The Christie FRCR Part 2B preparation course in Asia Wednesday 27 to Thursday 28 February 2019 The Clinical Trials Complex, Advanced Medical and Dental Institute, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
Overview The Christie FRCR Part 2B Preparation Course has been delivered since 2013 in Manchester, United Kingdom. It has provided many successful delegates with the guidance and support to help pass their 2B exam. This will be the first FRCR Part 2B course delivered under exam conditions in Asia, jointly organised with Universiti Sains Malaysia. The faculty is a mix of experienced consultants from The Christie NHS Foundation Trust and locally from Asia, with prior FRCR experience.
In collaboration with
The Christie FRCR 2B Preparation Course Course schedule WEDNESDAY 27 FEBRUARY 2019 Clinical examinations and viva cases (with feedback on examination techniques) Breakout sessions (summary on management of each tumour subsite)
Mock examination Breakout sessions (palliative radiotherapy plans, chemotherapy and immunotherapy management) Feedback 1:1
Learning Outcomes Candidates will become familiar with the format of the Part 2B exam and develop skills and technique to approach the clinical and viva cases
Target audience Candidates who are considering sitting for the FRCR Part 2 examinations, or the local equivalent examinations.
Further information Email
Fees USD 500 (earlybird offer for registration prior to 7 January 2019) USD 575 (registration from 7 January 2019)
Registration Application form is available on There are limited spaces available and priority is given on a first come first serve basis.