Alberta and British Columbia - Michelle Heumann, editor
First-ever virtual youth gathering a success
EDMONTON - On September 10, 2021, the IMPACT Youth Gathering committee held a mini virtual youth gathering as a way to fulfill their mission statement—Community, growth, and equipping centered on Christ—in a time when gathering in person for a weekend has not been possible. Called “IMPACT...but shorter,” the livestreamed event had several important parts of a gathering packed into just a few hours. The event was free and open to all youth groups in Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC), and almost 80 youth and leaders attended online.
A small team gathered to stream from Concordia Lutheran Seminary, which generously provided the space and the technology required for the event. Hosted by Rev. Eric Moffett and Rev. Scott Brayall, the event included two sessions: one by the hosts on the IMPACT theme verse, 1 Peter 1:35, and one by Alex Steinke (LCC Communications Director) on mental health, called “‘Follow Your Heart’ and other lies we tell each other.” The evening also featured music by Sarah Wemyss, a Kahoot quiz game (with a prize of a National Youth Gathering registration fee), a Q&A
session (the pastors were joined by Dcn. Dr. Jennifer Frim), and some time for chatting with other youth. Youth leaders were provided with a resource list, a Bible study on the theme, and a suggested servant event to do with their group—a way to make an impact in their community. The sessions were recorded, and will be made available online, along with the other resources, at www. impactyg.ca. The planning committee is thankful for everyone who participated in making this a great evening of learning and connecting.
Confirmation news from Fort Mac
Anything but still!
RICHMOND, B.C. - On Saturday, July 24, 2021, Trinity Lutheran Church held its first Family Vacation Bible School. The event was built around the story of Jesus calming the storm from Mark 4. But unlike the wind and the waves, these families were anything but still! Eighteen families from the congregation, Trinity’s Little Children Centre, Killarney Community Lutheran Church (Vancouver), and the community participated in this event. The VBS was held as a drop-in where families could come anytime between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to move through the various stations (Bible story, crafts, snacks, games, and music) at their preferred pace and in their preferred order. The event proved to be a wonderful opportunity to share the Gospel with families as the congregation begins to resume in-person programming. Samantha Neeb, Youth Director
FORT MCMURRAY, Alta. - June 27, 2021, was a very special day for the Haberstock household and Trinity Lutheran Church as Rev. Keith Haberstock’s son Joshua professed his faith in Jesus as Saviour and Lord, the faith that the Holy Spirit bestowed on him fifteen years earlier via the water and Word of Holy Baptism. Please rejoice with the congregation there in his standing before his brothers and sisters in Christ to make the great confession of faith in the one true God. The family is especially thankful that Joshua’s grandfather, former Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) president Rev. Dr. Ed Lehman was also able to participate in the Rite of Confirmation. Rev. Keith Haberstock
THE CANADIAN LUTHERAN September/October 2021