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Hebrew High’s Most Frequently Asked Questions
Charlotte Jewish News September 2021
Is there a question you have ever had about Hebrew High but were too afraid to ask? Before the school year begins in October, we thought we would answer some of the most frequently asked questions.
What is the Consolidated High School of Jewish Studies of Charlotte, aka Hebrew High?
The Consolidated High School of Jewish Studies of Charlotte (Hebrew High) is a joint venture between Temple Beth El and Temple Israel offering students grades 8-12 in the greater Charlotte area a top-notch Jewish educational experience and meaningful opportunities to create friendships and memories students will cherish for a lifetime. All Jewish teens are welcome to sign up for Hebrew High. We offer an enriched academic program in an environment that exposes teens to a variety of ideas, values, and practices that strengthen Jewish identity. We are more than a high school program; we are a kehillah — a community of bright, committed, young hearts and minds — dedicated to building a vibrant Jewish future for the next generation. Hebrew High takes pride in educating our students with meaningful Jewish experiences, charismatic and knowledgeable clergy and educators, and relevant special programs. When and where does Hebrew High meet?
Hebrew High’s primary program meets weekly on Wednesdays from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. It begins with a communal dinner at 7 p.m. and continues with a one-hour class from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. We meet on Shalom Park; the Hebrew High office is located on the third floor of the Bernstein Education Building.
Tell me more about classes: Do I take one the entire year, and who teaches them?
The year is divided into three trimesters, and teens can choose from a variety of classes. The classes are open to specific grade levels to build relationships among teens and to be most relevant to their lives. Classes are taught by our wonderful Hebrew High faculty and by clergy from Temple Beth El and Temple Israel.
Is there maximum or minimum number of students in classes?
Yes and no. The only class that has a limited number of students is our cooking class. Although we don’t have maximum numbers, we try not to have more than 15 students per class.
Do I need to have all my classes picked out before I register?
No, you don’t need to have selected all your classes to register. After we receive a completed registration form, we will email you a link to sign up for your class. Please give us one to two business days to receive these links.
When do we need to register by?
There is no end date to register. But for you to sign up for classes, we must receive a completed registration form. Classes fill up quickly, so you don’t want to wait!
I play a sport in the winter and will miss a lot of Hebrew High because of practice. Is that OK?
Yes, totally! While we do take attendance every week, it is OK if you miss some weeks of Hebrew High. At the same time, new this year, teens can sign up for one, two, or all three trimesters. We hope this change will allow teens who have seasonal commitments to join us for part of the year.
What if I am signed up for just one trimester and midway through the year want to sign up for another trimester?
You can register for additional trimesters once the year begins! What is Hebrew for Credit? Hebrew High is proud to offer a Hebrew for High School Credit program. Classes have been approved by Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools and Union County Public Schools. Students will receive one year of language credit for every two years they participate and pass their Hebrew for Credit Class. Please note that UCPS will count as pass/fail only and will not affect your GPA. All Hebrew classes will meet from 5 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday nights at Shalom Park.
I attend a private school; can I still take Hebrew for Credit?
Yes, even though you will not receive a high school foreign language credit, you can still take Hebrew for Credit to learn Hebrew. We have several students who take this class because they want to learn the language.
Where can I go to learn more, read up on the class options, and register for Hebrew High?
Please visit our website at www.hebrewhigh.org.
If you want to learn more about Hebrew High, contact Megan Harkavy at mharkavy@ hebrewhigh.org.