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Meet Greta Bolton, The Ruach's Newest Band Member
The Charlotte Jewish News, May 2023
By Greta Bolton
Once upon a time, there was a little girl who found joy in using the fireplace hearth as a stage at her home. She would sing along to records or put on little shows for her family. This little girl was in constant motion whether in ballet class, running around in the neighborhood, or dancing and singing along to music videos (thank you MTV). Summers were for camp. There was something special about a Jewish camp. Music, worship, and a community of friends came together in a way she didn’t know was possible. She couldn’t wait for the first day of camp all year long and cried on the last day as she left such a magical place that meant so much to her. This little girl is me - Greta Bolton and my childhood years being active in music, dance, and Jewish camp built the woman I turned out to be today.
In high school choirs and in college, I worked on musical technique and earned a BFA in musical theater at the University of Florida. Upon graduation, my journey began as a singer, dancer, and actor working on a Royal Caribbean cruise ship then in local theaters in San Diego and doing bit parts in TV shows and commercials. Being married to a Marine, living in San Diego made this kind of work possible. Once babies came into the picture and we moved a couple of times, the music faded away as other things became priorities. The music chapter was closed for a while, but I knew it would return in some way. I just didn’t quite know how it would manifest.
In our last military move, my family and I made to Alexandria, Virginia, I found a wonderful Jewish community. My kids connected with their religious school friends in a strong way and my husband and I connected to the other parents there. It was
a wonderful community. When my husband retired, we were able to choose for the first time in our married life where we would like to live. Charlotte seemed to have all the things we were looking for and we are so happy we planted ourselves here to grow.
Fast forward to the pandemic. I found myself at home and scrolling Facebook on a Friday night while my kiddos were either with friends or working. I discovered a wonderful Jewish musician named Joe Buchanan doing a Friday night Shabbat service on Facebook. I would tune in and enjoy this new format of worship from my couch with songs and blessings that were fresh, catchy, and meaningful. I shared this with my family around the country and they watched too. In January 2021, I went through a health crisis. When I recovered, I needed to
evaluate and assess how I was living my life and question my purpose. It boiled down to honoring myself and my gifts I can share with others. Being a wife, mom, and Pilates instructor (yes, I shifted to a line of work I could do anywhere) for so many years, I needed to dig deep to find what brought me joy as a kid.
The universe seemed to bring Judaism and music back to my life in a way that resonated with me. Joe Buchanan made a stop in Charlotte doing a Shabbat service and concert in April 2022. In the online community he created, we were able to connect on a personal level. In that connection, my family shared with him I used to sing. He invited me to sing three songs with him during that concert. It had been about 18 years since I had sung in front of people. I was terrified to share that part of me again. Singing that night brought a joy back that felt incredible! Peter Levinson and Lisa Dale from The Ruach happened to be at that concert. We chatted after and I learned that The Ruach was in need and looking for an additional singer.
Funny how the universe works!! I think Divine intervention played a part in bringing us together.
A new chapter has opened for me by joining The Ruach. I have music and a very special and unique Jewish community back in my life. That uplifted feeling I got from my summer camp is the same way I feel after a Ruach Shabbat Experience. I feel honored to be part of that band that delivers a meaningful alternative way to connect with our Charlotte Jewish community.

Greta Bolton