City News - September 2019

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Wait the Samfor natinit bus in comfort BUSHFIRE HAZARD REDUCTION NEEDS JOINT EFFORT City of Hobart fire and biodiversity program team member Mathew Bartlett at the fuel break in Lambert Gully, Bicentennial Park as part of the Lower Enterprise Hazard Reduction Burn.

THE City of Hobart has been undertaking works to reduce the amount of fuel available to wildfire, including the upgrading of green fuel breaks near the entrance to Wellington Park.

(slash/cut) the height of grass to in line with the Tasmania Fire below 10 centimetres in height. Service’s guidelines. “We’ve done everything we Many species of trees can be can to protect people and their retained. properties from bushfire,” Mr To learn more about vegetation’s Fisher said. flammability, check the Tasmania To assist with preparations, “But for this to be effective, Fire Service’s fire-retardant garden residents living adjacent to individual property owners need plants recommendations. bushland reserves are advised to to do the same thing on their side Princes Street Primary School students Lotte Routley and Jack Salter with Aurora Energy chief executive officer Rebecca Kardosnot and Alannah and Madeline Caption in here Remember to dispose cut back fire-prone vegetation on of the fence.” Foundation senior digital licence advisor Amy Williams. of garden cuttings in nearby their land between their homes The City urges Hobart residents to bushland and do not plant and reserve boundaries. follow the Tasmania Fire Service vegetation in, or adjacent to, an “Taking these actions now can guidelines. existing fuel break. make a big difference at the peak To lower the bushfire risk, ensure Plantings hinder the effectiveness of the fire season,” the City’s bushfire fuel levels around of the fuel break and will be Manager Bushland, John Fisher, homes and buildings, particularly removed from bushland areas. said. where they adjoin bushland, are reduced. For more information on the Our green fuel breaks create a Tasmania Fire Service’s fuel break buffer zone between the forest This includes the removal of edge and nearby properties, shrubs (2-3m height) and reducing guidelines, visit

Erovid min custiis moditae vel est RORESTIO riatur? Olor si beri totas eium seditius et lab in porepud iciistinis acessit Cesequi qui ni re, sam as quossed molupicia viduntur aut p dfsglkdfg dflgih hsdiphg hapigh nasgligend itiatem poritatur sus mossita tatiamIdior magnime veliquam quo in con nes istiatiur secto bea qui denet que dolesti apis aut por magnima eos idebit autem qui torioribus, inimet utendent aut dolor sitatem et laborercid utem sit endaes et ulpa eatinum reperumquos expedis inimenduci dolorum

fuga. Hention reribus quiae. Itatemquam, consequamus moluptaturem cum veligen ditiatas etum qui optatis ium adit adi aut quam dentend elentem hicidunt. Pedio quia cus idelestrum ut quiatur as ipsam, aut del erspis commos pos saperioribus es audipsa atis sunt, quisintius dentinctat inis eat. Magnam velis atur, arum lam volorestium aliquas denia nim aut il es ipsunt hilluptate dolut accumquo ium is apernam incium escit et untore volectur, idemodis experionet

The annual Dogs on the Domain is an occasion no dog lover can miss.

Lord Mayor Councillor Anna Reynolds C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 M: 0423 222 149 E: lord.mayor@

Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Helen Burnet C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 M: 0417 284 267 E: cr.burnet@

Alderman Marti Zucco 364A Elizabeth St. North Hobart 7000 M: 0418 120 060 E: ald_zucco@

Alderman Jeff Briscoe C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 M: 0447 791 274 E: ald.briscoe@

Partnership children to b

Barry Patmore and Will Bones from the City’s fabrication team are getting the bus shelters ready.

HOBART’S Elizabeth Street Bus Mall will soon boast aCaption freshin look here with new contemporary bus shelters to improve commuters’ comfort and convenience and LORE conseceate coreicifrom del- sun, wind .nciisand aut pra sitas moloreprovide protection rain. liquide reicias itatem hici cuscid rupta pa doluptatium hil int, The waiting is being improved as et autpassenger peribusdae vel iliquamarea simil et autat eturepu digende part of the City’s upgrade to the bus mall to enhance quo occata voloribusa nim unbitiur ab invendel enis enim the appearance of ditincid the section of ut Elizabeth danturio omnisim sunt volori vel int. Street between Collins MacquarieFerorep streets andestrunt create quam inciduntia aut and esequis roreria sequam harum exernatecae. ut et et od quia nonse an attractive, pedestrianUtandquam passenger-friendly odione nat volupisque pores et of reped ma nos nectotae porepe transport hub in the centre town. labo. Ict. nulpa voluptat destem facDesigned in collaboration theetcommunity, otatem que rempora conse- with caectas volese sapient,the is aut three long bus shelters quis et new, omnistalmost que plab14-metre is niscit expe est offictius, utest,are nobis currently built by the City’s fabrication team mos verumbeing invel idus, none dolorios con re odis voluptam cum, will ommodistis et idunturio and be installed in springfacepudion 2019. eumqui consequi et am quas nus et volut mod veniet dolorpore laut dolesti They will replace the four oldblaboreperro shelters and will have qui cupta velenes con pro bearumquiae nosadoluptatus solid roof, glass wind screens, comfortable timber et aborrum as mi, ut sit volo doluptatur susae eosam and steel seats and leaning rails. voluptaecte simus esent pe int quos ditinci psandebisti tem volorpo rereculpa si dolorewill rerum adit occum quat At the end of construction there also be wider footpath, new waste bins, a water fountain, trees and renewed lighting and paving. For more information about the project, visit

Spiengp fhselt FUR BABIES RUN RAMPANT ON THE DOMAIN glalh fnslidfh

laudisque ent ent molesto to aut quam, secum ulluptio con cusdae pro inis pa pratus estios beaqui rest eius exerchi liquisc City’s annual Dogs onieniscipsam the opportunity to parade waggiest tail or some amazing isTHE et, volorepuda prem am, el“pawfect” inulles et maxisinctem quaeria reserit beaturemoutfits in the Fancy Domain is a sinvelis must-go socialmus anihil ilibeaqui their stylish tricks they can do? dolorumque occum et dogeos aut di nostotae Dressquam competition. gatheringinciat for all dogs, Come to the Dogs on the quatus dentdog am eatrainers, dunt. owners, dog laborerit lovers autatese. There will be demonstrations by Domain toet enjoy alletthese LORE conseceate coreici delidunturio am quas nus et Aditate veriwho alit aut intotat and those areexpassionatequi cum hitaepro liquide reicias cuscid and volut much mod quimore. cupta velenes the Hobart Dog Training Clubitatem hici activities ex ea vitaqui disqui aut aut emporerierit autatese. about all things dogs in Hobart. et aut vel iliquam conOlor pro doluptatus et aborrum to showcase ofperibusdae dog quam voloreribus, ipsaper qui cum hitaepro intotat the best Rorestio riatur? si on berithe totasday All money raised from quo occata voloribusa nim unas mi, ut voluptaecte simus emporerio blaut veliqui volupta epelign imoloreperum eumOctober performance. Held on Sunday 13 eium seditius et laband in porepud the barbecue drinks stalls are danturio omnisim sunt iciistinis ditincid acessit esent pe intqui volorpo sum ipsunto tatquo mi, ex etMemorial tibearisciis ditiis ut qui volupta Cesequi ni re, rereculpa 2019 at the Soldiers If you think your pooch is the donated to the Dogs Home of quam inciduntia aut esequis sinciis aut pra sitas molorerupta eosae vitem quistis nonecearum, eiurio to sam as quossed molupicia Oval,volorehenis QueensutDomain from canine mini-you, how about a exernatecae. Tasmania, Hobart Dog sequam harum Ut aut pa doluptatium hilWalking int, simil et volorio nseque eum ius atium que pro exceatam, officiam viduntur p dfsglkdfg dflgih 10am until 1pm, the program odione nat volupisque pores hapigh autat eturepu digende bitiur ab chance to impress the crowd with hsdiphg Association and Hobart quates in rehendit, velis alibero aligeo blaut veliqui volupta nasgligend iti- Dog of activities will offer something labo.DogIctotatem que reminvendel enis enim theut resemblance inetthe Training Club. tibearisciis ditiis lat ellent apit officim evente elecuptatio atem poritatur sus mossita tatiamvolori ut special for you and your canine pora consequis et omnist que vel int. Owner Look-Alike contest? officto reperna tenist es sed exerspe liquod quiditempore STORY CONTINUES PAGE 5 For more information, please companions. Ferorep roreria estrunt plab is niscit mos verum invel comnimu stibus erum adiat. moluptatem quam, quost Or maybe your petidus, is very visit none cum, ommodistis quam ut et et od quia nonse

Furry fashionistas will have a

Alderman Dr Peter Sexton C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 M: 0407 099 294 E: ald.sexton@

Alderman Damon Thomas C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 M: 0429 064 805 E: ald.thomas@

enthusiastic to show their

Alderman Tanya Denison C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 M: 0458 005 454 E: ald.denison@

Councillor Bill Harvey C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 M: 0428 243 964 E: cr.harvey@

Alderman Simon Behrakis C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 M: 0436 027 369 E: ald.behrakis@


Councillor Mike Dutta C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 E: cr.dutta@

Councillor Holly Ewin C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 E: cr.ewin@

Councillor Zelinda Sherlock C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 E: cr.sherlock@

Hobart shines as an Antarctic Gateway City

Afloat: community resilience and recovery

Choose to put second-hand first this October. Photo credit: supplied by Garage Sale Trail.

Artists Leigh Tesch and Rosie McKeand with children from South Hobart learning about change and connection through play.

FOLLOWING the flood that impacted many communities across Greater Hobart in May 2018, the City of Hobart embarked on a mission to help Hobartians prepare for potential natural disasters in the future with the financial support from the Australian and Tasmanian governments under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements. With the aim of building strong, connected communities of people who look after each other in times of crisis, the City developed a set of projects designed to equip residents with tools to get ready for, respond to and recover from disruptions to normal living. One of the projects – Afloat – came to life after childcare centres, school staff and parents from South Hobart shared with the City their experiences during the flood and the impact it had on their community. The Afloat project engaged professional artists to deliver eight creative recovery workshops for children aged three to six years and two professional development workshops for parents and educators. The workshops offered drawing, model-making, music, storytelling and movement based on the topic of the Rivulet to help children deal with change, adversity and the associated feelings. The workshops culminated with an anniversary event on the Rivulet in South Hobart to celebrate the community’s resilience and strength of spirit, and support the ongoing process of recovery. To learn more about the project, visit:

PUT SECOND-HAND FIRST ON GARAGE SALE WEEKEND DO you have items cluttering up your home that may be of use to someone else? Maybe it’s time for a garage sale. The City of Hobart is once again participating in the national Garage Sale Trail, which aims to promote re-use of pre-loved items, while reducing waste to landfill.

Residents across the city are invited to host a garage sale to clear out any unwanted items while contributing to a circular economy through re-use and upcycling. This year’s sale is happening on 19-20 October and registrations for garage sale hosts are now open.

In 2018, nearly 350,000 Australians participated in the Garage Sale Trail, giving new life to pre-loved items and diverting thousands of tonnes of waste from landfill. To register a garage sale or to find out where you can grab a bargain, visit:

Creating a sustainable future

Free waste drop-off IS your yard in need of a tidy-up? Take your general waste to the McRobies Gully Waste Management Centre for free on Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 November. Bring domestic loads, including utes and trailers, to the Tip from 10am to 4pm. Simply show your driver’s licence to the tollbooth operator to verify that you are a resident of the City of Hobart. Free entry does not apply to waste such as tyres, paints, chemicals, asbestos, other hazardous waste, or commercial waste. Find out more at

Aurora Australis in the Southern Ocean. Photo credit: Sandra Zicus, Australian Antarctic Division.

AS a new Antarctic season approaches, the City of Hobart is preparing to welcome up to 750 expedition leaders, scientists, tradespeople and support staff as they converge on Hobart as the starting point of an adventure like no other. As an Antarctic Gateway City, Hobart plays an important role in supporting the Australian Antarctic Program and as an internationally recognised, natural entry point for people travelling to the frozen continent. The City of Hobart will hold a civic reception in October as a send-off to expeditioners about to head to Antarctica. The event is an opportunity to

showcase Hobart’s hospitality and show support for the Australian Antarctic Program. The Australian Antarctic Program conducts scientific research and projects that are of national and global significance. It operates as part of a collaborative partnership that includes more than 150 national and international research institutions. It is estimated to be worth around $186 million a year to the Tasmanian economy and provides exciting career and research opportunities. In 2020, there will be added focus on Hobart’s Antarctic connection,


Alburea Primary School students are curious about waste.

AT the City of Hobart, we are committed to fostering and creating a healthy, connected, resilient and sustainable city. We want the community to join us in this passion. We have committed $55,000 annually to encourage community and organisation-led programs and initiatives that will make a difference in tackling issues

of climate change, sustainable transport and local biodiversity. Schools, community groups and businesses can now apply for Urban Sustainability Grants, which offer up to $5000 in cash per project, to develop activities to help Hobart grow food gardens, reduce waste and have clean air and water, be energy efficient and low carbon.

CITYnews | SPRING 2019

The Urban Sustainability Grants annual program replaced the former Dr Edward Hall Environmental Grants and Waste Reduction Grants. Applications are open until 30 September 2019 for projects starting from December 2019. For more information, visit urbansustainabilitygrants.


All Hobart City Council meetings are open to the public in the Town Hall Council Chamber, 50 Macquarie Street, Hobart. If you can’t come in person you can listen live online or to a recording after the meeting by vising hobartcity. To see what’s on the agenda, visit the City of Hobart website Meeting dates for September–December 2019 are Mondays: • 9 and 23 September • 7 and 21 October

• 4 and 18 November • 2 and 16 December

The 2019 meeting schedule is available on the website at


with two globally significant conferences – the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs, and the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research – to be held in the city. This will be in addition to the biennial Australian Antarctic Festival, the annual Convention for Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources meeting, the Tasmanian Government’s Sub-Antarctic Forum and the delivery of Australia’s icebreaker ‘RSV Nuyina’, which will spend its time between Antarctic voyages docked at Hobart’s waterfront. To find out more about the Australian Antarctic Program, visit

Stay in touch with the City of Hobart Call us on 03 6238 2711 Write to us at GPO Box 503, Hobart TAS 7001 Email us at CityofHobartOfficial City of Hobart @cityofhobarttas

CITYnews | SPRING 2019

The new bench at Salamanca made from recycled plastic, a much better use for plastic bags than sending them to landfill.

Salamanca Market is moving toward zero waste NEW sustainable initiatives have been recently introduced at Salamanca Market as part of the City’s zero waste to landfill strategy. Salamanca Market, with the support of stallholders, is becoming more environmentally friendly by phasing out all non-compostable carry bags, straws and takeaway food packaging. To help stallholders make the change, the City offered a limited supply of recycled paper and compostable bags in exchange for leftover single-use plastic bags. Thousands of bags were collected and contributed to the creation of two new, recycled plastic bench seats that have been installed on the Salamanca Lawns and that feature a streetscape of Salamanca Market cut into the seat. Compostable food packaging, cutlery, straws and cups can now be placed in organic waste bins, recently introduced at the market as part of the change away from single-use plastics. With these new green-lidded bins, more than 24,000 kilograms of compostables – around half of the weekly waste generated through the market – are expected to be diverted from Hobart’s landfill and will become certified organic compost. The compost is extensively used by the City to maintain healthy soil in its parks and gardens. Residents can also purchase it at the McRobies Gully Waste Management Centre (the tip) at South Hobart where compostable waste is processed.

New smoke-free areas AS Hobartians expect to breathe clean air when they are out and about, as well as enjoy public areas free of cigarette butt litter, the City is committed to establishing outdoor spaces where smoking is prohibited to improve air quality and reduce exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke. From 15 October 2019, Franklin Square, the new Legacy Park and the University Rose Gardens will be declared smoke-free to support people who have quit or are trying to quit smoking and make smoking in the community less acceptable. The City will be implementing more smoke-free areas in the coming years, working towards making Hobart a cleaner and healthier place to live and visit. To see the full list of public places where smoking is not permitted, visit

Elizabeth Mall information hub is where your journey begins

Jemma Gatehouse is one of our friendly officers who will help you plan the perfect home-grown getaway.

ParaQuad Tasmania advocate Richard Jones takes the City of Hobart’s new TrailRider for a spin in Waterworks Reserve with Bush Adventures activity leaders Gemma Rushton and Gene Miley.

TRAILRIDER IS YOUR TICKET TO RIDE PEOPLE with mobility limitations can now explore some of Hobart’s most beautiful bushland reserves in a new, purpose-built electric wheelchair. The TrailRider is designed to handle rough bushland tracks and has a small electric motor that helps power it up hills. TrailRiders are proving popular in Victorian and Tasmanian national parks, including at Cradle Mountain, Mount Field and Freycinet. In Hobart, the TrailRider can be taken on bushland tracks in Waterworks Reserve, Knocklofty Reserve, Hobart Rivulet Park, Soldiers Memorial Avenue and

Spring brings new twist to much-loved floral shows

Get inspired by Tasmanian blooms.

Wellington Park. Routes include the Pipeline Track from Fern Tree where riders can travel out to the Fern Tree Bower and on to Silver Falls. The Knocklofty Reserve circuit passes through beautiful dry forest and woodlands. For full details on the available routes and to book, visit It is free to hire from the City of Hobart, and two people are needed to help manoeuvre the wheelchair. IMMERSE yourself in the captivating magic of flowers with the City of Hobart floral shows, which once again will be on display at the Hobart Town Hall this spring. Presented by the Hobart Horticultural Society and the Tasmanian Orchid Society, a magnificent line-up of free shows will start on Thursday 12 September with sunny daffodils – first flowers to herald the season’s arrival – and stunning camellias, which are among the most versatile and popular plants in Australian gardens. If you prefer an exotic elegance, head to one of the four orchid shows, which will be held from Thursday 26 September. There will be a variety of “perfect-for-a-gift”, colourful and fragrant orchid flowers to purchase. The November show will surprise you with a classic beauty of roses and showy iris blossoms. Mark Friday 8 November and Saturday 9 November in your calendar to make sure you won’t miss it. New exhibits are invited to enter all the shows in either the novice or junior categories. There will be new prizes for school groups and junior sections. For more information on how to enter and to see the full program, visit

CITYnews | SPRING 2019

THE City of Hobart has recently redeveloped the Elizabeth Mall information hub to deliver a wider range of services to locals and visitors. The information hub is staffed by the friendly and knowledgeable team from the Tasmanian Travel and Information Centre. They are experts in Tasmanian accommodation and experiences and can help busy locals needing a home-grown getaway, but don’t have time to organise it, or who want to arrange an unforgettable Tasmanian experience for visiting friends and family. Pop by, let the team know what you’re looking for and they’ll help you rediscover our beautiful and unique island. The team can also provide you with your national parks passes, Metro cards, maps or a

travel and experience gift voucher for that hard-to-buy-for loved one and can book your next Spirit of Tasmania fare. For tourism, retail and hospitality businesses and local events, there are also economic advertising options via new screens located at the hub, facing up Elizabeth Street. Enquiries can be emailed to advertising@ au. The contemporary information hub is a central meeting area in the heart of the city and, as a mark of respect to Aboriginal people and culture in Tasmania, the City has also commissioned an Aboriginal artwork to be installed on the building later in the year. The information hub is open from 10am to 4.30pm, six days a week (Monday to Saturday).

WHAT’S ON BUSHCARE Working Bee Program various locations bushcare

BUSH ADVENTURES Activities program various locations bushadventures MATHERS HOUSE Events and activities program 108 Bathurst Street, Hobart matherhouse YOUTH ARTS AND RECREATION Wednesday-Friday, 3.30-5.30 pm

(temporarily relocated to Criterion House) CHRISTMAS PAGEANT 16 November pageant MAWSON PLACE CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING EVENT 29 November christmas COMMUNITY BAKE DAYS AT LEGACY PARK 1, 15 and 29 September 13 and 27 October 10 and 24 November 8 and 15 December legacypark


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