Back-to-School Issue 2012 - The Churchill Observer

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Monday, August 27, 2007

Volume 37 - Issue 1

Monday, August 27, 2012

A National Blue Ribbon School

SGA plans for a year of fun-filled school events By Howard Palmer Staff Writer

In previous years, CHS has held many fun–filled events. This school year looks to be no different with the SGA planning new events and keeping old ones. In the 2011-2012 school year, two new school events were added, Churchill Glow, a housemusic based music competition, and Sadie Hawkins, an event with a twist in which girls asked guys. “We plan on making this year’s events bigger, like having a twoweek penny war or a longer Battle of the Classes,” SGA adviser Scott Selman said. Incoming freshmen can also look forward to events that have been a tradition at CHS for many years, such as homecoming. “Homecoming was a great way to meet new people and have a good time,” sophomore Katya Ellis said. ”It’s only once a year so it’s definitely not worth missing out on.” The homecoming football game this year is on Friday, Oct. 19, a day with no school, and the dance is on Oct. 20. According to Selman, having

homecoming on a day with no school gives people more time to prepare their floats for Friday night. Other special events students should attend are sporting events. Football games have become a place where students can come

together and share their school spirit. “I love the atmosphere at sporting events,” sophomore Oliver Pflieger said, “When the whole crowd is cheering for the basketball or football team, you feel camaraderie.”


Clockwise from left: Kickoff Cookout, fans cheering at a home football game, Churchill Glow competiton and Homecoming floats.

According to Selman the SGA will be trying to heavily promote student involvement at sporting events this year. For students who feel they have a special ability worth sharing with the school, Churchill’s Got Talent is a great way for students to put on a good show for their peers and show the school that they have something special. Students who enjoy the aspect of simply watching can attend musical concerts or plays such as Blast. Last year the CHS orchestra performed Phantom of The Opera, and this year many more concerts are planned. To have a good laugh, students should definitely attend or even be a part of Mr. Churchill. The charisma and wit of previous contestants has created a tradition for the schools funniest students to battle it out at this event. “The number of people who look back on an event and say ‘I wish I went’ is huge, so take a risk and go, especially for freshmen,” Selman said. Overall, CHS events are something not to be overlooked. They are extremely fun, especially when a lot of students show up.

County approves operating budget CHS’ new Small raise in funds reserved for students counselors


This is Superintendent Dr. Joshua Starr’s second year with MCPS. By Yash Nigam Production Editor

The MCPS Board of Education recently received a $2.13 billion operating budget for the fiscal year 2013. This budget represents a two percent increase over the fiscal year 2012 budget, and

OPINIONS Lockers Many students do not use their lockers due to inconvenience.


provides MCPS with an additional $41.4 million. However, it is the lowest budget increase that MCPS has proposed in a decade. MCPS will direct the extra money toward purchasing student resources, such as textbooks and computers, and towards creating enrichment activities. According to the MCPS website,


These sharp accessories have no place in school hallways.


Montgomery County approved the proposed budget because it was the lowest increase allowed under the Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Provision, which requires a budget increase under high enrollment. Under the new budget, MCPS will spend $9,759 on every student. The per-student investment ratio just meets the standards set by the MOE Provision. According toconnectedcommunities. us, a website that discusses local issues, MCPS will have to save $400 million to compensate for the low budget increase and to maintain a high per-student investment ratio. According to the MCPS website, the Board of Education has reduced the central budget by 20 percent and has limited employee benefits. However, Superintendent Joshua Starr wants to raise teacher salaries and improve employee benefits to maintain a high-level teaching and developmental staff. “He’s smart to not ask for a huge increase,” said Montgomery County Education Association (MCEA) president Dough Prouty.

By Daniel Gordon Business Manager Aaron Hubberman Staff Writer

Robert Bean and Angela Mastromatteo are the two new counselors this year at CHS. Bean has 14 years of experience working in the school system. He was a teacher for seven years, and was a counselor at Magruder High School for the other seven years. “I am always willing to help students who need my assistance,” Bean said. According to Bean, the most universal advice he offers to all students is to work hard and play even harder. Mastromatteo is looking forward to the opportunity to work with students. Mastromatteo began working in education in 1998. She has worked at Damascus High School and Ridgeview Middle School and was the head of guidance at Quince Orchard High School. She enjoys getting to know students and helping them with the college admissions process. “High school is just the first step in life,” Mastromatteo said. “Going to college is also an important opportunity.”

FEATURES Testing tips Studies reveal new ways to improve memory and learning.





Monday, August 27, 2012

Teachers, go easy Lockers and CHS, Observer on the homework a bad combination

The Churchill The Back-to-School issue is a product of the 2011-2012 Journalism 1 class

Editors & Writers Chief Production Managers Brett Sachs News Ethan Denicoff Danny Gordon Aaron Hubberman Yash Nigam* Howard Palmer Opinions Kara Phillips Sammi Silber* Charlotte Scarborough Features Ilana Berger Aileen Choi Jessica Gold* Catherine Goohs Julia Heimlich Danielle Kiefer Julia McDermott Arts Katie Gauch* Jordan Janis Katherine Michael Greer Smith Sports Ben Fox Jared Saltzberg Guransh Singh Erica Spaeth Photographer Ben Fox Adviser Kelly Knarr

By Sammi Silber Production Editor

Coming back from an amazing summer is hard. Your tan is fading away, the pool is closing, and most importantly, school is starting. When you walk through the front door of CHS, a ton of homework papers await you. Teachers cannot and should not do this, and they should be more lenient with the homework they give when students are just getting back from summer break. Teachers decide to just pile a ton of homework on top of students without even considering the “summer hangover”. We all experience this “summer hangover,” and the only thing that cures this is time to get over it. A big load of homework is not the best cure, and it is not an amazing welcome back present, either. Teachers cannot pile a ton of homework on top of students once they return from break because students need time to adjust back to school, students shut down from too much work, and students find it difficult to learn when they are rushed back into learning. Students cannot jump back into school right away. It is hard to pay attention to teachers’ lectures after a long, calm summer that does not involve teachers, desks or any work. Students need time to adjust back to their academic life, and a big pile of homework is not the best way to help students accomplish this task. Sophomore Gabby Silva does not like it when teachers assign a lot of homework after summer

break because she likes to ease back into school and needs time to adjust instead of jumping right back into school. When students are overpowered with a ton of homework, they tend to get really stressed out, and some just end up procrastinating and shutting down. Sophomore Jackie Plesset has other commitments she has to attend to every day, and when she gets a lot of homework, she procrastinates and often ends up not spending a lot of time on her homework because she is not used to getting so much work after she was relaxing all summer. Many students also find it difficult to learn because teachers rush right into the new school year, and students find it difficult to keep up with their lesson plan when this happens. Sophomore Esther Li believes that teachers should not just rush to teach everything at once because it only makes school more difficult after summer break. Teachers cannot pile a ton of work on top of their students when they are just returning from summer break. It is so hard for students to readjust back to their academic ways after a fun, relaxing summer, and the only thing extra work does is stress student out, cause them to shut down and eventually make it too difficult for them to learn. Teachers should cut back on the work they give in the first week of school, and they should ease their way back into the new school year instead of rushing right into it.

* Production staff Special thanks to Advanced Journalism Production Editors: Liz Campbell Emma Crutchfield Josh Denicoff Angad Kanwal Tyler Mead Matt Raab Jane Zankman

photo by sammi silber.

Students ask teachers to cut back on homework.

By Charlotte Scarborugh Staff Writer I have been to my locker once. I had wanted somewhere to keep my coat for the day. That was the first day of school, and I have not been back since. My coat is still waiting there for me and all memory of my locker combination is lost. I am against using lockers at CHS because they’re difficult to find, have hard combinations to remember, and are not as useful as carrying a backpack. Lockers always seemed necessary to the high school experience. They were often the congregation spot of students in movies and TV shows and were the background of some of the most important and flabbergasting revelations in the history of teen movies. It was disappointing to realize that there will be no such occurrence. It seems as though whichever locker belongs to you, despite the hundreds that line the walls, yours always ends up being in a corner of Timbuktu, never to be found. It is difficult enough to find certain classrooms in

CHS, how are students expected to find their own locker in a sea of indistinguishable green and blue? Lockers are highly inconvenient. They are meant to be used to store textbooks and such, but if you need to fetch a book in between classes, there is a high chance of being late. For all of the incoming freshmen, it is easier to forgo using lockers in favor of using backpacks. Along with the task of finding classrooms for the first time, using a new locker would be too difficult. Although some students do not find lockers to be essential, there are certain reasons why lockers are prevalent in schools: lockers are meant to reduce the stress on students’ backs made by heavy textbooks, to provide a secure place for valuables or for items too cumbersome to lug around school all day such as musical instruments. During the previous school year, there was news of a locker shortage and some students volunteered to give away their own lockers. The fact that they could so easily do this proves that while some students do find them useful, lockers are not a necessity to CHS.

High heels have no place in CHS hallways

By Kara Phillips The Churchill Observer is Staff Writer

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published monthly by the students of Winston Churchill High School, 11300 Gainsborough Road, Potomac, Md. 20854. Advertising and subscription rates are available by calling 301-4691217. Advertisements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of staff, faculty or the student body. Every effort has been made by the staff to assure that the news is accurate and free of bias. Editorial opinions are those of the Observer staff, and personal commentaries and cartoons reflect the opinions of their writers. Letters to the editor must be signed, and assertions must be documented upon request. The Observer is a student forum for the purpose of expressing the view of and informing the Churchill student body.


Though Churchill aims to assign every student a locker, many students do not use them throughout the year.

It’s a new school year at CHS and that means a new humorous video outlining the dress code violations. However, there is one issue that the video has never touched on that needs to be brought to attention: the high heel. Ladies, I understand that you want to feel sexy (or appear taller), but high heels pose a problem to our feet and should not be worn in school. According to a recent study done by Australian researcher Dr. Neil J. Cronin, long-term high heel use may impair muscle efficiency in walking, and these users may often experience muscle fatigue and

discomfort. Also, long-term high heel use may increase the risk of strain injuries. One of the most painful occurrences that has ever occurred on my foot is when a Jessica Simpson stiletto squashed my innocent pinkie toe. I’m sure the girl did not intentionally run over my foot, but the excruciating pain, the tears I was fighting back and pulsating pinkie all proved to be too much for me as I quickly jumped up and howled in agony. Why wear them to school? What purpose do they serve? They are not comfortable, there is no teen nightclub in sight, and it honestly just makes you look confused. This is school: an environment meant to nourish our feeble minds and create the

generation of tomorrow. However, my poor pinkie toe might not be able to see a bright future if it is constantly getting injured by the Betsey Johnston and Marc Jacobs high heel. Furthermore, wearing high heels breaches the teacher-student relationship. Teachers are meant to be superior figures, placed on a higher ground, giving them the right to wear higher shoes. However, once a student decides to wear a high heel, it puts the student and teacher on an equal level, and it’s all over from there. The high heel is not a sensible shoe for this kind of environment; with all of the stairs and seas of people, one is very likely to get injured and injure others by merely walking from class to class.

The only time when the shoe is practical in the school environment is when it is homecoming or for a performance, not for every day. High heels are a menace to our school society and need to be eradicated immediately. Not only do high heels put others around in

danger o f b e ing trampled on, but the people who wear high heels are putting themin jeopardy of cally damaging feet and of being by their victims.

selves crititheir hated

Monday, August 27, 2012




Phone apps help students The ‘Observer’ debunks stay organized, study high school myths, fears By Julia Heimlich Circulation Manager

More and more high school students seem to be carrying around iPhones these days, and as a result, some app developers are turning the device into an educational tool to help teens move along in their studies. myHomework A free app called myHomework, designed for high school students, helps to improve organization in each class. After adding in an assignment’s name, students have the opportunity to fill in additional information such as the class period, due date, and priority level. They are also given the option to set a reminder for the assignment and a calendar is accessible for students to see a quick overview of each task needed to be completed for that day, week or month. “With a account, students can synchronize their homework and classes across many devices or simply just use the website as an alternate or backup to their device,” myHomework cofounder Keith Entzeroth said. The concept of myHomework is similar to that of a student planner, but no paper is needed. “High school students mainly benefit from the increased organization and the ability to know about their homework anytime and any-

where,” Entzeroth said. Evernote A virtual notebook with endless uses, Evernote allows note taking through typing, capturing photos, or even recording something. And yet again, this app is free. “Evernote offers high school students a way to create, collect and collaborate on all their school work,” senior marketing manager Ron Toledo said. Notes can be tagged for more organization, and students can even share their notes with each other via Facebook or Twitter. According to Toledo, students can organize their content and access it on any phone, computer or tablet at home and at school using Evernote. “The tagline we’ve always used at Evernote is ‘Remember Everything,’” Toledo said. Flashcardlet Flashcardlet is the perfect way to study for a test on the go. Once a deck has been created within the app, the card ordering (original, random, alphabetical), card filtering (not filtered, starred only, non-starred only), or study options (show back first, show progress) can be modified to fit the student’s needs. According to Flashcardlet’s description in the app store, flashcard-making website Quizlet is integrated into the app, allowing searching, studying and making local edits with flashcards. Flashcardlet can be purchased for free in the app store.

By Julia McDermont Archives Manager

Countless myths are associated with high school, all of which freshmen are well aware of when they take their first steps through the door. The Observer takes a look at the most feared and ridiculous.

Myth: Freshmen Friday Status: Busted

After the first week of cowering in corners and only traveling in groups of four or more, freshmen soon realize that upperclassmen tend not to even notice them on Freshmen Friday. “To my knowledge, it is not present here at Churchill,” resource counselor Beverly Lubenetski said. “If we did hear about something, the administration would address it immediately.”

Myth: Freedom Status: Confirmed

Various classes, electives, clubs and sports are available to whomever wants to take advantage of them. Although it can be a challenge to fit in many classes and extracurriculars, there are definitely more options and freedoms. Even the hour-long lunch allows students more freedom. According to sophomore Corey Yang, high school lunch is definitely better than middle school lunch because it is longer and students have the ability to move around or go outside.

Myth: Mean Teachers Status: Busted

“Teachers are stricter to some extent, but not as strict as I thought they would be,” sophomore Hana Yen said. In reality, most teachers are very similar to middle school teachers. Even if a teacher seems intimidating or gives a daunting workload, any problem can be solved with a little communication.

Myth: Tons of work Status: Plausible

While there are hard classes and plenty of homework, the workload is manageable if students organize their time wisely and do not procrastinate. However, distractions such as Facebook, Tumblr and other social networking sites may keep this from happening, so this myth can prove true. According to sophomore Yasmin Mulla, keeping up with the workload was one of her biggest concerns, but with hard work and good time management, it is achievable.

Myth: Students in different grades should not an do not mix Status: Busted

In CHS, this is certainly not the case. A large number of classes and extracurriculars have mixed levels of students. It is more than possible to make friends with students in different grades in a variety of activities. According to sophomore Matt Korty, who was concerned about fitting in and making friends, looking back, he had nothing to worry about.

Studies reveal clever ways to raise your grades Sensory stimulation tied to academic achievment By Danielle Kiefer Staff Writer You are taking a test and a question stumps you. You remember studying for it, but you just cannot remember what the answer is. If only you had some sort of trick to remembering things. Here are some ways to improve studying methods and memory. 1. Chewing gum during a test can improve memory and enhance cognitive powers. According to a March 2002 New Scientist article, British psychologists found that people who chewed gum during longterm and short-term memory tests had significantly better scores than those who did not. The act of continuously moving the jaw while chewing improves memory. Chewing gum increases heart rate and increased heart rate improves oxygen delivery to the brain, which can enhance cognitive powers, something that helps improve memory. According to chewinggumfacts. com, the activity in the hippocampus, a part of the brain that is important for memory, increases while people chew. 2. Smelling a specific scent while studying, then while sleeping, and again during a test can also improve memory. According to, new information learned while studying is scattered randomly throughout the brain and is linked through neural connections. The more

stimuli, such as scents, provided with the content, the easier it is for the brain to remember. Rosemary and bay laurel are two scents known for enhancing memory, but any scent that is considered inspiring and pleasant will work. 3. Find out what your learning style is: visual, auditory or kinesthetic. According to Homeworktips. com, research shows that if students change their study habits according to their own personal style of learning, they can perform better on tests. Visual learners learn and remember best things they have seen. Someone who is a visual learner might have difficulty understanding lectures, be good at spelling and understand charts. Making outlines, drawing diagrams and watching videos may help them while studying and learning. An auditory learner learns best by hearing things. Some traits of auditory learners can include liking oral reports, reading out loud to oneself and following spoken directions well. While studying and learning, they may benefit from repeating facts or words out loud, participating in group discussions and recording lectures. Kinesthetic or tactile learners are people who learn by experiencing and doing things. A kinesthetic learner may be someone who takes breaks while studying, is good at sports and cannot sit still for long. Using memory games or flash cards, role playing and doing labs may help them learn better.


Chewing gum is one of many ways to increase memory while taking a test. Watch out though, because some teachers don’t allow gum in class.

Welcome back, CHS! Look for the next issue of the Observer, out on newsstands the week of September 24!


Features theobserver

Monday, August 27, 2012 Winston Churchill High School

Where to go, who to know o i z i r b a trar s i F g . e R Mrs

Mrs. Feldman Attendance Secretary Mrs. Polis Secretary

Mrs. Singer Secretary

Need professional help? By Julia McDermott Archive Manager Located in room 230, the English Writing Center is open most days during lunch and offers a quiet setting for students to work on school-related writing. Run by the English Department, the lab’s English Composition Assistants and English Honor Society tutors are available to provide writing help to students. “It provided me with a quiet atmosphere for concentration even though many other peers were also in the room,” junior Evi Liu said. English Composition Assistants oversee the lunchtime Writing Center and help students with specific goals, such as improving thesis statements and integrating

Mrs. Zimmerman College and Career Counselor

text support effectively. According to English Composition Assistant JoAnn Constantinou, writing requires hard work and dedication regardless of a student’s grade or level. “Our main purpose in the lunchtime English Writing Center is to conference with students and build positive relationships,” Constantinou said. “We try to create a distraction-free zone where students can build confidence and concentrate on writing and other academic work.” National English Honor society tutors are also available several times a week to peer edit and help with writing. “We encourage students to work either independently or seek us out for one-on-one conferencing to address specific writing challenges,” Constantinou said.

If you want extra help for different subjects, free tutors are available:

* Math : Fill out a form in the Math Office, room 123, for a free Mu Alpha Theta tutor during lunch or after school. * Spanish : Spanish tutoring is available from 11:15-11:40 during lunch from Tuesday - Thursday in room 245.

Mrs. LintonSecretary

Monday, August 27, 2012 Winston Churchill High School

Features theobserver

r o o l F t s r i F



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Monday, August 27, 2012

Q&A with Principal Benz Foods to stay energized By Catherine Goohs Staff Writer Believe it or not, but the adults that we’ve come to know and have learned from were once teenagers just like us, including Principal Dr. Joan Benz, who was a cheerleader and attended Oxford High School in Oxford, Massachusetts. Q. What were you like as a teenager? Dr. Benz: I was very involved. I was a class officer, the class secretary for four years. I swam on a team and taught swimming. I was also a cheerleader. I loved kids, and I babysat a lot. Q: What was your favorite high school class? Dr. B: I loved art and French; French was a rigorous class. I also took Latin, which was interesting. Q: Was there a teacher who had a major impact on your educational career? Dr. B: Yes, in fact there were two teachers with the same name. In second grade I had Ms. Gahagan, and in high school, I had her sister, also Ms. Gahagan. In second grade, I got the measles and this teacher made colorful bookmarks for me that I believe I still have. In high school, you simply did not come to Ms. Gahagan’s class unprepared. Q: Which grade did you most enjoy? Dr. B: I loved junior year, and senior year was also great. Q: What was the most important thing

you learned in high school? Dr.B: Academically, don’t be a procrastinator. When you get an assignment and do it right away, it energizes you for the next level. Also, relationships are very important, especially for later on. Forming cohorts become very important for when you get to college, so it’s wise to start in high school. Learn from other people. Q: When did you decide you wanted to be a principal? Dr. B: I majored in math in college and became a teacher. I also was a department chairperson. Then I took a break from teaching to work in an office, in a coaching position. It was a wonderful job, but I later went back to teaching. Principal seemed like the next thing in line. Q: If you could go back to high school, would you do anything different? Dr. B: No, I loved every bit of it. It led me to university teaching, adult learning, and the ability to influence students and open some doors for them, and teachers too. Q: What is the most difficult part of being a high school principal? Most rewarding? Dr. B: The most difficult part is there are not enough hours in the day. It’s like being the mayor of a small town, being involved with a community of students, teachers and parents. What’s most rewarding is getting to see students’ progress and overcome great challenges. To see them take opportunities and learn from them and grow.


Principal Dr. Joan Benz attended Oxford High School in Oxford, Massachusetts.

By Jessica Gold Production Editor Aileen Choi Advertising Manager

Here is some food for thought: making smart eating choices can have an extraordinary impact on the body and mind. Nutritional studies have shown that attention issues can often be linked to dietary habits. Eating a

“I eat sunflower seeds because I enjoy the taste,” freshman Noy Afik said. “I did not know they were good for you.” Dark chocolate is another tasty way to improve focus and concentration. According to a June 14, 2011 article from Livestrong, a fitness and health website, dark chocolate contains antioxidants such as flavanol, which protect the body from health problems such as heart



Snacks like whole wheat crackers and almonds help keep students focused. healthy breakfast is necessary to stay alert during the day. “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” local nutrition coach Kendra Louvis said. “I like to think eating breakfast is like driving a car, you can’t drive on empty.” Eggs, which contain a rich source of vitamin B, are recommended as a fast and easy breakfast option as they provide essential fatty acids to the brain that enable it to function properly. These delicious breakfast options only require a few minutes to cook, leaving the brain powered for first period. Eating a healthy breakfast is only part of the remedy. The stress of school usually leaves students beat up at the end of the day, causing blood sugar levels to rise. “As blood sugar goes up, energy levels go down, so we teach students ways to avoid spiking in blood pressure,” health teacher Joel Aronchick said. Eating small snacks is one way to lower blood pressure. Unsalted sunflower seeds provide a quick nutritional snack before class or on the go and pack a great amount of magnesium and vitamins. Maintaining a low blood pressure is scientifically proven to influence attention levels.

disease and high blood pressure. “Dark chocolate that contains 72 percent cacao or higher is good for the heart,” Louvis said. “Bitter chocolate though does have an acquired taste.” The best mind stimulating foods are whole grains, like bran and whole wheat, which carry a special ingredient called folate to the brain and nervous system. Brown rice, cereal and popcorn are a few quick snacks that aid the brain in keeping alert and retaining information learned in the classroom. “Moderate carbohydrate foods like whole wheat are better for you in the long run,” Aronchick said. “I prefer eating whole wheat bread instead of the unhealthy processed white bread.” Fish are the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, the crucial components that make up the nerve tissue, the retina and the brain. Although they can be smelly, fish easily boosts learning abilities and all different types of communication in the brain. According to a May 26, 2011 Livestrong article, wild salmon are known to be packed with vitamins, another good catch for brain function. “A healthy food guide is essential in maintaining a life-long diet,” Aronchick said.

Don’t hate on Mondays! Learn to embrace them! By Ilana Berger Fact Checker One-seventh of every human’s life is spent on the monstrosity we call Monday. Everyone knows that awful Sunday night feeling before going off to sleep and the epiphany that comes when the alarm clock rings at 6 in the morning—time for another long week. Although teachers may roll their eyes when CHS students whine about being tired on Monday mornings, according to Huffington Post Healthy Living, our hatred of Mondays is seated in “deep-rooted” tribal instincts. According to clinical psychologist Professor Alex Gardner, students strive to feel like part of the group by participating in communal activates before

they get to work. After having a chance to catch up with fellow peers, it is easier to be prepared for the upcoming week. Unfortunately, there is rarely time to sit down and get settled in on Monday morning, which contributes to the grumpy, sluggish feeling that students often experience. “Mondays are not generally a very good day,” junior Samantha Snowden said. “They make me think of the week ahead of hard work and opportunities to both study and slack off.” While it’s evident that Mondays are tough, trying to look on the bright side and stay motivated will work to students’ advantage. Rather than looking to get past Monday as soon as possible, it might be helpful to embrace it and view it as a fresh start. Feeling badly for putting off all that work and

being lazy last week? Monday is the start of a brand new week and it can be whatever students make it. “When I’m looking to get really pumped up, I listen to music,” freshman Max Wolpoff said. “Lots and lots of rock music. Pretty much any rock music from the ‘80s and ‘70s, like Guns n’ Roses.” Holistic health website Natural Bias advises Monday haters to focus on their passions and find something really worthwhile to do with their time for an overall energized attitude. That way they can appreciate the little things and stop hoping that somehow, Monday will be cancelled. “Doing secret buddies for soccer always got me pumped on Mondays,” Snowden said. Whether it’s listening to music

or getting a haircut on Sunday to show off at school, there are plenty of ways to get through everyone’s least favorite day.


Turn those frowns upside down.

Monday, August 27, 2012




Get pumped with our Back-to-School playlist By Katherine Michael Staff Writer

Now that school has begun once again, CHS students need inspiration to get in the groove of studying when the nights are long and filled with homework. Here’s a personalized playlist for each grade to prepare for those exhausting all-nighters and the upcoming year. Freshmen: 1) “The Arrival” by Kid Cudi- Certainly freshmen are the new kids in school, and it is always hard to adjust. Optimistically, the freshmen will make a memorable arrival to their new school with the help of this song. 2) “I Will Survive” by Aretha Franklin- This classic jam will get freshmen in the mood to start their high school career. Even though it may be scary, these students must tell themselves that they will survive with the help of their friends and teachers. 3) “Are You Ready” by Logic- Freshmen do not usually completely understand the huge difference between middle school and high school. This song will help them prepare for the next four years at CHS. 4) “Homecoming” by Kanye WestThis song is a light-hearted reminder that there are a lot of fun pluses about being in high school, such as going to homecoming. This song is perfect for freshmen because they are the majority of the students at the dance because they all want to experience it for themselves. 5) “We Are Young” by Fun. feat. Janelle Monáe- This beat lets freshmen know that they are allowed to try new things and have new experiences at

their new school. Sophomores: 1) “Wake Up” by Mac MillerSophomore year is the first year of high school that you are completely expected to have adjusted yourself to the high school life. Sophomores have to wake up and realize that they have to be serious because freshman year was the year to adapt. 2) “Best Day Ever” by Mac MillerSophomores start to feel that sense of relief that they are not the youngest in the school anymore. This Mac Miller favorite lets sophomores realize that they are no longer the center of the jokes in the school. 3) “Focused” by Wale feat. Kid Cudi- Sophomore year students have to truly get focused so that they can do well as they are expected to do. High expectations are asked of them because freshman year was used as an adjustment year, so sophomore year is stepping into the big leagues. 4) “Boyfriend” by Justin BieberThis song suits sophomores well because it seems as though a new relationship has started each day, and yet another breakup occurs. The initiation of relationships come fast, but the breakups come even faster. 5) “Better Than I Used To Be” by Tim McGraw- This song lets sophomores know that although they’re not at the top of the high school food chain, at least they aren’t at the bottom. Juniors: 1) “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger” by Kelly Clarkson- Everybody knows that junior year is the hardest, so as long as students can get

past this year, they will succeed. 2) “I Won’t Give Up” by Jason Mraz- Even though junior year is a tough one, students can’t give up on trying their best during this critical time. This song will help inspire juniors to keep up the good work. 3) “Everyday Struggle” by Notorious B.I.G.- Juniors have an everyday struggle of SAT prep, studying, AP classes, and loads of homework that are all new to the former sophomores. This song will help prepare juniors for the upcoming year filled with long nights and cramming for tests. 4) “Rumor Has It” by Adele- This song fits perfectly along with the junior class because each day students will hear about new rumors that are being spread around the school, and usually the gossip is about the scandalous juniors. 5) “Climax” by Usher- Junior year is the climax of high school. Students reach the point of sleep deprivation, extreme hours of homework, and minimal sanity. Junior year is the climax of high school because it is when your schedule is the most cramped, and therefore is perfectly represented by Usher’s song. Seniors: 1) “Mind Your Manners” by Chiddy Bang- Seniors are sometimes known as the rude, impolite students of the school. This song will hopefully remind them to stay in line and behave properly. 2) “I Don’t Wanna Care Right Now” by Lupe Fiasco- Seniors never want to try their hardest in school, especially second semester. This song reflects the attitude that seniors unfortunately have

during their last year of high school. 3) “Live Like We’re Dying” by Kris Allen- Seniors commonly make their schedules easier so that they have a more relaxing last year of high school. This song will help seniors fully absorb the fact that this is their last year at CHS and that they must live it up. 4) “Almost There” by Chris WebbySeniors need something to help remind them that they are almost to graduation, and this song is exactly what they need. 5) “Graduation” by Kanye West- As it is clearly observed, seniors must add this song to their back-to-school playlist because they have to motivate themselves to really push themselves the extra yard during their last year of high school.


Download these songs to get ready for an exciting new year.

Goodbye PB&J, hello to Flashback: a history of the unusual and gourmet music, film and literature By Jordan Janis Fact Checker

School starts once again, and so does another year of the repetitious school lunches. Whether it’s eating a homemade PB&J or buying a turkey wrap at school, eating the same sandwich over and over again day after day can become pretty boring. To spice things up, students share ways to make lunches more exciting. 1. Turkey with unusual ingredients Sophomore Izzy Wu usually eats a turkey sandwich with lettuce, ketchup and sometimes ham on ciabatta bread or a Hawaiian roll. When Wu’s mother makes a homemade turkey, she carves the turkey and puts it in Wu’s sandwich along with a homemade cranberry sauce.


Sophomore Rachel Rabinovitz’s cream cheese and Cheetos lunch.

“I like cranberry sauce a lot and my mom knows that,” Wu said. “It’s pretty good.” 2. Tomato and mozzarella Although the turkey sandwich is easier to make, on occasion Wu has a tomato mozzarella sandwich with basil on ciabatta bread or homemade rye bread. “My mom makes the turkey sandwich because it’s usually easier for her to make it,” Wu said. “If we have other ingredients like tomatoes and mozzarella then I have that.” 3. Ham on rosemary olive oil bread Sophomore Grant Haskins eats an elaborate sandwich of a thinly sliced ham called prosciutto and buffalo mozzarella on rosemary olive oil bread. “I’ve actually seen a lot of people with fancy meat and cheese,” Haskins said. “It’s a good sandwich.” 4. Cream cheese and Cheetos Instead of having a sandwich on bread, sophomore Rachel Rabinovitz sometimes eats her sandwich on a bagel. However, Rabinovitz adds a different twist to a bagel sandwich by putting cream cheese and Cheetos on her bagel. “It just tastes like cheese because the Cheetos taste like cheese,” Rabinovitz said. “All my friends make fun of me, but I think it tastes really good.” 5. Nutritional salmon wrap Junior Paula Rabade eats a whole-wheat tortilla wrap with smoked salmon, cheese, mustard, lettuce, carrots and mayonnaise. The whole-wheat tortilla wrap, the fresh smoked salmon and the lettuce make the sandwich healthy and refreshing. “I like it because it’s nutritional and it includes various flavors,” Rabade said. “It gives me more energy and nutritional value than a PB&J.”

Greer Smith Staff Writer Katie Gauch Production Editor For over hundreds of years, history has been made on this day, Aug. 27. Whether it is the creator or the creations that came to be on this day, the history is rich, and if all the Aug. 27s were to vanish from history, our artistic world would be very different.

Pearl Jam

Rock music fans may recognize this date because the band Pearl Jam released their album Ten in 1991 and No Code in 1996. Ten, selling 12 million copies, incorporates lyrics about abortion, homelessness and childhood traumas that led the album to be one of the top 100 of all time. No Code was less successful but still sold 1.3 million copies.

Outkast Album

In 1996, Hip Hop duo Outkast, made up of rapper Andre 3000 and Antwan “Big Boi” Patton, released their album ATLiens. ATLiens exudes messages of self-consciousness and a less conventional hip-hop sound. Even so, this album helped Outkast become famous in both the West and East coast. Since then, Outkast has been successful, winning six Grammys and being nominated for 10 more.


The art given to the world on Aug. 27 extends into movies. Takers, directed by John Leussenhop, was released in 2010. It is a story about a band of criminals as they continue to evade the police. It was highly anticipated, starring such popular faces Hayden Christiansen, rapper T.I. and singer Chris Brown. The movie was a great success in the box office, grossing over $57 million.

C.S Forester Born

In 1899, author C.S. Forester was born. Forester was famous for writing the novel, The African Queen. The book tells the story of a gin-swilling riverboat captain during WWI. It was adapted into an award-winning movie preserved in the Library of Congress because it was deemed culturally, historically, and aesthetically significant. C.S. Forester was a literary artist brought into the world on this day.

Ira Levin Born

In 1929, author Ira Levin was born. She was famous for writing the horror novel, Rosemary’s Baby. It is considered by some to be one of the most famous horror novels of all time. It was adapted into a commercially successful movie in the late ‘60s. It might just seem like any other day, but behind Aug. 27 is a lot of history, especially in music, movies and the performing arts.

Volume 37 - Issue 1

Monday, August 27, 2012

Students balance academic, athletic commitments By Ben Fox Sports Photo Editor

For many students looking to make the most of their high school experience, playing a sport can be a great opportunity. Those who make a sports team will become the face of CHS when visiting rival schools, will get to make bonds with their teammates that are different from ones with other friends, and will get team-related benefits such as the varsity field hockey trip to Europe. While joining a school team can be fun, it may not be for everyone. Sports consume much of a student’s free time with practices, games, team dinners and tournaments, taking up many weekends and time after school. According to senior Holly Alesbury, who played junior varsity basketball her sophomore year, that lack of free time was affecting her grades negatively. “My dad made me quit basketball because I was beginning to get bad grades,” Alesbury said. “He knew that if I put in the time that went to basketball into my schoolwork, I had the potential to do much better.” Another factor that deters some athletes is the lack of playing time during

their freshman year. According to Alesbury, if someone doesn’t get in during the game, it makes the hard work during practice feel worthless. “The practices take up so much of your time,” Alesbury said. “If you don’t get the playing time, you don’t really get rewarded for all your practicing.” According to junior Charles Halverson, who played junior varsity basketball as a freshman and sophomore, playing a sport rarely leaves time for other activities. “Three hours of commitment a day for practices eats into the time I need for homework,” Halverson said. “I don’t really have much time to do anything else besides the two.” Despite the amount of time that sports take up, most student athletes still believe that it is worth it to play. According to Halverson, one of the main factors that caused him to continue with his sport was the relationships formed with teammates outside of games. “I like what happens off the court with the team,” Halverson said. “You really form bonds with your teammates in those off-the-court moments and over the years that translates to how you play during the games.” Whether students decide to try out


Potential CHS cheerleaders show off their moves during tryouts. is ultimately their own decision. Playing a sport can be a fun and rewarding experience, but students should know what they are getting into. Sports need

dedication, and if a student gives that dedication they will find that it can be another memorable part of their high school career.

Fall Sports: Bulldogs gear up for winning seasons One of CHS’ strongest teams, girls tennis hopes to duplicate the success of its past four straight county championships, plus a tie for a fifth. “Last season’s team members and those new trying out next year will be training and playing matches during the off-season to improve, make the team, and put the team in position for [another] team title,” coach Benjamin Woods said. The team had an 11-1 record last season, including seven wins in which it dominated the opposing team 7-0.

By Jared Saltzberg Guransh Singh Erica Speath Staff Writers

Girls Soccer

The team hopes to overcome a post-season plateau that has plagued it for the last three years, in which it has lost three times to B-CC in the regional finals. “Our goal is to get back to the regional finals and win,” coach Haroot Hakopian said. The team hopes to build on a strong 12-3 record. Stars: Seniors Becca Ewel and Zoe Forster, and junior Carly Shapiro On The Rise: Sophomores Kate Reese and Keaira Clark

Boys Soccer


The team had a 12-4-1 record last season and reached the regional semifinals. Despite losing goalie Eli Lorenzi, the team is determined to succeed in the upcoming season. “Last year we had a team full of talent, but we were notorious for fooling around at practices,” senior Crispin Muessle said. “If we can stay focused on winning the state championship, put in all the hard work during pre-season and push each other to get better, we should be a very strong contender for the state title.” Stars: Seniors Crispin Muessle and J.J. Van Der Merwe On The Rise: Juniors Seth Raker, Josh Golob and Teddy Liakakis

Creative Lunches Students enjoy homemade lunches with a few twists.

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Monday Madness Don’t let the Monday blues get you down.

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Girls Tennis

Stars: Seniors Olivia Lee and Lauren Perrine On The Rise: Sophomores Katie Gauch, Hayley Keats, Sriya Movva and Sydney Shugarman


The team hopes to build on a successful season in which it lost in the playoffs to Quince Orchard, the Maryland state football runner-up. Football finished with a 9-1 record in the regular season and an 11-2 record overall. “Our goal is to get into the playoffs,” coach Joe Allen said. “All of our seniors hopefully will share in the leadership responsibilities.” Stars: Seniors Darrion Locke, Dominique Williams, Jacob Cantor, Joe Nolan and Johnny Lee On The Rise: Seniors Jaylen Rawlings and Sam Sloate, and junior Malik Harris

Q&A with Dr. Benz

Find out all you want to know about Principal Benz

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