Mensa Newsletter Feb 2017

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February 2017


Annual Gathering


Marketing Wrap


Mensa World Journal Articles


Letter from Editor


Annual Gathering


Marketing Wrap


Mensa World Journal Articles


It's hard to believe that we are already in March of this year. I recently had an exchange student from Argentina come stay with me and my family for just over a month. It was such an enlightening experience to hear from a young girl what life is like in Buenos Aires, as well as the similarities and differences between our cultures. It just goes to show we never stop learning especially from those around us!

Webpage: National Chairperson: Simone Deyzel-O'Brien National Treasurer: Schalkwyk van der Merwe National Marketing Ofď€ cer: Lorraine Steyn National Secretary: Cinzi Busi National Admin Ofď€ cer: Yvonne Steyn

Heidi Franck EDITOR

2. ANNUAL GATHERING 2017 Mensa South Africa's Annual Gathering for 2017 will be hosted by our KZN region. RESERVE THE DATES! 1 - 3 September 2017. It will be held in the majestic Drakensberg and is the premier annual event on the Mensa SA calendar. More info to follow in the next 2 months.



3. MARKETING WRAP Winelands Our newest and fastest growing region, Winelands, has a very active SIG community. They've had hikes, board game and music evenings, and 72 people attended the speaker evening with AfrikaBurn founder, Monique Schiess.

Cape Town Moving along the coast, Cape Town has also been outdoors looking for the elusive Disa Protea on Table Mountain. Culture came in the form of an afternoon at city hall, hearing the story of the new Steinway grand piano and listening to virtuoso, Franรงois du Toit. The speaker evening featured Jacques Rousseau on the Rise of the Robots.

Pretoria Moving up-country, socialites Pretoria had a new member pizza meetup and Kyle Moolman taught Pretoria how to market in the Green Industry at their speaker event. Their fabulous train trip has had to be postponed, sadly, due to ooding along the tracks in Cullinan. The Cape wishes they had your rain, Pretoria!



Johannesburg Braamfontein has changed a lot over the last decade, and Jhb members enjoyed a guided tour of the area hosted by Nielsen Tours. Akiva Beebe presented his ndings about “antifragile leaders� as the speaker event, and the social SIG held their usual board games Saturday.

KwaZulu Natal Pub quizzes are big in KZN, especially the rapid re style held at the Keg and Trout! Upcoming board games in March, and of course KZN's committee has been travelling the Drakensberg roads looking for the perfect National Gathering venue (diarize 1-3 September!).



4. MENSA WORLD JOURNAL 4.1 Logical Olympiad in a Box During the nine years that the Logical Olympiad has taken place so far, many international guests have come to observe how the competition works, with a view to holding it in their own National Mensa. We have had the opportunity to welcome, for example, Christine Warlies (Germany), Ingrid David (France), Kaj Lindholm (Finland), Therese Moodie-Bloom and Kate Nacard (Australia), Aleksandra Borovic and her colleagues (Serbia), Konrad Joniak and Eliza Dołżańska-Pietrzak (Poland) and, several times, our neighbours from Slovakia. Consequently, in order to help make the running of the competition easier for other National Mensas, Logical Olympiad in a Box was created. This is a set of materials, tasks and software, which is has been made available to help any National Mensa hold the competition in their own country. It was created in 2014 by Mensa Czech Republic, and the translations into English and adaptations for international use were funded by Mensa International. The main document is the Instruction Manual for organisers, which provides a complete description of all elements of the competition – what we do, how we do it and why we do it. There are also 48 other useful documents included, for example, detailed rules of the competition, letters to schools, examples of communication with participants, lea ets, awards, press releases and many others. The box also contains a complete set of tasks, covering one year of the competition – three age categories and three rounds (basic, regional and nal). The tasks are languageindependent, and it should be easy to translate all the instructions into any given language. The logical tasks software that we are using as one of the modules for the regional and nal rounds is included as well. The on-line application that we use for the web site, registration system, on-line qualifying rounds and evaluation is also included in the box. We have negotiated with the author of the system to make it a free licence for all National Mensas worldwide. We would like to encourage National Mensas to start the Logical Olympiad in their countries. It is possible to start gradually in one region or with fewer age categories. We started in 2008 in three regions and the following year we extended the competition to the whole country. I have been part of the organizing team since the beginning and it will be my pleasure to help other Mensas start this up – and all the volunteers from our team share this commitment.

Tomáš Blumenstein, Director for Smaller National Mensas Do you want to access the Logical Olympiad in a Box? Email your request to: +420 603 726 030, Skype: tblumen ‘Reprinted from Mensa World Journal, February 2017 issue #049, Editor Karin W. Tikkanen'

Mensa Czech Republic has guarateend it will organize an international round of the Logical Olympiad, if there are ve or more participating countries. I hope that we will have this opportunity soon.



4. MENSA WORLD JOURNAL 4.2 The Mensa International Development Award The Mensa International Development Award was awarded to Sherman Chui, for his extraordinary efforts and contributions to the development of Mensa China. By decision of the International Board of Directors. Otsu, Japan, 2016-10-15

4.3 The Mensa International Ombudsman The current International Ombudsman, Martyn Davies, has been in British Mensa since 1st August 1988. During that time he has ful lled a number of roles including a term on the Board of British Mensa, the British Mensa National Ombudsman (Complaints Monitor), Chairman of the Procedures Board (Regulatory Panel) as well as Regional Meetings Co-ordinator, Newsletter Editor and Regional Officer for the West Midlands Region. Martyn has worked and lived in many other countries and is also a guest member in Mensa in Deutschland and Mensa Spain. He has been the International Ombudsman for 8 years. At the recent IBD meeting in Japan, the International Ombudsman gave a presentation regarding the practicalities of performing some of the requirements de ned within the International Constitution. Following the presentation, the International Director of Administration, Therese Moodie-Bloom, seconded by Executive Committee member, Chris Leek, presented a motion to the IBD to solve the problem: The current Constitution and ASIEs allow for what amounts to appeals to IBD in the form of a request for direct international membership as well as the possibility of sanctions being applied by the International Board of Directors to a direct international member. However, there is currently no ampli cation as to the mechanism by which these eventualities should be handled. It is actually impractical for the entire IBD to consider all aspects of a disciplinary matter in sufficient detail, and creating a sub-body that can devote the necessary time and effort to the investigation of disciplinary matters is the practical solution. It was therefore decided that IBD appoints a Hearings Panel to deal with all disciplinary matters referred to IBD or Mensa International in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of Mensa or International ASIEs and to report back to IBD all results and matters that require further action. This motion was passed by the whole IBD .

4.4 Mensa International Officer Directory Chair: Ms Bibiana Balanyi ( Director Admin: Ms Therese Moodie-Bloom ( Postal address: 17/23 Waiwera St, Lavender Bay 2060, Australia Director Development: Mr Björn Liljeqvist Postal address: Knektvägen 1, 196 30 Kungsängen, Sweden. Treasurer: Mr Rudi Challupner ( 7

Dir. Smaller National Mensas: Mr Tomáš Blumenstein ( Hon. President: Dr Abbie Salny, 407 Breckenridge, Wayne NJ 07470 USA. Tel: +1 973 305 0055 SIGHT-Coordinator: vacant. Int. SIG Coordinator: Ms Barbara Kryvko ( Ombudsman: Mr Martyn Davies ( Executive Director: Mr Michael Feenan, Slate Barn, Church Lane, Caythorpe, Lincolnshire NG32 3EL, UK Mensa International ( Tel/Fax+44(0)1400272 675 'Reprinted from Mensa World Journal, February 2017 issue #049, Editor Karin W. Tikkanen'

4.5 Mensa International Positions/Committees Open for Appointment in 2017 If you are interested in serving Mensa International in an appointed position, now is your opportunity to apply. These positions are open to all members worldwide. All are for terms of two years (unless otherwise stated), the term commencing after the IBD meeting in France in October 2017. The following International positions/committees are due to be appointed in 2017: -

Constitutional Review Officer


International Ombudsman (3-year term)


International Supervisory Psychologist (Quali cations

required/3-year term) -

Awards Committee member (Mensa International chair

and past chair are members ex officio) -

Licensing Advisory Committee: members and chair


Web Board: members and chair


4. MENSA WORLD JOURNAL Members currently serving in a position or committee due to expire in

Dr Neubauer was born in 1929, and grew up in a rural village. His father

October are requested to reapply if they wish to continue to serve in

was the director of a sanatorium for tuberculosis situated in the

that role.

surroundings. He went to highschool in Ljubljana, where he lived with

The application form is available on the Officers/Appointees page of

start of the World War II. The city home was just opposite the dramatic

the members-only section of the Mensa International website at

theatre, so Neubauer took to visiting plays, as well as operas and

his grandparents, until the rest of his family moved to the city at the (you must be logged on). Job descriptions for each position are linked to each role/committee. Both form and/or job descriptions are also available from the Mensa International Office by emailing or by post to the address

operettas performed in a building nearby. At that time he had already begun taking classes at a private ballet school, and in Ljubljana he continued at a newly opened school linked to the theatre, and eventually became a member of the ballet ensemble of the Ljubljana Opera.

given on page 2. After graduation from high school Neubauer took an interest in Applications for the above posts, must be received by June 30, 2017

mathematics. His rst choice was however diplomacy:

and must be sent to the International Office

“I was however told that for the diplomatic school I should join the

(, copied to the Director of

communist party and therefore I gave it up.”

Administration (admin-mil@ Those who apply, whether

Because of this delay in deciding about his future, he missed all the

appointed or not, will have their interest noted for future reference as there may be other ways in which they can help Mensa International. Therese Moodie-Bloom Director of Administration

inscription deadlines except for medicine. Medicine was a calling in the family – his grandfather and father were physicians, and his sister and brother both studied medicine, so he decided to join in the family footsteps. All the while he continued dancing ballet, and later on continued as a choreographer and opera director: “It was a natural evolution that has given me satisfaction. In between

4.6 Mensa International on FaceBook

these jobs I worked as a physician and assistant at the medical faculty

Mensa International - a page for interesting things about Mensa,

and that was as exciting. Later on I also became ballet director, artistic

intelligence and giftedness

director of Opera and professor at the Music Academy.”

At the Music Academy, Dr. Neubauer has worked extensively with the history of ballet. Among other things, he has written a book about the

ExComm Mensa International - a page where members can learn more about Mensa governance and the activity of elected officers The FB group - the official members only group

4.7 HENRIK NEUBAUER Dr. Henrik Neubauer ranks as one of the oldest Mensans in Europe. A doctor, dancer, dance and ballet historian, opera director, choreographer and university professor, he remains an exceptional polymath. At the age of 87, Dr. Neubauer is living proof that age is not an obstacle to carry on an important and fruitful work.



4. MENSA WORLD JOURNAL Ljubljana Opera during the World War II. The creativity of the opera

”Mensa, Dr. Neubauer says, has given him self-con dence,

(and ballet) art in the occupied city was a miracle, he says.

information on what is happening at the international and national

“It bloomed as never again after the war. People longed for theatre,

levels, and also contacts.

especially for opera to forget at least for a couple of hours all the cruelty and inhumanity of everyday life before they had to return to

Dr. Neubauer's parting advice to eager students of music and the

the sad reality.”

related arts is to commit oneself to the joy of the moment:

Given his wide range of professions, one may wonder which one has

“Always do everything with eagerness and with an open heart, and

given him the most satisfaction, but on this Dr. Neubauer remains

enjoy every moment of your career.”

rmly indecisive: “I like all of them. Medicine as well as arts, and all the others. I have


enjoyed all places I've worked at, and I always tried to give the most of

This article is based on an interview conducted by Ms Carmen de

myself. For me each job was like a tool that I used to show my possible

Celis, rst published by Omnia, the Mensa Magazine of Mensa Spain,


in October 2015. Revision: Karin W. Tikkanen. Photo: Jaka Gasar.

Arts however remain closest to his heart, and after a long and eventful life his one remaining dream is to continue to work in the theatre.

'Reprinted from Mensa World Journal, March 2017 issue #050, Editor Karin W. Tikkanen'

Dr. Neubauer believes in mandatory education in arts to all school children. He nds that the school curriculum does not include art at all or with not enough hours per week, and he says that parents ought to encourage their children to attend such things as the ballet and the opera. At the same time he advocates the bene ts of teaching children the value of getting an education for a suitable job, in which they will be happy. “During my university career I tried to help my students and therefore I have written books on behaviour and period movement, about character and historic dances, stage acting, choreography and theatrical fencing. My opinion also is that youngsters should learn languages, what will be later a great help in their live.” Considering his long life of wide-ranging potential, Dr. Neubauer encountered Mensa rather late in life. In 1989, at the age of 61, he read about IQ-testing in a newspaper, and out of curiosity decided to go to the test to see what it was like, together with his 12-year old son (at that time there was no age limit). “We were both surprised when we were noti ed that we got high notes; my son 156 and I myself 158 out of 160. We were invited to join Mensa Yugoslavia and went to the rst meeting in Zagreb, Croatia.



MENSA ROMANIA SPRING AG, TIMISOARA April 20th – April 23rd, 2017

Sometimes great events begin on the street… In 1884, Timişoara was the rst city on mainland Europe to have electric street lighting. In 1989, the sparks of the Revolution against Ceauşescu's communist regime were ignited on the streets of Timişoara, making it the rst free city of România. In 2021, Timişoara will be European Capital of Culture, sharing its history and spiritual values with the world. But Mensa takes things one step forward… In 2017, Timişoara is the host of the Mensa Romania Annual Gathering. You are invited to discover why Timișoara's nickname is The City of Premiers by joining us in a Mensa-style Treasure Hunt… on the street. Further information: For any other information, please send an e-mail to:

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