The Catholic Spirit - May 2, 2019

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May 2, 2019 • Newspaper of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis

Courageous witness Victim of clergy sexual abuse, his mother tell their stories as way to help others. — Pages 10-11

Use caution Warnings issued against online con artists posing as pastors and stealing gift cards in internet scam. — Page 5

Looking ahead New president of Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women hopes to expand organization’s diversity. — Page 6

Leadership team Benedictine sisters’ discernment process forges way forward with new prioress, leaning on gifts of each sister. — Page 7


Dispelling the darkness The Easter Vigil begins with a roaring fire at St. Alphonsus in Brooklyn Center — and at Catholic churches throughout the world — as the season of Lent gives way to Easter. The flames signify the journey from Good Friday to Easter Sunday, as the priest reads a prayer from the Roman Missal and lights the paschal candle: “May the light of Christ rising in glory dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds.” In the background, Father Don Willard, center, pastor of St. Alphonsus, prepares to light the paschal candle, held by Father Thanh Nguyen, who also serves at St. Alphonsus. Both priests are Redemptorists. For more photos of the Easter Vigil at St. Alphonsus, which included 36 baptisms, see Page 20.

Sacred spaces Vestments old and new; fire at Paris cathedral; meaning found in church objects; St. Thomas breaks ground on chapel expansion and renovation. — Pages 12-15

St. Mark’s Catholic School restructuring St. Paul school closing K-8, but preschool to remain open By Maria Wiering The Catholic Spirit


t. Mark’s Catholic School in St. Paul is restructuring due to a sharp decline in kindergarten-to-grade-eight enrollment and rising costs, its leaders announced April 26. The school will not reopen to students in kindergarten and grades one through eight in the fall. Its preschool, which has been growing, will remain open. “Over the past several months, the parish and school leadership at St. Mark’s Catholic Church have had to take a hard look at our budget,” Father Humberto Palomino, St. Mark’s pastor, said in a statement. “Because of decreasing enrollment and increasing costs, we have determined that significant budget reductions at the school are necessary.” The school will eliminate 17 positions at the end of the school year, which will force the school to close its kindergarten to eighth grades, he said. “Instead, our focus will be on our growing and thriving preschool classes,” he said. Parish and school leadership also notified teachers and staff, students’ parents and parishioners April 26. According to data provided by the school, 32 students were enrolled for the 2019-2020 academic year. Since 1998, when there were 425 students, the school’s enrollment has decreased


St. Mark’s Catholic School in St. Paul will close its kindergarten through grade eight classrooms next academic year, school leaders announced April 26. Its preschool will remain open. in most years. In 2013, there were 222 students; in 2016, there were 172; and in 2018, there were 139. In the current academic year, there are 90. PLEASE TURN TO ST. MARK ON PAGE 7

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