Our Winter edition gathers all the dandies, vamps, saints and sinners together under one glorious red-liveried cover. We meet Zack Pinsent, costume clothier and host of the Grand Regency Ball at Brighton’s Royal Pavilion, and Sergeant Tim Garner, who single-handedly upgraded the off-parade clothing of the Band of the Scots Guards. A Brief History of Fortean Times charts the emergence of ‘the world’s weirdest magazine’ from the mind of Charles Fort in the early 20th century. The character of Leslie Charteris is seen to be every bit as debonair as his creation The Saint, while the immaculately attired guests at this year’s Grand Silver Jubilee Ball are captured in all their vintage finery. We also meet the man who clothed both Tom Ripley and Oscar Wilde in Ripley and The Happy Prince, and the men who clothed Elvis Presley, as well as the Sicilian tailor who dressed Rossano Brazzi. The Hollywood vamp, from Theda Bara to Helena Bonham Carter, is celebrated, along with her fictional incarnations Irma Vep, Morticia