The Canadian Lutheran September/October 2021

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The Journey Through Grief Rev. Michael Keith

You don’t get over it; you get through it.


s a pastor I have journeyed through the valley of the shadow of death with many people. The loss of a loved one leaves us profoundly hurt and broken. We experience emotions of grief that at times can feel overwhelming. The loss of a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences we go through in life.

Many Misconceptions There are many misconceptions surrounding grief that can lead to false expectations for someone experiencing grief as well as family and friends seeking to lend support and encouragement. One of the biggest misconceptions is that grief is something like the common cold. You have it for a while and then you get over it and get back to “normal.” That’s the great desire for those in grief and those who are seeking to lend support—for things to get back to normal. The idea seems to be that you have grief for maybe six months or at most a year, and then you “get over” it. The harsh reality is that this never happens. That is the pain of death. What once was can never be again. You don’t get over it; you get through it. This raises the misconception of “closure.” Many look forward to a funeral so they can gain “closure”—as if, after the funeral, all the grief and mourning can be left behind. That is not how it works for most people. It is far more helpful to see the funeral as something near the beginning of the journey through grief. It is the public recognition that a death has occurred. It is the community, the body of Christ, gathering to receive strength and encouragement from God so that they might then in turn offer support and encouragement to each other. It is a time where we gather before God to give thanks for giving life to this person and for the opportunity we had to share in it. More than this, it is a time to give thanks for the eternal life that was secured for our friend by Jesus. Far from the end of the journey or providing “closure,” the funeral is often the beginning of the journey through grief. Another common misconception is that grief and mourning are the same thing. It is helpful, however, to make a distinction between them. Grief is the emotion and feelings that you experience on the inside as a result of a loss. Mourning is instead the public expression of those emotions. One of the great struggles we THE CANADIAN LUTHERAN September/October 2021


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Articles inside

When Life’s Great Trials Cast You Down

page 44

Supplement: LAMP Ministry

pages 35-38

Help! The communion wafers are stale.

page 28

Who catechizes you?

page 24

Return to the Lord your God

page 20

Rev. Zakel installed at Prince of Peace

page 30

No time to sleep

page 29

Wilderness Escape VBS at Bethel

page 27

New pastor for Fisherville

page 27

May flowers

page 26

“Teach the catechism, especially to the young” - Martin Luther

page 25

Another generation confessing

page 25

Bethel Thunder Bay closes

page 23

A block party brings the community together

page 22

King of Kings hosts VBS

page 21

VBS goes online again at Foothills Lutheran Church

page 21

Confirmation news from Fort Mac

page 19

Anything but still!

page 19

First-ever virtual youth gathering a success

page 19

LCC’s Free Stock Photo Catalogue is here!

page 18

Confessional Chats: Introducing LCC’s New Video Series

page 18

Reflections from LCC/LLL-C's Communications Internship

page 17

New Bishop Consecrated for Finnish Lutherans

page 16

Latvian Lutherans vote to seek membership in the ILC

page 16

Australian, German leaders who led churches to partnership with LCC pass on to glory

page 15

Eight dead after flash flood at Ethiopian seminary

page 15

Mission congregation hosts installation of LCC’s newest Missionary-at-Large for the francophone community

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Former CLS president called to glory

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LCC Seminaries Call for Nominations

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In Review: The Green Knight

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The Journey Through Grief

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Peace when there is no peace

page 5

Love Your Enemies: The Persecuted Church Today

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A Strange Blessing for the Saints

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Faith and Suffering

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