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Relax with these Christian movies that will leave you feeling inspired!
Everyone has a unique father story. Whether positive or painful, it’s always personal and can deeply affect the core of our identity and direction of our lives. Kendrick Brothers’ SHOW ME THE FATHER is the first documentary film from the creators of WAR ROOM, OVERCOMER, FIREPROOF, and COURAGEOUS Legacy. Featuring a variety of amazing true stories, this captivating movie takes audiences of all ages on an inspiring and emotional cinematic journey. Providing a fresh perspective on the roles of fathers in today’s society, SHOW ME THE FATHER invites you to think differently about how you view your earthly father, and how you personally relate to God. After Wendy lost her husband in the line of duty, she felt like things couldn’t get worse. However, they did get worse when her son suddenly went missing. A local pastor has lost his faith, but is he being given a chance to look at his worldview from a new angle after Wendy, one of his members, is in a time of need? Will they all be able to see that letting go and giving anxieties to God is the best way to live?
When young Sara hears a preacher say faith can move mountains, she starts praying. Suddenly, people in her town are mysteriously healed - but fame soon takes its toll.
Angel, who was sold into prostitution as a child, has survived through hatred and self-loathing in 1850s California. When she meets Michael Hosea, she discovers there is no brokenness that love can't heal.
By: Ps Favor Ogochukwu Ikechukwu Esiobu
The meaning of Easter is Jesus Christ’s victory over death. His resurrection symbolizes the eternal life that is granted to all who believe in Him. However, Easter did not always symbolize Christ’s resurrection. The feast day of Easter was originally a pagan celebration of renewal and rebirth. Celebrated in the early spring, it honored the pagan Saxon goddess Eastre. When the early missionaries converted the Saxons to Christianity, the holiday, since it fell around the same time as the traditional memorial of Christ’s resurrection from the dead, was merged with the pagan celebration, and became known as Easter. Personally, the most outstanding significance of Easter, is what the bible revealed to us in Colossians 2:6-15, “And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him.... He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. In this way, He disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross. With this scripture, I became fully aware and awakened to these powerful significant truth of the finished work of Christ on the Cross The acceptance and continuous following of Christ, roots us in Divinity and fills us to overflowing. When something begins to overflow it can’t be resisted or ignored, the original design of God at work in your life begins to be noticed by all, which results to Thanksgiving. We are made complete in him, firstly we become rooted and then we built to completeness, to a realm where we are not bound or captured by empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ. (Vs. 8). He cancels every debt, every ordinances, every accusations the devil and his agents might have against us for the life we may have lived in the past, not minding how messy it might have been. The word of God says “ ...he cancelled the record of the charges made against us...” Halleluiah!! This means if he can remove you from addiction to tobacco he can cure the lung cancer and heart diseases that comes from your years of smoking...and that applies to every other detriments and regrets that comes with living in sin. Old things really passes away. (2 Cor. 5:17). And then he disgraced our accusers, he made a shame of the devil, a public spectacle of him by his VICTORY ON THE CROSS. Therefore beloved in Christ, let us celebrate the finished work of Christ, our being rooted in Divinity, the completeness and wholeness in him, and the cancellation of every charges the devil thinks he can hold against us , stripping him of every powers and making a public spectacle of him by his victory on the Cross. Not just with Easter eggs, Hot cross buns, or fish dishes. But overflowing gratitude. Because, Christ has finished every work on Calvary’s tree. Amen!