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Hebrew High "Cozy Mitzvah Night" Helps Those in Need
January 2024
By Eliana Spector
On Nov. 15, Hebrew High held a Cozy Mitzvah Night to help those in need. This was especially meaningful around Thanksgiving time because it allowed us to reflect and help those in our community. The Cozy Mitzvah Night was planned and implemented by a group of 10th, 11th, and 12th graders as part of their first-trimester class: Gemilut Chasidim – Acts of Loving Kindness: Service Projects for the Community. As a class, we met every Wednesday leading up to Nov. 15 to plan the event. The program was developed with four different organizations in mind: The Humane Society of Charlotte, Friendship Circle, Center of Hope, a shelter for women and children, and Jewish Family Services of Greater Charlotte. Each of these organizations was selected based on four different Jewish values of tz’ar ba’alei chayim, kehillah kedosha, l’dor v’dor, and kavod l’zikeinim. To add a little fun to the evening, we added a cozy theme that inspired a hot chocolate bar, a cozy corner to hang out and eat cookies, and the chance to wear pajamas to school. Obviously, the most important part of the evening was the projects put together for the students to complete.
The Humane Society of Charlotte believes in working to improve our community by creating new, loving families and building a world where there are no more homeless and unwanted animals. The Jewish value we associate with this project is tz’ar ba’alei chayim, which translates to the suffering of living creatures. At this station we made no-sew dog toys. Our Hebrew High students brought in gently used but clean t-shirts that were cut and tied to make the dog toys.
Friendship Circle is an organization that helps children and teens with special needs create genuine friendships and enjoy inclusive social experiences. This organization is affiliated with Chabad of Charlotte so it was especially meaningful to support a Jewish organization. Friendship Circle pairs Jewish high school student volunteers with children and teens with special needs. The Jewish value we associate with Friendship Circle is kehillah kedosha, which means holy community. At this station we made friendship bracelets to be given to the participants as Chanukah gifts.
Salvation Army Center of Hope for Women and Children offers shelter to women and children who have nowhere else to go. This program provides emergency shelter, three daily meals, case management, intervention programs, health care, childcare, and guidance for school-aged children and teens. They also give adult and child victims hope and safety, and the tools they need to rebuild their lives after experiencing domestic violence. The Jewish value we associate with the Center of Hope is l’dor v’dor, which means generation to generation. While at this station we packed bags full of snacks, hats and gloves, bottled water, and a friendly note wishing them a happy holiday.
Jewish Family Services is committed to creating a stronger and healthier Charlotte community. The Jewish value we associate with Jewish Family Services is kavod l’zikeinim, which means honor the elders. Jewish Family Services is an organization that provides services such as therapy and a food pantry for its clients. While at this station we made Chanukah cards for their senior clients. At the same station, our students made Chanukah cards to send to Israeli soldiers.
We also decided to collect money for an organization that is helping Israel. With a suggested donation of $5, we were able to raise $218 for Magen David Adom, Israel’s national emergency medical, disaster, ambulance, and blood bank service. This donation will go towards helping their 33,000 paramedics, EMTs, first responders, and firstaid providers, and to provide their volunteers and staff with the necessary training, equipment, and medical supplies they need to treat all injured and sick people in Israel. The teens had a blast giving back to the community. There was so much energy in the room as all the projects were being completed. This was a great way to kick off the Thanksgiving holiday and we can’t wait to continue this annual program. This program wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible members of our class: Rabbi Kornsgold of Temple Israel, Zoe Kaufman, Rachel Kauffman, Emma Miller, and Eliana Spector. Huge thanks to Megan Harkavy and the facilities team at the Levine JCC.