2 minute read
Temple Israel Social Club To Offer Program About Its Beautiful Stained Glass Windows
The Charlotte Jewish News, February 2023
By Gene Kavadlo
The beautiful stained glass windows in Temple Israel tell a story, but there is a story behind the story. Anyone who has admired the windows, which were installed when the temple was built in 1991-1992, will surely be interested in attending the Temple Israel Social Club (TISC) event on February 21. The event will feature Bill Gorelick, whose vision and generosity made the windows possible, and Leslie Wicker, the artist whose talent brought the vision to fruition.
Mr. Wicker worked for the Statesville Stained Glass company when, at the age of 23, he received the commission for the windows. At that young age, it was the largest commission he had ever received. Needless to say, he gave much thought to the story he wanted to tell and how he would tell it through the medium of stained glass.
Mr. Wicker is still employed by the Statesville Stained Glass company and the Temple Israel stained glass windows remain the largest commission he has ever received. He will have many stories about its construction and installation and will be happy to answer all questions. We are fortunate to have him with us for this occasion.
This exciting event will take place in the Temple Israel sanctuary on Tuesday, February 21 at 11:15 a.m., a time when the morning sun will brightly dis- play the beauty of the windows. It is open to all Temple members and the general community, but registration is required. Anyone can register online at www. templeisraelnc.org or by call - ing the Temple office at (704) 362-2796. A free lunch will be served to TISC members following the presentation. There will be a small charge for lunch for non-members.

(Left to right) Dennis Lackey (owner of Statesville Stained Glass), Leslie Wicker (stained glass artist who created Temple Israel’s windows) and Bill Gorelick (who financed the windows). Temple Israel sanctuary