Print Edition - March 2017 Springtime - Transgression

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March 2017 Spring Time El Periódico Inglés de Gran Canaria The English Newspaper


Controversy at The Carnival Page 3

British tabloid fakes turn up the fear Page 9

The Harder They Come... Canarian Legal Alliance Page 10

The Canary Awards 2017 Shortlist voting opens Page 19

Page 22


Guide to Carnival Costa Mogán - News, Views & Sunshine from around Gran Canaria


News brief

Springtime 2017 03.

Reviewing some of the stories we’ve covered over the last few weeks. Stay up to date at

Transgression - Las Palmas courts controversy, in Drag Las Palmas 2017 Carnival’s 20th Drag Queen competition caught fire, figuratively speaking, after an “outrageous” performer was crowned Carnival Drag Queen. If you didn’t catch the main Spanish news in the days following, you may be blissfully unaware of the heated exchanges that took place between the capital’s town hall, the president of Tenerife, the President of Gran Canaria, The Bishop of The Canary Islands, politicians of every flavour, tens of thousands of people on twitter and facebook, and various other internet backwaters, and the winner of this years 20th anniversary Carnival Drag Queen competition, Drag Sethlas, whose infamy has been climaxing ever since, led to calls both for Freedom of Art and protection for the sanctity of religion; as the on-stage transgressions from one of the carnival’s most popular contests were played out again and again for commentary from every angle.

The Mayor of Las Palmas, Augusto Hidalgo, summed it up most succinctly by saying “We are a tolerant city and Carnival is transgression” Editors thought: Regardless of your opinion on such things, in a world where televised violence and intolerance are widespread, where fascist rhetoric is on the rise and a white supremacists´ puppet is in the white house, this up-beat drag show is the least of anyone´s worries. Gran Canaria is happy to push these boundaries for the good of all, in the form of Carnival Spring Rites. From the perspective of this publication, it is little more than an amusing fracas over complete and useless whimsy. But then the boundary between the whimsical and the offensive has always been the domain of both art and religion. In the words of another known Spanish provocateur…

“Art is never chaste. It ought to be forbidden to ignorant innocents, never allowed into contact with those not sufficiently prepared. Yes, art is dangerous. Where it is chaste, it is not art.” Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)

Spain’s main TV network TVE removed footage of the show from their website, as did TV Canaria before hurriedly republishing it the same day. Las Palmas Carnival began trending worldwide across social networks, as they removed their website in the face of ecstatic comparisons ranging from Madonna to Leonardo da Vinci, and ecclesiastical knickers ever more in a twist over the provocation, who responded with denunciations for the clear lack of respect that surely must have been intended. The truth is: this was a PR coup for Las Palmas Carnival. A storm in a teacup over long accepted norms within art, whereby the artist uses familiar and, for some, sacred imagery to evoke a clear reaction from the religious hierarchy, their adherents and the wider population; most of whom see no real issue, and even embrace the transgression as a welcome part of artistic expression.

An online petition has gained thousands of signatures already in support of artistic right of expression… you can sign it here:

Editor-in-Chief Edward Timon .:.

Tel: 928 987 952 / Office Open Mon - Fri 10am - 2pm Sales & Marketing: via 928 987 952 Accounts: Production:

The Canary is independently owned and operated by unpaid volunteers working as part of a cooperative to provide useful information and entertainment to English speakers based on Gran Canaria. The publishers accept no responsibility for claims made by advertisers, either in advertisements or advertorial, nor can they be held responsible for any inaccuracies, errors in advertisements or advertorial. This publisher accepts no responsibility for poor quality artwork or logos supplied by advertisers and no responsibility is accepted for loss or damage caused by any error or inaccuracy or nonappearance of an advertisement or advertorial. Every effort will be made to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of articles and advertisements in this publication, however the publisher does not accept responsibility for claims or opinions in the same. Contributions can be offered for publication, though no fee will be offered:

Reproduction of any part of this newspaper is permitted only with appropriate credit & notification under Creative Commons 3.0 rules of Attribution, unless otherwise stated. Edita: JDC Canarias SL, Imprime: Informaciones Canarias, Gran Canaria, España. Deposito Legal GC1291-2013

Springtime 2017 03.

Controversy at the Carnival by Barrie Mahoney In the Canary Islands, as well as in many predominantly Catholic countries around the world, we are currently enjoying a period of collective madness, commonly known as Carnival. Until a few years ago when cheap overseas travel and holidays became readily available, few British people had ever experienced or understood what Carnival was really about; it is certainly not just about amazingly gorgeous dresses, high heels and skimpily dressed girls and guys. Carnival is part of the Christian, and mostly Catholic, festival season that takes place just before the period known as Lent. It is a period of excess and celebration involving parades, parties, as well as elements of the circus added for good measure. Masks and costumes are worn, together with an excessive consumption of alcohol and food. Food fights, mockery of authority, satire and exaggeration are the order of the day. Abusive language, exaggerated features, such as mouths, bellies, noses and penises are all part of the fun, with gleeful depictions of death and disease being part of a time when the world is viewed through a different lens with the reversal of what passes for everyday normality. It is in this context that various Carnival parades are currently taking place in towns and cities all across Spain and the Canary Islands. In Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, for instance, this threeweek binge that culminates in a parade that is billed as ‘Second only to Rio’, vulgarity and tackiness are at their peak. In Germany too, there were raised eyebrows with one impressive float sporting a huge and colourful effigy of the UK’s Brexit Prime Minister, Theresa May, with a loaded pistol marked ‘Brexit’ pointing into her mouth, no doubt ready to blow her brains out. Another popular float featured the ever-controversial US President Trump sexually violating the robed and tearful figure ‘Libertas’, a Roman goddess (of Statue of Liberty fame), which is not a sight for the easily offended or faint hearted, I might add, although it is surprisingly poignant in its message. Carnival is not always comfortable, since it challenges authority and established views, as well as mocking the status quo; this was one of the reasons why the dictator, General Franco, wanted


to ban it in the Canary Islands during Spain’s Civil War. Closer to home, the winner of the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Carnival Drag Queen competition was won by an artist with an imaginative interpretation of the Virgin Mary that cleverly morphed into Christ’s crucifixion; in so many ways, it was a welldeserved win for a talented artist. I found myself feeling both very impressed, as well as uncomfortable by the performance, which for me was a step too far. The Bishop of the Canary Islands waded into the controversy, reportedly describing the performance as “frivolous blasphemy”, and then unwisely commented that it was the saddest day of his time on the Canary Islands, and even more disturbing than the plane crash at Barajas airport of the flight destined for Gran Canaria that claimed the lives of 154 residents and tourists several years ago. Such comments are not only cruel coming from a man of the cloth, but also upsetting to many people, not least the relatives and friends of the victims. I sincerely hope that the interpretation of the Bishop’s words were down to linguistic errors and not an expression of his true feelings. If so, many would suggest a period of retreat and reflection for the good Bishop to reconcile his views with the feelings of so many who were hurt and offended by his careless comments, whatever his views about blasphemy, of which he has a point. So, as Carnival comes to an end for another year, with the burial of that blessed sardine once again, we can only reflect and wonder upon the artistry, energy and imagination that so many performers have displayed during these weeks of excess. On a more serious note, I hope that we are all wise enough to recognise the anger, criticism and defiance of authority that have entered the Carnival parades this year. After all, over the years, Carnival has always reflected the times that we are in; it is also a time when many true and honest feelings are genuinely expressed. If you enjoyed this article, take a look at Barrie’s websites: and or read his latest book, ‘Footprints in the Sand’ (ISBN: 9780995602717). Available in paperback, as well as Kindle editions. © Barrie Mahoney


Springtime 2017


employee stole



Guardia Civil at Gran Canaria Airport detained a 20-year-old Ryanair employee, an Argentine national with the initials MBA, for allegedly stealing €39,000 from a safe in the offices of the airline,at which he worked, on the island. It is thought to have been weekend takings from onboard sales, and the steward, after allegedly taking the money during the early hours of the Monday morning, was intending to fly to Seville before the theft had been detected. From Gran Canaria to Seville there are two airlines that offer direct flights: Vueling and Ryanair. On the 13th of February there was only one direct flight from Gran Canaria to Seville, that was with Vueling. The Guardia Civil did not release the airline’s name, but British media revealed that it was thought to be a cabin crew member from Ryanair. The detainee was charged with the crime of robbery, committed within the restricted area of the airport. A Ryanair spokesman in the UK confirmed the investigation. The cabin crew member took €34.295 from the safe, comprised of €1,568 in notes, £4,077 sterling , 1,300kr in Norwegian krone and 3,910kr in Swedish krona, totalling €39,000. The investigation began as a result of a suitcase in the inspection area at Gran Canaria airport that had been checked in on the flight bound for Seville. The fluoroscopy X-ray security system flagged it up as suspect. Once the suitcase was located by security guards at the warehouse, agents of the Guardia Civil coordinated to find the owner of the bag, who was requested to verify the contents of the suitcase and its origin. In the presence of the suspect, agents of the Guardia Civil proceeded to open the suitcase, proving that it carried a large amount of money divided in both bills and coins, and which he could not explain satisfactorily. It is thought, the cabin crew member had accessed the office, while dressed in uniform, during the early hours of that morning using a security code, accessible to all Ryanair employees. Having access to the key of the safe, he allegedly opened it and took all the money that was inside. Finally, he returned to his home on the southeast of the island, changed clothes, and then returned to the airport to take a flight to Seville, at which time the suitcase with the money was detected. He reportedly confessed to Guardia Civil officers when questioned.

Springtime 2017



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22/02/2017 10:12


Springtime 2017 03.

EU Brexit negotiator Guy Verhofstadt

Fernando Clavijo, President of the Canary Islands Government, and Pedro Ortega, Minister of Economy, Industry, Commerce and Knowledge, held a meeting at the start of February in Brussels with Guy Verhofstadt, the leader for the Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE). An outspoken Europhile, and vocal opposition to UKIP, last September 2016, Verhofstadt was appointed lead Brexit negotiator for the European Parliament. Fernando Clavijo told Guy Verhofstadt about the creation, by the Government of the Canary Islands, of a Commission, whose objective is to periodically monitor Brexit and its consequences, recalling that the United Kingdom is an important source of direct foreign investment in the Canary Islands. In fact, in the period of 2011-2015, the UK was the biggest foreign investor from the EU in the Canary Islands economy, totalling an average of 10.5% of all total foreign investment in the Archipelago. The UK average annual investment in this period was quantified as around 11.31 million euros. The MEP responded by asking the president to send him reports prepared by the Government of the Canary Islands to analyse the impact of Brexit on the Canarian economy with the aim of taking into account the specificities of the Archipelago during the discussion of the resolution on Brexit, which is to be put before the European Parliament this month (March) for approval. Fernando Clavijo also pointed out that the UK is an important market for agricultural exports from the Canary Islands. In fact, in relation to the value of exports to the UK, vegetables (especially tomato) accounted for about 57% of the total in 2015. With regard to imports, Mr Clavijo said that UK is also a major supplier of agricultural products, and in particular vegetables which account for 25% of total imports. For all this, the Canarian representatives stated that “a sudden departure, without a commercial agreement for the free movement of goods and services, could harm the Canaries.” This meeting also served to convey concern among the Canary Islands about the effects that Brexit may have on aid for transport of agricultural goods to the United Kingdom. With regard to tourism, the President of the Canary Islands Government said that the British have a notable presence on the Islands. In fact, the number of British travellers staying in the Canaries in 2016 accounted for 28.7% of the total number of visitors to the Archipelago.

In terms of tourism expenditure at destination, the weight of spending by British tourists in the Canary Islands in 2015 reached 30.8% of the total, at €1.26 billion, representing 3.1% of regional GDP. Fernando Clavijo also expressed his concern that a fall in the purchasing power of the British is a real concern along with their numbers visiting, the expenditure disbursed and the amount of time they stay in the Islands The meeting served to inform Verhofstadt that British investment in the Canary Islands property market is also a very important concern. In 2015, of the total purchase and sale of housing in the Canary Islands by non-resident foreigners, 27% were purchased by Brits. 18.7% of the total purchase and sale transactions by resident foreigners in 2015 were houses that belong to British residents in the Canary Islands. The President of the Canary Islands Government stated that on the Islands there are 27,349 Brits who will clearly notice any depreciation of the pound, which will reduce their spending, the purchase of housing and could even provoke their return to UK. In turn, these people, most of them pensioners, will see how free healthcare is at risk which could in turn discourage their staying in Spain. With respect to Canarians residing in the United Kingdom, representatives of the regional government indicated that in 2016 there were 2,517 Canary Islands born citizens who had gone to live in Great Britain. This suggests that the UK is the European country to which the highest number of Canarians move and second in the world for Canarian residents only to Venezuela (where there are more than 10x that number). Fernando Clavijo also presented a summary of the labour market that in his opinion would be affected by Brexit. According to official Social Security data from 2015 about 8,000 Brits work on the Islands. This represents 19.3% of the total European Community workers in the Canary Islands and 10.2% of the total number of foreign affiliates registered with Social Security. The UK is the country, after Italy, which has the highest number of foreigners registered through social security in the Canary Islands.


€650,000+ investment for Port of Arguineguín

The vice-president of the Canary Island government and the councillor of public works and transportation, Pablo Rodriguez, visited Mogán municipality last month. During the visit a €652,154 investment was announced, for various projects at the port of Arguineguín over the next four years. The visit included a meeting with Mogán Mayor, Onalia Bueno, to talk about different necessities of the municipality. After the meeting, the entourage had visits to various locations in Mogán. Among claims was the need for a bypass in Pueblo de Mogán, since there have been increased traffic jams due to the diversion of vehicles from La Aldea, which is still awaiting it’s new road to the north, an increase in cyclists that pass through the area was also cited. Mayor Bueno asked Rodríguez about the possibility of carrying out a study to create an access road or road branches to access the GC-1 between Arguineguín and Balito. Currently, these two areas can only be accessed from the entrance at Arguineguín via the GC-500, causing a constant problem with long traffic delays. Regarding the need to carry out actions to alleviate traffic jams on the GC-500, the Minister announced commitment from his department to try to present solutions to the problem. The counsellor will also examine the possibility of planning several branches to connect the GC-1 with areas of increasing tourist influx, such as Balito and Patalavaca. Rodriguez noted that it is necessary to have a new Roads Convention which should collect all the necessary infrastructure needs for the islands.

Springtime 2017

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A festival for the humble potato is to be celebrated in Firgas on the north of the island, on Saturday, 18 March 2017. Funnily enough just one day after Saint Patricks Day, the patron saint of that other island so famed for its love of the potato; Ireland. Surely not just a coincidence…? (see page 22) During the day, visitors will be able to enjoy a gastronomic exhibition, highlighting the culinary qualities of local produce, and of course special attention to the word “papas”, the canarian’s own dialect’s word for potatoes, known in the mainland as Patatas. Companies, farmers and artisans will be showing the very best of local gastronomy as well as produce and articles from around the region. The fair will also have live music from Parranda de Teror and the famous local band Overbooking The ‘Fiesta de papa’ is an all day event, starting at 11:00, with the hub located on Avenida de la Constitucíon and Plaza de San Roque by the town hall and the church. A Perfect Day to visit Villa de Firgas!


Springtime 2017 03.

British tabloid fakes turn up the fear (& BS)

The Spanish Home Office have vigorously denied rumours of the government being specifically watchful or currently concerned with any detected terrorism threat of attack anywhere in the country whatsoever. The Home Secretary, Juan Ignacio Zoido, said in statements to journalists that there was no specific threat against any particular location in Spain, although there was a generalised concern for threats “against the whole of the West”.

There are zero references to “direct threats” plural, of any kind anywhere in the report, as peddled by the fake-news-rags. Likewise, there are no references at all to any expected threat that might encompass the terms “large scale”, “massacre” or “slaughter”. These are simply inaccurate words, or should we say “alternative facts” used by well funded, short sighted liars, calling themselves reporters.

Several British so-called “news” sites, including the ultra right wing Breitbart UK; which quoted the dutch Telegraaf; themselves quoting from the UK´s scare mongering Daily ‘Horror’ Mail; who in turn had quoted the tin-pot sensationalists over at the Express, “reported” erroneously that Islamic State terrorists were preparing a “large scale” “massacre” of Brits, Germans and other Europeans at “tourist hotspots” that were supposedly on a terror target “hit list” for Spain and its popular beach resorts.

A “direct threat“, singular, is mentioned in the report but only in the context of the situation in Eastern Europe and the missile defence shield on that part of the continent, which “Russia perceives as a direct threat“. That´s right folks the only “direct threat” mentioned is one that Russia fear might affect them in Eastern Europe. Not Spain. – Ed

The word “British” is used, just once, but only when the report mentions The British “news” stories referenced the latest Spanish the impending and government National Security Report, presented controversial Brexit to Congress on Tuesday 14th of February by Jorge from the EU, as in Moragas, the Prime Minister’s chief of staff. “the result of the One glaring oversight, according to real journalists British referendum“. over at English language news portal The Spain One reference to the Report, was that the 174-page national security word “scale” can briefing, made public on Tuesday 14th, does not in also be found, not as fact contain any specific references to any imminent, in “large scale” but direct or large-scale threats to any place, particularly rather in reference to the earthquake that occurred in not in either Benidorm or the Costa del Sol. the Spanish North African city of Melilla in January 2016, to be precise, saying: “that reached level 6.3 Nada. Zip. Zero. Not one. on the Richter scale”. …What Utter Bollocks. -Ed

Springtime 2017 03.


The word “Beach” appears only twice, both in the same paragraph but referring to the fight against drugs, not terror, because drug traffickers have apparently been throwing bundles of narcotics over the side of large vessels offshore, which have then been picked up…guess where…from the beaches. There are five mentions of “tourist” or “tourism“, three simply in there because this is the title of a primary government department, the Ministry for Industry, Energy & Tourism; once in a paragraph talking about rail accidents and strikes; and once more in a paragraph that is in fact about the perceived terror threat, but only in the most generic sense to explain that Spain has been at terror threat level four (out of five) since June 2015 and has therefore reinforced its security at key points of transport infrastructure and “places … where there are large crowds and tourist areas, and at critical infrastructure“. There are seven references to “German” or “Germans“, but only two refer to terror attacks, neither of them in Spain or about Spain. The security report does say, in the executive summary, that Spain “has been threatened directly by DAESH” [the so-called Islamic State] “on social media networks as a target for its activities“. This in itself is in no way surprising, given that Spain forms part of the global coalition fighting DAESH and because the various terror groups have attempted, in propaganda videos, to assert their claim over “Al Andalus”—the name for old Moorish Spain—as part of their supposed territory. Not even one specific target or suggested time scale is mentioned in the report, saying only that over the “past few months” there has been a “significant increase” in terrorist communications “that contain generic threats towards Spain, or its interests abroad, mentioning the West or Europe as a target of their terrorist actions, or specifically highlighting Al Andalus or certain Spanish cities“. These statements are precisely as far as this top level report goes, and that is with the very best information available.

The report also noted that this year some DAESH statements have been published in Spanish, which it says “implies an increase in risk due to their influence on radicals installed in our country”. DAESH are also thought to have “launched a campaign to hire Spanish translators” last summer. An individual, of Moroccan extraction, was arrested in Las Palmas, due to unsavoury intentions expressed on social networks. Though he may have wanted violence, it appears he had neither the skills nor the connections to be a significant threat. He is currently in custody and being questioned. The official Spanish Home Office press releases, detailing the arrest of the man in the Canary Islands, for Islamist radicalisation activities, ended by simply saying that “188 jihadi terrorists” had been arrested since June 2015, in the whole of Spain. Spain´s security forces do believe there is a “considerable likelihood” of DAESH trying to carry out attacks somewhere on European soil “as a show of strength” in reaction to continued attacks on their bases and the areas they control in Syria and Iraq. Editor´s Comment: Thanks to Matthew Bennett at The Spain Report, who did the primary analysis of the official report’s language.

The other villainous, unstudied, pot banging coming from the ultra-right-wing meddlers-in-media, wishing to scare tourists and baselessly heighten fears among their readership, is not Somehow this bunch of clenched-fisted bile merchants in the only shameful, and unwarranted, but directly endangers the UK and Dutch media have taken it upon themselves to disrupt psychological well-being of any who trust them to research and evidence the words they use. tourism in Spain, and add an utterly fake layer of terrorising sensationalism, to try and sell themselves as the most These cross-eyed, twisty-tongued, wall-licking, lie-churning, informed of all the cack-monkeys who ever wanted you to hate-mongers have no place in the world of credible journalism panic-buy more of their utter grunge biscuit – Ed or the consciousness of right minded people.


Springtime 2017 03.

The Harder They Come... Canarian Legal Alliance Rising

It has been two years since The Canary reported on the “ground breaking” Spanish supreme court judgement, brought about by CLA, the Canarian Legal Alliance (Arguineguín), which threatened to shake the timeshare industry to its very core. And shake it they did. The case of Norwegian Tove Grimbso made Spanish legal history in 2015, when the highest court in Spain not only agreed with her legal team, who contended that the Timeshare law in force

since 1999 had been broken, but also set a precedent making clear that deposits paid within the first two weeks of the contract were against the law; that no contract of this kind can be for more than 50 years and that even if the negotiations were carried out by a third party, that it is the timeshare operator who is responsible for ensuring consumers are given all the correct information, and that they must have a cooling off period before then paying any part of the contract.

The timeshare company’s failure to ensure the consumer was properly protected, as per regulations, meant that the contract originally signed by Mrs Grimsbo’s husband was not only invalid, but judged to be “Radically Null & Void” - a term that has very serious consequences as it means that there can be no time limits applied as to when a consumer might make a claim on this basis. The timeshare operator in this

Springtime 2017 03.

case, one of the very largest in The Canary Islands and Spain, had tried to argue that the law in question had not applied to them as they were in operation long before the 1999 legislation came into effect; they tried to suggest that because the timeshare product had been used, that the client was clearly enjoying the service they had purchased and could not now claim they did not want it; and they tried to say that because a third-party sales company had physically taken the money, and not them, they were not at fault. When the January 2015 judgement was finally announced it became clear that the supreme court did not agree. The company then, say sources, tried to tell their employees and their clients that this judgement did not apply to their product and that they would appeal, not recognising it seems that there can be no appeal to a judgment from the supreme court. Heads surely rolled. By the end of that year two further supreme court judgements had been awarded in favour of the dynamic Canarian Legal Alliance team, headed up by Hungarian business woman Csilla Nazáli, backed by timeshare aficionado Eugene Kaiser. A year later, at the end of 2016, they had racked up 38 supreme court victories. An unprecedented number in such a short space in time. They have had at least 5 more already this year.

follow the supreme court position. Over the last two years the CLA team alone have secured around €3 million worth of settlements for their clients, averaging nearly €120,000 per month, more than a million euros of which has already been paid out. Much more is likely as they have proven time and time again that timeshare once had a shadier past when, in some cases, regulations were ignored to the extent that practically no time limits can now be applied for reclaims should the product be found to have been mis-sold to the consumer. What’s more, for one of the most high profile industries on The Canary Islands, the importance of radical reform and strict policies to protect consumers have been raised as a clear necessity for any timeshare or holiday club operator who wishes not only to survive but to flourish moving forward. Timeshare is not a dirty word, it is a european industry that allowed some unscrupulous individuals to infiltrate and call the shots for far too long. The potential liability for that mistake now hangs over many of the very largest players, with estimates in the tens, and even hundreds, of millions of euros, that could potentially be claimed, even by happy customers, were they not dealt with correctly in the first place.

In Spain, across the globe and particularly throughout Europe, timeshare must adapt; or it will As Miguel Rodriguez Ceballos said not survive. The responsibility after winning that first case in 2015 for the clean up lies not only with bosses, but with timeshare “A lawyer could wait his whole life owners themselves and every to have a case considered by the supreme court, it really is something individual employee looking to make their living from an industry to be very proud of”, and the that promotes glamour and luxury fact that CLA have managed to lifestyle holidays at affordable achieve so many victories is clear prices. testament to their professionalism and their expertise in this field, And all this started in a tiny office, leading to much faster judgements for similar cases in the lower courts, of a local lawyer, in a sleepy little fishing town, on the popular who find themselves compelled to southern coast of Gran Canaria.



Springtime 2017 03.

Cabildo to launch Gran Canaria’s Pet Plan

refuge, Albergue de Bañaderos, which receives abandoned dogs and cats from 19 municipalities, all except Mogán and Agüimes where there are authorised municipal establishments, there are also municipal facilities in La Aldea, Santa Brigida, Santa Lucía and Telde. Of the 34 private facilities, four are in Agüimes, four in Arucas, two in Gáldar, eight in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, five are in San Bartolomé de Tirajana, two in Santa María de Guía, five in Telde, and one each in Santa Brigida , Teror, Valleseco and San Mateo. The Cabildo has already begun a change of model at its own centre at Bañaderos, which until two months ago had been managed by a private foundation. The Cabildo de Gran Canaria’s Veterinary College census of animal shelters and pet boarding facilities during the formulation of their proposals for the new Pet Plan (Plan de Mascotas), part of the latest initiative to better regulate and improve animal welfare and legislation, accounted for six municipal shelters and 34 properly authorised private kennels on the island, although they may not all be functioning. Apart from the Insular

the Cabildo’s Ministry of the Environment’s plan calls for joint action by public administrations and measures such as “awareness campaigns, tightening legislation, fines and sanctions, and training or at least sufficient resources to ensure the welfare of abandoned animals and their rapid adoption.” The document, already delivered to the Cabildo, includes a proposal for island-wide municipal ordinance for all 21 municipalities on Gran Canaria, based on current legislation, analysing the regulations of other autonomous communities and “enriched” with the results of a study prepared by The prestigious Dr. Heather Bacon of the Jeanne Marchig International Center for Education and Animal Welfare at the The Pet Plan for the Island of Gran University of Edinburgh. Canaria, prepared by the Official The fines for “serious” infringements Association of Veterinarians of Las range from €300 to €2,404, and Palmas on behalf of the Cabildo, include “letting loose a potentially proposes fines of up to €15,025 for dangerous animal or not having the mistreatment of domestic animals, taken the necessary measures to and notes that the rate of dog and avoid their escape or loss, failure cat abandonment is “extremely to identify the animal, or potentially high”, more than double the rate dangerous dogs in public places found in the biggest Spanish cities. without muzzle or not on an appropriate leash”. To address the problem of abandonment and harm to animals, Read More at

Springtime 2017 03.

Vintersol Dental Clinic opened just over 6 months ago in the south of Gran Canaria, right in the heart of the coastal community of ArguineguĂ­n.


Their team is made up of internationally recognised dental practitioners supported by a coordinated team of doctors, each one specialised in their own Their fresh clean and open particular field. approach to providing for oral health has won them Under the steady hand many fans, as much for of practice manager their professionalism as Estefania Galayo, this for the relaxed and happy well seasoned team environment in which they work to ensure that your operate. experience is more about comfort and pleasure Tailoring their service to than concerns about your each individual, they use teeth. They will take care state of the art technology of the rest for you, while to guarantee the very best you sit back and relax in treatments, in a welcoming their efficient, bright and environment. What’s clean environment; priding more they Guarantee themselves on speaking all treatments without your language, reassuring compromise, to offer you you with their most the highest standards, so professional approach. that you can rest at ease.


Springtime 2017 03.

Springtime 2017 03.



Springtime 2017 03.

Springtime 2017 03.



Springtime 2017


We asked our readers to nominate outstanding individuals and organisations who, in their opinion, reflect the very best of Gran Canaria within our English Speaking community. After receiving literally hundreds of suggestions to nominate more than one hundred respected people, businesses and associations we selected a shortlist spread across 12 categories on which we’re asking you to vote. Simply put, everyone who was honoured with a nomination can be very proud of themselves. To be nominated in this way means that all your hard work is being noticed and that you are doing a great job. We wish we could have shortlisted everyone. A full list of all nominations is published at: Who will you vote for this year...?

Springtime 2017 03.

The Canary Awards 2017 Shortlist .:. Real Gran Canaria

.:. Love Gran Canaria -Community Values

.:. Business Person of The Year

.:. Organic Produce

.:. Integration & Local Services

.:. Healthcare

.:. Personality of The Year

.:. Place to Stay

.:. Experience & Adventure

.:. Feel good, Look Great & Wellness

.:. Restaurant of The Year

.:. Bar of The Year

- Anna Rentals - Cardenas Gran Canaria (Real Estate) - Canarian Legal Alliance S.L - La Canaria Estate - 45photos - Real Estate Photography Gran Canaria

- Joe Buddies Bar - Jenni Hymoff - Mogán Food Project - Proyecto Vecinal de Alimentos de Mogán Nabohjelpen - Amigos De Los Animales - Caipsho San Fernando - Abandono Cero

- Bernadette Garside - The Perfect Wedding - Wendie Grobben - Afrikat Gran Canaria - Anna Luijsterburg -Anna Rentals - Rachelle Madden - The Galway Girl - Csilla Nazáli - Canarian Legal Alliance S.L

- Puerto Rico Language Centre - Escuala Talk - LEG language exchange groups Gran Canaria - BP service station in Arguineguin - Nicky Gordon

- Paul Gilliam - TUI Travel - Owen Cooper -Niños Con Cáncer Pequeño Valiente - Gareth Harding - Saga Holidays - Betty Burgess - The British Club/ Holy Trinity Church - Steve Cashley - Informatica - I.T. Canarias

- Astrotrek - Finca Condal, Museo-Bodega-Eventos - Afrikat Gran Canaria - Blue Explorers Dive Centers - Garbos unforgettable

- Alcampo - Telde - Spar Natural - Arguineguín - HiperDino Supermercados - Gran Canaria - Biosol Canarias - San Fernando - Carrefour Vecindario

- Suncare Central - ASSSA Insurance - Hospitales San Roque - ACCMyG - Asociación Canaria de Cáncer de Mama - Clínica Dental Vintersol

- Gloria Palace Royal - AxelBeach Maspalomas Apartments & Lounge Club - Parador de Cruz de Tejeda - RIU Palmeras Hotel - Hotel Bohemia Suites & Spa

- Martinica’s Hair, Beauty, Massage & Wellness - Bebeautiful Grancanaria - FlexGym.G.C - Lilly Rikhter -Fitness Expert, Nutritionist & Psychologist - Must Have Nails by Lindsay Banks

- WAPA TAPA - Balcon Canario - Restaurant 360* - Hotel Bohemia Suites & Spa - Taste of India - Fusion Restaurant & Loungebar, Playa del Ingles

- Divinity Karaoke Bar - Riders Dancing / Harleys - The 19th Hole Meloneras - Boulevard El Faro - The Red Cow, Playa del Ingles - Bar Junior - Yumbo Centre

Shining Star -

Special Merit award - To be announced at the 2017 Gala event

Voting Opens March 13th at



Springtime 2017



Housing Prices (new and used) increased in February by 1.8% year-on-year, driven by “Baleares and Canarias” (+ 4.4%) and “Capitals and large cities” (+ 3.4%). There has never been a better time to look for property on the island. The average growth throughout Spain was more moderate in “Metropolitan Areas” and in the smaller localities (“Rest of municipalities”), which in both cases saw an improvement of 0.2% compared to February 2016.

Index February 2016 Overall 1,346

Capitals and big cities Metropolitan areas Mediterranean coast Balearic and Canary Islands Rest of municipalities

1.363 1,257 1,344 1.316 1,376

February 2017 Index

1,371 1,409 1.26 1.34 1,374 1,378






The Canary Islands

Only house prices in the “Costa Mediterranean“ regions are below those of a year ago (-0.3%). Analysing the evolution of prices in 2017, all the zones in Spain have gained in value. Of note are the “Capitals and large cities”, where price increases have accelerated from 1.5% in January to 3.5% looking at the accumulated data for the first two months of the year. Spanish average prices are still at 40% lower than their peak back in 2007. - - - Tinsa

THE PRICE OF HOUSING IN THE CANARY ISLANDS The price of housing in the Canary Islands in the fourth quarter of 2016 stood at €1184 /m² , representing a yearon-year increase of 2.8%. Over the course of last year, housing appreciated by 2.8% compared to the end of the previous year. In 2015, the data accumulated by the end of the year reflected an increase of just 0.2%. The average value of property in the Canaries reached its historical peak in the first quarter of 2008. Since then, the price of housing in the Canary Islands has experienced a cumulative adjustment of 38.1%. If we look at the evolution of the price of housing in the Canary Islands as if it were an index in which the starting point is the year 2001 (base 1,000 points), we find that the average value of housing in the fourth quarter of 2016 was 1071 points. Interanual variation Variation from maximum Accumulated variation in 2017 Accumulated variation in 2016

1.80% 3.40% 0.20% -0.30% 4.40% 0.20%

-40.00% -42.10% -44.60% -48.30% -27.60% -36.40%

2.20% 3.50% 0.30% 0.90% 4.40% 0.80%

2.00% 2.50% 0.60% -0.10% 2.80% 2.70%

Springtime 2017


We Move Worlds


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- International & Local Transport - Storage Facilities - Customs Clearance and Tax-


Springtime 2017


Gran Canaria is blessed with many Irish pubs, taverns and bars. You can be sure that all of them have something planned for the day of the Shamrock, so will half the others of every nationality, as the world celebrates the wearing of the green in honour of the Irish patron Saint Patrick. Absolutely one of the best ways to celebrate Paddy’s Day, on this little island in the sun, is to get yourself down to Maspalomas beach front and get a taste of the best of both worlds with outstanding cold Guinness served looking out to sea, at Paddy’s Irish Bar, right down on the beach itself. There will be many Celebrations on St Patrick’s, helping you Feel the Irish Spirit, the biggest celebration of all is likely to be at the Red Eagle (Aguila Roja) commercial centre, known locally as the Irish Centre, in the heart of Playa del Inglés.

Get yourself down to Patrick’s Bar for an authentic festival feel, and of course Mulligan’s over the way will be collaborating on a main stage event. They usually have a full day of activities, dancing, performers and a real party spirit long into the night. The Old Brogue Playa del Cura with Music all day will be a hive of busy green frivolity

Springtime 2017 03.


The Shamrock Bar in Puerto Rico Shopping Centre will be kicking off the duds and enjoying the craic And if you find yourself in Puerto de Mogán there will be gentile offerings of fine food and music both at the outstanding Dennehy’s Marina Bar and of course their neighbours The Irish Tavern will likely cook up a killer Irish Stew and encourage you to join in the fun.

Durty Nelly's at CC Olas, Agua de la Perra Will be having a mini festival with t-shirts and snacks, Irish Stew, Spot Prizes, Free Goodies. Happy Hour Guinness and they usually start with an opening Parade Disco & Karaoke till late. Céad mile fáilte Tommy Tuckers up at the Europa Centre at the top of the west hill between Puerto Rico and Amadores usually puts on a feast too, with many performers choosing to play this sunny hill top look out.

Infamous local celebrity musician Bob Gorman is likely to raise the roof at his very own Bob Gorman’s Music Pub & Store in the Ancora Centre in Arguineguín, starting off with star turns the Elderly Brothers

And of course, local Star and Mercenary Fiddler, Elsa Jean McTaggart and her other half Gary will be playing several gigs on St. Patrick’s day across the south of the island


Springtime 2017


Invest in your health Some people are mainly focused on the price when they look for a health insurance and they decide to contract the cheapest one, but‌ Watch Out! Inexpensive health insurances are available on the market at the time of contracting the policy, but as the person gets older the price of the policies drastically increases considering the change to a higher age bracket. ASSSA does not increase the price due to age, which means that the premium will remain the same age bracket that you contracted at the beginning. In the end you will pay a lower amount and your insurance will result cheaper. A further point to consider is the written contractual guarantee of no cancellation. If there is no guarantee and the Insurance Company cancels the policy, it may occur that contracting another insurance becomes complicated due to age or the development of some diseases. ASSSA guarantees under contract that your policy will not be cancelled, therefore you can have the peace of mind of being provided with a lifetime coverage. Health is the best investment we can ever make and as such should be treated, not as the purchase of the cheapest choice by the time of contracting. Other factors to consider are the solvency and experience of the Company, the customer service, easy access to medical assistance, medical network and coverage offered. ASSSA puts at your disposal its solvency and more than 80 years of experience to provide you with the best personalised attention in your own language and the best health care any time you need it. Don’t wait any longer. Invest in your health with ASSSA.

Springtime 2017 03.

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Springtime 2017 03.

Springtime 2017 03.






Gran Canaria... Visit Telde

By Diego Mesa (Puerto Rico Language Centre)

In springtime, when looking for places on the island for a variety of activities, like hiking, walking by the sea, visiting a farm with animals or enjoying a picnic in a nearby park, locals and those-inthe-know look to Telde, because its temperature during March and April is perfect to enjoy all of these things.

shape of doors, through which you enter into the main hall. It is a group of caves that were once inhabited by the indigenous Canarian population. For those who prefer more sporting activities , such as running or jogging, or might enjoy a picnic on the grass, a visit the 135,000 square metre urban park ,called ‘Parque de San Juan’, is near the part of Telde known by the same name. The facility has a sports area, lakes, a children’s area, a play area, a BMX circuit and a tower from which you can view the whole park.

Telde’s modern history began in 1351, when the first Diocese of The Canary Islands was started by Papal decree on a plot of land in this area, thus granting Telde the title of “a city”. 50 years later Telde became one of the capitals of the two Kingdoms or ‘Guanartematos’ (this was the native Canarian term used by the inhabFinally, for those who love hiking and climbing, ‘El barranco de los itants before the Spanish conquest) into which Gran Canaria was Cernícalos’ is a ravine still in its natural state, filled with cascades, divided for most of the 15th century until conquest. amazing landscapes, animals, and a wealth of fauna ready to be discovered as you walk between the mountains deep in the Telde In 1483 when the Castilians took control of Gran Canaria, Telde became a city which dedicated nearly all its resources to agricul- countryside. For those interested, having a guide is definitely ture and the sugar cane trade. It´s economy and society boomed useful as you can walk into unknown territory. But then fw things and its entrepreneurs turned Telde into a rich area, known for its could be nicer in the Spring than getting lost in Telde. culture and lifestyle. It´s wealth is now counted in terms of arEnjoy your spring! chaeology, with nearly one hundred historical sites, treasured for Please have a look at the following Canarian words: its native art and ethnographic values. There are six beaches on the Telde coast including ‘Playa de Melenara’, ‘La Garita’ and ‘Bahía de Gando’ near the airport. There you will find local fish restaurants where you can eat some of the most popular Canarian dishes at reasonable (non-tourist) prices. The beach in Melenara, for example, is natural with dark sand, which originated from volcanic rocks. Pre-hispanic archeology is abundant and a drive to the hidden coastal enclave of Tufia is a must. There are large caves there, as well as rows of tuff stone houses. The ‘Montaña de las Cuatro Puertas’, gets its name from the four rock face openings in the

Abanar - 1. To fan the fire in a barbecue mainly Eg. Abana un poco hasta que coja fuerza la llama. - Fan a lttle bit until the flame becomes stronger 2. To make someone clear signs in the distance with your hands or a handkerchief Eg. Ella abanándome, abanándome, y yo no la conocía. - She waved and waved and I did not know her. 3. To shoo an insect like a fly for example Abanaba las moscas con la mano para que no se posaran en la comida. - He shooed the flies so that they did not land on the food

Guanajo - An expression taken from the English language meaning ‘I want to go’


Springtime 2017

A Taste of India - Chicken Biryani


“This is a delicious Pakistani/Indian rice dish is often reserved for very special occasions such as weddings, parties, or holidays such as Ramadan. It takes time to prepare, but the result is definitely worth it. For biryani, always use long grain rice. Basmati rice with its thin, fine grains is the ideal variety. Ghee is butter that has been slowly melted so that the milk solids and golden liquid have been separated and can be used in place of vegetable oil to yield a more authentic taste.” -

4 tablespoons vegetable oil 4 small potatoes, peeled and halved 2 large onions, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger root 1/2 teaspoon chili powder 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon salt 2 medium tomatoes, peeled and chopped 2 tablespoons plain yogurt 2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint leaves 1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom 1 (2 inch) piece cinnamon stick 1.5 Kg boneless, skinless chicken pieces cut into chunks 2 1/2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 large onion, diced 1 pinch powdered sayron 5 pods cardamom 3 whole cloves 1 (1 inch) piece cinnamon stick 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/2 Kg basmati rice 4 cups chicken stock 1 1/2 teaspoons salt

In a large skillet, in 2 tablespoons vegetable oil (or ghee) fry potatoes until brown, drain and reserve the potatoes. Add remaining 2 tablespoons oil to the skillet and fry onion, garlic and ginger until onion is soz and golden. Add chili, pepper, turmeric, cumin, salt and the tomatoes. Fry, stirring constantly for 5 minutes. Add yogurt, mint, cardamom and cinnamon stick. Cover and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally until the tomatoes are cooked to a pulp. It may be necessary to add a little hot water if the mixture becomes too dry and starts to stick to the pan. When the mixture is thick and smooth, add the chicken pieces and stir well to coat them with the spice mixture. Cover and cook over very low heat until the chicken is tender, approximately 35 to 45 minutes. There should only be a little very thick gravy left when chicken is finished cooking. If necessary cook uncovered for a few minutes to reduce the gravy. Wash rice well and drain in colander for at least 30 minutes. In a large skillet, heat vegetable oil (or ghee) and fry the onions until they are golden. Add sayron, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon stick, ginger and rice. Stir continuously until the rice is coated with the spices. In a medium-size pot, heat the chicken stock and salt. When the mixture is hot pour it over the rice and stir well. Add the chicken mixture and the potatoes; gently mix them into the rice. Bring to boil. Cover the saucepan tightly, turn heat to very low and steam for 20 minutes. Do not lift lid or stir while cooking. Spoon biryani onto a warm serving dish

Why not try the real deal?

Lovin’ Food in Playa de Mogán

Springtime 2017 03.



Springtime 2017 03.

Language Exchange GC -

Do you have Spanish-speaking neighbours? Here are some useful things to say to los vecinos (pronounced vehSEE-noss). A good start when they answer the door is “Hola, yo vivo al lado” – Hello, I live next door. Then, “siento molestarte” (seeYEN-toh mo-les-TAR-teh) sorry to bother you, but (pero)…


Theresa Coe

Keep the noise down!

“¿Puedes bajar (bahHAR) la música por favor?” Can you turn down the music please? Could you feed the cat? Or “¿Pueden hacer menos ruido? Porque no puedo If you trust your neighbours, we say ‘hay confianza’ – there dormir.” Can you make less noise, because I can´t sleep. If they is confidence. “¿Puedes guardar una llave (de repuesto) para ignore you, call 112. This is an emergency number but they nosotros?” Can you keep a spare key for us? “Puedes prestarme should connect your call to the local police station. un poco de azúcar/ leche/celo?” Can you lend me a bit of sugar/ A sample dialogue could be: “Servicio de emergencias, ¿cómo milk/sellotape? “¿Puedes alimentar a mi gato mañana porque puedo ayudarle?” Emergency services. How can I help you? no estaremos aquí?” Can you feed my cat tomorrow because “Mis vecinos hacen tanto ruido que no puedo dormir.” My we won´t be here. Then you might hear “¿A dónde vas?” Where neighbours are making so much noise that I can´t sleep. are you going? “Vamos a Inglaterra por tres días.” We´re going “Intenté hablar con ellos pero no me prestan atención.” I tried to England for three days. “¿Puedes regar las plantas también?” to talk with them but they don´t pay attention to me. Maybe Can you water the plants too? this is a constant problem: “es un problema habitual” and you ¿Qué tal todo? want a police officer to talk to them “¿Es posible que la policía hable con ellos? Neighbours are good to practice your small talk on. ¿Qué tal? (keh tal) How are you? ¿Qué tal todo? How is everything? Care in the community “Qué tal el trabajo/el perro/el jardín/tu salud?” How´s work/the Of course if you live in a complex, you can also take your dog/the garden/your health? If you know their kids names, ask questions and complaints to la Comunidad – the volunteerafter them: “¿Qué tal Maria?” led committee of property owners in charge of running your building. Each one has un presidente (if it´s a man) or una And you can always mention the weather: “Hace calor/frio/ presidenta (if it´s a woman) – this is the person to talk to. You viento, ¿no?” It´s hot/cold/windy, isn´t it? might want to report a problem and ask “¿Puede ayudarme? If you are invited in, or shown a new car, a nice expression is Can you help me?” “¡Qué bonito!” How lovely! “Me gusta el color.” I like the colour. Barking dogs: “El perro de mis vecinos ladra mucho. ¿Pueden “¿Fue caro?” Was it expensive? hacer algo?” My neighbour’s dog barks a lot. Can you Asking advice ustedes do anything? For local knowledge, ask a local! Can you recommend Junk mail: “No quiero recibir propaganda debajo de mi puerta”. ¿Puedes recomendar…? I don´t want to receive junk mail under my door. Una buena peluquería – a good hairdresser La basura (rubbish): “¿Dónde debería dejar (deh-HAR) la Una tienda barata para comprar sábanas - a cheap shop to buy basura?” Where should I leave the rubbish? sheets El Parking Un restaurante canario cerca de aquí – a Canarian restaurant This lovely Spanglish word is Canarian for ‘car park’. “¿Pueden close to here mover su coche? No puedo entrar/salir.” Can you (all) move Un pueblo bonito para visitar – a pretty town to visit your car? I can´t get in/out. Do you know – ¿Sabes? (SAH-bess)…. Private car parks are operated by a ‘mando’ or remote control that is only available to people living in that complex. “¿Cómo Qué número de guagua necesito para ir a Vecindario? What consigo el mando del parking?” How do I get a remote for the number bus I need to go to Vecindario car park? You might hear “Necesitas pedirlo al propietario”. You Donde está la parada de guaguas – where the bus stop is need to request it from the landlord. Without this, you need Cómo llego al ayuntamiento – how I get to the town hall? someone to open or close the gate for you: “¿Puede abrir/ Qué significa esta carta (keh sig-NEE-fee-kah…) – what this letter cerrar la puerta del parking por favor? (a-BREER/seh-RAR: to open, to close). means? El horario de Correos – the opening hours of the post office? Hear it pronounced Gracias, estoy muy agradecido – thanks, I´m very grateful. A fab online Spanish-English dictionary and translator is

Offering help – press the speaker button to hear how to

pronounce each word. Voy al supermercado. ¿Necesitas algo? I´m going to the supermarket. Do you need anything? To receive previous lessons from this paper or for Puedo pasear al perro si quieres. I can walk the dog if you want. information about classes, email Esta comida es para ti. ¡Es casera! This food is for you. It´s homemade. For details of all free language exchange and Spanish Si necesitas ayuda, avísame (a-vee-sah-meh) Let me know if or English conversation clubs on the island, visit you need a helping hand. Puedo llevar/te en mi coche. I can take you in my car.

Springtime 2017



Quinny’s Quiz WIN a “Day trip for 2� on the

1 What is the Spanish 6 Who was the star in Rambo movies? word for black?



2 Which football team 7 Name the surnames of the Two Ronnies? play at home at Goodison park? ................................. ................................. 3 Shang alang was sung by which Scottish group?


4 Which drink is known as the water of life?


5 What does a lumberjack cut down?


9 Budapest is the capital of which country?


10 A screwdriver is made with which spirit?


................................. Send your answers to:

email: Drop them in to the Sunspot Bar, Puerto Rico or Text: 626 641 537 or call: 928 987 95 All correct answers will be collected together, independently drawn and announced in the April Easter edition.

Last edition’s winner is Cheryl Kelly đ&#x;˜ who has won a trip for two on the Afrikat Gran Canaria - Call 928 987 952 to arrange availability.

Last Edition’s Answers: 1. British Airways, 2. West Bromwich Albion, 3. Edinburgh, 4. Blue, 5. Dog, 6. Portugal, 7. Citroen, 8. Green, 9. Marc Almond, 10. Two, Aquarius and Aries

8 What was Lady Diana’s Maiden Name?

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Springtime 2017


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