Built on the Rock July/August 2024

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The Canadian Lutheran is the national publication of Lutheran Church–Canada, published in Winnipeg six times per year: January/ February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, November/December under the auspices of the Board of Directors (Committee for Communication and Technology).

ISSN #0383-4247

Member: Canadian Christian Communicators Association

Editor: Mathew Block

Advertising: Angela Honey

Subscriptions: $30/yr Or Buy-One-Gift-One: $50/yr

Email: a.honey@lutheranchurch.ca

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Several months ago, I was reading through old issues of The Canadian Lutheran, and I came across a fascinating article by Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) then-President Edwin Lehman. Dr. Lehman was looking to the future, wondering what our church body might be like in three decades’ time—wondering, that is, what the church might look like today. Would things go well or go ill? Would Lutheran Church–Canada even still exist?

Much has changed over the past 30 years. Western society has continued to abandon historic Christian morality. The percentage of the population identifying as Christian continues to shrink. And public antagonism towards those who remain Christian continues to increase.

We saw that recently with the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics. One scene featured a tableau patterned after Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper. But instead of Jesus, they had a gay women in a halo. Instead of the disciples, they had men in drag. And instead of the Eucharist—in which we are fed the body and blood of the Son of God beneath bread and wine—there was a giant dinner plate, featuring a scantily-clad man painted blue and representing Dionysius (also called Bacchus), the Greek god of wine and debauchery.

It’s just the latest entry in the long normalization of anti-Christian imagery and bias in western society. The whole thing can leave Christians feeling like there isn’t much place for them in our modern world. But take heart: Christ has overcome the world (John 16:33).

Yes, in this world the Church faces insult and tribulation. But the Church is not for that reason shaken. “Built on the Rock, the Church shall stand, even when steeples are falling.” So writes the hymnwriter N.F.S. Grundtvig (LSB 645). And it is true: the Church, built on her Rock, Jesus Christ, stands strong—even if to outside eyes it looks like she is falling. She stands strong because Christ stands strong. He is our Cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20), and He cannot be moved.

Jesus once promised Peter: “On this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). It’s worth remembering where they were at the time: near Caesarea Philippi, an area in which Greeks had settled and established a shrine to the pagan god Pan. For the disciples, then, the area really would have felt like it was the “gates of hell”—a place where pagan religion had become entrenched within God’s promised land.

Nevertheless, Jesus said, the gates of hell shall not overcome the Church. Christ holds us in His hand, and no one—not the devil nor the world—can snatch us away (John 10: 27). And because He holds us, we need not fear. Christ is ours. He died on a cross to save us from our sins. He rose again to assure us of eternal life. He is ours, and He holds us firm through all things. The mountains may fall, the hills may crumble, but the steadfast love of our God shall never leave us (Isaiah 54:10).

That promise gives us hope not only to stand firm in this world of sorrow, but also to share that hope even with those who hate the Church. For Christ died

for them too. He “desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). And so, St. Paul instructs us: “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them” (Romans 12:14). And Jesus Himself encourages us: “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44).

The good news of the Gospel is for all people, and Christ longs for all people to be united to Him through His body, the Church. The world may rage and riot, but the Church will yet endure; that’s the promise of Jesus, and His promises cannot fail.

In this issue, we remember God’s promise to the Church that it and its work in this world will forever withstand the gates of hell. To that end, we are reprinting three features from LCC’s former presidents. President Emeritus Lehman tells us that so long as the world endures, so will the Church’s witness to Christ (page six). President Emeritus Ralph E. Mayan assures us the cross of Christ will never be snuffed out (page nine). And Past President Robert Bugbee reflects on the comfort Christ’s Church brings, both to struggling Christians and the sinful world outside ( page 12 ). Our current president, meanwhile, poses the question: does the Church have a future (page 42)?

The Church of Christ shall stand forever. O Lord, Jesus Christ, hold Your Church always in Your hands. When we are tired, enliven us with Your Spirit. When we are afraid, comfort us with Your presence in Word and Sacrament. And give us the strength we need to speak clearly of You and Your love to a world in need. Amen.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article was originally published in 1993.

The Gospel Still at Work in 2024

“What must we do to ensure that we will be an effective church in the year 2024?” I recently attended a meeting at which that question was the focus of six seriously offered responses.

The answers presented a wake-up call: the church needs to change from maintenance to mission, to break out of the isolation and become cross-cultural and intergenerational, to rethink the role of laity in the church, to streamline its structures, and be more visionary in its planning.

From the viewpoint of an ecclesiastical administrator, who deals with structures and systems in the church, I had to agree with everything that was said. But then as I attempted to answer the questions myself, different thoughts came to mind. “What must Lutheran Church–Canada do? What must my congregation do to be an effective church in the year 2024?”

1. The question was misleading. The word “effective” focuses on what we do to make it so. But the Gospel is always effective, because it is in the nature of the Gospel to be so.

2. Our work as a church—that is, as the visible church on earth—is not always effective. In fact, it is often ineffective. If we say that the mission of the church is to reach the world for Christ, it is obvious that we have been overwhelmingly ineffective, for in the two thousand years of trying we have not achieved our objective!

What must Lutheran Church–Canada do? What must my congregation do to be an effective church in the year 2024?

Then I put away my bureaucratic binoculars and asked: “As a child of God, as a minister of the Gospel, how shall I respond to the question?” I concluded that:

3. Unless our Lord returns first, the Church will certainly still be standing in the year 2024—if it holds to the doctrine of the Gospel: justification by grace through faith. We say this is the article by which the Church stands or falls, and usually take it to mean that we must hold on to justification or else the Church will fall. It also implies, of course, that if we do hold on to the doctrine of justification, the Church will stand. It is the Gospel which creates

the Church, and the means by which the Holy Spirit sustains the Church.

I don’t know what the world will be like in 2024. The centre of Christianity may well have shifted from North America and Europe to Africa or China. It may well be that the golden age of technology will have disappeared, like the golden ages of antiquity. It may well be that such social upheavals will occur as to plunge us back into barbarism. It may well be that the moral standards of 2024, along with the level of civility, will clamour for Christians to be thrown back to the lions.

In short, the Church may well find itself back in the apostolic age, with all that implies. I don’t know if Lutheran Church–Canada will be around in 2024. I don’t know if my congregation will be around in 2024 or if there will even still be an organization that bears the name “Lutheran.” But unless the Lord returns by that time, I do know that the Gospel will still be at work. It will be effective—that is, it will be giving life to the dead and hope to the dying, as it has done in Russia and in China in our time and throughout the history of God’s dealings with the world.

practical. Far better that I reclaim the vision of that old man exiled to the rocky island of Patmos. As he looked out across the crystal sea, St. John knew that a tyrant was on the throne in Rome, butchering the Christians. But his vision was of things more distant, yet more real: of lamp stands and horsemen, of martyrs and dragons, of the holy city and the river of life.

I don’t know if Lutheran Church–Canada will be around in 2024.... But unless the Lord returns by that time, I do know that the Gospel will still be at work. It will be effective—that is, it will be giving life to the dead and hope to the dying.

When 2024 comes along, the Church will be even more battered and bruised, and thirty years older. But she will still be the bride of Christ— harassed and assaulted by the world, occasionally wandering down the dark alleys of prostitution and unfaithfulness—but in the eyes of Christ, a beautiful bride, waiting for her Bridegroom to receive her to Himself without blemish or spot.

We are part of that Church. We serve that Gospel. We belong to that Lord.

That is all the assurance I need—for the future and for today.

So how shall I look at the future? With my bureaucratic binoculars I look at structures and organizations; with my pastoral bifocals I struggle with what is right versus what is

Rev. Dr. Edwin Lehman was Lutheran Church–Canada’s first president following the transition to autonomy, serving from 1988-1996. This article, originally published in the December 1993 issue of The Canadian Lutheran, originally referred to the year 2023, not 2024.

The Cross WON’T Be Snuffed Out

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article was originally published in 2005.

The cross reflection continued and the people—and maybe God too—laughed. They referred to it as “the pope’s revenge”—as God’srevenge.

“The showcase of socialist architecture: the pride of East Berlin.” This is how the government described the Berlin television tower known as the Fernsehturm . The East Germans built it in 1966-1969 during the time of Walter Ulbricht and the SED communist party. The tower was the second highest structure in Europe, exceeded only by Moscow’s television tower.

The Fernsehturm reaches 368 metres high. The sphere near the top of the tower comprises seven storeys, two of which are open to the public: the viewing floor at 203 metres and above it the Telecafé which revolves on its axis every half hour. The exterior surface of the sphere consists of 140 stainless steel segments, and when the sun shines upon it, the light reflects in the shape of a large cross.

How could a “showcase of socialist architecture” reflect a cross? You can imagine what the communist government thought. They were embarrassed and determined to get rid of that reflection. Tour guides tell you they investigated a variety of projects to accomplish that goal. None worked. The cross reflection continued and the people—and maybe God too—laughed. They referred to it as “the pope’s revenge”—as God’s revenge.

We are well aware of how the communist world sought to quash religious faith and, in particular, the Christian faith. That era in human history produced many martyrs for the faith, as have some of the most turbulent times in Christian history. But the communists are not the only ones guilty of attempting to snuff out the cross of Christ.

Many attempt it. You no doubt could create an extensive list of those who have. But one comes to my mind every Reformation Day, and it may be the most dangerous: the Church itself. Yes, the Church, called to proclaim the cross of Jesus Christ, can also be guilty of trying to snuff it out.

It happens whenever the Gospel is not taught in its truth and purity—whenever its proclamation of that doctrine upon which the Church stands or falls—justification—is clouded. The result is that listeners cannot hear the message: “I am saved by God’s grace through faith because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.” It happens when pastors fail to follow the example of St. Paul who “decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”

Seeking to snuff out the cross of Jesus Christ is Satan’s primary occupation, and he uses anything and anyone—even the Church—to accomplish his goal. He prefers the darkness and seeks to keep sinful humanity in the darkness of separation from God. If he can keep people from hearing the message of the cross, he can accomplish his goal.

The Good News is that “the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.”
Nothing can snuff out the cross of Christ.

But the Good News is that “the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5). Because of the very existence of this Light, the whole sphere of darkness is overcome and deprived of its power. Nothing can snuff out the cross of Christ. Nothing can diminish the Light of the world, Jesus Christ.

Satan and the world may still try. And for a time, as in Eastern Europe, it may appear as if he is having his way—that is, before God brings to naught the work of the evil one. Whoever thought the communist world would come crashing down as it did? The darkness will not overcome the light!

He does the same within the Church. There was a time when it appeared the cross of Christ was all but lost in the proclamation of the Church. That was before God brought to naught the work of the

evil one and gave to the Church men like Martin Luther and the other confessors. The darkness will not overcome the light!

And we pray that it will not be overcome in our midst. May we continue in the footsteps of those reformers who have gone before us.

May we, like them, be zealous to keep the message straight and bold, as we remain active in “Proclaiming His Faithfulness.”

Rev. Dr. Ralph E. Mayan served as Lutheran Church–Canada’s second president (from 1996-2008). This article was originally published in the November 2005 issue of The Canadian Lutheran.

Photo of the Berlin Cathedral with Fernsehturm in background: Jovannig, Adobe Stock.

A Place for Comfort

by Robert Bugbee

If you read the New Testament faithfully, you will see that the early Christian congregations were not perfect places. Beautiful things happened in them, to be sure. Painful disappointments were there, too, however. Some people lied to the apostles about their giving to the church. Others were proud due to spiritual “wisdom” they thought set them above everybody else. Still others left the faith because they were too in love with the world.

So the early Christians had to struggle. Pastors like Paul and Barnabas told believers to expect it. “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,” they said (Acts 14:22). Jesus’ followers faced pressure from a hostile world around them; no surprise there. They had to endure discord within the church family, as the Bible makes clear. Then there’s also the struggle going

The church is full of people who need comfort badly. Sometimes you are one of them; I certainly am.

on inside you between temptations to sin and your desire to go the Lord’s way through faith in Jesus. Struggles wear you down. They dishearten. This means the Church is full of people who need comfort badly. Sometimes you are one of them; I certainly am. You can be sure that there are others in your church family in the same situation. Our churches ought to be places where men and women find comfort.

What is comfort, anyway? In the Bible’s way of figuring, it’s not a sleeping pill or some magical formula that suddenly— poof! —makes trouble go away. It isn’t an easy word somebody speaks to make you numb, so you don’t feel struggles anymore. Years ago on The Lutheran Hour I recall Rev. Dr. Oswald Hoffmann describing comfort like this: to strengthen greatly. He meant that comfort supports you—like one

of those old-fashioned stretch bandages—so you hold together, have more stamina, can keep functioning.

Jesus’ apostles spoke this strong brand of comfort into the early churches they planted. They didn’t offer a fairy-tale promise to fix every problem in five minutes or less. They did pump fresh encouragement and strength to face the struggles in the power of God’s Holy Spirit.

Any worthwhile comfort you offer a believing friend in the body of Christ can never really come from you.

Scripture calls our Lord “the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). This is comfort the faithless world does not know. It runs deeper than the typical pep-talks

telling you to “keep a stiff upper lip” or that “things will turn out okay.” The fact is my capacity to stay strong falls flat sometimes. I imagine you are like me in having lived through struggles that did not end very well.

God’s comfort is rooted in Jesus and what He has done for you. He died to win your pardon. He was raised again to open heaven's kingdom to you.

God’s comfort is rooted in Jesus and what He has done for you. He died to win your pardon. He was raised again to open heaven’s kingdom to you.

In Jesus you have God’s pledge your prayers are being heard, and that He gives you power to cope… even if a given sorrow does not end well, or even if you have to endure a struggle that drags on without end.

“He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all… how will He not also, together with Him, graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32). One of those things God gives is help when you’re up against it.

Photo: Win, Adobe Stock.

The Christian Church ought to be a place where people receive comfort for their wounds, whether pressures from the world around, bitter disappointments that surface even within the church, and the struggles you feel with personal sin and weakness inside. Comfort comes when Christ’s Good News is faithfully preached, and when people feast on His body and blood at the Lord’s Table. Comfort is also a powerful treasure you can share with other believers when you take a serious interest in them, stand by them when they’re struggling, and speak to them the same comfort God has brought you in Christ.

Comfort is a powerful treasure you can share with other believers when you take a serious interest in them, stand by them when they’re struggling, and speak to them the same comfort God has brought you in Christ.

You don’t need me to point out that our Canadian society has changed. It doesn’t affirm biblical Christianity much anymore. Many believers in Christ will quite likely not survive in the faith unless they live by Word and prayer. Local churches that hope to endure in the

changing world around us will need to be ever more nurturing places where their people receive the kind of comfort you can only get from Jesus.

Armed with that God-given comfort, the early Christians coped. Their world wasn’t easy on them. They weren’t spared discord in their churches. They also felt the wearying struggle with sin inside, just as you do. But the comfort Christ brings carried them. That comfort, like a heartbeat, can be alive and real as you turn it loose and aim it at someone who needs it right now.

Rev. Dr. Robert Bugbee served as Lutheran Church–Canada’s third president (from 2008-2018). This article was originally published in the July/August 2016 issue of The Canadian Lutheran

ILC Asia Regional Conference meets in South Korea

SOUTH KOREA – The International Lutheran Council’s (ILC) Asia Regional Conference took place June 24-28 at Luther University in Seoul, South Korea. The theme for the conference was “Leading Amid Changing Social, Cultural, and Theological Landscapes,” and focused on Hebrews 13:8—“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

The conference brought together church leaders and representatives from three member churches of the ILC’s Asia World Region: the Lutheran Church in Korea (LCK), the Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LCP), and the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand (LCA/ NZ). Representatives of the Thailand Concordia Lutheran Church (TCLC) were also present as guests, as were 32 pastors of the LCK. Several other ILC member churches in the Asia region were unable to attend this year’s conference due to travel difficulties and other reasons.

Speakers for the conference were Bishop Juhana Pohjola of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland (ELMDF), who also serves as ILC Chairman; Rev. Dr. Andrew Pfeiffer of the LCA’s Australian Lutheran College; and Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz, General Secretary of the ILC. Bishop Pohjola gave a lecture on the challenges posed by women’s ordination, reflecting on the experience of Finland’s national Lutheran church. Dr. Pfeiffer gave two addresses: one on the office of the holy ministry and one on pastoral care. Dr. Schulz, meanwhile, presented on church relations and altarand-pulpit fellowship.

An additional session was led by Dr. Schulz and President Antonio Reyes of the Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LPH), who also serves as the Asia World Region representative on the ILC’s Board of Directors. Dr. Schulz and President Reyes discussed the ways in which the ILC might assist

member church bodies in recognizing fellowship with each other.

“It was a blessing to gather together with our friends in the Asia World Region, and to discuss the challenges and opportunities surrounding the proclamation of the Gospel in that part of the globe,” said ILC General Secretary Schulz after the conference. “The International Lutheran Council plays an important role in fostering greater communication and cooperation between member churches, and in encouraging Lutherans around the world to remain faithful to Christ and His Word. We are grateful for the strong and faithful witnesses to Christ present in ILC member churches throughout the Asia World Region.”

Additional presentations focused on the history and present situation in each of the church bodies represented at the conference. Rev. Johng Ho Won presented on behalf of the Lutheran Church in Korea; Rev. Matthew Anker on behalf of the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand; President Reyes on behalf of the Lutheran Church in the Philippines; and President Pornprom (Ted) NaThalang and Rev. Neran Temsakun on behalf of the Thailand Concordia Lutheran Church (TCLC). President NaThalang also gave a presentation on the work of the Lutheran Heritage Foundation in Asia.

In addition to the presentations and discussions, participants held daily matins and vespers. Preaching for these services were LCK President Eunseob Kim; Rev. Anker of the LCA/ NZ; Rev. Carl Hanson of International Lutheran Church in Seoul; LCP President Reyes; and Dr. Jun Hyun Kim of Luther University.

Bishop Pohjola served as preacher for the conference’s closing worship service, which was held at the newlybuilt Yeolrinmoon Lutheran Church. “Our noble calling as church leaders is to receive the life-giving and faithsustaining Word and Sacraments and ministry,” he said. “During those few years in the life of the Church when we hold Christ’s office, it is our holy and noble task to hand over and pass on Christ and His gifts in the same way we received them—and not to take away anything or adopt strange new teachings.”

“You have received the faith from faithful pastors and laity in the past generation, you preach and teach it now, and then you pass it on to the next generation,” he continued. “This is the reality of how Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever among us in Korea, Thailand, Australia, the Philippines, Finland, and the world.”

ILC News

French Lutherans reelect president

EELSF President Gleisson R. Schmidt (front right) and the other elected members of the church’s Synodical Council.

FRANCE – The Evangelical Lutheran Church – Synod of France (Église Évangélique Luthérienne –Synode de France – EELSF) held its biennial Synodical General Assembly from May 10-12, 2024 in ChâtenayMalabry and Paris. The theme for the gathering was “First to the Lord,” based on 2 Corinthians 8:5.

The assembly saw Rev. Dr. Gleisson R. Schmidt reelected to a

second term as president. Originally from Brazil, President Schmidt was first elected to lead the church in France in 2020. Rev. Garry V. Heintz was elected to serve as Vice President, succeeding Rev. Philippe Volff who had served in the role since 2012.

Among other business, the EELSF’s assembly adopted a resolution calling for the creation of an online centre for theological education; adopted statements touching on sanctity of life issues; considered plans to establish church fellowship with several Lutheran church bodies in Africa; and resolved

Kenya’s Lutherans respond to flooding

KENYA – Throughout April and May, Kenya experienced devastating flooding, with more than 300 killed, hundreds more injured, and 300,000 people displaced. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya (ELCK) reported that more than 20 of their congregations and several schools were affected. Among the dead were three children of Lutheran members in Lopedot. Numerous church members were forced from their homes and forced to seek refuge in governmentestablished emergency shelters.

“This is the worst flooding disaster our country has experienced since 1963,” said ELCK Archbishop Joseph Ochola Omolo. “The water filled lakes and ponds, then started coming

onto the land where people live, sweeping everything away: houses, households, livestock, and humans.”

to seek fellowship with the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland (ELMDF). The assembly also made plans to mark the 450th anniversary of the Book of Concord in 2027; the 500th anniversary of the Small and Large Catechisms in 2029; and the 500 th anniversary of the Augsburg Confession in 2030.

The church received written greetings from partner churches in Belgium, Canada, Chili, Haiti, and Paraguay. Bishop Hans-Jörg Voigt of Germany’s Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church ( Selbständige Evangelisch—Lutherische Kirche –SELK) brought greetings in person to the assembly.

The final day of the assembly saw participants gather for worship at SaintSauveur parish in Paris, during which time members of the Synodical Council were installed. A luncheon followed the service, with final assembly business taking place thereafter.

ILC News

The church has provided assistance to those affected by the flooding—hosting, for example, medical clinics and distributing clothes and other emergency goods. In addition to works of mercy, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya is also prioritizing spiritual care for those affected by the flooding. “Natural disasters like this can be so cruel and destructive,” Archbishop Omolo explained. “But it is also true that in the midst of such calamites, we can see and experience God’s protective hand upon His creation. We ask you to join Kenyans in prayer.”

ILC News

A shelter in Kisumu County, including displaced Lutherans.

LCC holds AGM, releases Annual Report

ONLINE – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) held its Annual General Meeting online on June 13, 2024. In addition to regular work, like the reception of audited financial statements and the auditor’s report, the meeting also saw the release of a new Annual Report which provides a snapshot of the work synod has done over the past year.

The Annual Report features a message from LCC President Timothy Teuscher as well as updates on LCC’s international and domestic missions. Synod’s Director of Advancement also explains the focus of his work, and how it strengthens the sustainability of synod, enhances unity between regions and congregations, and positions LCC for mission expansion and congregational vitality.

The Annual Report also features information from LCC’s Chief Administrative Officer and financial details for 2023-2024, alongside other information on the synod.

The report is available online at www.lutheranchurchcanada.ca (you can also scan the QR code below to go directly to the Annual Report).

Every congregation in synod will receive two hardcopies of the report, alongside other materials—including speaking notes and bulletin inserts— to assist congregations in sharing the information in the Annual Report with their members.

LCC’s Annual General Meeting was announced in advance via The Canadian Lutheran and LCC’s weekly e-newsletter, Info-Digest . Additional information was made available to individual members and voting delegates, and noted in the Info-Digest.

The full docket from the Annual General Meeting is available to view online at www.lutheranchurchcanada. ca/who-we-are/leadership/board-ofdirectors/.

www.lutheranchurchcanada.ca/ wp-content/uploads/ sites/11/2024/06/ LCC-Annual-Report-2024.pdf


LCC and LCMS hold pastoral conference, Koinonia meeting

NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. – From June 24-26, about forty pastors from Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) gathered for a joint pastoral conference, daily services, and an Annual Koinonia Coordination Meeting (AKCM) at the Mount Carmel Retreat and Conference Centre in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The goal was to deepen personal relationships, theological understanding, and mutual commitment and planning for mission and ministry in Canada.

LCC attendees included Rev. Dr. Timothy Teuscher (LCC President), Rev. Dr. Thomas Winger (President of Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary in St. Catharines, Ontario), Rev. Joel Kuhl (Chairman of LCC’s Commission on Theology and Church Relations), Rev. Mark Smith (LCC Director of International Missions), Rev. Jacob Quast (LCC Director of Domestic Missions), Rev. Marvin Bublitz (LCC East Regional Pastor), and about fifteen LCC pastors serving in Ontario and Quebec.

LCMS attendees included Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison (LCMS President), Rev. Dr. Jamison Hardy

(LCMS English District Bishop/ President), Rev. Waldemar Vinovskis (LCMS SELC District President), Rev. Jeff Miskus (LCMS English District BishopElect), Rev. Derek Mathers (LCMS English District Mission Executive), Rev. Dr. Jonathan Shaw (LCMS Church Relations Director), Rev. Michael Frese (LCMS Church Relations Deputy Director), and about ten other LCMS pastors serving in Canada.

Services of morning and evening prayer, and Holy Communion, were highlights. At opening vespers on June 24, LCMS President Harrison installed Rev. Miskus as English District Bishop-Elect by succession. Rev. Dr. Winger led a study of the Book of Ephesians and the Lutheran Confessions on unitas (the unity which God gives through faith in Christ) and concordia (the harmony for which we strive).

Building on previous gatherings, discussions aimed at charity, clarity, and synergy in LCC and the LCMS working together for mission, ministry, and pastoral care in Canada. Mutual commitments included:

- Work together through LCC and LCMS Missions for outreach and congregational plants among First Nations and the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA).

- Work together in French-language Quebec ministry, Montreal LCMSLCC joint services, and Fall Foro.

- Work together with Christ the King Lutheran Church (Port Rowan, Ontario), an independent congregation, to offer pastoral care and work toward eventual membership in LCC or the LCMS’ English District.

- Share home school and family support digital libraries to offer alternative Christian education.

- Support congregational/circuitbased refugee sponsorship to share brotherly love with the needy.

- Review and clarify LCC-LCMS Protocol Document paragraph 3 to allow for: pastoral discretion in encouraging LCMS congregations to join LCC, and a process of congregational request, joint consultation, and mutual consent for enabling mission/congregational startups in Canada.

- Announce that First Evangelical Lutheran Church (Kingsville, Ontario) has peaceably moved from independent status into the LCMS English District; and that St. Luke’s Lutheran Church (Farsi), Toronto, Ontario, may become its own English District mission congregation when it is ready.

- A 2024 LCC President’s Ministry Council—LCMS Council of Presidents meeting Nov. 11-14, 2024, in Chicago to share information, opportunities, and challenges for mutual work and support.

- A 2025 LCC-LCMS pastoral conference and AKCM Oct. 5-9, 2025, at Mount Carmel Centre, Niagara Falls, Ontario, for worship, Scripture study, and mission and ministry coordination for the next year.

LCMS President Harrison served as celebrant for a service of Holy Communion, with LCC President Teuscher preaching.

Alberta Lutheran spring youth retreat

LEDUC, Alta. – A question on Facebook looking for help restarting the Calgary Fall Youth Retreat brought together a group of six people. At the first meeting, the need for fellowship amongst youth was emphasized, with the goal of bringing together more youth by moving the retreat to a more centralized location and scheduling it in the spring to avoid inclement weather. Those decisions led to the creation of the Alberta Lutheran Spring Youth Retreat.

The first retreat was held April 19-21, 2024, in Leduc, with around 70 people from Lethbridge in the south to Fort McMurray and Grande Prairie in the north. The theme of the retreat was “Vocation: to Love and Serve,” with 1 Peter 4:10 serving as the theme verse: “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”

The topic of vocation was introduced through a series of videos in large group sessions, which were then discussed further in small group Bible studies. The retreat was also filled with opportunity for singing, including the theme hymn “Gracious God, You Send Great Blessings” (LSB 782), chapel services, a servant event, pool time, a photo scavenger hunt, delicious food, games, and free time.

For the servant event, youth and congregations were asked to collect donations for the Leduc & District Food Bank prior to the retreat. During the retreat, they brought their donations to the warehouse, received a tour, and learned more about the work the food bank does. The group collected a total of 696 lbs of goods, which the food bank estimates to cost about $3.50/lb, for a total of $2,436.

The committee is grateful for many partners that helped make this retreat possible: Lutheran Women’s Missionary League – Canada, for supporting the retreat through a Mission Opportunity Grant to keep the cost affordable; Concordia Lutheran Seminary for being present and providing chapel leaders,

Seminarian Ben Rast and Rev. Dr. Jim Gimbel, as well as Rev. Dr. Joel Heck for preaching at the Sunday morning worship service; Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada for being present, coordinating the servant event, and sharing about the Intergenerational Mentorship Project; St. Peter’s Lutheran Church for hosting; the youth who attended with their leaders; those who volunteered at the retreat; congregations who sent youth; and all those who supported and prayed for the retreat.

To learn more about future retreats and to stay connected visit lutheranyouthretreat.ca or follow @lutheranyouthretreat on Instagram. Samantha Neeb on behalf of the Organizing Committee

Iam indebted to Lutheran Church–Canada’s first Synodical President, Rev. Dr. Edwin Lehman, for bringing to my attention a little tract written by Rev. Dr. Albert Schwerman, entitled, “The Call into the Glorious Office of Holy Ministry.”

The Office of Holy Ministry really is a glorious calling. Might we even go so far as to say it is the most privileged calling on earth? For those who serve in this office are able to devote their whole lives to proclaiming, teaching, and witnessing to the grace, mercy, and glory of God in Christ Jesus. St. Paul commended the Office in this way: “The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task” (1 Timothy 3:1).

A pastor coming home from yet another day of dealing with broken interpersonal relationships, everbroadening scope, and ever-deeper complexity in his ministry may ask: “Where is the glory of this Office?” Likewise, lay leaders working alongside a pastor who is suffering depression, or who has become insular or heavy-handed may ask: “Where is the glory of this Office?”

Yet it remains true that the Office of Holy Ministry is a glorious gift from God. In Numbers 18:7, God said to Aaron: “You and your sons with you shall guard your priesthood for all that concerns the altar and that is within the veil; and you shall serve. I give your priesthood as a gift.” Aaron and his descendants might have seen the Office as a privilege passed along by them through the right of inheritance.


from the regional pastor | rev. robert mohns

But God wanted them to remember that the Office is a gift of His grace, both to Aaron and to Israel.

And if the Aaronic priesthood was established as a gift, how much more so is the ministry that proclaims life and salvation through Christ! St. Paul notes this in 2 Corinthians 3:7-18.

In Ephesians 4:7 and 11, Paul makes it clear that “grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift… And He gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers…” Who gives the gift of the Office of Holy Ministry? Christ, of course. He is the crucified, risen, victorious, triumphant Son of the Father.

A conquering king would normally demand tribute and gifts be given to him by his subjects. But, in a world turned upside down, the King of Kings—having vanquished sin and death and devil—is the one who gives gifts to His people. That is pure grace!

Reflecting on the gift of his own ministry, Paul said: “To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ” (Ephesians 3:8). And the Lord Himself reminded the disciples that what they received from Him was a gift: “Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8). The Office of Holy ministry is a gift of God’s grace then, both to His pastors and to His people.

A gift has no ultimate significance apart from the giver. Your holidays may take you to by stores filled to the hilt with “gifts”—from trinkets to

expensive one-of-a-kind items. But they have no real significance as a gift until they are given to someone else. The gift reminds us of the giver.

So too, we must understand that the Office of Holy Ministry is nothing apart from its Giver. Too often we think of the Office primarily as a position or focus on its function without reference to Christ. St. Paul denuded his own gift of ministry, describing himself as a fool, but a fool for the sake of Christ.

It is Christ, the Giver of the Office of Holy Ministry, that makes the ministry worthwhile. The Office of Holy Ministry is a glorious office because through it, Christ, the Giver of this gift, reveals the glory of God.

That glory and honour ultimately goes to God who is the gift-Giver. It does not necessarily go to those who bear the gift. St. Paul reminds the Church that this gift is given to us in clay pots. We tend to spend too much energy trying to form the pots to our liking. If only the mouth were a different shape it would be more appealing! But the clay pot adds nothing to the treasure; it is the treasure that needs to be exalted and the treasure-Giver who must receive all honour and glory.

In his 1986 address to church workers, President Emeritus Lehman concluded: “The Office of Holy Ministry is a glorious Office. It is not the glory of being a pastor, nor his ministry. Because the ministry is a gift, the glory of the ministry is the glory of the Giver, the Giver who gave the gift to men.” It is good for the Church in our day to be reminded of this again.

Decommissioning service in Craig

CRAIG, Alta. – On June 23, 2024, King of Kings Lutheran Church held a special service of decommissioning at their former location in Craig (formerly Christ Lutheran Church).

The building has been vacant for six years as the result of the congregational decision to worship full time in Dickson, Alberta, following the amalgamation of the two former congregations.

Regional Pastor Robert Mohns brought greetings from Lutheran Church–Canada, and a brief history was shared by Deb Allen. At the conclusion of the service, furnishings were ceremoniously removed and transported to the Dickson church, where they will find new homes. About eighty people attended the service and most gathered at King of Kings in Dickson for a catered meal to conclude the afternoon.

The congregation gives all the glory to God, and thank Him for the countless good works that came out of that place over the many years of its service. They

Rev. Dr. Steven Harold retires

RICHMOND, B.C. – On May 26, 2024, the membership of Trinity Lutheran Church both celebrated and were saddened by the retirement of Rev. Dr. Steven Harold. Dr. Harold has served as Trinity’s Pastor of English Ministries for the past 17 years.

Dr. Harold graduated from Concordia Colleges in Portland, Oregon, and Ft. Wayne, Indiana, where he played baseball and began his preparations for the Holy Ministry. He received a Master of Divinity degree from St. Louis (1979), a Theological Master’s degree from Chicago (1985), and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Ft. Wayne (1990).

Prior to his time at Trinity, Dr. Harold served congregations in Dayton, Ohio, and Seattle, Washington, for six years each, then as professor and chairman of practical theology at Concordia Lutheran Seminary in

Edmonton for 10 years, followed by another six years serving a congregation in Leduc, Alberta, until his call to Trinity in 2007.

Supported by his beloved wife Beverly throughout his ministry, they plan to stay living in Richmond, B.C., where he likes to run on the dyke trails and spend time at the beach. Knowing Dr. Harold’s continued passion for baseball (especially the New York Yankees), the congregation gifted them two seats immediately behind home plate, hopefully to watch the Yankees demolish the Seattle Mariners in a three-game series this September. Of course, requests for Dr. Harold’s time have already been forthcoming as he considers other ways to continue serving his Lord.

also thank Him for His outpouring of blessing on the new King of Kings congregation.

Les Heron, Council Chairman

Rev. Harold, Beverly, and their three granddaughters.

The congregation thanks Pastor Harold for his years of service, fortyfive in total, and for the loving support provided by his wife Beverly. They thank God for his service, and wish the Harolds joyous and fulfilling years in retirement.

Allen Schellenberg


“Now what?” Sabbath Conference 2024

EDMONTON – The Sabbath Conference is an annual event that serves an important role in connecting non-pastoral church workers and volunteers across Canada in a way that is tailored specifically to their unique calling.

From May 7-9, 2024, the attendees gathered together in learning and fellowship. The theme of the conference was “Now What? Ministering to the Social and Emotional Challenges Facing Children and Families Today,” with Rev. Mark Dressler, Principal at SML Christian Academy in Stony Plain, leading the sessions. Rev. Dressler spoke about the younger

generations, their traits, and some of the challenges that are facing those generations today. The final sessions titled “Now What?” focused on how the information could be applied in the attendees’ contexts.

In addition to a topical focus, the attendees spent dedicated time learning from God’s Word. This year, the Sabbath Conference was grateful to have Lutheran Church–Canada President Timothy Teuscher lead an opening chapel service and the Bible study sessions, guiding the attendees through the book of Malachi.

Another important component of the Sabbath Conference is being in fellowship with one another.

This fellowship happened through icebreaker questions prior to each session, meals together, free time and evening fun, a highlight of which was playing Happy Salmon with the Synod President. The planning committee was grateful to have four first-time attendees join the conference this year, and as well as for the ability to spend time getting to know the students at Concordia Lutheran Seminary.

The conference was held both online and in-person, thanks to the generous offer of meeting space and technology from Concordia Lutheran Seminary. The ability to use this platform enabled the group to welcome three online participants, as well as receive greetings from Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary. The conference also had representation from LAMP, LHM/ LLL-Canada, and the National Youth Gathering committee.

The planning committee is extremely grateful for the support of synod and the synod family, and looks forward to the next conference in 2025. If you are a non-pastoral church worker or volunteer and would be interested in learning more about the Sabbath Conference, or joining our email list, please contact sabbathconference@gmail.com.

Samantha Neeb for the Sabbath Planning Committee


Camp Lutherland receives new hymnals, holds open house

FORT QU’APPELLE, Sask. – On June 9, 2024, Camp Lutherland held an open house and worship service, with nearly 40 people from four Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) congregations gathering for a communion service hosted by the Camp Lutherland Board, along with the local LCC congregation of Our Saviour Lutheran in Fort Qu’Appelle.

Those gathered for the service were able to use the “new” hymnals that have been donated to the camp by various congregations. Six hymnals each were received from Grace Lutheran and Prince of Peace Lutheran in Regina, six from Zion Lutheran in Melville, and 16 from Good Shepherd Lutheran in Valleyview, Alberta. Due to a chance meeting between a Camp Lutherland board member

and Valleyview’s pastor, Rev. Shiekh Lief Mauricio, the camp received a generous shipment of 16 hymnals courtesy of Gerry Steinke and Valleyview members.

The chapel, which used to be a church in Ormiston and was moved to the camp about 40 years ago, seats about 60 people and is now stocked with 34 hymnals for summer campers, retreats, and upcoming chapel services.

Rev. Joshua Kurtenbach and Rev. Bryan Rosnau shared duties in the service, which was followed by a free barbeque lunch hosted by the Lutherland Board. Tours of the facilities were also made available. The weather turned out great, and planners agreed to host more services in this chapel during the summer for cottage country neighbours.

Diane Dennis

Welcoming new hymnals: Diane Dennis (secretary), Eugene Frank (vice-president), Darrell Neu (chair), and Lenny Pantel (groundskeeper/maintenance).


In my last few columns I’ve been talking about three “alternate” or fake marks of the Church: pietism, mysticism, and enthusiasm. Now I talk about the final one: revivalism. In his book, Has American Christianity Failed?, Brian Wolfmueller defines revivalism as the teaching “that the Christian life begins with a personal decision to accept Christ.”

The natural state of humanity is spiritually dead in sin and transgressions (Ephesians 2:1; Romans 5:6, 8, 10; 6:3-4; Colossians 2:12, etc.). Dead men can’t walk, can’t choose, can’t do anything.

When Jesus says, then, “Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden” (Matthew 11:28), He is talking to the living, not the dead. Yes, all who live on earth are alive, breathe, and so on. But if you are not connected to the Vine, raised to new life, granted eternal life here and now, then you are the walking dead (John 15:1-8; 10:10; 11:25; 14:6, etc.), for you remain dead in sins and transgressions (Ephesians 2:1-2). Thus, this statement of our Lord, “Come unto Me all ye that labour… and I will give you rest,” is spoken to the spiritually alive—believers—who are grafted into the vine and live in Christ Jesus.

The spiritually dead are bodily alive, but slaves to sin (Romans 6:15-23). They cannot choose God, which is why we must be born again (John 3:3), born of God, not born of the flesh, nor the will of the flesh (John 1:13; 3:6). In Holy Baptism you are born of God (John 3:5).

A favourite verse for revivalist Christianity is another verse spoken to


from the regional pastor | rev. DAVID HABERSTOCK

believers, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). He who has ears to hear, let him hear: this is written to the church in Laodicea. This is written not to the spiritually dead, but the spiritually living. Not to the spiritually deaf and dumb, but those whose ears have been opened by the living Word of God.

Revivalism says that on your own, in your natural state, you can spiritually hear, act, choose, and live. But this is all contrary to the clear word of God. Revivalism assumes that your natural will has some degree of spiritual freedom. That before salvation you are able to chose God. But outside of Christ, you are spiritually dead in sin. Dead men can’t do anything.

Thus, for revivalism, evangelism means using whatever you can to convince, manipulate, or cajole a decision for Jesus out of someone. Emotional music, evocative preaching, high-pressure sales tactics, manipulation, all this and more will be used to “help” a person choose Jesus. However, once the Word of God converts your heart to believe on Jesus you are already saved, for Jesus by the Holy Spirit has done it all! Evangelism, in reality, is not manipulating or leveraging someone into a decision, but merely speaking the Absolution we receive every Sunday to the world: your sins are forgiven on account of Jesus.

For a revivalist it is hard to tell someone their sins are definitely

forgiven because the revivalist can’t be sure your sins are forgiven because they can’t be sure you’ve totally given your life to Jesus, really invited Him into your heart, or completely surrendered your will to Him. In revivalism there is always something about the Gospel that is dependent upon you, which means that the absolution can’t be spoken purely. The focus is not on proclaiming Jesus’ salvation of you, but on your decision. This turns away from the Gospel back to the Law. For revivalism, the Gospel is only potential until you act on it, not the power of God for salvation (Romans 1:16).

No, the Gospel does not need your decision. It stands unassailably true. The devil, the world, the flesh, and your bad conscience cannot undo the blood of Jesus. That’s what the Absolution means.

Can you imagine not living with the Absolution, so that you are wondering constantly what God thinks about you? Where are you going to look to see if you have the forgiveness of sins? At your growth and good works? At your experience of God? At your decision? These things always depends on you, not on the Lord.

The Lutheran altar call is the call to come to the actual altar in your church, where Jesus says, “Come unto Me all ye who are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Come, take and drink. Your sins will be forgiven.” It is objective. True. Outside yourself. For you.


South Saskatchewan pastors’ retreat


Twelve pastors, mainly from South Saskatchewan, met at Camp Lutherland, near Fort Qu’Appelle, from May 14-15 for a brief retreat. The Board of Lutherland invited Saskatchewan pastors to enjoy the beautiful lake setting, tour the modern facilities and spend the night in comfortable dorms. Board member Daryl Mang prepared a delicious dinner and hot breakfast for everyone. Camp Pastoral Advisor, Rev. Bryan Rosnau, led a communion service where he stressed the importance of retreating from busy schedules to spend time alone in prayer, just as Jesus did.

The Wascana Circuit and several other pastors met for a winkel before heading home. It is hoped that the pastors’ retreat will be an annual event following Pentecost. The next retreat is scheduled for June 17-18, 2025.

Rev. Bryan Rosnau

Installation anniversary in Swift Current

SWIFT CURRENT, Sask. – Rev. Travis Heide’s fourth anniversary of installation at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church was celebrated on June 16, at the annual Father’s Day barbeque. The hamburgers, wieners, buns, salads, and desserts were supplied by the local group of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada.

The congregation of Trinity Lutheran (Ponteix, Saskatchewan)— Mt. Calvary’s sister church, whom Rev. Heide also serves every Sunday— joined the congregation in Swift Current for the event. Great food and great fellowship was enjoyed by all!

Shirley Sherman

Back, left to right: Revs. Bryan Rosnau, Adrian Kramer, Ted Giese, Nigel Prozenko, Arron Gust, Gerald Anderson, Paulo Brum, and Robert Grout. Front: Revs. Joshua Kurtenbach, Sheikh Mauricio, Lowell Dennis, and Irwin Pudrycki.

Winkler hosts young adult retreat

WINKLER, Man. – From May 31 to June 2, the Trinity Young Adults group hosted a retreat at Trinity Lutheran in Winkler on the theme of “And now... the REST of the Story.” Time was spent considering the Bible’s teaching on the Sabbath, focusing on the Third Commandment specifically, and

why rest from work and rest for the purpose of hearing and learning God’s Word are so important.

Along the way, the group joined together for worship, watched a movie, played minigolf and board games, ate lots of delicious food, and grew in relationship with Christ and with one another.

The twelve participants hail from various places in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, and the young adults group is already starting to think and plan toward next spring.

Rev. Alex Klages

Welcoming new members in Windsor

WINDSOR, Ont. – Easter Day brought special gladness this year at First Lutheran in Windsor. In addition to the ever-new Gospel of the risen Christ and wonderful choral and instrumental music, the congregation rejoiced to recognize new members received in recent months. Some came by adult and child baptism, others by transfer, and one even from a Lutheran congregation in China.

These newcomers were celebrated at the late morning English festival service. Assisting pastors Rev. Wilhelm Torgerson and Rev. Dr. Robert Bugbee at the altar was seminarian Joseph Behl, a firstyear student of Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, who was also one of the newly received members.

Included in the group was a former President of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) from the days before autonomy, when LCC still functioned as a federation of Missouri Synod congregations in Canada. Rev. Dr. Louis N. Scholl has joined First Lutheran Church by transfer from a nearby LCMS English

District congregation. Rev. Scholl was LCC federation president in the mid-1970s and even served full-time with the Lutheran Council in Canada prior to that. He was a parish pastor at Gethsemane, Windsor, for many years prior to his retirement.

“I’m delighted to have this tie to my longtime friend, Louis Scholl,” noted First’s senior pastor, Dr. Bugbee. He added, “The presence of all these new members the Lord has sent us is a real encouragement.”

First Lutheran Church was founded in 1920 and is located in central Windsor, very close to the tunnel and bridge linking Canada to the United States. The congregation’s 100th anniversary celebrations were interrupted by the pandemic a few years ago, but the hope is to reschedule some of these events when they reach the 105th anniversary in the summer of 2025.

Rev. Dr. Robert Bugbee

East Region Church Workers’ Conference


– Lutheran Church–Canada’s East Region’s Pastors and Deacons Conference was held April 2224, 2024 once again at Mount Carmel Retreat Centre in Niagara Falls. About 65 people attended. The presentations were delivered in a most enjoyable and sometimes humorous way by Rev. David Fleming and Dr. Beverly Yahnke of Doxology, who spoke candidly about stress and stress management for church workers. The

location and accommodations were nice and the food was great—and it is always a pleasure to get together with friends and colleagues.

Rev. Donald Schieman

Photo: Rev. Dr. Thomas M. Winger

On a recent trip, I passed a large billboard in a field that read: “You can do it!” At first, I thought that it was a positive message that so many seem to need these days. Many are feeling helpless and hopeless with the recent upheaval in our economy, pandemic fallout, and feelings of isolation. Some have tried so hard to make a go of things. They plot and plan, work and worry, and somehow still feel hopeless in so many things.

When the Lord God created us, He gave us intelligence and the ability to achieve certain things. We can build homes, drive cars, and plant vegetable gardens. Yet even in these simple matters, we can only do what the Lord has given us the ability to accomplish. We can build homes, but we need the strength, wisdom, and materials that the Lord provides. We can drive, but we rely on the gift of eyesight. We can plant gardens, but need the Lord to send the rain and sun at the proper time.

In truth, apart from the Lord we can do nothing (John 15:5). Apart from the Vine, we can do nothing. That doesn’t always sit well with us. We broken clay vessels want to be the one in charge, the one doing the doing, the one telling the telling, and the one deciding the decisions.

It started in the Garden of Eden. Satan whispered to Eve that she could be like God. There they were in the paradise of God and still they wanted more. Are we any different today?


from the regional pastor | rev. marvin bublitz

If we are honest, we must admit that we are no different. We want to be the doer. We want to be like God. This sin is lurking in us since the Garden. Our sin condemns us. We need forgiveness. We need our sin removed from us. However, despite what that billboard declares, we cannot do it. We are powerless.

“While we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.”

- Roman 5:6

“He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His steadfast love toward those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far does He remove our transgressions from us. As a father shows compassion to his children, so the LORD shows compassion to those who fear Him. For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust.”

- Psalm 103:10-13

We confess in the Creed: “I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength...” The Old Adam in us glides over those words in the hope that we do not really mean them. But they are most precious, most comforting words. For in this confession, we remember that we are dust. That is something the Father always remembers. He

remembers that we are dust—the work of His creation. More than that, He remembers that at just the right time Christ died for us.

That billboard should say: “You can’t do it, but Jesus did!”

In Him we have forgiveness and salvation. For the sake of His Son, the Father forgives, restores, and saves His rebellious creation. He blesses us to live in His paradise forever. That is something worth putting on the largest billboard. It is something for the child of God to live out and share every day as we journey to His Promised Land. It is the most joyous promise of our gracious God.

“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”

- Psalm 103:1-5

When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside; Death of death and hell's destruction, Land me safe on Canaan's side. Songs of praises, songs of praises I will ever give to Thee; I will ever give to Thee.

- LSB 918:3

150th anniversary in Kurtzville

KURTZVILLE, Ont. – Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is celebrating 150 years of God’s blessings. Generous fundraising allowed the committee to host a roast pig dinner for all those who attended the Anniversary Vespers and Cemetery Memorial Services on May 26, 2024. Local dignitaries were also in attendance, as was Lutheran Church–Canada President Timothy Teuscher, who preached at the service.

Events leading up to this year’s celebrations included Muffin Sundays and Soup & Sundaes Sundays. Trinity Trivia games created some headscratching moments and lots of laughter. The dessert auctions at these events were certainly a sweet treat.

The Gowns & Tea Events in 2023 and 2024 expanded into the community, featuring lovely historic displays of current and past members’ wedding gowns, baptismal gowns, and special items from those events. High Tea was served on the best china and silver while guests reminisced about styles and times gone by.

A 2024 keepsake calendar was created from photos throughout the years, and special dates for the church were included, and a 150th history book was compiled.

A chili cook-off was planned for January, and although the biggest snowstorm of the year closed the roads, everything was just as tasty the next day. Still to come is an All Saints Social, where a very German dinner

and some fun entertainment will be enjoyed by many.

Throughout the years, God’s faithfulness to His Church has given the congregation much to be thankful for; celebrating the 150th anniversary reminds them of all the time, talents, and gifts that have been bestowed by our Heavenly Father. Congregation members says it was a joy to see so many generations come together in worship; to welcome former members who have moved away; and to know that the congregation is part of a true family, as children of God.

150th Anniversary Committee Member Jan Felkar serving cake. Photo: Sofia Reinhardt.
MP John Nater; Mayor of North Perth, Todd Kasenberg; Crucifer Thomas Taplay; LCC President Timothy Teuscher; Trinity’s pastor, Rev. Kurt Reinhardt; and MPP Matthew Rae. Photo: Kathleen Bulmer.
Gown and tea display. Photo: Tabetha Peel.
Beginning of Vespers service. Photo: Sofia Reinhardt.
Display of past confirmation classes. Photo: Sofia Reinhardt.


Homeschool co-op in Burlington

Students in the homeschool co-op paint collaborative watercolour art panels outdoors. The project was inspired by the groups' study of Canadian artwork by the Group of Seven.

BURLINGTON, Ont. – This past school year, Lutheran homeschooling families in the Burlington area were blessed to meet for a co-op at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church on the third and fifth Fridays of the month from September 2023 to May 2024.

Mornings began with a Matins service, led by Rev. Zakel. The homeschool group was delighted to be joined in worship by other members of Prince of Peace. After Matins, students (who ranged in age from five to 13 years of age) enjoyed a snack and visiting break before focusing their attention on a variety of handson experiments and projects.

The learning time was guided by Philippians 4:8—“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

They studied a great variety of topics, some of which included: strength and stability of bridges (STEM); rainbows, colour, and the light spectrum (science); natural and manmade structures in Germany (geography and mapping); mixtures and solutions (science); the colour wheel and the Group of Seven

(history and art); the history of tea, trade, and harvest (history and cooking); Camille Saint-Saёns and The Carnival of the Animals (music). There were even some introductory lessons on how to play tone chimes. The students loved getting involved in the hands-on learning opportunities.

The end of this wonderful year of learning together was marked by a delicious pizza lunch shared with the Friday morning Bible Study group. The group looks forward to being curious together again come September!

Sarah Fernandes

in Canada

Domestic Mission executive visits Oromo congregation

WINNIPEG – Rev. Jacob Quast has begun his work as Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) new Director of Domestic Missions, with one of his first visits taking place at Shalom Oromo Lutheran Church in Winnipeg. During service on June 17, the congregation welcomed Rev. Quast and his wife, and presented him with a Gaabi —a handwoven blanket made of raw materials. The gift of a Gaabi conveys respect and honour. The congregation also presented Rev. Quast with a Rufaa, which is worn by men of the community and those held in high esteem.

“We are excited to collaborate with Rev. Jacob Quast in our mission,” the congregation noted on social media.

“We praise God for blessing us with such a wonderful day, and for bringing Rev. Quast into our church family.”

“Thank you so much for your love and warm welcome,” Rev. Quast said in response to the honour. “It is wonderful to have such amazing brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for uniting us in Your Son, Jesus!”

A Busy First Few Months!

CANADA – Rev. Jacob Quast has been very busy in his first months as Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Domestic Missions Executive visiting pastors and mission partners throughout the country. Among other work so far, he has: preached at an LCC mission station in Kingston, Ontario; attended the national convention of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada; visited with the Oromo Lutheran Fellowship in Vancouver; met with pastors and lay leaders serving Chinese, Korean, and Spanish-speaking communities in B.C.; and presented at the 2024 Anyuwaa Conference in Winnipeg.

Above: Rev. Jacob Quast and his wife Jolene with members of Shalom Oromo Lutheran Church. Below: Rev. Assefa Aredo, pastor of Shalom Oromo Lutheran Church, places a Rufaa on the head of Rev. Jacob Quast.

in Canada

LWMLC holds national convention, elects new president

LONDON, Ont. – Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada (LWMLC) held its national convention July 11-14 in London, Ontario, with the option for members to also participate online. The convention theme was “Sing to the Lord a new song!” (Psalm 149:1).

The convention saw the election of Marilyn Witte as LWMLC’s new President. “God knows the plans He has for us,” President Witte said. “I am excited to work with the talented LWMLC Board. I am excited to lead LWMLC in the mission Jesus has prepared for us. I am excited to see what God has in store for us. I am so very excited to serve God and you.”

LWMLC President Witte succeeds President Linda Long, who served two terms as president from 2018-2024. “As I step down from the President’s position, I can only offer my Lord

much praise for the joy He offered to me,” President Emeritus Long said. “Thank you most sincerely for the opportunity to lead you.”

Also elected to serve are: Jill Munoz (VP Christian Growth); Lorraine Kaija (VP Christian Mission); Karen Hildebrandt (VP Communication); Ruth Coe (VP Member Development; Sherley Hearty (VP ABC District Administration); Annette Borchardt (VP Central District Administration); Sharlene Procknow (VP Ontario District Administration); Rena Detlefsen (VP Laurentian District Administration); Diana Grant (Recording Secretary); Penny Bobier (Financial Secretary); and Linda Horton (Treasurer).

The opening service, which was also broadcast live online, featured a new hymn, “Saints Sing a New Song” by Joyce E. Doskotch of Duncan, B.C. Preaching for the service was Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) President Timothy Teuscher.

Serving as keynote speaker for the convention was Lutheran author, Deb Burma. Burma has written multiple books, Bible studies, retreat kits, and devotionals for Concordia Publishing House. During her keynote address, Burma inspired LWMLC members to sing a new song to the Lord. Special interest speakers included Rev. Paulo

Outgoing LWMLC President Linda Long (right) hands the gavel over to new President Marilyn Witte.

Brum, Rev. Walta Clercius, and Rev. Peter Gatluak, discussing how music and song are used to glorify God in Brazil, Haiti, and Sudan respectively.

Three servant events at the conference supported a drop-in centre for women called My Sister’s Place; London-based homeless shelters; and outreach ministry at St. Mark’s Lutheran (Mississauga, Ontario). Offerings from the conference will support LWMLC’s new triennium mission goals (below); LCC’s two seminaries; and the Community Cupboard program of Historic St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (Kitchener, Ontario).

For more convention news, visit LWML’s website: lutheranwomen.ca.

LWMLC’s Mission Grants goals for 2024-2027

CLTS hosts preaching retreat

ST. CATHARINES, Ont. – From June 17-19, Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) hosted a preaching retreat.

Pastors from as far away as Ohio and Manitoba gathered at the seminary for an exciting retreat, with session led by faculty members and visiting experts, all aimed at enhancing the preaching skills of the pastors. Topics included improving non-verbal communication, selecting effective words, and delving into the timeless Lutheran approach to preaching.

As the event was a retreat, time was also set aside for prayer and worship, with services led by individual participants. The Tuesday afternoon provided a delightful break, with a visit to the picturesque Niagara-On-The-Lake. During this time, participants toured the historic St. Mark’s Anglican church and also \enjoyed a tasting at Ironwood Cidery. The day concluded with a barbeque in the scenic vineyards, followed by a Vespers service at Trinity Lutheran Church.

As the retreat came to a close on Wednesday, everyone agreed that it had been a rejuvenating experience. Planning for the next preaching retreat has already commenced.

Organizers are grateful to all those who contributed to the success of the retreat, especially those who made donations to cover the cost of the event through GoFundMe.

CLTS Release

Nominations for CLS president due soon

EDMONTON – The deadline for nominations for President of Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS) is approaching fast. Nominations are due by August 30, 2024.

Any member of Lutheran Church–Canada is eligible to make a nomination, including congregations, pastors, deacons, and others. Screening and interviews of nominees will take place in September and October 2024, with a first call expected to be issued by the end of November, and a proprosed start date to take place

sometime in late spring 2025 (or earlier, if agreed upon). CLS’ Interim President, Rev. Dr. Joel D. Heck, will be present through June 2025 to assist with the transition of duties.

Questions can be directed to the Interim President Search Committee at slyons@concordiasem.ab.ca. Nominations should be sent to Dcn. Miriam Winstanley at mwinstanley@ concordiasem.ab.ca.

For full details, see the Call for Nominations document on CLS’ website at www.concordiasem.ab.ca.

CLTS President Thomas Winger leads the opening session of the retreat.

LCC seminaries participate in international conference

LCC participants at the conference included: ILC Communications Manager Mathew Block; CLTS Associate Professor James A. Kellerman ; and CLS Interim President Joel D. Heck.

ARGENTINA – The International Lutheran Council’s (ILC) 8 th World Seminaries Conference took place June 11-14 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with representatives from Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) two seminaries participating in the conference as speakers.

The theme for the conference was “Church and State: Challenges and Opportunities for Seminary Education.”

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Argentina ( Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Argentina – IELA) served as host for the event, which brought together representatives from the

seminaries and theological programs of 21 church bodies in 19 countries, as well as other guests.

The conference featured multiple presentations which engaged the conference theme in different ways. The ILC’s Chairman, Bishop Juhana Pohjola of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland, presented on “Theological Perspectives on Church and State.” Rev. Dr. Jun-Hyun Kim (South Korea) and Rev. Prof. Clécio Schadech (Argentina) gave back-to-back presentations providing historical perspectives on the relationship between church and state and what it means for theological education. Rev. Dr. James A. Kellerman of Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) in St. Catharines, Ontario addressed the issue of government interference in seminary education. Rev. Dr. Boris Gunjevic (United Kingdom) discussed the challenges surrounding identity and identity politics. Finally, Rev. Dr. P. R. (India) Selvaraj presented on church and state in times of persecution.

The conference also featured a series of shorter sectionals, including one by Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS) in Edmonton’s Interim President Joel D. Heck speaking on the use of C.S. Lewis’ works in pastoral ministry. Other sectional

presentations discussed alternatives to the classical seminary model; training pastors in a small church; teaching the Small Catechism to seminarians; and models of online education.

That last topic—online education— was also the subject of a panel discussion during the conference. Rev. Dr. Alexei Streltsov (Russia) first gave a paper on the subject, followed by shorter presentations by Rev. Dr. Ebenezer Boafu (Ghana), Rev. Ted Kray (LCMS – Latin America), Rev. Dr. Tom Park (LCMS – Taiwan), and Rev. Dr. Chris Caughey (United States).

The topic of accreditation was also addressed during the conference, with Dr. Cynthia Lumley (United Kingdom) and ILC General Secretary Klaus Detlev Schulz each presenting. Small group discussion of the issue followed.

The final day of the conference saw discussion of core competencies for pastoral and diaconal education. Rev. Dr. Ron Mudge (USA) presented on the subject, taking participants through an analysis of the curricula and competencies required at Concordia Seminary (St. Louis, Missouri) and Concordia Theological Seminary (Fort Wayne, Indiana).

The conference concluded with a visit to the IELA’s Seminario Concordia , where participants worshipped with the seminary community and joined them for a closing barbeque and entertainment. ILC News

Lutheran Bible Translators of Canada

LBTC asks you to join with us in thanking God for the Bible translations, the translators and others who have made God’s Word available and especially for the countless people who have come to faith through that life-giving Word

LBTC asks you join with us in thanking God for the opportunities that He is opening up in Africa, Asia, and here among Canada’s First Nations to bring His Word to more and more people in the languages of their hearts.

Thanks be to God for LBTC Missionaries & Field support workers

After 40+ years of service, Martin and Joan Weber have retired to New Hampshire, but continue to serve LBTC in Cameroon on short-term mission trips as needed.

Kayla Falkenholt is entering her third year of LBTC service as a missionary kids teacher. After teaching the Kuhn children for two years she is now teaching missionary kids at the Greenhouse School in Yaounde.

Rev. Mike and Kara Kuhn, Tobia, Gideon, Gloria, and Jubilee have served LBTC in Cameroon for more than 10 years, overseeing translation projects and serving as liaison with the church and various Bible translation organizations.

Past LBTC Missionaries

Horst & Eugenie Schultz

Robert & Jean Schmidt

Tim & Bonnie Stime

Scott & Annette Westermann

Rob & Eshinee Veith

Past LBTC Support Workers

Laurie Lonneberg, construction Richard Roth, technical support

Lorraine Toderash, translation help

Dorothy Luetze, teacher

Carol Martin, teacher

Jessie Branson, child care

Esther Hofstede, child care

Darren Schiemann, translation help

Curtis & Andrea Boehm, translation help

Mackenzie Cure, child care

Bill & Freda Klassen, building consultants

Michaela Federwitz, child care

Thanks be to God for LBTC Translation Projects Nizaa

Pastor Kuhn works closely with Pastor Ousmanou and Yagouda Bah in translating the New Testament into the Nizaa language. Several books are nearing completion and these drafts are being are being worked on by revisors and translation consultants.


The Old Testament translation is well underway with several books and other large portions already translated. Translators Revs. Samaki Samuel and Hamidou Yaya work diligently with the support of the Cameroon Lutheran Church’s Dept. for Translation & Literacy.


Djaillo Philippe, Sylvain Bokdogo, Hortense Barmidi (pictured l-r) and two others not pictured now make up a recently formed team of Dowayo translators. They are busy working on Old Testament books and revising the New Testament, aiming for a full Bible in Dowayo.


After more than 30 years, Translator Yuare Jerome continues to work with the Kwanja people teaching literacy classes and promoting the Kwanja New Testament and Lectionaries which he and the Webers translated. He and the Kwanja clergy hope work can begin soon on a full Bible in Kwanja.

Join with LBTC in thanking God for the many volunteers who give of their time and talents to help us in this ministry do what God has called us to do…

Tim Kuehn, Kitchener, ON

…our current board of directors and the many who have served on the board over the past 50 years.

Daniel Lantz, St. Andrews, NB

…all of you, LBTC prayer partners and donors. You faithfully and generously give of yourselves to make it possible for God’s Word to bring people the joy of salvation as it is doing for this Nizaa brother as he reads the Scriptures in his mother tongue!

… our mailing day volunteers, past and present. Every two months they come together and work very hard while enjoying the fun of Christian fellowship.

…individuals who have been and are such a blessing to LBTC:

Klaudia Groleau and her mother-in-law

Esther (Faith, Kitchener) who designed the bulletin boards pictured on page 1.

Yulin Harley (St. James, Winnipeg), who designed LBTC’s anniversary logo.

Gary Zielke (Our Saviour, Parksville, BC) who keeps our website up to date.

Harry Drews and Peter Weber (Holy Cross, Kitchener) who served in the LBTC offices for many years.

Tim Kuhl, Chair, Kanata, ON
Rev. Travis Heide, Swift Current, SK
Rev. Mike Mayer, Monkton, ON
Rev. Steve Chambers, Parksville, BC
Gordon Martens, Saskatoon, SK


As advanced apes struggle to live together, an unexpected human, Mae, seeks access to an item she believes can give humankind a critical advantage against apes in a bid to regain control over the earth.

The fourth film in the modern Planet of the Apes franchise is set many generations after the events of 2017’s War for the Planet of the Apes. The previous films told the story of Caesar, a young chimpanzee who gained higher cognition and language skills as a result of experimentation. In those films, Caesar grew to manhood and became for ape-kind a sort of Moses-figure—a law giver and leader who brought his growing band of apes to a kind of Promised Land where they could flourish outside the reach of diseased and regressing humanity.

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes begins a new trilogy chronicling the legacy of Caesar. The new film begins with Caesar’s funeral before skipping forward a few hundred years to a time when Caesar is an historic and iconic figure—a time in which both humans and apes live in a world shaped by his prior actions.

Central to the new story is Noa, a young ape prince on the cusp of adulthood. He lives with his mother Dar and father Koro, the leader of the Eagle Clan and Master of Birds. This ape colony lives symbiotically with eagles which they use to hunt food. The audience is introduced to Noa as he and his friends are scaling a skyscraper reclaimed by nature to each take a wild eagle egg from a nest—part of a coming-of-age ritual where they must incubate the eggs and nurture the eaglet to adulthood, creating a bond between ape and eagle.

Their peaceful existence is interrupted as hunters from a coastal ape colony carry out a raid, killing some and dragging the rest of Noah’s clan off for slave labour. Noa, left for dead, sets out to find and potentially rescue his surviving Eagle Clan brothers and sisters. While on his way he meets Raka a sage hermit orangutan, who explains: “Long before your elders, it was Caesar who taught us of what it means to be Ape. He was our leader, our lawgiver: ‘Apes together, strong,’ ‘Ape shall not kill ape.’ We, the Order of Caesar, follow his words to this day. I follow. I am now... the last.”

As this new chapter for ape-kind begins, Raka serves as a connecting link between the legacy of Caesar and the future, effectively passing the mantle of leadership to Noa.

They are quickly joined by the human Mae, who surprisingly can speak—something they thought was no longer possible. At this point apes refer to humans as “echoes”—basically animals. Once they had been something more but now humans are merely an “echo” of what they had

been due to the rapid spread of Simian Flu (a geneticallyengineered virus that spread naturally from person to person, and which was originally intended to cure Alzheimer’s disease). Mae turns out to be a human unaffected by the unintended consequences of the lingering Simian Flu, which caused both the regression of humanity and the rise of the apes. Many generations later, almost all apes speak while there are few examples of speaking humans.

Proximus Caesar is the leader of the coastal ape colony sending out hunters to enslave his fellow apes. As the name suggests, he presents himself as a new or “next” Caesar. This pseudo-religious leader is nothing like the original Caesar, and is clearly twisting the memory of Caesar for his own purposes. He serves as a cautionary character, warning of the dangers of leaders who misappropriate religious fervor and historical personages for their personal gain. Corrupting the original Caesar’s dictum ‘Apes together, strong,’ Proximus uses this as justification for abducting and enslaving his fellow apes. He wants to strong-arm his way into an abandoned military facility, believing the contents will further ape ‘evolution’ and give him a critical advantage over any remaining humans on earth.

Many of Proximus’ ideas have been fed to him by his human history teacher, a man who’s given up on the idea

of humanity and chosen to live in the relative comfort of Proximus’ court. When Noa and Mae are captured by one of Proximus’ hunters, they must choose to either live under his brutal regime or resist. Noa and Mae have different reasons for their actions yet share a common goal of resistance.

This provides the backdrop for the film’s basic questions: what kind of kingdom is best? And can apes and humans trust each other and find a way to peacefully live and work together?

Viewers familiar with these recent films will recall a fair amount of Christian symbolism and biblical allusions scattered throughout. Consider, for example, Caesar’s symbol, which mirrors the Christian use of the cross as a religious symbol. The Christian cross is of course a symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus, used by Christians as a way to remember His suffering and death for the salvation of the world. It reminds us that Jesus shed His blood and died to save humanity from sin, death, the devil, and the world— and even to save each person from themselves.

In The Planet of the Apes films, Caesar also created a symbol, which looks something like a star centered in a circle. Caesar’s symbol is derived from the design of his window in the house where he grew up with humans in 2011’s Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Later while imprisoned, Caesar drew the shape of that window design upon the concrete of his cell as a symbol of what he’d had lost and what he hoped one day to regain. When Caesar eventually managed to pull together a small village of apes, this image is shown again as a symbol of community and life together.

In the new film, we see that symbol worn as a pendant by the orangutan Raka—much as a Christian might wear a cross necklace. It symbolizes the hope of a brighter future in which ape-kind live together in harmony.

Proximus Caesar also uses this symbol, but in his hands it becomes instead a symbol of forced togetherness. The pendant worn by Raka is given first to Noa and eventually to Mae—a fulfillment of sorts of the symbols’ first meaning for the original Caesar: a symbol of life and harmony between humanity and the apes. Christian viewers will recognize instances through history when symbolic images,

including the Christian cross, have been used for nefarious purposes antithetical to their true meaning. In Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, the symbol of Caesar’s legacy suffers the same conflicted history of both stigma and genuine veneration that has been suffered by the cross of Christ.

A more obvious— if somewhat loose—biblical allusion is the name of the central character. If Caesar in the first films was a kind of Moses-figure, then Noa here is to a lesser extent a kind of Noah. The biblical Noah built an ark at God’s direction, and he and his family are rescued in that ark as a flood wipes away a humanity which had become wicked (Genesis 6:13-8:19). Proximus Caesar is certainly a kind of “mighty man” or “man of renown” who does what he wants without reprisal, much like the tyrants and thugs who are washed away in judgment by the flood in Genesis 6 (Genesis 6:1-13). A flood likewise washes away the coastal ape colony, but Noa—like his biblical namesake—is able to rescue much of his family, the Eagle Clan. They return home to rebuild their community together in peace.

Where the film sadly falls flat is in its slow pacing and two hour and twenty-five minute runtime. Introducing Proximus Caesar earlier in the film would also have helped to raise the stakes and improve tension and drama in the first act. For those who love the franchise, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes provides a leisurely tour of its world and an imaginative new entry in the continuing story. Nevertheless, while the film tackles new questions of how a person’s memory is passed down through time and how it can be corrupted, much of the film otherwise feels remarkably similar to past entries, repeating old themes like personal vengeance and temptations to abuse power.

is lead pastor of Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Regina, and movie reviewer for

Caesar looks out a window in Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Raka wears Caesar's symbol in KingdomofthePlanetoftheApes


Church’s Future? (cont.)

Continued from page 42.

...comfort of the real presence of the Lord. By and large we all act in our Church as though Jesus Christ were not really present, as though He were further removed from our time than in any other age in the history of the church.”

“What is the reason for this? We believe it is not a mistake to see a correspondence between the celebration of the Holy Supper on the one hand, and the belief in the real presence of Christ in the Church on the other hand. Since the celebration of the first Supper, the Church has been connected with the Supper in a very unique way. Where the Supper is celebrated, there is the Church. When the Church is described as the body of Christ, it can only be understood on the basis of this Sacrament. ‘The participation in the body of Christ’ (1 Corinthians 10:16) means at the same time the participation in the true body of the Lord, who is given to us in the Supper, and also membership in the Church as the body of Christ.”

“Every celebration of the Supper ought remind us that Jesus Christ, in the time between His earthly days and the revelation of His glory at His return, is not distant from us, that He even now exercises His glory ‘hidden under the cross’ through the means of Word and Sacrament in His Church, that the present Christ is the greatest power and the most important fact of world history in our day. We should know this as we ponder the future of the Church. The presence of Christ is the life of the Church. The future of the Church is the future of the Lord.”

Rev. Gerald Andersen, Go Forth in Peace Lutheran Parish (SK), called to Grace Lutheran (Mitchell, ON – LCMS English District). Installation: September 7, 2024.

Rev. Alvin Borchardt, Emeritus (Neepawa, MB), called to glory.

Rev. Scott Brayall , Faith Lutheran (Grande Prairie, AB) called to Mount Calvary Lutheran (Red Deer, AB). Installation: August 4, 2024.

Rev. Brian Falkenholt, Christ Lutheran (Thunder Bay, ON), to Trinity Lutheran (Richmond, BC). Installation: August 28, 2024.

Rev. Alan Visser, Emeritus (Prince George, BC), called to glory.


Most of us are aware of the statistics concerning the decline of Christianity in our nation over the past number of years—something we see also in many congregations of Lutheran Church–Canada. Which begs the question: Is there a future for the church? Hermann Sasse, the great 20th century confessional Lutheran theologian, gives us an answer in his essay “The Presence of Christ and the Future of the Church.” The excerpts below are as timely and relevant for us today as it when Sasse penned them more than eighty years ago—so I will turn the rest of my column over to him.

“Today much is said about the future of the Church, particularly the Lutheran Church. To both the fearful friends and the reveling opponents of the church we must hold up the biblical truth proven through so many centuries: that the future of the Church nowhere and never has lain in the hands of people. And therefore it certainly can neither be foreseen nor prophesied by people.”

“The existence of the Church is the most profound riddle of history. No one can explain it. No one can say how the Church finally continues to exist. [Some] have been convinced that the protection of the state is what makes the existence of the Church possible. But the Church first experienced its great flowering in the centuries in which it was not acknowledged (and even persecuted). To this day how the Church outlived the demise of the ancient world is a mystery of history. Nor could anyone have known that the

apparent self-destruction of the church in the sixteenth century was not the end of the church, but its Reformation. The age of Rationalism around 1800, when the preaching of the Gospel was almost completely extinguished, demonstrated that it is not the faith, hope, and love of people which sustain the life of the Church. Even if today a ‘theology’ should come to rule which was similar to the estrangement from Christ and the despising of the Holy Scriptures like the teachings of Rationalism, this would not in and of itself mean the end of the Church. For the mystery of the Church is the real and essential presence of Jesus Christ in the world.”

“Whether or not the Church is present or not does not depend on the good or evil will of people, but only on [God’s] will. If He in His limitless mercy wills that His Gospel be preached also in the future among us, and that generations yet unborn should hear the saving message of the forgiveness of sins for the sake of Christ, then it will most certainly happen. No one knows how it happens. It may be that it will happen without the methods of modern ‘publicity’ and the technical means of the transmission of information. But there can be no doubt that the mandate shall be carried out: ‘Go forth and preach the Gospel to all creatures” (Mark 16:15). Therefore the Church will remain among us in the future so long as Christ remains with us. Its future is not determined by people, just as it cannot be foreseen by people. For the future of the Church is the future of Christ.”

“How is it that this understanding of the Church, which depends not

on people, but only upon Christ, has perished throughout broad stretches of our Evangelical Church? How is it that this truth, which Luther believed so firmly and which gave him so firm and peaceful a heart in the midst of all the struggles over the Church, has been forgotten? Because we have much too high a regard for our own thought and doing, our faith and our speaking, nothing comes of our nervous fastidiousness, our anxiety and grief over the future, and our self-inflicted pain and increasing pain brought on by ecclesiastical busyness.”

“We do not mean that the Word of God is in any way sluggish. Luther was not slothful, and neither were the apostles, though they knew that of themselves they could not have maintained the church. Quite the contrary! The experience and history of the Church teaches that in the Church there is the most fervent and blessed labour where people really understand that ‘With might of ours can naught be done, Soon were our loss effected’ (LSB 656:2). We do not see a foreboding sign in the fact that in the Church we work seriously and hard; but rather, in the fact that we do this work as though Jesus Christ were not really present in His Church. That is the secret disbelief which has more deeply and adversely affected the Lutheran Church than any external influences of paganism. The effects of that hidden unbelief are a hundred times worse and more dangerous than everything which (the world) has done to the Church or is prepared to do to it. Even our good congregations often no longer grasp the full seriousness and... Continued on page 41

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