S E P T E M B E R 2 01 6
WElCOmE tO thE SPOtlIGht Welcome to a new school year! We hope the Spotlight will be a resource for your family. In it you will get a glimpse into some of the beautiful things that are happening across our four campuses. You will find important dates and reminders and, more than that, we hope you’ll gain a clearer vision of The City School as a pre-k through twelve family. Whatever grade your student is in, they are part of a larger community of learners, and we want to share life together as one school.
SharING a VISION August is a month of cultivating our community around our shared mission, getting to know new co-workers, and planning for the joys and trials God will bring us this school year.
One way we do this each year is through our annual retreat to Sandy Cove, overlooking the beautiful Chesapeake Bay. We spend a whole day together rejoicing over what God has done through our history and looking
forward to what he will do for us—and through us—this year. We talk about our long-term goals, new projects and priorities, and ways to continue bringing Jesus’ love and light to our students. (Continued on next page)
(Continued from first page)
This year we have committed to growing deeper. Over the past few years, we have grown wider, serving more students on more campuses than ever before. This year we grow deeper— strengthening our curriculum, setting more rigorous metrics for success, investing more in enrichment and elective courses, offering more opportunities for one-on-one support, providing students at every grade level even more access to professional counselors, and continuing to develop the skills and passions of the teachers who give their lives in service to your children. Our school verse this year is Joshua 1:7-9: “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant
Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” This has been our prayer as we plan for the year to come, and it will be our steadfast hope as we rely on God’s grace and goodness to get through each day. May we be strong and courageous.
Volunteers Needed. Interested in giving back to The City School community? We could use your help. There are many different ways to serve. Please contact Betty Handy, Home and School President, at homeandschool@cityschool.org. You can also sign up for campus specific opportunities at http://signup.com/go/x8QzPr.
Like us on Facebook at: facebook.com/thecityschool BUSINESS OFFICE 860 N. 24th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130 | 215.769.5363 The City School is a pre-k through 12th grade Christian school serving over 300 students on four campuses across Philadelphia. Our mission is to train students’ minds, disciple their hearts, and bring light to the city—one child at a time.
Fa i r m o unt Grades Pre-k to 2 860 N. 24th Street Philadelphia, PA 19130 215.769.5366
Fairmount First Day of School - September 6 | Half Day Dismissal is at 12:15 pm. There is no extended care.
Extended Day Program (EDP) Begins – September 7 All School Convocation – September 13 Fall Benchmarks for Grades Pre-K to 2 - September 12 to October 6
Welcome to our New Teachers: We are excited to welcome back our returning teachers and want to extend a warm welcome to our new staff members: Mrs. Backus - Pre-Kindergarten
Our campus is growing. This year we’re excited to house grades Pre-K to 2. We’re also excited for This Fall’s STEAM Classes. Students will be Studying the life and contributions of Benjamin Franklin through experiments, Field Trips, and Art Projects. Follow Ms. Gregory’s blog on the website to stay up to date!
Ms. Bongiorni - Physical Education
and Spanish
Ms. Davis - Kindergarten Co-
Mr. DelLior - Computers Mrs. Glowacki - Second Grade Mr. Terrell - Music
S pru ce Hill Grades k to 5 4115 Baltimore Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19104 215.382.7839
Spruce Hill First Day of School - September 6 | Half Day School bus service begins.
Extended Day Program (EDP) Begins – September 7 Back to School Night September 8 | 7:00 pm All School Convocation – September 13
Welcome to our New Teachers: We are excited to welcome back all our returning teachers and want to extend a warm welcome to our new staff members: Ms. Bongiorni - Physical Education Ms. Campbell - Kindergarten
Mr. Terrell - Music Ms. Williams - Office Assistant
As part of kindergarten orientation, parents create posters depicting their hopes and dreams for the children they are entrusting to our care. They hope and dream for new friendships, excitement in discovering new things, a cultivated love for reading and writing, and a deeper appreciation of the love and grace they receive from Jesus.
Wa ln u t Str e e t Grades 6 to 8 4501 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19139 215.382.7839
Walnut Street First Day of School – September 6 | Half Day Retreat - September 8 One day retreat at the Philadelphia Rock Gym.
Half Day - September 9 All School Convocation – September 13 8th Grade High School Visit – September 27 & 28 Walnut Street students will visit the Rittenhouse campus.
Last year’s Walnut Street graduates left behind a legacy of kindness, curiosity, and passion. As the school year begins, we are excited to follow in their footsteps.
Welcome to our New Teachers: We are excited to welcome back all our returning teachers and want to extend a warm welcome to our new staff members: Mr. Bacher - Assistant Office
Ms. Bongiorni - Spanish Mr. Luo - Math Intern
R i t t e n h ou se Grades 9 to 12 315 S. 17th Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 215.731.1930
Rittenhouse First Day of School - September 6 Fall Retreat - September 8 We will be having a day-trip student retreat. Students will need to pack a lunch for that day. We will return to school at the normal dismissal time.
Picture Day - September 12 Order forms will be available at the front desk.
All School Convocation – September 13 Senior Portrait Day - September 19 Order forms will be available at the front desk.
Welcome to our New Teachers: We are excited to welcome back all our returning teachers and want to extend a warm welcome to our new staff members: Mr. Holloway - Latin Mr. Liken - English Ms. Parsons - Science Ms. Yun - Counselor
We are so proud of the 2016 Graduating Class. As our school years starts, they are beginning college here in Philadelphia and around the world. Please join us in praying for their transitions.
RH - Senior Portrait Day
FM - Fall Benchmarks Begin RH - Picture Day
7 FM, SH Extended Care Begins
WS - Visit to Rittenhouse Campus
All School Convocation
First Day of School
September 2016 Sun
WS - Visit to Rittenhouse Campus
Thu 1
8 WS, RH Retreats SH - Back to School Night, 7 PM
WS - Half Day
Sat 3
Parents, you are our most valuable admissions resource. Most families find The City School through a word of mouth recommendation. Your experience matters. Would you consider helping prospective families by leaving a Google review about your experience at The City School?
The process is simple. Here are Google’s steps:
1) Open Google Maps (maps.google. com).
2) Search for your campus.
3) Below the search box, click “Write a review.”
4) In the window that appears, click the stars to score the place and write a review in the box.