Cover is a graphic illustration by Luanni Ford.
Luanni Ford
Lola Pinneo
Raneen AlRammahi and Anjali Sanil
Maddy Hiser
Nidhi Kuchulakanti and Ashley Park
Emma Mertz
Michelle Baik
Ainsley Giorio
Matthew Grabowski
Ria Gupta
Vanisa Kumar
Hannah Lee
October Marquez
Urvi Patil
Ellen Seo
Abby Werenka
Morgan Clark
The Chariot is a student-produced news publication that publishes information relevant to the times as well as material that is essential to the overall well-being of its readers. It is The Chariot’s responsibility to cover school, city, state, national and international events and issues that affect the concerns of the campus, its students and its readers.
The Chariot operates as a designated public forum for student expression. The Editorial Board, consisting of student editors, is the sole decision-making and policy-setting body of The Chariot and has final say over all content decisions.
Opinions expressed in letters to the editors represent those of the author. Letters to the editors should be typed, double-spaced and must include the author’s name, signature and class or position. Names of individuals may be withheld upon request, pending a vote of the Editorial Board. Letters may be submitted via email at All letters are subject to review by the Editorial Board. Letters will not be edited except to fix space limitations. Should the Editorial Board deem a letter to be potentially libelous or containing content inappropriate for publication, it will be returned to the author with an opportunity for corrections. The Editorial Board is solely responsible for these decisions.
The Chariot’s purpose is to be the voice of the school. Its purpose is to shed light on groups and people that are not often discussed while bringing news that is important to the community.
Senior Spotify Playlist
Maddy Hiser//Social Media Editor & Emma Mertz//Source Editor22 Taylor Swift
As It Was
Harry Styles
Up All Night
One Direction
Heat Waves
Glass Animals
Never Gonna Give You Up
Rick Astley
Livin On A Prayer
Bon Jovi
Car Seat Headrest
Another One Bites The Dust
Crocodile Rock
Elton John
One Last Time
Ariana Grande
Galway Girl
Ed Sheeran
Coming Home
Iron Maiden
Smells Like Teen Spirit
She Will Be Loved
Maroon 5
Your Existence
Come Sail Away
Washing Machine Heart
Sunflower Vol.6
Harry Styles
Buddy Holly
Rotten To The Core
Dove Cameron
Senior Editor Farewells
The Chariot’s Seniors Say Goodbye
Luanni Ford
I originally joined The Gladiator [our school’s yearbook] and didn’t like it too much. I didn’t have many friends and my editors were mean. So, I switched into the newspaper in the new semester. I had so much more creative freedom and discovered my love for graphic design. I’ll remember The Chariot fondly, I’ve met some of my best friends through this class. I’d like to thank the E-Board and the staff reporters that make up the blood, sweat, and tears of The Chariot. None of my job would be possible without any of you guys. I’d also like to thank Ms. Clark, she is the whole reason I stayed sane throughout this year. And thank you readers, if you ever took the time to flip through the newspaper, thank you you made the whole process worth it.
Lola Pinneo
Print Editor
During my freshman year, my English teacher suggested I should join the newspaper, and I didn’t know how to say no. She left the next year, but that did not stop me from growing to love the class. I learned a sense of community where I grew to gain a love for journalism. I never enjoyed writing but I developed a passion for it. I was lucky to have amazing teachers Ms. Clark & Ms. Carroll, they have supported our wild ideas and made them come to life. I was lucky to have a class full of people that I consider some of my best friends. I hope that the newspaper will continue to thrive in the coming years. Looking back on my time in the newspaper I am sad to leave, but happy to have all the memories that I have gained. This class has taught me many skills that will help me continue to be successful in the future. I hope that the Chariot continues to do what it did for me for many more students to come.
Statistics from Our Nine Lives at Troy High
The results of the 2022 Troy High senior survey.
Anjali Sanil & Raneen AlRammahi // Graphics Editors79% of seniors have gone to a school dance.
54% of seniors have had their first kiss.
12% of seniors wish they went to Athens.
45% of seniors have had COVID.
66% of seniors have cheated on a test.
37% of seniors have read The Chariot.
59% of seniors have pooped in the school bathroom.
62% of seniors have played a sport at Troy High.
91% of seniors have made a new friend this year.
49% of seniors have had a significant other.
57% of seniors have skipped class.
87% of seniors have participated in a spirit week.
33% of seniors have vaped.
83% of seniors fell asleep during a Zoom class last year.
26% of seniors have kissed Canela.
13% of seniors lied on this survey.
Selecting Schools
Troy High seniors share their motivations for selecting their future universities
Matthew Grabowski // Staff ReporterRoham Hadidchi
Southeastern University, Florida
They have a 7 year program that combines 3 years of undergraduate and 4 years of medical college with a seat reserved at their osteopathic medical school.
Adriyel Hawkins LIM College, NYC
“My best friend went to college in NY and was having the time of her life in college, she went for acting following her dreams. Prior to hearing her story I wasn’t going to go but now I’m going for fashion business. This college in particular, Beyoncé’s stylist is an alumni. Reason enough for me.”
Alex Matthews
Penn State University, Pennsylvania
It offers a dual degree program that will allow me to get my medical degree from a different medical college after my undergrad without further applications.
Zach Sadd
Michigan State University, Michigan
Great undergraduate program for my major and accepted into a small community that allows every to work with each other in Lyman Briggs.
Shaelyn Ronzi
Michigan State University, Michigan
I’ve always dreamed of going to MSU, the location is far enough but close enough to home and the surrounding location to campus is perfect!
Unique Paths and Plans
Troy High seniors blaze their own paths.
Michelle Baik // Staff Reporter
Jeongwoo JangMichigan State University
Required to go into the South Korean military
Sandy KhalilOakland Community College
Intends to potentially join the FBI
Julie Anowi -
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Will attend art school next year
Kali GlaubOakland University
Intends to potentially become a military nurse.
Sarah DelphiaCollege for Creative Studies
Will attend art school next year
Walter HutchesonOakland Community College
Intends to potentially become a dance choreographer
Max WeallansUniversity of North Dakota
Intends to potentially become an air force pilot.
Teacher’s Life Advice
Troy High teachers bestow their best college, career, and life advice
“College is like looking both ways before you cross the street and then getting hit by an airplane. But don’t give up, you will adjust.”
“Make an effort to meet new peoplejoin clubs, get involved!”
“Always take advantage of the free activities that your campus offers (concerts, clubs, etc) and use them as a way to have fun and meet new people. It is ok to take a break from your studies once in a while!”
“Don’t forget your dentist appointments.”
“‘Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.’
-Julia Child.”
“Don’t take yourself so seriously! :)”
“Wash your laundry on cold.”
-Wise Teacher
“Show up, engage, work hard, be kinder than necessary, leave your door open, say hello to everyone, make new friends...and call your mom once in a while!”
“Your clothing can dictate your mood - dress for the occasion.”
“Don’t burn microwave popcorn in your dorm microwave. Everyone will hate you and the smell will stay for days.”
“Call home every week. Seriously. Check in with your parents.”
-Wise Teacher
“You’ll think you’ll be able to handle 8:00 a.m. classes, but the truth is that even 9:00 a.m.’s will be too early...”
“Invest in more than one Apple charger. You won’t be able to borrow them from your professors.”
-Wise Teacher
Where Are We Going?
Anjali Sanil // Graphics EditorDear Seniors,
Dear Senior Class of 2022,
Since you stepped foot in my classroom, and Troy High for that fact, you truly have made your presence known. From 9th grade World History, 10th grade English, and now 12th grade English so many of my favorite classroom memories are because of your class. I truly have enjoyed watching you grow over the last four years and can’t wait to see all you accomplish in this next chapter.
Remember to enjoy all the little moments. Appreciating all the little things and all the little moments in life means focusing on what brings us joy and happiness. It means practicing gratitude for those everyday moments that are so easy to take for granted or forget. Because those little things are the things we often end up cherishing the most.
So …
Cherish the moments. Live boldly. Be present. Lean into the challenges. Speak up. Laugh daily. Read a book once in awhile. Be yourself. Travel often. Surround yourself with good people. Achieve greatness. Manifest that -ish. Imagine the unbelievable. Spread kindness. Call your parents. Appreciate the small things. Meet new people. Just be. Cherish the moments. Wishing you nothing but the best.
-Ms.CiolekDear Senior Class, You are an amazing group of kids who do amazing things. I hope that you will take the lessons you have learned through the ups and downs of your past few years and use them to make you stronger. Always keep in touch!
-Mrs. ZedanTo Our Amazing Seniors, You did it! Congratulations and welcome to the world of adulting. You certainly have been through a high school experience most haven’t been through, so the utmost respect to you for being resilient. I was fortunate enough to have many of you as freshmen and it has been such an honor to watch you all grow up into the wonderful people you are today. I said early on that your class was special, meaning, you were always such a kind, respectful and personable group of people. I have no doubt that you will each be successful in a way that suits you. Remember, there is a whole world out there and you have the ability to be whoever you want to be. Thank you for letting me be your school mom (you know who you are) and for letting me be your teacher. Thank you for contributing to my happiness. I’m going to miss you all. Congratulations Class of 2022!!!!
Much Love, Mrs. Wald
Hey seniors!
Dear Seniors, I have such fond memories of those of you I’ve come to know so well. It’s true that time does indeed go by so quickly. Your growth inspires me. Your passion inspires me. Your motivation inspires me. You all inspire me. Keep inspiring yourselves and the world.
-Ms. FosterDear Class of 2022,
As you embark on your next adventures, remember that despite what society thinks, you do not have to have your entire life figured out at this age! It is okay to admit that you are wrong, to mess up, and to change your mind. Even the most successful individuals fall or stumble sometimes but learning how to get back up and move forward is the lesson of resilience! This is your time to expand your boundaries, make mistakes and learn from them, and realize your dreams! Take each day one step at a time and enjoy the journey towards your destinations. When the going gets tough, it is important to remember that there may have been others that experience similar struggles and you do not have to tackle the bad times alone. Reach out for help, check in with your friends and family, and give that same support to someone in need. Lastly, success is not defined simply by achievements, and there is value in character and how you treat people. My hope is that you encourage each other and extend empathy towards others, and remember to spread kindness along the way. Go Colts!!
-Mr. LeTo My Dear Chinese Students:
Congrats!!! You did it!!!! Enjoy wherever life takes you! Remember to always be true to yourself!
-Rosie -Ms. ChangI hope our crazy experiences these past few years have taught you how precious some things we used to take for granted truly are - being together, attending school in person, being healthy!
You know how much I have enjoyed our year together and I hope, more than anything, that you are leaving here a kinder, smarter, more discerning person than you were when you set foot in Room 205 back in August.
Be curious. Be present. Be passionate. The world needs you!
As our class hero, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie advises, “If you don’t understand, ask questions. If you’re uncomfortable about asking questions, say you are uncomfortable about asking questions and then ask anyway.” There are so many intelligent people in this world. It’s the ones who act with curiosity and courage, with dignity and integrity, who truly make change.
Don’t forget that the little choices you make each day say more about you than any list of accomplishments ever could!
Please keep in touch! I’ll miss you so much!
Congratulations, Class of 2022! Your resilience and strength in mitigating these difficult COVID years is admirable and will carry you far in your life. Continue to persevere, with strength and determination. Wishing all of you the very best in your years to come!
Peace, Love, Colts!
-Ms. AllgeierDear Class of 2022,
Dear 12 AP class of 2022,
At the beginning of the year I said this would go by fast...did it? ☺ I hope you think of Didi from WFG as you think of me starting a new year this fall with the next batch of seniors! I hope you had a fun ride through the Oedipus debate, Othello performances, COMPLEXITY, and maybe you even got the elusive sophistication point. I have really enjoyed being with you live in person! And no matter what your next school year looks like, I want to assure you with a quote from Rilke “have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to have love for the questions themselves…Live the questions for now”. We don’t know what the future holds for any of us. And that’s ok. As Joseph Campbell said “we have not even to risk the adventure alone for the heroes of all time have gone before us…and where we thought to be alone, we will be with all the world”. I hope that literature can provide you solace and a light for your path. Congratulations!
-Mrs. FeldkampI can’t believe what a ride it’s been. You made it! And, as I’ve told many of you, now is when the options for success change and multiply. On your next adventures you will find that there are so many ways to find success and happiness, never stop searching for a path that works for you. Try something new every once in a while, and never forget the friendships you’ve made here at Troy High. You will always be a colt! Keep in touch and come back to visit me anytime.
Take care, Mrs. Chin
xoxo Mrs. FDear
of 2022, CONGRATULATIONS! You did it!
It has been an honor to share my classroom with you for the past nine months. I will truly miss your kind, hilarious, sassy selves.
Thank you for making me laugh every single day and never failing to impres me (sometimes with your classwork, sometimes with your sense of humor, sometimes with your ability to fall asleep anywhere).
I will genuinely miss this class next year and am sending you off with all of my warmest well-wishes. Remember who you are and what drives you. Be relentlessly kind. Know that you are brilliant, you are capable, and the world needs you. It has been a privilege being your teacher
Much love, Ms. Clark
-Mrs. Kesto (Nafso)Madam President
Sarayu Bethamcheria explains how student government has improved her high school experience.
Ainsley Giorio// Staff Reporter
Four years of high school, four years meant to prepare you for your future. High school is a time full of self discovery where many begin to realize what’s important to them: finding out what they want to do with their lives, their passions, and developing skills that will help them forever.
Sarayu Bethamcheria is an incredible example of someone who has proactively built herself up through high school to be successful in her future.
Sarayu is Troy High’s Student Government president. When asked about her high school experience, Sarayu said,
“I’m really grateful for the experiences and the people that I’ve been privileged enough to meet and work with through the course of my high school career,” Bethamcheria said. “Student Government has played a big role in shaping who I am and helping me figure out what I want to do with my life. I’ve always known ser-
vice was something I wanted to pursue in a future career, so I’m glad I was able to have the building blocks here in high school. It set me on a good path for the rest of my life.”
Sarayu has accomplished far more than just being Troy High’s Student Government president. Through her accomplishments Sarayu has not only defined herself, but helped build up our community. As young people continue to push boundaries and make advancements in society we see our generation beginning to be defined.
When asked what accomplishments she was most proud of, Sarayu said,
“I’m proud of serving as the board delegate president for MASC/MAHS: The Michigan Associations of Student Councils and Honor Societies.” Bethamcheria said. “I served as the statewide student council president, I’ve gotten to work with student councils across the state, I’ve gotten to
host regional and statewide conferences for student leaders. It’s been a super fulfilling and meaningful experience to me to get to connect with so many people and write my own curriculum and design activity sets. Really just working to further what student leadership means in our state.”
Sarayu is planning the next step in her journey taking her high school experiences with her to Columbia University. She is planning to study policy and human rights, and eventually go to law school. Setting her up to be a civil and human rights attorney.
Joining Student Government and becoming an incredibly involved member, has helped Sarayu outline a clear path for her future.
Chasing the Spotlight
Senior Alexis Gearty and her passion for the stage.
Hannah Lee // Staff Reporter
Alexis Gearty. A name that is famous at Troy High for her dedicated involvement in theatre. She has starred in many roles including Donna from Mamma Mia and Lizzie from Pride and Prejudice.
From the start of her high school career, she has made her mark by earning the lead role as Belle in the 2019 school musical, Beauty and the Beast. Her talent has made her stand out from the beginning and she has been committed to this form of art. She also plans to attend Siena Heights University, located in Adrian, Michigan, to study music theatre
and education to further extend her passions.
However, Gearty didn’t always have a passion for theatre. Her theatre career started off when she was “forced” to audition for her sixth grade musical and immediately fell in love with all the different components to making a successful show.
Marc Vickers, the Troy High theater director, said “She was singing at a performance level”.
She has continued to set the bar of Troy High theatre to new levels with her talent as a performer. Even with
her extraordinary talent, she has never stopped encouraging others to have ambitious goals. Her all-rounder talents can seem intimidating, but she also never fails to push others to their limits. Throughout her time at Troy High, she has helped to create a positive community for theatre. Her involvements and commitment to the program will be a definite legacy of Troy High. To the rest of the generations that will come through this program,Gearty will be the most notable so far.
Anonymous Confessions
Troy High seniors reveal their secrets.
“One time I was deadlifting and I farted on 2 girls behind me because I had too much pre”
“I secretly live in the walls of Troy High”
“I once overflowed the toilets on the third floor”
“I did not pay for a parking pass this year and never got a ticket”
“I was suspended for a meme”
“I am peanut butter feet”
“I’ve exaggerated about being sick to leave school early multiple times”
“I was the one who took the photo of the peanut butter feet, I know who it was”
“I skipped class in the girls locker room”
“I’ve always wanted to be cool and mysterious but I think most people think I’m annoying. Oh well. High school isn’t everything”
“I ran the @thsgossipgirl page ;)”
“I intentionally park sideways so none of you park next to or behind me”
“I left in the middle of school time and went to Starbucks”
“I’m the one that punched the paper towel dispenser off the wall”
“When it was snowing out me and a couple friends went outside during 5th hour and had a snowball fight and set someone’s car alarm off”
“I’m secretly in love with AyMateo”
“I peed my pants on the way to the bathroom after school because so many of them were locked.”
“I faked scanning the QR bathroom scanner”
“I was the creator of the Family Guy Roleplay Club”
“There are actually more baddies at this school than I expected. My god.”
“I used to do donuts in the parking lot”
“I fell asleep in my English class. Despite all my mental resolve and fortitude, as I was reading “The Purple Hibiscus,” I could take no more. I leaned my head over 9 degrees more than usual and fell into a deep sleep. I woke up at the end of the hour in the same position and put my book away. No one noticed I went to sleep due to my hair covering my face conveniently. O, the guilt! O, the shame! Ay me, this secret will be taken to the grave”
“I put up a “questionable” anime sticker outside of the cafeteria. My boyfriend and friend put up one as well because why not lol”
“I bought the stickers”
“I cheat on almost every math test”
All is Fair in Love and Water
Class of 2022 goes out with a splash.
Ria Gupta / / StaffReporter
The first Instagram post signalling the start of Water Wars was posted on April 7, 2022 on @thswaterwars22. The actual fighting itself didn’t start until after school on Friday, May 6th. The first elimination was documented by video as Osman Hameed from the team ‘Wat-er You Doing Step Bro’ was eliminated by Aditya Shankar of ‘Squirtle Squad.’ The person running the account was identified at a later date as Senior RJ Brar after a slight controversy over how the games were being run.
In a statement by Brar, he shared: “Everyone wants something different and it’s so annoying… Changes [were] needed, but everything is mostly the same,” Brar remarked. “I went off the rules from previous years.”
The revised rules of the game are as follows: instead
of junior judges, three senior judges were chosen, Alex Duda, Tarik Campara and Ali Shitari. These judges are the current holders of the Water Wars Instagram account.
Teams are composed of five to seven students; the last date to register being April 29th.
School events and grounds are completely off limits, including places of business after many altercations with local police officers in previous years.
Before the rule surrounding the campus was made a couple years ago, 12 English Teacher Jacqueline Ciolek recollects moments where “Kids would be hiding out in a room, trying to make a plan of how to get out of school. Or, literally sprinting from practice because spring sports were in full effect.”
Although the games have been running smoothly so far, the official Water Wars account
posted a meme on their Instagram story on May 9, detailing a man conflicted over pressing two buttons, each labelled ‘Actually Read The Rules’ and ‘Claim the Judges are Bias[ed]’. The account went on to share another meme hinting at angered seniors sending the judges death threats after decisions are made.
Former Banker and Senior Shaelyn Ronzi spoke about a related instance regarding the senior group chat: “Everything that went down in the senior group chat was really upsetting. It definitely took a toll on me,” Ronzi said. “It almost felt like everyone was attacking me.” The controversy Ronzi spoke of would be the tipping point leading to Brar’s identity being revealed. It would also lead to the banker being named as Senior Ewen Bruneteau with the new change of rules.
But, Ronzi notes, “I’m still looking forward to having fun with the girls I’m on a team with.” Laughing, Ronzi admits the team’s name to be ‘Pump and Dump.’ She would end up taking RJ Brar out of the game with her friend, Alexis Kapallani, as pictured on the official account on May 8.
Ciolek remarks on the culture of the games: “I think it’s a little funny watching kids’ competitive nature come out,” Ciolek said. “I just think it’s really interesting watching the teams, because with the super competitive kids it’s like of course. But then it’s the quiet kids being really sneaky and elaborate that gets you. It’s just cool when it brings everyone together one last time as a class.”
Regardless of the controversies, numerous pictures of eliminated seniors show smiles and video takedowns of one another. Students can continue to view the progression of the games on @thswaterwars22 on Instagram until the games end on June 9, 2022.
That Next Step
A look at a few of the many student athletes that are continuing their athletic career in college. Luanni
Ford //Website Editor-in-Chief
Seven percent of highschool student athletes go on to play college sports. It’s a dream for many student athletes across the United States. At Troy High, we have quite a few students that put in the effort and dedication to get signed at a mix of different Universities.
Senior Maya Carter, who is committed to play NCAA [National Collegiate Athletic Association] Division I Soccer at the University of Virginia. When asked about why and when she started playing soccer, she said that it was a way for her to get connected with her community.
“I play soccer.” Carter said. [I’ve played for] 13 years. It was just something I could do to get connected with the community. I started playing at the community center, and I [still] play with [some of] my kindergartener classmates [today].
Carter also talked about her
recruitment process and how she picked a school.
“It was long, [the recruit-
Once June 15 of [my] junior year, I started talking to colleges and thinking about where I wanted to go. I just looked at what I wanted from the university and that I really value education, and soccer is just a way for me to get to good places, so I looked at the schooling, the atmosphere, then the program which all kinda are equal, [but] education was a bigger one for me so I looked at that then I picked a school that i think would invest in me most and were the best for me so that why I chose where I chose.”
to help and support her.
“I was very particular on what I wanted in a school, so I
tain coaches. My parents are my biggest supporters, they’ve been there for me my entire life and entire soccer career, whether it was driving me to practices and tournaments or cheering me on and giving me advice and tips on playing, they always want the best for me and want to watch me accomplish my dreams.”
These two seniors along with many other student athletes at Troy High have put in the effort and dedication to play for different colleges all across the country.
ment process] changed a couple years ago, when I was in eighth grade you could start talking to coaches.” Carter Said. “There [weren’t] any rules about it and then they changed the rules to [start talking to coaches on]
June 15th of your junior year.
Another Senior that has the opportunity to play NCAA Division I soccer is Charlotte Sobotka, who is committed to The University of North Carolina Greensboro. Sobotka talked about her personal recruitment process and how COVID-19 played a factor in the process of finding a college, but how her parents were always there
visited a lot of schools to make sure that the one I chose was the right one.” Sobotka said. “The hardest part for me was that it was during Covid, and because of that a lot of the rules changed so I wasn’t able [to] do certain things or talk with cer-
From us at The Chariot, and on behalf of the student body, congratulations and we’re all excited to see where you end up.
Graduating Troy High seniors talk about how they feel about being separated from their close friends. Nidhi
Kuchulakanti // BodyAs the year starts coming to an end for the class of 2022, many close friends are going in separate paths. According to the survey sent out to the Troy High seniors, 65% of seniors will be separated from their best friend next year, 22% will not be, and 13% are unsure.
For the friends that will be separated from each other next year, a lot of them expressed the fact that they are not too worried about being far apart because they know that they will still remain close.
Senior Joy Vijay, who is going to Central Michigan University, talked about Sarah Pecis, who is going to Michigan State University. Knowing their friend since sophomore year of high school, they said,
“We’ll only be a couple of hours away but it feels like a lot more,” said Vijay. “I’m looking forward to college but it’s sad that we won’t be able to room together or go to the same classes.”
Alexa Michalec, who is attending Michigan State University, talked about their friend, Jose Manzanares, who is attending Oakland University.
“We’re about 2 hours away, it’s really sad but I’m happy it’s not further.”
Furthermore, the people who are staying at home in Michigan are much more easily able to keep in touch with their friends.
Although some people will be two-thousand miles apart and others will only be ten miles away from their best friends, nearly all seniors said that they hope to stay close with each other.
Editor & Urvi Patil // Staff ReporterWhen adolescents start to enter a new chapter in their lives, they experience a lot of good things but there are also many struggles they come to face. After reaching the end of high school, it can be very difficult to keep friendships intact due to losing the sense of community when people go into the real world. Upon turning 18, individuals are expected to make many decisions and “be more adult”, but there is also a great emotional factor to deal with when they turn into adults. Having to part with their current friendships and continue to move on is an extremely emotional experience for many young adults.
The closure of this school year is quite sentimental to all Troy High seniors. Many seniors have met their best friends in this very schooleither through extracurricular clubs, sports, classes, etc.
Moving away from a best friend is a very hard thing to experience when you transition from high school to college. Regardless of whether they have known each other for all seventeen years of their life or just met them this year, many close memories were made, and it is going to be difficult to be separated from that.
Dear Future Seniors,
Current seniors bestow their advice to future senior classes.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. I know Troy High is a very competitive school, but in the grand scheme, it’s not worth it to push yourself so far that you reach your breaking point both academically and mentally.
-Jessica TosoltWhen choosing classes each year, make sure they are equally balanced with easy and challenging classes.
-Tanusree MakwanaDon’t waste your time with AP classes, go out in the real world and make a difference in your development. If there is something you really love to do, focus on that.
-Rachel KozlowskiTry not to procrastinate. If you do that too much, your homework will pile up and become a much more huge workload than you get daily.
-Derek OddoDo everything you can. Study hard for the SAT. Have fun, take breaks from time to time. Enjoy the year. Take your time when it comes to picking a school, do your research on them and apply early.
-Sawnawai ReedSenior year can be a little scary sometimes, the idea that you’re not going to be an adult soon, and that you’ll have more responsibilities. But, you’ve been preparing for this for a very long time. Enjoy what time you have left, take a lot of electives, go to prom, and lastly, don’t stress.
-Max MurphyBe kind. Seriously, just being nice gets you so far without you realizing it.
-Ravi JosephSenior Quotes
You will be annoying, everyone is, just accept it and don’t get into fights.
-Lydia BurnsSeniors at Troy High leave a lasting legacy with short but meaningful quotes.
Compiled by Ellen Seo // Staff ReporterRawan Ahmed- “If this person is not a person you were to go to for advice, their words shouldn’t bother you and so is their existence. Drama is everywhere, leave it for its queens to deal with, focus on what’s worth it because not everyone always wishes you a happy life. :)”
Humnah Ali- “Computer screen brighter than my future”
Julie Anowi- “Don’t be yourself, be who you want to become.”
Aiden Baraiac- “Through me to the wolves and I’ll come back leading the pack.”
Emma Bloomingdale“Not caring what people think is the best choice you will ever
Shrisha Bollu- “It’s called trash can, not trash cannot.”
Lydia Burns- “My motto: ‘do what’s funniest’.”
Sebastian Chokka- “‘Sebastian just stole my girl.’everyone.”
Rebekah Cummings“Welp, it’s been real, it’s been fun, it’s been really fun. Bye besties.”
Sarah Delphia- “Shampoo is just seasoning for the hair.”
Luanni Ford- “You can be a loser, but don’t act like one.”
Daniel Gao- “DannyG from Jet’s Pizza is advertising a $14.99 Large Chicken Bacon Ranch pizza as this
month’s special deal. Follow me bajiuwu.”
Tamanna Gaur- “I finished 4 years of High School just to do 4 more years of school in college.”
Kali Glaub- “Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it.”
Aarya Gurav- “Keep your sprite up and everything will fall in place.”
Uday Jalf- “I face God and walk backwards into hell.”
Sandy Khalil- “There is always someone who will look at you as their safe space so always have an open heart.”
Madhu Kumar- “Make a plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to fail, throw away
the plan, and make a new plan.”
Wesley Lariviere“When life gives you peanut butter, you put it on your feet.”
Yoshitha Maddineni- “Hate, Love, Help, be a teenager.”
Matthew Mikhaiel- “One day I’m finna make the onions cry.”
Max Murphy- “Someone stole my secret santa present. It was a copy of Microsoft Office. I will find you, you have my word.”
Jayla Page- “Cheaters never win, but I still graduated.”
Sawnawai Reed- “Life is like a sandwich, no matter
which way you flip it, the bread comes first.”
Paulina Ruelas- “Be a bad b****, and let losers lose.”
Zeina Said- “I’d like to thank Photo math for helping me survive pre-calc.”
Kamren Singleton“Hydrate or die straight. You probably can’t include that but just in case.”
Gavin Vestrand- “It isn’t who or what you are. At the end of the day, it’s night.”
Miya Watson- “I am apparently an adult now.”
Joseph Williams- “Every morning I drink 40 sips of water from my hand in the bathroom sink.”