The Charlotte News | July 11, 2019

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The nonprofit community news source since 1958

Charlotte News Thursday, July 11, 2019 | Volume LXII Number 01


Charlotte News


Vol. 62, no.01 July 11, 2019

Vermont’s oldest nonprofit community newspaper, bringing you local news and views since 1958

Healthcare, childcare and septic at crux of development issue Chea Waters Evans The Charlotte Family Health Center opened in 1975. Since then, generations of patients have been treated there, experiencing small-town health care in a manner that could soon be a thing of the past. Prospects forthe CFHC remaining in town are precarious due to financial issues that could potentially be alleviated by action from the Selectboard. Dr. Andrea Regan, a physician at the health center, attended Monday’s Selectboard meeting to reiterate a request to lease septic used for town public buildings to facilitate the construction of a new health center building. The doctors who run the center argue that two important cornerstones of community living are good health care and good child care, and those two services are currently limited because of septic issues in the town. Regan grew up in Hinesburg, attended Champlain Valley Union High School and moved back to the area to start her practice locally. She spoke Monday night at the

Selectboard meeting, asking that the town consider allowing CFHC to lease septic use from the town should she and her partner build a new office building. The land for the new office hasn’t been purchased yet; in order for the project to proceed, several factors need to be in place, one of which is the issue of adequate septic. The proposed site for the new facility is on Ferry Road in the center of the west village, behind the fire station and the Charlotte Children’s Center. The CCC is a key ally for the CFHC in this project. Though other issues, like an access road and wetlands, are at play, the main hurdle at this point in the process is septic capacity. Regan said that the daycare center and preschool could share a septic system with the new medical building, or both could cost effectively join the septic system for town buildings. Currently, the Children’s Center regularly turns down new families because it doesn’t see HEALTHCARE page 2

Let the digging begin

A excavator from Vermont Roads and Fields removes asphalt from the Rise ‘n Shine parking lot. Photo by Juliann Phelps

Selectboard hears recommendations on accessory agricultural uses and Act 143 Town Meeting process, West Village wastewater system discussed

Juliann Phelps The Monday, July 7 Selectboard featured

a full, albeit routine agenda, including a presentation from the outgoing zoning administrator on accessory agricultural uses and Act 143. After a site visit to the Charlotte Senior Center, the Selectboard heard from Lane Morrison regarding a request to replace and relocate the entrance sign closer to the road. The Selectboard had no objections; Morrison said the cost would come from the Senior Center maintenance budget. Town Meeting The Selectboard discussed the Town Meeting voting process, with Chair Matt Krasnow asking if there was “interest in changing the existing ordinance which will sunset the town charter.” Town Administrator Dean Bloch said after this year’s Town Meeting the charter would “have nothing attached to it. It’s a vessel for putting in provisions for Town Meeting.” While no action was taken on the topic, ways to increase attendance were discussed, including changing the day of the meeting and offering food, music and child care. Selectboard member Louise McCarren also raised concerns about the Town Meeting agenda order, saying “serious and important issues are raised” under new business “when there may be few people there.” During public comment, Andrea Regan, physician at the Charlotte Family Health

Outgoing Zoning Administrator Aaron Brown presents to the Selectboard on Act 143. Photo by Juliann Phelps

Center, spoke to the Selectboard about the wastewater aspect of the Health Center project. Citing cost-prohibitive estimates for off-site septic, she asked the board to consider leasing capacity to both the Health Center and Charlotte Children’s Center. Krasnow suggested the topic be added to the July 22 meeting saying, “This is the crux of growth in Charlotte. Health service is an essential service.” Act 143 and Philo Ridge Farm Outgoing Zoning Administrator Aaron Brown presented his findings and recommendations regarding agricultural accessory uses and Act 143. In seeking clarifications of Act 143 Brown noted that, during a meeting with the state, “They admitted it’s up to the towns to determine

what’s appropriate for accessory on farm businesses.” While his recommendations included amending regulations and establishing thresholds for site-plan reviews, he said that if the town wants to encourage accessory uses it should codify what’s permitted. Part of the law requires accessory agricultural activities to have 51 percent of sales come from qualifying products principally produced on the farm. Several members of Philo Ridge Farm spoke to the Selectboard on the topic. Interim Director Tad Cooke brought samples of items produced from the farm, including a leather purse and a dessert. Cooke said, “The strawberry shortcake flour is from Nitty Gritty Farm, heavy cream from Kimball Brook and

strawberries from our farm. What is that value?” Greg McCargo said, “We should encourage a new generation of thinking around ag. Keep it broad and open and see where it goes. There’s no need to narrow it right now.” Planning Commission members also spoke, including Chair Peter Joslin and Marty Illick. Both expressed the need to define or describe the town’s intent regarding Act 143. Several members of the Selectboard agreed. Ilick suggested, “With so much expertise [and] good depth of knowledge, we would be very happy to have language submitted to the Planning Commission. We want to get the land use regs right in the beginning.” Other business The board appointed James Faulkner to the Planning Commission, with a term ending April 30, 2022; the motion to appoint him passed 4-0 with Carrie Spear abstaining. The board approved hiring temporary cleaning services while the RFP for cleaning the town hall is re-released. The board then set July 15 for interviews of the four applicants for zoning administrator and set dates for the next site visits to town properties: the town pound on July 22 and Williams Woods on August 12. Krasnow also opened the bids for the village wastewater system maintenance. Of the three bids submitted, Wind River Environmental dba Hartigan Wastewater was the lowest at $4,330, followed by B.P. Wastewater Services of Vermont for $5,600, and Champlin Associates for $13,510.

2 • July 11, 2019 • The Charlotte News

Town Little Garden Market has closed

A sea of CBD on East Thompson's Point Road

The Charlotte News Mission Statement The mission of The Charlotte News is to inform our readers about current events, issues and topics, and to serve as a forum for the free exchange of views of town residents and community volunteer organizations on matters related to Charlotte and the lives of its residents.

Plastic covering the hemp fields reflects the morning sun. Photo by Juliann Phelps

HEALTHCARE continued from page 1 Chea Waters Evans The friendly signs advertising sandwiches for the ferry and pulled BBQ pork are coming down. The Little Garden Market on Ferry Road, one of Charlotte’s few retail outlets, has been dark since early May, its doors locked shut. According to owner Rick Benson, “Suffice to say that the store is permanently closed.” After 11 years in business, Benson said his right-hand-man and longtime manager of the market, Rik Carlson, has been on leave for health reasons and is virtually irreplaceable. “Sadly, we can find no competent help, and I can’t spare anyone from our very busy Ferrisburgh shop to run the LGM,” Benson said. He also owns Gilfeather’s Fine Provisions on Route 7 in Ferrisburgh, a shop that has premade foods, fresh sandwiches, local produce and many other specialty grocery items. Benson said, “Charlotte folks have been very kind and supportive from the start of the LGM, and they continue that support at our new location.” The property on Ferry Road is owned by Green Street Properties, which is based in Burlington.

Charlotte News



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have adequate septic to accept more. Jeff Herzberger, the chair of the CCC board of directors, said that the board has two primary goals: to increase the number of students at the center and to pay the teachers at the school a more competitive wage. “Our center enrollment is currently limited by our own septic system capacity, and we could accept additional students from our extensive wait-list if it weren’t for this limitation,” he said. “Adding additional children to our center will enable us to increase teacher salaries, allowing our amazing teachers to thrive with better wages while working in this great environment,” he added. Septic and wastewater have been ongoing struggles for parts of Charlotte, and the town buildings have not only adequate systems but have larger capacities than current use requires. At Monday’s Selectboard meeting, Regan said she was there formally on behalf of the CFHC and informally as a mouthpiece for the children’s center; her son attends daycare there, and she has been working closely with the center on the septic issue. She asked the town to consider allowing the CCC and CFHS to lease septic use. She argued that it wouldn’t be an extra expense for taxpayers, but would rather be recouping money that was already spent. “It’s a lease, on their terms,” she said. People in town believe that town money would be spent if the septic were shared, but that’s not the case, she said. “They think that they’re giving us something, but we have to pay maintenance fees, we’re paying what is definitely a fair price, and this is money that the town has spent. They’re recouping $40,000 to $60,000 of money that’s already been spent.” Regan said during Monday’s meeting that she needs to move forward soon with expansion plans and that she could, in theory, be ready to begin work on the project in earnest within four months. Time, however, is moving based on town schedules—the Wastewater Committee meets on Monday, July 15 at 3:30 p.m. and again on July 29 at 5:30 p.m. The Wastewater Committee is presenting a plan next week, but committee member Christina Booher cautioned at the meeting on Monday that though the commission will present its recommendations, the

Two important cornerstones of community living are good health care and good child care, and those two services are currently limited because of septic issues in the town.

Selectboard ultimately has control over what happens next. “The Selectboard has not accepted it, they have not approved it, and they can alter and change numbers and everything else,” she said to Regan, “so I just want you to be prepared that what we present at the end of the month does not mean that is what’s going to become policy…. It’s not set in stone until the five of them make that vote.” Planning Commision Chair Peter Joslin, who is the commission’s liaison with the Wastewater Committee, said, “I’d be talking out of school to say it’s going to be approved, but I think that everybody’s done their homework; it looks very good.” He went on to say, “I think this speaks to a bigger issue in the town…in terms of the affordability issue, whether it’s a private home or whether it’s a business, I think most people in town really want to keep them here. It’s to everyone’s benefit to have medical staff in town.” Selectboard Chair Matt Krasnow echoed this sentiment. “I also agree that this is at the crux of growth for Charlotte,” he said. “The service that the health center provides is an essential service to any town, and we’re lucky to have it; that you want to come closer to the village center is admirable.” He said that the town will do what it can to expedite the decision process. Regan said during the meeting that she has had nothing but support from the town, and that she is optimistic despite the challenges. “The town has been amazingly supportive, and I recognize there are a lot of unique barriers here.”

Letters, Commentaries and Obituaries Consistent with our mission The Charlotte News publishes letters to the editor, commentaries and obituaries from our readers. All letters, commentaries and obituaries are subject to review and approval by the news editor of the paper and to the following rules and standards: • Letters to the editor, commentaries and obituaries should be emailed to news@ as attachments in .doc format. All letters, commentaries and obituaries must contain the writer’s full name, town of residence and, for editing purposes only, phone number. • Letters may not exceed 300 words, obituaries 500 words and commentaries 750 words. • All published letters and commentaries will include the writer’s name and town of residence. • Before publishing any obituary, we will need proper verification of death. • All submissions are subject to editing for clarity, factual accuracy, tone, length and consistency with our house publishing style. • Whenever editing is necessary we will make every effort to publish each submission in its entirety and to preserve the original intent and wording. We will confer with writers before publishing any submitted material that in our judgment requires significant editing before it can be published. • The news editor makes the final determination whether a letter to the editor, a commentary or an obituary will be published as submitted, returned for rewriting or rejected. Publisher: Vince Crockenberg Editorial Staff Managing Editor: Anna Cyr ( News Editor: Chea Waters Evans ( Contributing Editor: Edd Merritt Copy editors: Beth Merritt, Vince Crockenberg Proofreaders: Edd Merritt, Mike & Janet Yantachka Contributing Photographers: Meliss O'Brien, Elizabeth Bassett, Bradley Carleton, John Hammer Business Staff Ad manager: Elizabeth Langfeldt ( Bookkeeper: Susan Jones ( Board Members President: Vince Crockenberg ( Treasurer: Ted leBlanc ( Board members: Bob Bloch, Gay Regan, Louisa Schibli, Tom Tiller, Dave Quickel, John Quinney, Lane Morrison, Jack Fairweather, Christina Asquith, John Hammer (emeritus) Website: Subscription Information The Charlotte News is delivered at no cost to all Charlotte residences. Subscriptions are available for first-class delivery at $40 per calendar year. Want a subscription? Please send a check payable to The Charlotte News, P.O. Box 251, Charlotte, VT 05445. Postmaster/Send address changes to: The Charlotte News P.O. Box 251, Charlotte, VT 05445 Telephone: 425-4949 Circulation: 3,000 Copyright © 2019 The Charlotte News, Inc. Member of the New England Newspaper and Press Association and the Vermont Press Association.

ON THE COVER Rise n' Shine ducks. Photo by Anna Cyr

The Charlotte News • July 11, 2019 • 3

Commentary Democracy is our responsibility Celebrating our nation’s birthday on July 4th reminds us how lucky we are to live in a country built on democracy. We must also remember that Mike Yantachka our democracy STATE REP. was formed and is maintained by active participation of the governed, namely us. When we see that our government is taking us in a wrong direction, it requires us to speak out and take action to affect change. Peaceful protest is one kind of action. We are all familiar with the situation on the southern border of the United States, where thousands of hopeful immigrants from Central America either wait to enter the U.S. or risk crossing the border between checkpoints to seek asylum. Thousands of asylum-seekers have been arrested and are being held in overcrowded detention centers. Children have been separated from their families or caregivers and whisked away to separate holding facilities. We’ve seen the pictures on the news of children and adults crowded into chain-link cages with nothing more than a mylar sheet for sleeping on the floor. Social workers, lawyers and members of

Congress report that these detainees are not given even the basic necessities of soap, toothbrushes, changes of clothing, or even the ability to wash their clothes. These facilities, despite the objections of the Border Patrol, the Trump administration and Trump himself, fit the dictionary definition of concentration camps. This is why I joined a protest last week in Burlington in front of the offices of Senators Sanders and Leahy to demand the close of the detention-center-concentrationcamps. Hundreds of Vermont citizens, including many from Charlotte, showed up for the march from the top of Church Street to the corner of Main and South Willard streets. We marchers were determined to raise our voices against these policies of this administration, an administration that took an immigration policy that has been broken for decades and exacerbated it to the crisis of the present day. I believe that America is better than this. Instead of walls to keep people of color out, we need changes to our immigration system that allow human beings who want to make a better life for themselves and their children into our great country. When my grandparents came over at the beginning of the twentieth century, they were not educated, wealthy people. Nor were the immigrants that preceded them, from whom most of us are descended. But they came and worked at the hard labor jobs like coal mining, steel smelting, house

cleaning or whatever menial jobs were available that allowed them to provide for their families. Some started their own businesses, like my grandmother did after her husband’s back was broken in the mines. Rather than being a drag on the economy, they helped grow the economy. This has been the history of this country, and it is just as true today. The migrant farm worker in Vermont is a benefit to our economy and should not be the target of ICE as so many in the last three years have been. Three young men were arrested a few weeks ago in St. Albans as they were shopping and using Western Union to send money back home to their families. Shamefully, they were turned in by a “concerned citizen” who apparently observed them and heard them speaking Spanish. They are just the latest in a series of arrests by ICE in Vermont of those who dare to take jobs that no one else wants in this country. As Martin Luther King, Jr., said, “Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” I believe that as a result of our current immigration policy our country has reached a nadir with respect to its moral authority, but we have begun to swing back to a higher moral ground as evidenced by the 2018 election. It is up to us to make sure it does not falter as a result of our inattention and inaction.

4 • July 11, 2019 • The Charlotte News

Around Town Charlotte Town Bite

Trees in town go back centuries The Burlington Free Press ran an article on old trees in the area dating back nearly 300 years. One in particular, a white oak (in of all places Oakledge Park) dated back at least to the time of the signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787. Retired city arborist, Warren Spinner, bored out the tree’s core to count the growth rings, thus confirming the age. Charlotte figures into the tree history in Williams Woods, where a group of

Town white oaks grow in a clayplain forest protected by the Nature Conservancy. Ethan Tapper, the Chittenden County state forester who writes regularly for The Charlotte News, noticed at least two white oaks that pre-date Europeans settling in the area. Tapper and Helena Murray, a UVM forestry graduate, said that the oldest probably took root 380 years ago, or nearly in 1640. For those of you unfamiliar with the Woods, it is located off Greenbush Road south of the intersection with Thompson’s Point Road. There are abundant signs marking the area and the hiking trails through it.

John Moses featured on NPR’s “Here and Now”

John Moses



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Charlotte Planning Commission agenda Thursday July 18, 2019 At the Charlotte Town Hall – 159 Ferry Road Agenda is subject to change—check agenda posted on Reasonable accommodation shall be provided upon request to ensure this meeting is accessible to all individuals regardless of disability. Times are approximate 7:00 p.m. 7:10 p.m.

Public Meeting Call to Order Approval of Regular Agenda Public Comment Period Review of the previous Planning Commission meeting minutes Consent Agenda PC-18-229-SK Locke – Continuation of the Sketch Plan Review for possible adjustment of ROW located at 95 Inn Road. The hearing has been continued to this date from April 22. This hearing is to be closed because the Selectboard took the necessary action to resolve the issue. Project information is available at:

7:15 p.m.

PC-19-55-SD Radimer – Continuation of the 2-Lot Minor Subdivision for the property located at 2012 Prindle Road. Project information is available at:

7:30 p.m.

PC-19-97-SP Charlotte Library – Site Plan Review for the Charlotte Library located at 115 Ferry Road. Project information is available at:

8:15 p.m.

PC-18-151-SK Hinsdale – Continuation of the Sketch Plan Review for Hinsdale property located at 1824 Hinesburg Road (owned by Hinsdale) to determine potential development density, and possible transfer of development rights. Project information is available at: 8:45 p.m.

Charlotte Land Use Regulations (LUR) – Review proposed changes, updates, and comments for the “Proposed Amendments to the Charlotte Land Use Regulations”. To review the current list of proposed changes, please visit:

9:15 p.m.

Other business Upcoming agenda Adjourn

Notice: To appeal any decision of the Planning Commission, interested parties must participate in the regulatory proceeding (24 V.S.A. section 4471). Planning Commissioners: Peter Joslin (chair), Charlie Pughe (vice chair), Marty Illick, Gerald Bouchard, Dick Eastman, David Kenyon and Shawn Coyle Staff: Daryl Arminius, town planner; Lynn Monty, recording secretary

Charlotte native John Moses was interviewed by “Here and Now” host Jeremy Hobson on the June 26 edition of the show’s DJ Sessions. “Here and Now” is produced by WBUR in Boston and airs on VPR each weekday afternoon from one to three. John attended CCS, graduated from CVU in 2009 and moved to Los Angeles after graduating in 2013 from UVM, where he deejayed for WRUV. This past March, Southern California’s flagship NPR station, KCRW in Los Angeles, invited John to host a weekly program, which currently airs, depending on the rest of the station’s schedule, on either Sunday or Monday from either midnight to 3 a.m. or from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. When Hobson asked John about working “in the late night, in Los Angeles,” John laughed and said, “I have to adjust my sleeping schedule, but if that’s the worst of it that’s fine with me.” KCRW is world-renowned for its original and innovative music programing, and it gives its DJs just one directive: “Play what you love.” And while John started at KCRW only at the end of March this year, when “Here and Now’s” producer asked the station to recommend one of its DJs to be interviewed, the station suggested that Hobson interview John about some of his favorite songs.

During the interview John played and talked about four songs, one of which is a bizarre, even surrealistic version of Julie Andrews’s “The Sound of Music,” sung by a Slovenian group, Laibach. On air, John described Laibach as “an industrial, neo-classical group”—not, he said, “the first band or artist you would think that might be invited to North Korea to perform the very first concert by a rock band ever there.” At its concert in Pyongyang the band chose to sing this and other songs from the movie soundtrack because, as it turns out, the movie is well-known in North Korea and is used in schools to teach English to schoolchildren. John offered similarly fascinating tidbits about the other three songs he brought along, “Hot Cheetos” by MonoNeon, “This Time Around” by Jessica Pratt and “Cat Call” by Former Boy. The on-air interview, John said, was “relaxed and fun,” though he did say that he “did a ton of research” to prepare for it, cruising the internet, talking with friends and listening to records sent to him by producers. You can hear the full “Here and Now” interview at https://www.wbur. org/hereandnow/2019/06/26/dj-sessionslaibach-mononeon-jessica-pratt. And you can stream John’s latest shows at https://

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The Charlotte News • July 11, 2019 • 5


Local musicians play for an international cause, local church reaches across the world

Chea Waters Evans There’s a whole pile of good going on at the Charlotte Congregational Church this weekend—Playing for Good will sharing its talents with the town while helping others. The classical chamber music ensemble is entertaining at the church on Sunday, July 14, at 5 p.m. to benefit Malayaka House in a concert that is open to the public. The performance is free, but donations are welcome. The six people who make up Playing for Good are all professional musicians who banded together to form an ensemble that plays solely to benefit nonprofit organizations. Sunday’s concert will feature both well-known and more eclectic selections of classical pieces; their goal is to entertain both classical music fans as well as those who are less familiar with the genre. Started by musician Jane Kittredge, the ensemble has been performing for almost three years. Malayaka House is a Vermont-based nonprofit with a global impact; the organization operates a home in Entebbe, Uganda, that provides shelter and love for children who have been abandoned by their families. Started by Vermonter Robert Fleming, the nonprofit is comprised of volunteers and supporters from across the globe, including Spain, Germany, Canada and the United States. Jim Hyde, a member of the Missions Committee at the church, said that a partnership has developed over time between the congregation and Malayaka House. “Two years ago, we at the Charlotte Congregational Church decided to establish a collaboration,” he said. “The hope was that in addition to providing some ongoing

The musicians of Playing for Good will play at the Charlotte Congregational Church on Sunday, July 14 at 5 p.m. to benefit Malayaka House. Photo contributed

financial support we would also help to disseminate information about MH to the broader community.” Malayaka House provides medical, educational and vocational support for children whose families are unable or unwilling to care for them because of their special needs, which is often a result of poverty and illness. Hyde hopes that bringing more attention to the organization will engage community members not only on a financial level but on an emotional one as well. Malayaka House started with Fleming taking responsibility for one child with mental and physical challenges and grew over the

past 14 years into a home that cares both physically and emotionally for over 40 Ugandan children. Fleming, who splits his time between Vermont and Uganda, will be

at the concert on Sunday. The connection between the Congregational Church and Malayaka House is strong; Rev. Kevin Goldenbogen said that along with financial support that the church strives to provide, there are other benefits for both Charlotters and the people in Uganda. He said part of the longterm plan is “to get to know them and for them to get to know us. For example: we have exchanged letters between our youth and children and theirs; we have Skyped together; we are hoping to visit Uganda in the coming months.” Fleming is Kittredge’s former tennis teacher; she is not only the violinist in Playing For Good, but is a member of the church and the church’s contact with Malayaka House. Goldenbogen said that the connections came naturally from that. “Rev. Susan McKnight, now retired former pastor of the Warren United Church is a friend of our Associate Pastor Susan Cooke Kittredge. During the summer of 2017, Rev. McKnight preached at one of our Sunday services about Malayaka House and lit a spark at our church. In 2018, our Missions Team, chaired by Jim Hyde, then picked up the spark and lit a fire!”

Hinesburg, VT Homeowner Recommends Bristol Electronics Before we met the great folks at Bristol Electronics, we initially made contact with one of the ‘popular’ solar installers here in Vermont. You may know them. When we finally decided to move on, a recommendation from a neighbor to contact Bristol Electronics caught our attention. From the moment the Bristol Electronics technician stepped foot on our property and then proceeded to spend three hours looking over our property and answering our questions, I knew these folks were different from the rest. The second site visit to review options sealed it for us. By the time the company owner left, nearly eight hours had been invested in us. No empty promises. No hard sell. Just straightforward, down-to-earth conversation about the best approach. It was really enjoyable to talk to the staff and everyone was so personally engaging. It is an added benefit that Bristol Electronics handles the entire installation from A to Z. No subcontractors to deal with. No multiple layers of staff to get lost among. If you are looking for a local Vermont business that will treat you like a member of their family AND perform a professional installation, look no further than Bristol Electronics. Shannon & Kate Kelly – Hinesburg, VT

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6 • July 11, 2019 • The Charlotte News

Sports Edd Merritt

Concrete and bats make summer baseball

Local Church Services Charlotte Congregational Church, UCC 403 Church Hill Road 425-3176 | Regular Sunday service: 10 a.m. _____________________ Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church Spear Street, 425-2637 Sister parish: St. Jude’s Regular schedule of masses: Saturdays, 4:30 p.m., at St. Jude’s Sundays, 8 a.m. and 11 a.m., at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Sundays, 9:30 a.m., at St. Jude’s

Shortly after they won the Division I state baseball championship, many CVU players put on their S.D. Ireland uniforms and turned immediately to American Legion ball. Ireland plays its home games on the CVU diamond but also travels around Vermont as part of a league and across the lake and throughout New England to tournaments in New York and other neighboring states. They play a full schedule of summer games, nearly 30 of them in the league and about 40 altogether. While the Redhawks dominated high school play, Legion ball can produce a slightly different outcome depending on who shows up for the game. Family vacations and other activities can leave a dent in the infield or a hole in the outfield, and Ireland’s record so far is not what CVU’s was. They will often play three games on a given weekend, depending on the weather. Last Monday, Ireland defeated Barre 10-4 after losing a pair of one-run games to Montpelier (9-8 and 2-1) the Saturday before. They then followed Monday’s win with another over Post 91 from Colchester, 7-3. Several familiar names from the CVU roster appear on Ireland’s as well: Ian Parent and Baker Angstrom on the mound and Tyler Skaflestat at second base, Jacob Boliba in the outfield and behind the plate when needed, Jacob Murphy and John Rushford, outfield and infield respectively, and last but not least, coach Tim Albertson.

Girls’ basketball camps run for five days

Ninety-one girls in grades four through nine participated in summer basketball camps run by CVU head coach and Charlotte resident Ute Otley. The younger

S.D. Ireland’s Tyler Skaflestat picks one out of the air against Colchester Post 91. Photo by Al Frey

group (grades 4 through 6) met in the morning; the old-timers (grades 7 through 9) in the afternoon. They came from around the area – Hinesburg, St. George, Shelburne, Williston, New Haven – as well as Charlotte. CVU rising senior, Mekkena Boyd from Williston, was the head counselor. Charlotte placed all-stars in the morning group, with Apryl Tuiqere, Diedre Higgins and Rowan Howe named to the four-person All-Star roster.

North-South softball ends in a sweep by the Yankees

2019 Redhawk graduate Riley Canty pitched in all three games of the NorthSouth softball all-star series. She and two Missisquoi teammates led the North to an 8-4 win in nine innings in the final game. The same three strung a no-hitter in the opening game (11-1), then followed allowing only three hits and striking out

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11 in the second-game of a twinbill the day prior, winning 6-2.

Make-A-Wish for summer hockey

From bats and balls to pucks and sticks, boys were winners, the girls losers to New Hampshire in the Make-A-Wish Hockey Classic at Gutterson Fieldhouse. It was the third straight win for the boys in this annual game. However, New Hampshire still leads the series 17-9-1. Representatives from BFA St. Albans, Stowe, Burlington and Mount Mansfield hit the New Hampshire net for a 7-2 victory (Vermont’s biggest ever). Vermont outshot the Granite Staters by seven, with the two Green Mountain goalies turning away thirteen shots between the two of them.


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The Charlotte News • July 11, 2019 • 7

Town All Souls welcomes new pastor Lell Forehand Interfaith minister Reverend Don Chatfield is joining All Souls Interfaith Gathering in Shelburne, Vermont, on July 15 to serve as lead pastor. All Souls is an inclusive spiritual center founded in 1999 by Rev. Mary Abele. Located on seven acres overlooking Lake Champlain, it is a place where people of various cultural beliefs may gather in spiritual community to cultivate inner peace and connection to divine source. In addition to offering regular Morning Meditation (9 a.m. Sundays) and Music & Spirit Services (5 p.m. Sundays, September to June), All Souls offers classes, a free lending library and office space to wellness practitioners and early care educators. Reverend Chatfield will oversee daily operations and program planning for the nonprofit organization. The public is invited to a summer Welcoming Picnic on Sunday, July 14, at 5 p.m. to meet Reverend Chatfield and his wife, Karen. The Chatfields are relocating to Vermont from the Osage Forest of Peace, an interspiritual contemplative retreat center near Tulsa, Oklahoma, where Don served as executive director. Don and Karen fell in love on the slopes of Killington and spent much time skiing, camping, and hiking in Vermont; they have been married for 31 years. “I am delighted to join the All Souls community and to continue the interfaith tradition established by Mary Abele,” notes Rev. Don. “I look forward to expanding the opportunities for meaningful interfaith expression and spiritual connection at All Souls.” Reverend Chatfield holds a master of divinity degree, a master’s degree in counseling and a Ph.D. with a focus in community development. He has a deep commitment to the environment and

Reverend Don Chatfield

to social justice, honed during years of service as executive director at a Tucson nonprofit serving the homeless and working poor. At the Forest of Peace, Don established a robust schedule of interfaith events and founded a School of Spiritual Direction. A certified spiritual director, Don finds great fulfillment in being a companion with others on the spiritual journey. His interests in the field of spirituality include the development of an inter spiritual liturgy, eco spirituality and contemplative spiritual practices, as well as developing interspiritual curriculum resources for training ministers. With his wife, Karen, he established La Cholla Center for Integrative Spirituality in Tucson, through which they taught contemplative practice and led interfaith retreats. So bring your friends and family, a picnic blanket or lawn chair, a salad or a dish to share, and meet the Chatfields this Sunday evening, July 14, at 5 p.m. at All Souls for a family-friendly evening of lawn games, breathtaking views, and community connections. Hope to see you there.

8 • July 11, 2019 • The Charlotte News

Into The Woods

Sugar maple and red maple Stop just calling them “maple”

Ethan Tapper It is difficult for many people to distinguish between sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and red maple (Acer rubrum). The bark and leaves of these two trees have stumped plenty of us, leading many to just call them both “maple.” This wouldn’t be such a big deal if both species weren’t so abundant—according to the US Forest Service sugar maple and red maple are the two most prominent tree species in Vermont by volume—and so different; these two species grow on different sites in different ways and have different commercial value and applications. These distinctions have real and important implications for our forests and how we manage them. The first way that these trees are distinct is in how they grow. Foresters often describe trees by “shade-tolerance,” their ability to survive under differing levels of sunlight exposure. Sugar maple, along with beech and hemlock, is “shade-tolerant,” capable of surviving and even growing under a relatively dense canopy and with little direct sunlight. Conversely, red maple,

along with trees like yellow birch and red oak, is considered a “mid-tolerant,” capable of tolerating only moderate amounts of shade. Being more or less shade-tolerant has pros and cons: Less shade-tolerant trees often grow faster than more shade-tolerant trees when sunlight is readily available, but shade-tolerant trees are generally longerlived. In the case of these two species, red maple may initially overtop sugar maple but loses the race in the end; sugar maples boast an average life span of around 200 years, whereas red maple averages around 80-100. While they often co-occur, sugar and red maple differ in where they “like” to grow. Sugar maple is considered a “rich-site” species, most likely to be found where soils are rich in calcium and other nutrients, often growing with basswood and white ash. Red maple, by contrast, is a generalist, able to occupy a range of different sites, from growing with red oak and beech on dry, acidic sites to growing with black ash in wetlands and everywhere in between. It is also associated with some “pioneer” forest types—areas transitioning from

Red maple may initially overtop sugar maple but loses the race in the end; sugar maples boast an average life span of around 200 years, whereas red maple averages around 80-100.

field to woods—accompanied by white pine, aspen/poplars and white/gray birch (some of our “shade-intolerant” species). Red maple’s flexibility means that it may become more abundant as our climate changes and our pickier species—like sugar maple—are less able to adapt. Sugar maple is called “hard” or “rock” maple due to its very dense, hard wood, while red maple is called “soft maple” for its comparatively light, soft wood. Still considered a relatively high-value tree, red maple lumber is used for flooring, furniture-making and other applications, but sugar maple lumber is generally considered more desirable in appearance and is more valuable. Sugar maple’s highest commercial value is realized when large, defect-free logs are used for “veneer,” peeled into sheets as thin as 1/40 of an inch which are fixed to woods of lesser value. You’ve probably seen sugar maple veneer on your tables, desks, doors and cabinets. Both maple species make excellent, high-BTU firewood. Maple sugaring is another important commercial use for sugar maple and, yes, even red maple. Maple syrup production has exploded over the last 15 years in Vermont; over that time our average annual maple syrup output has tripled (from around 600,000 gallons a year in 2000 to


around 1.8 million gallons a year in 2017) and our number of taps has increased from around 2 million to around 5.5 million. Sugar maple has traditionally been the primary species tapped for syrup, but red maple is increasingly used. Both species produce sap of similar quantity and quality, but sugar maple sap is usually slightly higher in sugar content, capable of producing lighter, fancier-grade syrup than red maple (though sugar content in sap varies widely from site to site). Once you understand how different these two tree species are you can understand why differentiating between them is so crucial, whether you are a forester, landowner or naturalist; they are both important ecologically and commercially but fill very different niches, which has implications for their management. As a result, we should treat them differently, and stop just calling them both “maple”! For more info on differentiating between these species, check out A Beginner’s Guide to Recognizing Trees of the Northeast, by Mark Mikolas. Ethan Tapper is the Chittenden County forester. He can be reached at ethan., (802)-585-9099, or at his office at 111 West Street, Essex Junction.

We create patios for gathering, fire pits for backyard campfires, and shade gardens for retreat. Timeless stonewalls to sit upon while stargazing and many more ways to love your outdoors. We’d love to hear how we can help you transform your landscape.



The Charlotte News • July 11, 2019 • 9


Fishhook waterflea infests Lake Champlain


Anglers returning from the waters of Lake Champlain at Shelburne Bay have reported large quantities of invasive fishhook waterflea fouling their gear. Boat launch stewards with the Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) noted this week that nearly all fishing boats returning to the Shelburne Bay and Converse Bay launches had downriggers infested with the tiny organisms. LCBP stewards removed, treated and disposed of the fishhook waterfleas. The alarming news for anglers and lake ecology came during the busy holiday period of Canada Day on July 1 and the July 4th holiday in the U.S. Like the spiny waterflea, which was confirmed in Lake Champlain in 2014, the fishhook waterflea is an aggressive predator of plankton that are food for native species in the lake. There are no known risks to human health from the fishhook waterflea, but they are known for fouling fishing gear. Scientists first noted fishhook waterflea (Cercopagis pengoi) in Lake Champlain in summer 2018. The species is the 51st known aquatic nonnative and invasive species in Lake Champlain. While more than 100 individual waterfleas were present in samples collected in 2018, the number of individuals found on fishing equipment in Shelburne Bay recently numbered in the thousands. The Lake Champlain Research Institute confirmed that organisms collected off of fishing lines of boats exiting the lake this week were fishhook waterfleas along with a small number of spiny waterfleas. The fishhook waterflea is a native of Eurasia. It arrived in the Great Lakes in ballast water in the 1980s and spread to other water bodies. It likely arrived in Lake Champlain by hitchhiking overland

on recreational boats, trailers, fishing lines and other equipment. The Finger Lakes in New York and Lake Ontario are the closest lakes known to host the species. While the impact from this species to the lake’s food web is unknown, researchers have observed shifts in the zooplankton community after the detection of spiny waterflea in Lake Champlain and other lakes where the species has become established. The waterflea eggs are resistant to drying, which limits the types of management actions that will prevent the spread of this species. Because the fishhook waterflea has life stages that are invisible to the naked eye, they are often difficult to detect. Lake users are asked to take measures to help prevent the spread of fishhook waterflea to other inland water bodies. Boaters are encouraged to clean, drain and dry their boats, trailers and equipment. They should drain bilge water and check anchor lines. Anglers should change fishing lines and tackle when moving between water bodies. “These invasive waterfleas pose a risk not only to the ecology of our lakes and ponds but also to anglers’ enjoyment of fishing,” said Louis Porter, commissioner of the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department. “We count on anglers and boaters both to clean, drain and dry their boats and equipment to prevent the spread of invasives. Species like the fishhook water flea are easily overlooked so closer inspection may be necessary. Boaters and anglers are also often the first to notice when new invasives reach Vermont – thanks for taking the time to prevent the movement of invasive species around Vermont.” Hot water, high pressure decontamination of boats and equipment that are in contact with water bodies known to contain fishhook waterflea is recommended. The LCBP operates decontamination stations at the John Guillmette launch in South Hero,

Thousands of fishhook and spiny waterfleas encrust a fishing line in June 2019, giving the appearance of a long worm. Photo contributed by LCBP

Shelburne Bay, and Colchester VTFWD fishing access launch. Decontamination stations are available at the South Bay, Ticonderoga, Port Henry, Willsboro, Port Douglas, Peru, and Plattsburgh NYSDEC launches operated by the Adirondack

Watershed Institute. No known control methods exist to eliminate fishhook waterflea once established in a water body. Efforts will focus on preventing the spread of this species to other water bodies in the region.

10 • July 11, 2019 • The Charlotte News

Library News Margaret Woodruff DIRECTOR

Thanks to all who helped us celebrate the kick-off of the library expansion fundraising! Special thanks to Nate Hodgson-Walker and Ted LeBlanc who provided great music on the library porch, as well as to Gilfeather’s Provisions and Philo Ridge Farm who donated delicious treats for all to enjoy and to Unity Farm, which shared some of their fabulous flowers. Summer Reading. Pick up the Universe of Summer Fun Program Flyer at the Library Desk or access online at www.

Take a Bag If You Need It, June 17 to August 18. The Charlotte Library, Spear’s Corner Store and the Charlotte Congregational Church (403 Church Hill Road) are partnering again this year to provide lunch assistance for families with children and youth. Bags with lunch items will be available at the library, store and church for families to take. Vouchers are also available upon request and good for a gallon of milk and loaf of bread from Spear’s Store. Don’t forget to stop by the Little Free Library at the Grange this summer to pick up a free book or two! Drop-in LEGO Fun. Thursdays @ 10 a.m., through July 25. Try a challenge or build your own creation with other LEGO fans.

Library book sale and more on Sunday Don’t miss the best book sale ever—on the Charlotte Town Green, Sunday, July 21, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., where you’ll find a fantastic selection of well curated, well sorted and reasonably priced books to provide reading for all ages and tastes. There will be food trucks to sustain you ( Ice Cream, Philo Ridge Farm, Taco Truck All Stars and HOMEpressed juices) and the Energy Committee’s Fossil-Free Jamboree to enlighten you—try out electric tools, check out an e-vehicle and find out about the latest incentives for fossil-free options for home and work. Join us on the green, rain or shine, and stock up on good reads for the summer. Note that the last drop-off day for book donations is Thursday, July 18. Please drop off books during library hours and follow the guidelines when dropping off. Many thanks to all for supporting the library and the book sale!

Universe of Summer Fun. Mondays 7/8-7/22 for age 9+, Wednesdays 7/10 & 7/17 for age 6-8. Both at 10:30 a.m. An hour of books and space projects. Each week features a new space-based theme! Registration required. Story Time @ Adam’s Berry Farm. Tuesdays @ 9:30 am, through July 30. Meet us at the farm for a summer of stories and busy activities. Apollo Moon Landing NASA Webinar. Monday, July 15 @ 4 p.m. What was the sequence of this incredible mission? Where on the Moon did they land? And how did they return safely to Earth? Join us for a guided webinar recreation of Apollo 11’s journey to see how this mission was executed by crew members and mission control in Houston. This live webcast is brought to you by the American Museum of Natural History and the STAR Library Network’s NASA@ My Library program. Baby Time @ the Charlotte Library. Wednesday, July 17 @ 5:30 p.m. Join us for baby story/play time and meet other families in the Charlotte area. Men’s Book Group: Destiny of the Republic. Wednesday, July 17 @ 7 p.m. Four months after James Garfield’s inauguration, a deranged office seeker tracked him down and shot him in the back. But the shot didn’t kill Garfield. The drama of what happened subsequently is a powerful story of a nation in turmoil. The unhinged assassin’s half-delivered strike shattered the fragile national mood of a country recently fractured by civil war and left the wounded president as the object of a bitter behind-the-scenes struggle for power—over his administration, over the nation’s future and, hauntingly, over his medical care. A team of physicians

administered shockingly archaic treatments, to disastrous effect. As his condition worsened, Garfield received help: Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, worked around the clock to invent a new device capable of finding the bullet. Copies available at the circulation desk. Charlotte Library contact information Margaret Woodruff, director Cheryl Sloan, youth services librarian Susanna Kahn, tech services librarian Hours Mondays & Wednesdays: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Reach us on the web at: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter & Instagram: @CharlotteVTLib

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Charlotte News



The Charlotte News • July 11, 2019 • 11

Town Library hosts expansion kick-off The Charlotte Library welcomed visitors on June 28 to check out plans for the planned addition to the building, celebrating with live music, treats from the Little Garden Market, and library board members on hand to answer questions and share their enthusiasm.

Above, Justine Morrison and her kids check out the plans for the new library wing and get some information from Library Director Margaret Woodruff during the library’s June 28 party celebrating the building’s prospective new addition. Photos by Chea Waters Evans

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Penar will the Fire Station for the annual Rotary ood ven- Golf Ball Drop and a chance to win prizes verything depending on where the numbered balls JulyProceeds 11, 2019from • The Charlotte News rgers and12 •land. ticket sales help fund g animals Rotary’s many projects through the year. ects, and

Page 14  August 17, 2017  Shelburne News

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continued from page 2 The week-long bait drop is a cooperative effort between Vermont and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services to stop the spread of the potentially fatal disease. Rabies is a deadly viral disease of the brain that infects mammals. It is most often seen in raccoons, skunks, foxes, and bats, but unvaccinated pets and livestock can also get rabies. The virus is spread through the Could you use a helping bite of an infected animal orhand? contact with its Armistead Senior Care provides premium, non-medical in-home care such as:

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saliva. If left untreated, rabies is almost alMacin- humans PC - Phones - Tablets ways fatal and animals. However, Onsite Repairs - Tutoring Lessons treatment with the rabies vaccine is nearly Melissa Mendelsohn 100 percent effective when given soon after 1306 Orchard Road, Charlotte, VT 05445 a person is bitten by a rabid animal. So far thisphone: year,802.825.5444 23 animals in Vermont have tested positive for rabies, and 14 of those have been raccoons. According to wildlife officials, rabid animals often show a change in their normal behavior, but you cannot tell whether an animal has rabies simply by looking at it. People should not touch or pick up wild animals or strays – even baby animals.



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The Charlotte News • July 11, 2019 • 13 mysterious and beautiful. Lilacs. Lexi Shana Mester

Au Printemps Hannah Stein In this shell I must wait, Till Spring The birds are chirping and the flowers are blooming! I walk outside on the very first day of spring. The sky is a beautiful blue and the grass a bright green. I look up into the sycamore tree to see the robin red breast building her nest. Soon she will have babies. I look to the garden where little yellow daffodils and purple crocus are blooming. I then notice that there is no snow on the ground. It has all melted. I walk over to my favorite spot in the yard, the sycamore tree, its branches spreading above me like big arms and its trunk home to many animals. The tree, I think, is like the circle of life. If you look closely, you can see many different species of birds, rodents, and other creatures. There is a swing on the sycamore tree. This is part of the reason why it is my favorite place in the world. I sit down on the swing and start pumping, back and forth, back and forth. After a while, I hear a soft crack coming from somewhere up in the tree. ‘Oh!’ I think to myself. ‘Probably one of the baby birds is going to hatch!’ I keep swinging with a smile plastered on my face. As you may be able to tell, spring is my favorite season. Every single creature on this planet is waking up, being reborn. Then I hear another soft crack and . . . humming. No. It can’t be . . . singing. Just another bird chorus, I think to myself. I keep swinging. Just another reason why I love spring so much. Music. But I stop again when I hear the singing. For it does not sound like the singing of the birds. It sounds of a human. But then again, not human. Just another creature singing. I decide to listen more carefully. Sure enough, someone is making music. Au Printemps, au printemps Je me reveille, je me reveille! Au Printemps, au printemps Je me reveille, je me reveille! The Way the Flowers Grow Kate Silverman A single seed dropped to the ground, roots pushing into the deep dark earth. A brave little stem poking through the surface, Up, Up, Up, reaching towards the sky. Branches opening their arms to the sun, little leaves unfurling. The blossoms smelling sweet, the petals colored bright. But when the sun stops to shine, or the rain stops to fall, The cernuous flower will fall back down, a million seeds dropped to the ground, back to the earth that started it all. Lilacs Ruby Kohn In shades of lavender and violet. My favorite flower. It smells like freedom, and summer vacation. It’s strange and intriguing,

My companion in any adventure. My best friend when I get home. My funny dog anytime. This is the Lexi I know. The one who swims in the pond then comes up to the house and shakes himself dry. The one who loves to go outside and sit under a shady tree or run around the grass, but will always return home. The one who sits alone most of the day unless the neighbors return home. (Then he is HAPPY!) The one that jumps up at the door barking loudly and licking as soon as they walk through the door. This is the Lexi I will always remember. She will sleep all day unless the sound of a loud truck pulls into the driveway. Then after she’s rowdy and she vigorously plays. The one who waits for the mail truck to come because they feed her Ritz crackers. The one who sits on the floor curled up by my neighbor’s feet growling for just a handful more dog food. The one who rides in my neighbor’s truck, fur windy and soft. The one who runs in the kitchen when breakfast and dinner come around. The dog that barks and won’t get out of your way when you try to scoop Purina dog food into a bowl from the metal can. She is so barky. Some days she is calmer but won’t go outside so I make a trail of dog food out the door that she can follow. The one who loves food so much she goes to the compost pile and sniffs around the ground. This is what I think of when people say what does your neighbor’s dog do? What Does It Mean to See a Cardinal? Christa Duthie-Fox, teacher “Dad, is that you?” “Mom, are you there too?” When my siblings and I see a lively pair of cardinals, with their distinctive crests and masks, we think of our parents. The male, a vibrant red, with his black mask; the female, a reddish olive, with her grey mask. Both perhaps perched on the branch of a flowering crabapple tree, the tree itself, a visual attraction with its own color— pink-red flowers in the spring and bright glossy red and orange berries that persist after the leaves fall. This charitable tree gives an invite to the cardinal pair, saying, “Come feed on my berries to sustain you through the winter months.” Our cardinals are carriers of hope, and of a knowing of good things to come. They are endurance, and persistence and beauty, year round, despite northern winters. It seems a little strange to admit that we look to these birds, through our windows, as a reincarnation of our parents who have passed. That we can communicate with these birds, and stranger yet, that they communicate back their wisdom... easing unrest, giving comfort. Where we grew up, our house had a black metal lamppost with a cross arm. On the cross arm was a metal cardinal, painted a bold and striking red, with a yellow beak

and black eyes. Hanging beneath the post was a carved wooden sign with slanted manuscript letters spelling our family surname. Who knew that a cardinal would be so significant to my siblings and me later in life? I thought I had a monopoly on the idea that the cardinal pair I saw daily were my parents in another form. But, one by one, I heard several of my sisters share their stories of a cardinal pair frequenting the trees around their homes. Could they be seeing the same pair? From Vermont to Maine, to Massachusetts, to Illinois... how far would a cardinal pair travel? Our parents weren´t really travelers. But we all lay claim that the northern cardinal pair frequenting our yards are indeed our parents. Both parents matching pitch, a whistling duet. “Do you recognize your daughters and son?” We hear them sing, “We, we, we,” then “See, see, see,” and finally, “You, you, you.” “Can you still feel our love for you?” And we hear them say, “We do, we do, we do!” A northern cardinal pair remains in the same territory together their whole lives. They are beautiful reminders of what depending on and caring for each other is. They embody the fundamental rules by which our parents lived, these Cardinal Rules of life that deeply define who we are to each other. That Dog Aliza Flore That dog that could break your heart the type that would protect you the dog that would help you even if he was acting strangely even though he ran away for more than a day He was that one type of dog but one night you decided to follow to see that dog with an owl How strange you thought You call his name that night just in case but indeed it was that dog You wonder why? There’s no reason, right? But maybe it’s because he’s just that dog But there may be a reason Maybe the owl is hurt but why? You walk over to see but what comes next was not expected I couldn’t believe my eyes The owl wasn’t hurt; it was a friend, family even But of course, it was your dog that just so happened to have that friend because he was... THAT DOG Haikus by a Smart Cat William Kallock CATNIP I love catnip mice I like to chew their heads off they’re good for breakfast JOLT there is already Jolt but does each can contain an electric eel FISH SODA new type manta grape the manta was easier to get than the grape The Queen’s Dilemma (Using the 7 Final Scripps Spelling Bee Words) Abbey Pitcavage There once was a very beautiful and powerful queen. She only let people with

an auslaut of n in their name work at her palace. If they didn’t, they were instantly fired. Her crowns towered high with pendeloques. She made her subjects bow at her feet. And everything she had was expensive, including her pet duck who had golden palama. She was living the grandest life anyone could ever imagine. But one day, her medic tested her positive for erysipelas. But this case of erysipelas was very unusual. It would not resolve in a week. There would be worse symptoms of rash and itching and it would be simply awful. She rushed home, shocked with the news. The only medicine they had for her was an herbal remedy based on bougainvillea. But she was allergic to it. Her skin was cernuous, and she felt as if her life was over. She would never be the beautiful queen she had once been. But one day, her old medic came rushing into her bedroom where she lay. She sat up straight in bed, quite startled. His uniform had so many aiguillettes, it seemed to be weighing him down. Had there really been a war without her being a part of it? It had been 6 years since the last time she had seen the medic in his clinic. Then, he spoke. “I have just returned from the war; I have been fighting for 4 whole years and I have picked up many tricks for taking care of wounded soldiers,” he said in a rushed voice. “Try this,” he said and tossed a small jar onto her bed. Then, he stormed out of the room. The queen lay back down, not exactly sure what to do. But then she remembered the medicine he had dropped off. She reached for the jar and screwed the top open. Inside was... nothing. She shook the jar; a metal sort of sound jingled inside. She turned the jar upside down, and a mark on her comforter appeared as if a marble had been dropped there, but she could not see what it was. She got out of bed and heard something drop onto the floor. The queen got onto her hands and knees, which pained her deeply, and started to search for the invisible object. She searched until her hand hit something small and round, like a pill. She picked it up and desperately swallowed it, thinking of how beautiful she would become again. She felt it go all the way down her throat and hit her stomach. Then, an amazing sensation hit her, and all of her pain went away. The queen stood up from the carpet and dashed to her mirror. She looked into the mirror, expecting the old her. But she got an awful surprise. She still had the awful, multicolored, ugly, skin. She couldn’t believe it. She dropped to the floor and wept. At the sound of the queen’s cries, her servant rushed into the bedroom. “I will never be able to rule,” said the Queen. “I am far too ugly. Nobody will respect me.” “That is not true,” said the servant. “You must be kind and you must listen to your subjects for them to respect you. You must go to your throne room and listen to your subjects.” The servant was talking in a harsh tone now. The queen was surprised; nobody had talked to her that way before. She realized the servant was right. This was her kingdom to rule, and for people to listen to her, she must be kind. She stood up and walked to her throne. She sat down to find gifts scattered all around the throne room. A banner hung around the pillars. FEEL BETTER. She sat up straighter in her throne. From that moment on, the queen was no longer ignorant and cruel. She listened to her subjects and made it equal for everybody. And the kingdom lived happily ever after.

14 • July 11, 2019 • The Charlotte News

SENIOR CENTER MENUS Suggested donation for all meals: $5

Monday Munch

11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. No reservations required.

Wednesday Lunch All diners eat at noon. Reservations required.

July 15

Zucchini (no noodle) lasagna Strawberry spinach salad Cornbread Chocolate surprise

July 17

Brian’s chicken salad Pasta & vegetable salad Homemade dessert

July 24

July 22

Broccoli/Cauliflower pie w/ham Tomato platter Blueberry delight

Seafood salad (imitation crab, pasta, snow peas, red peppers, mushrooms, scallions) Homemade dessert

Thursday Gents Breakfast

7:00–9:00 a.m. Reservations required. Carolyn Kulik


“When the green woods laugh with the voice of joy, And the dimpling stream runs laughing by; When the air does laugh with our merry wit, And the green hill laughs with the noise of it.” ~ William Blake Do you often pay attention to the many shades of green that are part of the lushness around us? Hunter green, Kelly green, avocado, emerald, sage, olive, mint, citron, seaweed, jade, lime, etc. Imagine how different it would be if there were only one. Do you have a favorite shade? Mine is celadon. What could be better than getting out and about in the summer? The once-postponed Boating on Lake Champlain trip with Al and Nancy Martin had a spectacular day for the first trip of this year on 6/27. These trips really are a “dream day” on the lake with beautiful scenery, stories about the lake, a stop for a fabulous lunch at Basin Harbor, and are hosted by the gracious and knowledgeable Martins. (And did I mention that Al can be very funny, too?) Please note that these popular trips all have waiting lists now, but do add your name if you wish, as iffy weather would result in rescheduling. There is no fee, and the only cost is your lunch. The first trip of Kayaking for Women also had a wonderful day on 6/28 on the Bouquet River. The next one is tomorrow, 7/12, at the Green River Reservoir. If you are interested, contact Susan Hyde directly at for details right away. Other trips are on 7/26, 8/9, 8/23, 9/13 & 9/27. There is no fee for these trips. Writers? Poets? Where are you? The monthly Writers Group is waiting for you and will lend support for your creative efforts. It meets on 7/12 – and subsequent second Fridays, from 1-3 p.m. Please register to indicate your interest while this group is forming. No fee. If you would like more writing guidance, you could sign up for Write Now! with Laurie McMillan, which will be meeting

on Monday mornings, 10 to noon, on 8/5, 8/12, 8/19 & 8/26. The course will utilize writing prompts, art visuals and useful writing tips – with time for in-class writing, sharing and discussion. Registration required. Fee: $68 for the 4-week series. Shape-Note Singing will happen again on Sunday afternoon, 7/21, from 1-3. Join in singing traditional, a cappella, four-part harmony - also known as Sacred Harp. It can take some getting used to, and does have a bit of a learning curve, but the “fullbody, shout-it-out singing” is a real visceral experience and does not require a “good voice.” Songbooks are provided. Stop by to listen or sing—and leave whenever you wish. No fee. [For some background, check out YouTube “Sacred Harp Singing”, (Awake Productions) - or in YouTube enter “I’m Going Home” (Royce Hall concert).] July: Wednesday Afternoon Events at 1 p.m. 7/17: Here We Go ‘Round Again. Learn about the history of Shelburne’s Museum’s famous Dentzel Carousel and its conservation over three decades. The presenter will be Richard Kerchner, conservator emeritus, Shelburne Museum. 7/24: Japanese Ceramics: The Grace of Imperfection. From 10,000-yearold funerary figures to Zen-influenced ceremonial tea bowls, you will encounter Japanese aesthetics, culture, history, geography and spirituality in the clay. Presenting is Jonathan Silverman, professor emeritus of art and aesthetic education at St. Michael’s College. 7/31: Fun with Donkeys. Invite a young friend, and meet two mini-donkeys named Chester and Ernie – pettable, huggable buddies for the afternoon. Hear about the history of donkeys and carting, and take a ride in their custom cart. July: Wednesday Events at 1 p.m. 8/7: Stop the Bleed, UVM Medical Center. Learn what you can do in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. 8/14: Downsizing. Explore how to navigate the process and prepare for a life transition.

July 11 and 25 Menu: TBA | Topic: TBA

(Keep up to date on Menus at our website,, and on Front Porch Forum, as they sometimes change.)

8/21: My Affairs in Order. If something should happen to you, would anyone know how to step in and manage your affairs? 8/28: Rokeby Museum Tour, Ferrisburgh. “The museum brings the Underground Railroad vividly to life.” Meet to carpool. Please register in advance; cost $9. August Trips - just south 8/9, Fri. Middlebury College Art and Lunch with Linda Jackson Please meet at the Center by 9:30 to carpool. This daytrip to Middlebury College’s Museum of Art will view the show “Fifty Years of Collecting Art for Middlebury.” After the museum, we will have lunch at the Middlebury Inn. Return time will be approximately 3:30. The only fee will be for the cost of your individual lunch. Preregistration required; minimum of 10. 8/17, Sat. Lemon Fair Sculpture Park with Frank and Elaine Ittleman Please meet at the Center by 9:30 to carpool. The Ittlemans invite you to enjoy a magnificent rural setting dedicated to outdoor art at their private residence in Shoreham. With Frank as our guide, the 1.5-mile loop passes about a dozen largescale outdoor artworks. (Be sure to bring water and wear sturdy shoes.) Head home around noon, or stop in nearby Middlebury for a leisurely lunch. Registration necessary. No fee. Maximum is 20. Art News The July Art Exhibit is showcasing the work of three artists: Emma Farrington, Jill Thompson and Nancy Wood. Their subjects and media are delightfully varied. Come have a look. Don’t forget to come in to pick up the handout with everything you need to know about participating in the Annual Senior Center Community Art Show, which takes place during September. It is open to all mastery levels for ages 50 and up. Maximum is two pieces per artist. Work that has not been shown at the Center

before is requested, although it need not be recent. Questions? Call Judy Tuttle at 425-2864. About Volunteering Do you know that volunteers are the heart of the Senior Center? There are hosts, dishwashers (men), bakers, cook teams, blood drive helpers, special events, office work, instructors, and more. Interested? We can find the right fit for you. There are hosts, dishwashers (men), bakers, cook teams, blood-drive helpers, special events, office work, instructors and more. Interested? We can find the right fit for you. We have flexible opportunities to fit your schedule and give you a chance to contribute to the community, meet new people, make new friends and have fun. If you would like to find out more, stop by or contact Volunteer Coordinator Peggy Sharpe at 425-6345. The best times to see art exhibits in July Tues. after 12:30, Wed. 9:30-11:00, Thurs. after 12:30, Fri. after 12:30. Take a quick peek at noon on Mon. and Wed. Please call the Center during the week to check on Sunday availability.

Do visit our website,, for more details and menus. If you have questions or would like to register, please call 425-6345, M-F from 9-4. Or just stop in and say hello. We are at 212 Ferry Road, Charlotte, right across from the post office. The Senior Center’s mission is to serve those 50 and up. Residents from other communities are also welcome. See you soon! ________________ Charlotte Senior Center (802) 425-6345

The Charlotte News • July 11, 2019 • 15

Clemmons Family Farm 2019 Humanities Speakers Series features noted African American storytellers

“To Sing of Common Things: Making a Way Out of No Way” The Clemmons Family Farm is pleased to announce its 2019 Humanities Speakers’ Series, “To Sing of Common Things: Making a Way Out of No Way.” The fivepart series, to run from summer through fall 2019, will feature talks with acclaimed African-American authors. Kicking off the series is Shomari Wills of Washington, D.C., author of Black Fortunes: The Story of the First Six African Americans Who Survived Slavery and Became Millionaires. Vermont-based writers Emily Bernard, author of Black Is the Body: Stories from My Grandmother’s Time, My Mother’s Time, and Mine; Rajnii Eddins, author of Their Names Were Mine and Naima Wade, author of Elbow Dreams: A Black Girl Growing Up In Vermont During the 1960s are also giving talks later in the series. The series talks are springboards to provoke meaningful conversations, and will be moderated by Dr. Wanda Heading-Grant, clinical associate professor in the College of Education and Social Services and vice president for human resources, diversity and multicultural affairs at the University of Vermont. This third annual speakers’ series is free and open to the public at the historic Barn House on the Clemmons Family Farm on Greenbush Road. Advance registration is required (, and donations are welcome. A Q&A and discussion will follow each presentation. Saturday, July 20, 4 to 5:30 p.m. Shomari Wills, author of Black Fortunes: The Story of the First Six African Americans Who Survived Slavery and Became Millionaires Sunday, July 21, 1 to 3 p.m. Second book-signing event at Pizzeria Verità in Burlington. Shomari “Sho” Wills was born in Washington D.C. and grew up on 16th street, aka the “Gold Coast,” an enclave of black professionals, artists and politicians. Wills attended Morehouse College and Columbia Journalism School, where he studied writing and broadcast journalism and won the Lynton Bookwriting Fellowship in 2013. As a journalist, he worked for One Caribbean Television as a reporter, at CNN as a producer on CNN Tonight with Don Lemon and at Good Morning America, where he won an Emmy as part of the production team in 2017. He has also


contributed to Slate and Vice. Currently he is developing a TV adaption of Black Fortunes with Dear White People producer Stephanie Allain. He is also writing three books, including a follow up to Black Fortunes and a young adult book. Wills currently lives in Brooklyn, NY. Sunday, August 4, 4 to 5:30 p.m. Rajnii Eddins, author of Their Names Are Mine. Originally from Seattle, Washington, Rajnii Eddins has been engaging diverse community audiences as a spoken word artist for over 27 years. He was the youngest member of the African American Writers’ Alliance at age 11 and has been actively sharing with Vermont’s communities. Rajnii’s latest published work, Their Names Are Mine, is a powerful collection of more than 20 years of his poetry that confronts white supremacy while affirming our collective humanity. “Rajnii’s tongue is ancestral, and his spirit is free. In the tradition of sacred word-warriors, he names the fallen and the martyrs with extraordinary grace and a humbling consciousness that manifest light in all directions. His fiery poems ration out eternal wisdoms that call forth simply a substitution of love for hate and a spiritual reckoning so that we all can breathe,” writes Major Jackson, poetry editor of The Harvard Review, in his critique of the book. Eddins is a resident of Burlington, VT. The series is supported through grants from the Vermont Humanities Council and ArtPlace America in conjunction with the

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INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING If you’re looking for quality painting with regular or low voc paints and reasonable rates with 35 years of experience call John McCaffrey at 802999-0963, 802-338-1331 or 802877-2172. MT. PHILO INN A unique hotel with panoramic views of Lake Champlain and private road to Mt. Philo. 1800 sq. ft. 3-bedroom suites with 2 bathrooms and a complete kitchen. By the day, week and month. Privacy, space, tranquility. Bigger on the inside., 425-3335.

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A Sense of Place project, which is led by the Clemmons Family Farm in partnership with Champlain College, and the Peace and Justice Center and Burlington City Arts as the fiscal agents.

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George & Pam Darling P.O. Box 32 Ferry Road, Charlotte, VT Clemmons Family Farm Barn House

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