4 minute read
2024 Brings a New Board and Renewed Energy to Hadassah Charlotte Metro
January 2024
By Aileen Greenberg-Kriner
Hadassah Charlotte Metro is starting 2024 with some changes to our board and a renewed sense of purpose in the current environment. We would like to thank Yvette Jacobson, who has been chapter co-president with Gina Robins for the past two years. Yvette has generously stepped into the immediate past president role and will also be fundraising vice president.
Incoming president, Gina Robins, has a personal message for the women on our board, chapter members, and community partners:
“Dear Hadassah sisters, I am so honored to serve as 2024 chapter president, and I would like to thank the phenomenal slate of volunteers who offered to serve on this year’s board. I write this to you in the midst of the temporary ceasefire/ hostage exchange. So far, about 50 hostages have been released, thank G-d. We pray that the rest are brought home safely. Now, more than ever in my tenure with Hadassah, I feel the gravity of the fundraising and outreach work that our chapter engages in. The money we raise goes directly to Hadassah Hospital, which is on the front line providing critical care and rehabilitation for Israel’s war wounded, and to the safety and security of those residing in Hadassah's Youth Aliyah Villages. As our mission states: We believe we can and must do all we can to advance justice and healing. We’ve been defying the odds for more than a century, creating new leadership roles for women, sustaining a vibrant Jewish state, and paving the way for a pioneering health care system that saves lives every day. We are the power of women who do. And we believe that each of us has the power to heal our world, to take action, to make an impact. Join us.”
We have four open positions on the board – treasurer; and chairwomen for Hadassah Preppies, Social Media, and Evolve Hadassah. Evolve Hadassah: The Next Generation offers relevant, engaging, and informative programming and leadership training for women 45 and under. Contact Gina at HadassahCLT@gmail.com or (980) 5531880 if you are interested in one of these roles.
Hadassah Happenings
On Sunday, Nov. 26, Hadassah Preppies and Sisterhood members of Temple Kol Ami worked together to pack 65 Chanukah meals for Jewish Family Services. Each meal included roast chicken or sweet and sour meatballs, latkes, vegetables, munchkins, and chocolate Chanukah gelt. Johnson and Wales’ culinary program donated challah for the meals. A huge thank you to all who contributed toward this heartfelt act of lovingkindness.
Jan. 5 is the last day to order your 2024 National Mah Jongg League card from Hadassah. Check our website for ordering instructions.
Time to play! Come to Hadassah Charlotte Metro's Game Day on Sunday, Jan. 14 from 12:304:30 p.m., at Charlotte Bridge Association in Dilworth (note new location). Bring your Mah Jongg set, Rummikub, or game of your choice. Sign up on our website.
Join us for an extraordinary evening as Hadassah sponsors the Charlotte Jewish Film Festival‘s opening night movie and reception on Saturday, Jan. 27 at 7:30 p.m. at Temple Israel. The movie, “Seven Blessings,” is about a close-knit Moroccan family with its share of secrets in Jerusalem in the early 1990s. This movie swept the Israeli Oscars (Ophir Awards) with 10 out of 12 awards. Also coming soon: 2024 Board Installation on Sunday, Jan. 21, and two February events: our annual Tu B’Shevat seder hosted by Helene Schilian, and Ask the Doctor with Dr. Heidi Rotberg. Check our website for details.
Monthly Events
No Hadassah Wine & Schmooze in January but join us on Feb. 6 at 7 p.m. at Vintner Wine Market in the Arboretum.
We will have two Hadassah BookTalk meetings this month. On Jan. 2, we will talk about “Fifth Avenue Glamour Girl” by Renée Rosen. On Jan. 30, we will discuss “Don’t Forget to Write” by Sara Goodman Confino.
Short Story Discussion Group meets at 11:45 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 12 via Zoom to discuss Max’s Mom Goes to Camp, by Judith Zimmer, on page 39 of “Frankly Feminist: Short Stories by Jewish Women.”
Helpful Info
Our website, www.hadassahcltevents.org, has details and registration links for our events. If you have questions or need additional information, email HadassahCLT@gmail.com or call our general phone number (980) 553-1880.
To learn about membership, contact Laurie Sheinhaus at the phone number or email above, or come to one of our events.
The next Hadassah Charlotte Metro Board meeting is Monday, Jan. 15 at 7 p.m. via Zoom.
Follow us on Facebook (Hadassah CLT Metro) and Instagram (Hadassah Charlotte Metro).