Canvas Magazine | Diving for PURLs

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MAY 2009

Diving for

PURLs Selling Campaign Management

Your clients have high expectations.

Win them over with XMPie . The Best in Integrated Cross-Media Communications You have the power to rise above the others and make your company a world class service provider of variable data, crossmedia publishing solutions. Only XMPie includes everything you need to deliver highly effective, integrated, personalized marketing campaigns that your customers are now demanding. We offer award-winning, modular solutions in print, e-mail and Web that easily scale as your business reaches new heights. With XMPie, your team will work in perfect harmony allowing you to build enduring and profitable partnerships with your customers. XMPie gives you the power to exceed all expectations.



MAY 2009

mark potter

MANAGING EDITOR graham garrison



Interview with: Jeff Kalman, iPaper

brent cashman



Sappi Fine Paper North America launches complete line-up of Digital Papers

lisa arsenault McArdle Printing Co. gary cone Litho Craft, Inc. peter douglas Lake County Press


Diving for PURLs Why PURLs are a good first step for print providers entering the world of cross media


aaron grohs Consolidated Graphics, Inc.

Turning the Page

ron lanio Geographics, Inc.


randy parkes Lithographix, Inc.

Spinning a Profitable Web Can Web technology actually help increase sales?

CANVAS, Volume 1, Issue 1. Published bi-monthly, copyright 2009 CANVAS, All rights reserved, 6555 Sugarloaf Parkway, Suite 307, Duluth, Georgia 30097. Please note: The acceptance of advertising or products mentioned by contributing authors does not constitute endorsement by the publisher. Publisher cannot accept responsibility for the correctness of an opinion expressed by contributing authors.



Interview with:

Jeff Kalman, President


CANVAS supports print sales and market-

CANVAS: How does iPaper play well with print?

ing professionals and is dedicated to ele-

Kalman: iPaper is the perfect complement to a print-based strat-

vating our community to great heights. As

egy. Most people expect us to be digital evangelists – we are, but

we all know, the landscape is dramatically

not in strict terms. The best use of a digital strategy is to make it

changing, and it seems likely that people

a critical component of a multi-media strategy. Print will never go

focused singularly on print will not thrive

away. The trick is to get the best ROI out of all of your intellectual

as they have in the past. However, the abil-

assets in an integrated manner. Companies invest heavily on the

ity to leverage print into new trackable and

development of their print assets. Print is a real, tangible thing

relevant marketing tools is upon us.

that can be touched and read over and over. Magazines and cata-

CANVAS digital offers a way to familiarize

log companies essentially develop their own “brand recognition”

yourself with the fabulous content you have

through the use of these printed assets. Everyone eagerly looks to

become accustomed to in a very simple

the mail for their latest magazine or favorite catalog.

and compelling vehicle. We are using this

However, there can be significant lead times in time to mar-

new page turning software to deliver more

ket and the distribution process. Add in the rising costs of paper

value to you as well as demonstrate how

and related production with postage costs, and you have become

easy it is for you to sell. We believe that if

dependent on a huge necessary evil with a limited lifespan and a

print is on the decline and business may be

finite distribution.

lost, then why not lose it to yourself! Offering your clients a device to com-

The solution is to break free of the dependency on a print strategy

municate and track results complements

and complement it with a digital one. Use the assets that you have de-

print perfectly. In turn, you can now make

veloped on the print side and make them digital. With the low cost to

the print they do need even more impact-

implement, you get almost an instant ROI with the following benefits:

ful, while offering them a new marketing


service. But don’t take our word for it.


CANVAS sat down with Jeff Kalman, Presi-


dent of iPaper, to talk about how you all can

and not selling? Where are people looking and clicking?

quickly and easily expand your offering.

Trends over time, etc.

CANVAS: Tell us about iPaper

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Jeff Kalman: About five years ago – two guys

UÊ iVÌÊ v À >Ì ÊÛ >Êv À Ã

saw an opportunity in the Danish market to

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publish brochures, catalogs and other printed

simple navigation, and the ability to view in both online and

material on the Internet. They wanted to pres-

offline formats.

ent the content in a much nicer and reader friendly way that would make it easier for

CANVAS: Is it easy for print reps to sell? If so, what advice do you have?

readers to find their way around the material.

Kalman: This really “piggy-backs” on the previous question and

They also wanted to create an interface

answer. The hardest thing to do for print reps is to break out of

that would not only create the tool, but would

the print-only paradigm and think about being a media service

make the process simple and intuitive so that

provider as opposed to focusing on production and artwork costs

anyone can create digital page flipping ap-

vÊ>ÊÌÀ>` Ì > Ê«À iVÌ°ÊÊÊ

plications on the Web. As time went by and the word spread, demand for the solution

CANVAS: Is this a chance for printers to reposition themselves as

increased around the world. A decision was

marketing service providers?

made to found an independent company

Kalman: Absolutely – the iPaper CMS is an out-of-the-box solution

that exclusively develops and supports the

to expand the service offerings of any media company. You have

iPaper Content Management System.

the ability to maintain your own level of branding while using the

Today iPaper CMS is represented in 22

iPaper CMS to create and deliver digital solutions to your clients.

countries and supports 29 languages –

Most companies are up and running in a single day for being able

with room for more if needed.

to provide digital solutions to their clients.

To learn more about iPaper and add an easy tool to your offering, click here P2


¾¾ Product Spotlight

Sappi Fine Paper North America launches complete line-up of Digital Papers Sappi Fine Paper North America launched its digital paper line-up, including McCoy for HP Indigo, McCoy Digital and Flo Digital, with continued availability of Opus Digital, to round out the new tiered offering. Boasting exceptional performance and versatility for digital printing, each of Sappi’s digital papers are matched to their folio counterpart and are Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI) Chain of Custody certified, contain 10 percent PCW content and are manufactured with Green-e certified renewable energy. Sappi’s digital line is specifically engineered to perform on high production color digital presses, including HP Indigo, KODAK NEXPRESS, and Xerox iGen3 and Xerox iGen4. Sappi’s digital offering is comprised of the following: UÊÊ V ÞÊ v ÀÊ *Ê ` } Ê > `Ê V ÞÊ } Ì> \Ê iÛi «i`Ê Ì Ê iÝVii`Ê Ì iÊ ÃÌÊ `i > ` }Ê ÃÌ> `>À`ÃÊ Ê digital printing with photobook quality performance. McCoy Digital is qualified for KODAK NEXPRESS and suitable for Xerox iGen3 and Xerox iGen4 and other digital production color presses. UÊÊ"«ÕÃÊ } Ì> \Ê/ iÊ} Ì Ê` } Ì> Ê«>«iÀ]Ê vviÀ }ÊÌ iÊÀ } ÌÊL> > ViÊ vÊ «Ì VÃ]ÊÛiÀÃ>Ì ÌÞÊ> `Ê«À `ÕVÌ Û ÌÞÊ making it the ideal paper for dry ink (toner) digital presses. Opus Digital is qualified for KODAK NEXPRESS and suitable for Xerox iGen3 and Xerox iGen4 and other digital production color presses. UÊÊ Ê } Ì> \Ê } iiÀi`Êv ÀÊiÛiÀÞ`>ÞÊ`i > `]Ê ÊL> > ViÃÊV ÃÌÊ> `ʵÕ> ÌÞÊÌ Ê > iÊ ÌÊÌ iÊ `i> Ê ÕÃiÊ sheet for daily turn-arounds and personalized digital mailing programs. Flo Digital is qualified for HP Indigo and KODAK NEXPRESS and suitable for Xerox iGen3 and Xerox iGen4 and other digital production color presses.




Diving for

PURLs Why PURLs are a good ďŹ rst step for print providers entering the world of cross media




Print, Web, email, mobile messaging, and


social media ‌ any combination of these

land, says the right approach for all involves a sit-down “discovery

multi-media marketing channels and you’ve

process,� where client and company outline goals, obstacles and

got a cross media campaign. In today’s eco-

what exactly ArborOakland has to offer as a marketing services

nomic environment, offering a customer

provider. If this is where the modern-day sales pitch occurs, then

more services under one roof is a distinct

the winner is usually the company that can deliver a marketing

advantage. Adding new marketing services

campaign from a number of different fronts.



in the game – it opens up the possibility of

work together to develop a sound marketing strategy that utilizes

new revenue streams, according to Karin

the best combination of traditional and digital components to

Stroh, VP of worldwide marketing for XMP-


ie, a software provider for variable data and


cross-media communications.

is best accomplished by utilizing cross-media technologies.�

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PURLs increase online attendance

into cross-media and the easiest to mix

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with existing print products. Simply put,


PURLs are Web landing sites with basic

a client whose goal was increasing participation in a Webinar. The

personalization. RURLs are more advanced

client wanted to invite customers to the Webinar using PURLs, re-

– complete Web sites that enable bi-di-

mind them with a follow-up email and then send out literature. Using

rectional communication between recipi-


ents and marketers. RURLs usually feature


sophisticated personalization – including

time, the Webinar ended up having the best attendance ever.

everything from personalized images and

“I’m not going to say it was the slickest thing [ever], it wasn’t,�

color schemes that will resonate with the

says Kalagher. “But it was extremely functional, and it gathered

targeted recipient, to speciďŹ c messages

some information from the PURL that they didn’t have.�

and offers driven by recipient data. “There is no doubt that Personalized Web

PURLs allow customer interaction

sites are the latest way for marketers to out-

“PURLs extend the print component into an interactive world

reach to targeted recipients,� says Stroh.

where you can do so much more and actually interact with your

The following are some reasons print

customers on a different level,� says Stroh. “You can start with

providers may want to take a serious look at

a PURL through an email campaign, and then once you have

PURLs, RURLs and cross media campaigns.

the customer information you were looking for, produce a highlytarget print piece that really draws your customer in.�

PURLs generate immediate results

PURLs enhance print services

“PURLs and RURLs are a more interactive

“It’s a complement to direct mail,� says Kalagher.

channel — one that can be used to collect additional information from targeted

PURLs change perception

recipients,� says Stroh. “This information

Having a diverse set of services has allowed ArborOakland to delve

can drive more relevant personalized mes-

into discussions with VPs and executives, having input and offering

sages to recipients in the future and, with

advice in the developmental stages of a marketing campaign.

XMPie, even in the same campaign.�

“It’s changed how our clients perceive us,� Parr says. “Before, we were an order taker at the last end of the line. Now we’re in

PURLs and RURLs deliver ROI

position to get beyond the purchasing people.�

Royal Oak, Mich.-based ArborOakland Group’s customer base is too diverse to

PURLs introduce targeted marketing

satisfy with a single service. Whereas a car


dealership may request a promotional yer

information from targets in a database or list, and then work from

from the print provider, high-tech clients

there on additional marketing ideas. In short, PURLs allow clients

may demand more Web initiatives. The lo-

to get to know their customers better.

cal banks customized post cards. And so on and so forth.

“The PURL systems allow marketing conversations to happen,� he says



Diving for PURLs

PURLs increase awareness

tions – you name it and RURLs can deliver it, says Stroh. They

A recent ArborOakland banking client

can also be equipped with security features such as login and

wanted to develop a marketing campaign

password protection.

to increase public awareness of two new local branches and showcase five different

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loan, savings and checking products that ered in its initial meetings with the client

PURLs and cross media software streamline the production process

that they also wanted to track which prod-

Kalagher says that before implementing XMPie’s software,

uct line was generating more interest, and

there were too many departments working on too many mov-

which of the two branches that were being

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profiled had more responses.

had to use two employees instead of what would have been

were being offered. ArborOakland discov-

Based on the meetings, ArborOakland

four in previous years.

created a campaign with XMPie’s cross-

“We had what I refer to as a three-ring circus going on,” he says.

media software to a targeted list that in-

“We had a separate Web-to-print application. A separate email ap-

volved VDP Postcards, PURLs, emails and

plication. A separate PURL system. Then we had reporting, and all

client access to the marketing console to

of those things taking data out of one system and moving it to the

track the campaign’s progress.

next system and putting in the next system, and trying to bring all

“We consider PURLs as one important component of a cross-media marketer’s toolbox.” — F. Jeffrey Parr, director of Cross-Media Services at ArborOakland

According to Parr, recipients received } ÞÊ «iÀÃ > âi`Ê « ÃÌV>À`ÃÊ ­ iÊ vÊ Ì iÊ

of that back into a report for our customers. We were losing a great `i> Ê vÊ ÕÀÊÀià ÕÀViÊÌ iÊ ÕÃÌÊÃÌ ÌV }Ê ÌÊ> ÊL>V ÊÌ }iÌ iÀ°»

five possible versions based on product ­>}> ]Ê ii« }Ê LÀ> ` }Ê V Ã ÃÌi ÌÊ Ü Ì Ê

PURLs and cross media campaigns can bring in more repeat business

Ì i ÀÊ« ÃÌV>À`®Ê> `Êw Ê ÕÌÊ>ÊÛiÀÞÊà « iÊ­> -

Parr says that selling cross media campaigns differs from selling

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traditional print.

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questionnaire to receive a free gas card.

“It’s a long sale cycle,” he says. “Because you’re in the devel-

Upon completing the questionnaire, the

opmental stages, there’s a lot of time spent before you even see

recipient received a personalized thank

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you email confirming when the gas card

ness model, he says

would be sent to them, and the client received a notification email to follow-up the

PURLs give you more to sell

discussion with the recipient.

Although not specifically print, PURL campaigns are increasingly

“The response to the campaign was over

being mixed with traditional products in delivering solutions to

double what they had seen in previous mar-

clients. Kalagher considers PURLs a complement to products such

keting campaigns, and our client was able

as direct mail campaigns. Parr agrees.

to use the data gathered from this campaign for future campaigns,” says Parr.

“We consider PURLs as one important component of a crossmedia marketer’s toolbox,” says Parr. “It is no more important than direct mail, email, mobile messaging or broadcast media. It


RURLs solve business problems

all depends on your client’s marketing goals and you as the cross-

Customer acquisition, customer reten-

media marketer finding the right mix of components to help

tions, sales call follow-up, event invita-

achieve that goal.”


PURLs of wisdom XMPie president and founder Jacob Aizikowitz talks with CANVAS about what audiences expect out of marketing campaigns, intangibles to selling cross media, and the future of print technology. CANVAS: Why should printers buy into cross media software? Jacob Aizikowitz: One key reason is the need to manage Web-based response. Let me clarify. Managing response in a context of a direct mail campaign is a fundamental discipline, and all printers that go into serving the direct mail industry know that and practice that. These days, it’s not any more about “sending back a postcard”, or “calling an 800 number.” These days it’s about Web-based response – personalized landing sites with all the richness of presentation and interaction that the Web media can provide, and this means crossmedia. Printers need to understand that the days of one time blast of a batch of outbound direct mail pieces are quickly diminishing. It is now the era of campaigns that are multi-phase dialogue that can start in a booklet or postcard and continues through a response Web site (we call them Response URLs – RURLs). Taking a more general and high-level view on the need for cross media, printers should realize that, today, advertisers need to touch their audience by a variety of media types (this is because of the amazing progress in media, communications, and rich content). A printer needs to be able to provide media-centric services rather than print-centric services – hence they have to go into cross media. CANVAS: What intangibles are needed to sell cross media campaigns? Aizikowitz: Cross-media campaigns are engulfing much more of the marketing experience than direct mail alone. With a cross-media campaign, one is getting involved in the whole dialogue, all the phases, much deeper serving of the marketing strategy than, say, implementing the direct mail part of the marketing plan. So, one needs to be able to discuss marketing and not just execution for media publishing. One needs to have the skills of working with data. Also, the value of a service is not any more just how many pieces will be printed, it’s in the completeness of the service; it’s in the ability to offer one-stop shop for all the media and the data interaction – either by getting all the needed skills in-house OR by properly partnering – printers and agencies.

The distinctions in printing between high-speed and high-volume on the one hand vs. full color and highly creative on the other will vanish.

CANVAS: From your experience with XMPie, what lesson has impacted you more than anything else? Aizikowitz: One must be able to absorb a market situation and technological state-of-the-art in order to cook something customers never knew to ask for, but once you show that to them, they all realize that this is what they wanted. Another lesson is that new things – changes in concepts (like adding cross media) – take much more time to absorb by the market than what one is led to believe when listening to the first few enthusiastic customers who jump on the bandwagon early on. Yet, getting the enthusiast and nurturing them is an invaluable critical element in building the bridge to the mainstream market.

CANVAS: Predict the future …. Aizikowitz: Since I’m talking to you from Haifa (Israel), the land of milk and honey, and the land of the Bible prophets – one must stay away from predicting the future. However, I am pretty sure that the next three to five years will be about integration of silos, where cross-media is the media integration and the other dimension is the fusion of marketing and publishing, essentially bringing a practical One-to-One-inOne solution. In addition, the distinctions in printing between high-speed and high-volume on the one hand vs. full color and highly creative on the other will vanish. The print technology will allow noncompromising full color very high-speed and affordable digital printing; the s/w technology will allow highly creative documents to be designed and printed without compromise on these print engines; part of s/w and h/w technology will be RIP technology that will allow high-speed rendering of highly creative variable data documents; advances in computing technology, mass scalability, cloud computing, and similar things will make it all very practical.



Turning the

Page R

Rob Adler knew that he needed to turn the page. As

Mike McKinney has been selling print for 30 years.

president of Long Island City, N.Y.-based Prestone Print-

Most people would lump him in with some other old

ing, Adler had been relying on traditional offset lithog-

dogs that can’t learn new tricks. But, McKinney is not de-

raphy for years. He had read about the great momentum

fined by his years of service. The clients he’s committed

of digital printing, but was unconvinced. Then he saw his

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customers’ needs change.

iVÌÀ VÊ ÌÞÊ *À Ì }Ê ­ Ê Ã `>Ìi`Ê À>« VÃÊ -

Adler’s market-based decision to invest in a 6-color

«> Þ®Ê ÛiÃÌi`Ê Ê` } Ì> ÊiµÕ « i ÌÊ>ÃÊ>Ê i> ÃÊÌ Ê«i -

Indigo Press last year has opened a new and very pros-

etrate accounts from a different angle. “Customers are

perous chapter in Prestone’s business. “We were looking for ways to expand our business and knew that many of our customers had the need for short run, multi-color and variable data work,” says Adler. “We also saw this as a larger market from which to acquire future accounts than traditional sheet-fed offset and wanted to explore the arena of Web

Why adding marketing services is vital to the future success of print providers

storefronts as a future selling point.”

very receptive to new ideas,” says McKinney. “As long as you hold their hands and lead them through the process as their partner, they are very receptive.” The investment in digital equipment alone does not guarantee success. Nor does it mean you have repositioned your organization into a Marketing SerÛ ViÊ *À Û `iÀÊ ­ -*®Ê À>Ì iÀÊ Ì > Ê >Ê *À ÌÊ

-iÀÛ ViÊ*À Û `iÀÊ­*-*®°Ê ÃiµÕi Ì Þ]ÊÌ ÊLiV iÊ>Ê -*]Ê you must first think like an MSP. You must embrace mar-

New ideas

keting in all its glory. In other words, the marketing pro-

Turning the page to a new day has been painful for the print-

cess must be the cornerstone of how you operate. You

ing industry. Old habits have been hard to discard. Many

must understand both strategic and tactical marketing,

print providers define themselves by the products they have

while focusing on accelerating your clients’ marketing

historically sold rather than the customers they serve. How-

process. As McKinney states, “Customers are paring

ever, a thoughtful few have started redefining themselves.

down the number of vendors they are dealing with be-

Sponsored by



cause more and more is being thrown on their shoulders. Any way

reinvent themselves in hopes of gaining the


order and growing their business.” He con-

them over.”

tinued by saying “Over the past five years, each year has been different than the last

Are you poised?

and growth potential through acquisitions

Many people have argued that the printing industry is in the midst

and new equipment has prevented us from

of dramatic change. Not sure what gave it away. The clues that

becoming stagnant.”

hint to change are about as subtle as a kick in the teeth. Yet, these V > }iÃÊ Ã Õ `Ê ÌÊ LiÊ ÛiÀÜ i }°Ê ÀÊ iÝ> « i]Ê ` iÀÊ Ã>ÞÃÊ

Embrace restructuring

that printers are well positioned to embrace change. “Print ser-

Based on feedback from both Adler and

vice providers are in a better position to sell digital printing than

McKinney, printers can either choose to

start-up competitors because of their acquired expertise in color

turn the page or have the page turned for

management, press calibration, and profiling.”

them. This economy will not discriminate in

Adler continues, “We have foot-printed our Indigo to our GRA-

whom it casts aside. It’s restructuring, and

CoL 7 certified 40-foot press so that when a customer brings in a

the people who understand that within the

multi-piece campaign, items appropriate for digital printing will

industry will be the most likely ones to suc-

still match items printed conventional offset.”

ceed. As John Silvia, chief economist at

In addition to Adler’s testimony, printers need to realize that

Wachovia stated in a recent article entitled


“The Great Restructuring”, “Most of these

well equipped to turn the page. Printers have a history of capital


investment. They have never been shy about buying new assets. In fact, this is how many printers have grown. Having the stomach for investment is something that ad agencies, PR agencies, and other start-ups lack. They may have the strategic ideals and an inherent understanding of the marketing process. However, if a printer can stomach the investment in a press, they surely have the heart to invest in education.

The people who understand that we are in the midst of comprehensive restructuring within our overall economy and our industry will be able take the first step toward a new chapter.

And make no mistake about it. The circles are colliding. Ad agencies need to prove value beyond

tion either isn’t going to happen at all, or

idea generation, design could be considered as much a commod-

it’s going to happen somewhere other

ity as print and paper, and PR is, well, free for crying out loud.

than the United States. There are going to

Let the race for the client’s affection begin. Who will become the

be fewer stores, fewer factories, and fewer

marketing service provider?

w > V > Ê ÃiÀÛ ViÃÊ «iÀ>Ì Ã°Ê À ÃÊ >ÀiÊ

Prestone, in less than a year, has already taken the lead in their race. According to Adler, “We have successfully launched three store-

making strategic decisions that they don’t want to be in their businesses.”

fronts, moved into variable data, and purchased a second HP Indigo

Turning the page in the face of this

digital press.” Just as important as their capital investment, they

economy may seem incredibly scary. How-

are actively investing in a high caliber sales force in their digital area.

ever, printers like Prestone and Electric City

In turn, they now realize that they can have both the capital leverage

couldn’t even imagine standing still and do-

and the intellectual capacity to succeed in the marketing landscape.

ing nothing. Waiting for things to get better

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is a recipe for disaster, according to McKin-

every day. Invest in the continuing education of your people be-

ney. “Embracing marketing services other

cause the salespeople going forward will have to be simply re-

than traditional offset printing has worked

markable. They will need to be data oriented, financially savvy,

out extremely well for us,” he says. “I have

and unquestionably selfless. In fact, sellers of marketing services

actually grown my sales considerably in this

in the future could very well be the equivalent of the captains of

economy and it is all due to our Indigo. I

industry of today.

don’t know what I would do without it now.”

McKinney captured the essence of change. “Business, as we know it, is changing every month,” he says. “Everyone is trying to





means that thoughtful printers and their



Turning the Page

corresponding salespeople are not satisfied with execut-

nities, and then decide whom they want to target and

ing a small piece of their clients’ marketing mix. In other

what they mean to them. Going forward, measurement

words, printing is simply the manufacturing of a portion

will be critical. However, most companies will realize that

of a customer’s promotional needs. There is so much

measurement to validate a spend is much different than

more to marketing than printing a collateral piece.

measuring to validate a market.

Today and going forward, the marketing personalities

So, who will turn the page? Will the recently dismissed

will take over. Creative ideas, innovation and incubation

advertising and marketing personalities launch their start-

will be the standard for the next couple of years. In ad-

ups and reintroduce themselves as a slimmed down ver-

dition, a commitment to “strategic marketing” and not

sion of their former employer? Or will the print community

ÕÃÌʺÌ>VÌ V> Ê >À iÌ }»ÊÜ Ê«ÀiÛ> °Ê «> iÃÊ ii`ÊÌ Ê

step up with print as a perfect lever into a new definition

do some actual market research, segment the commu-

of themselves? The time is now. Turn the page!

Turning the Page HP is a proven leader and continually demonstrates its commitment to business success through forums such as Dscoop (a user-driven community), My HP Indigo, Capture and the HP Digital Printing Resource Center. CANVAS sat down with HP’s Director of Marketing, Francis McMahon, to get his take on how we can all “Turn the Page.” CANVAS: How should print service providers move beyond offering just traditional offset lithography? McMahon: [They should] ask more questions. The question ‘why’ has significant power. If print salespeople inquire about why a job is being produced, it will open up the possibilities. For example, they may learn that the print job is part of a broader campaign promoting an event. In that case, opportunities may exist for banners at the event, registration cards, direct mail, and even the programs for the event. I mean, shouldn’t the look of everything be the same? How about customizing and personalizing the material to take the event to another level? What about their data? Who is managing the list and the response rates? The opportunities are many and it all starts with ‘why’. CANVAS: How should printers define themselves going forward? McMahon: I actually would start with what NOT to do. Everyone is talking about how the printer must become a marketing service provider. I think that is kind of an overwhelming concept and can weigh you down a bit. There are so many great tools and partners to help the printers manage campaigns. They can most certainly do more, but rather than focus on a complete transformation, maybe they should concentrate on taking just one step. Either way, I believe that printers will need to define themselves by the help they provide. In other words, a printer should be able to say ‘we help people take advantage of their overall marketing campaigns. We help people grow through print communication.’ They need to make what they currently do today for their clients more valuable. CANVAS: What kind of intangibles will it take for printers to redefine themselves and “turn the page”? McMahon: Forget for a second that I am part of the industry. Just as any marketing leader in today’s environment, I am under more pressure to perform than ever before. My budgets have been cut, people have been cut, and I need to show more ROMI (Return on Marketing Investment) than ever before. With fewer resources I need to work with people or companies that act as an extension of my team. And those partners are going to have to deliver exceptional value. In turn, if you can’t measure it, then it isn’t going work. Printers need to ask themselves how truly valuable they are to the customer because credibility is everything. I can get print anywhere but I can not get a trusted advisor and partner just anywhere. Help me do more for my business and recognize that print is just one piece of a much more important need. CANVAS: If you had a crystal ball, what do you think it would be telling you right now? McMahon: All I can say is that this financial crisis caused us to reflect in a way we have never done before. We have taken a hard look at our processes and what was truly valuable and what wasn’t. So, I believe that we will be in a better position sooner than later because we are all changing. More importantly though, we are all smarter. HP is proud to sponsor CANVAS and wants to help you “Turn the Page” to a thriving future. We invite you to visit the HP Digital Printing Resource Center to download whitepapers, view on-demand press demos, webinars and more!



Spinning a Profitable Web

By Brian Sullivan

Can Web technology actually help increase sales?

E-newsletters, CRM, blogs, podcasts, YouTube, MyS-

UÊÊE-newsletters. These are an easy way to regularly

pace, LinkedIn, Linked Social Networking … Ugh! What are

inform customers how you can help them. But here

you supposed to do? Whether you are a business, an

is the secret. Your e-newsletter has to add VALUE

salesperson, you are no doubt being entrepreneur or a sale

to the person receiving it. They should contain 80

bombarded with new technology terms every day. But

percent valuable information and 20 percent sales

of all the new ways to connect with prospects, what are

info. Aweber is an online service you should check

the tools you should be using to make sure you get to

out. Sign up, get comfortable, and before you know

the marketplace more often and more powerfully than

it, you will create loyal customers that wouldn’t dare

your competition? How do you know if a new sales and

turn to the competition.

marketing technology will actually turn into profit? While the answers are not easy, the first step begins

UÊÊCRM. OK salesperson, I know how much you hate

with a decision by you to stop running from the confu-

inputting customer data into your computer. But stop

sion and start learning it. Will it take some time? Abso-

fighting it! Because if you use it correctly, you will

lutely, but one thing is clear – those that are embracing

get to the right customers at the right time … while

new sales and marketing technologies are finding inno-

your competition is driving all over town looking for

vative ways to find more customers, more quickly and

somebody to talk to.

more profitably. UÊBlogs. A blog is simply an easy way to deliver While I don’t claim to be a technoprofit expert, let me

information to people who care what you think. So

share with you the benefits you will find with some of the

the trick here is to have knowledge in your head

latest techno-tools:

that customers want. Then go to a service like



Spinning a Profitable Web and create one your-

UÊPodcast. A podcast is simply an audio file that somebody can

self. Even as a novice, you can be an

download onto their iPod or MP3 player that allows them to take

official blogger before you know it.

you with them. If your company has a message that needs to spread, you can create a regular informational podcast that edu-

UÊÊYouTube. You mean YouTube can actu-

cates the marketplace. Which means if your company is the expert

ally be used as a business tool? Yes!

in EMR connected products, why not create a podcast helping

In fact, there is a cool new camera out

your market better understand the benefits of connectivity.

Ì iÀiÊÌ >ÌÊ ÃÊV> i`Ê «ÊÒÊÌ >ÌÊÞ ÕÊV> Ê use to quickly capture video testimoni-

UÊÊMySpace, LinkedIn, Plaxo-Social Networking sites are all the

als of happy customers immediately

rage and frankly, I am still figuring out how they can add value

after they purchase your product. You

and profit to a business. If you are like me, you are probably

then flip out a USB adapter that is part

}iÌÌ }Ê Û Ìi`ÊÌ Ê Ê iÊ vÊÌ iÃiÊÃ ÌiÃÊvÀiµÕi Ì Þ°Ê Êv>VÌÊÞ ÕÊ

of the camera, plug it in, and upload

are probably wondering who the heck the guy named Ned

the video to YouTube or any number

Jones is who claims to be your long lost business associate.

“It’s not about technology. It is about getting leverage to add value and make a profit.” — Ford Saeks, Technology and Internet Marketing Expert

of video hosting sites. You can even

Be careful. If you find yourself responding to LinkedIn invites

create Video E-cards of you thanking

more than reaching out to customers every day, then it’s time

a customer for their time. Pretty cool,

to redirect your energy.

huh? Regarding testimonials, wouldn’t it be great to refer a potential pros-

Oh, and there is one technology I didn’t mention … the phone.

pect to your YouTube site where they

While all of these tools can be effective in finding and keeping

can see and hear live customers saying

loyal customers, they are not meant to replace good old fashion

how great you and your company are?

human contact. But with a little techno curiosity, time and effort,

­+Õ V Ê Ìi°Ê9 ÕÊ } ÌÊÜ> ÌÊÌ ÊV iV Ê


with your company to get approval

phone time than ever before. And if that is the case, then the tech-

for this before you do it. I don’t want

nology will help you add value, and more importantly, add more

Ì i Ê >`Ê>ÌÊ i°®

profit to your business.

To learn how to get and keep more customers using sales and marketing technology, listen to Brian ÌiÀÛ iÜÊ ÌiÀ iÌÊ Ã> iÃÊ > `Ê >À iÌ }Ê iÝ«iÀÌ]Ê À`Ê ->i Ã]Ê LÞÊ } }Ê Ì Ê ÜÜÜ°«ÀiV ÃiÃi }°V É Radiotechtips.htm. President of Kansas City-based PRECISE Selling, Brian Sullivan delivers seminars and Internet training programs on sales, customer service, leadership and presentation skills to companies of all sizes. He also hosts the radio talk show Entrepreneurial Moments, a show dedicated to personal and business development. To find out more, visit him at or e-mail Brian at




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