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i nadeepdepr es s i on.Ihadal otofguy si nt er es t edi nmebehi ndc l os eddoor s ,t heydi dn’ t wantt obel abel edaspos s i bl ybei ngi nf ec t ed bec aus eoft hei rappear anc ewi t hmeandI woul df i ndmy s el ft r y i ngt oj us t i f yi ti ns t eadof t el l i ngt hem t ok i c kr oc k s .YetIt r ul yunder s t oodbec aus eIwasmor ec onc er nedf ort hei r f eel i ngsbutwhenal oneIwi s hedIwasnotas v oc al andk nowbyHI V.Thebes tt hi ngy ou c andok nowsy ours t at usandnotbes oempower edbywor dst hatt r i c ky oui nt obei ng s ubmi s s i v et ot hei rwi l l butk nowi ngatt heend oft hedayy ouhav et hec hoi c et os ayy esor not ol i f e.Bol dnes sc omeseas yf ormeev er y onei snotasopenasmeandmanyot her sbut l es st hany ouwoul dex pec twheni tc omest o ot heri l l nes s es .Thi sdi s eas ei sheav yi nt he bl ac kc ommuni t yandunt i l wec hangeourbehav i or st hei rwi l l notbeanendt oadi s eas e t hati s100% pr ev ent abl e.

ar easoft hei rl i v es .MyLas tFi r s tKi s swasmy f i r s tr el eas ei n2011andi ti sbas edont empt at i onsoft hef l es h.


WHATI SYOURPREWRI TI NGPROCESS LI KE?Bef or eIwr i t eIs omet i mesc r eat ea s c ene.Imayputons pec i f i cc l ot hesf ormy mai nc har ac t erandIal way ss ett heat mos pher ewi t hmus i c .

TELLUSABOUTYOURMOTI VATI ONAL SPEAKI NGANDALSOWHATMOTI VATES YOUTOKEEPGOI NGONADAI LYBASI S. Is t ar t eds peak i ngi n2005andbeganr eal i z i ng t het hi ngsIov er c ameal l owedmet obean ex per t .SoIt ai l ormymes s agebas edont he audi enc eandt hei rneeds .Is peakoutont he ef f ec t sandaf f ec t sofHI V/ AI DSanddi gi nt o t hef ac t or st hatc aus eust omak ec hoi c esand hownott ogett r appedi napl ac eofnor et ur n. Sel fes t eem i smyf av or i t es ubj ec t .If eel emm power i ngi ns i deoutc r eat esady nami cs ol ut i ont ot hes i t uat i onsmanyf ac e.Whatmot i v at esmei smyc hi l dr enandgr anddaught er . Bei ngabl et ol eav eal egac yi smypas s i on. Howev ermydi r ec t i v ef r om Godhasmeon as s i gnment .Iam ac c ount abl eandunt i l my l as tbr eat hIwantt odoal l Hehasc ommandedmet odo.

dowhatIhav et aughtt hem t odoandt hi sc anaf f ec tal l ar easi nt hei rl i v es . Coac hi ngt omemeanss uc c es s .Bei ngabl et os eeac l i entmot i v at edby c hangeands t andf i r mf ac et of ac ewi t ht hei rc hal l engesandt eart hewal l s down.Ihopet or eac ht hei ndi v i dual swhoar es t r uggl i ngi nr el at i ons hi psor onest hatdon’ tk nowhowt os ec ur er el at i ons hi ps .Bei ti nbus i nes sorper s onal l i f e.Toadv anc et heat t i t udesofas pi r i ngar t i s ts ot heydon’ ts el f s abot aget hems el v esoutofmak i ngt hei rpos s i bi l i t i esr eal i t i es .Iex pec tt oc r eat ea s af eandl ov i ngs pac ef ori ndi v i dual sonhowt os eekGodi nal l t hi ngsand whatt hewor ds ay snotmeaboutt r us t i ngandbel i ev i ngt hatt heyc ando, hav eandgo.Il ov es mal l bus i nes s esandbec aus eIam c hal l engedt oas s i s t t hem i ns t r i v i ngwhi c hwi l l al l owt hem t os eewi t hi nwhatt heyneedt odot o s eeROI( Ret ur nonI nv es t ment )andhowt os eekoppor t uni t i est oadv anc e T H E C O A C H t hei rpos s i bi l i t i es .Ther emaybeanex ec ut i v et hati si nj eopar dyofl os i nghi s YOURECENTLYSTARTEDACOACHI NG j obbec aus eofl ac k i ngor gani z at i onal s k i l l s .Ic anas s i s thi m/ heronhowt o SEGMENT; TELLUSABOUTTHATAND ant hei rc al endarandmak eappoi nt ment sanddr i v emot i v at i onbac kt o THEGOALSFORTHATAVENUEOFBUSI - pl w h a t h e / s h e l o v e s e v e n i f i t me a n s d i s c o v e r i n g t h i s i s n o t w h e r e t h e y w a ntt o NESS,WHATTHATMEANSTOYOUAND be. TOTHEPEOPLEYOUHOPETOREACH. Yes ,Iam ac er t i f i edLi f eCoac handmys pec i al i z at i onsar e:r el at i ons hi pc oac hi ng, T H E A U T H O R ar t i s t / aut hor s / mus i c i ansc oac hi ng,s pi r i t ual TELLUSABOUTYOURWRI TTENWORKS,PUTI TONPAPER,BAPc oac hi ng,s mal l bus i nes sc oac hi ng,andbook TI ZEDN’ WARM MI LK( THECOLLECTI ONBASEDONTEMPTATI ONS c oac hi ng.Mygoal i st ol egal i z emybus i nes s OFTHEFLESH,THELASTFI RSTKI SSANDANYOTHERWORKSYOU i n2013andobt ai nof f i c es pac eandt api nt o HAVEPASTORUPCOMI NG.Puti tonPaperi smyf i r s tr el eas ebas edon t hec or eofeac hs i t uat i onIwi l l as s i s tby myl i f ebef or eHI Vaf t erAI DS.Mymemoi rt ak esy ouwher eI ’ v ebeent owhyI as k i ngt her i ghtques t i ons .Mygoal i sf ormy s t and.Bapt i z edN’ War m Mi l ki sac ol l ec t i ons er i esIwasc hal l engedbyGod c l i ent snott oneedmebec aus et heyc annow t owr i t eex per i enc esi nf i c t i onf or m wi t hat wi s tt oas s i s ti ndi v i dual i nc hal l enge

HOW DI DYOUDI SCOVERYOURPASSI ON FORWRI TI NG?Ik eptadi ar yal l ofmyl i f e andwoul dc l os ei tdai l yGodgi v emewi s dom, k nowl edgeandunder s t andi ng.Iwr ot epoems aboutl ov emor et hanany t hi nganddabbl eda bi ti ns ongst hati fev erIpubl i s hedt hem I woul dal s os i ng.Butmymi ddl es c hool t eac her t ol dmeIhadauni ques t y l eofwr i t i ngand as k edmet owr i t ef ort hes c hool news paper andIdi d.I n2001aguyt hatIwasdat i ng,y ou k nowwheny ouhav es omebodyt hati si nt o y ouandy ouar ei nt ot hem t heybr i ngoutt he bes ti ny ou.Het ol dme,“ Ros ey ouhav es o muc ht ot al kabouty ououghtt oputi ton paper .Is t r uggl edf orat i t l ef ormyf i r s tbook andi twaswi t hi nt hats t at emental l al ong.

WHATI NSPI REDYOUTOWRI TEEACH PARTI CULARBOOK?Myi ns pi r at i onhas al way sbeenwoment hathav ebeenl i v i ngand notenj oy i ngl i f e.Thewomanwhos t r uggl est o mak eendsmeetbutdoi ngt hebes ts hec an wi t hwhats hehas .Thewomani npubl i chous i ngt hats eesnowayofowni ngahomeora c ar .Thewomant hatl ook sf orl ov ei nal l t he wr ongpl ac esands howi ngherGodc r eat ed ust obei fonl ywej us tdos omet hi ng. WHATADVI CECANYOUGI VETOI NSPI RI NGWRI TERS? Wr i t e…Don’ twor r yabout c or r ec t i ngany t hi ngt hatwhatanedi t ori sf or . Anddoy ourr es ear c h,t her ear eal otof s c ammer souther et ak i ngpeopl emoneyand notdoi ngany t hi ngf ort hem.Gl amor i z i ngy ou t ober i c handf amous …STOP!Youhav et o hus t l er eal har d,Imeanr eal har d.I nv es ti n y ourc r af t ,j oi ngr oupsandt al ky ourbookup asi fi t ’ sget t i ngr eadyt odr opt omor r ow.And byal l meansdonotal l owany onet oc hange y ourdi r ec t i onwi t houty ourper mi s s i on.

T H E MO T H E R / G R A N D MO T H E R TELLUSABOUTYOURFAMI LYLI FEAND HOW YOUBALANCEI TALLWI THEVERYTHI NGELSEYOUHAVEGOI NGON?My y ounges tdaught eri satNor t hCar ol i naCent r al Uni v er s i t y ; myol des ti sathomewi t hmy gr andbabys hewor k satni ghts oIas s i s theri n

c hi l dc ar e.I fIneeds omeonebec aus eofanev entwehav epeopl el i ned upt ohel pusout .It al k edt omydaught er s ’ ev er yday .It el l t hem Il ov e t hem ev er yday .Wes pendt i mewhenwear eathome,c hur c handmak e t i mef orout i ngs .Bal anc ei snec es s ar y ,andbyt ak i ngt het i met oor gani z e myl i f et oc ompl i mentmeIam adj us t edandpr epar edf orwhatc omesmy waywheni t ’ st i met owor k . HOW HAVEYOURCHI LDRENANDGRANDCHI LDRENMOTI VATED ANDI NSPI REDYOU?J us tbei ngabl et os eewhatt hedoc t or ss ai dI woul dn’ t .Bot hgi r l swentt oc ol l egeandanewgr anddaught er .Seei ng t hem r eac hmi l es t onesi sat es t amenti ni t s el f .

R E A L L I F E DOYOUHAVEANYGROUPORAFFI LI ATI ONSRELATI NGTOHI V AWARENESS?Mynonpr of i tor gani z at i onRas ber r i r os eFoundat i onI nc wasi nc or por at edi n2005t opos i t i v el yi mpac tt hemi nd,bodyands oul of Af r i c anAmer i c anwomenandgi r l ss t r uggl i ngf r om l ows el fes t eem wi t ha maj orf oc usonHI Vpr ev ent i on.Iam us ual l yt heonei nmyc ommuni t yy ou wi l l hearont her adi oorTVs peak i ngonHI Vorev ent s .It r yt opos ti nf or mat i ononFac ebookbutIhav ef oundt hatwemus tt api nt ot hec or eof whatc aus i ngt hebehav i or st oputoutpeopl eatr i s kbutal s ogi v i ngt hem t hef ac t sandwher eandhowt ogett es t ed. WHATDOYOUTHI NKARETHEBI GGESTSTUMBLI NGBLOCKS WI THHI VAWARENESSANDGENERALMI SCONCEPTI ONSSTI LL PLAGUI NGTHECOMMUNI TY?WHYAREWESTI LLNOTTAKI NG HEED? Thebi gges ts t umbl i ngbl oc kt omei snotbei ngasf r ontpageas Canc eri s .Ther ear es omehar dwor k i ngadv oc at esandac t i v i s tIwi l l s ay t hat .Butnothar denoughbec aus ei ft hatwast hec as eHI Vwoul dbe s at ur at eddai l ywi t hs omet hi ngi nt hemedi a,pr i ntandt hec onv er s at i ons wi l l begi nt ohappenagai nnotj us twheni t ’ sanobs er v anc eday .Thegener al mi s c onc ept i onIheari st hi swasnots uppos edt ohappent ome.Noi t was n’ ti fy ouwoul dhav et ak enpr ec aut i ons .Imak enoex c us esf ormy bl unt nes s .Wehav et os t oppac i f y i ngpeopl eandmot i v at et hem t ot ak e f ul l c ont r ol ov ert hei rmi nd,bodi es ,ands oul s .Unt i l t hebehav i or sc hange peopl ewi l l notc hangeandt heHI Vr at ewi l l c ont i nuet or i s e.Whenpr ogr amsar ehos t edf orf r eei nt hec ommuni t yy ouhav eahandf ul t hats how upbutl etapai rofJ or dan’ sgoons al et heyc ampoutandgetk i l l edf ora pai rofs hoes .Gof i gur e… WHATWOULDYOUSAYI STHEMOSTVALUBLELESSONYOU HAVELEARNEDTHROUGHOUT?Il ear nedt hatmybodyi sat empl e andIs houl dt r eati tass uc h. DI DORDOYOUHAVEAMENTORORSOMEONEWHOGUI DED YOU?Ihav emanypeopl et hatc r os s edmypat ht hatwast her ef orapar t i c ul arpr oc es s .Dur i ngmywr i t i ngpubl i s hi ngpr oc es st her ewasands t i l l i s , Aut hor sCher i sHodges ,Andr eaBl ac k s t oneandCher y l May f i el d.Spi r i t ual l y ,myl at eBi s hopC. M.Beat t yJ r .andhi ss on,mynowPas t orCur t i s Beat t yl l l andFi r s tLadyDor ot hyBeat t yandc oac hi ngPatKel s aw.

C L O S I N G I FYOUHADNOTCHOSENTOSHAREYOURGI FTSI NTHEVARI ETI ESMENTI ONED,WHATDOYOUSEEYOURSELFDOI NG?Iwoul d bedoi ngs amet hi ng,Iwasal r eadywor k i ngi nt hi sc apac i t yi fnott owar ds i tbef or emydi agnos es .HI Vj us tpr epar edmef ormynow.

ARETHEREANYDREAMSORGOALSTHATYOUHAVEYETTOFULFI LL?Ther ear emanybutIl ear nedt o k eept hos et omy s el funt i l i ti st i met or ev eal whati sf orme. WHATAREYOUMOSTPROUDOFI NREGARDSTOYOURBUSI NESSANDLI FEACCOMPLI SHMENTS? Fi r s tIam mos tpr oudofdoi ngwhatmans ai dIwoul dnotbeabl et odoands ec ondwoul dhav et obei nga2010 f i nal i s tf orTheSt ev eHar v ey8t hAnnual Hoodi eAwar dsi nt heBes tCommuni t yLeaderCat egor y . TELLUSABOUTYOURUPCOMI NGPROJ ECTS/ EVENTS/ APPEARANCESTHATWEARENOTAWARE OF.Iam c ur r ent l ywor k i ngons ec ur i ngs pac et o“ Let ’ sKeept heConv er s at i onGoi ng”wi t hwomenandgi r l s2/ 13. Look i ngt opar t nerwi t hl i k edmi ndedi ndi v i dual st odr awawar enes smont hl yt oHI VandIam s peak i ngatI l l i noi s St at eUni v er s i t yf orWomenandGi r l HI VAwar enes sDayev ent . WHOI SDEVONDI AROSEBOROUGH?Iam Vi c t or y ! ANYTHI NGTOADD?“ Tr us ti nt heLor dwi t hALLy ourhear tandl eannotony ourownunder s t andi ng

DeVondi aRos ebor oughi sac er t i f i edl i f ec oac h,mot i v at i onal s peak er ,aut horandf ounderofRas ber r i r os e Foundat i onI nc .TobookDeVondi af ors peak i ngors i gni ng:www. Ras ber r i os e. or gor www. dev ondi ar os ebor ough. webs . c om Fol l owTwi t t er@DeVondi aand I nt r oduc t i onBi oi nf or mat i onc our t es yofherwebs i t e. THEBUSI NESS101MAGAZI NEAl l Ri ght sRes er v ed2012

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