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Phase III includes the section of the El Pueblito river which is bounded in the north by Av. Constituents and in the south by the Libramiento Sur Poniente. This phase is an important link between the phase I and II, since it will act as a connecting medium between the two.

In this area you can see less density of shops. Without However, trade in services is the one that most predominates in the area, as well as wholesale and retail trade. The main communications are Avenida Constituentes, and to the South the Libramiento Sur Poniente, which cross perpendicularly. As secondary streets there is calle Héroico Militar, which runs adjacent to the river and crosses under the main arteries.

As permeable areas there are parcels located in the West, the eminent vegetation of the river and in less abundance there are private gardens. In this section the intervention of the slopes of masonry ends, and the natural slopes of the river with its emerging vegetation can be seen again.