Newspaper of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis Father John Ubel appointed Cathedral rector, pastor
Nine men ordained transitional deacons for archdiocese
The Catholic Spirit
May 10, 2012
News with a Catholic heart
Archdiocesan Youth Day aims to fire up faith of young Catholics
Sept. 15 event to feature prayer, music, speakers The Catholic Spirit World Youth Day celebrations are well-known for bringing together throngs of enthusiastic pilgrims from around the world and igniting the flame of faith in their hearts. This fall, the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis is hoping to bring a flavor of the international WYD experience to the Twin Cities. Archbishop John Nienstedt has attended five international World Youth Day gatherings, including last year’s in Madrid, and had expressed a desire to organize a local version, said Bill Dill, archdiocesan youth ministry events coordinator. The result: Archdiocesan Youth Day 2012, set for Sept. 15 at DeLaSalle High School in Minneapolis. The event, organized for high school students with the theme “Reason for Hope,” will feature a day with Archbishop Nienstedt, Mass, music, food, testimonials, adoration, Benediction and speakers, including youth ministers and Father Michael Schmitz, director of youth/ young adult ministry in the Diocese of Duluth. The intent is to establish the day as a biennial event, Dill said. Archdiocesan Youth Day 2012 is free. For more information, visit at archdiocese’s website at WWW.ARCH SPM.ORG.
THIS YEAR’S GRADS see pages 1B - 12B
‘Our Lady of Uncertain Times’ knows our struggles By Ginny Kubitz Moyer For The Catholic Spirit
On my back patio is a white statue of Mary. She stands with her arms outstretched, her face calm and gentle. I love this statue, and the peace that I feel when I look at it. But these serene images of Mary can lead us to make some pretty big assumptions. It’s tempting to look at her calm demeanor and think, This is someone for whom everything was easy. We wonder how Mary can relate to our raw struggles, to all the disorienting uncertainties of life. Does she have any idea how it feels to lose a job, have a depleted bank account or get a terrifying medical diagnosis? Several years ago, I was reflecting
on Mary, and it hit me that her own life was anything but smooth sailing. Over and over, she had to navigate challenging situations when a positive outcome must have seemed elusive at best. Take the birth of Jesus: Just when she probably wanted to hunker down at home and wait for her baby to arrive, she had to get on a donkey and travel far from the comfort of the familiar.
No bed of roses Ask any pregnant woman what she hopes for her delivery, and odds are good it involves a comfortable bed and a supportive, nurturing environment. Mary had to accept a pile of straw, and the company of animals. Even after the birth, Mary could hardly relax and PLEASE TURN TO MARY ON PAGE 19A
Keeping an open mind on LCWR assessment
That They May All Be One Archbishop John C. Nienstedt
There are ample reasons for the action taken by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
It is unfortunate that coverage in the news media concerning a recent document of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has been so one-sided. The document at issue, published on April 18, 2012, is entitled, “Doctrinal Assessment of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious� (LCWR). It has been placed on our archdiocesan website (WWW.ARCH SPM.ORG), and I urge our Catholic faithful to read the text in full with an open mind.
Main points Here are the summary points I gleaned from reading the actual text: 1. The Holy Father, as well as the Vatican, acknowledges with gratitude the substantial and historic contribution that religious women have made to the Church in the USA through their schools, hospitals and institutions for the poor. 2. This evaluation reports the findings of an assessment that began four years ago. Similar assessments have been done of programs involving seminarians and priests. Far from a secretive process, the LCWR has been aware of this assessment these many years. 3. The main concern of the Congregation is that the leadership or administration of the LCWR, not necessarily the individual members of the orders represented, has
The Catholic Spirit The Catholic Spirit’s mission is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. It seeks to inform, educate, evangelize and foster a spirit of community within the Catholic Church by disseminating news in a professional manner and serving as a forum for discussion of contemporary issues.
Vol. 17 — No. 9 MOST REVEREND JOHN C. NIENSTEDT Publisher BOB ZYSKOWSKI Associate publisher
Materials credited to CNS copyrighted by Catholic News Service. All other materials copyrighted by Catholic Spirit Publishing Company. Subscriptions: $29.95 per year Senior 1-year: $24.95 To subscribe: (651) 291-4444 Display Advertising: (651) 291-4444 Classified advertising: (651) 290-1631 Published bi-weekly by the Catholic Spirit Publishing Company, a non-profit Minnesota Corporation, 244 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, MN 55102 (651) 291-4444, FAX (651) 291-4460. Periodicals postage paid at St. Paul, MN, and additional post offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Catholic Spirit, 244 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, MN 55102. e-mail: USPS #093-580
“We need to be clear that our preaching, teaching and Gospel witness accurately reflect the revelation that has been passed down to us from the apostles.
veered toward positions contrary to the teachings of the Church. This is a concern that involves the salvation of souls. It is not meant as an indictment of individual women religious. 4. In particular, the evaluation found disturbing questions in four areas: a. Addresses at assemblies: One of the principal ways that the LCWR promotes its vision of religious life is by sponsoring an annual assembly. The addresses given here are a matter of public record. A review of such talks has found a number of serious theological problems or even doctrinal errors. When such statements go unchallenged, a certain credence builds in their favor. b. Corporate dissent: The LCWR has, on several occasions, written the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) objecting to Church discipline on ordination of
celibate men as well as their pastoral approach to the ministry to homosexual persons. Such positions are contrary to the collaborative relationship that a leadership conference should have in witnessing to Church teaching. c. Radical feminism: Public programs and presentations (all a matter of record) challenge the revealed truths that God is Father and that Jesus is fully God and man. At the same time, we know there is a faithfilled feminism articulated by Blessed John Paul II in his apostolic letter “Mulieris Dignitatem.� d. Silent neglect: There has also been concern expressed on the lack of expressed support by the LCWR on critical social issues such as the immorality of abortion and euthanasia along with the Church’s biblical view of family life and human sexuality. As a prominent Catholic institution, one would exPLEASE TURN TO ISSUES ON PAGE 9A
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Reader Inquiry Do you consider your career a calling? Do you consider your occupation more than just a job? Is it more like a vocation, a “calling,� in which you are using God’s gifts to serve and make life better for others? If this describes your career choice, we would like to hear from you. The Catholic Spirit is currently preparing a special issue on vocations and careers for early June. We want to hear from Catholics from a range of occupations — from the traditional to the non-traditional to the unusual. Please send us your name, parish, email address, telephone number and a short description of your occupation and why you consider it a “calling.� You may send the information one of two ways: ■By email to:
SPM.ORG. Please write “Careers� in the sub-
ject line. ■By postal mail to: “Careers,� c/o The Catholic Spirit, 244 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, MN 55102. We will publish a selection of responses in the special issue, June 7, and online at THECATHOLICSPIRIT.COM. The issue also will include a section highlighting religious vocations.
Rally for religious freedom on July 8 Join Bishop John LeVoir of New Ulm and other leaders in front of the federal courthouse in Minneapolis for a rally for religious freedom at noon Friday, June 8. The rally is sponsored by Pro-Life Action Ministries and the Minnesota Catholic Conference. Buses for parishes or groups will be available through First Student at a discounted rate. Contact Lynda at (651) 631-1755 for more information. For more information about the rally, visit MNCC.ORG.
Twins set September to note altar servers The Minnnesota Twins will host Altar Server Appreciation Days during three baseball games in September at Target Field in Minneapolis. The Twins have set aside blocks of tickets for: 1:10 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 16, when they take on the Chicago White Sox; 12:10 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 29, and 1:10 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 30, when they play the Detroit Tigers. Special discounted seating, starting at $15, is available. Call 1-800-TWINS and reference “Altar Server� at the start of the call. Order deadline is Aug. 16. Seating is limited for the discounted tickets. Games times and days are subject to change.
“The pursuit of peace resembles the building of a great cathedral. It is the work of a generation. In concept it requires a masterarchitect; in execution, the labors of many.” Hubert H. Humphrey
Local MAY 10, 2012
News from around the archdiocese
New appointments include Father Ubel as Cathedral rector By Julie Carroll The Catholic Spirit
Father John Ubel has been appointed rector of the Cathedral of St. Paul and pastor of the Cathedral parish effective July 1, the archdiocese announced May 1. The current pastor of St. Agnes in St. Paul replaces Father Joseph Johnson, who has been named pastor of Holy Family in St. Louis Park beginning July 1. Father Johnson was rector for six years. Father Ubel said he was caught by surprise when Archbishop John Nienstedt met with him after a Presbyteral Council meeting and invited him to serve as the Cathedral’s next rector. “I’ve been [at St. Agnes] for six years, and so I was not anticipating a move at this time,” he said. “But I’ve always tried to follow the advice that when we are asked to do something we respond generously. I’ve got a tremendous love for the history of this archdiocese, so I thanked [the archbishop] for entrusting the spiritual care of the people of the Cathedral to me as well as the magnificent building,” he said. Father Ubel will serve as pastor to more than 2,000 families who belong to the Cathedral parish. He will be the 22nd rector of the Cathedral of St. Paul, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and was designated a national shrine in 2009. Tens of thousands of people visit the cathedral every year. “It’s a parish-plus,” Father Ubel said.
Good years at St. Agnes Father Ubel was ordained a priest in 1989. In addition to his most recent appointment as pastor of St. Agnes, he has served as associate pastor of St. Joseph in West St. Paul, co-director of the archdiocesan Vocation Office, chaplain at St. Thomas Academy in Mendota Heights, and at the St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity. “St. Agnes has been the most rewarding
Appointments Official His Excellency, the Most Reverend John C. Nienstedt, has announced the following appointments in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. Effective March 31, 2012 Rev. James Kelleher, SOLT, permission to exercise ministry in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis from March 28th to November 7th, 2012. Father Kelleher will be working with Rev. John Paul Erickson, Director of Worship, to plan two major rosary processions during that time, and this work will take him to various parishes and institutions in the Archdiocese. Effective April 3, 2012 Rev. Andrew McAlpin, OP, granted the faculties of the Archdiocese for as long as he remains a priest in good standing with the Dominican Order.
Dianne Towalski / The Catholic Spirit
Father John Ubel sits in a pew at the Cathedral of St. Paul. He will become rector of the Cathedral and pastor of the Cathedral parish on July 1.
assignment I’ve had in 23 years, without question,” he said. During his time at St. Agnes, Father Ubel worked to unite the parish and the school and eliminate debt. “I think the parish feels like it’s healthy and ready for the next phase,” Father Ubel said. “I was absolutely delighted at the appointment of Father [Mark] Moriarty [as the next pastor of St. Agnes]. That really quite honestly helped to soften the news that I would be leaving sooner than I had anticipated.” Father Ubel said he often prays the rosary while walking around Calvary Cemetery, which overlooks downtown St. Paul. “You see the magnificent dome of the cathedral as well as the more-than-200-foot bell tower, the ‘onion’ dome, at St. Agnes, and they’re really lined up very nicely next to each other from that vantage point right near the tombs of the archbishops.” St. Agnes is exactly 1.51 miles from the cathedral, Father Ubel said. “I Mapquested it.”
Congratulations, Deacon Brian Park! We rejoice with you in your ordination to the transitional diaconate. We wish you many blessings as you continue your journey with Our Lord to your May 2013 ordination. The Parishioners, Staff and Faculty of Saint Joseph’s Church and School of West Saint Paul, Minnesota
In the next few months, Father Ubel will say his goodbyes to parishioners at St. Agnes and pack his belongings for the short move to the cathedral rectory, which he’ll share with three other priests. His final day as pastor of St. Agnes will be June 10, when the parish will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the church building, which was completed on June 9, 1912. “Archbishop [John] Ireland came for that dedication,” Father Ubel said. “I was just looking through some records, . . . and he said at that time: ‘You can be proud of your church, next to the cathedral the grandest church in St. Paul.’ “I would agree that they are the two grandest church buildings in the city,” Father Ubel said. “But I would probably at this point decline to rank them — at least until July 1,” he added. “I’m passionate about the beautiful building and everything that the cathedral PLEASE TURN TO NEW ON PAGE 19A
Effective June 15, 2012 Rev. Thomas Fitzgerald, accepted resignation as pastor of the Church of Saint Genevieve of Centerville, Minnesota, and granted the status of a retired priest. Rev. Gregory Esty, appointed pastor of the Church of Saint Genevieve of Centerville, Minnesota, and the Church of Saint John Baptist (Hugo). Effective July 1, 2012 Rev. John Ubel, accepted resignation as the pastor of the Church of Saint Agnes of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and appointed Rector of the Cathedral of Saint Paul, and pastor of the Cathedral of Saint Paul parish. Rev. Mark Moriarty, accepted resignation as pastor of the Catholic Church of Mary Queen of Peace in Rogers, and appointed Pastor of the Church of Saint Agnes of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Rev. Joseph Johnson, accepted resignation as rector of the Cathedral of Saint Paul and pastor of the Cathedral parish, and appointed Pastor of the Church of the Holy Family of Saint Louis Park. Rev. Patrick Kennedy, accepted resignation as pastor of the Church of Pax Christi of Eden Prairie, and granted permission to serve in the Diocese of Tucson for a period of two years.
Transitional deacons ordained at Basilica Archbishop John Nienstedt congratulates Brian Park, above left, after he is vested during the Rite of Ordination May 5 at a Mass at the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis, where he and nine other men were ordained transitional deacons. James Peterson, right, waits to greet the archbishop. Park, Peterson and seven others were ordained for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis along with Leonard Andrie, Andrew Brinkman, John Drees, Joah Ellis, Andrew Jaspers, Luke Marquard, and Andrew Stueve. Manuel Gerardo Gomez Reza was ordained for the Diocese of Rockford, Ill. Seminarians are ordained to the transitional diaconate before their last year of preparation for ordination to the priesthood. Left: Luke Marquard, center, prays during the ordination Mass.
The Catholic Spirit photos by Dianne Towalski
The Catholic Church of Mary Queen of Peace Congratulations Andrew Stueve on being Ordained to the Diaconate! From the Parish of Mary Queen of Peace
May God Bless You Ser ving at the Altar and Preaching the Word.
NOTICE Look for The Catholic Spirit advertising insert from
CATHOLIC CHARITIES in all copies of this issue. “I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have one for you, you should also do. … As I have loved you, so you also should love one another” (John 13:15, 34).
The Catholic Church of Divine Mercy congratulates Deacon Luke Marquard on the occasion of his ordination to the Diaconate. We extend our prayers to you, and have every confidence of your ministry in the Archdiocese.
Blessed Trinity School’s theme song could be: ‘I’m a [BT] Believer’ By Jennifer Janikula For The Catholic Spirit
Bill Jones / The Catholic Spirit
Parents, students and staff from Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. John Vianney, St. Matthew and St. Michael parishes walk in St. Paul’s Cinco de Mayo parade May 5 in support of their new regional school, Community of Saints.
Eighth-grader Lesley Blanco is a BT Believer. On a recent Monday evening, Blanco stood in front of a crowd of 90 people to explain why she believes in Blessed Trinity Catholic School. She expressed her gratitude for an “amazing adventure from K-8” and spoke about her favorite teacher, Jo Culnane, who she considers a role model and a friend at the Richfield school. “Mrs. Culnane tells us that we are full of potential and that she knows we are going to be great. Those words mean so much coming from someone who lives her faith every day,” Blanco said. “Her faith and trust in God and in her students is a miracle.” The special bond of faith and friendship that Lesley shares with her teacher exemplifies the unique How are you benefits of Catholic edutelling the story? cation. As part of the “Aim Higher” campaign Is your school or parish to promote Catholic spreading the word about schools, the archdiocese the value of a Catholic challenged administrators education in and parents to share stonew and ries, like Blanco’s, with innovative their communities. ways?
Telling the story
Community of Saints Four-parish collaboration creates stronger Catholic school By Pat Norby
commodate 200 students. However, the SJV gymnasium may be used for school sports, he said. Many of the families at St. Michael, St. Matthew and St. John Vianney have already registered to attend Community of Saints, after a somewhat rocky start. “I think change can sometimes cause people to be reactionary . . . and just look at the negatives and not the positives,” Gannon said. Lieser said one challenge was that people wanted all the answers right away. Mary Kane, archdiocesan Schools Team assistant superintendent, said that the group was just four weeks into the planning with Thanksgiving and Christmas approaching, which made it difficult to plan meetings.
The Catholic Spirit
Community of Saints School in West St. Paul is quickly nearing its 290-student goal for the 2012-2013 school year, with 250 students already registered for the new K8 regional school. The parish schools of St. Matthew in St. Paul, St. Michael in West St. Paul and St. John Vianney in South St. Paul, along with Our Lady of Guadalupe parish in St. Paul are forging ahead with the school collaboration in the St. Michael building. When the collaboration was first announced Oct. 28, Holy Trinity in South St. Paul was slated to be a part of the regional school, but successfully appealed to remain a parish school. St. Joseph in West St. Paul, another Answers, activities and action school in the area, remains a parish school, as outlined But after the October announcement, answers began in the original plan. being offered through the help of all the pastors inAfter some initial concerns — about tuition, trans- volved. portation and school leadership — Gannon said the open communiwere resolved, parents and students cation erased many concerns. got on board and involved in nam“My priest addresses it almost ing the new school, said Maryanna weekly,” he said. “As decisions are I think once Charley, current principal of St. come to, those are shared.” Michael. [parents] knew Right now, enrollment is more When this school year ends, than Gannon expected and coming that the three of Charley will serve part time as the asfrom unusual places. sistant to the new principal, Pat Gan“We’re attracting kids from the us were on board non, currently principal of St. John public schools that haven’t attended Vianney, and to Doug Lieser, princi. . . that did any of the three schools before,” he pal of St. Matthew, who will be pressaid. help. ident of Community of Saints. The three schools also planned “I think once [parents] knew that projects and activities for the stuthe three of us were on board . . . that dents to get together, such as snow MARYANNA CHARLEY did help,” Charley said. tubing, rollerskating and a play at St. It has taken longer than expected Michael. for the new school to develop because it is unfamiliar terDuring Advent and Lent, students were given the ritory for the three leaders, Charley said. names of a student from each of the other two schools “We’re combining. We’re regional. The site is moving, and told to write prayer cards for them. basically. The perception is out there that we are closing,” “When the students came to our school to see the play Charley said. “We have to get away from that word ‘clos- ‘Alice in Wonderland’ put on by Hamline,” Charley said, ing.’” “they were so excited to meet their prayer buddies faceto-face.” Slow, steady transition Charley said the Community of Saints website, Gannon noted that using the St. Michael building WWW.SPRCS.ORG, also has helped keep parents and students made the most sense, because that school, at one time, informed. had more than 400 students, while St. John Vianney has PLEASE TURN TO MEETING ON PAGE 9A only 13 classrooms and St. Matthew is too small to ac-
Are you energizing people in your community to be “brand ambassadors” who communicate the benefits of Catholic schools? If you know about such an initiative, The Catholic Spirit would like to hear about it. Email a short description of what your school or parish is doing along with your name and contact information. We’ll draw on the information we receive for future stories about Catholic schools and the Aim Higher campaign. Email CATHOLICSPIRIT@ ARCHSPM.ORG; please write Aim Higher in the subject line.
The result for Blessed Trinity is BT Believers — a group of parents, parishioners, students and alumni that believes in the benefits of Catholic education and is willing to promote Blessed Trinity to others. The BT Believer kick-off event April 30 included more than 20 speakers packed into a single hour. “We asked supporters to tell their Blessed Trinity story — why they came, why they stayed and why they love Blessed Trinity,” said Melissa Cavanaugh, BT director of communications. The testimonials provided supporters with a broad perspective on the school’s mission. Speakers reflected on what makes Blessed Trinity “clearly Catholic, intentionally inclusive and academically excellent,” according to its mission statement. “The mission statement really means different things to different people,” said Laurie Amell, parent of a BT fourth-grader. Amell, a marketing professional by day, shared her skills by assisting Cavanaugh with the event. “The testimonials reminded us that we have a fantastic community,” Amell said. “We could see the passion in others — that they share our excitement about the school.” Other speakers gave tips on how to spread the word about all of the great things happening at Blessed Trinity. Suggestions included: ■ erecting yard signs; ■ sharing BT stories; ■ providing contact information for potential students; ■ joining a BT speaker’s bureau; and ■ posting BT events on Facebook.
Standing out “Our supporters believe in what we are doing and it has made a difference to their family,” said Patrick O’Keefe, Blessed Trinity principal. “They see the value of a Catholic education and want to reach out to others who could benefit.” PLEASE TURN TO BT BELIEVERS ON PAGE 9A
20 more parishes exceed Catholic Services Appeal goal Stewardship toolkit to be Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Catholic Services Appeal St. Rita, Cottage Grove focus of regional workshops hasThenow2012reached Minneapolis more than $7.4 St. Francis of Assisi, Lakeland The Catholic Spirit Pastors, parish administrators, parish staff and volunteers involved in stewardship efforts are invited to attend one of five regional workshops to introduce updates to the Archdiocesan Parish Stewardship Toolkit. The workshops are scheduled for the first full week of June at sites across the archdiocese. New to the toolkit — available both in three-ring binder form and online at WWW.ARCHSPM.ORG/DEPARTMENTS/DEVEL OPMENT-STEWARDSHIP — is a chapter on planned giving and additional material explaining the concept of shared ministry, among additional updates, including sample letters. The planned giving section is a thorough treatment that includes how to get started, best practices, steps to success, graphics and resources. The chapter was developed in collaboration with the Catholic Community Foundation. The dates, sites and times are: ■ Monday, June 4: Lumen Christi, Cleveland and Bohland in St. Paul — 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. ■ Tuesday, June 5: Pax Christi, Pioneer Trail and Homewood Hills in Eden Prairie — 6 to 7:30 p.m. ■ Wednesday, June 6: Holy Name of Jesus, 155 County Road 24 in Wayzata — 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. ■ Thursday, June 7: St. Odilia, 3495 Victoria St. North in Shoreview — 6 to 7:30 p.m. ■ Friday, June 8: St. Patrick, 72nd and Clayton in Inver Grove Heights — 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Information about registration is being sent to all parishes.
million in gifts and pledges toward the goal of $9.3 million. An additional 20 parishes have gone over their 2012 CSA goal, bringing the total number to 66 parishes over goal. The 20 new parishes are: St. Patrick, Oak Grove St. Mary, Hampton St. Mathias, Hampton St. Genevieve, Centerville St. Michael, Stillwater St. John the Baptist, Vermillion St. Nicholas, Elko New Market St. John, St. Paul St. Rose of Lima, Roseville St. Joseph, West St. Paul St. Peter, Mendota St. Mary of Czestochowa, Delano St. Thomas the Apostle, Corcoran St. John the Baptist, Savage Holy Rosary, Minneapolis Our Lady of Lourdes, Minneapolis St. Peter, Richfield Good Shepherd, Golden Valley St. Mary of the Lake, Plymouth St. Mary, Le Center Parishes that previously exceeded their goal are: St. Pius V, Cannon Falls
St. Bridget of Sweden, Lindstrom St. Patrick, Jordan St. Mary of the Lake, White Bear Lake Sacred Heart, St. Paul St. Stephen, Anoka St. Albert, Albertville St. Michael, St. Michael St. Mary, Stillwater St. Agatha, Rosemount St. Joseph, Taylors Falls Holy Trinity, Waterville St. Michael, Kenyon St. John the Baptist, Dayton Lumen Christi, St. Paul St. Agnes, St. Paul St. John the Evangelist, Little Canada Nativity of Mary, Cleveland St. Stephen, Minneapolis
St. Joseph, Rosemount St. Francis Xavier, Taylors Falls Cathedral of St. Paul, St. Paul St. Francis De Sales, St. Paul St. Adalbert, St. Paul St. Jerome, Maplewood St. Nicholas, Carver All Saints, Minneapolis St. Anthony of Padua, Minneapolis Holy Family, St. Louis Park St. Michael, Pine Island St. Paul, Zumbrota St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Hastings Ascension, Norwood Young America St. Anne/St. Joseph Hien, Minneapolis St. Casimir, St. Paul St. Katharine Drexel, Ramsey St. Louis, King of France, St. Paul St. John the Baptist, Hugo St. Boniface, St. Bonifacius St. Odilia, Shoreview St. Anne, Hamel St. Helena, Minneapolis Our Lady of Victory, Minneapolis
If you would like to make a pledge/gift to the Appeal, please go to WWW.ARCHSPM.ORG/APPEAL to donate online; or, if you have questions, contact the archdiocesan Development and Stewardship Office at (651) 2901610.
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Italy Pilgrimage 10 Days
Departs: September 10, 2012
Fully Escorted + Your YMT Chaplain, Fr. Rex Familar! Explore historic Rome. Start with an audience with Pope Benedict XVI (subject to his schedule) followed by a city tour of Rome including the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps and Colosseum. Your second visit to the Vatican includes a private Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican museum and Sistine Chapel. Tour the ruins at Pompeii with Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary in Pompeii. Continue to San Giovanni Rotondo with Mass at the tomb of St. Pio. Visit the Convent of Santa Maria Della Grazie and museum of St. Pio. Visit the Grotto of St. Michael in Monte Sant’Angelo, Lanciano, San Francesco church, and celebrate a private Mass at the Sanctuario Della Santa Casa De Loreto (Basilica contains a stone hut-house where Mary lived). Your Catholic Pilgrimage continues to Assisi with a half day sightseeing tour including a visit to Santa Chiara Church, St. Mary of the Angels, and a private Mass at St. Francis Basilica, Assisi. Travel across the beautiful Tuscan countryside for a half-day guided tour of Florence with a visit and private Mass at one of the greatest Gothic buildings in Italy, The Duomo Di Orvieto, whose construction was completed in 1290. Depart for home Thursday, September 20, 2012. Includes 17 meals. Your chaplain is Father Rex Familiar, Parochial Vicar at St. John Vianney, in Orlando, Florida. This will be Fr. Rex’s second YMT Pilgrimage. *Price per person, double occupancy. Single room with no roommate: add only $400. Airfare is extra.
For details, itinerary, reservations & letter from YMT’s chaplain with his phone number call 7 days a week:
You are cordially invited to the
May Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Procession Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Rosary
Sunday, May 13, 2012 Immediately following the 10 a.m. Mass in the church St. Bonaventure's Catholic Community 901 E. 90th Street, Bloomington, MN 55420 Directions at Sponsored by the Eucharistic Apostles of the Divine Mercy
©2012 The Basilica Landmark
Women attending the 80th biennial conference of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women walk in a rosary procession through the skyway in downtown Minneapolis May 3 after a Mass at St. Olaf. The procession ended at the Hilton Hotel, where the conference was held. Dianne Towalski / The Catholic Spirit
Women celebrate 8 decades of faith in action The Catholic Spirit Eighty years of good works by Catholic women in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis is “faith put into action,” Archbishop John Nienstedt said, and he praised the organization that has supported and encouraged that work, the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women. In his homily at Mass during the 80th Biennial ACCW Conference May 3 in Minneapolis, the archbishop listed topic after topic that ACCW members have put energy and resources into, from clothing drives for Appalachia to health care and water projects for Africa to care-giving, pro-life, vocations and environmental causes right here in Minnesota, and many more.
“Members of the ACCW are building up the kingdom of God in our age,” Archbishop Nienstedt said. “You are truly an Easter people carrying out the mission of Jesus Christ.”
Amendment reminder The archbishop praised ACCW members for their continuing support of family life, and he encouraged support of an amendment that will be on the ballot in November that would make it part of the constitution of the State of Minnesota that marriage be defined as between one man and one woman. He reminded the 275-plus women attending that the church’s effort in regard to the marriage amendment is not an attack on those with homosexual preferences. Policy changes important to those with
Join the $100,000 Challenge! You can change twice as many lives this spring.
A generous donor has pledged to match every dollar sent to Catholic Charities this spring, up to $100,000. Gifts will help individuals and families throughout the Twin Cities who are dealing
same-gender attraction, the archbishop said, “can be addressed without redefining marriage.” Following the anniversary Mass the archbishop led ACCW members on a rosary procession from St. Olaf Church through the Minneapolis skyway to the conference site at the Hilton Hotel. During the conference, the organization held workshops on topics including family, women in recovery, group and organizational dynamics and legislative issues, and it presented awards to four members for their work. The ACCW’s 2012 Lay Women Award recipients were Belva Brown of St. Patrick, Shieldsville; Camille Curtiss of St. George, Long Lake; Maria Schloesser of St. Patrick, Inver Grove Heights; and Carrie Theisen of St. Henry, Monticello.
Her task: Share ACCW’s messages in new ways, get more young women involved The Catholic Spirit At 26, Natasha Cramer is — in a sea of gray heads — obviously the youngest member at this year’s Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women conference. The ACCW gathering draws a veteran crowd, and leaders of the organization like president Rose Anne Hallgren are aware that it could use more young women to be involved. CRAMER “That’s why we put Natasha to work as our communications vice chair,” Hallgren told The Catholic Spirit. “We need to reach out to younger Catholic women.” Although she’s only been an ACCW member for three years, Cramer is wellversed in the history and accomplishments of those veteran members. During a break in the ACCW’s 80th Biennial Conference May 3 in Minneapolis, she spoke with admiration for the work older members do and have done in charitable initiatives, spirituality, the pro-life cause and especially issues of civic policy. “The ACCW has always been active moving petitions for worthy causes, encouraging the March for Life, taking a uniform stand on issues important to Catholic women,” Cramer said. “The Legislation Commission in particular often brings petitions and awareness of issues PLEASE TURN TO ACCW ON PAGE 9A
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Meeting prompts parents to register CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5A
Seminary honor Archbishop John Nienstedt, right, receives the honorary degree of Doctor of Christian Letters, presented by Detroit Archbishop Allen Vigneron, at Sacred Heart Major Seminary’s commencement event April 28 in Detroit. Archbishop Nienstedt is an alumnus of Sacred Heart and prior to his episcopal appointment was also its ninth rector/president from 1988 through 1994. Under his leadership, the institution was re-founded as a major seminary in 1988 by adding on its Graduate School of Theology to complement its College of Liberal Arts. Photo courtesy of Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Issues addressed for the good of all CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2A pect a more pro-active stand on such issues. I think it can be said that there are ample reasons for the action that the CDF has taken. After four years of research, it cannot be said that there was any haste in addressing the matter, nor was it a situation of simply “jumping to conclusions.”
Benefiting Body of Christ For my part, I have benefited greatly from the ministry of consecrated religious, who educated me in my grade and high school years. In many ways, they made me who I am today. I also feel blessed with the collaboration and dedication of women religious here in this archdiocese. As with any school accreditation visit, if there are issues to be addressed with its administration, then those should be addressed for the overall good of the institution. So, too, in the Body of Christ, we need to be clear that our preaching, teaching and Gospel witness accurately reflect the revelation that has been passed down to us from the apostles. It is by being faithful to that revelation that our future salvation is assured. It is in that context that this assessment has been formulated. So let us all thank religious women for their witness of faith. Let us also trust that from this renewed engagement, God will, in time, bring forth even greater goods for the Church. God bless you!
Obituaries Father Dittberner, longtime seminary professor, dies Father Jerome Dittberner, who was a full-time member of the St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity faculty for 39 years, died May 7. He was 74 years old. He was ordained a priest for the archdiocese on Feb. 16, 1964, and joined the seminary faculty in 1970. He earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Loyola University FATHER DITTBERNER in Chicago and received his STL and STD in Rome. In 2009, he was given professor emeritus status upon his retirement from fulltime teaching. Funeral Mass information was not available when The Catholic Spirit went to press. Watch for more information on THECATHOLICSPIRIT.COM.
Father Schneider served in Chaska Franciscan Father Conran Schneider, who grew up in Victoria and ministered at Guardian Angels in Chaska, died April 23. He was 87. Arthur Schneider followed his older
brother Franciscan Father Fred Schneider into the seminary and Sacred Heart Province of the Order of Friars Minor. He was given the name Conran July 2, 1943, and professed final vows July 5, 1947. He was ordained a priest June 24, 1951, in Illinois. He served in parish ministry for 42 years and then as a hospital chaplain, before retiring from full-time ministry. A funeral Mass was celebrated at Guardian Angels, April 26, with interment at St. Victoria cemetery in Victoria.
Father Cal Giesen served in St. Paul Franciscan Father Cal Giesen, who served six years (three as pastor) at Sacred Heart in St. Paul, died April 30. He was 90. Norbert Giesen was born on Dec. 3, 1921, in Union Hill. He was baptized and confirmed there at St. John Parish. He entered the novitiate for Sacred Heart Province of the Order of Friars Minor on Aug. 14, 1944, receiving the name Callistus, which he later shortened to Cal. He professed solemn vows Aug. 19, 1945, and was ordained a priest Dec. 19, 1947, in Springfield, Ill. He taught at the high school and minor seminary level before serving in parish ministry across the country. A funeral Mass was celebrated May 9 at St. Wenceslaus in New Prague with interment at St. John’s Cemetery, Union Hill.
ACCW member works to attract more young women CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8A from the Capitol to us.” Cramer served as cantor at the ACCW’s anniversary Mass that kicked off the 2012 conference. She’s a trained auto mechanic, but with the clear, strong voice she showed at that Mass, she admits cantoring is a gift she wants to develop. Her volunteer role, as she sees it, is to help the ACCW use modern communication methods to share its messages. “They put me on the publicity and communications, so we can get more on the Internet,” she said. “We want to start opening up a bit and making what the ACCW is and does more known and available to people who have a value in web communications.”
As she’s helping the organization set up a Facebook profile, Cramer understands the cultural and demographic challenges the ACCW faces with many younger women working. But she doesn’t see the organization as desperate. “We’re trying to create an environment where younger people can join and feel welcome,” she said. “I’m hoping we can communicate and run events that will create a natural attraction for younger Catholic women because they support what we believe.”
What younger adults seek Cramer and her husband Josh are members of St. Austin in north Minneapolis, but they are involved in the young adult group at the Basilica of St. Mary, too.
What she’s observed with her peers is that what interests them are opportunities to mix pleasure with activities and activism. “Young adults have a lot of energy and they like to talk about their faith,” she added. “They like discussions where their voice can be heard — and socializing.” When it comes to communications, young people are into being constantly in contact. For the ACCW, that means posting everything online, and making it possible for events, activities and information to be accessible by phone, “centralizing information and getting more symbiotic” in how the organization communicates, Cramer said.
And Father Michael Rudolph, St. Michael pastor, said parents were relieved to find out the cost of tuition, which is competitive with other schools. They also were pleased to know financial aid would still be available, he said. Lieser said tuition assistance is very important to the families. “We anticipate that more than 50 percent of our students will be on free or reduced lunch . . . and will likely need assistance to afford a Catholic education,” Lieser said. “I think the public meeting [in January] helped a lot.” The day after the January meeting, parents started registering their children, Charley said. A telephone campaign by committee members prior to the January meeting was used to ask parents what they needed to know at that meeting, Kane said. “We knew up front what was important to people and what the priority was for answering questions,” she said. “When the three [principals] did that presentation, they hit the high points.” People were heard, answers were given and work continued to be done, Kane said. Scholarship money for Community of Saints totaling $30,000 — $10,000 for each of the collaborating schools — came from the AIM Higher Foundation, Lieser said. The scholarships are a “differencemaker” for many of the students who will be attending the school, he said. Georgann and Mark Henjum are among those who have gotten to know other parents through some of the combined school activities, through the schools’ combined sports teams and, in Georgann’s case, by serving on the board of the school’s planning committee. Although it will be sad for Georgann to see her daughter Ann leave St. Matthew at the end of this year, she said that at least, next year, the parents can all cheer for one team: “The Saints.” Registration information for Community of Saints is available at WWW.SPRCS.ORG.
BT Believers promote school CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5A With traditional public schools, charter schools, online schools and language immersion programs, today’s parents have many choices for their child’s education. “Parents tend to rely on the recommendations of friends and family,” said Terry Braun, BT development director and alumnus. The BT Believers want to make sure that the people in their community consider Blessed Trinity as an option. O’Keefe added, “It’s one thing for me to promote the school, but the message has deeper resonance if people hear it from their friends and neighbors. . . . We need to work harder and smarter to tell the story and engage those who can help us continue the work that we do.” To support the BT Believers in their mission, the attendees received a Believer’s kit that included T-shirts, bumper stickers, story cards and a Catholic education fact sheet. The school intends to sponsor three BT Believer events each year.
“If we believe sport can be a mechanism of doing good in people’s lives . . . then the church should be involved in sport.” Colm Hickey, a 2012 Olympics Catholic “gold champion” of Our Lady and St Joseph Parish in London
Nation/World 10A
MAY 10, 2012
Pope: American colleges must reaffirm their Catholic identity
News from around the U.S. and the globe
‘Supermoon’ rising
Briefly New York bishops call for wage hike New York’s Catholic bishops have called for state lawmakers to approve a “modest” increase in the state’s minimum wage.
By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service
New York’s current minimum wage is $7.25. Eighteen states and the District of Columbia have higher minimum wages. A bill sponsored by Sheldon Silver, a Democrat who is speaker of the state Assembly, the legislature’s lower chamber, has sponsored a bill to raise the minimum wage to $8.50.
Pope Benedict XVI called on America’s Catholic colleges and universities to reaffirm their Catholic identity by ensuring orthodoxy in theological studies and accepting the oversight of bishops. The pope made his remarks May 5 to U.S. bishops from Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Wyoming, who were making their “ad limina” visits to the Vatican. While he acknowledged efforts by America’s Catholic institutions of higher education to “reaffirm their distinctive identity in fidelity to their founding ideals and the church’s mission,” Pope Benedict said that “much remains to be done.” The pope emphasized the need for compliance with canon law in the appointment of theology instructors, who are required to possess a “mandate” from the “competent ecclesiastical authority,” ordinarily the local bishop. The requirement for a mandate was underscored in 1990 by Blessed John Paul II in his apostolic constitution “Ex Corde Ecclesiae,” but many U.S. Catholic theology departments have yet to comply.
“What we can tell you from firsthand experience is that it is becoming increasingly difficult for the working poor of our state to make ends meet,” the New York bishops said in a May 3 statement. “A fulltime minimum-wage earner will bring in $15,080 per year, which is $4,010 below the 2012 federal poverty guidelines for a family of three.”
Archbishop Chaput releases e-book
A “supermoon” creates a dramatic backdrop for the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro May 6. The supermoon phenomenon occurs when the moon is slightly closer to Earth in its orbit than usual. It is most noticeable as a full moon.
Discord harms church witness Pope Benedict said that the need for a mandate was especially clear in light of the “confusion created by instances of apparent dissidence between some representatives of Catholic institutions and the church’s pastoral leadership.” “Such discord harms the church’s witness and, as experience has shown, can easily be exploited to compromise her authority and her freedom,” the pope said. U.S. bishops have clashed with the administrations of Catholic colleges and universities on a number of occasions in recent years, with the most prominent cases involving invited speakers who dissent from Catholic moral teaching. In his speech to U.S. bishops, Pope Benedict said that preservation of a university’s Catholic identity “entails much more than the teaching of religion or the mere presence of a chaplaincy on campus.” “In every aspect of their education, students need to be encouraged to articulate a vision of the harmony of faith and reason capable of guiding a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and virtue,” the pope said.
CNS photo / Rica rdo Moraes, Reuters
At the heart of defeating attacks on the country’s religious liberty is the need for faithful to rebuild a Christian culture that serves as the essence of a democracy, Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput wrote recently. In his new e-book titled “A Heart on Fire: Catholic Witness and the Next America,” the former Denver archbishop discusses the ties between religious freedom and a good society. The archbishop’s e-book is available at WWW.AMAZON.COM, WWW.BARNESANDNOBLE
.COM or cents.
for 99
Bishops discuss marriage in Rome as N.C. voters go to polls By Cindy Wooden and Carol Glatz Catholic News Service
A few hours before voters in North Carolina were to go to the polls to vote on a referendum defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman, Bishop Peter Jugis of Charlotte, N.C., prayed with his brother bishops for the courage always to defend the Gospel. Bishop Jugis said May 8 that he and Bishop Michael Burbidge of Raleigh had been criticized publicly for their support of the amendment to the state constitution and for their defense of “something so beautiful and foundational to society.” He said when he told another bishop about the criticism, “he encouraged me by saying, ‘Wear it as a badge of honor.’” Bishop Jugis was the principal celebrant and homilist at a morning Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica with Bishop Burbidge and the bishops of Florida, Georgia and South Carolina.
In his homily, Bishop Jugis said North Carolina was “the last state in the South” to consider a referendum on defining marriage. While marriage between same-sex couples is already illegal in North Carolina, supporters of the amendment said it would add more protection for traditional marriage. In Georgia, voters passed a similar referendum in 2004, and it was upheld by the Georgia Supreme Court in 2006. Archbishop Wilton Gregory of Atlanta told Catholic News Service that the institution of marriage “predates the church and predates the state, and now people are saying it’s up for grabs.” Young people today are growing up in a world “that easily jettisons things that have ‘lost their relevancy’” and, he said, they don’t realize there are some things that can never be rendered irrelevant or redefined according to current trends or people’s whims.
“Marriage is by God’s design, by human nature, the union of a man and a woman for the procreation of the human race and for the sanctification and augmentation of the partners. That doesn’t pass out of vogue,” he said. The church needs to address this “cultural attack” more effectively with improved teaching and by listening to the reasons why people are more accepting of current trends against the institution of marriage, he said. One of the problems is that people have equated tolerance toward others with a complete abandonment of moral principles, the archbishop said. Catholics are called to be compassionate, understanding and tolerant, but not at the expense of proclaiming what is right and wrong. “Tolerance does not always mean that one loses the capacity to make a judgment based on faith and human reason,” he said.
“Every budget decision should be assessed by whether it protects or threatens human life and dignity.” U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, in recent letters to Congress regarding the federal budget
This Catholic Life MAY 10, 2012
Opinion, feedback and points to ponder
Budget debate brings new attention to church social teaching
he emerging debate on the federal budget — and the distinct options being presented that will chart the future of the country — has brought renewed attention to the Catholic Church’s social teaching. Prominent in the debate are the principles of subsidiarity, solidarity and the common good. Wisconsin Republican Rep. Paul Ryan, a Catholic, has repeatedly cited the principles in recent weeks as justification for the fiscal year 2013 budget plan he drafted, which was approved by the House of Representatives Dennis March 29 in a largely party-line vote. Sadowski Ryan maintains that his faith and his understanding of church teaching led him to prepare a budget that delineates a decade-long plan to reduce spending on nonmilitary programs as a step toward reducing the country’s $15 trillion deficit. The GOP budget also calls for remaking Medicare, establishing Medicaid as a block grant program for states to administer and simplifying the tax code by closing loopholes and lowering individual and corporate tax rates. Catholic critics, primarily from academia and community organizations tackling social justice issues, have challenged Ryan on his claims, charging that he is misusing Catholic teaching to support a political agenda that makes scapegoats of the poor and endangers vulnerable people. Taking a more measured approach, the chairmen of two U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops committees have voiced their concerns about cuts in several domestic and international programs. Bishop Stephen Blaire of Stockton, Calif., chairman of the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, and Bishop Richard Pates of Des Moines, Iowa, chairman of the Committee on International Justice and Peace, have called for “shared sacrifice” and a “circle of protection” around the poor and vulnerable in budget negotiations. The debate points to the different conclusions that individuals can reach in attempting to understand how Catholic social teaching can be applied in modern society, said Michael Miller, research fellow and director of media at the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty in Grand Rapids, Mich. “The principles are there. They are to guide us and we are to pay attention to them. You have to affirm those principles. Where Catholics are going to disagree is in the prudential implementation of them,” Miller told Catholic News Service. So what do subsidiarity, solidarity and the common good mean today?
Two-sided coin First, a bit of history. The concept of subsidiarity emerged within church teaching in Pope Pius XI’s 1931 encyclical “Quadragesimo Anno” (“In the 40th Year”), marking the 40th anniversary of another social encyclical, Pope Leo XIII’s “Rerum Novarum” (“On the Condition of Workers”). Explaining the concept, Pope Pius wrote: “Just as it is gravely wrong to take from individuals what they can accomplish on their own initiative and industry and give it to the community, so also it is an injustice and at the same time a grave evil and disturbance of right order to assign to a greater and higher association what lesser and subordinate organizations can do.” Pope Pius called for the government “to let subordinate groups handle matters and concerns of lesser importance,” while allowing the state to “more freely, power-
CNS photo / Nancy Wiechec
The concept of subsidiarity emerged within church teaching in Pope Pius XI’s 1931 encyclical “Quadragesimo Anno” (“In the 40th Year”), marking the 40th anniversary of another social encyclical. A portrait of Pope Pius is seen hanging at the apostolic nunciature in 2008 in Washington.
“Subsidiarity is an effort at balancing the many necessary levels of society — and at its best, the principle of subsidiarity navigates the allocation of resources by higher levels of society to support engagement and decision-making by the lower levels.
MEGHAN CLARK Assistant professor theology and religious studies, St. John University, N.Y.
fully and effectively do all those things that belong to it alone because it alone can do them: directing, watching, urging, restraining, as occasion requires and necessity demands.” He called for those in power to ensure that a “graduated order” be kept among the various groups in society “in observance of the ‘subsidiary function,’” thus ensuring a “happier and more prosperous condition of the state.”
Popes John XXIII, John Paul II and Benedict XVI subsequently have touched on subsidiarity in various encyclicals. The term subsidiarity is traced to the Latin “subsidium,” the reserve or auxiliary troops of the Roman army, or a reinforcement, said Father Joseph Komonchak, emeritus professor of theology and religious studies at The Catholic University of America. He cited the Oxford Latin Dictionary, which further defines subsidium as “a person or thing affording help, a resource, aid, safeguard.” Writing on the Catholic Moral Theology blog March 8 in a post titled “Subsidiarity is a two-sided coin,” Meghan Clark, assistant professor of theology and religious studies at St. John’s University in New York, explained that Pope Pius framed his discussion of subsidiarity in terms of the common good of society. “Subsidiarity is an effort at balancing the many necessary levels of society — and at its best, the principle of subsidiarity navigates the allocation of resources by higher levels of society to support engagement and decision-making by the lower levels,” Clark wrote. She told CNS that subsidiarity protects the intermediary organizations that help society function. “What subsidiarity isn’t is a claim that smaller is better just because it is smaller,” Clark explained to CNS. “Smaller is not necessarily more efficient or capable.” Jesuit Father Thomas Massaro, professor of moral theology at Boston College, summarized the idea of subsidiarity outlined by Pope Pius simply: “As big as necessary, but as small as possible.” Under subsidiarity, he explained, societal issues are resolved, decisions are made and actions are taken at the most local level possible. Practically, the federal government can handle tasks — such as the implementation of pollution standards or the operation of national parks — more efficiently than a local community, he said. “Ultimately the purpose of society is to provide for the common good. We could all do our private good, but that leaves some important social tasks undone,” he explained to CNS.
Other principles Catholic social teaching is even broader in the eyes of retired Bishop Anthony Pilla of Cleveland. “We have a preferential option for the poor as another principle. If you are dealing with real poverty, you can’t use subsidiarity alone,” said Bishop Pilla, who regularly stressed the importance of considering the principle in homilies, meetings with staff members and pastoral letters on social issues throughout the 25 years he led the diocese. “Pope John Paul II was strong on that preferential option for the poor,” he continued. “You do have to make those considerations.” While the church’s social teachings leave room for prudential judgment, ensuring that people have a say in how public policies are developed and carried out is vital for the common good, Bishop Pilla said. “Whenever you’re dealing with Catholic social principles, these are not revealed truths. There’s always a question of judgment. The struggle of the Catholic politician is how does he properly interpret or give appropriate consideration to all of the factors involved,” Bishop Pilla said. “Two very good people can come out with different answers,” he added. “The point is these are the principles that should guide them in their decision-making. “It’s not easy.” Dennis Sadowski writes for Catholic News Service.
/ This Catholic Life
Give Mom an unforgettable Mother’s Day gift other’s Day has in many ways fallen victim to our commercialized culture in the same way other holidays have. The day has become a “Hallmark heaven” of sorts. It ranks third in seasonal greeting card sales behind only Christmas and Valentine’s Day (133 million Mother’s Day cards will be delivered this year). And then there’s the flowers and candy: Mother’s Day accounts for one-fourth of holiday floral purchases and the sale of countless boxes of chocolate. Anna Jarvis, the founder of the U.S. version of Mother’s Day back in 1914, criticized such commercialization and led a campaign against it. Needless to say, she didn’t win. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with giving Mom flowers or candy on her special day if it brings a smile to her face. But there’s a gift that does a better job of honoring the spirit of the holiday, and it hearkens back to an important lesson your mom surely taught you when you were
M Editorial Joe Towalski
The holiday is a perfect opportunity to deliver a heart-felt thank you
growing up: Don’t forget to say, “Thank you.” Maybe it’s been a while since you said those words to your mom. Maybe you haven’t said them enough. Or maybe, taking a few too many things for granted, you haven’t said them at all.
From the heart Mother’s Day is a good time to make an extra effort to say thank you for all she’s done to make you the person you are today. Maybe you could do it during a dinner outing or an unhurried telephone conversation
or — if it might take you a little time to find the right words — by writing and “snail-mailing” an old-fashioned letter with words from your heart instead of from a professional greeting card writer. Motherhood, after all, in some ways can be a thankless job. It doesn’t matter if Mom stays home to help raise a family or works outside the home for the benefit of the family income, motherhood requires hard work, sacrifice, a lot of prayer and unconditional love even in those times when her children aren’t acting so lovable. Too often, we kids don’t appreciate the challenges of parenthood until we’re older or we’re parents ourselves. So, if a long-overdue thank you is in order for your mom, consider skipping the gift shop this year. Pay her a visit instead, give her a call when you both have time to talk or write that letter. You’ll be honoring the real spirit of Mother’s Day, and I guarantee it will be a gift she’ll never forget.
Voter ID offers chance to clarify church role in public arena n any given legislative session in Minnesota, thousands of bills are introduced on every subject imaginable. The Church does not pronounce its view or take a position on the vast majority of bills because it is not within its proper role or competency to offer technical solutions to every social and political challenge.
I Faith and the Public Arena Jason Adkins
On the vast majority of issues, the Church does not take a position because it is the laity, and not the clergy, who are directly responsible for the just ordering of society
Instead, the role of the Church in the public arena, as Pope Benedict XVI described it in his speech at Westminster Hall, is to “help purify and shed light upon the application of reason to the discovery of objective moral principles” that are accessible to all people. Applying those truths to concrete problems is another matter, however, and lies outside the competence of pastors and clergy who are not technicians or politicians. According to Pope Benedict: “If the Church were to start transforming herself into a directly political subject, she would do less, not more, for the poor and for justice, because she would lose her independence and her moral authority, identifying herself with a single political path and with debatable partisan positions.” (Address to Aparecida Conference, May 13, 2007.)
When the Church speaks The Church’s need to transcend the partisan fray to maintain the integrity and credibility of her evangelical witness does not mean that the Church never takes a position on particular issues or pieces of legislation. Sometimes, pastoral experience will guide the bishops to recommend various policies or reforms that they believe are needed to promote human dignity and the common good. They will also offer some general principles and suggest some features of a good piece of legislation. But they will usually stop short of endorsing a particular bill.
An excellent example is the Minnesota Catholic Conference’s recent statement on the need for comprehensive immigration reform. Similar examples include the bishops’ recommendations with regard to budgeting priorities and health care reform. On other occasions, legislation will plainly contravene objective moral norms, imperil human dignity, or weaken the common good. Conversely, legislation may actually promote justice in a very direct way. In those instances, the Church may support or oppose a particular piece of legislation. The marriage amendment and legislation limiting abortion are perfect examples. But those instances are comparatively few.
Lay Catholic responsibility On the vast majority of issues, the Church does not take a position because it is the laity, and not the clergy, who are directly responsible for the just ordering of society (“Deus Caritas Est,” No. 29). To assist the laity in this task, “priests and deacons, assisted by religious and lay leaders of the Church . . . are to teach fundamental moral principles that help Catholics form their consciences correctly, to provide guidance on the moral dimensions of public decisions, and to encourage the faithful to carry out their responsibilities in political life” (USCCB, “Faithful Citizenship,” No. 15). Equipped with this formation, lay Catholics are called to enter the public arena and work for the common good.
Voter ID amendment Because many issues involve prudential judgment and technical expertise, it will be the case that lay Catholics disagree about a good many things. The proposed voter ID amendment to the State Constitution on the November ballot is one ex-
ample. It asks Minnesota voters: “Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to require all voters to present valid photo identification to vote and to require the state to provide free identification to eligible voters, effective July 1, 2013?” Some believe the photo ID requirement is necessary to ensure fair elections that are free of corruption. Others believe that requiring photo ID cards is a solution in search of a non-existent problem, and that the law will disenfranchise vulnerable citizens for whom it will be difficult to obtain identification. The provision in the amendment, however, requiring the issuance of free ID cards to anyone who needs them would seem to address this concern. The Church does not take a position in support of or opposition to the amendment, but it is not the case that the Church is just ignoring the issue. When elections are held, they should be fair, free from corruption, and everyone who is eligible to vote should be given that opportunity free from unnecessary barriers or intimidation. Just as it would be outside the Church’s competence, however, to say whether a unicameral or bicameral legislature is better, it would be inappropriate to opine on the proper technical solutions for creating a fair electoral process. If the law is passed and it turns out that voters are being disenfranchised, then the Church would be compelled to raise its voice. Until then, however, it is up to those entrusted with the common good to implement legislation and create rules that will foster a fair political process.
Jason Adkins is executive director of the Minnesota Catholic Conference.
Opportunity to help the homeless also benefited volunteers Last fall, after Catholic Charities CEO Tim Marx wrote an article in the StarTribune documenting the overcrowding at the Dorothy Day Center, a group of men from St. John Neumann parish in Eagan responded by offering to staff overnight the old offices of Catholic Charities in St. Paul (which we refer to as the Annex) so that no one had to be turned away. The Catholic Spirit reported on those initial efforts in an article (Nov. 23, 2011). Six months later, we are concluding our efforts since demand for shelter space for the summer is no longer expected to exceed the capacity at Dorothy Day. That small band of men from St. John Neumann has now grown into more than 60 from a dozen parishes across the archdiocese — men who gave one, two or, in some cases, three nights a month to serve those whom Christ loves the most. Two volunteers arrived each evening at 7 p.m., checking in those for whom there was no space at the DDC, served them a snack, listened to their stories, their hopes and their dreams, and then bedded down with them for the night. At 6 a.m. the following morning, everyone was up, did the morning housekeeping chores before Catholic Charities staff arrived and were on their way by 7 a.m. We didn’t change the world. We didn’t eliminate homelessness. But we were able to speak about hope and dignity and love. We saw dozens of men find permanent, affordable housing and jobs. We saw men reenter the educational system in preparation for careers in carpentry, emergency medical care and building maintenance. We saw men with a renewed desire to break out of the poverty they had thought was permanent. What did we get? New friends. New appreciation for all we have. New understanding of what it means to be brothers in Christ. We got so much more than we ever gave. While politicians struggle with how to pay for a new billion-dollar football stadium, we’ll struggle with plans for fall when the need for shelter space is expected to be even greater, forcing more men onto the street. And, we’ll do our best to try and provide space so that need not happen. Because they are our brothers. They are our friends.
STEVE HAWKINS Hawkins is a member of St. John Neumann in Eagan and the Order of Malta, a lay religious order of the Catholic Church that, for more than 900 years, has lived out its call to “serve the poor and defend the faith.” Men interested in learning more about volunteering at the overflow shelter may contact Hawkins at STEVE@HAWKINS-ASSOCIATES.COM. Letters printed on the Opinion page do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the archdiocese or The Catholic Spirit.
This Catholic Life / Commentary
Studio as sanctuary: A place of ‘delight and rest’ rother Mickey O’Neill McGrath can’t help but grin when he talks about his art studio. It’s been a long time coming for the 55-year-old Oblate of St. Francis de Sales who grew up drawing but wasn’t able to commit to a full-time art career until 1994. When the award-winning painter first visited the row house beside Sacred Heart Church in South Camden, N.J., three years ago, it was gutted. But Brother Mickey had a vision for what it could become, and so did the pastor of Sacred Heart. Soon lumber was arriving and electricians were wiring. “From day one,” Brother Mickey said, “it felt like home.” Now the first level is his gallery and the second level, his beloved studio. The tiled floor is checkered, black and white, and the walls are stacked with baskets of acrylic paint and buckets of paintbrushes. His desk is arranged around the window, where northern sunlight streams in, illuminating his canvas. He paints in the morning, standing up, working in silence or to the hum of NPR. From his perch he can see Sacred Heart — watch the comings and goings of parish life, admire the bronze Our Lady of Camden statue and the wide-eyed bloom of hyacinth. “It’s my perfect little place,” Brother Mickey told me. “This is like a little piece of heaven on earth for
dition of the Visitation, the second joyful mystery of the rosary, whose feast we mark May 31. In it we see young, pregnant Mary embrace her pregnant older cousin, Elizabeth, arms intertwined, bellies touching. To their left Brother Mickey painted a quote from St. Jane de Chantal, who co-founded the Visitation order of nuns with St. Francis de Sales: “This is the place of our delight and rest.”
B Twenty Something Christina Capecchi
One of the gifts of my 20s has been an appreciation for solitude and the spaces that nurture it
Special place
“The Windsock Visitation” by Brother Michael O'Neill McGrath, WWW.BEESTILL.ORG.
me. It’s a studio; it’s a sanctuary.”
Offering special solace Part of the perfection comes from the absence of Internet. “A lot of people are afraid of silence,” Brother Mickey said. “We can’t hear the voice of God unless we’re silent. With all our texting and email and blah blah blah, we’re constantly doing and fussing. I find it’s such a blessing if I leave my house and realize I’ve forgotten my cell phone. It’s, ‘Thank you, Jesus!’ ” The images that flow from Brother Mickey’s paintbrush are full of
whimsy and joy: mysteries of the rosary, scenes with saints, darkskinned Marys. “All the big saints prayed before black Madonnas,” he explained to me, “including St. Francis de Sales. They’ve always been associated with healing and new life. . . the blackness of conception, creativity, fertile soil, seeds growing underground.” For centuries, he said, images of black Madonnas have offered special solace to those struggling to conceive and to those in need of a fresh start. Brother Mickey’s first black Madonna remains his favorite: a ren-
The painting, titled “The Windsock Visitation,” hangs above the mantel in a North Minneapolis home occupied by Visitation sisters. They hang a windsock on their front porch to invite neighborhood kids over, a refuge in an impoverished area uprooted by a tornado last May. What is your “perfect little place,” your go-to getaway? A screened-in porch? An open balcony? The corner of a coffee shop? One of the gifts of my 20s has been an appreciation for solitude and the spaces that nurture it. Each of us needs a place to pray and play, to design and dream. A place to recite ancient prayers or utter something spontaneous. A place to think deeply or let your mind go blank. Delight and rest. Christina Capecchi is a freelance writer from Inver Grove Heights. She can be reached at WWW.READCHRISTINA.COM.
How to choose: Fishing opener or Mother’s Day? o fish. Or not to fish. That is the question at least a few men will be asking themselves concerning Saturday’s fishing opener. And, the answer to that question may not hinge on weather forecasts or hunches about a walleye’s appetite. For men devoted to their wives, they will have this important fact to consider when weighing their angling options: Sunday is Mother’s Day. Like most years, it falls on the weekend of the fishing opener. So, at least a few men will be torn as they ponder these two choices — wet a line or pamper their wife.
T The Outdoors Dave Hrbacek
There are ways men can work through this tough issue
Making the right call There are a select few guys whose wives love to fish and are happy to celebrate Mother’s Day in a boat. The rest of us have to agonize over what to do. I have wrestled with the issue myself over the years, with one compromise being that I fish on Saturday, then come home Sunday to celebrate Mother’s Day with my wife. More recently, I have abandoned the opener and chosen to fish later in May or June. But that hasn’t gotten me off the hook because one of the reasons I did so was to go turkey hunting, another spring ritual for a lot of men (and, some women, too). Several times in recent years, my turkey season has taken place over Mother’s Day. The most I have done is hunt for a few hours in the morning, then come home. The one ex-
ception came about eight years ago, and it did not end well. When you call your wife on the way home around dinner time, and you hear crying on the other end, you know you’ve really blown it. And, you tell yourself that this must never happen again. But is there a constructive way to navigate this conflict? I think so. Some informal research helped me come up with some tips. Perhaps the easiest one is to celebrate the event on a different day, preferably before Mother’s Day. And, if you can give your wife a nice gift, so much the better.
Early present this year One of the best examples of this I’ve ever seen happened before the month of April even ended this year. On the last Friday of the month, I met Kalley Yanta of Holy Family in St. Louis Park in a parking lot on University Avenue, where she showed me the early Mother’s Day gift she received from her husband, Jon. This mother of six has dealt with the fishing-hunting-Mother’s Day issue for more than a decade, though more related to Jon’s passion for bow hunting than his fishing habits. The fishing opener is not an issue for the Yantas, who live on a lake and don’t need to travel to make a cast. Bow hunting, however, is another matter. “If hunting opener came up on Mother’s Day, that would be a shoo-
Dave Hrbacek / The Catholic Spirit
Kalley Yanta of Holy Family in St. Louis Park received a unique Mother’s Day present from her husband, Jon — the billboard behind her that he had put up on University Avenue. The billboard advertises a pro-life video she posted on YouTube that she hopes pregnant women considering abortion will see.
in for a few arguments,” she said. But, these days, it’s all good between Kalley and Jon — thanks to the large billboard he had erected April 15 on University Avenue, just around the corner from Planned Parenthood’s new facility. It advertises a pro-life video she made called URWORTHIT, which she hopes women will see, especially pregnant women contemplating abortion. The smile on her face as she stands in front of the billboard and poses for a picture makes it clear that Jon hit a
home run on this one. However, Kalley made it clear that spending $2,000 on a billboard is not necessary for keeping the peace in a fishing household on Mother’s Day. “I think a nice compromise would be to go fishing every other year on the opener and be with your family the alternate years,” she said. “My husband has had to do that with hunting when I had a baby in the fall.” PLEASE TURN TO MOTHER’S ON PAGE 14A
/ This Catholic Life
Our spiritual family teaches us how to live bout 15 years ago I began to search out the genealogies of my family. Over the years I have acquired pictures of family members going back four generations. As I look at the faces in those old pictures I know that I am related to them, but much of their lives remain hidden. The good news is that, every so often, I learn a new detail or hear a new story about one of my ancestors. When I do, I feel more grounded in and connected to my identity. I feel as though I know better the meaning of my name. Throughout the Easter season, we are invited to consider what it means to live in Jesus’ name — if you will; our spiritual genealogy. In Jesus’ name, the first apostles claimed their power to preach and heal the sick. In Jesus’ name, they called believers the Children of God. In Jesus’ name, they moved beyond the borders of ethnicity and social class to form a new community of disciples. Living in Jesus’ name redefined their relationship to the human family, all of creation and their past and future. Over time, this new identity disclosed a new way of living with gentiles, outsiders and strangers and even enemies.
A Sharing Faith Deacon Mickey Friesen
Living in Jesus’ name redefined their relationship to the human family, all of creation and their past and future
Seeing the others For example, it is recorded that during a plague in Rome in the 3rd century, many Romans fled and abandoned the sick out of fear. And yet, the Christians stayed and cared for the sick; including non-family members and strangers. The Christians believed this was an opportunity to lay down their lives for Christ and to serve him in their care for the sick. This act of hospitality inspired many people to consider Christian life because of how they loved and cared for outsiders and strangers. Otherness can take many forms
Mother’s Day gift one to remember CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13A
in our own day. We have our own kinds of tribalism and experiences of “us and them.” We can see how one of the most dangerous places to be is on the borders. For example, the border between Sudan and South Sudan is currently under siege because they don’t know how to relate with one another. Our own southern border with Mexico has become violent and militarized because we don’t know how to relate with the issue of immigration. Our political discourse often makes a point to demonize the other. In our personal lives, the other can be as close as one of our in-laws or a particular neighbor. The other can be found in our bodies in the form of disease and disability. What are the names for the “others” in our lives? The risen Christ welcomes others. He is the stone rejected by the builders that has become the cornerstone. He is present among the least of these. He gathers the other sheep beyond our flock. Life in Christ is founded on a life
of hospitality. Hospitality believes that the other has something to teach me. Hospitality invites and makes room for otherness. This welcoming tradition has been handed down to us in monasteries, hospitals and orphanages. Today, for example, our local efforts of Catholic Charities and global efforts of Catholic Relief Services are founded on this habit of the heart to welcome the poor, the refugee and the stranger. The Christian impulse is not to fear or run from the outsiders, but rather to welcome them as Christ. In the Letter of John, the writer says, “Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we shall be has not yet been revealed. We do know that when it is revealed we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is” (I John 3:2). Coming to know our name in Jesus will reveal a new relationship with the rest of the world that will have implications for our living and decision-making. Welcoming the other is to welcome Christ. As in former ages, it may be our hospitality that will lead others to Christ and the church. Deacon Mickey Friesen is director of the Center for Mission.
Also adding a tip or two was Father Robert Grabner, assistant priest at Holy Trinity and St. Augustine in South St. Paul. He was there with Kalley in front of the billboard on April 27 to bless it, along with Franciscan Brother of Peace Pio King. “The one word that comes to mind is to negotiate in advance,” he said. “If a man is going to fish on Mother’s Day, that’s where the negotiation in advance comes in. There has to be some compensation for being gone on Mother’s Day. Certainly, a billboard would be a quintessential form of compensation. Or, perhaps, a night out at a fancy restaurant with the wife and/or a special day with the family.”
Best yet to come I’m sure Jon Yanta’s extraordinary gift to Kalley bought him a few extra days in the woods this fall with his bow. But Kalley has learned to see the value of his time enjoying nature, beyond what payback she may receive. And, she offers that lesson to all of those “fishing widows” out there. “Understand that your husband needs this outlet,” she said. “And, if he’s anything like my husband, he’ll come back refreshed and ready to be a better husband and dad.” Actually, as much as she likes looking at the billboard, Kalley — being the passionate pro-life activist that she is — is hoping her best gift is yet to come. “My greatest hope with this billboard,” she said, “is that at least a few of the women heading around the corner to Planned Parenthood will see it, watch the [YouTube] video and high-tail it away from that killing center so that they can celebrate Mother’s Day for years and years to come with great joy.” I think that is something all Catholic anglers can agree on — a life saved is worth all of the walleyes we could ever catch.
The greater need: A dome for the Vikings or housing for homeless? hat do you think about building a new football stadium? Many good arguments have been offered by both sides. Some people say that tax dollars should not be spent on this project, which some consider a luxury. Others say the Vikings are a community asset that impacts business, jobs and tax revenue. Wherever you stand on the issue; it isn’t the only one this session that should garner public attention, debate and careful decision making. We should also be concerned about issues like affordable housing, workforce development and investments that support our community and its residents. The Vikings have been able to attract a wide range of high-power advocates including NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, Gov. Mark Dayton, Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak and many key legislative and business leaders who are pressing the community asset argument.
W Faith and Justice Kathy Tomlin
Talk of stadium shouldn’t mean legislators fumble the ball on housing
I am certain that these leaders understand that increased homelessness and poverty are issues that need to be addressed as well. A recent Star Tribune article on increased homelessness in the suburbs highlights how important it is to find permanent solutions to this problem.
Housing voices drowning Sadly, the many voices advocating for an investment in affordable housing through the bonding bill have been partially drowned out by the attention given the stadium. Among other strategies, housing advocates did their best to create legislative theater by having “Bill Ding” (building) all dressed up in his housing boxes trying to engage the Legislature, the media and the general public to not forget these other important funding and policy issues. Rallies, action alerts, meetings and hearings have been attended by hundreds of people. Unfortunately, as the session is
wrapping up, momentum on the bonding bill — specifically for housing — doesn’t seem to be the focus of serious attention. The Senate bonding bill contains $36 million for affordable housing, a bump from the House’s $10 million. Many advocates have been pressing the Legislature to work out a compromise that comes closer to the Senate’s position. To many of us, funding a stadium, without giving some attention to the needs of those who are struggling to put a roof over their head, every day, seems shortsighted. The affordable housing market is extremely tight as many individuals and families facing foreclosure have been forced into rental housing. This has reduced the vacancy rate for affordable rental housing to a little over 1 percent.
Not more shelters For sure, the solution to this problem isn’t building more shelters in the cities or the suburbs; the solution is to provide permanent housing that
will bring housing stability to families and individuals. Catholic Charities knows all too well that finding housing is the first step in dealing with any other barrier; housing is simply key. People who are doubled up, living on the streets or living in shelters have a much harder time paying attention to health needs, education and steady employment. Minnesota has been known as a home for the Vikings and a place that deals with the needs of those who are struggling. The state came together to build the Metrodome and in the last 15 years made significant progress in reducing homelessness. We need to weigh these decisions carefully and always with an eye toward improving the quality of life for our entire state and the region. Kathy Tomlin is director of Catholic Charities’ Office for Social Justice.
“Creation is an act of love and it is perpetual. At each moment our existence is God’s love for us.” Simone Weil
The Lesson Plan 15A Friendship with Jesus requires love and respect for his commands MAY 10, 2012
he Lord tells us this Sunday that he is love, and that we are to remain in his love. Yet, what it means to love is frequently misunderstood in today’s world. At a Catholic university, I recently witnessed a group of students rallying in support of the right of homosexual persons to marry. The students carried a banner that said “Our Religion is Love.” The implication was that Catholic teaching regarding the immorality of homosexual acts is not loving. Yet, Catholics Deacon believe we are followSteven Jones ing the ultimate law of love, received from God the Father. Today’s Scriptures teach us what it means to love, authentically, in a Christian sense. Jesus tells us that we are his friends now, not merely his servants. This friendship with God means we must know him and understand his desires for us. It also means that we retain a fear of acting against his wishes. After all, to encounter God is to know the author of life, the creator of the universe, our creator, and ultimately our moral judge. When we experience him, we know love himself, and we never wish to offend his tender and infinite heart
Reflections on faith and spirituality
Readings Sunday, May 13 Sixth Sunday of Easter ■ Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 ■ 1 John 4:7-10 ■ John 15:9-17
For reflection How have you offended God by your behavior and how have you reconciled your friendship?
Sunday Scriptures
of love. In the Scriptures and teachings of his church, God tells what kinds of behaviors please him and which are against his heart. If we don’t know God’s Word, we are tempted to define love on our own terms.
Many redefining ‘love’ Many today are saying, in essence, “We have created our own definition of love, and it does not include what God has re-
Daily Scriptures Sunday, May 13 Sixth Sunday of Easter Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 1 John 4:7-10 John 15:9-17
Sunday, May 20 Ascension of the Lord Acts 1:1-11 Ephesians 1:17-23 Mark 16:15-20
Monday, May 14 Matthias, apostle Acts 1:15-17, 20-26 John 15:9-17
Monday, May 21 Christopher Magallanes, priest, and companions, martyrs Acts 19:1-8 John 16:29-33
Tuesday, May 15 Isidore Acts 16:22-34 John 16:5-11
Tuesday, May 22 Rita of Cascia, religious Acts 20:17-27 John 17:1-11a
Wednesday, May 16 Acts 17:15, 22 —18:1 John 16:12-15
Wednesday, May 23 Acts 20:28-38 John 17:11b-19
Thursday, May 17 Acts 18:1-8 John 16:16-20 (Editor’s note: Ascension of the Lord, which was traditionally celebrated on Thursday, has been permanently transferred to the seventh Sunday of Easter in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis to allow parishioners to celebrate this special day together.) Friday, May 18 John I, pope and martyr Acts 18:9-18 John 16:20-23 Saturday, May 19 Acts 18:23-28 John 16:23b-28
Thursday, May 24 Acts 22:30; 23:6-11 John 17:20-26 Friday, May 25 Bede the Venerable, priest and doctor of the church; Gregory VII, pope; or Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi, virgin Acts 25:13b-21 John 21:15-19 Saturday, May 26 Philip Neri, priest Acts 28:16-20, 30-31 John 21:20-25 Sunday, May 13 Pentecost Acts 2:1-11 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 John 20:19-23
vealed.” So, in our example, our protesting students, although well-intended, have excluded God from their calculus of what it means to love. God wants us to respect his desires by knowing him and following his wishes. Jesus says in our Gospel acclamation (John 14:23): “If a man loves me, he will keep my Word, and my father will love him, and we will come to him, and make our home with him.” He says in our Gospel, “If you keep my
commandments, you will abide in my love” (John 15:10). We know from these statements that the love of God cannot be separated from his precepts because he is the supreme authority and he is love itself. Thus, for Christ, authentic love always respects God the Father’s wishes. Jesus says, “You are my friends if you do what I command you. . . . I have told you everything I have heard from my father” (John 15:14-15). Sinful behaviors do offend God’s heart, and he has told us through his Word what is sinful. We must respect this if we wish to authentically love. At the same time, God does love unconditionally since he continues to love us and desire our salvation no matter how we have behaved. He loves all sinners and wants us to repent and return to him. Yes, the Catholic religion is love, authentic love, the love of God, himself, which flows through us, to the world and back to him. We love and follow God and his commands because we are his friends now, and not merely servants. Deacon Steven Jones is in formation for the priesthood at the St. Paul Seminary for the Diocese of Sioux Falls, S.D. His home parish is St. Paschal Baylon in Thousand Oaks, Calif., and his teaching parish is St. Peter in Mendota.
Closeness to God gives strength to withstand anything Catholic News Service The church’s first martyr found the strength to face his accusers because of his close relationship with God, Pope Benedict XVI said. St. Stephen, who was accused of blasphemy and stoned to death, upheld the faith and gave witness to Christ as the righteous one proclaimed by the prophets, the pope said during the general audience in St. Peter’s Square May 2. Continuing his catechesis on Christian prayer, the pope focused on St. Stephen, who was “accused of saying that Jesus would destroy the temple and the customs handed down by Moses.” The saint told his accusers the body of Jesus is the new temple of God; it is in Jesus that God and humanity are in true contact, which makes real communion with God and transformation possible, the pope said. God does not dwell in places made by human hands; the “new true temple where God dwells is in his son,” who gathers and unites all people in the sacrament of his body and blood, the pope said about St. Stephen’s teaching. Today’s Christians can draw inspiration from St. Stephen, who found strength during his martyrdom in his relationship with God and by meditating on the history of salvation. In Christ, people can make real contact with God “with the trust and abandon of children who turn to a father who loves them infinitely,” the pope said. An altar-server from the Diocese of Brownsville, Texas, had the privilege of meeting Pope Benedict after the audience. Armando Sanchez, 17, came to Rome thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Sanchez has been a cancer patient for 16 years and has multiple tumors in his heart, brain and optical tracts, according to The Valley Catholic, newspaper of the Brownsville diocese. “When they told me that I had this opportunity to go wherever I wanted and meet whomever I wanted, I did think about celebrities, but I said no,” he said.
From the Vatican
The Lesson Plan
Advice to married couples: Don’t tie the knot! Weave a rope By Father Michael Van Sloun For The Catholic Spirit
The Book of Ecclesiastes is part of the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament, and it contains a sensible, somewhat obscure, short passage on companionship and cooperation between fellow workers. Several of the verses, particularly the image of the three-ply cord, can be reinterpreted to apply to the sacrament of marriage and the spiritual nature of the relationship between husband and wife (Ecclesiastes 4:9a,10,12). The usual symbols for marriage are a single ring, two interlocking rings, the marriage cross, two clasped hands, a unity candle, a heart, two doves, three flowers or a tied knot. A three-ply cord could easily be added to the list. “Two are better than one” (Ecclesiastes 4:9a). For those called by God to the vocation of marriage, it is better to be united to your spouse and enjoy a lifetime of companionship than to live a solitary life. Before meeting, the man and woman were individuals, single strands of rope, far apart. When they met, the two ropes drew side-by-side, but with no relationship yet they were only close together, not intertwined. The principles of engineering apply. A wire or thread is strong in itself. Strength is added by increasing the number of strands of wire or thread, and greatly en-
“Every marriage is a three-way relationship between God, the husband and the wife.
hanced by weaving or twisting them together. Examples would be the cables of a suspension bridge or a nylon tow-rope used to pull skiers.
A two-ply start “If the one falls, the other will lift up his companion. Woe to the solitary person!” (Ecclesiastes 4:10). As the couple establishes a shared relationship, they are no longer separate ropes. Their lives become increasingly intertwined. This follows the principles of
love engineering: the greater the love, the stronger the bond, the tighter the weave, the stronger the rope, the stronger the relationship. Inseparably linked, if one spouse should ever fall or encounter difficulty, the other is always near and ready to help. “Where a lone man may be overcome, two together can resist. A three-ply cord is not easily broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Up to this point, the entire passage focuses on a two-person partnership. Then
unexpectedly, as a final “twist,” a third party is added, with a reference to a cord or a rope. Every marriage is a three-way relationship between God, the husband and the wife. If a strong man and a strong woman make a strong couple, just think what the presence of the all-powerful God adds to the strength of a marriage! When God is at the middle cord, the center of the marriage, the rope becomes so strong that it can sustain hurricane-force winds and it does not fray or unravel. The goal of a Christian marriage is for the three marriage partners to become increasingly intertwined. When the husband or wife prays or performs good works, either individually or together, they grow closer to God and tighten the weave, and mysteriously and wondrously, growing closer to God draws them closer to each other. And when husband and wife truly love each other, when they are kind, patient, polite, humble, concerned, self-controlled and forgiving (see 1 Corinthians 13:4-5), they grow closer to each other, tighten the weave, and mysteriously and wondrously grow closer to God. Some say that marriage is about “tying the knot,” but it is better explained as “weaving a rope.” Father Michael Van Sloun is pastor of St. Stephen in Anoka.
Doctor became Catholic after watching church workers fight cholera By James Breig
the human body; it was the human soul. In his autobiography, Dr. Samuel D. Gross, another Philadelphia doctor, told how Horner was impressed by the extraordinary efforts of Catholic clergy and nuns to serve the victims.
Catholic News Service
William Edmonds Horner, who as a medical student and doctor treated soldiers wounded in the War of 1812, was so impressed with the work of Catholic priests and nuns during the cholera epidemic that he became a Catholic himself. This year’s bicentennial of the War of 1812 provides a time to remember Horner, who served as dean of the Medical School of Pennsylvania for 30 years, wrote the first pathology textbook printed in America and discovered a muscle in the eye that is named for him. When the United States declared war on the British Empire in June 1812, “young Horner at once applied for a commission as surgeon’s mate in the hospital department of the army. This he received July 13, 1813, and in the following September he was ordered to the scene of active operations on the Canadian frontier,” according to an article that appeared in a 1903 issue of The Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia.
Practicing what they preached
Patience and perseverance The 20-year-old medical student, a Virginian, was put in charge of a hospital that treated servicemen wounded during nearby battles in York and Fort George. “Frail of body, of gentle and sensitive disposition,” Horner “seemed ill-fitted for the privations and hardships of a military career, especially under the circumstances in which war was waged on the frontier at that time,” the article said. “Of all this, however, he was utterly oblivious in his patriotic idea of duty, and he assumed the responsibilities of his position with a quiet perseverance and enduring patience which soon won for him the confidence of all around him.” Horner returned to his studies in Philadelphia and earned his medical degree in 1814. Then it was back to his military assignment, this time in the area of what is now Buffalo. There, he was put in charge of hospital, a task he continued until the end of the conflict in 1815. His civilian life resumed for good in 1816, when he secured a position as dissector at the University of Pennsylvania. In 1822, when he was 29, Horner became dean of the Medical School of Pennsylvania, a position he
CNS photo / courtesy of University of Pennsylvania
William Edmonds Horner, who as a medical student treated soldiers wounded in the War of 1812, was so impressed with the work of Catholic priests and nuns during the cholera epidemic that he became a Catholic himself. Horner is shown in an 1814 portrait print.
would hold for 30 years. He was also a professor of anatomy, discovered a muscle in the eye that is named for him and penned the first pathology textbook printed in America. Horner’s interest in pathology had been piqued during 1821 travels in Europe, where he celebrated the Fourth of July with Lafayette, the French general who fought in the American Revolutionary War and in the French Revolution. Another interest was stirred by an 1832 cholera epidemic in Philadelphia. This time, the interest wasn’t
“When other ministers fled in dismay from the dread pestilence,” Gross wrote, “there was the Catholic [priest] bending down to catch the last whispered word of penitence from the dying, and when nurses were not to be procured these noble women [the nuns] stepped forward to offer their services without fee or reward; they tended the sick and soothed the dying agony; they looked to heaven for their reward. Here then were people really practicing what they preached, really willing, nay anxious, to brave death in doing duty.” According to Gross, Horner’s natural curiosity “was excited to know more of the faith which produced such works. He studied their tenets. His inquiries were not those of the excited enthusiast, ready to believe all things, but the calm investigations of the wise and learned man, who sought for a rock on which to plant himself to withstand the storms of life and to rest his hopes of salvation in the world to come. The record of his private thoughts shows how earnestly prolonged were his researches and how abiding the convictions which were the results.” Horner himself recorded the slow, evolving process of his conversion: “I have risen early in the morning, . . . and in undisturbed solitude, giving my whole heart and understanding to my Maker, prayed fervently that I might be enlightened on this momentous subject, that I might be freed from the errors of an excited imagination, from the allurements of personal friendship, from the prejudices of education, and that I might, under the influences of divine grace, be permitted to settle this question upon its true merits. It has been the last subject of reflection before falling to sleep and the object of my thoughts in the interruption to my natural repose.” After years of prayer and investigation, the Episcopalian doctor finally joined the Catholic Church in 1839, 14 years before his death. His papers, held in the archives of the University of Pennsylvania, include two letters to him from Pope Gregory XVI.
“Music can change the world because it can change people.” Bono
Arts & Culture MAY 10, 2012
Exploring our church and our world
Girls choir builds bridges with sacred, world music The Catholic Spirit
Ambrose of Woodbury, appreciate the experience that PIP provides.
Each Monday evening at 6:30, 44 girls from throughout the Twin Cities metro area bound down the staircase at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in south Minneapolis and take their places in a basement choir room. Hugs and smiles are traded as the girls, in grades 8-12, greet one another. The focus quickly changes to warm-ups as the Partners in Praise Girls Choir begins its weekly rehearsal. Music binders are pulled out in unison and it’s all business for two hours as Julia Fahey, founder and artistic director, works through a broad repertoire of pieces — including challenging sacred and world music — with the choir in preparation for upcoming local concerts and this summer’s competition at the Golden Gate International Children’s and Youth Choral Festival. “PIP is about making quality music and building bridges throughout the world with our music,” said Fahey, who offers local, national and international singing opportunities for choir members (selected by audition each fall), such as last summer’s performance on the stage of the Sydney Opera House in Australia.
“Because of PIP, I have had the opportunity to witness other ways of worship, and I believe this has only strengthened my faith,” said Reimann. “I am able to experience these faiths and music all together, and to fully realize the power of faith as well as music.”
Local roots Now in its 18th year, PIP also sings at numerous churches each season, including an annual Mass at the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis and a Christmas concert at the His-
Musser agreed. “Singing with PIP definitely strengthens my faith on a weekly basis; just walking into rehearsal and being greeted by so many smiles is uplifting,” she said. “Both the music and the relationships created through the choir have allowed my personal faith to flourish in ways I’d never imagined.” Photo submitted
The Partners in Praise Girls Choir.
toric Church of St. Peter in Mendota Heights. Fahey formed the choir in 1994 specifically for the production of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” starring Donny Osmond. The choir, 23 boys and girls, performed in 52 shows at the State Theatre in Minneapolis. “That experience was so positive for the kids; a lot of the girls said, ‘We don’t want to stop singing,’” noted Fahey, middle school choir teacher and department chair at the Convent of the Visitation School in Mendota Heights. “I prayed about it, talked to my
husband and decided I would put together an all-girls choir as there already were a lot of boys choirs in the area,” Fahey said. “PIP is all about the music making and changing lives, giving girls leadership opportunities and empowering them to have their dreams in life.”
Reimann, who will study music at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, and Musser, who will study music and English writing at St. Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Ind., both plan to participate in choir at college as well as music ministry.
Deepening faith
They said they also look forward to singing at the upcoming St. Ambrose of Woodbury PIP Mass and Concert May 19, which will also include PIP’s younger counterpart, Con Brio Girls Choir, comprised of 18 girls in grades 4-8 also directed by Fahey.
Julia Reimann and Ellie Musser, who will graduate from East Ridge High School in Woodbury next month, are completing their last year in PIP. Both young women, who are also active cantors and 12-year choir members in music ministry at St.
“We’re going to take the audience on a trip around the world in this concert, performing a lot of our competition selections as well as spirituals and sacred music including Franz Biebl’s spectacular ‘Ave Maria,’” Fahey said.
If you go ■ What: Partners in Praise Girls Choir and Con Brio Girls Choir Concert ■ When: 4 p.m. Mass, 7 p.m. concert, Saturday, May 19 ■ Where: St. Ambrose of Woodbury, 4125 Woodbury Dr., Woodbury ■ More info: (763) 7448169 or WWW.PARTNERS INPRAISE.ORG
Dining out
country to our Blessed Mother. Knights of Columbus traveling rosary at St. Mary, St. Paul — May 13: 2 p.m. at 261 Eighth St. E.
Don’t miss
Fish fry at Knights of Columbus Hall, Bloomington — Every Friday: 5 to 9 p.m. at 1114 American Blvd. Cost is $10.95. Call (952) 888-1492 for reservations.
Knights of Columbus traveling rosary at St. John, St. Paul — May 20: 2 p.m. at 977 Fifth St. E. Knights of Columbus traveling rosary at St. Agnes, St. Paul — May 27: 2 p.m. at 548 Lafond Ave.
Chicken and rib dinner at Knights of Columbus Hall, Bloomington — Every Wednesday: 5 to 9 p.m. at 1114 American Blvd. Cost is $10.95. Call (952) 888-1492 for reservations.
KC shrimp and steak dinner at Knights Events Center, Shakopee — May 11: 5 to 8 p.m. at 1760 Fourth Ave. E. Cost is $12 for shrimp or steak or $15 for both. Children’s meal available for $3. Mother’s Day breakfast at Immaculate Conception, Columbia Heights — May 13: 8:30 a.m. to noon at 4030 Jackson St. N.E. Cost is $8 for adults and $4 for children 3 to 12.
Garage sale to benefit Holy family Adoption Agency
Pork and sauerkraut dinner at St. Bernard, St. Paul — May 19: 4 to 7 p.m. at the parish center on the corner of Rice Street and Geranium Avenue. Cost is $8 for adults and $3.50 for children 12 and under.
A unique garage sale to benefit the Holy Family Catholic Adoption Agency will be held May 23 and 24 at the Anoka County Fairgrounds. Hours of the sale are 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday. If you would like to donate items for the sale, they can be dropped off at the fairgrounds May 21 from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. The Anoka County Fairgrounds are located at 3112 St. Francis Blvd., Anoka.
Parish events Strings, Pipes and a Glorious Tenor at Little Sisters of the Poor, St. Paul — May 11: 6 p.m. at 330 Exchange St. Cathedral Cantor Nicholas Chalmers, organist Lawrence Lawyer and the Cathedral Chamber Orchestra are featured. Free will offering.
a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday at 16311 Duluth Ave. S.E. Features live music, 5K run/walk, Italian dinner and more. For information visit WWW.SPRINGFESTONLINE. ORG.
John McCutcheon in concert at St. Joseph, New Hope — May 11: 7 p.m. at 8701 36th Ave. N. Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for children through grade 8. Tickets available at the door or by calling (763) 544-3352.
Spring art and architecture tour at St. Thomas More, St. Paul — May 19: 6 p.m. at 1079 Summit Ave. Jesuit Father Joseph Weiss will lead the tour. Wine and appetizers will be served. Suggested donation is $10. RSVP to (651) 227-7669, ext. 302.
‘Heading Home Dakota: A community forum to end homelessness’ at Mary, Mother of the Church, Burnsville — May 14: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at 3333 Cliff Road. Ladies Guild rummage sale at St. Cyril, Minneapolis — May 16 to 18: 3 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday and 9 a.m. to noon Friday ($2 bag day) at 1301 Second St. N.E. Men’s club rummage sale at St. Thomas the Apostle, St. Paul — May 17 to 19: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday and Friday and 8 a.m. to noon Saturday ($3 bag day) at 2119 Stillwater Ave. Rummage sale at Holy Childhood, St. Paul — May 17 to 19: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at 1435 Midway Parkway. Rummage sale at Sacred Heart, Robbinsdale — May 17 and 18: 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday and 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday ($3 bag day) at 4087 W. Broadway. Life in the Spirit spring retreat at St. Peter, Richfield — May 18 to 20: 7 to 9 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and noon to 4 p.m. Sunday at 6730 Nicollet Ave. S. Meals provided. Advance registration requested by May 15. Call (612) 866-5089. Visit WWW.ST PETERSRICHFIELD.ORG for information. Springfest at St. Michael, Prior Lake — May 18 to 20: 5 to 11 p.m. Friday, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday and 11:30
Women’s Guild Spring Tea at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Minneapolis — May 19: 2 to 4 p.m. at 701 Fillmore St. N.E. Cost is $10 for ages 13 and over and $8 for ages 2 to 12. Entertainment by Jeremy Miller and The River City Cloggers. For tickets, call (612) 381-7607. Perennial plant sale at St. Rita, Cottage Grove — May 19: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 8694 80th St. S. A wide variety of hardy perennial flowering plants will be sold, rain or shine. Prices range from $1 to $5. Fun Fest at St. Michael, Stillwater — May 20: Noon to 6 p.m. at 611 S. Third St. Features food, games, silent auction and more. Cribbage tournament at St. Albert the Great, Minneapolis — May 20: 1:30 p.m. at the corner of E. 29th Street and 32nd Avenue S. Entry fee is $10. All ages are welcome. Free beverages and snacks. Proceeds benefit the Tubman Shelters. ‘Imposed Death: A Conference on Stealth Euthanasia’ at St. John the Baptist, New Brighton — June 2: Registration begins at 8 a.m. and program at 8:30 a.m. at 835 Second Ave. N.W. For information, visit WWW.HUMAN LIFE.ORG. Retirement party for Father Tom Fitzgerald at St. Genevieve, Centerville — June 10: 2 to 5 p.m. at 6995 Centerville Road. Potluck, dancing and a program at 3 p.m.
Prayer/ liturgies Sant’Egidio Community Evening Prayer at St. Richard, Richfield — every Thursday: 7 p.m. at 7540 Penn Ave. S. Legion of Mary prayers in front of Planned Parenthood, St. Paul — Every Friday: 3 p.m. at the corner of Vandalia and Charles. For information, call (651) 439-9098. Rosary of the unborn at Pregnancy Choices LifeCare Center, Apple Valley — Every Thursday: 7:15 p.m. at 15026 Glazier Ave. For information, visit WWW.ROSARYOFTHEUNBORN.COM.
Sunday Spirits walking group for 50plus Catholic singles — ongoing Sundays: For Catholic singles to meet and make friends. The group usually meets in St. Paul on Sunday afternoons. For information, call Judy at (763) 221-3040 or Al at (651) 482-0406. Singles group at St. Vincent de Paul, Brooklyn Park — ongoing second Saturday each month: 6 :15 p.m. at 9100 93rd Ave. N. Gather for a potluck supper, conversation and games. For information, call (763) 425-0412.
School events ‘The Wizard of Oz’ presented by Pope John Paul II School, Minneapolis — May 23 and 24: 7 p.m. both nights at 1630 Fourth St. N.E. Free will offering. For information, visit WWW.POPEJOHN PAUL2NE.ORG. Blazer summer basketball camp for girls grades 8 to 12 at Visitation School, Mendota Heights — June 12 to 14 or June 24 to 26: Choose one or both sessions. Each session runs three days from noon to 5 p.m. Cost is $75 for either session, $125 for both. Email ZACHARY.HERNANDEZ@GMAIL.COM to sign up.
Other events
Calendar Submissions DEADLINE: The Catholic Spirit is biweekly. Items should be submitted by Noon Thursday, seven days before the anticipated Thursday date of publication. Recurring or ongoing events must be submitted each time they occur. LISTINGS: Accepted are brief notices of upcoming events hosted by Catholic parishes and institutions. Items are published on a space available basis. ITEMS MUST INCLUDE the following to be considered for publication in the calendar: • Time and date of event. • Full street address of event. • Description of event. • Contact information in case of questions. E-MAIL:
Healing Mass at Holy Name of Jesus, Wayzata — May 11: Rosary at 6:30 p.m., Mass at 7 p.m. at 155 County Road 24. Father Jim Livingston will be the celebrant.
‘The Hobbit’ presented at the Open Window Theatre, Minneapolis — May 11 to 13 and 17 to 20: 7:30 p.m. Thursday thru Saturday and 2 p.m. Sundays at 1313 Chestnut Ave. For more information, visit WWW.OPENWINDOW THEATRE.ORG.
Fatima Rosary Gathering at Epiphany, Coon Rapids — May 13: 6:30 p.m. at 1900 111th Ave. N.W. Pray the rosary at the Epiphany Fatima Shrine on the 13th of each month. Rosaries are offered as an act of consecration of our
100 year anniversary celebration for Knights of Columbus Solanus Casey Council No. 1632 at St. Mary, Stillwater — May 12: Mass at 4:30 p.m. at 423 S. Fifth St. Dinner and dance will follow at the KC Hall.
Archdiocesan Marriage Day Celebration June 9 at the Cathedral of St. Paul Married couples are invited to join Bishop Lee Piché on June 9 at the Cathedral of St. Paul at 10 a.m. for Mass, renewal of vows, and a short reception. Couples married over 50 years will be honored in a special way and are invited to attend. Families and friends of honored couples are welcome. Sponsored by the Archdiocesan Office of Marriage, Family and Life. For information, call (651) 291-4488 or visit our website: WWW.ARCHSPM.ORG. Certificates signed by the Archbishop John Nienstedt are available for all couples. To receive a certificate, contact the Office of Marriage, Family & Life at (651) 291-4488 or MFL@ARCHSPM.ORG.
SPIRITCALENDAR@ ARCHSPM.ORG. (No attachments, please.)
FAX: (651) 291-4460. MAIL: “Calendar,” The Catholic Spirit, 244 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, MN 55102.
Mary understands our struggles and power of faith
New assignments announced for priests
“Anytime we
nest back at home. The Gospel of Matthew tells how she had to flee to Egypt because someone was trying to kill her baby — an experience that, for a mom, is about as terrifying as they come. Aside from the danger and fear, she and her little family also had to adjust to the disorienting experience of being refugees in a foreign country. And it can’t have been easy for Mary when Jesus was out preaching. He was doing and saying things that were stirring the pot, things that were putting him on the radar of powerful and merciless people. As a mom, I suspect that a little part of Mary wished that he could stay quietly at home and be a carpenter. She had to accept a new normal — her son’s public profile, and its attendant danger — and I have a hunch it wasn’t easy. This is why I look at Mary, I see more than just a serene smile. Anytime we struggle with an uncertain future, anytime we feel that normal life has been kicked out from underneath us, we can ask for Mary’s prayers in the full knowledge that she gets it. She’s been there herself.
represents to this city,” Father Ubel said. “It really is a treasure.”
struggle with an uncertain future, anytime we feel that normal life has been kicked out from underneath us, we can ask for Mary’s prayers in the full knowledge that she gets it. She’s been there herself.
Other appointments
A faith worth celebrating But as we pray, we can also ask for a bit of her faith, the faith she articulated so beautifully in the Magnificat. “He has thrown down the rulers from their thrones but lifted up the lowly. The hungry he has filled with good things; the rich he has sent away empty” (Luke 1:52-53). Mary must have felt uncertain and confused by many events in her life, but the counterweight to those feelings was her faith that somehow, in the end, all would be well. Because of God’s love, the hungry would
be well-fed, the lowly would be raised up, and the stressed-out would be filled with peace. Mary understands our struggles, for sure. But she also understands that there is something that lies beyond them. And that makes her a woman worth celebrating, every month of the year. Ginny Kubitz Moyer is the author of “Mary and Me: Catholic Women Reflect on the Mother of God.” She blogs at RANDOMACTSOFMOMNESS.COM.
In addition, the following appointments have been announced: ■ Father James Kelleher, a member of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, was granted permission to minister in the archdiocese, beginning March 31. He will work with Father John Paul Erickson, archdiocesan director of worship, to plan two rosary processions. ■ Dominican Father Andrew McAlpin was granted premission to minister in the archdiocese, beginning April 3. ■ Father Thomas Fitzgerald, pastor of St. Genevieve of Centerville, will retire from full-time ministry Friday, June 15. After Father Fitzgerald was ordained in 1966, he served as an assistant with the Catholic Youth Center in St. Paul and as an assistant pastor at the Cathedral of St. Paul. He has also served at St. Michael in Stillwater and St. Rita in Cottage Grove. ■ Also beginning June 15, Father Gregory Esty, pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas in St. Paul Park, will serve as pastor of St. Genevieve and St. John the Baptist in Hugo. ■ Father Mark Moriarty, pastor of Mary, Queen of Peace in Rogers, will begin serving as pastor of St. Agnes Sunday, July 1. ■ Also on July 1, Father Patrick Kennedy, pastor of Pax Christi in Eden Prairie, will begin a two-year leave from his archdiocesan ministry to serve in the Diocese of Tucson, Ariz.
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“Without love, science, too, loses its nobility. Only love guarantees the humanity of research.” Pope Benedict XVI, in an address May 3 to faculty, doctors and students at Rome’s Sacred Heart University
Overheard 20A T
Quotes from this week’s newsmakers
MAY 10, 2012 “We bury the dead because it is a corporal work of mercy. It’s something that is enjoined in Holy Scripture. That’s because everyone is made in God’s image and likeness.”
Rosary procession turns 65
— Cardinal Francis George of Chicago, who conducted a gravesite memorial service April 25 for 13 indigent adults and 120 unborn babies at Mount Olivet Catholic Cemetery in Chicago
“He [Chen Guangcheng] is one of the few people who has the courage to stand up and speak for the women and children. They [government officials] don’t want their authority, their brutal policy to be challenged.” — Chai Ling, founder and president of All Girls Allowed, speaking about the Chinese activist’s work against the country’s forced abortion and sterilization practices
Marchers head up John Ireland Boulevard on the way to the Cathedral of St. Paul during the 65th annual May Day Family Rosary Procession May 6. Among the more than 1,000 attendees was Bishop Lee Piché, who made remarks at the State Capitol shortly before the march began. This year’s procession was offered in a particular way for the courage and grace to defend and promote marriage as the lifelong union between one man and one woman.
From left, Lucia Tran and Catalina Lopez of Holy Trinity/St. Augustine in South St. Paul bring their handful of rosaries to the Cathedral near the end of the march.
The Catholic Spirit photos by Dave Hrbacek
“It really isn’t that big of a price to pay for keeping our integrity.” — PJ Jedlovec, president of Vanderbilt Catholic, the university’s Catholic campus ministry, on the group’s decision not re-register as an official student organization in light of the school’s non-discrimination policy, which disallows the group from requiring its leaders to be Catholic
Mexican consulate, clinics announce new partnership to provide health services St. Mary’s Health Clinics, a ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, has announced a new partnership with the Mexican Consulate in Minnesota to provide free health services to low-income, uninsured Mexicans and other Latinos through the consulate’s Ventanilla de Salud The program. Catholic Spirit In addition to providing Latinos access to services like physicals and prenatal care through the Catholic organization’s free clinics and network of volunteer health care providers, a St. Mary’s employee at the consulate connects people with preventive services, including counseling, diabetes screening, healthy eating classes and support groups. “We’re not just looking at the medical model of providing services, which we continue to do — in other words, a doctor visit and medicine and those
News Notes
kinds of things,” said Barbara Dickie, St. Mary’s executive director. “What’s new for us is that we are doing more outreach. We’re looking at ways to connect with people before they get sick or to help them stay healthy through education and programming, in addition to giving them information about where to get additional health care support.”
McCall was juggling two or three sales jobs when he first met him in 1980. Heaney remembered him as “a perpetually upbeat man who, true to his calling as a salesperson, hated the detail of paperwork but loved the challenge of the sale.” In his later years he wrote a memoir of growing up in St. Paul, “The Old Como Gang, Long Gone.”
For information about St. Mary’s Health Clinics, call (651) 287-7777.
Dorothy Day Center celebrates its big ‘Day’
‘Cheerful’ Catholic Bulletin ad salesman remembered Leo T. McCall, who passed away April 26 at the age of 92, was remembered as a cheerful advertising salesman for the Catholic Bulletin in the days before it became The Catholic Spirit. Dennis Heaney, retired associate publisher/general manager recalled that
Catholic Charities’ Dorothy Day Center in downtown St. Paul was honored by St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman on May 2 during a breakfast at the center, commemorating its 31 years of service to the community’s poor and homeless. Coleman declared May 2 Dorothy Day Center Day. For more about the center’s history and what others said at the breakfast, visit
Also worth noting: ■ Dorwatha Woods, longtime principal of Ascension School in north Minneapolis, was to be honored during the May 9 school Mass for her 25 years of leadership. ■ Academy of Holy Angels Knowledge Bowl team took second place at the state meet. Team members include: Matt Schmidt of St. John the Baptist in Savage; Nick Hirsch of St. Peter in Mendota; Stephen Raab of St. Edward in Bloomington; Karl Bauer of St. Joseph in West St. Paul; and Mary Streiff of Our Lady of Peace in Minneapolis. ■ Joseph Vanderwall, a junior at Cretin-Derham Hall in St. Paul, scored a perfect 36 on the ACT college admissions and placement exam. Less than one-tenth of one percent of all test-takers earn that score.
Graduation The Catholic Spirit Special section May 10, 2012
A salute to this year’s high school seniors They share their views of the past, present, future Pages 2B - 12B Catholic colleges attracting more students who want to live their faith By Susan Klemond For The Catholic Spirit
Bekah Gross chose a Catholic university over two top secular schools this year because she felt she could better live out her Catholic faith on campus. It also didn’t hurt that the University of Mary in Bismarck, N.D., offered the senior at St. Agnes High School in St. Paul a scholarship that will help her live on campus. Gross looks forward to getting involved in the university’s campus ministry, and she’ll receive more than $21,000 over four years to cover room and board because she is graduating from a Catholic high school. “That was probably a big indicator that I should go,” she said. GROSS Whether or not having a high percentage of Catholic students is a deliberate goal, Catholic colleges and universities such as the University of Mary are using a variety of strategies to attract Catholic students. Often identifying them as Catholic through the application process, schools are reaching potential students such as Gross through scholarships and aid, branding and marketing, Catholic academic and extracurricular
programs, as well as by simply having a strong Catholic presence on campus.
Shaping identity Guided by “Ex Corde Ecclesiae,” Blessed Pope John Paul II’s 1990 apostolic letter on Catholic universities that establishes norms for Catholic identity, more than 250 schools ranging from those that have fewer Catholic students for historical or geographical reasons to those with a nearly all-Catholic student body are shaping their Catholic identity as a way of attracting and caring for Catholic students — and also to better serve non-Catholic students. “Catholic identity can exist with no Catholics in your student population,” said Franciscan Sister Margaret Carney, board chair of the Washington, D.C.-based Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, which represents 231 Catholic higher education institutions. “If what you’re after is creating a Catholic culture and institution — that is, in every aspect you’re checking the box Catholic — that’s a very different profile,” said Sister Margaret, who is also president of St. Bonaventure University in St. Bonaventure, N.Y. Locally, Catholic students at the University of St. Thomas, St. Catherine University — both in St. Paul — and St. Mary’s University in Winona comprise 45 percent to 60 percent of the student body at each of the schools.
Fifty percent of students at the University of Mary are Catholic. Along with the University of Mary, which offers its donor-funded scholarship to all Catholic high school graduates, St. Catherine and St. Mary’s offer donor-funded scholarships for graduates of certain Twin Cities Catholic high schools. “It’s a support tool for us that we offer to graduates of Catholic high schools across the nation as a minimum commitment that we make to them,” said Mike Heitkamp, University of Mary admissions director. One school that offers no scholarships to Catholic high school students but targets only Catholic students is Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio. Nearly 99 percent of the 2,500 undergraduate and graduate students are Catholic, said Joel Recznick, vice president of enrollment. The school recruits students at Catholic schools, youth groups and organizations such as LifeTeen. Once they are accepted, they are eligible for scholarships and aid, he said. “We’re Catholic through and through, and it’s not that we’re just trying to ‘attract Catholic students,’” he said. “It’s because of our nature. It flows that we are Catholic and so we want those types of students to come here, and then they feel at home and there’s a fit for them and for us.” PLEASE TURN TO COLLEGES ON PAGE 10B
Catholic graduation ceremonies, dates and times High schools Academy of Holy Angels, Richfield ■ Commencement exercises: 4 p.m. Sunday, June 3, Academy of Holy Angels. ■ Baccalaureate Mass: 7 p.m. Thursday, May 31, St. Peter, Richfield. Father Michael Tix, celebrant.
Cretin-Derham Hall, St. Paul ■ Commencement exercises: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 30, Cathedral of St. Paul. ■ Baccalaureate Mass: 9 a.m. Wednesday, May 30, Lumen Christi Catholic Community, St. Paul. Father John Forliti, celebrant.
Benilde-St. Margaret’s School, St. Louis Park ■ Commencement exercises: 7 p.m. Friday, June 1, Benilde-St. Margaret’s, William Haben Activities Center. ■ Baccalaureate Mass: 11 a.m. Sunday, May 20, Downtown Marriott, Minneapolis. Father Tim Wozniak, celebrant.
Cristo Rey Jesuit High School, Minneapolis ■ Commencement exercises: 2 p.m. Saturday, June 9, Cristo Rey. U.S. Attorney for the District of Minnesota B. Todd Jones, speaker. ■ Baccalaureate Mass: 6 p.m. Friday, June 8, Holy Name, Minneapolis.
Bethlehem Academy, Faribault ■ Commencement exercises: 8 p.m. Friday, May 25, Bethlehem Academy, Van Orsow Auditorium. ■ Baccalaureate Mass: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 23, Divine Mercy Church. Father Kevin Finnegan and Father Erik Lundgren, celebrants.
DeLaSalle High School, Minneapolis ■ Commencement exercises: 6:45 p.m. Thursday, May 24, Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis. Josie Johnson, speaker. ■ Baccalaureate Mass: 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 23, DeLaSalle High School, Florance Center. Father Kevin McDonough, celebrant.
Convent of the Visitation, Mendota Heights ■ Commencement exercises: 3 p.m. Sunday, June 3, Visitation School, Commers Gymnasium. ■ Baccalaureate Mass: 11 a.m. May 20, Visitation School Chapel. Father Nels Gjengdahl, celebrant.
Hill-Murray School, Maplewood ■ Graduation Mass: 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 1, Cathedral of St. Paul. Celebrant is Abbot John Klassen of St. John’s Abbey in Collegeville. Holy Family Catholic High School, Victoria ■ Commencement exercises: 7 p.m.
May 16, Holy Family Catholic High School. ■ Baccalaureate Mass: 2 p.m. Sunday, May 13, St. Victoria, Victoria. Father Bob White, celebrant. Providence Academy, Plymouth ■ Commencement exercises: 8 p.m. Friday, June 1, Providence Academy. ■ Baccalaureate Mass: 4 p.m. Friday, June 1, Basilica of St. Mary, Minneapolis. Bishop Lee Piché, celebrant. St. Agnes High School, St. Paul ■ Commencement exercises: 7 p.m. Friday, June 1, St. Agnes School. Jesuit Father Robert Araujo, speaker. ■ Baccalaureate Mass: 11 a.m. Thursday, May 31, St. Agnes Church. Father John Ubel, celebrant. St. Thomas Academy, Mendota Heights ■ Commencement exercises: 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 31, Cathedral of St. Paul. ■ Baccalaureate Mass: 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 29, St. Thomas Academy. Father Thomas O’Brien, celebrant. Totino-Grace High School, Fridley ■ Commencement exercises: 7 p.m. Friday, June 1, Totino-Grace High School.
■ Baccalaureate Mass: 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 30, Epiphany Church, Coon Rapids. Father Doug Pierce, celebrant.
Universities St. Catherine University, St. Paul ■ Commencement exercises at The O’Shaughnessy Auditorium, St. Paul campus: Associate degrees — 11 a.m. Saturday, May 19. Graduate degrees — 2 p.m., Saturday, May 19. Bachelor degrees — 2 p.m. Sunday, May 20. St. Mary’s University, Minneapolis ■ Commencement exercises: 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Sunday, June 3, St. Mary’s Event Center, 2540 Park Ave., Minneapolis. University of St. Thomas, St. Paul ■ Commencement exercises: School of Law — 1 p.m. Saturday, May 12, Orchestra Hall, Minneapolis. Opus College of Business — 7 p.m. Saturday, May 19, Anderson Athletic and Recreation Center, St. Paul Campus. Graduate degrees — 9:30 a.m. Saturday, May 19, Anderson Center, St. Paul Campus. Bachelor degrees — 2 p.m. Saturday, May 19, O’Shaughnessy Stadium. ■ Baccalaureate Mass: 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 18, Cathedral of St. Paul.
What’s inside? Read the reflections on the past and future written by high school seniors selected by their Catholic schools and parishes — Pages 3B-12B
Molly Downes
John Sibenaller
Cretin-Derham Hall, St. Paul
Immaculate Conception Church, Lonsdale
Molly Downes is a member of St. John Neumann in Eagan. She is the daughter of Theresa Downes and plans to attend the College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph.
John Sibenaller attends New Prague High School. He is the son of Mark and Nancy Sibenaller and is considering the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, N.D.
What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school? The greatest lesson I learned would be to always stay true to yourself.
What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school? I learned to work hard and get things done in an honest manner.
Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. Being co-president of Cretin-Derham Hall. Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school. The most significant faith experience I have had would be through service every Thursday at Northside Child Development Center in North Minneapolis. Volunteering and spending time with the preschoolers there has been a great experience.
Having volunteer programs where young adults can engage in their own community and help out others is a great way to keep young adults involved in the Catholic Church. If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? It would be Mother Teresa. I would love to talk to her about how she changed so many lives with so little and had such a big heart.
What would you like adults to know about the challenges young adults face today? What adults should know is that there are many ways kids can be bullied and many pressures for them to face. Even though they may not show it, every kid has their own story.
What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? A major problem that concerns me would be homelessness in the world. Everyone helping out through programs such as Habitat for Humanity can help solve this problem one house at a time.
What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults engaged in the life of the church?
What is your favorite quote? “Everything happens for a reason.” — Anonymous
Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. Managing my school work, a job, athletics and a social life efficiently. Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school. When my grandfather died, it really hit me how faith is one of the major binding factors in a family. What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? This new age of communication is letting kids grow up with more access to resources. Adults shouldn’t be intimidated by this and should responsibly let their kids use it as a tool for greater understanding of other peoples, cultures and faiths. What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults engaged in the life of the church? Show how Jesus’ life is still relevant in the 21st century.
If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? The Founding Fathers. I would want to see their opinions on how the United States has turned out 236 years after they founded it. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? The government’s out-of-control debt. At this point, I don’t even know if it can be solved. What is your favorite quote? “Curiosity is bliss.” — Thomas Gray If you could go back in time five years, what advice would you give yourself? Don’t waste your time with the wrong group of people. Find people that make you a better you.
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Andrea Flores Cristo Rey Jesuit High School, Minneapolis Andrea Flores attends Ascension Church in Minneapolis with her parents, Andres and Irene Flores. She plans to attend Minneapolis Community and Technical College. What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school? Never be afraid to seek help. Teachers are there for support and help. I was always afraid and too shy to ask for help but realized that I needed it, and the teachers were more than happy to help. Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. My biggest accomplishment is being able to work and go to school. Cristo Rey offers a great opportunity for its students to be working in corporate jobs. I am grateful to have gained so much experience because of this opportunity and accomplishment. Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school.
The most significant faith experience that I have had during high school will have to be having faith in God when things were going rocky at home. I love my family and always want them to be happy and thank God every day for their happiness. Last year, there was some issue that my family and I went through, and I really felt tested by God. My faith stayed strong by having a little conversation with my parish priest. He gave me really great advice, and to this day I retell myself that advice and keep in my heart that God is always there for my family and me, even when the sky is gray. What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? The challenges youth and young adults face today are many. The one that stands out the most to me is the challenge of staying focused. We can get easily distracted and go off-track due to being on the computer, television, phone, etc. How can we not be distracted by these things? There are so many things going on that we feel like we must stop everything and watch or respond to them. What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults
engaged in the life of the church? The Catholic Church should have more entertaining and eye-catching activities for young adults to engage in the life of the church. Church is really quiet and tranquil, but the church could be more open and inviting of young people’s opinions. If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? I would like to have a conversation with Martin Luther King Jr. because he accomplished so many things using non-violent techniques and was really brave for not responding back to all the violent reactions that he got. He set his mind on changing the world, and he accomplished them all one step at a time with help from others as well. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? The problem that concerns me the most that’s going on in the world would have to be the uncalled-for immigration laws that are trying to go through in the United States. It concerns me because a lot of my family members are immigrants and they just want to have a fair life like others that live here. I think this issue
Kaila Forster
Sara Heselton
St. Gregory the Great, North Branch
Bethlehem Academy, Faribault
Kaila Forster attends North Branch Area High School. She is the daughter of Richard Forster and Katherine Kind and plans to attend the College of St. Benedict in St. Joseph.
Sara Heselton attends Divine Mercy Catholic Church in Faribault with her parents, Mike and Debbie Heselton. She plans to spend a year with NET Ministries before attending college.
What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school? To never give up without trying my best first. I think this quote says it well: “At one point or another in this class you will feel frustrated, irritated, humbled or depressed. When this happens you know you have reached your limit. You then have two choices. You can either give up or continue to try. If you continue to try, then your limits will continue to get higher.”
What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school? To never underestimate myself or my abilities.
Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school? I am proud that I have taken some PSEO classes at a community college. Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school. My junior year I became a catechist teaching a sixth-grade class; this year I teach a fourth-grade class. It is challenging, yet rewarding to know that I am positively influencing others. What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? I think youth struggle with challenges in their family, and not knowing how to deal with it or who to talk to. What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults engaged in the life of the church? Do not look at change as a bad
thing. Specifically, I feel that the Catholic Church should not regress when it comes to allowing females to be involved in the church. Young adults want a faith that is relevant. If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? Helen Keller. She had the strength, determination and positive attitude many of us can only imagine having. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? The amount of violence in the world concerns me, especially in the United States, where we have so much, yet our values seem to be deteriorating. The family structure needs to be given more attention. What is your favorite quote? “Folks will know how large your soul is by the way you treat a dog.” — Charles F. Duran If you could go back in time five years, what advice would you give yourself? To have more faith in myself.
Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. I’m proud and surprised that I’ve been able to hold a 4.0 GPA. Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school. My ninth-grade confirmation retreat is where I first encountered the Lord truly and personally. That morning, I felt his love so genuinely and knew I was created to serve and be with him. What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? Many youth and young adults feel trapped in the lifestyle presented to them. It isn’t fulfilling, but they feel like there is no alternative. I also want adults to know this generation has hope; confronted with despair, I’m confident more and more young people will turn to the Lord. What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults engaged in the life of the church? Keep going back to the roots! I know that the Catholic Church holds the fullness of the faith, but its sincerity seems to have gotten lost in the past generations. Young adults want a
can be solved by . . . making laws that will accept immigrants and letting them have an honest life here in America. What is your favorite quote?. “Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everybody I’ve ever known." — Chuck Palahniuk If you could go back in time five years, what advice would you give yourself? The advice that I would give myself is to stay focused — to stick to everything that I start with and finish it.
genuine religion and relationship with Jesus Christ, fulfilled in the church. If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? I would love to have a conversation with Mary Magdalene and get a glimpse into what her relationship with Jesus was really like and how the mercy he showed affected her. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? I’m truly frightened by how quickly my generation can and seems to be falling away from the church and the Lord. If America becomes like Europe in that sense, the world has little hope. What is your favorite quote? “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” — St. Catherine of Siena If you could go back in time five years, what advice would you give yourself? Be calm, have patience and live with perspective — grades, clothes and fights aren’t everything.
Mary Claire Schueppert
Kevin Fidler Hill-Murray School, Maplewood
Our Lady of Grace, Edina
Kevin Fidler attends St. Ambrose of Woodbury with his parents, Frank and Rosanne Fidler. He plans to attend the United States Military Academy at West Point, N.Y.
Mary Claire Schueppert attends Convent of the Visitation in Mendota Heights. She is the daughter of Michael and Mary Schueppert. She plans to attend Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, Calif., to study bioengineering. Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. I am proud of being part of the only all girls FIRST™ Robotics team in Minnesota, The Robettes. Through this team I have grown as a woman in science and gain self-confidence. Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school. On my first mission trip . . . we took a trip to an infirmary, where I got to see firsthand how challenging life can be for people in a Third World country. I walked away . . . realizing to never take going to the doctor for granted. What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? With the advancements in technology, . . . it is a lot easier to deal with things without face-to-face communication, and things are not always handled in the best method. What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults
engaged in the life of the church? It is important to make things relate to their lives. Also, create events directed toward the younger people. If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? I would love to meet Elizabeth Blackwell, the first female American doctor, and to hear what challenges she faced. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? Lack of education around the world. Children need to be inspired. What is your favorite quote? “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.� — Mahatma Gandhi
What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school? I learned to surround myself with good, honest people; friends you frequently associate with reflect your own character. Besides academics, the most meaningful part of high school is cultivating life-long friendships. Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. I was able to balance a lot of activities while maintaining my grades. I was a member of National Honor Society, student council and peer listening. I also played football and lacrosse for my high school. I earned my Eagle Scout award as well. Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school. During my parish’s confirmation retreat, I felt like my faith life truly progressed. I was able to take part in the sacrament of reconciliation for the first time in several years. It was very satisfying and enlightening. What would you like adults to know
St. FrancisSt. James United School
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about the challenges youth and young adults face today? Adults need to give the younger generation the freedom to develop their own sense of discipline and organization. If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? Malcolm X. After he returned from his pilgrimage to Mecca, his mindset on racism and integration was completely altered. I would like to discuss his extreme change in thinking. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? Ethnic and racial violence across the world. I hope there will come a time when people no longer identify themselves as an ethnic group.
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Hung Dinh St. Anne — St. Joseph Hien, Minneapolis Hung Dinh attends Mounds View High School in Arden Hills. He is the son of Linda Trinh and Trung Nguyen and plans to attend the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities. What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school? You can’t be too quick to judge. You’re attending a place that contains a few thousand other people, which, of course, leads to many cliques and people that have different opinions and beliefs that could be completely different than your own. This can easily lead to judging or labeling someone even if we don’t intend to. But living the Catholic way, I push myself to stick with what is right and treat all people like my brothers and sisters. Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. I am proud of creating friendships and memories that will truly be with me for the rest of my life. Describe the most significant faith
experience you have had during high school. Sophomore year in high school I was questioned by a fellow student about why I believe in what I believe in. At the time, I really didn’t have much knowledge of my own religion, so I wasn’t the greatest person to be asked that. But this helped make me realize that if I truly want to live my faith and be a true man of faith, I would have to be more educated about my faith and learn about the meaning of being a Catholic. So, I told this student that I would get back to them with an answer in a few weeks. I then started to hit the books and dissected the symbols and meanings of being a Catholic. A few weeks passed by and I finally had the courage to approach this student and give an appropriate answer. My answer was summed up from everything I had learned in these few weeks, and I gave this student a simple answer: “I believe in what I believe in because it keeps me a good person, it keeps me motivated and dedicated to serve my fellow brothers and sisters. It teaches me unconditional love.” After giving the student this answer, I truly felt that the student was in awe, which really made me feel good and caused me to, now, be even more dedicated to learn more
about my faith. What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? I would like them to know that — because they have more experience in life and about certain things that a young mind couldn’t grasp — they could know more about what we as the younger generation need to learn and help us follow the right path. What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults engaged in the life of the church? Having some kind of youth group or get-together that is available for students to be with their friends, having a fun time to hang out, but then also learn about their faith. If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? Martin Luther King Jr. Even though he was discriminated against and ridiculed, he kept doing what was right in a peaceful manner. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? Abortion. This topic may make some uncomfortable to talk about, but I feel
Allison Badar
Colleen Enwesi
Convent of the Visitation, Mendota Heights
Ascension, Minneapolis
What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? It becomes increasingly easy to slip off our right path. The freedom we have nowadays with technology and communication, while it is an excellent tool, can be extremely dangerous for our self-esteem and growth as intellectual people. Since we have much freedom in this technological community, young adults need to have great responsibility, as well as help from adults who can keep us safe from the harmful aspects of the world.
If you could go back in time five years, what advice would you give yourself? Start learning more about my religion at a younger age so I can educate others who ask.
What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school? The greatest lesson I learned was managing my time. I was able to find a balance between family, friends, school and the things I like to do.
What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school? I learned to have the courage to do what I believe is right. I grew up tending toward timidity rather than confidence.
Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school. During our senior retreat this fall, I started to have an unquenchable thirst for more faith in my life. Now, I truly see how my graduating class demonstrates new facets of God’s love for me every day.
What is your favorite quote? “I can do all things through him who gives me strength.” — Philippians 4:13
Colleen Enwesi attends DeLaSalle High School in Minneapolis. She is the daughter of Grace Mobosi-Enwesi and the late Andrew Enwesi. She plans to attend the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities.
Allison Badar attends Lumen Christi in St. Paul with her parents, Lauri and Tim Badar. She plans to attend Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas, to study for a BFA in dance.
Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. I was able to continue to dance at a high level with a professional ballet company, as well as keeping active in my school community.
that there is a need for people to talk about it and be more educated about it because some people are falsely informed about abortion.
What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults engaged in the life of the church? Encourage conversation. If there’s anything I’ve learned about faith in my life, it is that an active conversation with others about faith is a necessity to any relationship with God. Questioning and struggling are vital parts of our complex religious life. If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? I would love to have a conversation with Anne Frank. At an extremely young age, she was exposed to the cruelties of humanity yet remained a love-filled individual. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? Human trafficking. While I believe that the answer is not a simple one, the first steps are to educate men as well as women on this subject. What is your favorite quote? “Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections.” — St. Francis de Sales
Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. One thing I am proud of accomplishing in high school was having my artwork displayed in my school for the student body to see. Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school. The time that a friend of mine had passed away. Through his death, I witnessed my whole senior class come together as one to mourn the loss of someone we all loved. What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? We have so much pressure on us. There is pressure to get a part-time job, pressure to do well in school and get into a good college, pressure to hang out with friends, pressure to do so many things that it is very overwhelming. What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults engaged in the life of the church? If the Catholic Church wants to keep me and other young people more engaged, there have to be more
youth-oriented programs. If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? I would love to meet and talk to Bob Marley because he was such an inspirational man to his country. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? The problem that concerns me the most in the world is the depletion of the earth and its resources. The only way I see this problem being solved is if people are educated more on preserving the earth and people start taking into account the future generations. What is your favorite quote? “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” — Friedrich Nietzsche If you could go back in time five years, what advice would you give yourself? The advice I would give to myself would be to not take things so seriously, and learn to let things stay in the past and move on.
Graduation Katelyn Caron Academy of Holy Angels, Richfield Katelyn Caron attends St. Peter Catholic Church in Richfield with her parents, Jeff and Lisa Caron. She plans to attend St. Catherine University in St. Paul. What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school? I learned how to be myself, how to love myself, and how to trust in God’s plan. Moving into a high school class of almost 200 was a huge leap from my middle-school class of barely 40, especially when my best friend and I grew apart in the process. But when God closes one door, he always opens another. When it seemed that I was at a low and hurting the most, God led me toward a whole new group of people that love me for who I am and have taught me how to love the beautiful person that God created. Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. It is accomplishing goals. When I began high school, I set a goal of maintaining good grades. I will be graduating high school with 12
MAY 10, 2012 • THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT trimesters of being a Scholar of Distinction (having a GPA over 4.0). Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school. Soon after my confirmation, I had the unique opportunity to assist my youth leader in starting a peer ministry group. I helped to plan a Middle School Girls’ Night that emphasized lasting friendships. . . . I had the opportunity to work with younger girls and be a role model and mentor. What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? Youth and young adults want a solid role model that they can look up to. I can’t count the number of times my friends have told me that they are envious of the relationship that I have with my parents and especially my mom. When society is slowly reducing the role and influence of parents, that is when parents most need to become engaged and involved. We want our parents to take an interest and guide us through this stage in our lives. What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults engaged in the life of the church?
The best thing the Catholic Church can do is educate parents on how to best parent in the faith and encourage them to get their children in a faithbased environment — if not a school, a good faith formation program. . . . Faith starts in the home with parents that can discuss their faith with their children. If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? St. Cecilia’s life has been an inspiration to me through many struggles and frustrations. She faced every difficulty, including death, with peace that God’s plan would be done. Every time I have been frustrated with my situation or those around me, I would pray for the peace that she had and she would send me a song (at church, on the radio, or even at camp) that would somehow fit the situation and bring me comfort. She also changed the lives of every person that she came into contact with, including her husband. Because of her example, I have tried to be a witness for Christ. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? One of the biggest problems is the lack of respect for life and the
Michael Kostick
Thomas Sjoberg
Church of St. Paul, Ham Lake
St. Thomas Academy, Mendota Heights
Michael Kostick is a student of Padre Pio Homeschool. His parents are James and Paulette Kostick and he plans to attend Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Mich., to study mechanical engineering.
Thomas Sjoberg attends St. Thomas Becket in Eagan with his parents, Mike and Denise Sjoberg. He plans to attend the University of St. Thomas or the University of Minnesota, Duluth.
Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school. Throughout my high school spiritual journey, I had many powerful encounters with Christ. However, the most significant one has been serving at Mass. Being present at the altar has made me significantly more disposed to the graces Christ constantly pours out in the Eucharist. What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? Youth are searching for meaning. Today’s post-Christian society drains the true purpose and meaning out of almost every aspect of life. Suffering has no meaning; success has no purpose except self-gratification; and death is the end. Likewise, in today’s age of technology, there is a lack of silence. Many images blend together and become nothing but meaningless noise. This constant noise drowns out the truth about ourselves in our relationship with Christ and his church.
desensitization to violence that follows. . . . If we can get back to the respect that we once had for life and for the family, then much of the violence and evil that has gripped our society will dissipate. What is your favorite quote? “The Lord replied, ‘My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never, never leave you during your times of trial and suffering. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you.’” — Mary Stevenson
What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school? Be yourself.
What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school? Staying close to the sacraments is essential to the protection of faith. Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. One that stands out in my mind is educating and mobilizing young people during the 2010 elections.
What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults engaged in the life of the church? Catholic youth are hungry for the truth. The life-giving teachings of the Catholic Church should not be watered down. Our relationship to the church can be compared to a love story; the more we see of its beauty, the more in love we are with it. If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? It would be Pope Pius XII. I would ask for his blessing and console him that his work is saving hundreds of thousands of lives. The battle he fought is the same as the battle we are fighting today for religious freedom and the dignity of human life. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? Moral relativism. To begin to fix this problem and heal our culture, we must live our lives as Catholics and become the light in this dark time. What is your favorite quote? “Do not be so open-minded that your brains fall out.”
Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. I am proud to have accomplished scoring more than 1,000 points in my basketball career. What makes it even better is that my dad was there as my coach throughout the whole thing. Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school. The summer after my junior year, I was given the opportunity to travel with the archdiocese to the Diocese of Kitui, Kenya. I spent time with some of the most faithful and spiritual people I have ever met, including boys of my age. The time spent with such deeply devoted people changed who I am as a person and as a disciple of Christ. What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? I think one thing that the youth of today really struggle with is expressing their faith and especially talking about it with others. What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults engaged in the life of the church? Teenagers like to do things at their own pace, including finding the right relationship with God.
If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? John Wooden, coach of the great UCLA men’s basketball teams, has always inspired me because of the way his players respected him. He coached his players to be great on the court and successful leaders off it. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? The consumption of natural gas and other natural resources. I think the best way to solve this is to pursue technologies that work on secondary energy sources like wind and solar power. What is your favorite quote? “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." — John Wooden If you could go back in time five years, what advice would you give yourself? I would tell myself to be myself.
Heidi Schroden St. Henry, Monticello Heidi Schroden attends Monticello Senior High School. She is the daughter of Leo and Kay Schroden and plans to attend St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud. What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school? I learned to never give up on something that I’m passionate about and to never procrastinate. Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. I am very proud of my grade point average for my senior year. Maintaining a 4.0 is not something everyone can say they have done. Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school. When I was in 11th grade, I was a codirector of a confirmation retreat for 10th-graders, and we gave them surprise love letters from their families. I could really feel God’s love in the
room. Everyone was crying from the joy and love that they were feeling! It was the best experience I have felt and witnessed. What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? The challenges the youth face today would be trying to fit in. Keeping my faith going strong makes my life so much easier, and so many teens just let go of their faith so they feel like they can fit in more with others that don’t go to church. What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults engaged in the life of the church? Teens love opportunities when they can learn about stuff. I found that Bible studies with many different age groups were very fun. Another very fun thing I participated in was “Adopt a Grandparent.” I would visit with an elderly person, normally a new one every month. We would just chat about life and how our faith plays a role in our life and how important it is. I love engaging in conversations and learning more about people and life.
If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? For many Catholics, no one has influenced their lives more than Mary, the mother of Christ. I would love to have a conversation with her. I would want to learn everything I can about how it was for her to live with the situation she was put in. It would be so interesting to get advice from her on how to live my life in the most chaste ways. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? I believe that abortion should not be legalized. One way that everyone could help would be by just praying. We can also boycott places that support Planned Parenthood by not buying their products or services. Educate people about abortion. What is your favorite quote? “Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don’t. Believe everything happens for a
reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, God just promised it would be worth it.” — Glenn Hawkins If you could go back in time five years, what advice would you give yourself? Never give up, ask my parents for advice, not be afraid of what I believe in, and don’t let people manipulate you to do things that aren’t right. But most importantly, have fun!
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Graduation Vanessa Kathryn Voller DeLaSalle High School, Minneapolis Vanessa Voller attends St. Pascal Baylon in St. Paul with her parents, Tim Voller and Kate (Partington) Voller. She plans to attend Colorado College in Colorado Springs. What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school? The greatest lesson I have learned in high school is to be accepting of change and to let go of the life I thought I should have in order to live the life that I was meant to have. Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. I am very proud of the lifelong friendships and relationships I have built with my classmates, teachers and other faculty members within my high school. The gift of friendship is one of the most beautiful and powerful gifts one human can bestow on another, and I am grateful for the diverse friendships I have fostered at DeLaSalle.
MAY 10, 2012 • THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school. While volunteering in a small, rural community in Panama, I lived in some of the world’s most extreme poverty. However, amidst the poverty, I found an immense amount of joy and happiness in the simple lifestyle and was humbled by my host community’s strong sense of faith and gratitude despite the difficulties they faced. My last night in community, I was blessed by my fellow community members. I knew right then I had found my life's calling. What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? One of the major challenges youth and young adults are facing today is the discrimination against their voice. Far too often, youth and young adults are written off as too young, too naive or too inexperienced. “Youth” should not be viewed as a negative characteristic, but rather an opportunity for great energy and innovative ideas. What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults
Peter Mullen
Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school. Freshman year, I visited the Simpson Shelter, which showed me how blessed I am to have what I have, particularly a supportive family. What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? I think that parents should know that their support is truly appreciated. Although situations may be different, I know that unconditional love and support can really help a person. What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults engaged in the life of the church? I think that youth-orientated services would encourage more youth to be involved in the church. I think that as much youth involvement in the Mass
If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? I would like to meet my great grandmother LaVerne Madigan. She was a strong, independent young woman who exemplified the characteristics of selfless giving, perseverance and the spirit of adventure. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? Ignorance. Ignorance leads to violence, wars, injustices, poverty and creates many of the pressing problems (environmental issues, world hunger, economic crisis, etc.) facing our world. Education is the key to solving these problems. As one of the world’s leading nations, the United States must invest in education, in our youth and in our future. Education has the power to
transform people, to empower people and to create a sustainable, lasting impact on our world. What is your favorite quote? “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” — George Bernard Shaw If you could go back in time five years, what advice would you give yourself? I would tell my younger self to live in the moment, cherish the simple things in life and remember to laugh.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Paul
Peter Mullen attends St. John the Baptist in Excelsior with his parents, Kerry and Betsy Mullen. He plans to attend either Boston College or Colgate University.
Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. I am most proud of becoming an AP Scholar. I felt like this was a great representation of all the work I have done.
engaged in the life of the church? We (the youth) are not only the present, but also the future. In order to ensure the longevity of the Catholic Church, it is absolutely necessary that the church become more inclusive and progressive in their thinking and in their action.
Jacqleen Moran Cusick
Holy Family Catholic High School, Victoria
What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school? The greatest lesson I have learned is to not get caught up in the routine of school. You need to focus on each day individually and try to get the most out of each day.
Jacqleen Moran Cusick attends Park High School in Cottage Grove. She is the daughter of William and Rebecca Cusick and plans to attend Inver Hills Community College. What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school? Do your best and you will succeed! as possible and other things, such as homilies directed toward youth challenges, would engage the youth. If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? I would like to meet Martin Luther King Jr. because he was a great orator and I feel he preached a good message of equality. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? I think poverty and inequality around the world is one the of the most important issues. . . . It will take a lot of cooperation and unselfishness from many different groups of people. What is your favorite quote? “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” — Milton Berle If you could go back in time five years, what advice would you give yourself? Take the time to evaluate each day and decide if you were a better person as a result of it. If not, change how you acted for tomorrow.
Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. Completing my Teacher Cadet and Related Service Occupation Internship. Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school. Meeting teachers that have faith in me and have always been there for me. What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? Peer pressure and self-esteem. How difficult it is when facing the divorce of their parents. What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults engaged in the life of the church?
Offer volunteer work. Offer youth activities. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? People or young girls getting kidnapped or getting sold for money. Stay safe, travel in groups, and make safe choices. Don’t drink or take drugs. Have good friends What is your favorite quote? “The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work.” — Emile Zola If you could go back in time five years, what advice would you give yourself? Take advantage and be willing to study with your parents more often.
Congratulations Grads! Good luck in the future.
The Catholic Spirit
John Eilen
Miranda Eastham
St. Agnes, St. Paul
Providence Academy, Plymouth
John Eilen attends St. Agnes Church in St. Paul with his parents, Michael and Kathleen Eilen. He plans to attend St. Thomas Aquinas College in California.
Miranda Eastham attends St. Charles Borromeo in St. Anthony with her parents, Mark and Michelle Eastham. She plans to attend the University of Dallas in Irving, Texas.
What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school. The greatest lesson I have learned in high school is . . . to sacrifice oneself for God, the good of others and for his church. I feel like this is, for the most part, the essence of life. Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. One thing I am proud of is being selected to the 2011 Men’s All State Choir. It was a goal I never really thought I could reach. Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school. The most significant faith experience I had during high school was attending the boys’ vocations pilgrimage to Italy this past fall. We were able to go to Assisi, San Giovanni Rotondo and Rome. I was able to spend nine days with my closest friends, classmates and teachers, who were all growing together spiritually at the same time. What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? One thing I have noticed in the past couple of years is that there are certain evil things that are portrayed as cool, so kids take part in these things for the sole reason that they are cool, not because they are evil. . . . Adults can help young people by being a good influence. What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults engaged in the life of the church? The Catholic Church can encourage outside groups and events. One example would be the St. Agnes
Youth Group, which meets every Sunday evening. I feel it is important for some of the truths of the church and the examples of the saints to be reiterated while youth are spending time with friends and having some fun. . . . Another way is through sports. If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? St. Peter the Apostle. To have a conversation with someone who lived with, ate with, saw and heard Christ while he was on earth would be a priceless experience. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? The overall lack of charity in our society. It seems that people are taught to be materialistic and selfish at a young age. . . . These attitudes and habits would be remedied if people started to make use of one of the most important sacraments — confession. What is your favorite quote? “And man, who is a part of your creation, wishes to praise you, man who bears about within himself testimony to his sin and testimony that you resist the proud. Yet man, this part of your creation wishes to praise you. You arouse him to take joy in praising you, for you have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” — St. Augustine
What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school. You can handle more than you think. Never give up too quickly when the going gets rough and the schedule fills up. God will never give you more than you can handle. Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. I am proud of getting more involved in the pro-life movement and the fight to end abortion. It’s so easy not to know what is really going on in the world since the media loves to hide the truth. But knowing the truth and spreading the truth is part of our vocation as Christians. Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school. My theology courses have had the most impact on me throughout high school. I have learned how to live the Christian life, from prayer to morality to what goes on during the Mass. My faith has grown so much from the gradual exposure to the depths and beauties of our Catholic faith. What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? I think adults should know that there is a lot of hurt and pressure on the youth of today from many different sources. Technology has made it easier for businesses like the music industry or the movies or places like Planned Parenthood to target youth and exploit their most base desires by offering a product meant to stimulate or encourage the passions and
suppress reason. Adults should stay actively involved in countering these messages and communicating to the youth what they really want: the good, the true and the beautiful! What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults engaged in the life of the church? Spread the truth of the Gospel through media outlets used all the time, like YouTube and Facebook. Offer the message of hope and meaning found in the Catholic faith in ways that the youth will understand and encounter on their own. If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? I would love to have a conversation with the Blessed Virgin Mary because she was one of the most amazing human beings to walk this earth. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? The problem in the world that most concerns me is the continual disregard for the sanctity of all human life. I think this can be solved if we can establish the fact that there is a moral law recognized by all generations. What is your favorite quote? “While there is life, there is hope.” — Cicero
Colleges promote their Catholic nature in classroom studies, mission, etc. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1B Offering Catholic high school graduates a scholarship does not necessarily mean the college or university will attract all-Catholic students, as increasing numbers of students in those high schools are not Catholic, Sister Margaret said. Nor does checking “Catholic” on an application mean students readily practice their faith, she added. While the University of St. Thomas works with Catholic high schools, it accepts students of all backgrounds and doesn’t ask them to identify their religion on their application in order to the avoid the appearance of discrimination, said Marla Friederichs, associate vice president of admissions and financial aid at the university, which has more than 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students. After students are accepted, the school asks them about their faith and discusses aid and St. Thomas’ Catholic nature. “It is who we are,” she said. “We want to be very clear to students that we’re accepting of everybody, but we are a Catholic school and help them understand what that means.” Part of the University of St. Thomas’ Catholic identity is embodied in its Catholic Studies department. As stipulated by “Ex Corde Ecclesiae,” Catholic colleges and universities must require students to take some theology and religious studies courses, Sister Margaret said.
St. Catherine University asks but doesn’t require applicants to identify their religion because it helps the university know better how to serve the students, said Marlene Mohs, associate dean of admissions. The school, which has 5,000 traditional, adult and graduate students, recruits in many Catholic schools and communities but also in non-Catholic communities, which is part of the charism of St. Catherine’s founders, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. “Social justice is really a part of our mission,” she said. “We are looking to have a diverse student body here. Having said that, we specifically want to appeal to Catholic students and to have them here at St. Kate’s.” Catholic social justice is also an important part of the university’s Catholic identity, which attracts Catholic students — as do opportunities for mission trips, outreach into the community and liturgy, she said.
Making connections A mission trip experience that involved getting to know Notre Dame students last year drew Elle Newcome to the Notre Dame, Ind., university from among the eight Catholic colleges and universities she applied to for the fall. “While I realize that not all students at every Catholic college practice their faith, I am already connected with the faith community at Notre Dame and I know that in
seeking and looking for faith-filled friendships, I will find them there,” said Newcome, a senior at Convent of the Visitation School in Mendota Heights. St. Mary’s University hopes to draw more students to its Winona and Twin Cities campuses by promoting its identity based on the teaching of St. John Baptist de La Salle, founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, said Brandi DeFries, admissions director at the university, which has 6,000 undergraduate and graduate students. Presenting the value of a Lasallian education in the next year is the goal of the branding campaign that Lasallian secondary schools, colleges and universities in the United States and Canada are conducting, she said. “I think that’ll reach beyond to the whole Catholic community, to educate the uniqueness of what Lasallian education could provide to students in a quality education.” Making a faith connection — with scholarships, Catholic programs and even simply support to practice their faith — is selling students like Gross on a Catholic college education. “Part of what scared me about college was that so many people don’t share my views,” she said. “It’s not that I can’t handle that, but I hoped to foster my faith in college so when I graduate I feel more prepared to live my faith in the world.”
Fish fries and tree sales connect men’s group at Our Lady of Grace with Cristo Rey students By Jennifer Janikula For The Catholic Spirit
The relationship between the members of the Men’s Club at Our Lady of Grace in Edina and the students at Cristo Rey Jesuit High School in south Minneapolis transitioned from monetary transactions to personal connections, with the help of Lenten fish fries and Christmas tree sales. Since 2009, the OLG Men’s Club has offered financial support to Cristo Rey. Like most of the school’s benefactors, the OLG Men’s Club appreciates Cristo Rey’s mission to provide a private, college prep education for students from low-income families. After visiting the school and meeting the exceptional students, members of the Men’s Club realized they needed to contribute more than money — they needed to promote the school. They were inspired by the Cristo Rey model, which helps the students find a path to college against the odds. The odds, according to the 2012 report “Building a Grad Nation� released by John’s Hopkins University, indicate that 40 percent of minority students do not graduate from high school. At Cristo Rey, nearly 100 percent of the students graduate and continue on to college or the military. Men’s Club Trustee John McNeil, felt called to spread the word about all of the good work happening at Cristo Rey. “It’s my job to make people aware and expose them to the work that Cristo Rey is doing, then the Holy Spirit does the rest,� said McNeil. “For most people, once they hear about the school and its mission, they want to help.�
A profitable exchange McNeil encouraged the Men’s Club to bring the Cristo Rey story to the people of the parish by inviting the students into the community to work at the annual Lenten fish fry. The students served food, bussed tables and interacted with parishioners. Father Timothy Manatt, president of Cristo Rey, said that the face-to-face interactions were affirming. “The students realize that people are genuinely interested in them and their future,� he said. “They begin to be-
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Photo courtesy of Jane Boardman
Students Maguie Najera, Julio Tepozteco-Dominguez, and Kevin Sanudo-Dominguez from Cristo Rey Jesuit High School serve meals at the Our Lady of Grace Fish Fry on March 23.
lieve in their life’s possibility and realize that the world is bigger than their neighborhood.� In December, Cristo Rey basketball players helped the OLG Men’s Club with the heavy lifting at the Christmas tree lot. The Men’s Club is one of the sponsors of the basketball team, so the students donated their labor as a way to show their gratitude. Brandon Williams, Cristo Rey freshman and power forward for the basketball team, worked at the tree lot. He helped customers lift and tie down their trees. He didn’t mind the work because he understands the connection between the Men’s Club and his team. “It’s nice to know that someone has your back,� said Williams, “We have funding for a trip to play in a Chicago tournament, we have uniforms and we have the support of the Men’s Club.� The members of the OLG Men’s Club enjoy working directly with the Cristo Rey students. Past Men’s Club president David Liebl said, “We get to meet these terrific kids and it reminds us to keep our support going.� The support continues as both Our Lady
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of Grace and Cristo Rey benefit from the promising partnership. OLG parishioners volunteer as tutors, mentors and guidance counselors. They employ students in their companies, and even serve on the Cristo Rey board of directors. The Cristo Rey students continue to volunteer as greeters and servers at annual fundraisers. Like many of Cristo Rey’s partners, the people of Our Lady of Grace value Catholic, college prep education and don’t want tuition to limit who has the opportunity to attend. Father Manatt said that, as Catholics, “we are directed to have a faith that contributes to acts of justice in the world. Cristo Rey is an educational ministry. People are committed to the school as a viable and successful expression of social justice.�
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Rachel Beck
Jack McGinn
Totino-Grace High School, Fridley
Benilde-St. Margaret’s High School, St. Louis Park
Rachel Beck attends St. John the Baptist in New Brighton with her parents, Michael Beck and Rae Ann Williams. She plans to attend the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul.
Jack McGinn attends St. John’s Episcopal Church with his parents, Ann and Andrew McGinn. He plans to attend Yale University in New Haven, Conn.
What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school? Service allowed me to give of myself to others and expect nothing in return. I gained the pleasure of knowing I was able to make someone’s day a little bit brighter.
What is the greatest lesson you learned in high school? To live in the moment and focus on the process instead of the outcome.
Describe the most significant faith experience you have had during high school. Sponsoring my younger sister in her confirmation opened my eyes to the impact I can have on another’s faith. What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? As much as we need to grow up and become independent, doing so is a process. Young adults need the guidance and leadership of adults. What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults engaged in the life of the church? Continue to create communities for young adults to learn and grow in their faith together like youth groups that keep young adults connected to the Catholic Church and its members.
If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be and why? Rosemary Kennedy. She was a remarkable woman of character and faith who saw and acted on the value of education. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? I am most concerned by the frailty of many families. Technology and the busyness of life has the potential to disconnect people. We can solve the problem by returning to the simplicity of each other’s company. What is your favorite quote? “The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” — Nelson Henderson
Name one thing you are proud of accomplishing in high school. I have been able to play two varsity sports at BSM, swimming and baseball. I have learned a lot from these sports and they have introduced me to some of my best friends. What would you like adults to know about the challenges youth and young adults face today? Adolescents face many stressors as they develop and work on planning their future. It is helpful to have adults who can help a youth or young adult process their experiences. What can the Catholic Church do to keep you and other young adults engaged in the life of the church? Just as we read the Bible with the context of our modern world, we must view church teaching the same way. If you could have a conversation with a historical figure, who would it be
and why? I would have a conversation with one of our Founding Fathers, like George Washington, because in politics it is very common to talk about what these men envisioned our country to be and whether we are living up to that. What problem in the world most concerns you? How do you think it can be solved? Homelessness. I think that this problem can be solved by promoting affordable housing efforts and improving support for the poor so that people do not need to become homeless. What is your favorite quote? “Where else would you rather be than right here, right now.” — Marv Levy
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Congratulations Congr atulations Classs of of 2012! The T The Totino-Grace otino-Grace Class Class o off 2012 has has,, fo for or tthe he p past ast fo four ur years, years, lived lived o out ut o our ur L Lasallian asalllian m mission ission b by yb balancing alancing academic academic ac achievement hievement wi with ith fait faith, h, sservice, ervice, lead leadership ership and community. community. Totino-Grace T otino-Grace is p proud roud o off o our ur sstudents’ tudents’ ac accomplishments complishmen nts and confident confident they they are are prepared prep e ared for for what lies ahead. ahead. M Most ost im importantly, portantly y, tthey hey have haave accomplished accomplished tthis his while tthey hey grew grew deeper deeper in their their faith. faith.