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Easier navigation, flexibility enliven TCS website
By Joe Ruff The Catholic Spirit
The Catholic Spirit’s website and social media coordinator, Michael Pytleski, spent nearly two years — amid breaking news, special projects and COVID-19 adjustments to the workplace — re-imagining The Catholic Spirit website. The result has arrived. To see it, visit thecatholicspirit com Pytleski sat down with Editor-in-Chief Joe Ruff to discuss some of the benefits of the new site.
Q Michael, how will changes to the website improve the experience for readers?
A The website displays in a much more friendly way on phones and tablets. It is easier to navigate. All the content is readily available from the homepage. The stories are organized in a clearer fashion, with an emphasis on the beautiful and compelling photos we’ve always had. Readability is improved with intentional use of white space and eye-pleasing fonts.
Q What did you have to do to make this happen?
A It was really a matter of putting a new face on the website. We wanted to preserve the content we had and the same type of content we will have going forward, but present it in a more friendly, fresh way. Something that meets the expectations of today’s online newspaper reader. The template used is very flexible and we will be able to keep up with new trends in the online publishing world so that we can continually meet those expectations.
Michael Pytleski, website and social media coordinator at The Catholic Spirit, puts final touches on the newspaper’s improved website, TheCaTholiCSpiriT Com