4 minute read
Spring Into Hadassah
The Charlotte Jewish News, May 2023
By Aileen Greenberg-Kriner
We’re in that wonderful late spring/early summer season in Charlotte. Enjoy!
Hadassah Charlotte Metro’s Taste of Passover event was fun, delicious, and entertainingly competitive. Roz Cooper and Cheri Titlebaum co-chaired the event at Roz’s home. Each woman who attended brought a dairy or pareve salad, main course, or dessert, along with the recipe. June Hirschmann made beautiful floral and matzah centerpieces. After noshing and sharing Passover stories, Roz led a Pesach trivia challenge where teams of four competed for prizes. After the event, Marci Goldberg shared an online recipe book she created and shared it with participants, so they could add new recipes to their Passover repertoire. Hadassah sisters at their best!
Save the Dates
…for our monthly Hadassah Wine & Schmooze at 7 p.m. on May 2 at Vintner Wine Market in Arboretum. When you make a purchase at Vintner’s, please let them know you are a Hadassah member. Vintner’s donates a portion of their sales to our Charlotte Metro chapter.
…to Celebrate the Tatas. Lunch, auction, wine pull, and more on Thursday, Oct 26 from 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Please email or call (see contact information in Helpful Hadassah Info at the end of this article) if you would like to volunteer.
May Reading Groups
The Short Story Discussion Group finished reading the individual stories in Amoz Oz’s “Scenes from a Village Life.” At the May 12 meeting, we will review the eight stories we have read and talk about how they relate to Israeli society, politics, and reality. Short Story Discussion Group will meet at 11:45 a.m. via Zoom.
For future meetings, the group voted to read the book “Frankly Feminist: Short Stories by Jewish Women” from Lilith Magazine, edited by Susan Weidman Schneider and Yona Zeldis McDonough. The book is reviewed in the March/April 2023 issue of the Hadassah magazine.
Beverly’s Book Nook will meet on Friday, May 19, at 1:30 p.m. on Zoom. We will discuss Dahlia Lithwick’s “Lady Justice: Women, the Law, and the Battle to Save America.”
Ms. Lithwick profiles women lawyers whose stories provide a contextualizing capsule tour of the era and offers some bracing hope. Lithwick’s writing is friendly to lay readers and marked by her trademark pithy wit and an endearing faith in the legal system’s promise. “Women plus law equals magic,” she concludes. Zoom with Hadassah BookTalk on May 23 at 7 p.m. Our May BookTalk selection is “The Last Rose of Shanghai” by Weina Dai Randel. In 1940s Jap-anese-occupied Shanghai, two people from different cultures are drawn together by fate and the freedom of music. Aiyi Shao is a young heiress and the owner of a Shanghai nightclub. Ernest Reismann is a penniless Jewish refugee driven out of Germany, an outsider searching for shelter in a city wary of strangers. “The Last Rose of Shanghai” is a timeless, sweeping story of love and redemption.
Helpful Hadassah Info
The next Hadassah Charlotte Metro Board meeting is Monday, May 15 at 7 p.m. via Zoom. Learn about our chapter and join Hadassah. Contact Lori Trapani at the phone or email at the end of this article or come to one of our events. We would love to meet you!
Our website, www.hadassahcltevents.org, has details and registration links for our events. If you have questions, suggestions, or need a Zoom link, email HadassahCLT@gmail.com or call our general phone number, (980) 553-1880. Your message will be forwarded promptly to the event coordinator.
Follow us on social media: Facebook (Hadassah CLT Metro), Instagram (Hadassah Charlotte Metro) and Twitter (@HadassahCLT).

Hadassah sisters enjoying A Taste of Passover together.

Anik Harrison, Andrea Rae, Marci Goldberg

June Hirschmann created the Passover centerpieces.