Issue 3
December January - 2008
Volume -1
Onwards and Upwards Camposol and the Garrigues Report A packed main reception room at the Senosl hotel listened to proposals from the Liaison Committee of the Camposol Residents Association. By 11AM over three hundred had packed into the room. Prompt on the hour the Chair introduced the proceedings, outlining what the committee had done to date, along with suggestions as to the way forward for Camposol. Roy Pugh, the chair, outlined how the committee had first engaged Garrigues to produce a report on the legal position of Camposol, and how nearly two years later, the report has been sent to both MASA, the developer, and Mayor Blaya Blaya, of Mazarron Town Council. He did comment that, “It was over a year since the CRA last requested a meeting with Mayor Blaya. These requests, along with the report, are for a tripartite meeting between the mayor, CRA and MASA. In the event of the mayor declining a tripartite meeting, as he has done before, the CRA would have individual meetings with both parties.” He outlined a programme of action should this be inconclusive, with no progress being made on the central issues. This would involve seeking the widest support for Camposol, from the Murcian regional government, Madrid, as
well as Europe. All of these proposals were overwhelmingly endorsed by the meeting. In addition the meeting carried a proposal that emanated from Reg Rogers, who runs the Camposolers MSN internet site with over seven hundred Camposol residents as members. It was proposed in his absence in the UK by Lloyd Jones, who proposed that the CRA be unequivocal in its opposition to any entity proposition from the Council. The proposal committed the CRA to total opposition to any position other than total acceptance of Camposol as part of Mazarron. This proposal gained overwhelming acceptance, with the proposal being carried nem con. Another proposal which was carried was to endorse social action by the CRA. This was to go alongside any legal action to be taken in the event of the failure of negotiations with MASA and the Town Hall. Both parties have been given to the 12th January 2009 to respond to the proposed meetings and discussion of the Garrigues report. One key proposal carried by a small majority was for action against MASA,
demonstrations to be undertaken on MASA developments. An amendment did limit these actions to after January 12th, or when it became evident that negotiations were getting nowhere. Earlier the Chair had outlined how fortnightly meetings with MASA had produce results for home owners right across Camposol, “It is thought that the problem villas were all on polygono D7, this is not so, they come from polygonos across sectors A, B, C and D.” The Report itself is some fifty pages long with a two page executive summary. The report details the consistent and persistent failures of the Town Hall and MASA to live up to promises, or worse still, to conform to legal procedures and agreements. The key elements involve the failure to deal with the turistico issue, which designation affects some 1400 of the 4300 properties. It also outlines how the developer and town hall have allowed Camposol to become inhabited, in total legal contradiction to planning law. Sector A, the first part of Camposol to be built, should have been finished in 2003.
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Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
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Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
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Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
“There has been some dreadful publicity about Camposol, with outright lies being told.” There were concerns that adverse publicity devalued property. One estate agent did add after the meeting, “There is no evidence that Camposol has been more or less affected by the last year of housing problems in Spain.” Perhaps a more significant feature of Camposol is that MASA is selling off its stock on Camposol at bargain prices; something which developers are doing across Spain.”
Continued from page 1 The rest has to be finished by 2013. As Garrigues point out, this deadline is meaningless in the case of Camposol being totally inhabited, with MASA allowing occupation and the Authorities, the registration of the residents on the padron; recognition that they “legally” reside in their “illegal” houses. There were many questions and points made from the floor. The lack of street lighting, of public facilities, communal gardens, and the fact that MASA has all but left Camposol were all mentioned. A key element was finance. The report has cost some 8000€. Further work by Garrigues was proposed and accepted by the meeting, on the changes that the Town Hall need to make for the turistico issue to be resolved. This will cost more money. Joaquin Ataz Ruiz, an Associate Lawyer with Garrigues who was present, did endorse the proposed actions of the CRA, and added that it was important that individuals took their own appropriate action as well. “The people of Camposol need to defend their rights through legal and social action.” He added that, “he trusted always in the possibility of dialogue.” A key concern of many was the lack of Escrituras, and the imposition of a vastly inflated Plus Valia by the Authorities. Many have had their applications for Escrituras in for years. The Plus Valia tax on the value of their houses, a tax collected at the point of sale, was revised earlier this year. This has caught many, not just on Camposol. The revaluations were ordered at the beginning of the year by the Mayor in response to Madrid suggestions that there has been no revaluation for ten years in many areas, and in Mazarron’s case it was fifteen. Householders can be living next to each other, with one who got their Escrituras before January, paying as much as 1200€ less for their escritura. Roy Pugh, chair of the CRA, was in a very positive mood after the meeting, “I am delighted by the turn out and the votes, “he said, but added, “It always is impossible to please everybody.” This comment came after the announcement that the sector A Homeowners Association, who meet regularly with the mayor and claim to represent Sector A, even though the CRA has some 200 member on that Sector, had declined to meet with the CRA to discuss areas of “mutual interest” Frans Parmentier the chair of that organisation said in a letter, “It would not be appropriate for our committee to join forces with the CRA,” There were members concerned that the CRA took no action other than attempted negotiation. There were others who worried about enlisting media support, as one put it, Page 5
Many at the meeting had only just acquired their Garrigues Report and have found fifty pages of legal argument, very well reduced to Standard English by Garrigues, daunting reading. However as the Chair said, “It is not recriminations or revenge that we need, but solution and progress.” The ball is now firmly in the court of the Mayor and Daniel Bascanuna, who holds power of attorney for MASA. The next few weeks will show how willing they are to sit down and address the issues. Certainly the overwhelming mood of the meeting was to endorse the view that negotiation is the right way forward, with legal and social action, only following a failure of MASA and the Town Hall to sit down and negotiate. CRA sends letter along with Garrigues Report The following contains the key points in the letters sent to Mayor Blaya blaya and the MASA We think that the cooperation of the residents represented by their legally established associations, may be substantial. However, it is obvious that it is a matter of Mazarrón’s Town Council, as part of its protective duty, and of grupo masa (justo y manoli , s.l.), due to its performance as urban agent and promotor, to undertake the appropriate measures that will allow Camposol’s Estate to hold those legally requirable services in a (necessarily) short period. Those are the reasons that support the following proposal, which for practical reasons, consists in asking the Town Council to establish a date in which we (camposol residents’ association and grupo masa) are to attend the arranged meeting with the relevant Council members. The points that are to be analyzed in the mentioned meeting are, if you find it convenient, the following:
which are now labeled as turistical. 5. Lack of public services. 6. Identification of the public land that was ceded to the Council. Rod Sawyer
Missing monkey Some two months Karen was told that her pet tiny marmoset monkey had gone missing. At the time she was in the UK and on return did her best to find the pet. A month went by and a friend suggested contacting Steve on Costa Calida radio. This almost immediately produced a contact who had seen the monkey aught by someone who had taken it away. In fact it sounds as though the monkey was missing for minutes before it was discovered. This led to Maria the vet at happy pets on Camposol. A desperate Karen contacted Maria to be told that Maria had passed the monkey onto the Guardia Civil department which deals with stolen animals, cruelty and environmental issues. They in turn told Karen that the monkey had been passed to an animal shelter with links to Murcia University which in particular takes in wild life, often injured, nurses it back to life and release back into the wild or finds a home. All sounded well. Maria contacted the police. The police the centre, and back down the line came the request for Karen to collect the animal. When she arrived it was to be told that the animal was dead. It had been put down because nobody claimed it. The Guardia concerned cannot understand this since they had told the management at the centre that they had a contact who would take the poor little thing in. Karen equally cannot understand what has happened, “This animal was worth a lot of money, five years old and very tame. Why would anyone, let alone an animal charity put such a creature down? It just does not make any sense.” Maria the vet is also mystified, “I did contact the shelter and did feel after a conversation with an employee there that there was no satisfactory explanation forthcoming in this case, “she told our reporter.” I have recommended to Karen that she puts a denuncia into the relevant Spanish government authority, and Karen has given me all the details which I will translate” she added. Karen is understandably very upset at the thought that her pet should have been put down totally unnecessarily and also wants some answers, “I cant help feeling there are other explanations” she said, “and I hope that we can get to the bottom of it.”
1. Situation of the Estate and actions that are to be taken so the Town Council can proceed to its reception. Agreements regarding this point. 2. Conservation of the Estate. 3. Inhabitation Certificates or First Occupation Licences. 4. Labelling as residential, hundreds of houses in Camposol
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
The Inner Game – Part 2 By John Brown Last month we looked at The Inner Game as described by Timothy Gallwey in his book of the same name. We described his golf practice approach and his practice (learning) techniques to improve the golf swing using his Inner Game methodology. In essence he describes improving your golf as best developed through learned experience rather than instruction. He uses the analogy of a child learning to walk. While we might help a child by holding their hand, it is an innately learned process. What we don’t do is issue instructions to the child – “stand a bit taller,” “bend your knees a bit more,” or “try to follow a straight line.” Gallwey contends that we should adopt a similar approach to the teaching of golf. We don’t learn complex motor skills by verbal instruction, he contends. This month we’ll look at his description of the insidious ‘inner voice’ that comes with the instruction baggage when trying to play the game of golfa bit better. So where does it come from, this inner voice that delivers a running commentary on your performance on the course? These inner conversations are usually advisory, sometimes very critical, and rarely encouraging. “Keep your head down this time!” “Don’t move your head on your backswing!” “Swing around your spine.” “Swing around your buttocks!” “You idiot! I thought I told you to keep your head still!” These swing thoughts are, according to Gallwey, invariably self-defeating because they imply self-doubt, and lack of confidence in the natural swing. They can also initiate lack of trust in the golfer’s innate ability to learn. They are embedded in the world of verbal instruction and Gallwey contends that you cannot learn a complex skill such as a golf
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swing by verbal instruction. The golf swing is too quick and involves too many finely tuned motor skills and muscle groups working in partnership within a finely tuned unleashing of physical power, for it ever to be under any form of verbal control. Moreover, he is convinced that when we switch off our inner voice and our inner instructor, we can learn faster because we are using the same instinctive natural learning approach that we used when we were learning to walk all those years ago. Golf is a game usually played in silence. If we heard a comment from a fellow player, we would be annoyed. Anyone on the tee calling out – “watch out for the ravine!” would be accused of gamesmanship. So why would we do this to ourselves, and much worse? The worst examples of external intimidation were directed at Colin Montgomerie by US fans. These were along the lines of “Hey, Mrs Doubtfire, you should wear an undergarment with those man-boobs. You need a 44D cup if you ask me!” and so on. Our own personal inner intimidation is often much worse. It’s often like having a nagging parrot sitting on your shoulder: “That’s three putts you’ve taken from only six feet. What a complete plonker! You’re a no-hoper! You’ll never be any good. You might as well pack it in now. Call that a putting stroke? Looks more like you’re trying to swat a fly if you ask me? The ball is supposed to go towards the hole isn’t it? You see that pond over there? The best thing you could do is nip over there and toss your clubs in it. You’d be doing us all a favour if you did.” This is the voice of the disappointed or angry parent scolding the immature child. Only in this case, it is the voice of an angry adult that is scolding their golfing child and rubbishing the golfing child’s efforts. Psychologists refer
to this as ‘ego states,’ and Transactional Analysts will describe this type of inner dialogue as one between the golfer’s critical parent ego-state talking to the golfer’s compliant-child ego state. Gallwey recognised these ego-states, calling them ‘Self 1’ and ‘Self 2.’ Self 2 is the innocent and playful child-like self that can happily get on and learn the art of playing golf without anxiety or external interference from advisors, coaches or well-meaning critics. In Gallwey’s inner game model, the challenge is to stay in the present with the confident self and to eliminate any inner dialogue between the child ego-state and the critical parent egostate. Gallwey describes this as not easy. You can’t just tell yourself to turn off the inner critic in your head, and its not just a simple case of relaxing and letting it happen. Gallwey argues for a Zen-like learned focus and practiced concentration to stay in the present. This is done using a number of techniques, mainly built around recalling successful shots and using mental imagery. When putting, for example, rather than worrying about whether the ball breaks from the right and how hard to hit the putt, etc. Gallwey recommends picturing yourself picking the ball out of the hole before you putt. This focuses on several things – a successful outcome, a feeling of pleasure, and something immediate. It also puts in place a mechanism and a shield against any negative thoughts. The mind cannot think of two things at the same time, and it also can’t ‘think’ of a negative. You can’t picture yourself ‘not missing.’ A thought about not missing is a picture of the ball going wide. Try thinking of a shot not going into the ravine, and you will see a picture entering into your head of the ravine.
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Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
It was in this area of work that Gallwey discovered his now famous ‘bounce-hit’ for tennis, and subsequently his ‘back-hit’ method for eliminating negativity in the golf swing. Gallwey asked his tennis pupils to forget about ‘swing-thoughts’ on the tennis court. He asked them instead to focus only on the ball bouncing in their half of the court as it crossed the net, and to say to themselves the word ‘bounce’ as it hit the ground, followed by the word ‘hit’ as they hit the tennis ball. They were told to stop ‘trying’ to place the ball and to simply let it happen ‘automatically’ as a result of their ‘bounce-hit’ methods. Gallwey discovered that his pupils made far greater progress when they stopped concentrating on technique and just let it happen naturally using the ‘bounce-hit’ method among other techniques. This ‘emptying your mind’ of self-doubt method was then developed within the golf swing. Gallwey tried various attempts to replicate the bounce-hit method within the golf-swing. He eventually settled upon ‘backhit.’ All the golfer needed to do was say to themselves ‘back’ at the end of the backswing, followed by the word ‘hit’ at impact. The reason for this success was based on the absence of worry, self-doubt or any over-focus on technique. Gallwey was convinced that players couldn’t ‘think’ a good shot as it was a physical movement, and that they had to feel it. When there was no anxiety about where the ball would go it went where you wanted it to go. In other words when it didn’t matter, the shot was hit properly. We said last month that it was impressive testimony to Gallwey’s text that Ryder Cup stars were referring to ‘The Inner Game’ when dealing with Ryder Cup first tee nerves. This positive thinking approach is also central to the techniques used by sports psychologists and golf coaches. Padraig Harrington put it succinctly when he said to reporters on the eve of the final round of The Open: “The only player that I’m afraid of is myself. I’ve got the ability to win. If I can manage my own anxiety I think I’ll win.” He had and he did. The Inner Game of Golf, by Timothy Gallwey, Random House books, 1981. There are some free chapters from the Inner Game of Work at Gallwey’s website:
Hola Amigos!
for Christmas: i.e. retailers trying to make up for a lousy year, who bump up their prices to pay for incessant advertising for us to buy,buy,buy! Shops seem to control when Christmas starts, this year I think it was when we lost interest in their summer sales around the beginning of October. Then we have the January sales to look forward to. When shops cut prices sometimes as much as fifty percent or in other words back to their pre xmas prices. But I digress I want to talk about the other reason for Christmas. Families! Yes we all have or had them, and even if your family manages ‘Walton’ like relations all year, Christmas with your family will test you like no other time. The build up to the great day, the tension, forgetting to buy the presents before the prices were bumped up. And now having to brave the shops among a herd of crazed human beings, intent on buying the same bit of plastic crap from China because ‘it’s in’ this Christmas! So as the big day approaches and expectations grow, everything has to be perfect and a poisonous mix has being inadvertently made. The best you can hope for is, your Uncle does a dodgy dance to ‘Merry Xmas everybody’ and he doesn’t make you join him. The more realistic scenario is the turkey being thrown out the window for its last flight and being caught under the mistletoe with your drunk granny while watching your least favourite sister/brother/uncle/step mum etc. snogging the person of your dreams, while Wizard sing in the background ‘I wish it could be Christmas everyday’! Noooooooooooooooooooo! I hope the above doesn’t sound a bit cynical. It was suggested people might like to hear about my Christmas growing up in Dublin for this month’s article. But I’d have to go into therapy before I recount that! But every Christmas story has a happy ending and this article will strive for the same. But firstly please forgive any errors in this article as my deadline was yesterday and I have my Christmas shopping to do. Christmas is a time for reflection, a time to think of others possibly less fortunate, a time to reach out to the lonely; yes it’s a time to think of our families and their importance. And Christmas is a jolly good excuse to get pissed so Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Soft or canny? The U.K. government often accused of being a “soft touch” for foreigners, may not be as soft as we think. It seems to me, that although we complain about the provision of interpreters in the U.K. for those who don’t speak English, I for one, have recently realised it might not be as simple as I thought. Without interpreters, many Spanish organisations and individuals simply refuse to deal with us, most notably, the medical and legal profession. This happens, even though we know the person’s English is very good, and we understand (or think we do) everything that is said, and vice versa. But do we? And are we asking too much of doctors etc, even with perfect English, to risk their livelihoods by exposing themselves to litigation? In the U.K. there is no chance of any allegations of misinterpretation because the state provides qualified and registered interpreters for all matters legal and medical. It could be argued that the Spanish are cutting off their noses to spite their faces by relying on private provision, for example, no interpreter on a permanent contract at the doctors, because it will only take one serious error with the “wrong” patient to open the floodgates with an expensive claim, for the relationship between Spanish doctors and English/foreign patients to become seriously compromised, which in turn, will present further health risks as they become more wary of dealing with us. Equally, presumably, the costs of litigation in respect of the public health system do not fall entirely on the individual doctor? Thus, their mistake will cost the tax payer/council/local government. Is this the real reason then (or at least in part), why complaints in the U.K. of massive interpreter expenditure appear to fall on deaf ears? Cassandra
New Interpreter at the Health Centre A new interpreter has started at the health centre, Rakel. She will be working Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. Also one afternoon which she will fit to the maximum numbers of clients. She asks that you text her not phone! This is important since she is often unable to answer the phone! Please text her with your name, doctors name and appointment date and time. She does say try to make it mornings, since appointment times are often late, and she does try to fit in the maximum numbers. Her phone number is 608 885 191. Her table is just inside the main door.
So here it is merry Christmas everybody’s having fun? Christmas is a time that divides people into those who hate it and those who love it. And there are those of us who hover between hating it and loving it. I think I could count myself as being in this category. As a child growing up in Dublin I loved Christmas until the tender age of four years when Kiki Fitzpatrick my more knowledgeable neighbour, as he had seven older siblings to my two, informed me that Santa Claus didn’t exist. Now I don’t want to alarm anyone as what would he know? I’m sure there’s plenty of people who would dispute this and I’m sure there’s plenty of children who could show me proof of his existence when they receive their presents from the bearded one on the day. The point is I believed my friend and feeling duty bound informed my tearful younger sister. And from that day Christmas changed. They say people forget about the real reason Page 7
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
First Autumn Cleanup on Sector D The first Camposol D Sector clean up day was held this morning, the 15th November. Over 40 residents took part and not only were all the bins relocated as agreed at the recent meeting in the Golf Club, but also a large amount of rubbish was collected and disposed of. Although a little disorganised at first, it felt as though everyone was enjoying the day and the highlight must have been, Les in his florescent yellow jacket, sitting in the cab of the council refuse wagon and directing the driver to where all the new bin locations were. The bin men joined in with the spirit of the day and even assisted by taking large amounts of rubbish which would normally have been refused. The next event will be a meeting in the Golf Club at 5pm on Monday 24th Nov of all of the people who have volunteered to be polygono reps. Anyone who has not put in their name but would be interested is welcome to attend. As a final point, the relocation of the bins was done in agreement by the majority. I am sure we will not get it right this first time. But please give it a chance and remember we have another D Section Action Group meeting planned for the end of January when we can assess its success or failure and correct any mistakes we have made. Greg Green On Thursday December 10th a group of keen gardeners met up at the start of D and had a giant clean up. Rubbish and
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weeds removed and plants planted at the turn off to C15. What made it even more brilliant is that Ian from ISS the satellite company, stopped and gave the team a 100â‚Ź towards plants. Someone else donated weed killer. At this rate there is a real chance of beautifying the whole of Camposol over time. It certainly needs more helpers, so why not get in touch with the Journal and volunteer your services? Rubbish Removal It has been agreed that from now on the Eco Parque Vehicle will visit each week alternatively Sector A and Sector B each Thursday. New time will be 9.30am to 1.00pm. Parking next the roundabout at the fuel station will be the location on Sector B. Letter from Garry and Linda Bray My wife & I have lived in the Mazarron area for six years, three years of which were spent renting waiting for our bungalow to be built on Camposol. We finally move into our bungalow on the 29th Oct 2005. We, like a lot of other residents on Camposol, had no idea where our bungalow was going to be eventually situated or certainly not who our neighbours would be. As you know, Camposol has had a lot of negative press of late, but I would like you to print some positive press about our good news of people living in one street coming together with some community spirit.
from Scotland, Lancashire, Liverpool & Leeds: Bob, the Alpha male from Liverpool, got us all together to contribute our time, effort, plus a small donation of 20 euros per household towards making our street surroundings a pleasanter, cleaner place to live and although we are blessed with beautiful mountainous views, the immediate scrubland at the bottom of our street did leave a bit to be desired!!!!! Bob also managed, with his flare and tenacity, to get a donation of two plants/shrubs from the well known estate agents, 'Another'. Well done Bob and a big thank you to Another All our neighbours, including some who have holiday homes, worked on the project, and in a short period of 3 days we have managed to transform our outlook from all our front terraces. We must take our hats of to Betty who, @ 77 years young, was a very active & very willing participant who was totally hands on and kept us all going with her sense of humour. Plus all the others, shall we say slightly younger ladies in the street who worked on the project, kept the refreshments coming fast and furious. Our 'Boss' man, Bob, kept us all focused on the job in hand and a good time was had by all. Lets hope this will encourage like minded people on Camposol to do the same & if MASA could be encouraged to finish what they started - I couldn’t think of a nicer more beautiful part of Spain to have the good fortune to be living, other than on Camposol.
Calle Albolote on D35 have neighbours
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
FEED THE BIRDS! It is unfortunately now more than tuppence a bag (for those who are too young to understand, check out Mary Poppins when it inevitably gets shown this Christmas!), but it is possible for a small outlay to gain a great deal of pleasure in return. In the UK (and even more so in the US), bird-feeding is now a huge industry, and there are lots of specialist companies that sell nothing else but different type of bird food and accessories. The reason for this is that different types of feed attract different types of bird. This is mainly down to a variation in bill size which governs what their natural diet consists of. For instance, the thin bills of birds like warblers, robins, wrens and dunnocks all indicate a natural diet of insects and as a result (since feeding insects is a bit tricky though not impossible), they are only attracted by tiny items. The larger sturdier bills of finches such as chaffinch and greenfinch identify them as seed eaters, and they are capable of handling much larger items. In addition, there are some specialists such as the very rare hawfinch, whose beak can actually crack a cherry stone, and the crossbill who as you might imagine has crossed tips which enable it to extract the thin seeds produced in pine cones. So to attract the maximum number of birds to your garden, it pays dividends to supply a range of different food material. For a bird, the important equation always has to be getting the most nutritional value for the least effort because their metabolism is balanced on a knife edge. The most common food offered always used to be peanuts, and while still a very good source, if given the option most birds will go for seed simply because they have to expend less effort to get energy out. So a seed mixture is good, except beware of cheap options which have a lot of hard corn grains in them as this will only attract pigeons! Most mixes contain more or less sunflower seeds which are extremely popular and many people simply feed these neat. However, the rolls-royce of bird food is undoubtedly sunflower hearts which will always be taken in preference to anything else – these have the great advantages of not leaving piles of husks under the feeders, and the birds do not have to expend any energy in shelling them. On the other hand, you need a mortgage to be able to afford them (not only are they very expensive but you use more), so I confess that even I haven’t succumbed to that temptation. Yet. So what types of food do I put out in my garden in the UK? Peanuts (though I fight a running battle with the squirrels – I don’t mind them sharing the nuts, I just wish they wouldn’t destroy the feeders); mixed seed, both in feeders and on the ground as some birds are not adapted for hanging on to things; nyger seed for the goldfinches which are the only species that eat it, but I rarely have less than a dozen on the feeders at any one time; fat balls for the tits, and especially the longtailed tits which are my favourites; sultanas and apples for the blackbirds and thrushes; and of course scraps (soaked bread, chicken skin, leftovers in general) which keeps the bigger birds happy and lets the little ones feed in peace. At least I haven’t yet succumbed to feeding mealworms as Liz does in her garden. This is the way to really get close to your birds, as her robins and blackbirds would Page 9
willingly feed from her hand if she suggested it. And of course, having attracted all these birds to your garden you will probably end up with a sparrowhawk taking a few of them which is always distressing but they have to eat too. I have for many years been doing the BTO (British Trust for Ornithology) Garden Bird Survey which means roughly counting the maximum number of individuals of each species that turns up each week (yes, I know it’s sad). Thousands of people take part in this, and the results provide an insight into which birds are doing well and those that may be in trouble. I find the results fascinating at the end of the year when I do comparisons, and I usually get between 35 and 40 different species every year, with a lot depending on the weather. Interestingly, although Liz only lives about 5 miles away, she gets a completely different cross section of birds to me. It took me a while to get to the point, and I do hope that some readers are still with me, but I have been trying to convey the pleasure that everyone can gain by even a small effort, and enthuse some people to try it on Camposol. We have a bird table in our garden there (well actually a large round slab raised a few inches off the ground on bricks) as well as a bird bath. As we are rarely there, the best we can achieve is soaked bread and, as a tea-time treat, a couple of madelenas, and our wonderful neighbour takes over for us in our absence. And actually I wouldn’t be in favour of feeding seed in the garden as it would make an awful mess in the gravel which would be impossible to clear up (and you might inadvertently end up growing your own cannabis!). It just occurs to me that now so many of us are taking over responsibility for the common areas and treating them as second (or even first for some) gardens, it would be possible for us to make an enormous contribution to the local bird population. I’m sure that by simply throwing out a few handfuls of seed in the same area on a regular basis, together with possibly a sunken container of water, this would soon be found by the birds that are already sharing our space, which would in turn attract in new arrivals. JUST THINK, WE COULD SOON HAVE OUR VERY OWN NATURE RESERVE!! Definitely a win-win situation – pleasure for us, a helping-hand for them. The main problem I can think of is actually finding a food supplier, since the Spanish are not quite as far down the slippery slope as we are. However, I am sure the pet shops sell bird seed, and there must be grain suppliers around to provide for the local horses. Maybe Mariano’s could help, or Pedro at Jardilar who keeps both horses and birds. If anybody is interested enough to find somewhere, then perhaps they could let me know so I can pass it on. ( If anybody who is new to birds would like to have a go, I would be pleased to come and identify your visitors for you when I am there. So let me finish by wishing all lovers of wildlife a very happy Christmas, and hoping that together we can make Camposol a place to be proud of in 2009 and help a lot of our fellow residents to survive along the way. And a reminder, if you want to attract nesting birds next spring, this is the time to be putting up your nestboxes.
Christmas comes early to Camposol and MABS Mazarrón MABS Mazarrón gratefully received 3 early Christmas presents this week; first came the annual MABS Christmas Fayre which took place at Meson Mariano’s Restaurant on Camposol on 29th November. Despite the current economic climate this year’s Fayre was every bit as good as the previous years with several regular and new local traders coming along to offer support for our cause. As usual there was a wide variety of goods on sale including home made cakes (made by our very talented volunteers), cards, clothing, linen, jewellery, handicrafts, pottery and much more. Business was steady throughout the day with shoppers eager to bag a bargain, the afternoon culminated with a Grand Raffle. The generosity of these visitors and local businesses helped us raise €1366, that’s a fantastic amount in the current financial crisis and we sincerely thank everyone who came along to support us. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported us throughout 2008 Grateful thanks also to those who have made donations in memory of lost loved ones, our thoughts are with you at this difficult time. And finally, our very special thanks to Sue and Pauline at The Trevi Bar on Camposol for allowing us to hold our monthly meetings and training sessions in their restaurant. The second and third presents came in the form of donations to the value of €1425. ‘Charity Bash II’ was held at Kennelly’s on 15th November and provided patrons with an excellent nights’ entertainment organised and hosted by Byron and A.W.O.L. The boys are hoping to repeat the event in the spring. Then, Helen from Slim in Spain donated her sponsorship money after she completed a gruelling Triathalon recently in the U.K. MABS MAZARRÓN WISH YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR HELP AND SUPPORT WILL BE AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT THE FESTIVE PERIOD FOR THOSE PEOPLE SUFFERING FROM CANCER Help Line 620 422 410 General Enquiry Line 620 582 418
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
Out and About & What’s On Well Christmas is almost on us and going out is mandatory! The Golf Club has changed out of all recognition. Three years ago four of us had positively the worst meal of our lives there. In fact the whole evening might have been acceptable in a school hall with school dinners, apologies to all you dinner ladies, but the so called meal was execrable, even the potatoes were dried, mixed with water to a watery glue and ladled onto the plate luke warm with cold gravy and something vaguely resembling a flat very tough piece, and I mean piece, of pork. All this was followed by the entertainment, Totana kids in costume doing their fiesta, walking on to a very poor disco sound, with a commentary in fast Spanish, or rather Murciano We swore as I know others have done never to darken the doors again. In fact Kim has wrought miracles in the club. At Christmas we have Paul Melba, who has appeared before; it deserves to be a total sell out party. He is very funny. They have just had a Peter Kay tribute and again a knock out. One of the problems with comedians is keeping the material fresh, but these two are so funny, they transcend this problem! Old and gold can be as funny as new, fresh, and naughty! Thursday nights there with a two for the price of one, coupled with 5.50€ bottles of wine has been a stonking success. Free Page 10
entertainment and booze at a sensible price. But what about the food, you ask? One Friday we tried the new barbecue. This has been advertised so far only once, “I vill tell you vis only ze once”!!! We decide to go after bingo, a mandatory occupation for my wife on a Friday night, which normally means a peaceful night for me, and we decided on supper after bingo at the new Cat’s Bar. We arrived outside at about 10PM. “It’s closed” hissed my wife between clenched teeth. “You have done it again you moron” You married guys will know how it feels. Now I knew it was open until midnight, because Brian who works there had checked with the actual chef! “Let’s just park and look” I said. We parked and got to the top of the steps, and behold, three lonely staff at the end of the bar and two of our neighbour’s visitors at one table! In we went to a real welcome. On a Friday night the staff are British, Polish and the young chef, Ruben is from Barcelona, so he really does understand the word “brasserie”. We were sat down, brought a glass of the house wine, a supply of very fresh bread, and told to help ourselves to the salad bar. The chef beetled out to the enormous barbecue on the terrace to prepare our main meal. Very nice salad, some great olives, and nice to be able to select one’s own bits and dressing, which was again a very nice fresh lemon dressing. We toyed with this as a starter, until a huge plate arrived via cheffy! On it positively steaming was typical
Barcelona barbecue baked potatoes, love them, okra or ladies fingers, well known to those who love Asian food, and delicious barbecued, steaks, pork and beef, along with a mound of very nice white and red sausages. We did manage most, but did take away a large doggy bag, for two enraptured dogs for tomorrow’s breakfast! There was a choice of dessert, fresh fruit salad, rice pudding ice cream, or mixtures! We had a very pleasant coffee and chewed the fat with the other couple, and the staff. The bill by the way was 12€ per person for the Barbie! Very nice service, pleasant place to eat and view out over the terrace, why only six people there the whole night? If you look at their advert, then you will see they are now doing the barbecue as a Sunday lunchtime option, same staff. I am disappointed that they have moved it, but wish them luck on what is an already busy day. Perhaps they might be persuaded to try it on a Saturday lunch time? They did plan to try this, but had second thoughts. I do like the golf club house, with its great views over Camposol. When people start talking us down, they need to take a look out of their windows or visit the golf club and look out over course and the houses. It is a pity that many have got so soured by the past years of aggro with MASA and the authorities, that they have lost sight of Camposol as a place.
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couldn’t find anyone on Camposol to play the three wise men!
Continued from page 10 There are few developments with, a four star hotel complete with spa and golf club, commercial centre with a range of bars and restaurants and other facilities. We do need the Correos, Health Centre and Farmacia; our core problem, is, the unfinished infrastructure, including the protective works which would prevent some polygonos buckling under land slippage. These are major issues, but as with governing Camposol, can all be resolved, unlike the problems at some urbanisations where the problems have no practical resolution. Which reminds me, Christmas gripe. If it wasn’t for Kennelly’s and the new Scotties, who all have children, there would be no Christmas for the little people! Isn’t Christmas for children? We have events by all the charities and the bars and the restaurants, but nothing for kids. This is absolutely typical of Camposol. It is a fact that Kennelly’s and Scotties will both run great children’s parties, but why are they the only ones? In terms of PALS and Welcome, where are the kids do’s? PALS do say that children are very welcome at most of their events, but that is not the same as running any event for children. It looks like every event that is run locally is totally commercial, run to raise money! The CRA, Sector A committee, do we have one organisation on Camposol prepared to campaign or do anything themselves for children at Christmas? It would seem not, there is more going on to support orphan dogs than there is for children. Let’s all complain about the children playing on the waste land, coming home covered in dog dirt from careless doggy owners, and forget Christmas. Camposol is governed by a Scrooge mentality. By the by, Kennelly’s were going to run a nativity play, but won’t be because they
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To look forward to in the New Year, Cats, formerly the Saladillo Vista Sport Bar on Sector A, will have its kitchen fitted and finished. They have the inestimable Becky working there already behind the bar, and her cooking will add some very pleasant offerings to Camposol’s table. They have already started a Sunday quiz, and have the Mad Hatters as their New Years Eve party treat, along with a free buffet. In fact New Years Eve does look good; on sector A everyone is having a party, along with free food. On B it is more of a closed shop, with Kennelly’s offering a tribute to the Commitments, The Steak Out a party; both TJ’s and Salud private parties ticket only, which leaves DJKevG at Alley Palais and a night out at Scooby’s as main attractions for the unattached! Most of the restaurants are reporting a good trade for Christmas Day lunches, but the discerning shopper can still find a table at the Market Tavern in the port or at the Saladillo Vista on Camposol. What is interesting is that few places are open Christmas Night; Saladillo Vista is offering a party with DJ Dan for the night. Given how many do have Christmas lunch at home, unless torpor intervenes and Christmas TV brings out the laziness, then the Vista should do well! Quite a few are open for drinks daytime as well as Christmas lunches, but a surprising number are closing down just after Christmas for a few weeks. Nobody has had a bumper year, and the downward drift of the pound means 2009 don’t look any different. We have been sampling some of the local cheapy cheaps! Kennelly’s kitchen between 3 and 7PM has a 3.95€ short mains menu. Had York ham, egg and chips, and my wife, a very
nice succulent chicken breast and chips. There was plenty of it and we will be back, in fact we have been! Liz’s café has a great salad bar at 5.95€, and the best pork pies this side of Skipton. After Christmas the Trevi is starting Sunday lunches, at 10€ for three courses this is another bargain. We eat there regularly now since we are often very late and it and the Indian are two of the only places open after 10PM. Whenever we do eat there there are always late night eaters. Very nice pizzas! Off Camposol, the Market Tavern with its 3.50€ all day breakfast, €10 cu8uiry deal now on a Thursday rather than Saturday, and small Sunday main meal, offers great value. We have eaten there twice at lunch time, once having the 6€ seniors cod and chips, excellent and great value, and the 3.50€ breakfast once, two of everything! And a cup of tea or coffee. The lads down at La Pena are still doing their super carvery, and their Christmas fayre evening meal upstairs is a great place to take a pre Christmas visitor, overlooking the sea, and the oldest bar in the port! Shouldn’t forget the new Scotties out at Pareton, formerly La Sirena. Jason has maintained his position as chef, and they now have some excellent value meals, 5€ lunches which include steak options are not to be sneezed at! I have been stopped twice now by people extolling the virtues of Scotties. “The best karaoke in the area, some great singers there on a Wednesday Night with Byron” was one comment! “You missed the best chicken tandoori I have had in Spain” was another. Jason prides himself on offering the best tasting and value steaks in the area! That being said, it is difficult knock Craig off his top dog position at the Steak Out. They are offering some excellent value specials at lunch time. We are certainly looking forward to Christmas, starting with PAL’s carol service down at the port on December the 19th.
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
with this criticism. The Committee asked what exactly are these works remaining outstanding on Sector A that Masa are obliged to finish. The Mayor asked Mrs. Jacqueline Galvez to let us have the list as soon as possible.
Frans Permentier opened the meeting by saying that normally meetings with the Mayor are requested by the Association, but the Town Hall had suggested the meeting in response to the Associations letter of the 29th September 2008; a letter requesting written confirmation of the legal position of Camposol, its takeover by the council and the reasons for delays
The question of when was the last meeting between the Town Hall and Grupo Masa was raised and the answer was, yesterday and the next meeting to be next week. The subject of the meeting was primarily regarding the planning amendments for Sectors B, C & D. The meeting lasted three and a half hours.
The Mayor told the committee that the Town Hall is still in communication with Masa regarding the finishing of works to Sector A. The Mayor stressed that these are Works Meetings with Masa and NOT negotiations. That is to say they are using their authority to demand that Masa carry out the works as stipulated in the original planning permissions. Anything additional to the specified works is the subject of negotiations, as the Council is not in a position to force Masa to do them. Frans Permentier commented that we appreciate the difficulties the Town Hall are experiencing with Grupo Masa, but that the only criticism we have is the lack of control in the early days of the urbanization. Masa should never have been allowed to continue as they did creating a multitude of problems for the future. The Mayor admitted that he agreed
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When asked about a probable date for the adoption of Sector A, the Mayor said that they hoped it would not be too long now but that they would not take responsibility until Masa have completed all outstanding works to the Council’s satisfaction. Not only do the Council require the works completed, but bulletins confirming that the infrastructure is in sound working condition, such as water pipes, drainage and the Sewage Pumping Station. Jacqueline Galvez emphasized that the take over when it comes, will not be “free”. There will be additional costs for us to pay to cover the cost of garden maintenance, street cleaning and maintenance. The additional cost will be collected direct from the residents of Sector A, by the Town Hall. This should work out cheaper than if Sector A was actively run by the Entity who would have to employ administrators and translators to operate it. It was also suggested we should consider creating a
data base now in readiness of the contact addresses of all owners on Sector A. Mrs. Galvez also pointed out that whether anyone likes it or not, the Entity does exist in law and it is not an easy thing to abolish legally. Frans Permentier said that the present Committee is not acting in any way as an Entity and that the majority of people on Camposol had already rejected the Entity, even though it does exist in law. Once the Council has adopted Sector A, steps will be taken to release Sector A from the Entity but this has to be formalized in law and at the same time create a new Association to represent the owners of Sector A.
The Cruise A cruise on the Pacific goes all wrong, the ship sinks, and there are only 3 Survivors; Damian, Darren and Deirdre. They manage to swim to a small island and they lived there for a couple of years doing what's natural for men and women to do. After several years of casual sex, all the time, Deirdre felt absolutely horrible about what she was doing. She felt having sex with both Damian and Darren was so bad that she killed herself. It was tragic but Damian and Darren managed to get through it and, after while, nature once more took its inevitable course. Well, a couple more years went by and Damian and Darren began to feel absolutely horrible about what they were doing. So they buried Deirdre.
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan
One dog’s life He bounced into our lives some three months ago. Nobody knows how he arrived; he just turned up at the top of A on the campo. Was he dropped from a car, just wandered by, a stray or deliberately left? There is no telling, but he is very young, probably about a year old, and is a Spanish hunting dog, a podango; they look just like small grey hounds. This one is a rich brown with some white streaks. Within a day the doggy charities were rung, but there was no room at the inn! Have heard that story somewhere else! Positively no room, why not take him in yourself? Or feed him! He really is a delightful dog. Absolutely no vice in him, unless you consider a permanently wagging tail, and a persistent desire to play all the time, as “vices”. He does get in the way a bit when you are walking your dogs, but asides from Scruffy, who can’t stand him, all the dogs love Brown dog. He and Jake, our own rescue hunting dog, will play all the time, chasing each other at jet speed all over. Although Jake is not keen on him coming in the garden, his territory He is fed and watered, and has a temporary shelter but even the pouring rain of the past two weeks has not dampened his spirit. What does is the nights; poor Brown Dog cannot understand why he can’t join one of the “packs” ensconced in the houses. Unfortunately all of those with room for a dog have one. The top of A must have one of the largest concentrations of dogs in the world, let alone Camposol! The last little stray, and he was little, went to the vets in the port, and presumably from there to Ceresco, where after a dreadful ten days, the dogs are gassed. Same problem, nobody could take him in and there was no room at any doggy shelter, either their kennels or fostering. Will this happen to Brown Dog? Will someone pick him up and take him to the dog catchers? Or will the dog catchers find him out here? What is truly sad is that he is a lovely dog, very attractive physically, very playful, and would make some one a great pet. He loves company, always comes up to greet me when I am out, with or without our dogs. One of the neighbours suggested that we ask if anyone has a spare kennel we could put on the campo for him to lodge in. this would help, other kind souls have wormed him, given him anti flea treatment, its just no one up here is in a position to take him in. This is very sad. He has taken to howling at night, the time when there is no one about and it is getting cold. How long before he falls sick or injured? He can’t have had any injections and it will only be a matter of time before the cold gets him, or he is injured by a predator; it is possible that he is a rejected hunting dog, and at least they are not up here with their guns. This was why the last little dog was taken to the vets, during the hunting season then anything that moves up here at the top of A, is shot at. Page 13
He shows no sign of moving on, but then, whilst around here he is getting some care, a bit of shelter, and a bit of company. He obviously wants a pack, wants to be part of a family of humans and dogs. We suspect that he probably has been a yard dog and is not house trained, and certainly his propensity to tear up towels and objects left for him, indicates a healthy disregard for property found amongst many dogs; we always calculate that Jake did the best part of a grands worth of damage, even gnawing through a wooden door, in his first year here. Young dogs do need lots of attention and exercise and don’t like being left to their own devices; the devil really does make work for idle paws! What next? He does need a home. I suspect that for a time as well as being an affectionate walking companion, he will be a bit of a handful, like most young dogs. It is a shame. I hope this story will have a happy ending, but I have my doubts. This is a PS! Brown dog has found a home, or rather a home has found him! A young couple with children on sector A have taken him in. He is still settling in, and does occasionally escape back up to the top of A, where his new family have to come and find him. He is young, had got used to not only freedom, but being fed outside. I must admit he will be a handful! A genuine lively customer also will need TLC and consistent care in order to settle. His loveable nature will give him a great advantage in settling. What is even more gratifying to report is that Noah’s Arc have paid for his jabs and chip, and he is due for the chop” in January. Rod Sawyer
Public Meeting on Camposol Tuesday 2nd December saw a public meeting at Kennelly’s to discuss JJ Puppy Rescue. This is the committee left after JJ himself split off and set up on his own out on the campo, on the land once held by another charity! The meeting lasted at least three hours, involved many of the past supporters of the charity, and the three presently comprising the committee. To the unattached onlooker very little came out that could be easily understood. Claims followed counter claims and much seem to hinge on the status of the charity, the fate of the charities shop in the port, and what the charity should do in the future. In the summer it looked as if the charity would merge with Noah’s Arc, but that sadly seems to be no longer an option. The past few months have seen charities for dogs under pressure from local Brits, worried about the administration of these animal rescue centres, and unable to cope with the demands being made by abandoned dogs. Many are extremely concerned with the activities at Cereco, where dogs from Mazarron are sent, kept for ten days and then
destroyed. A new charity, which the Town Hall had promised to support, which would have taken over the dog catching contract, and built a shelter and kennels on land given over by the town council, failed to get off the ground, those supporting it coming under highly personal attacks as “dog murderers”, and yet there is a massive problem with abandoned dogs, and with the need for neutering and spaying programmes. Noah’s Arc and others raised over 800€ recently at a charity bingo night, so it is very clear that there is still a great deal of support for these ventures. It is quite clear from the number of dogs on Camposol that locally there is not much more room for stray dogs, Noah’s Arc seem to be re-housing significant numbers abroad. The present situation does seem to be one where there is a lack of direction, except for Noah’s Arc. Meanwhile dogs rounded up in this area are consigned to Cerceo.
Notes from MASA Lesley & Miguel would like everyone affected to know that Iberdola electricity bills are sent to the property address so if you have no postal service you must collect them from the Mazarron Correos. If you want to change the billing address, get bills via the internet etc, you have a variety of ways of doing it. The company is Iberdrola; the internet web site is To telephone phone 0034 901 202 020, keep ringing until answered, ask if they speak English, “habla ingles” and ask to be put through to their English department. You can also visit their sub office in the port; Seranos in Puerto Mazarron. Which is the middle of the port, just before it opens out for the supermarket and tourist board, opposite a bank and shoe shop. Lesley emphasises, “If the meter is recently installed and no monies have been taken from your account, check with Iberdrola as they will cut you off.” This has happened to at least one villa recently. If the bills are from Iberdrola then there is nothing Lesley can do. Whenever dealing with Iberdrola you need your passport or NIE with full address. Best to remember if in doubt take everything! To contact Lesley in the MASA office, phone 968 437 696. There are still Escrituras for houses published in the Courier and MASA cards to collect! Mario Construction are working on houses under the direction of Miguel Junior and Blas is still working on infrastructure. Lucas, who maintained the green areas, left in February. Miguel is only on site every Tuesday and Thursday morning.
Humour in the time of crisis What's the difference between an investment banker and a large pizza? The pizza can still feed a family of four. Why have estate agents stopped looking out of the window in the morning? Because otherwise they'd have nothing to do in the afternoon. Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
CAÑADAS delROMERO Under the auspices of the Asociación de Vecinos 2008 – 2009 WINTER Programme – All classes require an initial payment of 4 weeks on enrolment. Enrolment Day Wednesday January 7th. SPANISH Beginners: Tuesday 10 – 11 or 11.15 – 12.15 or 12.30 – 1.30 Lower Intermediate: Thursday 11.15 – 12.15 Intermediate: Thursday 10 – 11 Conversation: Friday 10 – 11 Revision: Friday 11.15 – 12.15 NEW BEGINNERS CLASS starts 13th Jan. Tel: Antonio 680 753 819 GENEALOGY – Tel: 660 384 778 A block of four 1.5 hours classes on a Thursday morning. SPANISH COOKING – Tel: 660 384 778 Two courses cooked by a local Spanish Housewife & eaten afterwards with bread & wine. Husbands & wives welcome!!!!!. Wednesday 12.00 - 13.30 BALLROOM DANCING – Tel: 660 384 778 Taking Names & Numbers for January Classes Especially for left footed people. Wednesday 16.15 – 17.15 ART CLASSES - Tel: George 664 150 222 Tuesday 10.00 - 12.00 Taking Names & Numbers for a New Class starting January Tuesday 13.30 – 15.30 YOGA & PILATES - Tel: Wendy 630 288 978 Monday 18.15 - 19.45
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Friday 10.00 – 11.25 & 11.30 – 12.55 PILATES & CIRCUITS - Tel: Wendy 630 288 978 Wednesday 18.30 – 19.30 CROSS STITCH & BEYOND - Tel: Penny 968 130 866 Monday 11.15 - 13.15 Stitch something different. GUITAR CLASS - Tel: John 628 232 936 Thursday 13.00 – 14.30 DOG TRAINING CLASSES @ the Social Center As seen on BBC1´s Living in the Sun 6 weeks basic training (over 6 months old) & Puppy socialization (up to 6 months old) Fully Qualified behaviorist. Adele: 619 807 388 or Lisa 650 221 846 DRAWING CLASS - Saturday 10.00 – 13.00 Explore a variety of techniques & approaches to drawing through a variety of mediums & subjects. Qualified Instructor. Tel: George 664 150 222 Taking Names & Numbers for January start. SEVILLANAS Friday 20.30 – 21,30 8 classes Tel: 660 384 778 GARDEN CLASS SPANISH HISTORY GEOGRAPHY of SPAIN. Tel: Antonio 680 753 819 to book your place. NEW - CHILDRENS Dance Class Starting January 13th Tuesdays 17.00 – 18.00 & 18.00 – 19.00 Girls & Boys welcome - Qualified Instructor Small deposit secures a place. TEL: 660 384 778 Introduction to Feng Shui
A 4 week course starting in January. Wednesdays 14.00 – 15.00 Tel: Julie 606162152 Introduction to Basic Counseling Skills A 6 week Course starting January Wednesdays 15.15 – 16.15 Tel: Julie 606162152 MOSAICS WORKSHOP Fridays 13.30 – 16.30 Starting 16th January TeL: Daniel 686 741 155 ITALIAN COOKERY COURSE with Giorgio A 10 week course of two 1.5 hours a week on Tuesdays & Thursdays between 10.00 & 11.30. Starts 13th January. Deposits & Names being taken now. Tel: 660 384 778 NOCHE VIEJA – A traditional Spanish New Years Eve Meal with entertainment & all the extras. Wednesday 31st December with the Villagers. Tickets 59€ from Giorgio SPANISH MERCADILLO (CAR BOOT) NOW RUNNING EVERY WEEK Proceeds go back into the Community. Organized parking 7.30a.m. start No unloading before 7.00a.m. No trading before 7.30 a.m. No overnight parking. Tel: Dave 660 550 022 PETANCA/BOULES CLUB Tuesday Morning 10.30 St Nicolas Church. Contact: 636 658 965 For up to date information
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
Registration Number: 197569
Camposol Heating & Maintenance S.L. Installation, Maintenance & Servicing of Heating Systems, Plumbing, Air Conditioning, Water Tanks & Pumps Visit our Office within Nicky G Translation Services, Camposol Sector B or See us at Kennellys on the last Friday of each month
Kevin Hicks 968 199 184 or 646 965 082 or email us at Page 15
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
Andrea´s K9 & Animal Rescue Andrea´s K9 and Animal Rescue is an organisation that not only rescues dogs but also any animal in need of care and attention. So many organisations can only accommodate dogs we felt there was an urgent need for other animals - that seem to have been forgotten, which brings me to a donkey called Henrietta. Henrietta was found by the side of the motorway near Fuente Alamo, what a state she was in, the biggest tumors on her body and legs that were bleeding and full of infection. starving to death, she had been beaten with a stick , had rope burns on her legs where she had been tied up, which were badly infected. Her head hung so low she must have been wondering when her misery would end. We eventually got her to our house, where she was met by our vet. his first reaction was to put her to sleep! This poor girl was approx 12 years old ( they live to about 40 years! ) there must be something more we could do!! luckily, there was. She required several operations and good food along with lots of care and love of course. So on we went, she deserved every chance we could give her. Henrietta has now had one operation which was a great success, shes eating well and has even made friends with another rescue donkey called Lola. However, she still needs an other operation,
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but the vet here cannot do it as the tumor is on her knee joint so she needs to go to the Murcia Veterinary hospital.We have now launched the Henrietta Appeal , trying to raise funds to enable her to go to Murcia at a cost of 1500 / 2000 euros. Can you help Henrietta? We are looking for sponsors to help raise funds towards her operations. All donations will be very much appreciated or any items donated which we could sell to raise funds. You can find Andreas K9 And Animal Rescue at the Canadas de Romera Market every 1st and 3rd Sunday in the month. Please help us to help these abused animals, every cent and euro really does count. Our First fund raising event was held at Kennellys on the Sunday 30th November. It was a great success. Many thanks to everybody who came and those that helped make the evening happen and donated raffle prizes. Barrington as always you are a star. thank you. Thank you to the following; The English Butchers on Camposol, Fotokwik, Camposol Heating and Maintenance, Legs and Co, Restaurante Los Amigos, John and Rosemary, Bee & Cass, Gwen, Rose & Steve, Terry & June. Veronica & Martin for there organisation skills. Thank you to everyone for your support.
Henrietta and Lola Our next event will be 14th Feb. at the La Molata Club. It will be a great night so don´t miss it! For more info please contact me on 690 906 565. A big thank you and ´´he - haw´´ from Henrietta and Lola. And of course from me, Andrea.
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
Christmas Quiz - Name That Song Car buyers and dealers beware! Many ex-pats bring their cars to Spain from the UK and other countries and re-register them with Spanish plates. The rules under which most cars are imported is called “Change of Residence” and exist to allow people to bring their personal vehicles with them when they move here This is relatively straightforward, especially if owners use a professional company to undertake the process for them. However, where a car from the UK (or any other country) is purchased and then imported after the owner moved to Spain, the rules are completely different and in certain cases means that the car cannot be re-registered at all. These rules have always existed, but as with many laws in Spain have not been fully implemented. They are being enforced now! If you are thinking of buying a non-Spanish car or have one to sell, it is best to get advice on how you can make the car legal in Spain before proceeding Please feel free to call us. Advice is willingly given at no cost Alan 662 249 159, Graham 605 319 889 or 966 753 375
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The Questions. All the answers are very popular Christmas toons! 1. Bleached Yule 2. Castaneous-coloured Seed desiccated in a Conflagration 3. Singular Yearning for the Twin Anterior Incisors 4. Righteous Darkness 5. Arrival Time2400 hrs - Weather Cloudless 6. Loyal Followers Advance 7. Far Off in a Feeder 8. Array the Corridor 9. Bantam Male Percussionist 10. Monarchical Triad 11. Nocturnal Noiselessness 12. Jehovah Deactivate Blithe Chevaliers 13. Red Man En Route to Borough 14. Frozen Precipitation Commence 15. Proceed and Enlighten on the Pinnacle 16. The Quadruped with the Vermillion Proboscis 17. Query Regarding Identity of Descendant 18. Delight for this Planet 19. Give Attention to the Melodious Celestial Beings 20. The Dozen Festive 24 Hour Intervals
Importance of Walking 1-Walking 20 minutes can add to your life. This enables you at 85 years old to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at £3000 per month. 2-My grandpa started walking five miles a day when he was 60.. Now he's 97 years old... and we haven't a clue where the hell he is. 3-I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me 4-The only reason I would take up walking is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.
Answers on page 37
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
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Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
Weekly Events Saladillo Vista, The Steak Out, Trevi, Market Tavern are doing pre Christmas lunches. Please ring for details and booking! La Pena pre Christmas fayre evening menu 15€. Scotties Tuesday night steak night. The Sensol golf club doing a Sunday lunch time barbecue.
Sundays Scotties at El Pareton, full English breakfast til 1PM. Gemma & Mandy’s kitchen at Kennelly’s, all day Sunday brunch, choose your own! The Trevi on B, open every night for meals. Scoobys & The Steak Out, karaoke. Alley Palais karaoke with Byron. Alley Palais always open for food! Quiz at Cats on Sector A at 8 PM
Sunday Lunches The Steak Out, Scotties at El Pareton, Don Ricardos alternative menu, Saladillo Vista, Magnolia, Market Tavern. Sunday carvery at La Pena in the port, NB Friday and Saturday night as well! NB Market Tavern has a 12.50€ pre Xmas Sunday lunch deal!! Sensol Golf Club, BBQ loads barbecued meat and veg for 12€ 1PM to 3.30PM
Mondays Saladillo Vista-quiz, Scoobys-music quiz, Kennellys-line dancing, The Steak Out-Karaoke. Alley Palais Bowling league. Kennellys kitchen, special 3.95€ menu 3PM to 7PM
Tuesdays Saladillo Vista-fish & chips, Market Tavern – fish & chipps, seniors 6€, Kennellys-bingo, The Steak Out-quiz. Scoobys-karaoke with Byron. Scotties Steak Night, please book!
Wednesdays Scotties at Pareton-karaoke, Saladillo Vista-bingo in afternoon & John McLean evening karaoke & happy Hour 10 til 11PM. The Trevi-quiz with Bob. Cats men’s darts.
Thursdays Scoobys-quiz, Golf Club Camposol-live music with wine at €5.50 & beer 2 for 1! Kennellys kitchen special Fish and Chip days! Ladies Darts at Cats. Sensol Golf Club, AWOL & The Mad hatters, !buy 1 get1 free! Plus wine 5.50€ a bottle. Market Tavern €10 curry.
Fridays Saladillo Vista-bingo snowball, Scotties at El Pareton-fish & chips & Quiz-meat raffle drawn, Bingo at Cats in the evening. Scoobys karaoke with Byron Alley Palais Disco with KevG
Saturdays Scooby’s & Golf club-live entertainment, Kennellys-Veronica Karaoke, night. Alley Palais karaoke & disco with Bernie Mac
Bingo Saladillo Vista-Wednesday afternoon, Kennellys-Tuesday night
Quizes Saladillo Vista- Monday Night, The Steak Out-Tuesday night, Scotties Friday night, Scoobys-Monday night music quiz & Thursday night fun, Trevi- Bobs fun Wednesday quiz, Cats Sunday night at 8PM
Karaoke Scotties-Wednesday night with Byron, Saladillo Vista-Wednesday night with John McClean, The Steak Out Monday & Friday night, Kennellys Saturday with Veronica, Scoobys-Tuesday, Friday, Sunday. Alley Palais Sundays with Byron, Saturdays with Bernie Mac.
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The Camposol District Journal
Volume - 1 Issue - 2 Nov/Dec 08
Takeaways The Trevi does pizzas & burgers, the Pasty Shack in the port is a bakery & tea room, sandwiches, pasties sweet as well as savoury, pizzas & specials! Chocolate & Churros British sweets now available.On Camposol Liz’s café does savoury and sweet pies, sandwiches, hot & cold drinks and more. Six mince pies for 3.50€! Tuesday 16th -Sensol Golf Club Xmas Party with the one and only Paul MelbaComedy Impressionist + Salty Dog Tickets 12e or 25ewith 2 course dinner Tel:699203136 Thursday 18th -Scotties at El Pareton, fully inclusive 30€, 3 courses, entertainment & all drinks included booking essential Friday 19th - Last chance for a bargain at the Kennelly’s Market. Kennelly’s an evening with Salty Dog Saturday 20th -Sensol Golf Club, Little Rock Band Kennelly’s Children’s Xmas Party 3€ 5 til 8PM Scoobys special artistes night free. Scotties, children,s party Santa, games & prizes, music by Byron, 4 to 7PM Monday 22nd -Alley Palais, karaoke&disco with Bernie Mac Wednesday 24th Christmas Eve- The Steak out party, disco and karaoke. Scoobys, Trevi & Cats all have Party Nights Alley Palais with DJKevG. Saladillo Vista John McClean Party time!Kennelly’s Disco Party with Paul the Music Man Sensol Golf Club party time with Mad Hatters plus guests, mince pies, carols, buy one get one free & wine 5.50€ Thursday 25th Christmas Day - Christmas Lunch still available at Saladillo Vista, The Steak Out, Market Tavern, Saladillo Vista open in the evening with Dan, disco and karaoke Friday 26th Boxing day- Still a trad day for footie in Kennelly’s, log fire, mince pies, Veronica in the evening But horse racing at Cats, and evening disco at Alley Palais with DJKevG Saturday 27th December- Sensol golf Club, Andy Jones Wednesday 31st, New Years Eve - Scotties of El Pareton, Christine and buffet, 22.50€Alley Palais NYE disco party with DJKevG. The Steak Out NYE party, 5€, fancy dress, prizes Cats NYE Party, with the Mad Hatters, and buffet Scoobys NYE Party Night.Saladillo Vista, Artistes party night, and buffet. Saturday 3rd January - Sensol Golf Club Salty Dog Saturday 10th -Sensol Golf Club Protocol Tuesday 13th - Sensol Golf Club TINA TURNER Tribute Sensational Milli Munroe Tickets 12e, 25e + 3 course dinner Kim 699203136 Saturday 17th - Sensol Golf Club Little Rock Saturday 24th - Sensol Golf Club No Trace Saturday 31st January- Sensol Golf Club Andy Jones
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The Camposol District Journal
Volume - 1 Issue - 2Nov/Dec 08
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Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
For the best New Years Eve party join the steak out. Relaxed atmosphere, friendly staff only 5 euros. Fancy dress optional. Big cash prize for best fancy dressed, finger food. Free shots for the best singers. Fun fun fun for all the family. 6 till very late.
I’m a celebrity-oh yeah… Of the twelve who parachuted in at the start of this years “I’m a celebrity-get me out of here” or “Carry on up the jungle” part deux, I had heard of precisely six!!! Robert, who was the first to go, Esther, face of the NSPCC, Timmy, scary maniacal childrens’ presenter a hundred years ago, and George, the intrepid star ship enterprises’ number one
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pilot. The great Navratilova, last AND least, David Van Day; he of the tight pants and one half of the sickening singing duo, “Dollar” circa 1970-ugh!!! The rest are unknown to me, and whilst I admit to avoiding Eastenders like the plague and am only vaguely familiar with a band called “Blue”, I concede that somewhere out there, Joe and Simon are indeed celebs in some shape or form I would recognise. BUT who the hell are the rest? The only truly entertaining non-celebrity I can say I remember ever being on the show is Carol Thatcher, only because she was so lovely (unlike her mother),and who, I have to admit would have been my choice to win, as indeed she did! But a footballers’ moll, an over-emotional excopper, and whatever the others are, do me a favour!!! This is the only “reality” show I watch, so I wish these people would stick to Big Brother and the like, so I can watch people whose job it is to entertain me, not some pleb who has “issues” they want to share with us. Next year, I hope ITV can find a better class of people willing to make idiots of themselves, but keep the thing entertaining; if we want to see the likes of Nicola in a strop, all that’s needed is to walk down the high street of any city centre in around two in the
morning, or get yourself an invite into the wags box at the local football stadium, and there she is!!! Mind you, that David is something else again. Talk about being up your own botty! Think we needed Lesley Crowther in there to say: “David Von Day, come on down” Cassandra.
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
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Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
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Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
Nederlandstalige Club Mazarron. De NCM is een vriendenclub die opgericht is in mei 2007. Inmiddels heeft de NCM ongeveer 135 leden. Wij houden ons bezig met tal van activiteiten. Ons motto is gezelligheid. Elke 14 dagen hebben wij op de dinsdag morgen vanaf 11.00 uur een inloopochtend. (even weken) Op deze inloop ochtend is iedereen welkom die belangstelling heeft in onze vriendenclub. De inloop ochtenden worden druk bezocht. Wij hebben de afgelopen maanden ervaren dat er een behoefte onder onze leden bestaat om regelmatig bij elkaar te komen onder het genot van een kopje koffie of een drankje. De inloop ochtenden hebben geen vast programma, gewoon even lekker bijpraten en ervaringen uitwisselen. Locatie inloopochtend: Lounge bar Saladillo Vista Commercieel Centrum Urbanisatie Camposol Sector A Verder organiseren de leden tal van activiteiten. Ook hiervoor bestaat grote belangstelling. Ook hier is ons motto: “gezellig met elkaar bezig zijn” Het dagelijks bestuur van de NCM bestaat uit de volgende personen: Voorzitter: Hans Vos Secretaris: Ed Been Penningmeester Joop van Baal
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Naast het bestuur kent de NCM nog 2 kerntaken: Public relations: Ad van Ewijk Activiteiten coördinator: Ko van Loenen. Activiteiten; De leden van de NCM organiseren tal van activiteiten:Recreatief wandelen. Elke zondag om 11.00 uur wordt er een wandeltocht georganiseerd. Deze wandeltochten worden druk bezocht. Het is tijdens de tochten erg gezellig. Je leert de omgeving kennen en kijkt er met heel andere ogen naar. Leen Oudenaarden is de organisator van het wandelen. Bridgen.Elke 14 dagen op dinsdag na de inloopochtend wordt er bridgeles gegeven. De duur van een les is ongeveer 2 uur. De lessen worden gegeven door een Hans Vos. Jeu de Boule.Een aantal van onze leden hebben twee banen aangelegd op de A sector van Camposol. Elke woensdag middag kunt u hier uw hart ophalen aan dit leuke spel. De leiding van het Jeu de boule is in handen van Piet de Rooy Boekenverkoop:Tijdens de inloopochtenden is er mogelijkheid om boeken en tijdschriften te kopen. Deze boeken en tijdschriften zijn afkomstig van onze leden. Heeft u boeken die u niet meer gebruikt, dan mag u deze ter beschikking van de club stellen. De opbrengsten van deze boeken verkoop komen ten goede van de clubkas.Tapasmiddag
In januari zullen we van start gaan met de tapasmidagen, Onder leiding van Carla v/d Gaag kunt u leren hoe tapas wordt bereidt. Danslessen Elke dinsdag avond om 17.00 uur worden er danslessen gegeven. Louis Denier is de organisator. Er wordt één uur les gegeven en na de les is er gelegenheid om nog een uur te oefenen. De volgende activiteiten zijn nog in voorbereiding: Tennis Reanimatiecursus. In het nieuwe jaar zullen wij proberen om weer een lezing te houden met betrekking tot de onderwerpen, testamenten, erfrecht en belastingwetgeving. Wij zullen Erik de Haan hiervoor benaderen. Voorzitter: Hans Vos Secretaris: Ed Been Penningmeester Joop van Baal Public relations: Ad van Ewijk Activiteiten: Ko van Loenen Secretariaat: Calle zagra 2 Camopsol sector D12 Apportado de Correos 24630870 Mazarron telefoon 968971879
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
Our Public Buses & note on the gold rail card. The gold rail card which gives large discounts on rail travel and is available to all pensioners, can be obtained from Dragon Tours in the port. Lloyd Jones wrote an article in the courier outlining his trip to Barcelona courtesy of the card. It makes sense in terms of any long distance travel as an alternative to car or coach. Two Camposolers have made the coach trip back to the UK because medically one could not travel by air, and they report a decent trip.
entrance to the former garden centre going to Mazarron! The buses are Martinez who can be phoned on 968 42 16 49. The new buses and bus routes, including that through Camposol are still under negotiation. NB remember Camposol time roughly half way between Mazarron and Pareton All public services across the region will be free on Sundays in December.
130,000 passengers are set to benefit from the decision to make buses free across the Murcia region on every Sunday this month. 80 lines are included in the offer, both urban and interurban between some 45 different localities. 27 different public transport companies are taking part in the scheme which is expected to result in a 77% growth in passenger numbers as shops open for Christmas shopping.
A number of people have approached the Journal asking that we publish details of local bus time tables. The Journal is very grateful to Tony of Tony’s Bikes for the following information. As you might expect Tony uses public transport extensively and is full of praise for it. Others do say that it can be late occasionally and it is “only 99% reliable� which sounds great, but if one does go AWOL, then it is an hour until the next. Camposol is not mentioned! Allow 10 minutes from Pareton or Mazarron. The bus stops just along from Camposol Business Centre, from Mazarron or across the road just by the
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Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
PALS CHRISTMAS MESSAGE To Camposol supporters. PALS (Protection and Life Saving) extend a heartfelt wish for a Happy Christmas and New Year and hope that you, your friends and family have good health throughout the Season and next year. PALS exist to purchase life saving and medical equipment for use by the medical authorities and emergency services in the whole of the Mazarron area and it is recognised that a high level of support is generated from the Camposol Urbanisation, therefore in addition to equipment donated for general use a sum of money has been laid aside for specific use in the local Health Centre now under construction. In these hard times we recognise that not only are individuals looking closely at their budget but also Authorities, PALS have therefore put aside a sum currently in excess of 15000Euros earmarked to augment any shortfall in life saving or medical equipment as advised by the medical staff when the building is up and running. PALS intend to increase this amount by 40% of net receipts from their activities into 2009 until the building is handed over. Your donations and support are therefore very
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locally being spent; all other monies are subject to expenditure as requested by the authorities and agreed by PALS to be spent in the area. PALS are a registered charity and have very strict controls over money and expenditure. Various events coming up are a Carol Service on the Marina with Supper on 19th December at 6.30 7.50Euros and the annual sponsored swim at Bahia Beach on New Years Day at 1pm. Forms from any PALS Member and we have our Trolley Dash at Consum sales until 5th December and to be drawn at the Christmas Ball, Costa Costa Hotel 7th December (Sold out some time ago)
CAFÉ (Community Ambulance Fund Espana) is monitored by PALS and The Bahia Lions registered charities, with an aim to raise money for a rapid response ambulance, located north of Mazarron, probably on Camposol and staffed by the Protection Civil or their nominees. The Fund is currently held with cash in excess of 20000Euros. This money has been raised by businesses, individual’s bars and restaurants holding functions that specify the destination as CAFÉ and we hope that this will continue and please place your donations
in the CAFÉ tin whenever you can. PALS and CAFÉ are putting the money to humanity uses locally and more ideas and help is always welcome. PALS meet on the second Monday of each month at Rumours on Camposol at 11.30 and any questions can be put to us on 626 460465. Finally a big thank you to everyone in PALS, those who attend our events and those who sponsor our efforts keep it coming, Happy Christmas again
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
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Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
Understanding Garrigues What is the key to understanding what is happening on Camposol? Who should we listen to? The Sector A committee has five years experience talking to the Ayumiento, the CRA, and two years talking to MASA. Ironically none of the actors on Camposol have ever sat down together!
out. In fact outside the courts making a decision for everyone, then this is the only possible way forward.
There are many horror stories, wholesale corruption near Madrid leading to 17,000 houses being completely uninhabitable, 200 villas in a valley in the South, scheduled for demolition, a dozen small developments where a bankrupt developer has left inhabitants without water or electricity. Just down the road at Country Club this scenario is a real possibility.
What Camposol has is a development built in phases, A,B,C & D, with others planned to follow. Had Sector A been built, been finished properly, and had its Entity accepted, set up and running for the past five years, then the assimilation of B,C & D into that entity, would not be the problem it is. As it is most of Camposol’s owners are in the ludicrous position of having to stand by whilst part of the development. Sector A, makes irrevocable decisions on behalf of everyone. The Ayumiento allowed MASA in the first place to build houses in front of the infrastructure, allowed MASA to complete sales and inhabitants to arrive in their houses, take taxes and fines, and then claim that they have no responsibility! In terms of the turistico designation the same applies. Much was said about this designation initially, however the key elements are still there, outside of B8, nobody knew that their houses had the designation, they didn’t buy them except as residential properties, and understandably are worried about possible future tax demands, and compliance with the 2005 Act as far as their residences are concerned. Garrigues reveals a shambolic state of affairs.
On Camposol we have the benefit of the Garrigues Report. This is an extensive investigation of Camposol’s legal position. In reality the first and only investigation. What makes it really interesting is that reading through it, assimilating the prose, leads the reader to the conclusion that virtually all our problems have solutions, and require all the parties involved to sit down and work them
All of the Political Parties campaigned last year on a platform of “no entity for Camposol” The Garrigues report is very clear on this issue, an entity is in place, and will have be dealt with politically in order to dissolve it, and for Camposol to be assimilated by Mazarron. What does not exist is any clear proposal of the way to achieve this by the
The first point that needs making is that all over Spain, botched jobs by local Councils, unscrupulous developers, supine and corrupt officials and Politicians, have created a nightmare. Worse still, for many the mechanisms that should have protected the buyer, an estate agent acting in good faith for a seller, an independent lawyer officiating over a sale for a buyer, notaries ensuring that all parties were aware of the exact content and implications of a contract of sale, have just not worked in many cases.
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council. They do admit to the fact of the entity, say how difficult it will be to get rid of, and hint that whatever happens, Camposolers will be expected to fund services which are taken for granted in the villages. These are points which have been raised by Pepe Gomez at Council meetings, and even reading the official minutes does little to shed any light. “The Mr. Mayor responds to him (Clr Gomez) , that Camposol is governed by a company urbanistica”. The Sector A Committee has responded to a request from the CRA, for meetings to discuss common ground, by refusing, and saying that they might agree to a future “informal meeting” The Chair of the Committee has also indicated that he has no faith in anything produced by Garrigues, or in reality, any other law firm. However the Mayor has indicated that he is prepared to meet the CRA in order to discuss the report. It is unclear whether this could mean a tripartite meeting along with MASA, which is the request that has gone to both the parties from the CRA. There it lies over Christmas, with a deadline of the 12th January for the initiation of discussions What is also clear is that the current economic climate is one which is blowing a chill wind over us all. It is very difficult to estimate the numbers leaving Camposol, but quite clearly, until recently there was a net inflow, currently there is a net outflow. According to reports, it is not just those of working age unable to obtain work, or losing jobs here, it is also an older age group, under pressure from the falling values of sterling, who are leaving to take up UK residency again.
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan
Christmas Joke Three men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the pearly gates. 'In honour of this holy season' Saint Peter said, 'You must each possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven.' The first man fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter. He flicked it on. 'It represents a candle', he said. 'You may pass through the pearly gates' Saint Peter said. The second man reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He shook them and said, 'They're bells.' Saint Peter said 'You may pass through the pearly gates'. The third man started searching desperately through his pockets and finally pulled out a pair of women's panties. St. Peter looked at the man with a raised eyebrow and asked, 'And just what do those symbolize?' The man replied, 'These are Carols.'
Mazarrón, celebration of La Purisima The festivals of La Purisima 2008 reached this weekend, the 4th to the 6th December their climactic point thanks to such events as the
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contact rociera, the Medieval street Market, the concerts and the celebration of the Day of the Virgin Friday, 5 of December, the Mayor, Francisco Blaya, made a mayoral statement because of the celebration of December 6, the Constitution. This was in the Parlour of the town hall. In the afternoon until 18:00 h. was the opening of the street Market Medieval Phoenician that remained open in the old part of Mazarrón with many events to the end of the festivals, Monday 8 of December. There was music in the market square on Saturday afternoon, with AWOL entertaining a large crowd of assorted Brits and Spanish. In fact for many this was one of the best events of the fiesta. Good music, a bingo session, and six stalls selling different food and drink. Mazarroneros were able to participate on Saturday, 6 of December, for the second consecutive year, la Convivencia Rociera, that this year was preceded by a Mass Rociera officiated by the priest of Mazarrón, Julio Romero, in the Sanctuary La Purisima, Many of the participants wore traditional dress, men , women and children, and looked absolutely stunning. The success merited in its first assembly, celebrated last year, has caused the search for a more extensive place for this celebration, which this year will take place in La Carpa of the Exhibition Site. At night the
events will culminate with the brilliance of the music group ‘Revolver’. Sunday, 7 of December, the parade took place at 17:00 h. on la Avenida, the Avenue. Did you miss it all again? It does take place every year at exactly the same time. A lot happens day time, but even more at night, and the medieval market is usually well worth a visit, though this year seemed to consist of only half a dozen stalls. The religious side is very impressive for those who don’t believe as well as believers! It is an open opportunity to Brits to join in something which is a really Spanish celebration, and be welcome!
News from Camposol Business Centre Concern to Diabetic people Don’t use small brazier or hot water bottle to heat your feet. You must never try to do your feet with corn reamers or razorblade. You must always go to a professional if you have problems. Avoid excess weight. Don’t smoke - Smoking is detrimental to your health, decreasing the blood supply to your feet, amongst other things! Don’t use jewels or imitation jewellery on your feet. Remember that problems with feet, although not painful can be serious
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
¡FELIZ NAVIDAD Y PRÓSPERO AÑO 2009! What means ‘Merry Christmas and happy new year 2009’. Christmas is finally just round the corner and Spaniards celebrate it in their special way. On my first Christmas in England, I was working in a Irish company at Heathrow, on the 24th of December I asked my partner to cook a turkey for that night, I insisted him on that. Even I was shocked I had to stay working longer; he was finishing earlier and will have enough time to cook the turkey so we could eat it on time. I also asked my colleges, ‘What are you going to have for supper tonight?’ My partner is cooking a turkey. They said, ‘He is not, the turkey is tomorrow’ I couldn’t believed them until I had to phone my partner to make sure that we were having turkey on that night. For my astonishment he said; ‘Of course I am not cooking it for tonight, it is for tomorrow! – NO! It cannot be possible; it is tonight the first celebration. ‘No’ he said, ‘it is tomorrow’. ‘But then, you are missing one! As we are in our majority a catholic country we celebrate Christmas along with the religious festivities, La Nochebuena – 24th of December. We start celebrating at midnight that Jesus was born in Bethlehem (Jerusalem). That day we normally work only until lunch time, so we have enough time to prepare everything. We do not have a very big lunch as we usually have. We dress up and have one of the best and huge suppers of the year. We sing Spanish carols ‘villancicos’ and we stay at home with our families as it is a family night. My brothers will have dinner with their wife’s families, and I will have dinner with my mum and my family. That night there is a mass at twelve o’clock called “la Misa del Gallo”. That is because Saint Pedro denied Jesus three times just as Jesus had predicted it in his prophecy. The King of Spain H M Don Juan Carlos I will wish all of us ‘Feliz Navidad’ on TV with a speech. La Navidad – 25th of December. We have; Page 34
again, a special lunch with all the family together to celebrate Jesus is born. That’s why on Nochebuena y Navidad you won’t find many bars or restaurants open. La Nochevieja – 31st of December. It is a not a religious date. We again, work until lunch time, we don’t have much lunch, we dress up and we have again a very special supper. We start eating knowing that we have to be finished before twelve o’clock. At this time, all the clocks in Spain ring the bells, and we all have 12 grapes ready to eat, each one of them with each bell. If you eat them before the bells stop, you will have a lucky year, if you do not, obviously you won’t. The reason for this is because in the 1970, there was a huge grape crop in Alicante. There were so many and so tasty that the owners did not want to throw them away, instead, they spread them away free through the whole of Spain to celebrate their success, since that day we all carry on with the tradition. After the grapes we kiss each other, we toast with cava. And we go out for the night around one or two o’clock. For lot of us this is the first occasion we are allowed to go out at night when we are teenagers. Others do not come back until dawn. Others will stay up at home saying silly things, having a good time, etc... El Año Nuevo – 1st of January. Some of the youngsters we’ll wake late very sleepy or even with a hangover ‘resaca’. And instead of having breakfast we will have an aperitif straight away and a big meal. Los Reyes Magos – 6th of January. The three holy kings arrived on the sixth of January guided by the star with presents of gold, incense and mere for the just borne king. Kids write their letters to them. They get them closer and closer in their nativities until they finally arrived on the very same day when Spanish kids get their presents. That night if they wake up and see the kings they will not receive anything. The night before it is a big parade where the three kings arrived in every town and city, they throw sweets to the multitude of kids watching them at both sides of the way. The mayor receives them and
welcomes them and they sit the kids on their laps, talk to the kids and give them presents. They also leave food for the camels and some drinks for the kings. There is a special sweet just for this date called ‘roscón de reyes’ it has a surprise inside and kids and not so kids love it. We do not have a tradition about what food we have each particular date, we choose at freedom, but we have a nice aperitif (ham, paté, chesse, caviar..), a better first course (consommé, special soup, asparagus, shelfish..), an excellent second course of best meats (turkey, leg of lamb, piglet, pork..) or fish (hake, smoked salmon, sea bass, sea bream..) everything accompanied by the finest Spanish wines and a delicious dessert with nuts and cava. After that we have the spirits we most like. It does not sound bad, does it? I invite you to try it as it is only for this Christmas so you can say what you think….Also you could sing this Christmas ‘Silent night’ in Spanish: Noche de paz: Noche de paz, noche de luz, ha nacido Jesús, pastorcillos que oís anunciar, no temáis cuando entréis a adorar, que ha nacido el amor, que ha nacido el amor, Noche de paz, noche de luz, tiene sed el Niño Jesús Virgen pura velándole esta, entre arrullos dormidito ya, silenciosos venid, silenciosos venid. Noche de paz, noche de luz, pequeñín es Jesús, y es el Dios del supremo poder hecho carne la de una mujer, hombre y Dios de verdad, hombre y Dios de verdad. Solutions for last month: 1-3.05 Son las tres y cinco de la tarde. 210.10 son las diez y diez de la mañana. 3-8.50 son las nueve menos diez de la mañana. 416.45 son las cinco menos cuarto de la tarde. 5-9.20 son las nueve y veinte de la mañana. 6-23.55 son las doce menos cinco de la noche. 7-24.00 son las doce de la medianoche o es medianoche.
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
“received” by the Town Hall of Mazarron
Country Club Issues Country Club has as many problems as Camposol. They have managed to resolve some, for example, the turistico label was removed from villas and placed on unbuilt polygonos. However parts of the estate are unfinished which means that Certificates of Habitacion are an issue for many. This was the reason for their demonstration held on the 14th November outside the Murcian parliament; a protest at the lack of completion. Their concerns echo Camposol’s, the lack of finish to ashpheltisation of streets, infrastructure, which brings problems with both Iberdrola and Aqualia. These problems are now common up and down the coast on unfinished urbanisation. They are a big problem where the developer has gone bankrupt and there is no intermediary with the Utility companies and with the Authorities, since in these situations there is no one who can deal with payments for water and electricity. The group which has organized this Demonstration, AON of Mazarrón CC, approaches this Regional Government in order to inform the politicians all citizens about the problems Country Club faced - That we bought houses in MCC, some more than 8 years ago, and in spite of this most of them still don’t have a Habitation Certificate. The municipal supply Company rejects making water contracts. More than half of the houses receive their Electricity from Diesel-Generators. In consequence the quality of the supply we receive does not match the place nor the price we paid for our houses. - Many streets still haven’t been properly tarmacked, lacking the necessary infrastructure and therefore the Urbanization hasn’t been Page 35
- When we bought the advertisements announced a Golf Course finished by 2004 – and four years later it has not even been included in the planning-project. Also a Commercial Centre, a Social Club and other amenities which we have not yet seen any trace of. - We have a judgement from the 1st instance Court nr 10 of Murcia, confirmed by the Appeal Court Audiencia Provincial which obliges the promoter to supply the houses with habitation certificates and build the Golf Course. - Irrespective of the promoter’s responsibilities, we understand that their activity, i.e. building without fulfilling the necessary planning prerequisites, would not have been possible without the permissive attitude of the Town Hall, an attitude which makes it co-responsible of the cheat which we feel to be victims of. Also the Government of Murcia because we perceive a neglect of its functions as the major governing Organ in Murcia, allowing that many Companies promote large Urbanizations with the approval, support and pride of the Regional Administration, even promoted outside our Country, WHILEAS these Urbanizations have been built without the advertised Characteristics, Services and Infrastructure. Some of them – like ours –are devoid of these published items and the pertaining administrative Licences. As a consequence of the above said, the majority of houses in our Urbanization don’t have the pertaining Habitation Certificates and cannot make contracts for the supply of Electricity and Potable water.
that it changes its “blameful passivity” respective this situation and we request its maximal cooperation with the Administration of Justice. Which means to provide the Urbanization with all necessary licences so that we can achieve the enforcement of the judgements ASAP and achieve by this means what the promoter appears not to be prepared to fulfil voluntarily
Funerals A man was leaving a cafe with his morning coffee when he noticed a most unusual funeral procession approaching the nearby cemetery. A long black hearse was followed by a second long black hearse about 50 feet behind the first. Behind the second hearse was a solitary man walking a pit-bull on a leash. Behind him was a queue of 200 men walking in single file. The man couldn't stand the curiosity. He respectfully approached the man walking the dog. 'I am so sorry for your loss, and I know now is a bad time to disturb you, but I've never seen a funeral like this with so many of you walking in single file. 'Whose funeral is it?' The man replied, 'Well, the first hearse is for my wife' 'What happened to her?' The man replied 'My dog attacked and killed her.' He inquired further, 'Well, who is in the second hearse?' The man answered 'My Mother-in-law. She was trying to help my wife when the dog turned on her.' A poignant and thoughtful moment of silence passes between the two men. 'Can I borrow the dog?' 'Join the queue'
- We demand from the Regional Government
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
COST AND DETAILS Distribution We distribute hard copy through a variety of methods. They are distributed at the Canadas boot fair where the Journal has a stall. Also at Camposol B post collection over three evenings, 4pm until 5 pm, outside Rumours. In addition copies are distributed on Camposol from Best Wishes, Saladillo Vista, Consum, Alen’s supermarket on A sector and a variety of shops, restaurants and bars throughout Camposol, Mazarron, Pareton, Canadas, Bolnuevo and the Port. Over 2500 hard copies are distributed these ways, and with our new website now online ( we aim to provide a service which is read by a majority of residents, holiday home owners and visitors.
Editorial The magazine itself consists of editorial which is split between news and features. There are regular features written by a range of contributors, including an article on the port and Bolnuevo, tales from Finbar, Spanish lessons by Pilar, alongside golfing and occasional articles on walking, local flora and fauna, bird life, the inevitable jokes, short stories, Out and About and entertainment reviews by Rod Sawyer. The magazine has built a reputation as a must read publication, which people read from beginning to end.
What’s On Our What’s On section in the middle of the magazine is an informative list of any events happening throughout the month at the establishments who advertise on these pages. This is a very popular feature of the magazine and gives it a longer shelf
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life. We will put your logo with information on the page and list your telephone number in the directory. You will receive a phone call every month just before we go to print so we can gather any relevant information for that issue. The whats on pags are for a six month minmum and is at a cost of 116 euros.
The Advert We can produce an advert for you to your satisfaction in colour or black and white or use one you have already had designed or designed yourself (providing the resolution is a minimum of 300 dpi). Kevin Garner, who is in charge of ads and composition, is highly skilled technically and creatively. This service is free to customers although the advert may only be used in the Journal unless negotiated otherwise. We can also produce flyers, business cards and a variety of support material for your business, at highly competitive prices.
Payment All adverts must now be paid in advance. Printing and allied costs mean that credit cannot be carried. Our charges are highly competitive, they include not just the advert but access to all our readers on the internet. The Journal is now an independent magazine and unlike the Courier, subject to IVA. This will be assimilated within our charges for existing customers, but added for new ones.
TERM ADVERTS 3months 5% 6months 10% and 12 months 15%. This is not applicable to whats on.
Contact Details GeneraL Manager Sales, finances, artwork, composition. Kevin Garner Tel:662 270 623 email:
Editor Rod Sawyer Tel:618 553 786 email: Correspondance to: Box 378, Best Wishes, Avnda Dr Meca, Puerto de Mazarron.30860 (This box is located in Best Wishes shop on Camposol.)
All prices are listed below and are calculated including IVA.
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
Satellite Services
HD Ready TV’s then why not treat yourselves to an HD Freesat Decoder for Christmas.
The demise of the Telmicro TV system, during the summer, resulted in us and other leading Satellite TV installers being inundated with new orders. With the initial rush now over we are now taking bookings for the New Year.
The Freesat Plus HD decoders are also now available which provide the ability to record, pause and rewind live TV.
Unfortunately, there are many new satellite installers suddenly appearing out of nowhere who are out to make a quick buck and provide little or no after-sales service. Please beware when choosing your installer, make sure they have a sound knowledge of their products and where possible, talk to your neighbours and friends for recommendations. A large percentage of our own business has come to us by word of mouth and we are extremely proud of our position in the market place. There has also been a lot of press surrounding the re-broadcasting of channels. The only safe way is to have a dish of your own or to share a dish with a neighbour. Beware those asking for a monthly fee, it is highly likely they are a re-broadcast organisation. 2008 has seen a number of favourite channels added to the FTA/Freesat systems. To date, Channel 4, E4, More4 and Channel 5 are available, with a further 50+ channels due within the next 12 months. We now stock a selection of competitively priced digi boxes including Sky, European Free to Air and the new UK Freesat. For those of you who have already purchased
If you would like to receive more information on any of the services we offer please do not hesitate to call. Ian and Lynda YPM Satellite Services Telephone:- 628234045 E-mail:-
Christmas Quiz Answers 1. "White Christmas" 2. "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire" 3. "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth" 4. "O Holy Night" 5. "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" 6. "O Come, All Ye Faithful" 7. "Away in a Manger" 8. "Deck the Hall" 9. "Little Drummer Boy" 10. "We Three Kings" 11. "Silent Night" 12. "God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen" 13. "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" 14. "Let it Snow" 15. "Go, Tell It on the Mountain" 16. "Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer" 17. "What Child is This?"
18. "Joy to the World" 19. "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" 20. "The Twelve Days of Christmas" New Feature CHILDREN UP TO 16. From next month, December, the Camposol District Journal will be publishing letters/jokes/stories/articles from you. Depending on the response, we hope to introduce a children’s page, so come on, get writing. This is your chance to have a say, be creative, or just share jokes with others. Due to the limited space, please do not write more than 250 words; provide your name, age and address (telephone number if possible, not to print) If you do not want your personal details printed, please make sure you say so, in writing with your submission. We may contact you before going to print if we think it is necessary, or to confirm something with you. Please note, we will not print any swear words, or comments which are rude and/or inappropriate. (Yes it’s tempting I know!!!) E-mail: or: Drop your contributions to: The Camposol District Journal (children’s contributions). Box 378, Best wishes, Commercial Centre B, Or send to: Box 378, Best wishes, Avda Dr Meca, Puerto de Mazarron, Murcia.
Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08
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Volume - 1 Issue - 3 Dec/Jan 08