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[New] Care South Residents Celebrate the Festive Season with a Visit to AFC Bournemouth’s Vitality Stadium

games enjoy lots of conversation with residents along with plenty of tea coffee and cake We enjoy the time spent with residents and we know they look forward to our visits

AFC three years, so it was great

South just continues to grow We go into the Care South care homes two or three times a week to play football related

Simon Bird, Chief Executive at Care South added We had a fantastic time at the stadium We had seven of our care homes come together with the senior citizen ticket holders of AFC Bournemouth and some of our Care South at Home clients who all joined in the morning of Christmas carols Our relationship with AFC Bournemouth and the Community Sports Trust is so important on so many levels Care South is all about food fun and friendship and the partnership we have with AFC Bournemouth completely embodies all those attributes which we have seen through this event alongside the additional activities that come with the partnership “It was fantastic for residents in our care to safely attend this wonderful event, especially as they all enjoy the home visits from AFC Bournemouth Community Sports Trust and the stadium so much It was a delightful way to mark the start of the festive holidays Events with our partner AFC Bournemouth are an important part of our activities helping to keep residents engaged and active and part of the community ”

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