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Chabad Lights up the Night at Symphony Park on First Night of Chanukah: More Than One Thousand Attend
The Charlotte Jewish News, February 2023
Chabad of Charlotte ushered in the first night of Chanukah with a successful community Chanukah celebration. The fantastic event created a Chanukah village with Chanukah-themed enclaves, which included Chanukah caves, latke and donut booths, and many fun activities for all to enjoy.
The highlight of the celebration was the lighting of a giant menorah and a fantastic fire show led by Jimmy Pyro.
The event, which attracted more than one thousand participants, was held on the first night of Chanukah, Sunday, December 18, at Symphony Park. The celebration attracted people from all over Charlotte and was well-covered by local TV news stations.
Judah the Maccabee welcomed the children and many teens outfitted with ancient Israel garb greeted and engaged visitors from young to old.
Shabbat Shira Shabbaton to be held at Chabad of Charlotte on Friday, February 3.
The famed and exciting Friday night Shabbatons at Chabad are coming back after a long hia- tus. The next one will be held on Friday, February 3, at 5:30 pm.
There are two significant dates in the coming month. One is well-known, Tu Bishvat, the New Year for trees, which falls on Monday, February 6, and Shabbat Shira, the Shabbat of Song, which falls on Shabbat, February 4.
Each of these dates deserves its own celebration — more so when they come so close together.
Tu Bishvat, is a time to recognize G-d’s gifts of supreme fruit trees that produce delicious fruits in the Land of Israel. That is why we celebrate the day with these fruits. Shabbat Shira is when we read the Torah portion that contains the miracle of Israel crossing the Sea of Reeds, and the subsequent song that they joyously sang after the miracle.
The Friday night Shabbaton will begin with a candle-lighting ceremony followed by a joyous Kabbalat Shabbat. A Shabbat gourmet meal will be served featuring fruits that Israel was blessed with as well as an array of excellent kosher wines from Israel.
Exciting interactive activities will engage guest participants. There will be story time and games for the children. Reservations are needed and the cost for Shabbaton is $36.00 per adult (12 years and up) and $15.00 per child (5-11 years). For reservations, please visit our website chabadnc.org or call our office at (704) 366-3984.