The Catholic Spirit - August 9, 2018

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August 9, 2018 • Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis

Faith Hope in heartache

& work: Honoring the 2018 Leading With Faith Award winners — Pages 16-23

After their children were hit by a man fleeing police in a car chase, a Minneapolis family is relying on faith and friends from St. Bridget as they try to heal. — Pages 14-15

Stranded in Haiti Riots related to a fuel-price spike in Haiti force a mission trip to extend its stay. — Page 5

Deconsecrated churches What happens to church buildings when they go from sacred to secular use? — Page 6


‘The Jacked Priest’ Father Floeder explains how weight-lifting has pumped up evangelization opportunities. — Page 8

Death penalty doctrine Pope Francis revises Catechism to say capital punishment “inadmissible” because it attacks human dignity. — Page 10

After Archbishop McCarrick As U.S. Church reels from allegations against disgraced prelate, USCCB president addresses bishops’ accountability. — Page 12


Hope LaDuke lives on the streets of south Minneapolis after becoming homeless in February. The 31-year-old is six months pregnant and unable to afford housing. She sleeps on a stretch of grass that runs along Hiawatha Avenue, joining other homeless people who have pitched tents.

Housing gap to remain a key poverty factor past 2020 By Matthew Davis The Catholic Spirit


ope LaDuke stood in the wind near a concrete sound barrier along Hiawatha Avenue in south Minneapolis Aug. 1. All of her belongings were stacked under a plastic tarp that measured roughly 5 feet square, and she pulled out a blanket that she would sleep under that night. Homeless since February, the 31-yearold Native American woman sleeps in a makeshift shelter against the barrier, with a handful of other tents set up on either side, not far from Holy Rosary church. Six months pregnant and with a 1-year-old daughter in foster care, she’s not sure when her homelessness will end. “Some of us have no choice,” said LaDuke, saying a death in the family, plus bills exceeding her means, put her on the

streets. “There can be various reasons why bills couldn’t get paid. … Overall, it’s a tough period for some of us, and a lot of us can’t afford it. “They say, ‘Save it for a rainy day.’ Well, sometimes for us, it rains every day.” Activists, experts and legislators believe that permanent housing is a key factor for helping people like LaDuke, as the state nears the deadline for a lofty goal created by a 2009 Minnesota State Legislature commission: to end poverty by 2020. Jason Adkins, executive director of the Minnesota Catholic Conference, said that poverty in Minnesota must be addressed by “the two feet of charity and justice” as Catholic social teaching describes. He explained that Catholic citizens need to encourage elected officials to enact laws that aid the poor, and Catholics have a

responsibility to serve the poor directly, too. The Joint Religious Legislative Coalition, sponsored by the Minnesota Catholic Conference and other religious public interest groups, released a report in March evaluating the progress of the 2009 legislative commission’s goals. JRLC Executive Director Anne Krisnik said it provides an overview of how the poverty landscape has improved, and the considerable work that remains. In 2009, the bipartisan Commission to End Poverty in Minnesota by 2020 identified three benchmarks in addressing poverty in Minnesota: “reducing poverty rates among racial minority groups to the national average by 2012, reducing poverty rates among children by half by 2014, and eliminating poverty by 2020.” PLEASE TURN TO POVERTY ON PAGE 7

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