PC Handbook 24/25

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Parent/Carer Handbook 2024-25
Our partnership with parents and carers is crucial in ensuring students achieve their potential.

Often parental involvement in their child’s education reduces when they reach secondary school. We are committed to ensuring that does not happen. Regular communication with parents is incredibly important to us.

Working with parents, and presenting young people with common expectations at home and at the academy, is key to our success. This booklet is therefore an essential document in helping you understand our standards and approach, so we can ensure that your child gets the most out of the opportunities we provide.




Breakfast and Lunch Term



Where the term ‘parent’ is used in this document the academy recognises that this includes any adult who has legal responsibility for the child.

- Academy Agreement Values & Success Our Values Celebrating Success Opportunities Expectations & Rules Expectations Rules Sanctions
What Students Need Equipment
Who’s Who
Student Planner
Uniform The
P.E. Kit Lost
Heads of Year
with Mental Health
Behaviour Mentors Support
Working with
Safety & Safeguarding
Parents & Carers
Parent Consultation
Progress Reports SLT Surgery Complaints Procedure What Students Learn Accelerated Reader Additional Studies Homework Instrument Lessons PHSCE Special Educational Needs & Disability Sports Clubs Student Opportunities 2 4 5 6 10 13 16 Tutor Head of Year Class Teacher The Subject Leader Pastoral issues will be forwarded to: Academic issues will be forwarded to: First point of contact 1 To reach any member of staff contact our reception team admin@thecityacademy.org | 020 8525 5440 | Open 8 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. 18 22 25

Home - Academy Agreement

This agreement is at the heart of how we will work together to ensure students achieve their full potential here at The City Academy, Hackney. Every student and parent/carer should be familiar with it.

The academy will ensure that:

• We provide a safe and supportive environment for students to enjoy learning and to achieve their full potential.

• Students have the best possible education by providing a suitable curriculum and individual support.

• We set challenging targets for students to aspire to, and review them regularly.

• We provide regular reports of students’ progress for parents and carers.

• We contact home to praise and reward students’ success.

• We contact home if there are concerns about students’ behaviour, effort or attendance.

• We contact home if students are to be kept behind for more than 30 minutes after the end of the academy day.

• We provide opportunities for parents and carers to discuss students’ progress with teachers and other professionals.

Parents and carers will ensure that:

• Their child attends every day, on time, unless they are ill.

• Their child wears the correct uniform to, at and on the way home from the academy.

• Their child has the correct learning equipment needed for the day, including PE kit.

• They support the academy’s policies on behaviour and uniform including attendance to detentions (which may be up to 5.30pm).

• They provide a suitable environment for their child to work at home.

• Their child completes their homework on time and to the highest standard.

• They attend parent days to discuss their child’s progress, and any other meetings arranged with their consent.

• They encourage their child to try a broad range of additional activities from those on offer.

• They read and sign their child’s student planner every week.

• Their contact details are up-to-date and will let reception staff know if their details change.


Students will ensure that they:

• Work hard and expect to learn in every lesson and additional activity.

• Attend regularly, arrive on time, wearing the correct uniform and with the correct equipment.

• Follow the academy’s 10 key rules at all times.

• Complete all homework to the highest standard and hand it in on time.

• Treat all adults and students with respect.

• Be polite at all times.

• Respect the academy building and equipment and leave all rooms tidy after using them.

• Take letters and messages home and deliver them to their parents or carers.

• Keep their student planner up to date with homework and targets and show it to academy staff if requested.


Values and Success

The City Academy, Hackney offers all students an outstanding opportunity to learn and achieve in a purpose-built environment with access to the highest standards of teaching, support and challenge.

Our Values

Lead by example

Work together

Respect individuals

Dedication to learning and achievement

Commitment to communities

Honesty, openness and fairness

Students at The City Academy, Hackney are valued and rewarded for hard work, politeness, self-discipline, ambition, resilience, fairness and compassion. We foster in students a desire to learn throughout life. We develop teamwork, leadership, problem solving skills and teach the value of difference in ability, gender, culture, race and sexual orientation.

Celebrating Success

Celebrating students’ efforts and success is central at The City Academy, Hackney. We are always looking to find reasons to praise students in school as targeted praise motivates and enables students to progress in all aspects of their school life.


Students will earn merits for excellent behaviour, effort, attainment, attendance and reading. Top merit winners are celebrated in assemblies and tutor times.


We have regular rewards for: top merit winners, excellent attendance and punctuality, no detentions and outstanding work, including:

• Postcards and positive phone calls home

• Coverage in school newsletters and the school paper, The City Times

• Termly prizes such as vouchers

• Trips or treats in school including theatre visits and pizza orders

• A yearly Outward Bound trip for the top merit winners



Students at The City Academy, Hackney are taught in an environment that promotes academic, creative, sporting, linguistic, and personal achievement: this is the ‘City Experience’.

Academic - we will not compromise on students achieving exceptional levels of academic progress. We are rigorous in our teaching whilst ensuring that we engage students’ interest and inspire them to achieve the highest academic standards. Behaviour is exceptional, classrooms are focused and students are required to complete their class work, and the regular homework we set them, to the best of their ability.

Creative - creative learning experiences are promoted across all subjects and the creative subjects themselves are highly regarded in our school. Every student has access to a wide range of creative opportunities through the formal curriculum, additional studies, trips, concerts and productions. In addition, every student in year 7 is given access to free musical instrument tuition.

Sporting - our commitment to healthy lifestyles means that we encourage wide participation in sports and fitness. We have regular fixtures for all sports teams ranging from football to netball, table tennis to trampolining. Students take pride in representing the academy and the academy takes pride in nurturing their individual talents and collective success.

Linguistic - speaking another language is an invaluable life skill in the 21st century. For that reason every child is expected to study at least one foreign language and they are all given the opportunity to travel to Spain or France as part of their studies; these trips are subsidised by our joint sponsor, The City of London Corporation, widening access to an enriching education.

Personal - we believe that academic success and the wider personal development of students go hand in hand. Any school should play a vital role in allowing students to develop a range of wider personal attributes which will help them to succeed in later life. The academy places a great deal of importance on politeness, kindness, responsibility and respect. We promote these values through our high expectations.


Expectations and Rules

We have very high expectations for all of our students. Our expectations and rules are clear as are the consequences of both good and poor behaviour.

With this in mind, we have a simple and consistently enforced system of rewards and sanctions to support high standards of behaviour. This encourages hard work, rewards good behaviour, and promotes success.

It is our teachers’ responsibility to ensure that the academy delivers a secure environment with outstanding teaching. It is our students’ responsibility to be well presented, polite and courteous at all times, and we expect parents to uphold our rules so that every child can succeed.

If students do not meet the academy’s expectations and rules there is clear guidance regarding sanctions.

Managing Behaviour, Key staff - A full staff list can be found on our website

All students are supported by Tutors, Deputy Heads of Years and Heads of Years. Tutors are the first point of contact.

What items are not allowed at the academy?

• Electronic equipment such as mobile phones, headphones, PSPs etc.

• Money

• Food and drink including chewing gum and sweets

• Cosmetics and hair care products such as combs

• Non-uniform clothing and jewellery

• Any illegal or banned items such as weapons, drugs or fireworks

These items will be confiscated until the end of term or disposed of appropriately.


10 Golden Rules

1. We are here to learn and to work hard.

2. We are in the right place at the right time.

3. We quickly follow instructions at the first time of asking.

4. We are smartly dressed and equipped to learn.

5. We complete homework and revision.

6. We communicate by talking (not shouting).

7. We are polite, respectful and kind.

8. We take pride in our work.

9. We take care of our school environment and equipment.

10. We conduct ourselves safely.

10 Classroom Routines

1. We arrive on time and line-up outside the classroom, or in the playground in a single file line. The first person in the line will hold the door open for everyone else.

2. We walk to lessons and enter classrooms silently and we put our essential equipment on the desk. We stand behind our chairs until we are asked to sit down.

3. We always sit where the teacher asks us to and we put completed homework on the desk. Our coats and bags are hung on the back of chairs.

4. We listen carefully, in silence, when the teacher is talking.

5. If we need to ask or answer a question, we put our hand up and we wait to be asked to speak.

6. We complete all of the work we are asked to do to the best of our ability.

7. We write homework in our planners and we make notes so we know what to do and when it is due.

8. When our teachers tells us, we pack up and stand quietly behind the desk, pushing our chairs neatly underneath.

9. One person will hold the door open and the rest of the class will leave in silence, in a single file line.

10. If we ever have to wait for a teacher we read our reading books in silence.



Yellow Detention

20 minutes

Amber Detention

40 minutes

Arriving late to school

Red Detention 1 hour

1st time in a half-term when arriving before 9am 2nd time in a half-term or arriving after 9am 3rd and subsequent times in a half-term or arriving after 9.15am

Missing, unsatisfactory or incomplete homework

1st time in a half-term

2nd time in a half-term 3rd and subsequent times in a half-term

Poor behaviour out of school

e.g. going into shops in uniform, being in the local area within 20 minutes of the end of the day

1st time in a half-term


Reminder > Warning > Detention

Arriving late to lesson

Graffiti / poor presentation in class book or planner

Insufficient work or effort

Missing equipment

From period 1 equipment check

Talking in line, failing or missing line-up

Planner not signed by parent/carer

From Monday period 1 planner check by tutor

Incorrect uniform

e.g. wearing make-up or nonuniform items

2nd time in a half-term 3rd and subsequent times in a half-term

Persistent disruption

Reminder > Warning > Detention > Removal

Missing or failing a ‘Yellow’ detention


e.g. rolling of eyes, not using professional language, questioning or poor response to a sanction

Unsafe Behaviour

Pushing, running, poor behaviour in a fire drill

Possession of minor prohibited items

e.g. money, food, gum, phone, make-up


e.g. name calling


e.g. plagiarism, cheating or communicating in an assessment, lying

Inappropriate ICT use

e.g. misusing the internet or email

Failing Shadow R > W > D > Removal > R > W > Fail

Missing or failing an ‘Amber’ detention

Extreme Rudeness

e.g. swearing under breath at another student, persistently questioning a sanction

Physical contact causing harm

Vandalism or damaging school property

Truancy from lesson


Deliberate failure to follow a clearly given and reasonable instruction

Bullying or extreme unkindness

Not having a planner & knowledge organiser

Failing report

See report card for details of sanctions 8

Serious Misbehaviour

Missed or failed red detention

Refusal to complete a community based sanction

Failure to complete an internal exclusion

Constant disruption or persistent rule breaking

Includes extremely challenging or confrontational behaviour or defiance, disobedience, persistent violation of school rules

Severe bullying

Includes verbal, physical, homophobic, racist or sexist bullying and is irrespective of whether this takes place within the academy, outside the academy or online

Physical violence or assault

Includes fighting, violent behaviour, wounding, obstruction & jostling

Verbal abuse or threatening or intimidating behaviour

Includes threatened violence, aggressive behaviour, swearing, homophobic abuse and harassment, intimidation, carrying an offensive weapon


Includes racist taunting and harassment, derogatory racist comments, swearing that can be attributed to racist characteristics, racist bullying, racist graffiti

Sexual Misconduct

Includes sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, lewd behaviour, sexual bullying, sexual graffiti, possession or distribution of pornography

Drug or Alcohol

Includes possession of illegal drugs, drug dealing, inappropriate use of prescribed drugs, smoking, alcohol or substance abuse, possession of smoking paraphernalia including lighters and vapes


Includes vandalism, arson, graffiti or any act which causes damage whether the damage was intended or not but which could have been prevented by sensible behaviour


Includes stealing school property, stealing personal property (from a student or adult), stealing from local shops, selling and dealing in stolen property

Possession of a dangerous item

Includes fireworks, weapons

Repeatedly arriving late or truancy

Making a malicious allegation against another student or staff member

Refusing to undergo a search or screening process

Bringing the academy into disrepute

For Sixth Form Students:

Failing to meet targets specified in a support plan

All incidents listed as severe behavioural events can result in either a referral to the reflection room or external suspension.

This list is not exhaustive and severe sanctions can be considered for other types of behaviour at an equivalent level of concern.

Sanctions will be determined after an investigation to ensure the relevant information is considered.

The decision to issue an external suspension can only be taken by the Principal (or the Vice Principal acting as the senior staff member in their absence).

The decision to issue an internal suspension can be recommended by a Head of Year and will be agreed with the Associate Assistant Principal for Behaviour, a Vice Principal or the Principal.

Parents will be informed of sanctions in all cases, and will be invited in to meet with staff to discuss this behaviour.

The range of sanctions includes:

• Referral to the reflection room

• Suspension from the academy (from 1 to 16 days)

• Expulsion from the academy or a managed/move or alternative provision placement put in place (if appropriate)


What Students Need Equipment

There are some things a student needs everyday and some they need for specific lessons. If a student is missing a piece of essential equipment they will receive a detention.

Essential Equipment for Every Lesson Essential Equipment for Specific Lessons Good to Have

• Student Planner*

• Knowledge organiser*

• Reading Book

• 2 x black / blue pens

• 1 x HB Pencil

• 1 x green pen

• 1 x ruler

• Scientific calculator (maths & science)

• Protractor (maths)

• P.E. Kit (P.E.)

• Tupperware box with sealing lid (Food Tech)

• That day’s text books

• That day’s exercise books

• Pencil sharpener and rubber

• Colouring pencils

• A clear pencil case

• Clear water bottle

• Glue stick

*Student planners are issued in school to every student in September. Replacement planners and knowledge organisers must be purchased from a student’s head of year.

Student Planner / Knowledge Organiser

Planners are an essential piece of equipment which students must have with them at all times in school. Homework, detentions, targets and reading logs are all recorded in student’s planners. Every student is issued a school planner in September.

If a student doesn’t have their planner they will receive a red detention.

Planners are also a vital means of communication between parents and teachers. There is space for messages in the weekly comments box. Parents must sign their child’s planner each week. All planners are checked during tutor period on Mondays.

Knowledge organisers are also an essential piece of equipment, they are used as a homework resource and in-class material. Knowledge organisers are vital for supporting students’ learning and ensuring consistency in the curriculum.


Uniform & PE Kit

Students must wear correct uniform at all times. This includes on their way to, at, and on the way home from the academy.

It is a symbol by which students are recognised within the community and it fosters a sense of pride for, and respect of, the learning environment.

Shoes must be polishable (not canvas or suede). They should be plain black with no visible branding or coloured stitching. Kickers are not allowed. Many students wear wallabee style shoes available at ShoeZone and Clarks.

Jewellery, Hair and Make-Up

• No jewellery except plain watches and a maximum of one plain silver or gold metal stud in each ear (must be removed for P.E.)

• Hair should be neat, no dyed hair or patterns cut in

• Long hair, shoulder length or below, must be tied back with a plain black hairband

• No make-up or nail varnish

Judgements on acceptability will only be made by staff at the academy.

Students with inappropriate uniform, hair or make-up will be removed or sent home to change. Jewellery will be confiscated.


P.E. Kit

Students who fail to bring their P.E. kit once in a half term will be issued a yellow detention. If they forget it again that half term students will receive an amber detention on each occasion. You must provide medical evidence if a child is unable to participate in P.E. lessons or change into kit.

Lost property

It is important that all property and uniform is clearly labelled. Any item of lost property (when found) gets taken to reception. Labelled items of uniform are then returned to students. Any unlabelled items are kept for one full term, before being donated to our second hand uniform shop.

All uniform and PE kit must be clearly labelled with student names.


The School Day

Daily Schedule

Library Opens 7.30 a.m.

Breakfast Club 7.45 a.m.

Gate Opens 8.20 a.m.

School Starts - all students must be on site 8.40 a.m.

Tutor Time 8.40a.m.

Period 1 9.00 a.m.

Period 2 9.55 a.m.

Break 10.50 a.m.

Period 3 11.10 a.m.

Lunch Y7 & 8 / Period 4 Y9, 10 & 11 12.05 a.m.

Period 4 Y7 & 8 Lunch Y9, 10 & Y11 12.50 p.m. 12.55 p.m.

Period 5 1.45 p.m.

Period 6 2.40 p.m.

End of day* 3.30 p.m.

*Additional Studies Once a week, details page 23 3.30 - 4.30 p.m.

*Sports Clubs

Students must have parental permission to attend 3.30 - 5.30 p.m.

*Yellow Detention 3.30 - 3.50 p.m.

*Amber Detention

You will be notified if your child has an amber detention 3.30 - 4.10 p.m.

*Red Detention

You will be notified if your child has a red detention 3.30 - 4.30 p.m.

Library Closes 5.30 p.m.

If your child has additional studies detentions will be 1 hour later

You can check which lessons your child has each day in their planner or via PAM

Parent: city-hackney.mosspam.org/parent



Good attendance is essential for students to achieve their full potential. We expect a minimum of 97% attendance from all students (or 184 of the 190 school days). We work closely with parents to ensure good attendance. Parents play the most significant role in ensuring that attendance and punctuality are good.

Parents should:

Contact us by 8.00 a.m. for each day their child is absent attendance@thecityacademy.org | 020 8525 5440 - Option 1

* If your child is absent for more than 3 consecutive days medical evidence should be provided.

Not organise family holidays during term time - the Principal reserves the right to refuse permission for student absence during term time

Write a note in your child’s planner explaining the reason for their absence

Arrange medical and other appointments outside school hours where possible

* If your child MUST attend an appointment during school hours, please provide an appointment card or medical note.


Breakfast and Lunch

A free breakfast of porridge is offered to all students 7.45 - 8.15 a.m.

A hot, healthy lunch is served everyday. Students are seated formally at tables as part of our Family Dining service. There are vegetables, salads and fresh bread accompanying the meal, followed by a dessert or fresh fruit.

Students are not allowed to bring in their own packed lunches. Any food or drink will be confiscated. Our catering team will ensure that all allergies and special diets are catered for.

Lunch costs £2.45 per day, unless you are eligible for Free School Meals. All food must be paid for via standing order through ParentPay.

Snacks, including pizza, biscuits and cakes, can be purchased at break time. We use a biometric system of payment (student’s thumb prints), this is linked to your Parent Pay account.

Free School Meals - To apply for free school meals, please contact Hackney Education and Schools or download an application form from their website. If students received free school meals in primary school they will have to reapply via https://education. hackney.gov.uk/content/apply-free-school-meals

For support with Parent Pay and Free School Meals applications email: Finance@thecityacademy.org

Term Dates 2024-25

Term First Day Last Day Parent Days & Planned school closures

Autumn 1 Fri 6 Sep Thu, 24 Oct Thu, 5 Sep - Year 7 & 12 first day

Autumn 2 Mon 4 Nov Wed, 18 Dec

Spring 1 Wed 8 Jan Fri 14 Feb

Spring 2 Tue, 25 Feb Fri 4 Apr

Summer 1 Thu 24 Apr Fri 23 May

Summer 2 Mon, 2

Jul 15
Jun Tue 15

Pastoral Care

If you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or want to discuss issues that may be affecting their attendance, punctuality, or behaviour please do let us know.

Our reception team will ensure your message gets to the right member of staff. When emailing or leaving a message please include your child’s full name, year group and the name of the person you want to contact, if known.

admin@thecityacademy.org | 020 8525 5440 | Open 8 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Mon - Fri

Tutors & Personal Advisors

Your child’s tutor is your first point of contact if you have any questions or concerns. Students have tutor time every morning. Tutors check on their student’s progress, monitor their planners, give notices and lead discussions on the theme of the week. They also teach weekly PHSCE lessons. Some students will also have an additional personal advisor who will help support them through weekly sessions.

Heads of Years

Heads of year are responsible for pastoral care and can help with any concerns.

Behaviour Mentors

Our team of behavioural mentors support our students in a variety of ways. This includes supporting students to:

• Regulate their behaviour in order to engage in learning in a positive manner

• Build positive, lasting relationships with their peers and staff

• Have the skills to positively mend strained relationships: peer mediation and staff led restorative practices

Support with Mental Health & Wellbeing

We have trained counsellors who offer one to one support to students. We also have a professional child and adolescence mental health worker on site regularly to offer support groups and one to one sessions.



The academy encourages all students to challenge bullying. Students should report incidents, inside and outside the academy, to a member of staff, who will tackle it promptly and sensitively. Bullying is defined as repeated, deliberate and hurtful behaviour that can take many different forms including:

• Emotional - unfriendly or excluding behaviour, tormenting or taking property

• Physical - pushing, hitting or any form of violence

• Racial - racial taunting, offensive images or gesturing

• Sexual - unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments

• Homophobic - focusing on, or as a result of, sexuality

• Verbal - name-calling, sarcasm, rumour-spreading, teasing

• Cyber - activity online, videos, photos, SMS, phone or social media

If you have any concerns, please contact your child’s tutor or Head of Year in the first instance.

admin@thecityacademy.org | 020 8525 5440 | Open 8 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Mon - Fri

Students can report bullying online at: www.thecityacademyhackney.org/antibullying-report-form/633.html

Safety and Safeguarding

The safety and wellbeing of our students is at the heart of everything the City Academy, Hackney does. Every adult within the academy, whatever their role, shares a responsibility to safeguard and to promote the welfare of children.

The academy has a safeguarding and child protection team who work alongside the pastoral teams to support students and to keep them safe. The designated safeguarding lead is James Evans (Vice Principal) and he can be contacted by parents who wish to raise or share any concerns or to seek support from the academy to keep students safe.

James Evans - Safeguarding Lead | safeguarding@thecityacademy.org


Working with Parents and Carers

You play a vital role in ensuring students achieve at the highest level. As well as hearing about your child’s progress we will also keep you up to date with news from across the school through regular updates and the half termly school newspaper, The City Times. The school website has up-to-date information, dates and key events.

It is essential we have up-to-date contact details for all students. Please contact us if there are any changes to your address, email address or telephone numbers.

The first point of contact for any enquiry is our reception team: admin@thecityacademy.org | 020 8525 5440 | Open 8 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Mon - Fri

PAM Parent

PAM Parent is an essential tool for all parents and carers. The vast majority of school communications come via PAM Parent.

The PAM Parent App is the best way for you to ensure that you receive important communications from school, including detention notifications, reports, details of events and important updates.

The PAM Parent website allows you to find out more about the merits your child receives, view their timetable and view the reasons for any detentions they receive.

All parents and carers receive their login details when their child joins the academy. For support contact communication@thecityacademy.org

PAM Parent website https://city-hackney.progressteaching.com/index.php?r=parentPanel

Parent Consultation

In addition to regular correspondence and updates there are two key events we expect parents to attend:

• Meet your child’s tutor

• Parent Day

These events are opportunities for you to meet with key staff to discuss your child’s progress in specific areas.


Parent/Carer Day

An opportunity to meet with individual teachers to talk about your child’s progress in specific subjects. It is mandatory to attend parent/carer day with your child. You should attend one Parent Day per year with your child. Appointments are available in the afternoon and the evening and you will be able to book your appointment online via the events section of the website.

There are no lessons on Parent Days and the academy is closed to other students.


ParentPay is used to pay for lunch, snacks, music lessons, trips, tickets, and books. An essential part of our cashless system, ParentPay removes the possibility of loss or theft of money from students. Parents credit money to their child’s account by:

1. Setting up a monthly standing order - recommended 2. Paying online via the website with a credit/debit card

Please note - students who wish to attend paid-for recreational trips, e.g. the ski trip, may not be allocated a place if they have an outstanding debt on their Parent Pay account. Standing order payments help prevent accounts going into debt.

For support contact Finance@thecityacademy.org ParentPay webiste www.parentpay.com

Parent Staff Association (PSA)

The Parent Staff Association (PSA) helps build strong links between home and school, and enables parents to be part of our school community. They host a range of events including social events, second hand uniform shops and parent seminars.

The PSA relies on parent volunteers to coordinate events. If you would like to get involved contact: PSA@thecityacademy.org



We expect all students to progress five grades between primary school and GCSEs.

This will result in every student succeeding in their GCSEs at grades 9 - 5 (including English and maths), and the majority achieving the English Baccalaureate (9 - 5 grades in English, maths, science, a language and history/geography).

Parent support in ensuring students complete homework and keep focused is essential in helping them make this progress.

We have internal assessments three times a year which help us understand which students are making the progress expected and which need more support.


We regularly provide information and data to ensure parents are informed of their child’s progress. Parents are given feedback about their child’s effort and attainment in every subject.

Reports are compiled three times a year and accessed through your PAM Parent account. All previous reports are stored in PAM so you can check your child’s progress over the year.

For support contact communication@thecityacademy.org

SLT Parent Surgery

Twice a week members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) are available to discuss any issues that your child’s Personal Adviser is unable to help you with.

Thursday & Friday | 8.45 a.m. - 9.30 a.m. | Book online at www.thecityacademyhackney.org/events/37.html


Complaints Procedure

It is the academy’s intention that you and your child experience the highest quality service, educational provision and communication. If you have any concerns we want to hear them. All correspondence, statements and records of complaints are considered confidential.

To raise a concern please contact reception, who will put you in touch with, or provide contact details for, the relevant member of staff: admin@thecityacademy.org | 020 8525 5440 | Open 8 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Mon - Fri

Agreed Complaints Procedure

Stage 1 - Informal Complaint

Opportunity to express and discuss your concerns with relevant staff Staff will make clear what action, if any, will be taken Concluded promptly and in writing

Issue not resolved

Stage 2 - Formal Complaint

Complaint heard by Principal

Acknowledgment, in writing, of receipt of complaint within 5 school days

Full investigation with documentation

Written response with an explanation of the decision and the reasons for it within 15 school days

Written statement outlining the decision of the CAP with reasons for it within 10 school days Complaint about head teacher

Stage 3 - Panel Hearings

Acknowledgment of complaint by Chair of the Governing Body within 5 school days Complaints Appeal Panel (CAP) formed

CAP meeting arranged with the aim of resolving the complaint and achieving reconciliation between the school and the complainant within 15 school days

Issue not resolved Issue resolved

Our full complaints procedure can be found at www.thecityacademyhackney.org

* If your complaint relates to a child at risk of abuse contact Hackney Children’s Social Care (or the Children’s Social Care team where the child lives) immediately: fast@hackney.gov.uk | 020 8356 5500


What Students Learn

The Library

Reading for pleasure is an activity which contributes greatly to a child’s development, and has been linked to improved academic performance and employment prospects in later life The libraries are a central part of daily life at the academy.

Both libraries are well-stocked with a wide range of books and magazines that are designed to appeal to all of our year groups and students are encouraged to choose reading material that they will find interesting and engaging. In addition we offer ebooks and audiobooks which can be accessed in school and from home. Our librarians are always willing to help students find books they will enjoy or find useful.

The libraries provide a quiet, calm, space for students before school, at break times, lunch times and after school and computers are available for the completion of online homework and research.

KS3 students regularly come to the library in their English lessons. These lessons are interactive and aim to encourage students to enjoy reading by introducing them to new books, prize winners and different genres. They also include library induction skills so that students can use the library, and its resources, with confidence. As part of the Bookbuzz scheme each year 7 student can choose a free book from a selection of 17 titles. Within the first term, we will give your child information on the books available. We celebrate World Book Day, organise author visits and run regular competitions to introduce students to the pleasure of reading.

From Spring term there is also an opportunity for your child to apply for the role of student librarian. Our student team supports the daily running of the library and have the opportunity to be involved in promoting reading to the rest of the school, choosing book stock and organising displays.

Libraries are open 7.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. for students to read and do homework.

Helen Towers - Learning Resources Manager | LibraryTeam@thecityacademy.org


Additional Studies

Once a week students have an extended school day to attend enrichment classes known as additional studies. It is compulsory and finishes at 4.30 p.m.

Additional studies activities are a key part of The City Experience, and range from robotics to creative writing and include big band, choir and orchestra.

In Year 10 & 11 additional studies focuses on extra support as students approach their GCSES. Students will be invited to attend targeted sessions in small groups. This will depend on a student’s particular needs, some students may have no sessions, others may have more than one a week.

Students may be required to stay for detentions after additional studies.

Day Year Group

Tuesday Y9, 10 & 11

Wednesday Y7, 8, 10 & 11


Students must record their specific homework in their planner, and in most cases it is completed in the back of their exercise books.

Every evening students are required to revise at least one subject using their knowledge organisers. Subject teachers will direct students to specific parts of knowledge organisers that they should learn that week. They are expected to use self-quizzing in the same way that it was shown to them in tutor time and their books will be checked for evidence of this. Each week teachers will check student understanding of the homework through a range of activities in the class.

Year Groups Weekly Homework

Years 7, 8 & 9


Sparx Maths

English, Science & MFL

Years 10 & 11 All Subjects

Every other week

History, D&T, PHSCE, Music, RE or Geography, Art, Computing, Drama



Instrument Lessons

All students in Year 7 receive free musical instrument tuition and each year scholarships are awarded for free tuition beyond Year 7. Paid for tuition is also available in a wide range of instruments.

We have a big band, choir, samba band and orchestras which take part in regular performances both within and outside of school.


PHSCE is Physical, Health, Social and Citizenship Education (PHSCE). It includes Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). Parents and carers can request to withdraw their child from non statutory sex education lessons, but are not able to withdraw their child from any aspect of relationships or health education. Full details can be found in the RSE Policy on the website.

Through our three key strands of health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world, students will become resilient and develop the necessary skills to prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.

Special Educational Needs and Disability

The academy practices a rigorous ‘Plan, Assess, Do, Review’ approach to identify students who require academic, social or emotional support.

We review the progress of all students with SEND five times a year, in collaboration with parents/carers and external agencies. We are committed to working with all families and the community to support our students.

Faculty of learning team | FOL@thecityacademy.org

Sports Clubs

We have before and after school sports clubs for Years 7 - 11 in many sports. Students from these clubs regularly represent the school in competitions and matches. We contact parents for club by club permission for the whole year to attend sports clubs.


Student Opportunities

Anti Bullying Ambassadors

Each year group has six anti-bullying ambassadors. This team of students help to reduce bullying and build inter year relationships. The anti-bullying ambassadors are visible in school, providing all students with the opportunity to discuss and report any bullying concerns.

House System

We have four houses: Aldgate, Ludgate, Moorgate and Newgate. Every Year 7 - 11 student belongs to a house. The house system motivates students to achieve through a range of activities and competitions. They also coordinate charity fundraising efforts in school.

Music Ambassadors

Our music ambassadors are passionate and enthusiastic musicians that have some experience of playing an instrument/singing and/or composition. Our ambassadors perform regularly in and out of school and attend concerts and workshops. Pupils must apply and audition to become a music ambassador.

Student Council

Our student council is formed of students from across Year 7-13 who represent the voice of our students throughout the school. At the start of term each tutor group elects two representatives that make up the student council. The students are role models and ambassadors for the school who play a key role in ensuring student voices are heard and their actions are pivotal in making key changes in the school. In addition the student council supports assemblies, fundraising activities and develops enrichment activities for students.

Student Leadership

Being a prefect is the perfect opportunity to develop leadership skills. Year 9 students can apply to become prefects when they are in Year 10. Prefects support school events, they support school duties, are peer mentors and contribute to student voice. Every year two prefects from Year 10 are chosen to become head students of the school. This prestigious position sees them as the face of our student body for all internal and external events representing our student community.

Member of City of London Academies Trust The City Academy, Hackney is a registered charitable company. Registered office: The City Academy, Hackney, Homerton Row, London, E9 6EA. The City Academy, Hackney, Homerton Row, London, E9 6EA 020 8525 5440 admin@thecityacademy.org www.thecityacademy.org Principal: Anna Sarchet

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