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Million Stafford Care Home Officially Opened by Vice Lord-Lt
Falcon House a new £1 75 million six-bed care home for adults with a learning disability, developed by the ECHO Group, has been officially opened by Mr James Thomas Leavesley DL, the Vice LordLieutenant of Staffordshire
The home, situated just off Hawksmoor Road in Stafford, forms part of a wider residential development and will offer support to six people with learning disabilities and other complex needs, including Autistic Spectrum Disorder and physical disabilities
The creation of Falcon House is a direct result of discussions with local commissioners who have worked closely with the development team to ensure it meets the needs of the intended service users It will give much-needed options to service users and their families and will allow them to remain locally
Cheryl Maitland Falcon House Manager said “We were very proud to welcome Mr Leavesley to Falcon House to perform the official opening of this exciting development
“Falcon House will provide a much-needed facility in the heart of the Stafford community
“It is so important that people with complex care needs are supported to live in their local communities, take control of their lives and achieve the most positive outcomes possible
Mr James Thomas Leavesley DL the Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Staffordshire said: “It is an honour to have been asked to open this fantastic facility Service users will receive the best care possible from the extremely professional team at Falcon House alongside the brilliant accommodation it provides