3 minute read
Hadassah Women Are Busy in September
By Aileen Greenberg-Kriner
It’s Jewish holiday month, with Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah all falling between the evening of September 6 and sundown on September 29. My calendar has the normal reminders to mail new year’s cards, order brisket, and bake challah along with new reminders to Zoom with our outof-town kids and double-check virtual service times. Some things stay the same, while others change with the times.
The Jewish holidays bring back memories of being at my grandparents’ house with our large, fun, and noisy extended family. It brings to mind matzah ball soup, chicken, brisket, and home-baked cakes and cookies. I don’t think the challah was homemade, but it was delicious.
I remember getting our three sons ready for shul. Navy blazers, polished shoes, ties for the two oldest, and a bow tie for our youngest (his choice). I was always rushing, worried that we would be late for services. Would we find a parking spot? I wasn’t
taking the time to experience the holidays — just getting through them. I celebrated with friends who felt like family. But we still had our traditional matzah ball soup, chicken, brisket, and homemade desserts, and I baked four sweet, round challot for the New Year.
But 2020 was different. Family and friends were scattered. We called and Zoomed, but at home, it was just the two of us. I had time to think about my actions over the past year and changes I wanted to make. I had time to really experience the holiness of the High Holidays. I had time to bake the challot but ended up freezing three. Michael made matzah ball soup, and I cooked a small brisket. No chicken or desserts. But we also had the luxury of attending virtual services. We were in comfy clothes and could excuse ourselves without disturbing a whole row of worshippers. No need to find parking.
Who knows what this year will bring? Big table or small? Full menu or mini? One challah or four? No matter what, let’s
take our time to reflect, be flexible, have fun, and create new memories.
Since Rosh Hashanah marks the start of the Jewish year, many people make resolutions, just as people do on January 1. I’m not one to make resolutions, but if I did, cleaning out my closet and drawers would be near the top of my list. (I still plan to do it but without the pressure of a resolution). So… It’s time to donate, shop, nosh, and support the Hadassah Accessory Boutique! Gather your new or gently used handbags, jewelry, scarves, belts, and other accessories for our pop-up event on Sunday, October 17. The boutique will be open from 11a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Matthews Women’s Club Service League, 208 S. Trade Street in Matthews, North Carolina Meshugganah, Charlotte’s first scratch Jewish deli/bakery will be there with yummy baked goods.
We are accepting donations until September 29 at four dropoff sites. We can also pick up items at your house if you can’t get to us. Please email hadassahclt@gmail.com for drop-off addresses or pick up information. All proceeds support Hadassah’s 360 Degrees of Healing Campaign, to build the dermatology nurses’ station at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem. In other Hadassah news… The Short Stories Discussion Group returns with new and exciting changes. Instead of reading 10 stories by one author, members will read stories each month from different eras and written by a diverse set of authors. There will be modern stories and older ones, stories by American authors and Israeli or Yiddish writers in translation.
The first meeting for the year is 11:45 a.m. on Friday, September 17 via Zoom. We will discuss three Yom Kippur short stories. To receive the stories, RSVP to Amalia at amaliaima@ATT. net. For additional information, email Amalia or contact Linda Levy at levyollie@aol.com.
We are busy at work on Hadassah’s 2022 Charlotte Area Jewish Community Directory. In addition to the print directory, we are adding a digital version.
The phone app will be easy to use and will let you look people or businesses up while you’re on the go. Membership and advertising opportunities are coming soon.
The next Hadassah Charlotte Board meeting is on Monday, September 13, at 7 p.m. via Zoom. All members are invited. Contact Marci at marcig333@ gmail.com for the link.
Want to join Hadassah or learn about membership? Contact Karen at klh2603@gmail. com.
For the most up-to-date Hadassah information, check our website (HadassahCLTevents. org), like our Facebook page (Hadassah CLT), follow us on Instagram (Hadassah Charlotte) or Twitter (@HadassahCLT), or send us an email at Hadassah- CLT@gmail.com.