February magazine

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February ~ 2012


Valentine’s day February 14th

see our advert on page 14 see our advert on page 3

Staff February? Already? Doesn’t time just fly? I really hope that you enjoy this months edition of the Camposol District Journal as we have been working very hard on it! Sadly, over the last month or so, some of you (or all of you) may have heard the rumour that the Camposol District Journal has gone out of business. Well, like many of the rumours you hear on a daily basis, this is simply not true, in fact it could not be further from the truth! It appears that this scurrilous claim was started by a rival publication who was calling round my advertisers in order to steal their business. Well needless to say that this didn’t work, and I am grateful for the loyalty and support that my advertisers have shown us. Far from being annoyed by this act I take it as a great compliment that our new magazine is causing such a stir that it clearly has a few people worried! This year we are making significant changes, increasing the number of pages, investing in new content, increasing the number of copies we print and expanding our distribution footprint. The eagle eyed among you may have noticed that we have now gone from 32 to 40 pages. The Camposol District Journal has a much wider following than just those living on Camposol and the Port. To satisfy customer demand we are now distributing in Lorca and Aguilas as well as our usual places, and as time goes on we will start to distribute the magazine wherever people tell me that they want to read it. (You will find the Lorca and Aguilas distribution points later on page 29) Also we are very proud to the FIRST and ONLY magazine in the Murcia region that will deliver a copy to you by e-mail. If you wish to be one of the first to receive the magazine before it comes out in print, then simply send me an e-mail at cdjsubscription@hotmail.com requesting to be put on our mailing list and we will send a PDF copy to you each month . It really has never been easier to enjoy the Camposol District Journal! This month, a special thanks goes out to both Rod Sawyer for the news and to Danny Mcarthy of Insignia Graphics for improving the magazine each month and making it look a million dollars. He also deserves a special mention for his enthusiasm and contributions to the Last Laugh page (I am still laughing an hour after reading it!) Lastly you may be wondering why my photo is by the side of this article. As I print this magazine each month and write this little column that you are reading, I thought I should help you put a face to the name! Unlike Rod Sawyer, I don’t get out and about as much as I would like to so don’t get to meet a lot of people! Now you know who I am, if you see me in the street or the supermarket, feel free to say hello! So as you can see we have been very busy indeed here at the Journal and our future is looking bright. In the immortal words of Mark Twain, “The reports of our demise have been greatly exaggerated”! Robert Rutherford

A hopeful New Year?

Its post Christmas blues, even the karaoke seems sung out! That’s on the commercial front, on the Town Hall and MASA front issues seem to be changing, are we entering the endgame? It looks like it; Sector A has most of its lights on, waste land or rather garden areas, cleared and road signs painted. On top of this the CRA have reported that there is an agreement with Hydrolica, MASA and the Town Hall over the rambla on D; an affordable option. This news takes the blight off D. It also brings with it a reasonable timescale. Perhaps the most significant report is that the CRA and the Sector A Committee are to assist in the process of inspection; MASA will report sectors complete, the Town Hall in the guise of Pepe Garcia, assisted by professional staff and now by the CRA and Sector A committee will inspect and then the decision will be made. This is a vast improvement on the previous Town Hall regime, who consistently refused to allow anyone else, let alone the CRA or Sector Committees anywhere near MASA. All discussions were limited. This obviously led to intense speculation. The advent of a more open government has been applauded by both Camposol groups, it depoliticizes issues and helps give meaning to the joint partnerships. On the wider front, Corvera creaks towards its opening and Paramount gradually puts in place the necessary markers. With these in operation, Murcia faces a good future, a much better one than many other parts of Spain and Europe, where even the Euro seems under threat. We already know that dreams of a police station on Camposol, are just that, a dream. Mazarron will be hard pressed to sustain its services let alone expand any.

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GENERAL MANAGER Robert Rutherford robbiedistrictjournal@hotmail.com 664 287 099 NEWS Rod Sawyer rodsawyer41@hotmail.com 618 553 786 FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION Gemma Barnes ART WORK Danny McCarthy Insignia Graphics 618 615 903


camposoldistrictjournal@gmail.com www.thecamposoldistrictjournal.com

968 103 008

CONTRIBUTORS Finbar John Brown Fiona Killick Cassandra Shirley Ann Fisher CORRESPONDENCE CAN BE LEFT IN Box 378 Best Wishes on Camposol or at the Business Centre Sector A



Tuesday 10th January saw a meeting between the mayor and the Sector A committee. Both Gines Campillo Mendaez and Pepe Garcia attended and took part in the discussions “The Opening Statement From The Committee • The general response to our published report concerning our previous meeting on 20th of December 2011 has been good with the continuing signs of activity on A Sector being most welcome. Most favourable comments have centred upon the lack of political statements and rhetoric in favour of action by the Administration. • We believe that the positive response to the Administration actions to date can be further enhanced by jointly publishing a projected time scale for the undertaking of the remaining remedial works required. • We confirm that we wish to seek every opportunity available to cooperate with the Administration in bringing the works specified by the Administration to a speedy and efficient conclusion.” In response to questions about the time scale and nature of the works, the Mayor told the committee that it was up to MASA to declare they were finished, the Authority would then inspect and only agree if they felt it was complete. Gines confirmed this would take place on Sector A first, the most advanced, He also invited the Committee to be part of that process and Pepe suggested that the end of February seemed most likely, but if it took six months so be it. Pepe suggested detail went to him, general matters were left to discussion with the Mayor who ”would welcome us to a meeting at any time requested by ourselves.” An early review of the area with Pepe and committee was agreed. “The Committee emphasised that lack of firm information was a major source of unhappiness and disquiet amongst the residents and owners and could lead to lack of electoral support for the Administration in future. All agreed that communication must be improved if the sector was to be completed to a satisfactory standard and time scale.” The Mayor told the committee that amendments to the plan parcial were expected by April/May 2012. Further that there was no need to do anything about the Entity, since “the Entity was finished and dead”: It was put to the mayor that there was a legal process required. On being pressed Juan Carlos joined the meeting. The discussion ended with agreement that it was a matter for lawyers. Security was raised especially with the

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burglaries over Christmas. The mayor could not see a Camposol Police station when the Port with a population of some 14,000 did not have one. Alternative solutions were put, for example the introduction of CCTV. Pepe was looking at the private security system on Country Club and would provide costing’s. “Once again the overall impression of the meeting formed by the Committee was more positive than any meeting with the previous Administration. An example of the Mayor paying attention to this and the previous meeting was that unprompted by questions the Mayor confirmed with Juan Carlos that no legal problems existed with the projected renaming of Sector A to Los Palacios … We consider that the agreement to include the Committee in the acceptance process of the sector from MASA is a major step forward. We also believe that the agreement of the required road repairs and the marking of those areas requiring repair based upon photographs we supplied is a sign of the Administrations commitment to working together for the community. We are also optimistic that an effective non political partnership approach to outstanding issues relating to the completion and adoption of the sector has been established “ Editorial note:This does not take us any further forward than December. CCTV will founder on cost alone, its introduction will be stymied. The process is simple, MASA will approach the town hall when they feel they have finished, and the Council will inspect, along with the committee

Lynx or what? You need a strong stomach to read this

A reader got in touch with the Journal and said that she had found a decapitated mountain cat or lynx at the bottom of the rambla opposite the bridge under the motorway on the sector A side. She had also told Andy Hurrell. I picked Andy up on the Friday before the New Year and we mounted our expedition; not sure of what we would find. We couldn’t find it and were forced to ring the reader who obligingly came down and showed us the body. It was definitely a dog rather than a cat, and Andy, who of course keeps them, felt it was a golgo or greyhound. The poor thing had its head chopped off, but it was not clear when or where even, this had been done. This is an area frequented by hunters, so it is possible we faced an execution site. Whatever it must have been a horrible death. There have been reported sightings of a lynx in the area, and these are of course a protected species, but not one of which hunters are fond. This is the first report the


Journal has received of dog dead in these circumstances. It is said that hunters do put unsatisfactory dogs down, kill them in barbaric circumstances. Not being pathologists, there was no way Andy or myself could ascertain the cause of death.

Please keep your eyes open. It is also worth reporting that Andy has given in over the fine of 300 Euros for walking his dogs, golgos, on private hunting land. It would have cost him almost certainly over 2000 to appeal the fine; money which he cannot afford. Despite wide coverage, no one came forward with any practical assistance, neither individuals or charities. This still leaves Camposolers very unsure about what they can walk where. Given the amount of time and work that Andy has put into rescuing golgos, greyhounds, hunting dogs, then it is very ironic. Subsequent to this and the body of the dog has been removed. Since the whole body has disappeared, then the only reason must have been fear of discovery, which applied to the removal of the poor animals head as well Rod Sawyer.

Robbie France

It is with great sadness that we report the passing away of Robbie France on the 14th of January. Born in England, he emigrated to Australia before returning to the U.K. in 1982 to join Diamond Head, and three years later he replaced Andy Parker as the drummer of Ufo. Robbie had enjoyed a long career as a drummer, songwriter, producer and radio presenter. He enjoyed stints working with English rockers Skunk Anansie and the German group Alphaville.

Robbie made Mazarron his adopted home where he was one of the founding members of the CAS band and could be heard on many local radio stations. Our thoughts go out to his wife Karen and son Max.


News from B-Clean Group

Well the year ended for B Clean Gardening Group on a bit of a high. We finally completed the planting of 367 Oleanders on the side of the road from the Cultural Centre down to the roundabout by B9. December saw the B Clean Gardening Group Christmas Party held at Sensol Golf with around 60 people enjoying an excellent 4 course Christmas meal and many more enjoying the entertainment provided by Backwater. The proceeds from the function and raffle produced a financial start to the New Years funds. The gardening group then took a well earned few weeks rest and relaxation over the Christmas and New Year period and as from Tuesday 17th January 9am we are preparing ourselves for the continuation of improving the areas around our Sector. Our first major task for 2012 is the pruning of the Palm trees on the central reservation on the dual carriageway. This could not be done earlier because of the Red Palm Weevil. We were hoping that Masa would complete this task but as they will not now be on our Sector until later



this year we only have a window of opportunity to carry out this work in the next 6 weeks. We meet every Tuesday at 9am and some of our lighter duties include clearing rubbish etc from around the Sector. We are seeking some more volunteers so if there is anyone out there who could spend a little of their time to help us it would be much appreciated. We also hold a meeting on the last Tuesday of every month at 4pm in the Trevi bar to discuss and plan future work around our Sector. Anyone interested in helping or donating monies to our fund for future improvements to our area can contact Helen on 96819506 or Sandy on 676929368. Helen White Secretary B Clean Gardening Group.

Householders must pay social security for domestic help New rules mean employer is responsible for contributions

As of January 1, 2012, people who employ cleaners or other domestic help must

register the workers with the social security and pay contributions for them. They have six months to come into compliance. The amount to be paid is based on the worker’s monthly pay, not the number of hours he or she is employed. In 2012 contributions for domestic workers will be at a rate of 22 per cent, with the employer paying 18.3 per cent and the employee paying 3.7 per cent. The rate will progressively increase to reach 28.3 per cent in 2019. The scheme provides 15 salary brackets, ranging from 90.20 euros to 748.20 euros a month. Each bracket applies to a salary range; a cleaner who earns up to 75 euros a month would be in the 90.20-euro bracket, one who earns between 75 and 123 euros a month would be in the 98.89-euro bracket and so on, up the top 748.20-euro bracket, which is for all those who earn more than 700 euros a month. As a typical example, someone who pays their cleaner 100 euros a month would have to pay 18 euros to social security, while the cleaner would contribute 3.60 euros.

Remember when you call an advertiser tell them you saw their advert here

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Linda Biggs meets Paco Garcia

Mazarron’s deputy mayor and leader of PSOE. Sorry you have not heard much from me lately but I have been “out of the loop” because of the serious health problems of my husband. However I have now been able to make time to address the queries that most of us have regarding the current works on Sector A, and likewise Paco Garcia (Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Urbanismo) very kindly made time to see me just before Christmas: Public Lighting – these works continued into January as certain control boxes needed to be divided and more control boxes installed. This will ensure that the circuits are not overloaded and trip out, also so that if there were to be problems in the future only smaller areas would be affected. Lighting to the Roundabouts for the Autovia - As yet none of the roundabouts for the whole Autovia have cables to the lighting at the roundabouts. The Regional Government of Murcia are presently working on their budget for 2012 and its is expected that this will include the cables for the roundabouts. The electrical supply to the cables will be the responsibility of the local Council, in our case Mazarron. Mazarron Council are anxious that these roundabouts should be lit as soon as practicably possible and will make every effort towards this. This of course is not a condition for adoption as it does not involve Masa Repair of tarmac/asphalt to road surfaces on Sector A - Although the white lining has been done, the repairs to the road surfaces as necessary will be done all at once when the equipment is here to do it. Any white lining following these repairs that needs re-doing will be done. Gardens – in total there are to be 3000 trees planted on Camposol. A proportion of these will be planted in Sector A. With regard to the paths across the gardens these will be re-inspected by the Council to ensure that the necessary works are carried out so that the surfaces are smooth and safe. Children’s play area – which garden zone? There are some residents who do not want this type of facility near their houses – this therefore is subject to

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consideration. If it is generally felt that it is not needed because there are so few children living here then, if we wish, the Council will not insist that MASA provide it. I said that I did not have the right to say yes or no - so perhaps some kind of referendum is called for? Drop pavements for disabled access = it was agreed that there is a need for yellow lines at these points particularly near the Commercial Centre as they are very often blocked by parked cars. Certificates of Habitation and other documentation – these will all be addressed after adoption. Illegal houses on RE3 – the Council is currently working on this to legalise these properties and it is envisaged that the solution will be arrived at within a few months. There is much to do for the whole of Sector A to amend the original plans to coincide with what has actually been built. Editors note this item is very important for many and it is a fact that many properties are at variance with original proposals IBI – the Council are currently working on this to ensure that every property with escrituras on Camposol pays the correct IBI.

market, yet away from houses and near the commercial centre. It would be sad to see possible developments on B, C and D stymied because of apathy or opposition on Sector A. Perhaps a bowling area could also be set up? The Sector A gardening group seem to favour this idea as well. If you favour play areas please get in touch with Peter and the CRA Rod Sawyer


The Teddy Bear Auction held on Saturday 10th December at Monroe’s Bar in Bolnuevo was a great success! Marina Curtis who lives in Bolnuevo had a large collection of bears including some collectable Harrods and Gund bears and felt it was about time to do something worthwhile with them; so she decided to sell them to raise money for a charity. Marina met Dawn Heron of C.C.C.A at the Brest Cancer Awareness charity event held at Munroe’s Bar in the autumn. Together they came up with the idea of a Teddy Bear

Linda Biggs Editorial note:- Linda Biggs is a member of the Sector A Home Owners Committee and was chair until forced to resign by the rest of the committee in the summer of 2011. She has remained a committee member but does not attend committee meetings Last month the Journal revealed how you can get your IBI changed to bring it into line. Do check that your IBI is right! A standard ROSA on Sector A on 400 square metres pays @250 Euros at present per annum.

Auction. Word soon got round and the collection of bears grew with contributions from local people to 70 bears, of which 5 were collectable Steiff bears.

The sadly defunct children’s committee did campaign and had CRA support for children’s play areas on Camposol. In fact one member of the committee, Peter Pitt, is charged with pursuing this idea and not letting it die. The CRA position includes football pitches. Certainly NO Spanish development is allowed without one; a consideration if we want more Spanish here. In fact it is not just A that needs to be considered, but B, C & D. A playground just below the top parking area would be adjacent to the

Ken Payne of P.A.L.S. volunteered to be the Auctioneer and entertained the crowd and got top money for the bears. The mulled wine flowed, the sun shone, the bears went to happy homes and every one had an enjoyable afternoon. At the end of the day the auction achieved a whooping 955 euro; this was helped by a further auction of some of the bears that PALS bought and then auctioned at their dinner dance on Sunday 11th. The money raised will buy Christmas food and gifts for needy families and the disabled children of Mazarron.



New earthquake

Lorca Municipal Emergency Service and Local Police patrol the streets of the municipality upon registration at 23:29 on December 20th an earthquake of 2.9 degrees of intensity There are no reports of damage from the quake. Its epicenter was located in the town of Lorca, between the football stadium Francisco Artes Carrasco and the tower of La Torrecilla After the earthquake recorded at 23:29 h in Lorca, Local Police and Emergency Municipal Service patrolled different areas of the municipality. In any case no damage has been recorded yet. The City Authorities asked for calm, noting that this was not an unusual occurrence; that there are frequent seismic disturbances throughout Murcia The data that has so far been recorded regarding this earthquake are: Magnitude: 2.9 mbLg and Location: SW LORCA. MU (between football stadium Francisco Artes Carrasco and tower of La Torrecilla).

The residents of Isla Plana regain their social club after two years of work

The mayor opened the facility in which they have invested some 200,000 euros

The Mayor, Pilar Barreiro, accompanied by the Councillor of the area of decentralization, Nicholas Angel Bernal, president of the neighborhood, Francisco Mula, and the neighbourhood association,

View from Isla Plana social

Alfonso Martinez, inaugurated on the 16th December renovations that have been made to the clubhouse Isla Plana, situated on the plaza del Mar of the town.


The building was originally the barracks of the Guardia Civil de Isla Plana. In the early 80s of last century it was loaned to residents who used the Hall to house the neighbourhood association, retaining much of its structural elements. The works carried out consisted in replacing the old roof, the internal redeployment of space and the renovation of the facade. It has been implemented in two phases, in the Barrios program and Provincial Works in 2009-2010 and 20102011. The amount was around 200,000 euros. The facility has a floor area of almost 300 square meters, distributed in a multipurpose room. Easily found it is down by the sea in the middle of Isla Plana, a side street leading to the sea where you can park. Long popular with both the British and German communities, it’s a great place to have tapas and a coffee, overlooking the sea to wards Azohia. It is a Long time favourite of ours, do visit if you havn’t or return if you have! Rod Sawyer.


A new viewpoint overlooking the bay

The Ministry of Environment has commissioned a project to open to the public the eighteenth century military fort, which is a cultural gem.

View of the fort of San Isidro and Santa Florentina. At bottom left, the fort Navidad:: Antonio Gil / AGM The batteries of San Isidoro and Santa Florentina are located in the eastern front or East of the harbor entrance of Cartagena Access is before the beach of Cala Cortina in the foothills. They were built in the eighteenth century and rebuilt under the O’Donnell plan of 1862. Built to ward off any invader from the sea but now intended to attract especially those arriving on cruise ships. The former military complex formed by the batteries of San Isidoro and Saint Florentina, on the eastern edge of the harbor entrance, will be rehabilitated on the basis of a “contest of ideas” established by the Ministry of Environment. The idea is that the fortification was abandoned and pillaged for over two decades until the acquisition by the Ministry of the Environment under the former Minister Cristina Narbona. A tourist interpretive center at Fort Navidad located on the west side of the harbor entrance, a museum, are planned or alternatively a training and outreach school, dedicated to such issues such as the natural values of ​​ the coast. These are some of the approaches taken up by the Ministry for the whole of the batteries during a public information session on the rehabilitation of the fortifications. In any case, the head of the Coasts in the Region of Murcia, Francisca Baraza has said “that although these proposals are still valid and useful, now comes the crucial phase and businesses, groups and individuals may raise again the ideas they deem appropriate to reinstate one of the jewels of architectural and historical heritage of Cartagena.”

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For example, the Southeastern Association of Naturalists (ANSE) has proposed the opening of a center for the preservation of the Mediterranean coast. “The project should take into account both legal constraints of the battery, which is located in a public area protected by the Coastal Act, and is considered of Cultural

here. These articles have been followed up and repudiated, in particular locally by that reputable journalist Dave Jones.

Interest (BIC) by the Heritage Act,” Baraza added. The process is expected to take some eight months. The “consolidation, restoration and rehabilitation” of the shore battery opened the door for residents and visitors to enjoy a unique viewpoint in the foothills of the San Julián, including batteries San Leandro and Santa Ana casemated, and on the road leading from the city, near the beach of Cala Cortina. But in addition, the project will cover some of the goals set with the purchase of the batteries in 2006 and held back partly by the lack of a budget. In February 2010, the Local Government of the City of Cartagena urged the Ministry to give the former defense complex for the Coastal Oceanography Centre of Murcia. This idea has not been rejected and will be considered. There are alternative suggestions for the Oceanography Centre. The plans will extend the heritage trail around Cartagena and provide a superb viewpoint of the city and harbour.

The Armageddon scenario may suit the Mail, but does little to help ex pats who have struggled with static pensions and a diminished pound, let alone the fall in villa prices. Spain faces a grim immediate future. With over a million uninhabited and currently unsalable, except at give away prices, villas, Spain cannot use the building trade to help overcome the worst employment record in Europe. Areas such as Mazarron face 25% unemployment, repossession of mortgage defaulted property, a very uncertain international market, and little improvement in tourism.

Scaremongering or fact?

Before Christmas, just before Christmas, the Mail in particular and the Sunday Times both produced articles alleging that the UK Foreign Office had contingency plans to evacuate Brits from Spain and Portugal. The article also admitted that over a million ex pats lived in Spain. This figure is at variance with those produced by Spain, whose padron does underestimate the numbers permanently


However a little thought, or rather common sense would lead anyone to challenge the alleged proposal. How many planes and ships over what period of time could evacuate that number? What about attendant dogs, perhaps half a million; left to roam or charged double by Ryanair? Unfortunately the current climate of disparagement of the EEC and of the UK’s European partners, admittedly returned with interest by the French, has resulted in some wild ideas. Surely ths state that Spain is in is dire enough without poring petrol on the flames.

This coming year will see more business’s go to the wall. On Camposol although the Wok will re-open shortly as an entertainment bar run by Spanish people, the Vista on Sector A remains shut. Will more go to the wall? None of this is helped by articles which purport to represent UK foreign policy as a doom laden farce. In reality a Europe without the UK is unthinkable, and probably unsustainable. The French and German governments have made it clear that they have entrenched opinions and will defend the Euro, giving a British Prime Minister facing a host of Euro skeptic MP’s in his own party, little option but to use a veto in order to protect British banking and financial interests. The irony of this position must be pretty clear to everyone. Rod Sawyer


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MURCIA REGION The crisis decimates local budgets and minimize their investment

The downward adjustments in staff and running costs been reduced by 15% half the money for both items -66% in the investment chapter. -17.7% in the Personnel. -11.9% in current expenditure. -11.1% is the average slope of the budgets of 2011 and 2012 compared to net spending obligations recognized by the municipalities to the Ministry of Economy. On the 32 largest municipalities, the cut is 17.2% The cut The first wave of cost-saving measures has managed to contain and reduce spending by 17% over budget Incomes rise at the expense of increasing the tax burden and try to balance the costs of municipal services The municipalities have run an exercise to maintain at least their ability to pay Hello cuts, investment goodbye. So the 45 municipalities in the region face another year of profound crisis, which in this case has been reflected in a further fall in revenues and therefore a reduction in their spending capacity. And worse, it never rains but it pours, because local coffers and support have since 2009 many adjustments to their

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main items. For next year, the cuts are deeper, especially in the investment chapter, which falls by 66% and are reduced to a minimum or eliminated in several municipalities directly. This is a translation of an article from La Verdad de Murcia. Some town halls are in very precarious states and could even run out of cash to pay staff. Mazarron has particular problems since it is in the process of taking over Camposol. The Town Hall must hope that it can increase its income significantly; can it pull in much of the IBI from the 4000 villas which at present do not pay? Can it persuade more to go on the padron, although this would not help this year but would next?

and without cholesterol or saturated fats.

The restaurant La Casa

Open, the first vegan restaurant of Murcia

No meat, no animal derivatives. The restaurant La Casa was opened on December 30th at the street corner Acisclo Girada Mariano Diaz. This is a vegan establishment in which not serve meat or animal products such as milk or eggs. Vegan food is attracting more and more followers who like to eat healthy



The Valencia region has seen increased marihuana plantations

9,000 plants in the largest plantation found so far in Alicante. Spain is now one of the main areas of marihuana cultivation inside the European Union. The number of plantations being discovered by the police has soared, especially in the Valencia region.

The business is controlled by Dutch mafia groups which have organised plantations across Andalucía, Murcia, Cataluña, Aragón and above all in the Valencia region where Alicante has been described as ‘an authentic cannabis jungle’ by Civil Guard anti=drug sources. ‘There are plantations in nearly all the municipalities of Alicante province and in many in Valencia, because of their orography and climate’, adding that



homemade greenhouses have been set up in flats and villas, and more sophisticated operations had been established in warehouses. Some open air operations were hidden from prying eyes. The large operations are controlled by the Dutch mafias and they have sent technicians to ‘teach’ the Spanish. More than 17,000 Dutch live in the Valencia region, 15,000 of them in the province of Alicante. Some recent discoveries include 47 plants in Alcoy, 33o in an Alicante flat, 600 in a villa in Elche, 735 in a house in Oliva, 104 in Torrent, 172 in Granja de Rocamora, and 676 in Valencia. The plants don’t need earth, as they can be fed by a water system with water saturated in oxygen and nutrients. Then there needs to be ozone extractors, humidity control, a drying area, isolated walls and halogen lamps switched on 24 hours a day. One site found in San Vicente de Raspeig, saw 9,000 € being paid a month for light, as 1,800 plants were being cultivated. The Ak-47 seed has proved particularly popular and productive and at a cost of 800 € for six, they offer good results in a few weeks, an intense odour, and a 15% strength of THC, the main psychoactive substance. A gram is now priced at 6 €, and a

single plant can give half a kilo. The Guardia Civil says that shops which sell marihuana seeds are misleading customers by telling them that you can grow two plants for private use. The Guardia says the cultivation is always a crime against public health, be it one plant of 500. They have recently started judicial action against a couple who had just four plants.

The countdown for Corvera begins

The new regional airport hopes to start testing in the first quarter of 2012. Corvera will inherit the 1.3 million travelers from San Javier once negotiations culminating in the closure of what is essentially two airports, one civil and one military. The decisions that still need to be made are in the hands of the Government of Rajoy. The closing of Ciudad Real and nonoperation of Castellón does not cast shadows on Corvera, say its promoters, who argue it will be a first class tool for the desired boost regional tourism. The company Iberdrola has completed its work to provide electricity to the new airport, which now has all the authorizations to operate from an energy standpoint. .

Remember when you call an advertiser tell them you saw their advert here

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Cartagena-Vera motorway

Rejection of the use of public funds to rescue the Cartagena-Vera motorway Ecologists in Action consider it unacceptable in the current crisis for the intended billion of public money to rescue unsustainable infrastructure; an unnecessary and unworkable project that never should have built. The small amount of traffic demonstrates daily that the motorway should never have been built. The government was clearly warned of this in the planning stages by many agencies including Ecologists in Action. It was built in the

wave of development which has proved unsustainable, and accompanied by much corruption in the region. It is simply not true that Spain has an underdeveloped road infrastructure, 15,621 kilometers by 2011. nearly 5% of Spain’s road network is motorway compared to an EU average of 1.2%. In fact in 2008 Spain had some 20% pf the EU’s total motorway network.. Far from acting as a catalyst in development, motorways draw off local investment. All of this pales into insignificance when the ecological effects of the motorway are considered; it spoils the Marina de Cope. It is a nonsense when public cuts are being made in Education and

Health. Finally, Ecologists in Action concluded that “the State Government and the Ministry of Public Works will be making a huge mistake and promoting social injustice if they continue to invest public funds to” help “the management company, Aucosta, which should bear their own costs for the mess” And all unnecessary, as there was, and there are excellent connections between Cartagena and Vera by other highways. “ It is certainly true that the motorway has had tremendous criticism, with the toll costs in particular being considered extortionate. It is the quickest route between Mazarron and the airport at St Javier, but few use it, most use other motorway routes

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please book on 968 158 499 page 12



The alleged murderer of Mazarron tried to escape from prison again


in the pre-trial by jury, is charged with concealment and collaboration in the killings. The woman was in the room in which George Augustine was armed and equipped with a bulletproof vest, and after the crimes, failed to report them and fled from Mazarron.

with a score of 4.0, down 0.1 points compared to last year. It shared the same score as Slovakia, whose grade has also worsened over the last two years by 0.5 points. The same trend was seen with other EU countries further up the ladder: Latvia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and The forensic report dismisses any mental Lithuania. Three notable exceptions to The case is exceedingly strange and if illness and declares “accountable” Last the downward revisions saw the scores made into a film would be difficult to month the strange case of the double of France, the UK and Germany improve murder in Mazarron, where an “escaped” believe. Even the great writer Cervantes over the last year: Paris and London would be hard put to write the plot for this climbed 0.2 points compared to 2010, prisoner from Barcelona, accompanied story. by a woman who had taught painting in while Berlin was lifted from 7.9 to 8.0. the gaol, mowed down two bystanders Denmark and Finland share the secondwithout any apparent motive and was later best score in the world: 9.4. apprehended Somalia and North Korea share the worst S. Mar, the woman who was with him the score in the world. Spain continues to night of the crimes, appeared yesterday rank low, 30th in the world rankings and as a witness in Totana. Handcuffed, but joining Italy and Greece in the Eurozone. quiet, she arrived at the courts of Totana. Denmark has lost its position as the least In fact Spain is ten countries below the Mar S., the blonde who accompanied corrupt country in the world to New UK. Spain has progressively slipped the alleged murderer to Mazarron and Zealand, while Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, down the scale over the past three years. who on the night of Nov. 13 killed and Romania are becoming increasingly Even if it feels very bad, there are many Bolivian Manuel Vicente Aguilar and problematic, according to Transparency countries with far worse records, Italy Adame Adrian Gallego, a 16 year old. International’s latest Corruption in particular. The survey does give those Accompanying the double murderer she Perception Index published on Thursday who seek to defend Spain’s record on lost the shield of peace in the ten meters (1 December). corruption, at least some ammunition. separating the Guardia Civil van from the The annual report combines results Rod Sawyer door of the headquarters of the Trial Court from 17 different surveys that look at No. 4 of Totana, and ended entering the enforcement of anti-corruption laws, courts in a flood of ​​tears. access to information and conflicts of Mar, a former teacher of drawing the interest. “Eurozone countries suffering Modelo prison in Barcelona, where ​​ she debt crises, partly because of public met Jorge Augustine, testified as a witness authorities’ failure to tackle the bribery in Totana The departments of Public to the double murder. Without a lawyer, and tax evasion that are key drivers of Safety and Commerce put in place but handcuffed and brought in a van that debt crisis, are among the lowest-scoring until January 6, “Secure Shopping” left prison on Thursday in Barcelona, ​​ EU countries,” the watchdog said in its with special police reinforcement for where Mar is in custody for allegedly press release. Christmas shopping trade in Totana stabbing and robbing her ex-boyfriend, Italy - the latest problem-child of the Twenty-five police officers involved Totana along with George Augustine, nicknamed sovereign debt crisis - fell to 69th place Local this year’s campaign “Safe Shopping” ‘Mauritius’. The Autonomous Police from 67th in the world listing of 183 which will increase surveillance on the arrested her on 27 November. countries, putting it equal to Ghana, and streets with the highest concentration of Cocaine and cannabis behind Turkey, Georgia and South Africa. businesses in connection with purchases for According to the lawyer Jesús Vicente Compared to two years ago, its score Christmas and 3 Kings in order to improve López Graña’s office, and aided by the worsened from 4.3 to 3.9 on a scale where safety and traffic control in the commercial private prosecutor Pedro Lopez Graña, 10 is the least corrupt and one is the most. areas of the city. on behalf of the family of Adrian Adame, Greece - the first country to be hit by the The initiative is held for the ninth the forensic report commissioned on euro-crisis - also saw its corruption score consecutive year and is launched jointly Jorge Agustín indicates that he “has no worsen over the last two years, down by the Department of Public Safety and mental illness”, which would hold him from 3.8 in 2009 to 3.4 this year, the same Commerce and the collaboration of the attributable, “but stresses that an evening score as Colombia. Association of Dealers in this town to consumption of cocaine and cannabis Neighbouring Bulgaria followed the same coincide with the holiday shopping season. and the presence of psychopathic traits trend, down to 3.3 compared to 3.8 two Foot patrols ensured close monitoring in his personality.” contributed to his years ago. It scored worst among EU behaviour. The private prosecution asked member states, ranking 86th in the world, during day and evening opening hours, particularly in the four main business areas for considered penalties for the murder behind Morocco, Peru and Thailand. of the town. Businesses will also be offered of their victims who could not defend Staying in south-east Europe, Romania themselves and were attacked by surprise. saw its score slide by 0.2 points over the advice on security. Police also asked that everyone in general According to counsel Graña Lopez, Jorge past two years, down to 75th position watched out and took care with the security Agustin has recently tried to escape the compared to last year when it was 69th. of their vehicles. Totana has had this high prison of Sangonera, where he was sent Croatia, whose government has signed profile initiative for nine years and traders after the killings, so he was transferred to the EU membership treaty and joined the new prison in Campos del Rio. The EU leaders for the first time at a Brussels have found it very useful. intention of the lawyers is that Mar S., summit, ranked slightly better than Italy,

Crisis-hit EU countries becoming more corrupt

Program “Secure Shopping”


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page 13

Perhaps now more than ever Advertising budgets matter. Call us and enquire about our low cost effective advertising Contact Robbie on 968 103 008 / 664 287 099

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This is the first year that UK TAX REFUND SL is offering its services in Mazarrón. In a trial carried out on Camposol. With the help of UK TAX REFUND SL, A British resident completed all the forms needed to make him fiscally correct in Spain and obtain a refund of his overpaid UK Tax. This has now been repaid to him and his UK tax code is NT, zero. Many of us have seen our disposable income reduce as the pound lost value against the Euro. Going through this process can be a way of restoring some of that income. Depending where your pension comes from and how much it is, some of them will not pay tax at all. Over the years we have carried out this service for 91 clients in this category, and they now live totally tax free. Not everyone fits the criteria for this but a simple phone call or e-mail will tell you if you do. It always pays to maintain your tax affairs in order. As a British citizen living in Spain, you should follow the rules which stipulate the way to deal with income tax. And if you do the right thing then you will reach the same rights as Spanish people in other matters as Capital Gains, Inheritance Tax, etc. But first of all, to reap these benefits, your income tax has to be re-organized. We offer a unique service to British residents in Spain, where we ensure that a client’s tax affairs in both Spain and the UK are dealt with correctly and any overpaid tax is refunded under the double tax agreement between Spain and the UK. Yes, some people will have to pay tax in Spain, usually less than you pay in the UK and a refund of UK tax can help you lead a better life here in Spain. You might think there must be lots of forms to be filled in; yes there are a few, but we fill them in for you, and when we visit you we answer any questions you may have, check the forms and then it is just a matter of signing the papers and we do everything else including couriering the papers to UK so they do not get lost. As UK TAX REFUND SL works very close to the HMRC, your process will be followed very close by us from the beginning to the end, until you receive the phone call to let you know your refund has arrived.

Remember, just a phone call. We look forward to hearing from you!


We are delighted to announce that the 3rd Los Amigos de Mazarron Gala Evening and Dinner with Duncan McKenzie to be held at the Hotel la Cumbre on Wednesday 8th February is a complete sell out. With the change of venue we were able to accommodate even more people this year but the capacity has now been reached. Thank you to everyone who has supported us in such great numbers Performances on the field have not improved and, at the end of 2011, Mazarron were rooted to the foot of the League table having scored the fewest number of goals and conceded the most of all teams in the Preferente Autonomica. The situation has not been helped by lengthy suspensions served by Rollon and Robert, both of which were for petulant and foolhardy behaviour. The number of yellow cards rose to well over 50 after just 15 games and, for one game, we were without four key players through suspension. The system of playing a lone striker upfront with little or no support has undoubtedly contributed to the lack of goals scored and, unfortunately, last year’s top scorer Jose Ruben has not been replaced. The team needs all the support it can get during these difficult times and the players really appreciate the enthusiasm still generated by the many ex-pat supporters who help to provide such a fantastic atmosphere at all home and away games, whatever the result. Mazarron games are normally played on Sundays with varying kick off times. Full details of all games, both home and away, are announced on the Tuesday before the weekend on which the game is to be played and announced via the local media, our website www.losamigosdemazarron.es and on posters at various points throughout Camposol and Mazarron. Admission to home games is just €5. Los Amigos de Mazarron FC organise coaches to all away games and the cost of a coach ticket is €7. Coach tickets can be purchased at our weekly meetings which are held at the Trevi Bar, Camposol every Thursday at 4 pm. At the home game on Sunday 4th December, the last home game before Christmas, Los Amigos members distributed their traditional Christmas gift of sausage rolls, mince pies and cider to

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all supporters who attended the game. This gesture was very much appreciated and thanks go to Los Amigos de Mazarron FC President, Dave Marks, and his team of helpers who worked so hard to organise this on our behalf. If you are interested in football and would like to take part in Los Amigos de Mazarron FC activities, please join us for our weekly meetings, every Thursday at the Trevi Bar, Sector B Camposol at 4 pm. Membership of Los Amigos is just €10 and all funds raised are in support of Mazarron Football Club. You can also take part in our very successful Key in the Box competition with the cash prize often rising to over €1000, a great gamble for just €1. Los Amigos de Mazarron FC would like to thanks all its supporters and sponsors for their tremendous support during 2011 with a special mention to New Images, the No 1 Unisex Hair & Beauty Salon & Nail Bar, of Sector B Camposol, Ibex Insurance of Puerto de Mazarron, Richard Daibell from Don Ricardo’s Bar & Restaurant, Puerto de Mazarron, the Trevi Bar & Restaurant, TJ’s Bar and Bistro Bulgaria of Sector B Camposol, Paul Higgins, Steve Tucker of Costa Calida FM, Costa Calida Chronicle and Camposol District Journal, photographer Mark Stocks and all the other local media publications.

The fiesta is now only an amazing five months away, but I must first mention our Christmas carol concerts on Camposol. Once again WELLSPRING VICTORY CHURCH from Puerto De Mazarron provided the music and singers for all four nights. We give our sincere thanks to Pastor Andrew and his congregation for freely giving their time and braving the cold to make the whole thing possible . We must also thank the gardening clubs on sector D and C for providing sustenance for the audience on their sectors, and the businesses on sector A and B who supported the food and drink on those sectors. A great time was had by all and a suitable entre to Christmas was delivered to all present. We are now fully focused on the fiesta on 16/17’ of June. We still urgently need volunteers for the fiesta, could you help us? At the risk of being boring we are still a long way short of our fund raising target to pay for your Fiesta. We need your support either in donations, or attendance at our fund raising events, the next of


which is a MURDER MYSTERY night complete with a meal for only 10.0 euros. The date is 24th Feb at Trevi Bar, great entertainment and fantastic value. In March we again have a new event for us. A coach trip to the VALOR chocolate factory, followed by a two course FISH and CHIP lunch with wine. We then go to the SHOW CAVES at BUSOT, if you have not been before this is a must. Finally we call in at the TURRON factory before returning to Camposol. At only 26.00 euros this is a fantastic day out and great value. Tickets for this event are only available at our information table on the Camposol market each Thursday or calling direct to me on 968199967. Please do remember your support is vital if we are to produce the fiesta you have come to expect.If you would like to sponsor the event , join our team or simply support our functions you will be made most welcome. ITS YOUR FIESTA make it happen. Best regards Dickie Davies Chairman Fiestas Camposol Committee

Christmas Fair Outlet

During the weekend 16th and 17 December Sensol Hotel Spa and Camposol Golf I welcomed a Christmas that was organized by Acoma, Mazarrón Merchants Association and the Region, in collaboration with associations of Alhama and Totana. 40 shops of clothes, shoes, decor, jewellery, small appliances, gardening and toys, made up this fair with the aim of providing holiday shopping with great discounts. Friday 15th December saw, the mayors of Mazarron, Ginés Campillo, and Alhama, Fernando Alfonso Ceron, and the Mayor of Totana, Isabel Maria Sanchez, inaugurate the exhibition accompanied by several of their consistories councilors and heads of trade associations. Unfortunately there were very few ex pats in attendance, mainly because the publicity had scarcely reached into the British, or German for that matter communities. This was a great shame since the fair housed many of the best shops, and did have some super discounted items. It was obvious from the cars that many affluent Spanish attended! If repeated next year then it is to be hoped that it is publicized better. Sunday morning about 11.30AM it had four ex pat visitors! Rod Sawyer



Villa Surveillance and Inspection.

Wednesday January 12th saw a meeting between the conveners on B,C and D, Bob Owen the chair of the CRA and Luis Canovas of the Business Centre. The meeting lasted an hour and brought up some interesting points. Should a house be broken into then the security companywill help with reporting the incident, waiting with the owner for the police. They will also help with an insurance claim and the report to the police in the port. These issues have caused great stress to those burgled, which is bad enough in itself, but trying to clear up afterwards is not just a practical issue. This being said, only one attempted break in has affected protected premises over the past year. Bob Owen has already given his personal support and it is interesting to note that the Mayor has said that regrettably due to cut backs, there will not be a police station on Camposol. In fact there are only some 50 odd


police for the whole district that is 24/7 in terms of time and stretching from Bolnuevo and Isla Plana to Canadas inland. Five years ago the then head of the local Police did say that he supported a properly supervised security presence on Camposol. If anything the issue is worse to day in today’s economic climate. You will see the surveillance car driving round. They visit all clients’ houses and inspect them at least twice and mostly three times a night. In addition they do keep an eye upon the roads and waste land for suspicious cars and people. I see them ride past our villa every night sometime between 10 and midnight, since my computer sits looking out onto the road. I always get a wave and thankfully respond with a thumbs up! The former security company has gone and the present surveillance and inspection company belongs to Luis. At this time Luis has stated that the company is running at loss due to not having enough people subscribe to the service. This is the reason for the new offer that Luis has put forward, to encourage group membership by

poligonos. It should be emphasized that the company only inspects customers villas, so if you are not part of the scheme you will not be covered. Some have said, oh well, my neighbours covered so they are bound to look after me. NOT so, the surveillance covers customers only. What is certainly the case is that policing cover will decline. There are towns where the police have not been paid, where there are redundancies. Thankfully Mazarron appears to be holding its own on this issue BUT an increase criminal activity is creating more pressure on the system. Both the Guardia and National Police are in the same boat. It is a gloomy prospect but for as little as 10 Euros a month, less than 50 cents a day, your villa can receive protection. If interested, pop into the Business Centre on Sector A and talk to Luis, his current idea of polygono surveillance and protection is well worth exploring. Luis has said categorically that if enough take part he will increase the cars and employees. Rod Sawyer

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page 17


New Residence Certificate Card

An example of the new residence certificate card, which will replace the current A4 paper version THE current A4-sized paper residence certificate for EU citizens is being replaced with a new credit-card size version, it was announced this week by the Spanish ministry of the interior. The new model certificate is to be rolled out from December 15, having been trialed

in Castilla and Léon since April, and will gradually be introduced nationwide. All EU citizens planning to reside in Spain for more than three months are required by a Royal Decree of March 2007 to register in person at the office for foreign residents (Oficina de Extranjeros) in their province, or at designated police stations. Under current rules, they are issued with an A4 printed residence certificate stating the name, address, nationality, NIE number (the person’s identity number) and date of registration of the applicant. This system replaced the requirement for European citizens to hold a permit to live in Spain, in the form of a residence card bearing the photograph and fingerprints of the holder. Many will welcome this new card since the A4 sized paper was virtually practically useless.


This contribution is for the maintenance of the pool at the early childhood centre. Through the efforts made by ​​ Councilman David Fernández Sánchez Councilor for citizen participation, as the City of Mazarrón intermediary between two ​​ major municipal associations could start a collaboration on specific actions in order to cover a number social needs in the municipality, as was the case for maintaining the pool early spotlight thanks to these efforts and work of THE

page 18

LIONS CLUB OF BAHIA MAZARRÓN has managed to secure the operation of the pool for some time. With the cooperation of the office of Banco Santander on Camposol, the president of THE LIONS CLUB OF BAHIA MAZARRÓN, Nigel Alan Barker, delivered a check to the Association ASPADEM worth 2000 euros Mazarron Mayor Gines Mendez Campillo, welcomed ASPADEM President, Juan Morales at the offices of the City Council.

Olympic Hopes

We have all seen the magnificent way that London and the UK have welcomed in the start of 2012 and announced to the World that the London Olympics are only 6 months away. But did you know that Camposol and the roads around Murcia are helping to prepare one person to fulfill their Olympic dream. Some of you may have seen a young lady flying past on her bike in the last few weeks and wondered who she was. Her name is Clare Fraser Green and she is using the local facilities and mild weather to get away from the rain, wind, snow and ice of the UK to start her training towards qualification for the Olympic ladies time trial and road race cycling events. Thirty three year old Clare is a Major in the British Army and holds dual nationality with the UK and Guyana. Her Guyanan father was at one time a lecturer in the UK and when living in London at that time met and married Clare’s mother. This has given Clare, a former triathlete, the opportunity to represent her father’s home country at cycling in many parts of the world. This has included the last Commonwealth Games in Delhi, India in 2010 and the Cycling World Championships held in Denmark during 2011. She has based herself on D Sector Camposol for a 5 week intensive training regime which


she says consists entirely of training, eating and sleeping. At her peak period she will covering over 100 Kms a day and spending 6 hours on her bike each session.

Although Clare has already been selected to represent Guyana in the Olympics she is not guaranteed a starting place and once she returns to the UK she has a number of events to compete in which she hopes will qualify Guyana for one of the limited spots within the starting lineup for her chosen events. Clare has chosen Camposol for her training base as she is sister-in-law to Liz and Greg Green owners of Sensol Golf Villa Rentals. I am sure like us you would like to wish Clare success in achieving her goal of competing in the London Olympics and watch out for her starting her first event, the ladies road race, on 29th July 2012, on The Mall.


Pepe’s Diary

Pepe has been busy for the past four months, initially in meetings with MASA and latterly ensuring that work is done properly on Sector A. He attends the town hall from approximately 8AM until 3PM. He reserves the evenings for meetings with people at the Cultural Centre, where he can be contacted through Tatiana Andre, the clerk. One matter of concern has been the 900 villas who pay IBI, or rather the 4000 who pay nothing. Why? Why don’t the rest pay IBI? Is there more than one reason? Only 900 home pay IBI because some houses haven´t got their escrituras or they are not registered in the property registration office in Mazarron. The council is working to adopt Sector A in January and so give the certificate of occupancy to all the houses. After that they will start on the other sectors. The aim is that all the houses are legal and all the taxes can be paid. During this term the government team will try to adopt Camposol and ensure that everyone pays their taxes and the town hall can provide all municipal services. NB it should be remembered that once a house is duly


registered then the paperwork goes not to Mazarron but off to Murcia and it can take years to come back. On A Sector the workers are fixing the streetlights, gardens, paving,... and it is expected to be adopted in the second half of January. The Mayor mentioned the possibility of changing water providers from Aqualia? Is this going to happen? At the moment Pepe does not have any information on this matter Tatiana Andrés Office Care of Foreign Residents Camposol sector B (Cultural Center) telf: 968 13 17 17 oficinacamposol@mazarron.es Ayto. de Mazarrón

between where a holiday falls mid-week. Mariano Rajoy believes it will increase productivity without reducing the number of days workers in Spain get a rest.

Public holidays to fall on Mondays only

Monday 26th March Full Day Coach Trip Visiting Valor Chocolate Factory, Show caves Busot & Turron Factory, includes Fish & Chips Lunch Tickets 26 Euros

SPAIN’S president has announced that he will move bank holidays to a Monday in Spain and cut out the traditional puente, whereby some workers get the day off in

The only ones he will leave on the day they fall are those that are ‘the most socially deep-rooted’, such as Christmas Day and New Year’s Day

Friday 24th February NEW!! Murder Mystery Night with Meal Tickets 10 euros

Tickets From Trevi Bar, Camposol Thursday Market Or Tel Dickie 968 199 967 Remember it is your FIESTA

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page 19

Weekly Events Sundays The Trevi on B, open every night for meals! The Trevi Bernie Mac and stand up bingo from 7PM Sunday Lunches Elliot’s in Bolnuevo 7E. Sensol Golf club, 12 Euros! Canadas Social Centre 6E booking advised, the Trevi. Mondays. Trevi’s music quiz, Alley Palais Bowling League. Sensol Golf Club Fun Quiz with Brian, Tel’s entertainment quiz at 9PM. Mondays and all week! Elliots Menu Del Dia 8.50, great tapas at Trevi. Tropikana has a 3.50 breakfast Tuesdays At the Trevi Sue’s fitness class 10AM. Mens fitness at 11.30AM. Karaoke with Byron Canadas Social Centre 9pm. Food always available. Wednesdays The Trevi-quiz.9pm, Tel’s Bingo at 1.30PM, DJ on the decks at Alley Palais from 9pm Thursdays Camposol Golf Club Camposol-live music with wine at €6 & beer 2pints for 3euros! Tel’s quiz & football card at 9PM. At the Trevi Sues fitness class 10AM.. Free line dancing at Canadas, 7.30pm followed by actual dancing, evening menu Fridays Alley Palais, karaoke from 9pm til late 2nd and last Friday of the month indoor market at Alley Palais At the Trevi, bridge daytime starting at 9.45am Saturdays Golf club, live entertainment, Trevi karaoke Bernie Mac, Fortnightly afternoon tea dance Sensol golf club Camposol 2.30 Bingo Tel’s Sunday 7.30PM & Wednesday 1.30PM, Quizes Trevi Monday night music quiz with John, Trevi-Wednesday quiz, 8.30PM Sensol Golf, fun quiz with Brian on Monday night; Tel’s Monday 9PM entertainment & Thursday fun 9PM, Open Mike Nights Thursdays as usual at the golf club 2 pints 3 Euros and wine 6 Euros a bottlealso Jimmy’s BBQ 12 Euros! Karaoke Alley Palais at 9pm Friday, Saturday’s and Sundays, Trevi Bernie Mac Sunday’s, The Trevi Bernie Mac at 7PM, Friday evening Tels. Tuesdays Canadas from 9pm Local Markets! Alley Palais 2nd and last Friday of the month! Canadas Sunday mornings, Mazarron Saturday morning. CAMPOSOL IS THURSDAY AM ON SECTOR A DON’T forget, every Thursday & Saturday at Camposol Sensol Golf Club is live music night! Two pints for 3 Euros, wine 6 Euros a bottle!

Friday 3rd February Age Concern GRAND AUCTION at Marianos, viewing 10 while noon Gavel down, 1PM. Enter 3 items for 10 Euros 634 310 215 Saturday 4th February Sensol Golf club Backwater Welcome meeting. 2.00 at Mariano´s restaurant on Sector A For all news and tickets for forthcoming events Wednesday 1st February & 7th March Monthly Talking Shop Socials at Los Palacios, the Cultural Centre on Sector B Camposol noon until 3.30PM Tues 7th and 21st Welcome Book Swop on sector B Tues 7th Crib night with the Welcome Group at Mariano´s restaurant at 7.30 Friday 10th February Alley Palais indoor market Saturday 11th February Sensol Golf club Camposol Susie G . Tuesday 14th February Until 17th February 3 day trip, Valencia, PALS, cost pp 145, visit Lladro Factory,& Albufeira National Park Tuesday 14th Welcome Valentine Dance with Dan Davey and Lorna Michelle at Marianos restaurant 10€ For tickets call Rosemary 620105179 Thursday 16th February Lions COACH TRIP TO VELEZ RUBIO & BLANCO 55 Euros pp Guided tour of two charming medieval towns, includes lunch & a Serrano ham per couple Saturday 18th February Sensol golf club Camposol Woody Friday 24th February At Marianos, Country and Western Night with Phil Brady and the Brady Bunch plus the Mervyn Booth Disco, 5 Euros entry and an optional 5 Euro supper of chicken & chips Alley Palais indoor markt daytime! Saturday 25th February Sensol Camposol Golf Club Camposol Afternoon TEA DANCE, 2.30 Then every fortnight Evening live music as usual Wednesday 29th February 10 Euro Menu del Dia at La Barraca in the port. 1.30 PM start, a Welsh mini Eisteddfod for entertainment March 16th at Bullas Casa de la cultura March 17th and 23rd at La Molata social centre, just past Polaris world. “Wyrd Sisters” A play adapted from the Terry Pratchett novel Tickets 5€ from Age Concern: Rod Ellwood on 634146722/ rodandhazel@mazarronmail.com Sat 3rd MARCH Welcome meeting. 2.00 at Mariano´s restaurant on Sector A For all news and tickets for forthcoming events

QUICK GUIDE TO ADVERTISERS Accomodation & estate agents

Mercers www.spanishproperty.co.uk 00 34 968 199 188 from UK 08450 177 805 2let2buy2sell www.2let2sell2buy.com 968 979 876 from UK 00 44 1223 968 199 Sensol Golf Villa Rentals info@sensolgolfvillarentals.com 968 970 614 or 608 631 700 Costa Calida Property Services 968 199 251 costacalidaos@telefonica.net Villa Quest 968 974 918 www.villaquest.co.uk Spanish Resort Rentals, 0034 669 19 01 13 www.spanishresortrentals.com

Bar, restaurants & cafes

Alley Palais (CamposolB) 968 97 88 69 alleypalais@hotmail.com Bar Trevi (Camposol B) 669026544 Elliots (Bolnuevo) 968 158 499 Sensol Golf Restaurante (Camposol) 603 135 387 Seventh Heaven - The Port 968 332 088


Beautiful Bathrooms 968 974 038 / 663 617 563 mybeautifulbathroom@gmail.com

Beauty Care & Health Heather mobile 636 657 481 Freedom Mobility 968 153 620

Electricians Andy 617 644 339

Fish & Chips Elliots Bolnuevo 968 158 499

Funerals and funeral plants

ASSA 968 153 396 Tony Smith, the funeral director 650 631 719

Golf & Accessories Condado Golf Company, 652 436 925


Camposol Fitness, ladies only 696 000 341


Carols, Camposol B, 968 974 989

Insurance & Asesoria

Nash Warren, Bolnuevo 968 156 583 R&L Seguros 968 138 516 / 620 277 690 ASSA 968 453 386 www.assa.es El Pilar 968 425 210 info@asesoriaelpilar.com Ibex Insurance 968 595 945 Mazarron@ibexinsure.com www.ibexinsure.com Kennedy Financial Services, 951 219 576 - 678 935 992

Internet Cafes

Bowling Alley

Alley Palais (Camposol B) 968 978 869 Email: alleypalais@hotmail.com

Alley Palais 968 97 88 69

Law services

Shirley Ann Fisher 968 103 008

Builders CM Constructions 659 159 948

Metalwork of all kinds/decorative&utility

Car Hire

Mobility, aids & equipment

Eriks, Camposol 636 050 008

F&C Rental 968 199 156

Freedom & mobility Camposol 968 153 620

Painting & decorating

Car mechanics & car sales

Trevor Smith 968 163 298

Ken Sherwood mechanics 679 646 859

Pool cleaning, maintenance & repair

Camposol Business Centre

Mediterrania, District Journal, Security, Dentist, Chiropodists, Another World Properties 968 103 008

Central Heathing & Plumbing

Mark,The Boilerman 630 036 569 Calida Gas & Oil 659 761 771

Tony, the pool diver, complete services 646 438 694 Complete Pool Services 681 076 048 Pool King 628 055 973 Kohn pool Services 968 138 638 Or 626 684 979 email: koehn-poolservice@hotmail.com Watermaid pools systems, 636 698 501 info@watermaid-europe.com

Printing & Design


PALS 968 422 228 / 626460 465 Andreas animal rescue 690 906 565 JJPuppies 618 934 921 Making a Difference 634 357 137 Mabs 639 665 370 www.mabsmazarron.com Lions 682 104 635

Insignia Graphics, 618 615 903 Mister print 638 893 357

Shows & private events Kim, 699 293 136

Spanish interpreters and courses


Nathalia Camposol Business Centre 968 103 008

Computer design services

Debbies translations & interpreting, 677 353 136 debstranslation@hotmail.co.uk Pilar Garcia 630 21 99 82

Television Services

Daniel White www.danielwhitedesign.com

Rainbow, 686 358 475 www.rainbowsats.org email rainbowsats@gmail.com

Window cleaning services


AYS 619 877 303

Camposol Business Centre 968 103 008

Water, purification services

Ear Canding

The H20zone 619877303 TheH2ozone@live.com

Heather mobile 636 657 481

In the event of a medical emergency call 112 and then phone F.A.S.T on 968 970 626 (Camposol Only) THE LIONS LORCA EARTHQUAKE APPEAL Donations can be paid into the Santander Bank IBAN:0049 4578 3820 1000 4392 WANTED We’d like your old mobile phones to be re-cycled for charity! Just pass your old ones to any LIONS member. Any condition n.b. chargers and sim cards are not required Thursday 16th February COACH TRIP TO VELEZ RUBIO & BLANCO 55 Euros pp Guided tour of two charming medieval towns, includes lunch & a Serrano ham per couple Saturday 17th March ST PATRICKS DAY PARTY at Bali Hi, Camposol 5 Euros pp 7.30PM to midnight, Irish music, karaoke, raffle food is available. Sunday 25th March COACH TRIP to BENIDORM MARKET 15 Euros pp Drop off at the market or visit the town COACH TRIP TIMES AND PICK UP POINTS Puerto de Mazarron bus station 8.30AM. Country Club 8.45AM. Camposol A 9AM More info? 682 104 635. We are outside Kennelly’s every Friday morning,11AM to 1PM Asunto: Asociaciones Num 7.961/1 CIF G73385171


Compota de Amor (Valentines stewed fruit) A Valencian Mistela - a traditional fortified wine made by adding wine alcohol to grape must - makes an excellent partner for this Valentines dessert marked by the acidity of the fruit and the complexity of the spices. Serves 6 Time 45 minutes Ingredients 1 litre Málaga Muscatel wine or grape juice Rind of 1 orange, cut into fine strips Zest of 1 lemon, cut into fine strips 1 cinnamon stick 3 cloves 90 gr raisins 90 gr dried figs 90 gr dried apricots 2 apples, peeled, seeds removed and cut into cubes 2 pears, peeled, seeds removed and cut into cubes 70 gr shelled walnuts, left whole Preparation Boil the wine or juice with the finely sliced orange and lemon zest, cinnamon and cloves until it reduces by half. Add the raisins, dried figs, dried apricots and pieces of apple and pear. Simmer for a further 30 minutes until the fruits are tender. Add the walnuts. Serve the fruit slightly warm.


PALS . Are the proud recipients of the donations expected from the sponsored bicycle tour to Madrid and back from TJ’s starting on the 22nd September and return on 30th September. Sponsor a friend or join in yourself. Forms available from TJ’s and PALS. We urgently require the use of a plain ‘tranni’ van to act as back up vehicle, again your help to TJ’s in the first place . Ha well, did you see the wonderful, droooool worthy Christmas hamper, chock full of goodies, brandy, chocolate, ham, well and all for the price of a a little ticket! Who won what must have been … now no cries of fix and I am sure he will share it with the committee, yes you have guessed it, Ken Payne!

Flan de queso manchego (Manchego cheese custard)

Makes 8 servings. Cook Time: 40 minutes Ingredients: 1/3 lb ripe Manchego cheese, grated 1/2 cup sugar 4 eggs 1/2 litre cream 4 tbsp sugar to make the caramel 1 dozen walnuts Preparation: Place the sugar in the mold, sprinkle with water and caramelize over a hot flame. Coat the walls of the mold with the caramel. Beat the eggs with the sugar, add the very finely grated cheese and the cream. Beat together well and pour into the mold. Place in a dish of hot water and bake in a moderate oven for 30-40 minutes until, when a needle is inserted in the center, it comes out clean. When cold, turn out and decorate with the walnut halves. Variation Instead of walnuts you could serve the following sauce instead 150 gr. raspberry Juice of 1 / 2 lemon 2 c. sugar For the sauce mashed raspberries with lemon juice and sugar. Pass through a strainer if you want a smooth sauce with no bits.

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Mollie Berkeley,

“painter extraordinaire”

Mollie, now in her youthful mid eighties, has lived here twelve years and is one of the original settlers. If judged by what she has packed into her life, resident artist to the Earl of Devon and curator of a Castle,


to terms with her loss, and executing some exquisite views of original pre tourist Spain. “It may have been Franco’s era, but I spent my mornings in the sea, an afternoon siesta and the evenings with friends, perhaps a donkey ride, and tapas.” She had very limited means, living off her widow’s pension. Back in the UK she worked for Rolls Royce in the drawing office; a skilled and valued occupation in those days, pre computer. Two years as an air hostess traveling the world with Airwork mostly on Hermes

Novotel, the Gambia Their retirement meant Camposol. She had always wanted to settle in Spain, and she arrived here with her partner in 1999. Sadly he died in 2005 aged 88 and ever since Mollie has been on her own. She is indomitable, gets around, parties, has friends round, “I am lucky to have the friends I have and the volunteers from Age Concern have been superb” she says. Hopefully an exhibition of her work will be arranged in the near future and a wider audience will be introduced to what must be one of the most varied menus a British artist has achieved. Rod Sawyer

Elche’s Landmarks

WREN, air hostess, itinerant traveler for eight years, the she could easily be twice the age! Her work is incredibly detailed; she possesses an uncanny eye for the figurative and can depict at almost camera

shutter speed what she sees. Yet at the same time she can and obviously loves the cartoon; her series of jazz tigers is inimitable and unforgettable. She is a painter of world renown, probably better known in West Africa, where much of her best work was done. Sadly today like many of us, her legs and her sight are failing, something; forgive the pun, which she takes in her stride. She is very much of the 21st century, definitely someone who the under thirties can and do relate to. This alone makes her unique amongst Camposol’s grumpies. She was born very much pre second world war and brought up in Derby by Grandparents, her parents divorcing, quite frowned on in her day; this was the time of Mrs. Simpson and the virtual dismissal from the throne of England of Edward V111. From school she went to Art College in Derby, not a fashionable choice for any young lady. However she did not complete the fine arts course and went into the navy as a WREN, working with the Fleet air Arm, where she met her first husband. He was killed in action in Korea within two years of marriage. A devastated Mollie fled to the Costa del Sol where she spent six months coming


and Vikings. In between she attended Epsom College of art to complete a Dip AD, and invalided out of the aircraft world with chest infections, she met in Pembroke shire her second husband, spent a first tour in Africa with her husband, in Kenya where he was a major in the Indian army. Those were difficult time in Africa, particularly in Kenya. They spent an itinerant six years traveling Europe in a land rover and caravan, in a way, a real flower child of the sixties! Return meant seperation after 18 years of marriage and subsequently a third partnership, again in the military, a DSO this time, but work at Powerderham castle for the Earl and Countess of Devon, with her friend managing the estate and castle and herself as resident artist. There is much delightful work from this period; oils, water colours, mixed media, prints, all demonstrating versatility. It was during this time that she hit her most prolific and best remembered work. A holiday in Gambia resulted in a visit to a school. She noticed an India rubber hanging by string from the ceiling, “what’s that for” she enquired. “That’s the only rubber we have for the 300 pupils’ was the response. Back in the UK Mollie spent a year raising cash to send badly need school materials to her school in Gambia. She was even honoured with an exhibition of her work at the British High Commission as well as two other exhibtions at the hotel

ELCHE’S MOST treasured landmarks, its palm trees, are under threat from the dreaded Red Palm Weevil. To protect the valuable trees in the Huerto del Cura (the Garden of Healing) Francisco Orts, the garden’s artistic director, is taking no chances and has launched a programme of preventative measure to keep the palms safe from infestation. The star interest in the garden is the Imperial Palm, named after the Empress Elisabeth of Austria, better known as ‘Sissi’, who visited the Huerto del Cura in 1894. This species of palm tree usually grows ‘children’ at the bottom of its stalk - but some have their children very late in life and the ‘kids’ sprout high from the ground, turning the tree into a unique eight-armed candelabra. And as all the ‘children’ sprouted at around the same time, they are all around the same size. They are now supported by a steel contraption, as the weight of the ‘arms’, exceeding eight tons and at a height of 17 meters, would be impossible for the tree to bear alone. The Imperial Palm, along with the hundreds of others in Elche’s Huerto del Cura, declared a World Heritage Site in 2000 by UNESCO for its singular beauty, is now being dosed and sprayed diligently by the most experienced gardeners in the region, all of whom are keeping their green fingers crossed in the hope that Elche’s magnificent palm garden will be spared. If you havn’t been this really is one of Spain’s top attractions.

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Camposol A Clean up and Gardening Volunteer Group. Processionary Caterpillars Yes, its that time of year again. These little pests, virtually unknown in Britain, are a problem throughout the whole Mediterranean Region. They live in Pine trees, feeding by night and spending the day sheltering in white candy-floss like nests they build in the trees. Each nest could hold a 100 caterpillars. Most of the year they are not a problem, but as the caterpillars develop, they become covered in tiny little hairs, similar to those on a nettle leaf, with similar properties. It is then very advisable to stay away from them ! Most people coming into contact with one, will suffer little more than a nettle rash, but some could suffer an allergic reaction, which will probably require medical treatment. People with medical conditions,

which would indicate that the problem might continue for longer than usual. We are doing the best that we can, concentrating only on the main walking areas, but again advise that you keep away from pine tree areas for a while, and try to keep your pets away too. Xmas plants. We were gifted a few of the traditional red leafed poinsettia plants to brighten up the Xmas period, which we planted into decorative pots and placed in Parque Los Palacios to provide a small festive splash of colour. Unfortunately our festive gesture did not survive the full Xmas period, as all the pots and plants were stolen on the first market day. Council workers. I am pleased to report that the council workers have continued to work into the New Year and that they have already made repairs to the pathways in the park opposite the health centre. Our volunteers continue the project of planting and gravel laying around the edge of this park. We expect that soon this will be yet another pleasant area to visit. The council are concentrating on repairs. Our group is dedicated to improvement, so we still need more volunteers to help. Please join us in 2012.

The Lions Club of Mazarrón Bahía

such as asthma, are particularly at risk. Whilst they are feeding, apart from the odd one that falls out of a tree, there should not be much risk. The problem comes when it is time for them to leave the trees and find some soft ground to bury themselves into. When this happens, they gather together in mass, forming a long line of caterpillars, from which they get their name. Dogs have been known to attack these lines, sometimes with serious consequences. Traditionally in this part of the world, that happens in February. Last year our group spent a 2 week period in January, removing as many nests as possible, doing our best to rid Camposol A of the problem. This year is proving to be more difficult, with some nests forming early, there seem to be more of them, and we have fewer volunteers to work on the problem. The brave people that are, report that some of the caterpillars have started to march already (early January) whilst some nests are only just beginning to form,

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Like many of their charitable contemporaries in the local area, the weeks leading up to Christmas proved to be an even more hectic period for the members of the Lions Club of Mazarrón Bahía. OPERATION KILO Operation Kilo started during the latter part of November when shopping trolleys were placed outside of the Consum

supermarket on Camposol Commercial Sector B, accompanied by Mazarrón


Lions Club members asking shoppers for donations of non-perishable foodstuffs for two welfare facilities ‘in need’ in this area. A Lions spokesman has asked us to pass on that, “Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of members of the public shopping at Consum, we were able to make substantial donations to the Jesus Abandonado Shelter for the Homeless in Murcia and El Hogar de la Infancia orphanage in Cartagena.” Neither of these two organisations receive any public funding from local or government sources.” The Lions have also asked us to thank everyone who made these donations possible, and to thank the manager and staff of Consum, Camposol, for their active support in this Lions project. .MAZARRÓN BAHÍA LIONS CHRISTMAS DRAW Having sold draw tickets to the public for a number of weeks in the lead up to it, Mazarrón Lions held their Annual Christmas Draw, on a beautiful, sunny morning, at the Camposol Market on

Sector A, on Thursday 22 December. To a background of Christmas music – and the provision of some very nice (and free) ‘mulled’ wine to help loosen the catches on some people’s purses – the lucky winners walked away with such superb prizes as a Flatscreen Colour TV, a Christmas Hamper, a Turkey Voucher and much, much more. Another Lions Club spokesman has asked us to pass on their thanks, to everyone involved, particularly the English Butcher on Camposol for the turkey voucher, for their support – either by donating prizes or by simply buying tickets – and that the project has helped the club to raise in excess of €600 for charitable dispersal. CARRIERS OF HAPPINESS Friday 23 December brought beaming smiles to the faces of nearly 200 local disadvantaged children in the marquee outside Mazarrón’s Ayuntamiento, when ‘Papa Noel’ presented each of them with a Yuletide carrier bag containing gifts selected especially for their ages



and gender. ‘Papa Noel’ said that he was delighted to see the amazed faces of the children when they discovered

what it was that they had received, and many of the adults attending were also not a little ‘emotional’. Mazarrón Lions would like to thank all those involved in making this project possible – either by helping to coordinate and run the event or by making and donating presents for the children – particularly Luis Canovas in the Camposol Business Centre for providing the room for workshop and storage, and to Silvia, Angeles and Isabel in Juguetilandia, on the seafront in Puerto de Mazarrón, for the tremendous discount that they afforded us when the purchases were made. LORCA UPDATE Confirming that their Earthquake Relief Appeal for Lorca is still very much an ongoing venture, Mazarrón Lions stated that, through the good graces of local people, other Lions Clubs in Spain and Lions Clubs throughout the world, they have already provided the relief appeal with over €7,000 for immediate support – with around a further €10,000 to be allocated as long term needs continue to arise. LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION Many people, despite often reading of what they do to help locally, remain blissfully unaware that the Lions Club of Mazarrón Bahía is simply a small cog in the overall machine. Lions Clubs International, of which they form part, is recognised by the United Nations as the biggest – and best – non-governmental relief organisation in the world today. Consisting of over 1.35 million members spread throughout over 45,000 clubs worldwide, LCI have been operating for nearly 100 years now, and are recognised world leaders in such things as disaster relief, curing preventable blindness and hearing problems, provision of clean water and youth education & guidance programmes to name but a few. In addition to fund raising and affording aid where appropriate, they also enjoy an


active social life. Mazarrón Lions meet on the first Monday of every month at 5.00pm at the ‘Los Palacios’ Community and Cultural Centre on Camposol Sector B. If you think you might like to become involved – or simply want to know more – we would love to hear from you. Simply contact the Membership Chairman, Lion Mervyn Booth, on 968 163 082 or mervynbooth1@gmail.com Alternatively you can visit the Lions Clubs International website at www. lionsclubs.org/EN for the ‘bigger’ picture.

Age Concern- reflections on Christmasand New Year Plans Christmas for many elderly is not a good time of the year. It marks the start of Winter and horrendous fuel bills, social expectations which cant be met either in terms of health or wealth. Age Concern

Maureen leads the St Nicholas choir

is at least in part commissioned to help at times like this, put some ummph back into Christmas for many. Over Christmas its Party provided a great chance to socialize, eat and make merry. Some sixty members conversed at tables and watched or took part in the entertainment. A Christmas quiz got everyone going and Maggie’s little panto, Holly, Ivy and Mistletoe, got it right from the point of view of good clean fun, and occasional bawdiness! Its Christmas fair with the excellent St Nicholas Choir held in the Green Lizard in the port, hit all the right notes, and its new year started with a Wednesday afternoon Talking Shop social at the Cultural centre, Los Palacios. Age Concern volunteers helped families and individuals to cope with the Christmas season. The New Year will open with Age Concern in its own premises. These will open three morning a week, Monday Wednesday and Friday at Calle Retama no.29 on the periphery road Sector C. This is very easy to find, cross the bridge to C, take your first right round the new

polygono ie NOT built by MASA, follow the road round to about two hundred yards past the first junction. The street number is on the pillars. On these mornings it will open for advice and tickets as a drop in centre. It will be the main office for Age Concern Costa Calida and has its own telephone. To date, age Concern has had to be peripatetic, or like the tortoise, takes its shell everywhere with it. Nowhere for example to store, easily accessible, the reams of AC leaflets and pamphlets. Age Concern now has a main office phone number, 968 970 687 Age Concern will still have its stall outside Salud Bar, and is opening up an access point in the port, at Bar Peyma, near the Tourist bandstand. This point will be open on a Thursday morning for advice and tickets. Los Palacios on Sector B will still be used for the Wednesday socials from noon to 3.30PM. The office is a major step forward from the point of view of efficiency and access. Friday February 3rd brings a welcome innovation, a grand auction being held at Marianos on Camposol. Up to three items for 10 Euros fee, with you keeping all the proceeds. If successful age Concern plans to hold these every three months. Its very simple, register the goods beforehand with Maggie 634 310 215 or 634 336 484 or in the office/port, bring them along by 10AM on the day, everyone can view them between 10AM and noon, with the sale starting at 1PM. It should be great fun and enable some of us to make a bob or two, and find good homes for treasured possessions which have had their day with us. Wednesday 29th February. La Barraca in the port. Max capacity 60 so please book early. The entertainment will be a mini Eisteddfod. Friday 24th February Country and Western evening, Age Concern’s first on Camposol. Don’t forget the first Wednesday in March, the 14th is Age Concerns 1.30PM afternoon talking shop social. Tickets Camposol – Fridays 11am to 1pm. Bar Salud & the port, Thursdays 11AM to 1PM Bar Peyma, next to Tourist Information “bandstand” Advice, information & tickets, at Calle Retama No.29 on the periphery Sector C, 968 970 687, Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings Age Concern needs your Books, Brica-Brac and clothes! Donations to the office

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Anyone for a hangover?

The New Year brings with it, a hang over, a need for pints of water, and the determination to never do it again, whatever it was you were doing last night, or rather last year. January 1st and the rest of January are always a busted flush, its cold and wet and even in Southern Spain no one goes out! One thing can be guaranteed, by the end of January all New Years resolutions are forgotten. I really never intended to give up smoking, drinking, reading on the toilet. Its even worse for those of us born in January. So near to Xmas but so far from festivities. It gets worse as you get older. Up to 70, with luck, you don’t notice much change, but at 70? The bones start going, you wake up at least four time a night to go to the loo, and that if you are lucky! I’ll swear our lecky bill has doubled with the extra washing! If you really are unlucky then it’s a crip cart and God help you if you are male let alone female. You become invisible. Mind your wife will tell you “now you know what it feels like” You are below eye contact and treated as if you are in a pram or push chair, does the little boy take sugar then? Gush sundry hostesses and waitresses.

This is the point when you thank God for a mobile partner, even if you are driving her to drink. However, you cant drink, the combo of weight restrictions, diabetes, blood pressure and the fact that it all tastes the same anyway, mean you don’t party anymore. You have the medical test to look forward to, every two years. Keep death in the guise of oldies off the road. But why? Do oldies have a worse driving record? No and many are doing minimal driving, just down to the supermarket, a bit around town and maybe the occasional seaside trip. The sea does beckon in June, July and August, but unfortunately, you just cant get at it, and if you manage to crawl down the beach and get into it, then getting out becomes a nightmare. Just lie there and let the waves wash you in! The sight of demure maidens in very much less than demure thongs, what an expressive word, does little for you, not even raising the blood pressure. Still lunch time on the Paseo, tapas, that brilliant Spanish invention, does make up for much. You can sit there sip red wine and indulge yourself in delicious meaty biits or shell fish, and just watch the world, in the guise of totally harassed parents dragging offspring off the beach.

Grandchildren? They are natures’ revenge on your kids. Wonderful, oh let him or her have another ice cream, oh no he she wont be sick will they! Oh dear, I’ll call the waiter. At least the kids treat you with some reverence, did you have computers, television, when you were young? No we wore clogs, walked to school, only spoke when spoken to, and got one toy at Christmas from a very stingy Santa! I well remember getting a French dictionary for Christmas and silk underpants which I loathed and which made me the butt of the year, literally, in games changing rooms. Only a mother would inflict these monstrosities on a teenage boy. Rod Sawyer

Bob Thompson dies

Born 21st December 1939, died 2nd January 2012. Bob will be remembered on Camposol for his humour and interest in the world at large. He had a full life, two marriages, the second to Anne; two sons, Adam and Jonathan, who have four children between them, by his first wife Christine, with whom he remained friends all his life, and a step daughter, Amanda who is Anne’s only child. Amanda


brought Beatriz, a delightful blond two year old, with her and has another child at home with husband Eduardo, Anabella. All his family were at the funeral, which was organised by Tony Smith, and Anne is grateful for the support he gave her and conducted by the Revd Len Eaton, with the Revd Maureen in attendance. The music was all modern jazz, of which Bob was a life long fan. A poem was read by Amanda accompanied by Biatriz and a second by his son Adam.. The collection, which totaled 265 Euros was made in favour of CLIC, the leukemia society in children, which Bob founded. He became involved when his second son Mathew contracted leukemia and died at the age of 3. Bob set up the charity which has provided a house for families to stay in whilst visiting their sick children. Colin Dawson provided a fitting tribute, remembering his first meeting with Bob at Peking 2 in the port, where Colin and friends were dining merrily, and started to sing songs from the shows “hitting all the right notes but not necessarily in the right order” Bob went across and another life long friendship was formed, cemented by weekly visits and a coffee stop in Bolnuevo where they put the world to rights. The wake was in the under build of the former St Nicholas Church, now transformed from Church to very comfortable social area by Len and Rosemary. He was brought up in Nottingham, where he went to school and learned the piano, a life long pursuit. He became an apprentice engineer at Rolls Royce, did his HNC and worked on aero engines for much of his life, joining RTZ as IT manager later. He met Anne in 1981 when he was music director of the Players. Bob, “Mr Reliable” saw Anne through breast cancer and ensured she got the right treatment and they sold up after 18 years together to live on Camposol The last two years have been very difficult. A major stroke incapacitated Bob and left Anne as carer to a chronic invalid. She did get support from friends, family, and agencies such as Carol from Age Concern. Bob did try, he attended St Nicholas Church where he had been organist for a time, and managed to get to the Age Concern monthly socials and Menu del Dia’s. This required effort by himself and selfless support from Anne. Unless you have yourself been affected by a major trauma like a stroke, it is impossible to estimate the effect on those or in this case, she who he lived with. It’s a 24 hour job where the only help is occasional respite care, which Anne valued immensely and the help


particularly of sitters like Carol, Candice and Welsh Ann. The Calida Caring Agency led by Dawn Heron provided morning and evening nursing care. These services enabled Anne to get out, do the shopping and keep some of her hairdressing clients going. She is one of Camposol’s favourite home hairdressers and has run her service since she came here. Now Bob can finally, rest in peace. Rod Sawyer

The H2Ozone

(Under Sink Water filters Direct) Are proud to sell two of the worlds biggest branded filters. Doulton has over 150 years experience and they are used in over 140 countries worldwide. Pureflo is a leader in its field and has over 36000 filter kits in the Uk, with thousands more across Europe and America. We believe in giving the customer the best filters at the best price possible and with that in mind we are now giving FREE INSTALLATION on all Doulton Water Filter kits, Curently priced at ONLY 55€!(Yes that’s 55€ for everything, Including Installation!). Due to popular demand Derek is now doing all filter changes in person, still at the Lowest Price! A Doulton Filter Change is Only 30€, A full Pureflo Filter change is only 35€ for the pair or 15€ for a Carbon & 20€ for a Ceramic, And the Antibac Filters are only 25€ for the pair! This is Approximately a 33% Saving from other companies prices!....We wont be beaten on quality or price. We are still selling the Pureflo Filter kits (With anti-scale technology) for only 60€, These are currently being sold at 120€ along the coast, So why not grab a bargain now?! The pureflo system comes with a complete guarantee that if you clean your kettle before you use it, You will not see any Limescale in your kettle afterwards!.

So for more information, To order a kit, Or to request a filter change Call Derek on 619 877 303, or Debbie on 677 35 31 36, Email us TheH2ozone@live.com Or Come and see as at The Camposol Thursday Market.

Age Concern received donation from Welcome Group

At the Welcome Meeting on Saturday 7th January the Welcome Group were pleased to present a cheque for 300€ to Age Concern. This was raised from money collected at their book club and events. Also at the New Years Dance they presented Age Concern with 92€ which was raised from auctioning two Status

Quo t shirts and autographs which were kindly given to Rosemary to auction by the sound engineer from Status Quo who was a guest for the evening. Regards Rosemary


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Out & About at Christmas ….

What to do? Stay at home with one of us cooking and the other down the bars? Or spend anything from 35 to 55 euros on a Christmas dinner? A group of us, known as the odds & ends, the leftovers or better still the Scrooge club decided on the port, Brits corner, aka La Farola. This really is worth a visit, the food is Spanish and excellent. We could have had anything from tapas to a full meal. Altogether some 15 sat at one table at La Farola with two other tables of Brits in the sun. I must admit, party poppers and Crackers were taken. Small pressies were exchanged! Arrival was at 1PM and everyone except Shirley was there by 1.05. Shirley was last there ten minutes later! You will recognise a few faces in the photo. The

three proprietors of the Costa café in Best Wishes joined the throng. We had a starter of superb fresh tuna and tomato, delicious, just covered with a smattering of vinegar and olive oil, salt and pepper. Shirley not only tackled a mountainous fresh mixed salad but accompanied it with three potato prawns. These are prawns wrapped in potato and fried, very much OK. For mains we went for the mixed paella. Shirley had the romana a la squid. Along with ubiquitous tasty chips. Further down the table, a steak was pronounced the bees knees, the only problem dish appeared to be a flattened chicken breast smartly fried. It was eaten up but not with any alacrity! The whole table had desserts, ranging from the standard creamed rice pudding, to a very nice Spanish style cheese cake, very sweet. Our bill came to just over 50 Euros for the two of us but that included the three courses plus coffee plus a large brandy! Everyone’s bill seems to have averaged out between 20 and 25 a head. The place was crowded and Heather, the prime mover had booked us in. It was one of the best Christmas meals we have had. What do you do if not keen on turkey or Christmas pudding? What is a reasonable

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price for a Christmas meal? How come La Farola can just cook as usual and no one else can? Or is the argument one that goes, January is a rubbish month so the restaurants have to make it at Christmas? New Year’s Eve was fascinating with the Tropikana and the Trevi both offering free bits and ticket only with entertainment. Bali Hi had a meal deal plus whatever you wanted to drink at 25 Euros. The Tropi offered its customers mince pies, peanuts and slugs of brandy or whiskey on Christmas morning! In the port Elliot’s fared well with 60 for its lunch as did the lads at La Pena. This was pronounced excellent value by two of the respective restaurants guests. Restaurants and bars have not had a bumper year, and Christmas doesn’t seem to have seen much improvement. We did decide to do Boxing Day and spent the afternoon at the Antipodes restaurant in Azhoia. The is relatively easy to find, go right to the end of Azhoia by the pier and up past the restaurants wriggle round the narrow bend and you are there. It has breathtaking views right across the bays, you can eat outside or inside. We chose inside because it was a bit nippy and this proved a treat. It’s a barn like structure, a bit faded but a lovely ambiance and a splendid welcome and waiter service. There were four of us and we all chose the pumpkin and onion soup, which was super, creamy. Just a little rich and so tasty. On of the four followed this with the mixed salad, humungous and had a delicious light dressing. Two had the sardines on herb toast and one the pigs in blankets on herb toaast. For the uninitiated this dish is sausages wrapped in bacon; just as well the menu was in English and Spanish!. This course got the thumbs up. We had all chosen the lamb in fine bean sauce for a main. Three of us loved it and one wasn’t quite so keen. He could have had dorado or a chicken dish. The beans were those fine beans, and the sauce which covered them and the meat was a blend of herbs cream and tomato. The meat was roasted and sliced, very very good and plenty of it. The dish came with hot and well done chips! And the dessert? Three had chocolate brownies and I had a good Spanish style, cheesecake, sweet with cream. At 12 Euros its worth it for the service and views alone. It was pretty packed and would suggest booking! Interesting the clientale were a mixture of Spanish, English and German. We did spot two friends. There are two other restaurants at the end of Azhoia and we have eaten in one of them some time ago. We intend


to do the other two and report back. It is a very pleasant drive from Mazarron or Camposol, and well worth it.

…and the New Year What to do New Years Eve?

There was plenty on offer. Up at the Golf club a full house celebrated the New Year. In fact close to 150 ate and danced the night away. Both the Indian on A and Bali Hi had meal and booze deals and plenty of takers, leaving ticket do’s at the Trevi, Tel’s, Cat’s, and everywhere else open for business. It was straight forward really, celebrate at one of the venues along with a large contingent or perhaps stay local. There had been fears that NYE would be a damp squib, with significant numbers going to the UK, others staying at home….in the event our visitors outweighed those returnees and the only fresh feature was that there was not perhaps the interchange, the bar crawling of previous years. Our decision was obvious, bar crawling is out for me unless I do it literally, immobility has is disadvantages! We went to our local, the Tropikana for the evening. Si and Vicky, along with James and Louise, put on a splendid night. Si makes a great host, and it was music and karaoke all night. We were fortunate, as you can see from the photo, James the Hat, he who HATES

karaoke was in good form. He actually is a great singer and sang his heart out, as did Rathnait and others, some great singing, very professional! Even I Mr Corncrake himself sang a bit! Vicky is one of the few Europeans who can cook rice, the curry was beautiful, plentiful and free! We stayed well into the early hours but I did notice that we stayed pretty full all night, not much toing and froing! New years Day brought its own delights! The Trevi NY Day party is always full and always fun and surprisingly no one’s partied out. We stayed local, and even didn’t celebrate 3Kings, which was


apparently not up to its usual standard, few places securing the cash to celebrate traditionally, including Pareton where we have spent happy days, with their nativity and free paella, no more sadly. The first Sunday, the 7th we had Sunday lunch up at the golf club with two friends. This was terrific, 12 Euros for effectively four courses, a help yourself salad bar with some of the best ham I have tasted in Spain, a beautiful home made chicken soup, properly done with pearl barley went down a treat. The problem is the main, Jimmy does a really mean steak pie, cooks lamb and beef exquisitely and the veggies are always fresh; something I gripe about at most carveries where the meat is great but the veggies soggy. Not with Jimmy, cabbage dome to a turn yes, but some lovely roasties and a cauliflower cheese to die for. Our table did beef, pronounced excellent, lamb, even better. There was a selection of deserts but we all went for the meringue, real fresh cream and forest fruits. One of us had the trifle, which she loved. One of us actually managed two deserts, not me I add, and finished off the meringue and apple pie and custard! All in all a better than average Christmas and New Year, but I don’t feel partied out, or pogged out or better still spent out! Rod Sawyer


CRA Report The Cra had its January meeting with the Town hall and the following issues were discussed and agreements reached. It was, as have been our meetings to date, a positive meeting where both sides listened to the other. The rambla issue on D, which is key for the adoption of D and the legalization of many properties --Masa, town hall, hydrographica, the Water Authority have come up with an alternative plan which includes building a reservoir and diversion gullies, much cheaper than the original plans. It is hoped to finalise the plan soon. The demolition orders on D23 will not be implemented by the Town Hall, the councils lawyer is adamant that he can legalise the properties. These properties were most likely caught up in the game the Council and MASA played with each other. Embargoes on properties still in Masa’s name was brought to the Mayors attention and was used as an emphasis for the urgent need to legalise these properties. One problem is that we have no idea how many properties are affected. It cannot be many but has certainly cast a blight on one property, publicized months ago in the Journal. This only comes to the surface on a sale or acquisition of escritura. The denuncia on Masa´s compound on B Sector and the old concrete site used as a tip have both been passed to Masa for action. The increase in IBI will be kept to 3% in the coming year. There has been a great deal of scaremongering and rumour on this issue. The Mayor will look into our request to provide land for a football pitch. The problem of the lorries delivering to the


pig farm and the destruction of local roads will be looked into by the council. The CRA feel that the farmer should not be using residential road for access. Prior to Camposol being built he had to use dirt roads. Long term repair work would fall on the council. It was agreed that when the works on C & D commence the CRA will have imput regarding, priority road repairs. The Mayor assured us that the standards of work will be monitored closely by his technicians. Due to the economic downturn it was not possible to provide interpreters at the medical centre. For the same reason there will not be a police station on Camposol. The revised date for completion of SECTOR A is now the end of Feb,

A promoter ordered to return the money to two buyers

The Murcia Provincial Court dismissed the action that the company ‘Jy M., SL’ filed against the decision of a Court of First Instance and sentenced in Totana the return to the buyers of a house the 87,000 euros paid because it can only be used for tourist accommodation. The company will now have to deliver the money received.. The company, from the initials. Must be MASA, but is the villa on Camposol?

New Distribuiton Points for Lorca and Aguilas: Lorca: Purias: Furniture Plus Estacion: Bar Juan y Anna´s Aguilas 1. Oficina de turismo de Aguilas Calle del Rey Carlos III (Next to Port) 2. Bar Frankfurt - Paseo de Parra 3. Bar Sur - lle del Rey Carlos III 4. La Piramide - Paseo de la Constituación Also dont forget that you can now receive the Campsol District Journal by e-mail each month. Simply send an e-mail to cdjsubscription@hotmail.com and we will send a copy to your inbox.

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lais Bi a P y


Al R Gr ley eo an 14 Pa pe d th la nin Fe is g b ru B i ar stro y

lais Bi a P y

We would like to welcome our new Chef Antoine We would like to welcome you to try the Bistro on Valentines night Tuesday 14th February

Alley Palais Bistro Serving 7pm till 11pm Pasta: various sauces Fish: Swordfish, Shrimps etc Burritos, Tacos, Chicken dishes Ribs : Jamacian, Hosin, Cajun Classic Steak Desserts: All homemade by Antoine And Lots more, please see inside for menu's Telephone 968978869

Starter Tomato and Basil Soup Main Entrecote and grilled gambas, served with handcut chips, garlic sauce and various vegetables Dessert various fruits with chocolate sauce 15 euros per person with free glass of cava. Booking is essential. After, dance the night away with Lisa B Telephone 968978869


n Servi


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Overcoming the winter golf blues. By John Brown Its cold and damp still. Rather than being on the course, I’ve been looking at some online golf jokes as a way of cheering up. Hers some of them: Fitness for Golf: The ante natal clinic at St Mary’s Hospital, Trafford, Manchester, England, was full of pregnant women accompanied by their partners and the class was in full swing. Mrs Sally Mackintosh, Midwife, was teaching the women how to breathe properly and was telling the men how to give the necessary assurance to their partners at this stage of the pregnancy. She lectured, ‘Ladies, remember that exercise is good for you. Walking is especially beneficial. It strengthens the pelvic muscles and will make delivery that much easier.’ Sally gazed around slowly and studied the men in the room, ‘And gentlemen, remember; you’re in this together, it wouldn’t hurt you to go walking with her.’ The room became very quiet as the men absorbed this information. Then Graham, a prospective Dad, at the back of the room, slowly and nervously raised his hand. ‘Yes?’ enquired Sally. ‘I was just wondering,’ stumbled Graham, ‘ Would it be all right if she carries a golf bag while we walk?’ Spare Change: A homeless man asked a golfer on the street for £5. “Will you buy booze?” the man asks, to which the bum replies, “No.” “Will you gamble it away?” Once again the bum replies, “No.” “Will you make bets at the golf course?” Once again the bum replies: “No, I don’t play golf” Will you go to a dance? No I don’t dance either. Then the man asks, “Will you come home with me so my wife can see what happens to a man who doesn’t drink, gamble, play golf or dance! Get a grip: Friend: How is your golf game at the moment? Golfer: Well, I have been playing so badly recently that I have had to have my ball


retriever re gripped! Bears: The Montana State Department of Fish and Wildlife is advising golfers to take extra precautions and be on the alert for bears while playing National Forests golf courses. They advise golfers to wear noise-producing devices such as little bells on their clothing to alert, but not startle the bears unexpectedly. They also advise you to carry pepper spray in case of an encounter with a bear. It is also a good idea to watch for signs of bear activity. Golfers should be able to recognize the difference between black bear and grizzly bear droppings on the golf course. Black bear droppings are smaller and contain berries and possibly squirrel fur. Grizzly bear droppings have bells in them and smell like pepper spray. Ravine: Dan and Bill are playing a spectacular new golf course built on very scenic terrain - cliffsides and gulleys and ravines. They reach the 6th hole, where Dan slices a ball into a thickly wooded, deep ravine. But Dan is determined not to take a penalty stroke, so he grabs his 8-iron and starts descending into the ravine in search of his ball. The brush is terribly thick and tearing at Dan’s clothes. The sunlight is dimmed by all the overhanging branches and vines. But Dan keeps searching, and finally spots something shiny down below. As he nears the object, he realizes it’s not a ball, but a golf club. Dan takes a closer look only to discover that it is an 8-iron and it’s in the hands of a human skeleton laying near an old golf ball! Dan yells out for his partner. “Hey Bill, get over here, I got trouble down here!” Bill hurries over to the edge of the ravine and yells down, “What’s the matter Dan?” Dan replies, “Bring me my 7-iron. You can’t get out of this stuff with an 8.” WIFE: What would you do if I died? Would you get married again? HUSBAND: Definitely not! WIFE: Why not don’t you like being married? HUSBAND: Of course I do. WIFE: Then why wouldn’t you remarry? HUSBAND: Okay, I’d get married again. WIFE: You would? (With a hurtful look on her face). HUSBAND: (Makes audible groan). WIFE: Would you live in our

house? HUSBAND: Sure, it’s a great house. WIFE: Would you sleep with her in our bed? HUSBAND: Where else would we sleep? WIFE: Would you let her drive my car? HUSBAND: Probably, it is almost new. WIFE: Would you replace my pictures with hers? HUSBAND: That would seem like the proper thing to do. WIFE Would she use my golf clubs? HUSBAND: No, she’s left-handed. WIFE: Silence HUSBAND: ‘Oh dear ... *****’

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page 31

The world’s biggest-ever collection of Bond cars, bikes and planes is going on show at the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the iconic action movie. At least 50 vehicles, including the Lotus Esprit S1 submarine driven underwater in the Roger Moore movie The Spy Who Loved Me, an Aston Martin DB5 of the type that starred in Goldfinger and Thunderball and the BMW Z8 from The World Is Not Enough, feature in the exhibition ‘Bond In Motion’. ‘This is a really fitting celebration in an important year for Bond movies. It marks the 50th anniversary of the start of filming of the first Bond movie Dr No and In October we will release the latest movie, starring Daniel Craig,’ says Eon Productions, which makes the Bond films. The exhibition has largely been assembled from two major collections — one owned by the charitable USbased Ian Fleming Foundation and another owned by Eon Productions. Although other exhibits come from private collections around the world. The DB5, for example, is on loan from the Dutch National Motor Museum. It is one of two replicas built to promote Thunderball, but never used in filming. Other DB5s are scheduled to take its place as the exhibition carries on throughout the year. ‘We came up with the idea for the exhibition late in 2010, knowing the importance of 2012,’ says Meg Simmonds, archivist for Eon productions. Interestingly, Dr No is the only Bond movie for which no cars exist and no-one knows what happened to them after filming. In the early days, props were disposedof as soon as filming was finished, simply because there was nowhere to store them. Bond movie owner Cubby Broccoli famously growled: ‘I’m not in the warehousing business.’ But times change and since the

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Goldeneye movie of 1995, Eon has been keeping the cars and other action props in its own collection, stored in the east of England.

From Eon’s collection comes the Cagiva 600 W16 that features in the dramatic opening sequence of Goldeneye, in which the bike hurtles off a cliff allowing Bond to catch-up with a plane and jump in the cockpit. Filmed seven times, only two bikes are thought to have survived. Other stars at the show include an AMC Hornet of the type that performed an amazing barrel roll jump in 1974’s The Man With the Golden Gun. Bond

jumps the red hatchback 40ft — a shot completed in one clean take, even though legendary stuntman ‘Bumps’ Willard had never attempted the jump before. The car on show is a showroom vehicle used in a city chase. Daniel Craig’s Aston DBS, which was famously rolled at Millbrook test track for Casino Royale is also on show, complete with smashed up bodywork and cracked glass. Modified with an air cannon to initiate the roll, the DBS flipped through seven and three-quarter turns, with stuntman Adam Kirley at the wheel, to take a place in the Guinness Book of Records. Other star machinery includes the Renault 11 from View To A Kill, Citroen 2CV from For Your Eyes Only, Bede BD5 microjet from Octopussy and ‘Little Nellie’, the Wallis WA 116 autogyro from You Only Live Twice, the latter still owned by Ken Wallis.


A new-entry level version of the Jaguar XF

has been launched, bringing the price of the BMW 5-series rival below £30,000 for the first time. The latest £29,950 XF is powered by a 161bhp version of the 2.2-litre turbodiesel Jaguar recently added to the XF range. The new model can crack 0-62mph in

9.8sec and reach a top speed of 130mph. Combined economy is rated at 52.3mpg and it emits 149g/km of CO2. For comparison, the 188bhp 2.2D XF offers identical economy and CO2 but it covers the 0-62mph sprint in 8.5sec and reaches a top speed of 142mph. Both cars feature an eight-speed ZF automatic gearbox with stop-start. Standard equipment on the new model includes part-leather seats, a touchscreen in the centre console and climate control. The latest XF is available to order at Jaguar showrooms now, its list price being £1000 less than the current entrylevel model.


is poised to kill off its plans to launch an entry-level roadster within the next two years. Company boss Matthias Mueller reportedly told German business magazine WirtschaftsWoche that ‘a new generation of customers’ would be


needed before such a model would be suitable for the Porsche line-up. Mueller’s comments, however, may be a reflection of the fact that VW may be poised to pull the plug on the midengine Bluesport concept, which would have been the donor vehicle for the

entry-level Porsche and possible Audi spin-off. The Bluesport project could be fatally undermined by the fact that it might not be sold in the US, which is also the world’s largest sports car market. VW’s business plan to get to 800,000 sales in the US by 2018 does not, it seems, include niche models like the Bluesport. ‘To get to 800k units, we don’t need to keep adding to our portfolio of models. We’re concentrating on our core models. The upshot is that, although engineering studies have been completed, the Bluesport has not yet been given the green light from a business perspective. VW

engineering chief Uli Hackenberg says that the company’s sales specialists have yet to find enough potential sales volume to make a viable business case

for the model. If VW does put the Bluesport project on ice, the Porsche and potential Audi versions of the mid-engined roadster would also be halted. It is possible, however, that Audi and Porsche could combine forces to build their own small mid-engined sports car, but any such model would probably be five years away.

See our main advert on page 26



HAVE YOU GOT A UK PRIVATE PENSION – WHICH IS IN DRAWDOWN OR WHICH YOU HAVE NOT YET CONVERTED INTO AN ANNUITY??? IF SO, THIS IS IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOU! The UK Government has announced plans for a “significant” shake up in the QROPS rules and regulations. Angela South, Managing Director of Expat Pensions, said: “Draft legislation published by HM Revenue & Customs is currently out to consultation which ends on January 31, 2012, but the UK Government has already made it clear that changes in legislation will come into effect on April 6, 2012. “This means that there is a window of just weeks for expats with UK private pensions to take advantage of the existing regulations.” Some of the changes proposed so far identified include: The five year non-resident rule for scheme reporting will be changed to 10 years from the date of transfer QROPS must be recognised for tax purposes in their country of establishment - Individuals will have to acknowledge the tax implications of moving their pension out of the UK – this could be a requirement prior to successful transfer of a scheme “In practical terms, this means that we have until the beginning of March to commence scheme transfers for those clients who wish to move their private pensions into QROPS under the existing regulatory framework”. It should be understood that the Government has STRESSED that it is “preserving the ability for those intending to leave the UK to take their pension savings with them to continue saving and provide an income when they retire”. But it is concerned that “qualifying recognised overseas pension schemes (QROPS) are being marketed as a way of obtaining payments from UK pension savings that, under UK rules, would lead to tax charges Angela says she is experiencing a huge surge in enquiries about the proposed changes and is gearing up for a hectic three months advising clients in the run up to April 5, 2012, when the existing QROPS regime, as it stands presently, will end. DON’T MISS THE BOAT – contact me to start the no commitment enquiry process Shirley Ann Fisher, UK Lawyer & Commissioner of Oaths, Camposol Business Centre, Calle Madrid 19, Camposol, Mazarron, Murcia 30875, or ring me on my mobile 634 053 976 or send me an email to shirleyfisherlegalservices@gmail.com

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Getting in touch with the committees and organisations. CRA Camposol Residents Association.

Main base is the wooden hut on the car park on Sector B Commercial Centre. It is open Mon, Wed & Fri mornings.email them on info@cracamposol.com. Chairman is Bob Owen available on Tel :(0034) 634 364 738 Secretary is Sandy Allison Their web site which is interactive and very informative is www.cracamposol.com Sector A committee. Have their own web site at www.a-camposol.com They can be emailed at info@a-camposol.com. They publish minutes and notes in the window of the office at far end of shops bottom Sector A Commercial centre, behind the post boxes.The telephone contact number for the committee is 603109974 This number is manned every morning Monday thru Friday 10am / 12noon. Sector A gardening group is run by David Senior Peake who can be contacted by email dseniorpeake@hotmail.co.uk. They also run a bookstall Friday morning outside the post room on A. The team leaders meet monthly in Tels first Monday in moth 11AM visitors welcome. Sector B & B-clean (their gardening group) NB B sector community group is newly formed. Helen White 968 199 506 is the pro tem organisor.

Camposol Community Group D Sector

The group meets monthly on the first Tuesday at 4PM in the Trevi Chairman Mick Drummond 968131971 or 660038015 Secretary Les Crook 968979831 or 606874193 Ents and Tickets Linda Crook 968979831 or 606874193 Trailer Bookings John Hannah 634341427 Compost Site Supervisor 651119145 Camposol Fiesta www.fiestascamposol.es Dicky Davies 968 199 967 Age Concern Meets every Wednesday morning in the Cultural Centre everyone welcome Their chair is Anne Lambert 628 153 329 Camposolers The registered group site for residents of Camposol, the proprietor is Reg Rogers who can be contacted by e-mailing reg_ rogers@hotmail.com. Apply to Reg for membership. NB there is an underline dash between reg and rogers!!!!!! Town Hall can now be contacted through an office in the Cukltural Centre Sector B, by the roundabout down from the roundabout by the filling station. Tatiana Andres is there to help you every weekday morning. Phone MABS now have an office in the old MASA office on the main dual carriage way on Sector C LIONS Secretary Lion Mike Coombs 968 429 129 Membership Lion Mervyn Booth 968 163 082 ANNOUNCEMENTS The Fiesta committee has announced that the fiesta will be held on the 16th & 17th June in 2012. If your committee would like your details here then please contact rod sawyer at rodsawyer41@hotmail.com


MABS EVENTS IN MAZARRÓN February 2012 MABS Mazarrón monthly meeting. Volunteers always welcome. Call 620 582 418 for more details on how to become a volunteer. MABS INFORMATION CENTRE Sensol Golf Villa Rentals OfficeCamposol Sector B Open Monday to Friday – 10.00 am to 2.00 pm MAKE TIME TO HELP OTHERS Do you want to make a difference? Got some time to spare? Become a MABS volunteer Call 620 582 418 now Email: info@mabsmurcia.com or visit our website www.mabsmurcia.com

COSTA CALIDA Future Events Friday February 3rd 2012

Grand Auction at Marianos, viewing 10 until noon Gavel down at 1PM. 3 articles only per person, 10 Euro fee Articles must be registered beforehand, ring Pam 634310215 or Maggie on 634336484

Wednesday 1st February & 7th March

Monthly Talking Shop Socials at Los Palacios, the Cultural Centre on Sector B Camposol noon until 3.30PM. All are welcome to this free social event, mix of good conversation Coffee or whatever, presentations, quizzes.

Friday 24th February

At Marianos, Country and Western Night with Phil Brady and theBrady Bunch plus the Mervyn Booth Disco, 5 Euros entry and an optional 5 Euro supper of chicken & chips

Wednesday 29th February

10 Euro Menu del Dia at La Barraca in the port. 1.30 PM start, a Welsh mini Eisteddfod for entertainment

Every Monday Wednesday & Friday

morning at the AC office on Calle no 29, cross the bridge and turn right round the periphery road on C. the office is open for the deposit of items for the bric a brac, clothes and book stall as well as advice and information.

Tickets from where applicable Wednesday AM, at the advice session at the Cultural Centre Camposol B, or outside the Salud Camposol B Friday mornings ring Graham 634310215 or Maggie 634336484

0!,3 %6%.43 In terms of outings PALS have a three nights, full board trip to BENIDORM in 19th March for just 125 Euros staying at the Helios Hotel, near the market. Potential for a visit to Benidorm Palace.n In April a coach trip to Mojacar, market day then onto Bedar for an included Menu del dia 25 Euros. Star of the year is a fully all inclusive cruise to Malta, Sicily, Naples, Sardinia and Palma de Majorca, from Mazarron to Valencia 7 nights port taxes included from 600 Euros per person, Tickets going fast stage payments accepted. We have rearranged our sales outlets and now offer Saturday mornings from 11am till 1.30 at the Trevi or Wednesday morning in the port at Saralaras 1.30 till 3. In doubt call 626460465 and we will arrange to meet you.

Have a great time with PALS who DO IT 4 U,

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page 35

This last month we have rescued a Galgo called Mateo. He was found in a water deposit and wrapped in barbed wire that had punctured the skin in several places. He his now well on the way to a full recovery, and has been taken on by Galgos del sol that are in the process of re-homing him. Any enquiry about him must be made to them. I will pass you the details if you call me first. Also Llampo who is a Bretton Spaniel was found dumped on A sector Camposol on Christmas Eve. He had been dumped by Spanish as he had Spanish written note on his collar stating who he was and that he needed a new home. He is about two and a half years old, injected and in foster care. He should have been castrated when this article is published. Serena, our white Galga, has now been homed, again through Galgos del sol. She has a forever home in the UK. I hope that she has a wonderful life there. One morning we received a call from CATAD about a donkey that we thought that they had in their possession. They wanted to know if we could take him, of course we could. Arrangements were made for a friend to attend at the centre and collect the donkey. Upon arrival at CATAD he was asked to await the arrival of the local Police. They took him to a village where they were met by another Police car that was with a donkey on a derelict play area. The donkey was put into the horsebox, and they had a double Police escort to Cartagena Police Station. Mateo the donkey is now settled here, he has made friends with the other two donkeys, our pony and pig and sheep who are all residents of our paddock. He is a grey coloured ‘Biblical’ donkey, which is a donkey with a dark coloured cross along his back and shoulders. Lola and Phoebe are also biblical. Poor Fernando is the odd one out being a black boy. We still have several dogs looking for homes, if you could help by adopting or feel that you could help by fostering a dog, please give us a call. I am still standing on the car park at B sector on a Mondays between 10.30 and 2.30pm collecting your unwanted goods. I will also be stood at Mazarron Country Club on the first Thursday of the month.



Karla 2


Getting a new dog?

Introducing a new dog into a household where there is already another pet, whether a dog, cat, bird or small mammal, can be quite tricky. How to accomplish this without squabbles or bloodshed is a question often posed to animal behaviorists. The character of any new dog you plan to integrate is an important factor. Where possible, you should take into account the sex, age, breed, and past experience of any dog you plan bring home before making a commitment. The impact of obtaining a new dog can be strenuous on the other pets in the household. However, once the initial stress of introductions has passed, the new arrangement can turn out to be a happy one!

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Dog to Dog Introductions If the incumbent dog has lots of energy for playing, obtaining a puppy or young adult dog is appropriate. However, if your present dog is unlikely to tolerate the antics and energy of an adolescent dog, consider getting an older dog that will not be trying to compel your old faithful to play all the time. It’s best to choose a dog of the opposite sex to add to your household. This will decrease the chance of aggression. Begin by reading books that give unbiased opinions of breeds to choose the one that has the best chance of getting along with your resident dog. Avoid breeds known for aggression to other dogs as a breed characteristic (e.g. pit bull terriers). Don’t get upset when the resident dog tells the newcomer to “bug off.” This is how the new dog learns the house rules. A hierarchy will develop over the first few weeks, and in general, the older and incumbent dog will and should occupy the “alpha position.” Here are some tips on how to introduce two dogs: * It may be possible to introduce the dogs in a relaxed manner by just letting them sniff and play - as long as both are known to be friendly with other dogs. * If you are not sure how the dogs will react, start off cautiously by taking them for a walk together on neutral territory (e.g. a park, not your yard). When they show friendly behavior toward each other or begin to ignore each other, move the exercise to your back yard. Finally, allow the dogs to be together in your home. * Be aware that wagging tails do not necessarily mean that dogs are happy to see each other. A straight up tail that wags stiffly is a dominant signal. Such a display might herald aggression. If one of the dog’s tails is tucked down between its legs, that dog is afraid and nervous. This calls for a gradual, well-supervised approach to avoid making the dog even more fearful. If a dog’s tail is horizontal and wagging in a relaxed fashion, it’s all systems go! * When the dogs eventually meet off-leash, one of them is going to need to establish dominance. This is a normal and necessary step in a dogdog relationship, but sometimes the process can look and sound pretty scary. The dogs will maneuver around each other and may even scuffle to the point at which one dog ends up on his back, with the other dog standing over him. There may be some nipping and grabbing of the neck or throat. Try not to worry too much when this happens. It is normal for dogs to engage in such roughness. Once the dominant dog establishes himself, he probably won’t feel the need to repeat these maneuvers as long as the subordinate does not keep “trying it on.” * Once the dogs are together, make sure that you support one dog as dominant (this will probably be the resident dog). Show him he is number one. He should be fed first, petted first, given attention first, and should be given the favorite sleeping area. Don’t expect the dogs to share. Sharing isn’t normal for most dogs. Feed the dogs separately (across the room) and don’t give really delicious chew toys (rawhides, pigs’ ears) at first. Once the hierarchy is secure, you’ll probably be able to give the dogs all the chew toys they want. Dog to Cat Introductions Age and sex of a dog are not major concerns when adding a dog to a household where there is a cat. However, a puppy will naturally be more inclined to want to play with the cat, so if your feline will not tolerate a pushy puppy, consider an older dog. There’s an advantage, however, to adding a puppy to a cat-dominated household: the puppy will learn to tolerate or even like cats as he grows up. If you are obtaining an adult dog, find out whether the dog has a past history of living amicably with cats, or has been tested with cats. If you are looking to obtain a dog from a breed rescue or professional breeder, take special care when considering a breed that has a reputation for being aggressive to cats. * Keep your new dog on a leash when introducing him to your resident cat. Try to choose a calm and relaxed moment to introduce the two. * Make them feel good by feeding them delicious food and keep them at a distance from each other so that your cat will feel safe. Practice obedience exercises (sit-stays) with your dog. Let your cat initiate contact with your new dog if he chooses to do so. * Never let your dog chase your cat. * Always have special escape routes and high hiding places for your cat to access anytime he wants to get away. It is very important that your cat has private, safe places to escape to.

Antony Worrall Thompson stole some cheddar? How dairy! I went to see Ready Steady Cook the other day. It was fantastic. Antony Worrall Thompson absolutely stole the show. Why did the chicken cross the road? Because it was stuffed up Worrall Thompson’s jacket. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Unless you’re using the Worrall Thompson recipe book. Antony Worrall Thompson stole some cheese and wine. And that was only for starters. Wozza was caught stealing cheese from Tesco. He should have done it more Caerphilly. Asked how he feels about stealing cheese, Antony Worrall Thompson admits it wasn’t very mature. Welcome to Celebrity Ready Steady Cook. So Anthony, you had £5 to spend...what’s in your bag? “Organic chicken, langoustines, rice, stock, wine, scallops, onions, garlic, stilton, brie, goats-cheese and 3 bottles of Cava and a bottle of Blue Nun and I have £2.74 left over”.

A guy walks into a post office just before Valentines day to see a middleaged, balding man standing at the counter methodically placing “Love” stamps on bright pink envelopes with hearts all over them. He then takes out a perfume bottle and starts spraying scent all over them. His curiosity getting the better of him, he goes up to the balding man and asks him what he is doing. The man says, “I’m sending out one thousand Valentine cards signed, ‘Guess who?’” “But why?” asks the man. “I’m a divorce lawyer,” the man replies.

‘Instead of getting married again, I’m going to find a woman I don’t like and give her a house.’ Groucho Marx ‘Get married early in the morning. That way, if it doesn’t work out, you haven’t wasted a whole day.’ Mickey Rooney Nancy Astor once told Churchill “If I were your wife I’d poison your coffee,” to which Churchill replied: “If I were your husband, madam, I would drink it.

A young woman was taking an afternoon nap. After she woke up, she told her husband, “I just dreamed that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine’s day. What do you think it means?” “You’ll know tonight,” he said.

I’m going to teach her talk, what harm can it do?

That evening, the man came home with a small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, she opened it--only to find a book entitled “The meaning of dreams”.

The jokes below are at least topical Q: What do squirrels give for Valentine’s Day? A: Forget-me-nuts. Q: What did the valentine card say to the stamp? A: Stick with me and we’ll go places! Q: What did the light bulb say to the switch? A: You turn me on. Q: Did Adam and Eve ever have a date? A: No, but they had an apple. Q: What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus? A: Can I hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand? Q: Why did the banana go out with the prune? A: Because it couldn’t get a date. Q: What is a ram’s favourite song on February 14th? A: I only have eyes for ewe, dear Q: What travels around the world but stays in one corner? A: A stamp. Q: What is a vampire’s sweetheart called? A: His ghoul-friend. Q: If your aunt ran off to get married, what would you call her? A: Antelope.

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