i nt ot ownf ordi f f er entevent s. WhenIr et ur nedt oNC,Iset t l edmyl i f edownandi n 2008,Ideci dedt of ol l owmypassi onofevent pl anni ngandst ar tmyownbusi ness.i nt hemost beaut i f ul ,chal l engi ng,and,andf ul f i l l i ngaspectoft he eventpl anni ngi ndust r y.Weddi ngPl anni ng. Cont i nui ngmyeducat i onandf ur t hersol i di f yi ngmy posi t i oni nt hi si ndust r y,Ideci dedt obecomea cer t i f i edweddi ngpl annert hr ought heAmer i can AcademyofWeddi ngPr of essi onal st aughtbywor l d r enownedweddi ngpl annerDebor ahMcCoy. Becomi ngacer t i f i edweddi ngpl annerpr epar edmet o pr oj ectt hi ngst hatmayhappenf r om ear l yi nt he pl anni ngpr ocess,cat cht hi ngsi ncont r act st hatar e noti nt hebesti nt er estofmycl i ent s,howt osavemy cl i ent smoney,t hepr operwayt opl anaweddi ngand somuchmor e. Get t i ngt oknowmycl i ent sandcr eat i nganeventt hat r epr esent st hem i st hegoalf orever ycoupl eIwor k wi t h.I ti si mpor t antt omet ogett oknowmycl i ent st o del i vert heweddi ngoft hei rdr eams,eveni ft heycan' t ver bal l yr el ayever ydet ai landt obui l dar el at i onshi p wi t hmycl i ent st hatl astbeyondt hei rspeci alday.

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