TB101 PRESENTS MEET Ericka Nichole Moore

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Er i ckaNi chol eMoor ei sapr of essi onalwr i t erand mar ket i ngst r at egi stwi t hmor et han15year sof exper i enceandadi ver sebackgr oundt hat i ncl udesj our nal i sm,communi cat i onsand mar ket i ngf ornonpr of i tor gani zat i onsand For t une500compani es.Shehol dsabachel or ’ s degr eei nj our nal i sm f r om Col umbi aCol l ege Chi cagoandanMBAf r om Kel l erGr aduat e SchoolofManagement . Er i ckabeganhercar eerasaj our nal i stwor ki ng f orCat al ystChi cago,anawar dwi nni ng,nonpr of i t newspubl i cat i ont hatser vesasawat chdogf or schoolr ef or m andpubl i ceducat i oni nChi cago. HerCat al ystpor t f ol i oi ncl udesnewsst or i est hat coveravar i et yofi ssuesr el at edt oChi cago’ s publ i cschool s,oneofwhi chear nedheraPet er Li sagorAwar df r om t heChi cagoSoci et yof Pr of essi onalJour nal i st si n2000.Er i cka event ual l ymovedi nt oamar ket i ngr ol ef or Cat al yst ,wher eshecr eat edmedi apar t ner shi ps wi t hl ocalbr oadcastout l et s,st r at egi cal l y i ncr easedt hepubl i cat i on’ spr i ntci r cul at i onand hel pedt obui l di t sonl i nepr esence.


Er i c k aNi c h o l e Mo o r e O WN E R , E . N I C H O L EC O MMU N I C A T I O N S

Er i ckal ef tt henonpr of i tsect orf orcor por at e Amer i cai n2003,j oi ni ngWal gr eensasa mar ket i ngpr oposalspeci al i st .I n2007shej oi ned Al l st at eI nsur ance,wher esheest abl i shed apr ovent r ackr ecor dandhi ghl evelofexper t i se i nbr anddevel opmentandmanagement , st r at egi cpl anni ng,pr oductl aunches,key messagedevel opment ,sal escol l at er al devel opmentandemai lmar ket i ng. I n2012,Er i ckaf oundedE.Ni chol e Communi cat i ons,amar ket i ngcommuni cat i ons f i r mt hathel pssmal lbusi nessesandpr of essi onal or gani zat i onsdevel oppr of i t abl emar ket i ngpl ans, f or mal i zet hei rmar ket i ngst r at egi esandachi eve t hei rmar ket i nggoal s.Themi ssi onofE. Ni chol eCommuni cat i onsi st odel i verhi ghqual i t y, cr eat i ve,r esul t sdr i venmar ket i ng sol ut i onst hatpr omot evi si bi l i t y,gr owt hand pr of i t abi l i t yf orsmal lbusi ness.Er i ckabel i eves st r ongl yt hatt hecr eat i onandsust enanceofsmal l busi nessi scr i t i calf ort heheal t hofour nat i on’ seconomy,andt her ef or ewor kst oser ve asanopt i malr esour cet ohel pt hese busi nessesachi evesuccess.

Out si deofherpr of essi onalwor kEr i ckaser ves t hecommuni t yt hr oughact i vepar t i ci pat i on wi t hsever alnonpr of i tor gani zat i ons.Shei sa memberofAl phaKappaAl phaSor or i t y,I nc. , aboar dmemberoft heAKALadeFoundat i on,an avi dsuppor t erandf undr ai serf orYMENat i onal Br eastOr gani zat i on,andavol unt eerf or MaywoodFi neAr t s.

V i s i tE r i c k a ’ swe b s i t e : www. e n i c h o l e . c o m a n dr e a c hh e r v i ae ma i l a t e r i c k a @e n i c h o l e . c o m.

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