Print Advertising Contract

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The Clarion

University of Denver’s Official Student Newspaper since 1899

ADVERTISER CONTACT INFORMATION Customer Contact Name:___________________________________________________ Company Represented:_____________________________________________________ Contact Phone Number:___________________

Contact Fax Number:_________________

Contact Email Address:_____________________________________________________ ADVERTISEMENT SPECIFICATIONS Via Email

File Acquired (Circle One):


Date File Acquired:__________ Size:__________


Run Date(s):________________


*Placement Notes:_______________

Additional Tear sheet Specifications:____________________________________________ *The Clarion cannot guarantee any specific ad placement in any specific publication but will do its best effort when placement specifications are requested. Ads may be removed at the discretion of the editors. * PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND SIGN AND DATE BELOW. Changes to ad file due no later than 5 p.m. the Friday before run date. Material received after deadline or not conforming to the requirements outlined in the ad rate card shall not be run. Advertiser warrants that it holds the rights, licenses and authority necessary to carry out the terms of this Agreement. Advertiser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Clarion against any and all liabilities or expenses, including but not limited to claims of libel, unfair compensation, unfair trade practice, and infringement of trademarks, trade names or patents, or violations of rights of privacy, arising out of any advertisement submitted to the Clarion. The Clarion may, at is sole discretion, insert the word “advertisement” above and/or below any copy. All advertising submitted is subject to the approval of the editors and advisors to the Clarion. The Clarion may refuse any content that violates policies of the University of Denver or the Clarion or that does not meet the Clarion’s publication standards.


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