The Canadian Lutheran May/June 2020

Page 30

For us and for our salvation

East Region News

Ontario, Quebec, and Atlantic Canada - Michelle Heumann, editor



“And behold, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone and sat on it.” - Matthew 28:2


hy did the angel roll the stone away from the tomb? Ponder that for a moment before continuing. I have asked that question in various settings over the years. Sometimes someone says, “So Jesus could get out.” Then they immediately go silent as they realize what they just said. No, Jesus did not need the stone rolled away so He could get out any more than He needed one of the disciples to unlock the door in the upper room. The resurrected Lord’s body is not subject to the same limitations as our earthly bodies. It was not for His benefit that the stone was rolled away. So for whose, then? It was for the disciples, for the women, and for us. That, in a nutshell, defines all Jesus did and does... for us. The Son of God left heaven to be born of a virgin and laid in a manger. Why? For us and our salvation. He did not need to have the stone rolled away. The angel did not roll it away to reveal Jesus standing there, frustrated at being trapped in the cold, dark tomb. No, the angel rolled the stone away to reveal an empty tomb. The Lord was not there. With



the stone rolled away, the women and disciples saw that Jesus had risen. It, like the many signs and miracles Jesus did, was for the benefit of others. Like the voice from heaven, it was for the benefit of us. As Jesus said, in John 12:30, “This voice has come for your sake, not mine.” When the risen Jesus met the disciples on the shore and ate fish, it was not for His benefit. They needed to see that He was not a ghost, but that He had been raised to life. All Jesus does is for us and our salvation.

All Jesus does is for us and our salvation.

Why did Jesus set His face like flint and head to Jerusalem? For us and our salvation. Why did Jesus allow Himself to be arrested, tried, and crucified? For us and our salvation. Why did Jesus allow nails to be driven into His hands and feet? For us and our salvation. Why did Jesus allow His creation to thrust a spear into Him? For us and our salvation. Why did Jesus rise from the dead? For us and our salvation. Why did He ascend into heaven? For us. “Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send Him to you.” (John 16:7) Why will Jesus return to judge the quick and the dead? To give to the faithful that salvation.

It is comforting to know how great the love our Good Shepherd has for us. All that He does, He does to bring us faith, forgiveness, and salvation. The historic liturgy reminds of that. We begin with the Invocation, and it takes us back to our baptism, where He washed us and made us a child of God. We confess our sins, and we hear His sweet forgiveness earned for us. When we confess the creed, we remember what Jesus did for us and our salvation. We hear the words of institution, and our Saviour declares that He gives His body and blood for our forgiveness. We sing of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. We take His body and His blood given and shed for us into our bodies. In the worship service, Jesus comes to us in His Word and Sacraments to give us all He has earned for us and our salvation. Now He is hidden in plain sight in His holy Word and Sacraments. It is there He has promised to be found. Those who look for Him elsewhere look in vain. T h r o u g h H i s Wo r d a n d Sacraments, He prepares us for the day of our resurrection. Then we will gather around His heavenly throne and join in the eternal worship of the Lamb sacrificed for us. All praise be to the crucified, risen and ascended Lord Jesus Christ. Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia. Christ is ascended. He is ascended indeed. Alleluia. Through Him we have salvation indeed. Alleluia.

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