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Chabad Celebrates Holidays With Shofar in the Park
Charlotte Jewish News September 2021
As we enter the last days of the Jewish year of 5781 and prepare to usher in 5782, we learned about a new rise in COVID infections in our country. We pray for the recovery of those infected and for an end to the pandemic. In response to the NCDHHS guidelines, the board of Congregation Ohr HaTorah has reinstated the face covering mandate for all who enter our synagogue.
As the current situation is fluid, we are rearranging the schedule of High Holiday services to accommodate as many people as possible yet keeping in mind the need for social distancing. Ohr HaTorah is planning to host multiple services in different areas of our campus, including a shorter shofar
service outdoors on the Sardis Road premises.
This arrangement will be in place for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, for as long as the NCDHHS guidelines are in effect.
In addition, following last year’s very successful “Shofar in the Park” program, we will once again offer a shofar blowing service in some of Charlotte’s parks. We will have a Shofar in the Park program in James Boyce Park both days of Rosh Hashanah, Tuesday, September 7, and Wednesday, September 8, at 3:30 p.m. We will also have a special “Shofar in the Park” on Wednesday,
September 8 at Carmel Park and William Davie Park.
Please check our website www.chabadnc.org for a full schedule of these events including times and updates and a registration form to be filled out by Friday, September 3.
Chabad to Host Mega Outdoor Sukkah Carnival on Sunday, September 26
Want to bring excitement and meaning to Charlotte youngsters in the age of COVID? Chabad of Charlotte has come up with an innovative solution. Create a self-contained drive-through festival called SukkahLand.
On Sunday, September26, the sixth day of the Sukkot holiday, the Epstein Family Chabad Center campus on Sardis Road will host an outdoor sukkah-themed carnival filled with multiple colorful booths. The exciting event will feature a life-sized board game loaded with holiday challenges, a lulav & etrog bungee run, edible sukkah crafts, lulav ring toss, snacks in the sukkah, and lots of fun.
All participants will be encouraged to enter the sukkah, shake the lulav and etrog, and enjoy some tasty Sukkot snacks. Revelers will be able to order a kosher hot dog dinner to go, provided by Kosher Charlotte.
The event is scheduled for 3:30 p.m. and is geared to bring the holiday spirit to Charlotte Jewish families in a tangible and exciting manner while following the social distancing protocol.
In addition, Chabad will build several sukkah mobiles (Sukkot on wheels) and traverse the city, visiting Jewish families and elderly who are confined to home, providing them with the opportunity to observe holiday rituals in comfort. Please visit our website www.chabadnc.org for updated information and to reserve a sukkah mobile to visit your home or neighborhood.