2019 The Class Trend Report

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The Future is Blended.



index The Nido Difference

HIGHLIGHTS 2019 4 Founder Column - Little did we know the Housing Crisis had only just begun 8

The Future is Blended Nido’s vision is to be the market leading global advisor & operator of PBSA. Our strength is our people, we deliver best in class customer experience by creating & maintaining tech enabled, sustainable communities that maximise NOI for investors. The Nido portfolio has developed from 2,000+ beds to a 10,000+ PBSA pipeline across the UK, Ireland, Portugal, the Netherlands and Germany. Here’s what the Nido team can deliver for you: • Institutional-grade property and mobilisation management • Opportunity identification and acquisition management • Drive investment value through NOI growth and accretive cap-ex • Third-party operations through scalable solutions • Planning, design and development management

Contact us marketing@nidostudent.com


BERLIN SPECIAL 12 A Beginner’s Guide to Coliving 21 Global Trends in Shared Living 22 INTERVIEW - We blur Boundaries with a Concept that Sticks 26

Co-revolution 28 and then came Coliving... 30 ONE SHARED HOUSE 2030 34 The Sharing Future 36 INTERVIEW - Cities that Share 38 Generators across Generations 42

Education & Place 46 The 8P’s to Cultivate a Great Place 48 The Four Dimensional City 52 INTERVIEW - STATION F Nurturing Talent 54 The Civic University 56 INTERVIEW - The Perils, Promises and Potential of being a Digital Nomad 58 Balancing Acts 62

Communities that care


Smart Technology & PBSA 66 Re-humanising the University Experience 70 Urban Campuses: live, learn and work 72 The European University 74 THE FOUR PILLARS OF STUDENTS’ JOURNEY 76 Oh the Places you’ll go 80 Ambitions for a Collective approach to Coliving in Cities 82 MARKET UPDATES 83 Sustainable Relationships in Student Accommodation 107 Creating Spaces for Communities that Care 108 Our Partners

www.nidostudent.com 2






Investment panel at The Class Conference 2018

The Blended Future of Living, Learning and Working in University-Cities We live and breathe our MANIFESTO. Our vision is for cities to attract and retain the brightest young minds, and for them to lead the way to social and economic success in return. Working together with our valued PARTNERS and

values and social profits TOGETHER, through

other stakeholders, we advocate for community

our Events, Research, Academy and Advisory.

collaboration and provide thought leadership on

We thank you; our partners, thought-leaders,

university-cities. As a THINK TANK, we do not

action-takers, industry experts, collaborators and

settle for adapting to change. We strive to drive

disruptors for all the discussions, developments,

evolution and revolution of the ways TALENT is

changes, evolutions and revolutions in 2019.

living in cities and how this is shaping the urban

THE CLASS OF 2020 invites you to the symbolic

campus; the ECOSYSTEM in which students,

year of 2020. Our team of game-changers is ready.

universities, corporates and cities co-create.

Let’s continue the co-revolution.

We are a non-profit that aims to create shared

Yoony Kim, Managing Director

MILAN 2018 Forward Thinking The Class Conference 2018 celebrated the transformation of university cities: from post-industrial city to the new urban campus. Jullie Wager, keynote speaker, opened the conference by addressing the birth of new hybrid typologies. It became evident that universities are the spark to creating local and regional innovation ecosystems and the re-make of the urban campus at the heart of the city is the ultimate mash-up of living, working and learning. The conference also served as a reminder that students lead the way when it comes to housing preferences and securing their well-being is at the centre of attention. Milan, the host city, showcased strong commitment towards its continuous endeavours to global talent attraction and retention with an active support and participation from the city municipality. With 650 attendees coming from 27+ countries, strong presence of the higher education industry and the many students involved, The Class Conference 2018 proved to be the leader platform of shaping the future of living, working and learning.

Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning - Milan

TEAM Game Changers As a devoted believer and player of continuous learning of the global talents, The Class of 2020 remained committed to growing together as a multi-cultural team of game changers. The team also experienced changes in the size, composition of expertise and professional development. As a result, we congratulated many who embarked upon their new adventures and welcomed equally many who joined the forces to drive further change. With the big year of 2020 ahead, we are looking forward to opening our new chapter together.



Julie Wagner keynote speech

PARTNERS Thank You Note With new partners joining and existing partners strengthening cooperative relationships, The Class community propelled the growth and maturity of the industry. We thank you for sharing our passion and ambition and our continuous living, working and learning together as a purposeful community.




ACADEMY Next year we aim to launch a panEuropean research on the impact of PBSA & ResLife on student experience, in order to build evidence-based insights that fuel our inaugural Academy.


Learning continues The Class dedicated the year 2019 to fully studing the needs and wants of the industry that wishes to continue learning with us. Not only did we investigate the areas to be improved and strengthened by professional training, but also the format in which The Class Academy can best and most benefit the community’s continuous learning. We will keep you posted of The Class Academy but please also keep us informed with your ideas, feedback and opinion on professionalising our community together.

6 Regional Sessions and 7 Global Summits The year 2019 has proven to be the record year for The Class in geographical coverage. With 6 regional sessions within Europe including the UK (pan-European), Spain, Poland (CEE), Germany, The Netherlands and Italy and 7 global summits in the urban cities outside of Europe including Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sydney, Melbourne, Dubai and New York, we steepened our learning curve to the fullest. The topics that were addressed during our regionals steered and stimulated active conversations on the future of PBSA investments in a changing European landscape, home away from home: hospitality leading the way in PBSA, the rise of university cities in Central and Eastern Europe, living the lifestyle: successful operators, branding and generation rent, the city and the campus: time to invest in talent and housing generation Erasmus+. The year concluded with the highlight, The European Conference 2019: Blended Living in Berlin. Of course, The Class did not miss any opportunity to keep in touch with the wider industry with representative participating and/or speaking at events and conferences such as MIPIM, NSBO, EAIE, The PIE Award, Expo REAL, and Vastgoedjournaal congress to name the few.




The Class events are places to connect our communities, bring actions to life and inspire as much as get inspired by trends in this emerging industry.

RESEARCH As a think tank we put research at the core of our practice. It is where each seed is planted and cultivated before blossoming into new ideas and projects. Let the harvest begin!

Regional trends, smart technology and PBSA, rise of co-facts and co-effects We are a think tank and research is one of the most essential everyday practice at The Class. It not only serves as the backbone of all the activities we perform but also the driver that proposes the most urgent, important and relevant topics and agenda for our community. Our voluntary and commissioned research on regional trends, smart technology and PBSA, coliving, coworking and student accommodation are only a few examples of what we do and what we do best. The Trend Report 2020 will provide you with a fuller picture of our dedication towards our academic and applied research.

The Future of Urban Living Together with Berlin Partner for Business and Technology and fifteen leaders from the real estate, student accommodation and the urban planning sectors, The Class of 2020 conducted a series of in-depth interviews, complimentary research and analysis to propose the outlook on the future of urban living and talent attraction. We believe that in bringing experts together we can help organisations and cities develop positively, disseminating knowledge regarding housing, regeneration and developing cities in a more sustainable direction. This century is called the ‘urban century’ and as more cities populate, new models of living are required in order to ensure a bright future for all.

ADVISORY We believe that attraction, growth and retention of young talent is vital to the future of cities. With dedicated consulting services, we help higher education institutions, cities and economic boards to shape the future of global talent hubs.

Left: New York Global Summit 2019 Middle picture left: Brian Welsh CEO of Nido at PAN EU Session in London Far left: Martina Bo of Erasmus Student Network at IT Session in Bologna Top: View of Warsaw during CEE Session Middle picture right: Ulrike Hagendorf of Catella during DE Session in Frankfurt



Founder Column

Little did we know the housing crisis had only just begun

The Class of 2020 was established in 2011 in Amsterdam to fix the student housing crisis. Dutch universities were pioneering English Taught Programmes (ETPs) with an offering of English-language courses which was exactly what Millennial students had been waiting for. ETPs became an unprecedented success and international student numbers started jumping by rates of up to 10% per year. But where and how could they be housed? No one knew the answer. The Dutch student housing market was deadlocked. The subsidised operators were overburdened by the extra demand, and overregulation and a global financial crisis had scared away new investors. So, the idea of The Class was simple: to bring together public and private stakeholders to find new solutions for a shared goal, that no student should have any problem finding good-quality housing in 2020. The strategy was three-fold: to challenge the status quo with new ideas and insights from around the globe, to bring new and existing operators together with universities and regulators, and to commit the stakeholders to work together for change. In the past nine years, we did what we promised. The Class has connected passionate professionals, educated the industry and inspired new ideas and collaborations around Europe and beyond. Governments have changed their regulations and new players have entered the market. The private and social sector have built thousands of rooms. Innovations like coliving, coworking, hybrids and intergenerational housing have won the hearts of students and young professionals alike. Smarter designs, technology and flexible contracts have allowed for greater variety of lifestyles and budgets. 8


I am very proud of The Class team and partners who work tirelessly to bring people together, to inform each other, and who have transformed a local Dutch initiative into an international think tank with a global impact. But as we enter 2020, we need to ask, have we solved the housing crisis? No, not yet. What we underestimated in 2011 was the pulling power of university cities and Gen Z. Internationally an influx of young talent, start-ups and new jobs are boosting demand and prices are rising as a result. As it turns out, Millennial students have only been the trailblazers of talent mobility. Gen Z is moving around even more often for study, work, friendship and love. So, with what we know, what will end the housing crisis? We have to accept that our cities will grow, and that our communities will diversify. We need to redevelop, regenerate and densify the underutilised areas of our cities. We need to understand that people, young and old, are willing to sacrifice square metres for proximity, affordability and quality of spaces and services. Our recent summit in New York highlighted that coliving communities offer members 20% lower [1] prices than a regular studio apartment would cost. Getting together and building urban campuses, lively, inclusive and mixed-use neighbourhoods, with good transportation will be key to accommodate the next generations of students and young professionals. That is what the partners and network of The Class can do together. Now and moving forward towards our graduation in 2020 and beyond, we look forward to further collaboration as a united community.

[1] Knight Frank - Coliving, Rent a Lifestyle, Research 2018

Frank Uffen TREND REPORT 2020


The Future is Blended

New terms regularly emerge in our fast-changing and urbanising world to describe new ways of living. The theme of this report, Blended Living, leads the way in discussing the various blends that modern living includes. Innovative models which provide high quality living, working and learning environments, utilising technology and the sharing economy are creating new investment and development opportunities, and pave the way in making a positive contribution to a more sustainable urban future. A highlight of our report is our advisory project which focuses on talent attraction and housing in Berlin – the host city of our annual conference this year. As many cities around the world are experiencing a housing crisis, multiple options are required and shared living models such as coliving make a valuable contribution to this mix – assisting with the movement of talent, providing employers with skills, and addressing loneliness. Shared living projects can provide a desirable alternative to traditional housing, often with comfort, convenience, flexibility and community at their heart. In our transient world skills and talent head in the direction of opportunities and we need new housing models to support that. Ryan Manton Programme Director





BERLIN SPECIAL c o n t ex t

Our advisory project brought together experts to discuss Berlin’s future

At The Class of 2020, we have found that a number of characteristics combine to determine city performance in the intensifying global competition for talent. Student experience, affordability, city life, social inclusivity, urban environment and connectivity blend to determine how well European cities first attract and then retain the best and brightest. In 2018 we ranked Europe’s student cities across 35 indicators. Berlin, with its international flair, unparalleled social offerings, high-ranking universities and relative affordability rose to the top as our first-place pick. In the year since, rising rental costs have threatened affordability as the linchpin of Berlin’s appeal to young people. At the same time, new mixed-use developments and propositions for innovation districts with leading institutions and universities at their core position Berlin as a potential beacon for the very future of urban living.






Recognising the unique combination of legacy, opportunity and challenges Berlin has in maintaining its status as a talent powerhouse, we partnered with Berlin Partner for Business and Technology to gather perspectives on the role of urban development in talent attraction and retention. We connected with fifteen individuals with insider knowledge of everything from expanding a coliving brand internationally to the living communities students and young professionals are looking for to developing smart districts. Through a series of semi-structured interviews, we explored how real estate investors, PBSA providers, coliving experts, entrepreneurs and employers approach the affordability issue, living typologies, community connection and local planning policy. Participants in this research will engage in dialogues with other industry leaders throughout The Class Conference with the aim of driving talent-friendly policy in The Best Student City.


Total population

Projection for 2030

298,100 8.25% of total




3.828M (5.02%)

% of Berliners renting


Total housing stock Berlin


Young people


[AGE 18-34]

Students in Berlin [2018 fall]


International population [2018]


314,100 8.69% of total

182,800 5.06% of total


(23.61% of total)

58,400 1.62% of total





SOURCES: Berlin Stadtentwicklung, Statistik Berlin-Brandenburg



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THE NEW BERLIN Once poor but sexy, Berlin’s success may be its biggest problem

Population Increase

Rent Price Increase




20% London Barcelona Berlin 2%



Amsterdam Vienna 8%


10% 12%

Increase of monthly rent by m 2





-6% 2012 14








LIEVEN BY DE KEY 1,200 RENTAL UNITS THE NETHERLANDS The non-profit Dutch housing association, De Key, has more than 37,000 rental units in Amsterdam, Diemen and Zandvoort. Their latest project, Lieven, has 1,200 ‘home starters’ including students, job seekers, artists and young people aged 18 to 27. De Key gives the opportunity for young people to take their first steps in the housing market, by renting stock and leasing it out at affordable rates.



Berlin’s success may be its biggest problem Following the fall of the wall, Berlin emerged as a free-spirited mecca for young talent from around the world. A city packed with vacant buildings and cheap apartments where artists, students and young entrepreneurs had no fears about finding an affordable place to live. Jobs were not as plentiful, but Berlin’s former mayor Klaus Wowereit made its weakness its strength, luring creative types to the city by saying “Berlin ist arm, aber sexy” (poor but sexy). Today’s city leadership finds itself playing in a different league - Amsterdam, Barcelona, London and Lisbon are experiencing an influx of talent coupled with new forces of gentrification. As prices rise and newspapers declare a housing crisis, city councils attempt to curb the changes with extreme measures such as rent freezes and anti-tourism policies.

of housing ever to take place in the city. The goal is to keep rents low. Most participants agreed that the state has a role to play in providing social renting options. But nearly all added that the public sector alone cannot achieve the increase in units and the variety of options necessary for Berlin’s blend.

Within Berlin (and indeed the German market) construction costs have risen significantly over the last 10 years which will inevitably result in a slowdown in development further exacerbating the undersupply of housing

Achieving a good mix Our interviews painted a renter landscape more nuanced than typically represented in —Niels Berl discussions of Berlin. Opportunities to remove pressure on existing stock exist in purposebuilt options for those with various rental needs. In Amsterdam, housing corporation De Key invests in stock to rent affordably to young people. When you don’t have housing for the middle sector, Leon Bobbe asserts, young people occupy much needed spaces NEON WOOD in affordable stock. BERLIN Erica Ancobia says the biggest challenge STUDENT HOUSING The battle for urban living spaces as a recruiter is not in securing rental ac- Neon Wood, a brand of GSA The Berlin dynamic has intensified partially, commodation young employees can afford, has two locations in Berlin. It is active in 36 global cities. Friso Garbers contends, due to polarised but convincing them that Mitte and Kreuzberg groups seeking urban living spaces. He are not the only neighbourhoods. Indeed, GSA has stated ambitions to expand further in Ireland observes distinct competitors for space - many agreed that certain renters tend to international students, young professional look for options that are—in one word— (5,000 beds in the next 5 years), Germany (10,000 start-up employees and entrepreneurs come Instagrammable. Current coliving brands beds in the coming year) and to the city looking for relatively short leases, serve this demographic well, with thoughtfully Asia Pacific region (25,000 where they are met with those renters who designed shared spaces. Integrating coliving beds). Their vision is to have been living in the city for years or in nodes outside central areas with good have 250,000 beds under generations on average incomes. The average transport connections and excellent amenities management by 2025. share of their income Berliners spent on will be crucial. And the fastest growing group rent in 2018 was 28%, above most German for the future? Seniors, Florian Färber from cities. Compare this with London’s 58% rent theBASE argues. Efficiently integrating them burden in that same year and understand in the mix also remains an opportunity. that despite the hype the situation in Berlin Solutions to land and construction costs may not yet meet the urgency of other cities begin with maximising the use of space to in a housing crisis. match current demographic and lifestyle Despite this, achieving the quantity and variety trends and designing for future flexibility. of rental options needed remains crucial to And there’s always up – Germany’s height Berlin’s long-term success. This is difficult restriction, Traufhöhe, stipulates that the given construction and land costs - both of standard height for a residential building be BERLIN SPECIAL SOURCES— which have increased significantly in the past 22 metres, which could be carefully managed AirDNA, BCN.cat, Berlin Stadtenten years, according to Valerie Bensiek. The to accommodate a rising population as has twicklung, Berliner Morgenpost, effect has been the positioning of most new been done in other cities. The mainstream use Centraal Bureau voor Statistiek, C&W, Forbes, Immowelt, Moovit builds at the higher end of the market, leaving of mass industrialised timber is a promising Insights, Office for National the middle sector underserved. Berlin’s durable, renewable and cost-effective solution Statistics, Pararius, Social Market state-owned housing company, Gewobag, to material costs, Dr. Philip Bouteiller points Foundation, Statista, Statistik.at, recently repurchased 6,000 apartments out. Overall, Berlin’s future remains bright, Statistik Berlin-Brandenburg, Stabuilt for social housing in Berlin from the especially if it embraces the significant tistisches Bundesamt Deutschland, 1960s to the 1990s at a cost of almost 920 opportunities to spearhead innovative der Tagesspiegel, Valuation Office Agency million Euros, the largest renationalization approaches to urban living. TREND REPORT 2020



JOINING THE DOTS Connecting communities in start-up cities City nodes In many European cities, the pace of regeneration in city centers in recent years has been gaining traction – especially in previously derelict or industrial areas such as Wedding in Berlin, or Stratford in London and although many housing developers see investing in these areas a reliable option, new city nodes are being created outside the city centers which have potential to develop new sustainable communities with good access to transport. New housing models such as coliving can make good use of currently underutilised areas – often on the fringes of the city, especially when residents have a community on-site and employment nearby which only requires them to travel to the center of town occasionally, when the need permits. With regards to Berlin, already a polycentric city, this type of development reduces stress on infrastructure and can also assist with spurring on new development of all types in these developing areas helping to improve local economies. In the long-term, new city nodes rely on good transport planning sometimes known as TOD’s – Transport Orientated Developments, which maximise the amount of residential, business and leisure density within walking distance of a transport hub often located outside of city centers. Friso Garbers from Primevest believes that the challenge with regards to Berlin is to harmonise infrastructure in Berlin and Brandenburg together to give people 16


more commuting options, similarly to London There is a huge chance to or New York when people are thought to develop Berlin into a place be more used to commuting. As Sebastian with sufficient living space Melchert from Housy highlighted, mobility — Rainer Nonnengaesser is key and it is essential that if people do commute from new city districts then good transport and other infrastructure is needed. In a study by The University of the West of England, researchers found that people are happy to commute up to 45 minutes. If density through new developments increases in new city nodes, then there is the opportunity for coworking spaces and other work units to increase, providing an alternative to commuting to other areas of the city for work or study. According to a recent study carried out among professionals employed at the In the past few years we Science and Technology Park Berlin Adlershof, have seen sustainability nearly 60% of commuters experienced their become more important to commute as quite taxing to extremely taxing. students. I don’t know if it’s This number is a steep increase from the because it’s fashionable German average (which lies at 30.9%) and to be green, but they will may partially be explained by Berlin and choose the ecological Brandenburg’s public transport systems, building over the others. which have been criticised for being severely underequipped to handle the large number —Thomas Lebinger of commuters. The start-up city There has been a growing movement in recent years that redundant areas of cities or disused buildings of good quality can be

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transformed into new urban districts which can support start-ups in creating innovation districts – a new model of campus which is not just about learning, but about enterprise and innovation. These innovation districts can be new models for living, working and learning with a range of accommodation typologies and social facilities included in their masterplans. New projects such as Berlin TXL – a project to transform Berlin’s Tegel Airport after closure will provide 211 hectares of project area available to around 1,000 companies. It’s CEO Dr. Philip Bouteiller explained that although the project has huge benefits for attracting talent and spurring on innovative companies, it is also a sustainable development reusing existing buildings and bringing them up to standard – no cars are intended for the district and therefore infrastructure will be important. Thomas Lebinger believes cities need to have much more sharing, as people do not need to own everything – cities will change in big ways when the dependence on cars is reduced. Valerie Bensiek quotes car ownership with young people diminishing. New city districts such as start-up campuses have an opportunity to not only introduce new models of living, working and learning but also improve sustainability credentials and new technologies through working with the sharing economy, the circular economy and cradle to cradle design as Leon Bobbe suggests. Digital infrastructure is vital to new start-up campuses integrated in buildings from the start of refurbishment or construction – Jonathan Burrows notes that, with regards to students, a reliable internet connection is a necessity for residents and a key part of preserving the long-term value of multitenanted buildings. If innovation is to thrive in new urban districts, then talent attraction and retention is key and proving suitable housing in these areas is required. Savannah de Savary believes having affordable housing close to where you work is incredibly important to attract and retain talent and coliving is a way to do this. Temporary housing stock is also important to new districts where flexibility is key - Leon Bobbe suggests that 20% of housing stock should be allocated for temporary use in cities.

SIEMENSSTADT 2.0 +600M INVESTMENT 70 HECTARES Siemens AG is planning a new start-up campus in Berlin. Siemensstadt 2.0 will invest up to €600 million in the coming years. It aims to transform this large industrial area into a modern, urban district of the future to make the area more livable.

BERLIN TXL THE URBAN TECH REPUBLIC 5.000 NEW APARTMENTS The Berlin-Tegel airport is set to close and be converted to create a research and industrial park for urban technologies. A new housing project, Schumacher Quarter will provide more than 5,000 new apartments to fill the shortage at Kurt-Schumacher-Platz and provide the necessary housing for talent working within Berlin TXL.




UNDER ONE ROOF As coliving gains momentum, how can our future be shared?

TSH BERLIN 5,174 ROOMS IN 13 LOCATIONS The Student Hotel has a unique business model that blends student housing, coliving and hotel stays under one roof. The developer, investor and operator has 5,174 rooms in 13 locations including: Berlin, Florence, Amsterdam, Paris, and two TSH Campus sites in Barcelona.



Is Coliving the Future of Urban Living? In cities around the world, shifts in lifestyles and habits are challenging the traditional housing preferences in which urbanites reside. When discussing the opportunities for new shared urban living models with advisory experts, coliving stands as a solid contender. It is evident that this surge of new coliving concepts is driven by urbanization and affordability - between 2009 and 2018, net migrations into Berlin have increased by almost 180%. Savannah de Savary questions if the lifestyle shift of millennials is due to their general preference for experiences over ownership, or rather a necessity due to unaffordability. In the last 10 years rent in Berlin has risen significantly and considering these dispositions, coliving industry leaders like Gunther Schmidt consider coliving a form of needed housing. Distinguishing Demographics Berlin’s vibrant culture and geographic location contribute to a quality environment for multiple demographics to thrive. However, without flexible housing that is adapting to modern lifestyle shifts, some demographics are being pushed out of the city. Friso Garbers identifies two main groups who would benefit most from coliving; young professionals and “ordinary” Berliners that have been living there for multiple generations. Florian Färber notes that overall, the largest demographic is seniors. Common needs and desires between demographics can be accessible through intergenerational coliving models. Whether people want to share their living space with multiple demographics is up to them. Some people like to be with cohorts of their age group, some people like mixing, explains Anil Khera.

I think there’s precedence for different people for different reasons. We should be embracing all of them — Anil Khera

One Size Does Not Fit All The lack of available space in cities provides developers an exciting challenge to get creative with compact design and the multifunctionality of a space. Gunther Schmidt says the easiest way to achieve flexible spaces is to bring together a really good creative team; people who understand human needs and can then conceptualise multifunctional spaces that cater for the needs of a community. Whether in a purpose-built building or in the

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THE COLLECTIVE CANARY WHARF 705 BEDS 300 EMPLOYEES $800M FUNDING The Collective's 705-bed Canary Wharf is currently the largest operating coliving development, and a key component of The Collective’s global expansion plans. With over $800 million funding, the company expects to develop at least 6500 new units over the upcoming years. The team is targeting 300 employees by end of 2019 and offices have expanded to New York and Berlin.

renovation of an existing one - architecture One of the reasons brings people together. Well-designed spaces The Student Hotel is can be rearranged easily, providing multiple successful is that all of purposes throughout the day. With these our spaces are used by factors in mind, a coliving community will different groups at all likely not blossom without first selecting the times of the day so it really right location. Coliving spaces can contribute adds value to the property, to urban regeneration; however, proximity the business and the to amenities and transit pose ‘make or break’ community factors. — Charlie MacGregor Branding in Coliving Diverse markets may have different perceptions of coliving, and that’s where branding stands out the most. Anil Khera shares a great example, when Node opened in Dublin, no one had ever seen any type of a coliving concept. Educating people on coliving, referencing how their model has worked internationally, for example, gave people comfort that the concept has worked somewhere else. Savannah de Savary believes branding can go a long way in helping to change the perception of what success looks like - a good brand is trustworthy and can clarify misconceptions. In addition, there is an increasing number of operators in the market right now. Valerie Bensiek suggests being clear on your offerings, create meaningful content and provide brand orientation so that your target group knows exactly where to go and where to book if they choose to.

Quarters is a coliving brand of Medici Living Group. The coliving company has a live portfolio of around 3,000 bedrooms and a pipeline growing to 10,000 in 2019. Quarters have raised $1.4billion in the last 9-months to expand their portfolio across North America and Europe. Currently, Quarters are targeting 40 cities in 15 countries.




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Determining Rates & Minimums Situate your space competitively based on what else is out there and the type of environment you are looking to create. Ask yourself: Is this intended to be a short-term space with digital nomads cycling in and out? Or is it more permanent with longer-staying members who cultivate a very personal community? Whichever you choose, this will determine the essence of the space and type of pricing/duration model you need to implement. One valuable way to price your home advantageously is to take a look at the average stay. This will tell you what your target market is actually doing in the space and how to set your limits accordingly.

Coliving: You’ve seen the term before.


You’ve heard all the excitement. Maybe you’ve even

The art of city leadership – a toolbox for mayors


by Christine McDannell, Co-Founder of Kndrd

I nve s t me







Support the development and use of new construction techniques: Innovations in materials and processes have huge potential to reduce construction costs and drive up sustainability credentials, increasing longevity and reducing the amount of maintenance. New innovation districts should provide opportunities for testing and improving construction methods.

Know Your Competition In order to stand out as a coliving operator, you want to know what you’re up against and which ones you aspire to emulate. Take a look at who’s doing well in the industry and use them as inspiration for your own space. The more you observe others in your domain, the less trial and error you have to do on your own. For example, assessing the most common operator needs can tell you where the best space is to enter the industry.

Beginner’s Guide to Coliving

c oli v ing



Manage height restrictions in context: The location, uses, heritage and strategic master planning of an area should be taken into consideration when height restrictions are examined. Besides increased housing, higher density developments can help to knit together city form and regenerate districts if appropriate infrastructure is included.


in t o


Adopt a 24-hour view of the city: Maximise the use of space in the city by organising the use of facilities by different user groups at different points in the day. Technology and good design can assist with sharing spaces and facilities that are adaptable for different needs.


Develop mixed use neighborhoods: Districts where inhabitants live, work and learn together can both drive innovation and create vibrant sustainable communities. Innovation hubs can be supported through collaborating with universities and research institutions and zoning for a mix of uses and housing typologies.

Categorization Coliving takes many forms across the world— that’s one of the reasons it’s so popular. To find out where your vision fits in, consider what type of home you are looking to create. Generally speaking, there are about seven broad groups that coliving properties fall into, which will dictate your next steps in terms of how the home will take shape. While the majority of coliving spaces at this time either offer individual units or rooms, it’s up to you to figure out whether you want shared rooms, pods, entire apartment formats, or something different. Get comfortable with what these definitions and distinctions mean, because they’ll be used frequently.




Review policies that limit design innovation: Policies related to estimated size requirements for accommodation could be adjusted to better fit current demographic trends in terms of resident composition, advancements in design and technology and an increased appetite for shared innovative spaces and amenities.


Ensure transport infrastructure connect new districts: New districts should ensure node points include transport interchanges planned from the start. High-density shared housing developments that are located in new districts but close to transit hubs allow residents to easily commute throughout the city if required.

For those who are looking to find success in the market, either by starting your own coliving space from scratch, investing, or joining a team, here’s your beginner’s guide.



Make affordability a priority: Talent attraction and retention in cities relies on the provision of affordable accommodation and access to social communities. If young talent cannot find appropriate accommodation, they will either occupy existing affordable stock or leave cities for better alternatives.


Encourage collaboration at the heart of the planning process: New housing developments including coliving and micro living require streamlined planning processes which enable effective collaboration between all stakeholders to ensure the financial, legal and social requirements deliver a viable and sustainable project.

pa s t year


Free-up underused land: The release of redundant public land and development of brownfield sites provides opportunities for denser urban environments. Public agencies can use the sale of land as an opportunity to include new models of affordable housing which will develop into sustainable places.

into the industry…



Embrace temporary and flexible rental options: Housing with flexible contracts and fully equipped spaces allows talent to be flexible responding to changes in role, company, school or location. Younger generations who embrace the sharing economy have created opportunities for shared living concepts such as coliving.

considered breaking

Restrictions & Limitations Depending on where you are in the world, different localities may place restrictions on real estate that can impact your coliving operation. This does not mean that you can’t still run a thriving and profitable coliving business if they are present, all you have to do is know these rules and tweak your operations to accommodate them. In fact, a considerable amount of coliving spaces fall under these— over 26% are bound by Maximum Occupancy standards, and more than 23% must have a minimum stay of 30 days. Don’t be daunted by these factors, they are completely workable but essential to know. Get Noticed The coliving market is massive— that’s one of the reasons it’s so successful and highdemand. But that also means there’s more competition to be seen. Based on this study, the majority of coliving operations are using rudimentary approaches to generate leads and bookings. With this information, you can tap into the lesser-used areas such as social media and SEO to make outreach really count. With all these basics, you should feel confident about where the coliving industry stands, how to situate your space within it, and how to get set up. This is the confusion-free guide to becoming a true pillar of the space— and now you’re on your way. TREND REPORT 2020


Upscale design is a paramount at Cohost West Bund, attracting design enthusiasts from around the world


Global Trends in Shared Living by Kristen Zupancic, Innovation Catalyst, The Class of 2020

This year marks a milestone for The Class of 2020. We embarked on an explorative tour to uncover global trends and best practice in coliving, student accommodation and hybrid living models. Mobile

Hospitality moving into the coliving scene is a trend we’re following. It makes sense – the industry is already successfully accommodating short-stays, so why not longer?

students and young professionals have driven demand for hybrid living spaces and PBSA. This sparked our interest to visit sites around the globe to facilitate further discussion and debate shaping the future of coliving and student accommodation in emerging markets. Save yourself from the jetlag as we share with you the highlights and key insights from our stops in Asia, Australia, The Nate’s bright and spacious communal area is the meeting spot for 71 serviced studio residents.



Dubai and the United States.

Visit at Scape in Melbo Site visit to Scape Swanston in Melbourne

ASIA OUTLOOK The Asia market is developing rapidly. Lines between coliving, PBSA, serviced apartments and similar living typologies are blurring. As these lifestyle concepts blend, cost and length of stay are becoming the key differentiating factors. Singapore’s advanced infrastructure has potential for growth across asset segments. Strict housing policies in Singapore often make it difficult to develop flexible housing typologies. This can hinder possibilities for short stay urban living for Gen-Z and retaining talent in the city. In addition, technology is playing a key role in Asian market development. A majority of students are booking their accommodation online. brand’s digital image and reviews are critical. Operators are also tapping into technology. Technologies such as VR and AR are being utilised for a more effective booking and pre-arrival and arrival processes. Locational data analytics are providing powerful information on a user’s experience within a space. In order to make the most efficient use of space in small urban dwellings, operators are seeking smart design concepts and testing these concepts carefully in multiple cities around the world. In comparison to Singapore and Hong Kong, limited space is not a barrier in Shanghai. Therefore, operators and investors are seizing the opportunity to get creative with innovative design in new living concepts. Biggest challenge in Asia? Getting your product to scale, especially if you want to own the asset. That’s why investors are looking into surrounding countries like Japan and India. SINGAPORE // LYF BY ASCOTT Located within the SMU Campus, we visited Ascott’s first-ever living lab for their new coliving concept. Geared toward millennials, feedback from students using the space helped shape the brand and future of Lyf by Ascott locations across Asia. Lyf’s Funan location recently opened with 412 rooms across 121,000 square feet in gross floor area across 9 stories. Ascott Limited is a Singapore company with a portfolio across 170 cities over 30 countries in Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, Africa and the US. They operate 59,000 units and over 42,000

Studio view from HMLET in Sydney

units are under development bringing their total of more than 101,000 units over 680 properties. Ascott is a wholly owned subsidiary of CapitaLand Limited. HONG KONG // THE NATE With Hong Kong’s limited urban living space, The Nate brilliantly showcases stylish, serviced micro apartments in the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. The Nate is part of a larger project by District-15, a Hong Kong developer aiming to enrich neighborhoods with creative urban real estate. These smart, compact rooms provide ample comforts and plenty of storage space (i.e. built in storage units and hidden, pull-out desks). Communal areas include a full-size kitchen with multiple appliances so that many residents can cook their own meals, alone and together. SHANGHAI // COHOST WEST BUND Designed for the global nomad, Cohost is a paradise of sophistication. There are 66 chic lofts that come in multiple sizes to meet varied needs and multiple communal spaces offering optimal room to work and socialise. Partnering with local businesses, Cohost West Bund elevates the resident experience while minimising operational costs, even with its modern gym and swimming pool. This is the first Cohost project, and another one is set to open soon. TREND REPORT 2020


AUSTRALIA OUTLOOK In Sydney, demand for PBSA remains consistently high. Distinguishing features reflect providers taking proactive steps to address issues of student finances and wellbeing, drawing on framework examples in the UK and US. Student-centric developments are providing the for new coliving concepts to cater to post-university cohorts. Melbourne has the highest number of students and the largest number of developments. If all of the accommodation within the supply pipeline is delivered, the existing provision of circa 6.0% may increase towards 6.8% in 2020 and 9.0% in 2025 (Savills). Sydney is an attractive market for investment due to the imbalance of supply and demand. Affordability issues pose opportunities for coliving and student accommodation operators to fill rooms; however, poor planning and untimely contractors pose material risks to the quality of PBSA and coliving supply. Overall, demand and strong international student numbers, nearly 700,000 now and set to reach 720k by 2025. The market is conscious Australia is experiencing a market delay due to unsophisticated pension funds, more money being allocated overseas and the unpopularity to travel within cities in Australia. Investors are interested in new living concepts such as coliving, but are first looking for reliability of returns, operational quality, and both ups and downs in terms of supply. There is opportunity for competitors to work together to address the planning challenges in Australia; starting with a clearer definition of PBSA and coliving.

HMLET Hmlet’s Newtown location launched this past May. To enrich synergy, prospective residents do a personality test to see if living in Hmlet’s coliving space is a right fit for them. This curation has led to a pleasant mix of personalities that contribute to Hmlet’s vibrant community. The company raised A$55m in series B funds to expand in Australia & Asia-Pacific. With additional locations across Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong we look forward to watch Hmlet grow.

SYDNEY // IGLU With fully-furnished apartments, stylish communal (indoor and outdoor) spaces, shared amenities and a welcoming environment, it’s no wonder why Iglu is favored amongst local and international students. Iglu offers an abundance of dedicated spaces to study and socialise. In classic Australian style, weekly BBQ socials are a popular community activity. Iglu has nine locations across Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney – offering students more than just a place to live, but a vibrant community that supports international talent.

DUBAI OUTLOOK Accommodation for students in Dubai is still in an emergent stage. International student numbers almost double local student counts with 36,757 non-Emirati enrolled in tertiary education as of 2017/2018. Providers are studying the innovation and learning pathways from experienced European investors, developers and operators. Key to providers is to be sensitive to cultural issues and to take account of cultural considerations before, during and after development. Providers should get creative with design and involve the students in



UKO Coined “Australia’s first coliving space,” UKO has two locations up and running and a third opening soon. With Murphy beds and hidden storage space, UKO impressed with compact features in each loft. The converted Paddington location, which has 26 studios, is designed to mimic the neighborhood’s upscale surroundings, while other UKO locations took on the unique characteristics of their environment. Every loft is varied in design, which made it a stand-out amongst other coliving spaces.

the planning process. Regarding student wellbeing, we found it was situated as up to the operators to provide. Specialised staff training, community programs and medical support should be standard. Given Dubai’s city layout, proximity of PBSA to universities is key. It is almost essential for the student accommodation to be walking distance from the school or reliable transport must be arranged. Internationalization and Dubai’s recent 5-year visa extension make a solid argument for student accommodation investment and new living concepts like coliving. UNINEST Uninest Dubailand highlights how an international PBSA brand adapts their design to appeal to cultural preferences. Uninest, a brand of GSA, emphasises their commitment to student wellbeing, with specialised training programs for staff. The Uninest location in Dubai is situated in University City, the area where multiple prominent universities reside, including SP Jain School of Global Management and Birla Institute of Technology & Science Pilani.

Iglu Redfern’s outdoor communal space is a favorite spot for weekly social gatherings

MELBOURNE // SCAPE Scape showcases efforts to shape PBSA beyond student housing and into the urban regeneration of an entire city block at their Swanston and Franklin locations. Scape has blurred the lines of traditional PBSA with mixed-use ecosystems such as retail, coworking and coliving spaces. This blend and deeper integration with city living leads to the creation of Melbourne’s urban campus, a hotbed for talent and coliving.

Lounge area at WeLive in NYC

We see student housing as a critical element to urban regeneration; it is a hub for talent attraction, while coliving models can retain talent in the city

AMERICA OUTLOOK With a firm history of student accommodation, our focus in the US was on the emergence and development of coliving and alternative living typologies in cities. As our panelists noted, this is coliving’s moment in time. Pressure on supply and persistent over demand for densifying cities has resulted in high levels of demand, concerns for affordability and sustainable city development. Like PBSA, coliving concepts are being positioned as noncyclical, recession resilient and attractive for young professionals looking for an intentional community environment where they can be together and alone.

Top: HMLET in Sydney brings comfort, community and connection together at their shared dining area Bottom: Cohost’s spacious lofts provide tenants with a private sanctuary, including a full living room, bedroom, kitchenette, bathroom and study space

NEW YORK // WELIVE We experienced WeLive’s coliving concept first-hand while visiting for our New York City Global Summit. Part-coliving space, parthotel includes small communal kitchens on every floor, with additional floors dedicated to extra-large communal space. WeLive is part of The We Company, and a natural extension of their coworking model, WeWork. TREND REPORT 2020


granted. We are genuinely seen as a company that attracts new talent to a city. I’ve been in planning meetings where planners said that our hotels are what cities need. It’s because we have come in with regeneration tools, we are an owner/operator who bring mixed-use parties to the project and offer a refreshing concept that attracts talented individuals.



We blur boundaries with a concept that sticks Charlie McGregor of The Student Hotel explains the power of creating vibrant living-working environments for students and young professionals. He explores how TSH focuses on hospitality and community life in its mixed-use development model.

This report was made possible with the support of:

Bottom: TSH Berlin interior reception Top: TSH Berlin interior lounge area



What do you see as the key contribution of The Student Hotel in a trend towards coliving/coworking for students and professionals? The Student Hotel’s hybrid model blurs the boundaries between coliving, student housing and hotel accommodation for a new generation which thinks, behaves and lives differently. Our concept is the first in the world that’s able to cater to all of these groups under one roof with short - and longstay accommodation, coworking, restaurant areas, gyms and events programmes which connect people from all walks of life, bringing together students, travellers, freelancers, entrepreneurs and neighbourhood locals. There’s still no clear definition on what coliving is, but for me coliving is a mix of residential and hospitality, an enhanced version of PRS (private rental schemes) where you are part of a community and have access to lots of facilities and services. TSH is also helping to solve a problem, that of the global housing crisis. We provide safe, secure and comfortable homes for young people when they are travelling – as students, or as young professionals.

What we’re looking for is the stickiness factor…our spaces need to be vibrant What do you see as a key area for growth and development for The Student Hotel in the next 3-5 years? Mixed-use projects that help to regenerate areas like our first project in Florence, TSH Florence Lavaginini, which won the prestigious ‘Best Mixed Use Development Award’ at the MIPIM international real estate fair in Cannes this year. The Student Hotel has made a strong commitment to Florence and we are pushing ahead with our plan for another 82,000 m2 mixed-use development, anchored by a 550room TSH hotel, in Belfiore near the city centre. This is the largest of five developments we have in Italy, including Rome, but we are also expanding in the German-speaking countries where we opened our new Berlin hotel right in the centre of the city in September. This location also demonstrates our ability to anchor new districts and act as a catalyst and an accelerator for urban regeneration. Elsewhere in Europe, we are growing in Holland and expanding in France where we are working on a new location in Toulouse. Portugal and Spain are big markets for us, in particular Madrid and we see

Charlie MacGregor Charlie is the founder and CEO of The Student Hotel (TSH). TSH is the award-winning hybrid hotel, short stay and student accommodation revolutionising how buildings are imagined and built to drive student and young professional engagement.

opportunities in other Spanish cities as well. We are also looking at other countries including the UK.

How does your team approach the design and development of current and future TSH locations?

Do you see The Student Hotel as having a role in shaping the future of policy and planning in cities?

Our guests want a decent location in terms of its proximity to important things in the city, a cool part of town and an up-and-coming area, a little bit raw but very vibrant. The trick for me is how do we make our spaces multi-functional at all times of the day. One of the reasons The Student Hotel is successful is that all of our spaces are used by different groups at all times of the day, so it really adds value to the property, the business and the community. What we’re looking for is that stickiness factor. It’s absolutely essential – as soon as you are integrated successfully into the community, then things work out better.

We already do. Affordability is a big challenge in our industry and I believe the private sector can develop urban living concepts that are affordable to the end user who is often mobile and in need of shortterm accommodation. I also think there is a huge potential in Europe for universities to take a lead in developing student accommodation – most of them are able to create long leases which are governmentbacked, so the risk profile is very low. Coliving and student housing are the most social forms of residential product and if you get it wrong people will be leaving in the morning and coming back in the evening and that’s it. If you get it right, you can be contributing to many different things. It’s all about economies of scale but it has to be designed and operated with some type of masterplan. I have to say we have been really lucky – I have never been in a planning meeting where a project is rejected or not

If you could do anything different, what would you have changed about your approach to designing and developing The Student Hotel? Nothing. That said, it is our goal to constantly improve the sustainability of our developments and the design of our spaces.



Co-revolution What’s with all the ‘co’ developments? Community, Coliving, Coworking, Corevolution, it seems more than ever, urban environments are being saturated with a corevolution. From London to Frankfurt, Lisbon to Tokyo, cohousing, coliving and coworking are dominating discussions around shifts in working, living and learning internationally. But are all these ‘revolutionary’ ideas and operations actually all that revolutionary? In fact, haven’t there been working, living and learning environments that require shared facilities and sharing resources for decades? Perhaps, but something feels different about the pace of these developments. Foreign direct investment, the platformisation, the rise of digital nativeness seems to be speeding up, and not, slowing down. So how do we get a handle on this energy flow? How do we step back and reflect, generating a sense of reflexivity at a time when it feels like the revolution might radically influence the physical, social and personal development of urban dwellers and remake the urban landscape as we have known it in the past.






and then came Coliving... Coliving emerged this year as the trendiest topic in residential markets. Here, Gui Perdrix, founder of Coliving Diaries, traces the emergence, definitions, development and current trajectory of coliving.

Seemingly out of nowhere, the co-revolution has gained a new sibling. It’s 2019 and coliving is the big term in the real estate industry. Since PwC voted coliving as the #1 real estate trend of 2019, it’s been taken over by mainstream media and has become the buzz of numerous podcasts and magazines around the topic. Overnight, it would seem coliving has become the hype that coworking was ten years ago. Through its shiny presence, it’s being sold as a combination of living, community and life-enhancing experience. Coliving has been positioned as the 21st century’s answer to a new form of living that will help to tackle today’s loneliness epidemic and real estate crisis. But like other sectors, the light of pure brightness might turn off if its power source if not sustainable. What coliving means and how it is interpreted One of the dangers of early industries that are getting traction is that terms are being used to follow the trend instead of setting it. While a few actors have tried to establish an industry standard for coliving’s definition, the term is being used on housing models that range from self-organised flat-sharing to purpose-built large-scale facilities over to hotels that are in search for rebranding.


oliving — is a freely chosen form of primary residence living offered as a service by forprofit companies that accommodates three or more biologically unrelated people and improves the quality-of-life for its residents among others through the presence of a strong community.


he Isokon Gallery is a permanent exhibition telling the remarkable story of the Isokon building, the pioneering modern apartment block opened in 1934 as an experiment in new ways of urban living. Please see their website at isokongallery.co.uk for further information.

To start, there is no harmony on what the “co” from coliving should mean and where it comes from. Instead of accepting to use the prefix as its institutionalised definition for “jointly; mutually”, coliving brands try to define coliving centered around community, collaboration, communal, or connected living. Yet the only commonality in all current definitions is that more than two unrelated people share common amenities within one housing structure. What that excludes is any type of family-centered living, compounds, cohousing facilities with self-contained private housing units, and general apartment complexes. Internationally, there are certain camps of coliving definitions that are starting to form. The main ones are those that define coliving as “for-profit”, meaning differentiating between coliving as a service (in which a company owns at least partly real estate and/ or operations management) versus coliving as a self-organised living arrangement in which ownership is shared. Those that define coliving as “primary residence”, removing any type of communal living form that is accidental, such as camping, festivals, retreats, hostels or guest houses; those that include the aspect

Residents of Isokon, a London housing project from the 1930’s which offered similar services and amenities of modern-day coliving spaces.



Photo from Isokon Gallery



A brief wrinkle in time: a short review of the history and emergence of coliving While many believe that coliving is a new phenomena, history shows the opposite. In fact, humanity went through waves in which coliving was popular. Take the example of boarding homes in the 1950s. Between one third and one half of nineteenth-century urban residents either took in boarders or were boarders themselves. For example, the Jeanne D’Arc Residence in Chelsea offered a home for “friendless French girls” who immigrated for work as seamstresses or caregivers. One of the reasons is that boarding homes were targeting new city arrivers, similarly to today’s coliving spaces targeting people who undergo life transitions or changes in homebase, and in both past and present there is a rush to

focus on urban mobility. The decay of the boarding homes was eventually due to stricter regulations, higher buying power, and a move towards the city outskirts that made boarding homes obsolete starting the 1970s. We can also look at how large coliving facilities existed already in the early 20th century. For example, North London’s “Isokon” project in the 1930’s offered individual rent, communal spaces, and services around the coliving space. Nevertheless, the project failed and similar concepts were started again in the late 2000’s, such as The Collective in London. And those are not the only example. Whether communes, student housing, squatting and guardianship, flatsharing or non-commercial intentional communities (such as religious ones), coliving as a way of living has been part of our society for centuries. The question for the 21st century is whether coliving services will only focus on people’s fundamental needs, such as affordable housing and easy access to real estate - or whether coliving operators will take a more intentional approach of offering a frame and desire to build strong, life-enhancing communities.


Creation of the Isokon project in North London

Rise of intentional living and communes in San Francisco

Creation of the Kensal House project in London

Late 1800’s Stewart’s Home for Working Women: a 1500 coliving project failed due to too high pricing 32




Start of the decline of US boarding homes

Popularization of cohousing in Denmark



Popularity of hacker and startup houses in San Francisco

First coliving industry organization created (Co-Liv)

Two major investments above $1b into coliving companies LifeX and Launch of the first coliving podcast (Coliving Code Show)


Coliving startup Campus closes its doors after major funding rounds



The Collective opens its first purpose-built location in Old Oak, London

Coliving operators create an operators-only community (Coliving Hub)

Learning from the co-movements to predict coliving’s future

Photos from Isokon Gallery



Creation of Common, Outpost Club, Roam and Bedly in NYC


of having a “strong community” to coliving, although it is hard to measure the strength of unity within people living together; and those that add the layer of “intentionality” to communal living, claiming that coliving needs to improve the quality-of-life for its residents. The only addition that will most probably be widely accepted by all actors is the addition of “freely chosen”, excluding any involuntary types of communal living, such as prisons, military duties, or hospitals.

When looking ten years back from now, which direction will coliving have taken? That will depend on the key drivers behind coliving operations, how resident demand responds to coliving platforms. Taking the example of the coworking movement that started around ten years ago, the rise of some “big fish” like WeWork popularised the term and boosted investment of capital, acceptance from the public sector and larger corporations. At the same time, it ignited a counter-movement of grassroots coworking spaces that aim to bring back coworking to its essence of community and human connection. Coliving is likely to face similar challenges. Two major coliving company investments beyond one billion dollars at the end of 2018 ignited the race for growth and market penetration. Cities such as New York are starting initiatives to support the private sector in that endeavor. We need to claim that this growth might come at the cost of developing models that are scalable, yet not fine-tuned to long-term product/market fit. For example,

HMLET, a coliving space in Sydney

one aspect of coliving that tends to be overlooked is the importance of communitybuilding and the feeling of connection that one finds in self-organised communes or humanised coworking spaces. Current efforts are put into developing the real estate and financial side of the business while neglecting the user experience aspect, for which ultimately residents will hold coliving spaces accountable for. May the hope for intentionality within spaces and cooperation within the coliving industry guide our observation of coliving’s development. It is now up to its actors to define its trajectory. TREND REPORT 2020


At the time we answered the survey, we were participants




are willing to share more items in their living environment than men

ranks highest out of 177 participating countries in their willingness to share

60 and over


are willing to share the most, and those who are 17 and under the least

is what most people who took this survey are willing to share with others


one shared house 2030



which of these industries do you think would organise the best coliving community?

which of these items are you comfortable sharing in your home, long-term?

design 32%

self-sustainable garden

architecture 26%

internet 11%

community organising

utilities 9%





how many of the following would you want in your coliving community?

what do you think will be the biggest pro of living with others?

couples 15%

more ways to socialise

single women


splitting costs and getting more value 21%

single men


having a community outside of work or school 13%

take the survey at: onesharedhouse2030 .com

In 2017, design studio Anton & Irene collaborated with SPACE10 to survey and map living and sharing preferences. 125,873 responses (and counting) later, here’s what we find fascinating:





of people who took this

is the one thing that most people are not willing to share in their living environment

survey don’t want to share anything at all




Jamiee Williams is Architectural Lead for SPACE10, Ikea’s global research and design lab. SPACE10 is a research and design lab in Copenhagen whose mission is to create better and more sustainable ways of living in the coming decades.

The Sharing Future by Jamiee Williams SPACE10 envisions a circular and communal design that promotes a sustainable future with The Urban Village Project.

Our global cities face numerous grand challenges. Jamiee William of SPACE10 believes we have an opportunity to apply ourselves, (re) design our cities to share our future and confront these grand challenges head on. The future of urban development is a paramount one. Our cities are facing some of the biggest challenges to date - from rising housing prices to ageing populations, from climate emergency to increasing feelings of loneliness and anxiety. On top of that, our population will grow rapidly over the next few decades, and we will continue to move to cities at a pace we haven’t experienced before. All this presents a massive challenge - if we continue to develop our urban environments as we do today, our cities will become increasingly unaffordable, unsustainable and unliveable. SPACE10 is a research and design lab in Copenhagen which is supported by and collaborates with IKEA. Its mission is to create better and more sustainable ways of living and to research the bigger challenges expected to affect people in the coming decades. The lab researches the societal, environmental and technical shifts likely to impact people’s everyday lives and together with specialists and creatives from around the world, designs and tests new inclusive, 36


circular and digitally enabled solutions for our urbanising world. Through the work of the lab, it is apparent that ‘sharing’ could be the answer to some of these challenges and as well as their own research have been inspired by a range of projects that have gained momentum in recent years. Studio Weave, a London based architecture and research office were commissioned by the Royal Institute of British Architects in 2018 to study the past, present and future of coliving and sharing communities – their report highlights early examples such as the 1930’s Narkomfin Building in Moscow and the Isokon Building in London to the more recent Bo90 housing units in Copenhagen – all developments that were designed to have separate living and communal spaces which enabled eating and socialising to take place.

liveable and affordable housing for many people with cities designed to make sustainable living a seamless part of our everyday lives through integrated solutions like water harvesting, renewable energy, local food production, and localised composting. The defining element is the idea of sharing for efficiency, inclusivity, community and lifestyle. Everything from space to finance, mobility to energy, partnerships to meals. A future that enables people of all ages, backgrounds, and living situations to be part of a vibrant and tight-knit community with a social lifestyle at its heart. Technology is important to the concept and homes are proposed to be built in sustainably managed, mass timber, standardised modules ensuring flexibility and adaptability. Buildings that are designed for disassembly, a concept rooted in a circular approach to our built environment. This means all building components and materials can be disassembled and replaced, reused and recycled over the lifespan of the building. A construction model that can be prefabricated, mass-produced and flat-packed, lowers construction costs and boosts efficiency.

As a result of their research on coliving, SPACE10 have created The Urban Village Project – a conceptual, collaborative vision between SPACE10 and EFFEKT Architects, envisioning a very different urban future. The Urban Village Project prioritises sustainable,

A significant part of the way the project was conceived was regarding its financial viability – the focus was on how we can start challenging existing models of development, by seeking to finance the construction through partners who look for long-term investments.

Combining this with democratic setups inspired by community land trusts and cooperatives means that The Urban Village Project could secure the interests of the community and allow cheaper homes to enter the market. The Urban Village Project also seeks to make life more affordable by enabling people to share more, pool resources, and unlock better deals on daily needs to reduce the residents overall living costs. By also introducing a new model of ownership, residents are enabled to buy shares in the property - this means that people could access ownership progressively and have access to savings later as the property value increases. The future is not predetermined, it is ours to shape, and ours to build.



How would you define the sharing economy?

Sege Park in Malmö will be a test bed for sustainability solutions, where the sharing economy will play a prominent role


CITIES T H AT S H A R E Can sharing economies lead the way to more connections and efficiencies in urban environments? In an interview with Harmen van Sprang, Lily Moodey asks whether, and how, a sharing economy approach may be a way of connecting millennials and Gen Z and providing both economic and social benefits to cities and city dwellers.



There are so many definitions. We’re always talking with leaders in the field about this and it depends on what you focus on. One can make it pure, talking about the peer to peer aspect and say you only see the sharing economy as being about exchanging between peers. One can also focus on idle capacity, making the most efficient use of space and resources. One could talk about a platform economy- Uber, Deliveroo- anything that really serves as a platform to connect supply and demand efficiently. It is debatable though whether this is a sharing effect or whether it is just consuming more efficiently by bypassing traditional companies. We don’t want to dictate or hold back innovations. We talk with think tanks on roundtables and we research how to maintain the ethical strand. We don’t want to drive forward a reality where efficiency rules all and the social aspect of platforms is gone, we don’t want to create a society we don’t want to end up in. Can you please explain ShareNL, Amsterdam Share City and the Sharing Cities Alliance for us? We started I think six, six and a half years ago. Peter and I, the co-founder, were connected by a startup founder from Peerby. Peerby is all about sharing goods and household appliances. As is always the case in life, when there is synergy and energy in the room great things happen. We saw that there were all of these startups in different fields working within the sharing economy that could benefit from being connected. They were all pioneering, trying to figure out how everything works, how to start up and work with city governments. So, there

was already from the very beginning, around 2012, the need to collaborate, both between startups and with other stakeholders in the city. ShareNL was from the beginning a small agency, a social enterprise, where we are developing the sharing economy. So, the very first thing we did was come up with the initiative of Amsterdam Sharing City. We’re based in Amsterdam and were inspired by all of these things we were seeing in Amsterdam. The Mayor said “we want to address some of our urban challenges using the sharing economy,” and we thought, “hey that’s interesting why not focus on that in our own way?” So we thought about how Amsterdam could turn into this testbed, playground, living labwhatever you want to call it. We got in touch with Amsterdam Economic Board and City Hall and said we were onboard. We wrote a vision for how Amsterdam could become a sharing city. In 2013-14 we did that and then in 2015 we launched Amsterdam Shared City. And this

turned into ShareNL’s flagship project. This really put us on the map which we didn’t expect. We just hoped we would inspire maybe some other city governments. We also now liaise with different players in industries like real estate or logistics who are interested in stepping up in the sharing or platform economy. So we advise them on the concepts- very early concepting phase, and then we help them devise pilots, and then shape this information into a product. We create a concept book, a deliverable, to help them start. This is something that adds a lot of creativity and adds a concept focus.

Harmen van Sprang is Co-founder of ShareNL, Amsterdam Sharing City and The Sharing Cities Alliance. He helps communities develop and sustain sharing economies across neighbourhoods and cities.

Sharing Cities Malmö has set Sege Park as a special focus area, working with other stakeholders to ensure sharing economy principles are integrated into the design of infrastructure and housing

The sharing economy is about more than maximising the utility of day to day objects. It is about helping your neighbors to bring about and contribute to the economic and social values of society. From cars to a wrench, an axe to a baking sheet, the sharing economy is about creating opportunities to help when you can and ask when you need. In the sharing economy, being helpful is more important than where ‘we’ achieves more than me TREND REPORT 2020





Lastly, partly from this work and partly from Amsterdam Shared City came a second organization which we launched a few years ago in New York called The Sharing Cities Foundation. Here we get cities from all over the world to collaborate on the sharing at platform economy and to learn from each other. While we function as an agency at ShareNL, this functions more as a digital platform. It’s a sort of summit where people get together plus the partner cities from the allianceSeoul, New York, Toronto- they can’t all join up in person. So, we have different online tools to be used to connect them. One of them, for example, is the online seminars that we do. Every month we have a different topic with a different host. What do you see as the drivers of the sharing economy? Sociological? Technological? Cultural? We’ve always looked at this, again, from multiple perspectives. From the perspective of users and people engaging in it, a lot of people are into saving a bit of money which drives them to participate. The other considerations are of course the social aspects - people saying “hey, I’m living in this community and in this city and I want contact with other people in my neighborhood.” This might inspire people to share their things or do other things to interact. Sustainability is also very important to the future of urban development – the sharing economy can help people reduce ownership of things they do not need, or spaces they rarely use. From the municipality perspective, a city government cares about social security in neighborhoods, promoting community, the climate, fostering innovation. Just like the regular economy, there are tons of opportunities.

You mentioned you are advising some real estate players. What are some examples of platforms and projects in the real estate industry you’re excited by? It has taken some time in the world of real estate, which I think is understandable, but we have seen a growth of real estate and development players entering the sharing economy. This is for different reasons. Sometimes municipalities aren’t that generous when it comes to public space in terms of building and parking (i.e. Amsterdam, Utrecht). But then if I were to envision a housing development with a number of apartments and everyone wanted a study room and a guest room, we’re seeing that these kind of things can be differently developed. Why not have a coworking space downstairs, why not have a few spaces where people can sleep over and otherwise they’re on Airbnb? These are things to keep in mind when developing an apartment. Creating smaller apartments. The same goes for parking. Slowly people are turning away from getting their own car and parking spot. They’re sharing their car- for example sharing with neighbours So much of what it sounds like would make a development successful in integrating the sharing economy means involving the community using it in the process. Do you have any best practices? A lot of things in general come down to seeing who is the initiator and how much the person or organization is really dedicated to making it work. Developers need to get together with occupiers so that everyone knows the main responsibility lies with them and not the visionary creators. I don’t believe that you can just come up with a concept

and believe that it will just work out. Indeed, it takes people getting together. Again, using my own neighbourhood as an example- key people in the neighbourhood have to be invested in it and need to go the extra mile to connect people. And that’s not an easy process. You can’t just create that trust with a concept! From that individual perspective, say you are a student or a young professional landing in a new city. You don’t own property, you don’t own a car…how would you go about tapping into the sharing economy? And what sort of mindset would you need to adopt? I lived in a student home with 29 people. It was total chaos and total fun. Girls and boys together in a connected house in the heart of Leiden. It starts with entering a community. Plugging in to a community is already helpful. Which has nothing to do with the sharing economy other than I guess you can call it coliving. And then you can look into the supplies you need. Say a drill, no need to rent one you can go to Peerby.com and see if one’s available that someone is willing to share. Don’t buy a car or rent one from Avis or Hertz, try to see if someone in the neighbourhood has one. It’s not that easy, but there it starts because then you are ringing the doorbell of someone in the local community. And once you get offline, having something like a meal together always helps you get connected. If there is any opportunity to do that do that.



Opportunities in Multigenerational Living


G E N E R ATO R S AC R O S S G E N E R AT I O N S Matthias Hollwich, a lecturer and writer on multigenerational living, proposes a collection of principles to guide the emerging segment of multigenerational living.



At the Class of 2020, we were originally inspired to explore the role of the purposebuilt student accommodation industry in shaping urban ecosystems for living and learning. Approaching 2020 we observe a market that is looking in different directions, creating new opportunities in different sections of society. Multigenerational living is as the term suggests different generations living under one roof and is one of those directions that offers opportunities as well as challenges. It’s an area that investors and developers are commercially hesitant of, and as such will be a housing model which will be slower to gain maturity. Retirement living and student living are both markets which in different measures are commercially sustainable, the question is how can the two merge for the benefit of both developer and society. Matthias Hollwich is an architect and principle of New York based design practice Hollwich Kushner – he writes and lectures on the subject of intergeneration living and is author of the book - New Ageing: Live Smarter Now to Live Better Forever in which he distilled his research into a collection of principles into the evolving needs of people ageing.

Interior images of Skylar, a multigenerational project designed for sharing and all stages of life.



for example about 20% of the population have multiple generations living under one roof. In the UK there have been numerous initiatives by local government, housing associations and developers to trial new ideas. PRP Architects is one such practice who has been spearheading new developments such as Chobham Manor – a multigenerational housing scheme next to the London Olympics site in East London. The project led by senior partner and advisor to the Mayor of London Manisha Patel believes that with the changes in availability and affordability in most major cities, and the increase in loneliness and social isolation multigenerational living can bridge the gap. Other countries are also moving in the same direction – The Plaza de America Building in Alicante, Spain provides 244 affordable, intergenerational housing units which include 78% of people over the age of 65 and 22% of young people under the age of 35 which are involved on a basis of a ‘good neighbour agreement’ in helping with organising tasks in the building and spending a few hours of their week with the older residents. In the Netherlands a similar set-up has been introduced with success at the Humanitas elderly home in Deventer in the east of the country where students are able to stay in vacant rooms free to charge in exchange for 30 hours of volunteer work per month. Multigenerational developments that have been realised are increasing, but concepts that propose new models of multigenerational Over the last 5 years, the real estate industry living are important in opening up the has erupted with new coliving operators conversation. Singapore based Spark popping up around the world. Most of these Architects have proposed a development brands focus exclusively on the Millennial which includes older residents in urban and GenZ population missing an opportunity farming – ‘Home Farm’ utilises the skills of to create new living models. Society is at a older residents gardening skills together point in time where we have to design for by providing food and at the same time, a inclusivity and are learning that bringing social and healthy activity. Whereas, New generations together is not just a necessity, York based Hollwich Kushner has designed but an opportunity. Whilst both generations ‘Skyler’ - a concept for a new ‘Aging Tower’ share the same needs, the older generation for a section of society with 1,000 inhabitants. is more prone to experience the privileges The prototype development houses 50 of disposable income, real social networks, children below the age of five, 210 minors and extensive knowledge. According to below the age of eighteen, 500 working the Pew Research Centre, intergenerational adults and 150 seniors above sixty-five. The living is also on the rise with more people building is designed to provide amenity accepting it as a positive thing – in the US programs to support people’s needs in each

Top and Right: Prototype of Skyler - a concept for a new ‘Aging Tower

Intergenerational living weaves our society back together by offering each generation a benefit by expanding the social reach into other age groups



How does the coliving across generations influence the residential life of our buildings? It’s about relationships, diverse needs, wants and the harmony created when individuals purposely and intentionally elect to live within an intergenerational community. In his reflective piece, Matthias Hollowich proposes how the vision for Skyler, an intergenerational living community, may unlock the potential for intergenerational living in cities


1,000 inhabitants 50 Children below 5 210 minors below 18 500 working adults 150 seniors above 65

phase of their life, uniting all generations. Organizationally, it is key to focus on how the building functions - the programming and operation of the building. Top down approaches make an apartment building feel like a hotel, whereas bottom up approach creates incentive structures for participation. This can be mandated, compensated, or initiated. Coworking operators of the next generations have established point systems and rent reduction schemes to activate the community and Intergenerational coliving models can learn from that. Here, tutoring can be traded for a shopping run, or taking care of the organic garden can reduce the monthly rent. In terms of apartment typologies – intergenerational living offers a new type of customizable living for millennials, boomers, and everybody in between. From micro studios that maximise affordability by minimising size, pooled apartments that eliminate isolation and provide shared experiences, and duplexes that absorb the single-family home lifestyle within an apartment building setting, a person can choose their desired lifestyle to meet their everyday wants and desires. Intergenerational living weaves our society back together by offering each generation a benefit by expanding the social reach into other age groups. Here, the power of coliving can achieve its full potential, of where we start living and caring for each other again. TREND REPORT 2020


Education & Place Universities have a role to play in different ways – breaking down both physical and social boundaries so that knowledge can benefit the whole of society. From the ‘civic campus’ to the ‘digital campus’ universities can both strengthen local communities and encourage international collaboration. Tailored programmes, flexibility and industry experience are some of the offers that students look for in the competitive world of education which increasingly spans borders. In rethinking the ‘modern university’ we discover new methods of learning, researching and entrepreneurship that help to resolve the issues of our time and develop solutions for the future. Both traditional and new universities can learn from one another with universities acting as drivers of change – spearheading regeneration in innovative ways as they collaborate with industry to provide the skills of the future.





I love that place! Nah, it wasn’t for me Yeah, it was okay, I wouldn’t go back though It just felt great being there


The 8P ’s to Cultivate a Great Place Charlotte Steedman of Conductor explores some of the key elements that move great space to great place.

Great places, old and new, have firm foundations in sound planning. It starts with gathering insight into the needs and wants of those that are going to Participate in the place and then using this evidence coupled with predicted future trends, to design a place that caters specifically to those needs. Co-creation and collaboration with participants are key



Successful entrepreneur, prominent industry speaker and Non-Exec of Orbit Homes, Charlotte has 17 years’ experience in the property industry. After a 12-year career working within the built environment for highly regarded real estate businesses, Charlotte’s enterprising, entrepreneurial and empathetic nature led her to set up Conductor in 2014. Determined to set up a new type of business, focusing Clients on the participants of places and spaces as the starting point for development, Charlotte has built Conductor with firm foundations in research, understanding and evidencing the wants and desires of participants and the actual needs of communities. The aim of Conductor is to combine practice with industry leading development strategies to create the best social and financial returns.

What makes a great place? A broad and subjective question with varying answers depending on the person, their frame of mind and even the weather. However, as different models of housing are gaining popularity it is important to consider how placemaking improves their quality so that they can stand the test of time. What are the challenges and opportunities for PBSA, coliving and coworking developments and how can they improve their local areas and become high quality places themselves? Universities, student accommodation, coliving and coworking models all have the ability to lead regeneration in areas, which is turn enable the developments to be viable longterm investments, attracting and retaining residents. At MPIM earlier this year, Conductor wanted to investigate more and hosted a breakfast with SAY Property and workshopped the question, ‘what makes a great place?’ - the 74 answers they received fell into 13 categories and 8P’s.

What makes a great place? A broad and subjective question with varying answers depending on the person, their frame of mind…and even the weather!


lanning – great places, old and new, have firm foundations in sound planning. It starts with gathering insight into the needs and wants of those that are going to Participate in the place and then using this evidence coupled with predicted future trends, to design a place that caters specifically to those needs. Co-creation and collaboration with participants are key.

Purpose – asking the question at the outset, “why does this place exist?”, and “so what?” is essential. Great places need a Personality (the 3rd P). Some call this authenticity or character, others “rarity value”. Call it what you like, this is essential, especially in new or regeneration places. There is always an existing story or history, inherent in a place; an existing and unique community to be rejuvenated or tapped into. It just takes some time, effort and thoughtfulness to tap into and once you uncover it, the purpose will be clear. Participation – or actively taking part in the place. This creates stewardship, so whether participants are visiting, living or working there, they feel a sense of ownership and belonging and the benefits of this to the community and spaces within it, are boundless. TREND REPORT 2020


Feelings or Emotions associated with a place

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scored most highly (12%). This was followed by People and Safety (11%), then Community, Nature & Environment, Interaction and Buildings & Design (10%), and Lifestyle & Diversity (8%). Surprisingly, the lowest scoring categories were Accessibility (3%) and Technology (1%). 50% of the answers given were people-centered and 50% place-centered. How people experience and classify space as individuals

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and communities are just as important as the quality and composition of the built environment. The lack of answers regarding accessibility and technology was interesting - perhaps a reflection purely of attendee demographics and interests, or perhaps indicative of accessibility and integrated tech being seen less as added extras, and increasingly as standard

Charlotte Constance is the founder of Conductor, orchestrators of thriving societies whose purpose is to facilitate more conscious creation of spaces and places.

expectations in the current/future-facing market.


roximity – or convenience. This one has caused great debate within the Conductor team. Some of the best places are very remote but in an urban context of course, Proximity to transport and ease of being in the place, certainly contribute to perceptions of a place being great or not. Maybe not the most exciting of the “P’s” but necessary none the least.. Maybe not the most exciting of the “P’s” but necessary none the least.





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Prosperity – not prosperity in the form of money or financial gains. Does the place feel like it is flourishing and has good fortune bestowed upon it? Are the participants fulfilled, is there community spirit? Are the conditions in the place favourable for all? Is the society thriving? Preference – or choice. This relates back to Participation and Planning. Are there options and does the place cater to different demographics even if it is targeted at those with certain tastes and preferences? It’s not to say that places should be all things to all people, but that diversity and inclusion is the very fabric of a great place. In the beautiful tapestry of life, variety and different types of

people are what attracts an interesting and most importantly, sustainable community. This leads on to Pleasure (the 8th and final P) and is simply, what pleasure do participants derive from the place? There has to be a joyful and uplifting element to a place to create the feeling of it being truly great. The physical fabric of a place is just as important as the people within it, how people feel in a place will determine largely whether they think it is great or not and finally, each and every one of us will have a different perception of a place, so if one looks at a place that is planned, created or rejuvenated, it is worth thinking consciously about these 8Ps and making sure that these key attributes are covered.

There has to be a joyful and uplifting element to a place to create the feeling of it being truly great




of land. Now, as of 2019, temporary thinking offers solutions for the exact opposite — a lack of space.


Hybrid house Somewhere else in the Dutch capital, real estate development company BPD is realising Woon&, a residential complex that completely incorporates the sharing economy. The buildings include guest bedrooms, the coworking space on the ground floor makes its overcapacity available to neighbors, and all residents have access to electric shared cars in collaboration with BMW. The complex also has a flexible shop space that can change function and owner over the course of the day. Coffee bar in the morning, grocery shop in the afternoon, take-away in the evening. It is not only the high pressure on urban space that leads to innovative ways to make more out of it — shifting lifestyles are another main driver for this trend. Work becomes life, life becomes work, and functions are blending together more than ever. Complexes like Woon& facilitate this urban mix.

Can students leave for the weekend, allowing tourists to stay in exchange for lower rent? by Joop de Boer & Jeroen Beekmans Woon& by Bouwfonds Property Development

Urban expansion has always unfolded either horizontally (sprawl) or vertically (high-rise). With space becoming scarcer and more valuable, the frontier in urban development is in utilising space that is temporarily unused — not for years, but for hours. Can we turn empty restaurants into coworking spaces during daytime? Can we sleep in office buildings outside office hours? And why not turn university lecture halls into a cinema at night? Unlocking the potential of unused space Massive urbanization across the world leads to a new frontier in urban development. Space has become an increasingly scarce and therefore an increasingly valuable asset in urban cores. Nevertheless, urban space is still used rather inefficiently. Restaurants stay empty for almost half the day, valuable office floors in expensive downtown locations are only occupied between nine and five, and cars are just standing there doing nothing 95% of their time. Restaurant tables become coworking desks during the day This situation has inspired new companies and entrepreneurs to launch innovative concepts that use space in a more hybrid and efficient 52


way. New York-based startup Spacious turns restaurants that are empty during the day into coworking spaces. Founder Preston Pesek realised that many eateries in New York only open at 6 PM, leaving an amazing potential of unused furnished space during office hours. Spacious links all these empty restaurant tables to people who are looking for a coworking desk in their neighborhood and makes sure the Wi-Fi works and the coffee machine has fresh beans. The coworking startup brilliantly matches supply (tables) and demand (work spots) without ever owning real estate itself. Lecture hall turns into a cinema at night Another example comes from Amsterdam, where the Free University has teamed up with cinema Rialto to screen movies in their lecture halls outside college hours in the afternoon, evening and over the weekend. It is not a surprise this initiative popped up here. The Free University’s buildings are located in the middle of Amsterdam’s rapidly developing central business district. With hardly any cultural venues for the inhabitants and the highest land prices in the Netherlands, a hybrid, temporary cinema is a smart idea to make a leisure program possible. When the district was hit hard during the financial crisis, temporary use was a way to deal with an overload of empty and dysfunctional plots

A giant leap for mankind The hybrid use of space emerges not only in buildings, but also in mobility concepts. In 2012 public transport startup Leap launched a daily commuter service with small vans in San Francisco. The vans do not only offer a

Woon& adapts its amenities based on the changing needs of residents throughout the day.

Feeling crunched, we tend to focus on space in cities? But what about time? Time is a dimension helping to understand how lecture halls by day can become cinemas at night. How libraries can transform into informal speed dating venues and how communities can unlock more potential from their built spaces

Leap’s public transport doubles as a commuter’s office space

trip between home and work, but double as coworking spaces on wheels with desks, Wi-Fi, power and quality coffee on board. Among many other automotive companies that explore the future of self-driving cars and additional functions, Honda not-so-longago presented a conceptual house in which one of the rooms is a mobile plug-in unit on wheels, that can also be used as a private van or modern type of caravan. The future of urban life is 4D Besides higher costs of urban space and shifting lifestyles, evolving technology is a third driver of this trend. Mobile technology, artificial intelligence and broad acceptance of, and trust in, online platforms open up possibilities to operate and manage space in a smarter and more efficient ways. Hybrid spaces that can host multiple functions over short periods time are the future of urban life. The enormous potential of supertemporarily unused space could be unlocked by incorporating flexibility, matching supply and demand in smart ways, and a focus on operations using digital technologies. Instead of making cities bigger by sacrificing the surrounding landscape or building higher, there is a world to win in using spaces in more efficient ways. This is an experimental endeavor and it will definitely raise many formal and practical issues.



to navigate, investors difficult to reach and affordable housing can be near impossible and so it is beneficial to provide them to the community.

Roxanne Varza is the Director of STATION F. She is a catalyst in Europe’s tech scene, leading and activating the space for startups to thrive in Paris and beyond.

The interior of STATION F, designed by Cutwork, gathers 1000 startups in 30,000m2

STATION F provides the workspace and support for local and international startups who come to meet at this central hub of innovation in Europe. This tech epicenter is a prime example of the urban campus and a talent magnet in Paris. Globally, start-ups are now an essential output of the talent universities generate. They are a driver of innovation and jobs in university cities attracting capital. However, without the proper infrastructure, talent cannot be retained. How do you make this environment work for local talent and what is needed when prices of housing and services are high?

“...one of the main aims is a belief that anyone can be an entrepreneur...” The main mission of STATION F is to make entrepreneurship more accessible. As a startup accelerator and incubator, one of the main aims is a belief that anyone can be an entrepreneur if they are in the right environment 54




Nur turing Talent The world’s biggest startup campus, STATION F, goes beyond your typical accelerator. Opened in Paris in 2017, the converted rail freight depot, provides support for over 1000 tech startups. Home to Europe’s largest restaurant, specialised programmes, a new coliving initiative and more, it’s no wonder why STATION F is a full-on ecosystem for entrepreneurial talent.

with the right resources. STATION F have assembled an entire startup ecosystem under one roof including 1000 startups, 30 different startup programs, 30+ public services, an investor community with 40+ funds, a prototyping lab and more – more recently launching coliving to house 600 of entrepreneurs on campus. There is a growing desire in many countries to make entrepreneurship “accessible”, and this is because there are lots of entrepreneurs from business schools and engineering schools, but not a lot of other diverse profiles. With this is mind the programs at STATION F are designed to cater to people with diverse backgrounds and from numerous industries. A programme has been created for example for “underprivileged” entrepreneurs that includes a former prisoner and a former homeless person as participants. In addition to this, the incubator brings together all the resources that entrepreneurs typically find challenging to access - public services can be difficult trying

organization - it helps save a lot 30+ public services on campus of time and energy. The incubator which are all services that model is much like a startup startups would need to be in university - in the same way that contact for their businesses, for students apply to different master’s example the tax authority, visa programs, startups at STATION F services, public funding agency “If they are selected, they apply to startup programs. If they and data protection agency have access to all resources are selected, they have access to However, navigating public - including housing...” all resources - including housing services was a big pain point for for the duration of their program. many entrepreneurs who said As the campus grew, STATION they didn’t always know which F created Flatmates, a new organization to contact and would “...what STATION F development. Flatmates is a brings to the table.” spend a lot of time trying to get 3-tower apartment complex just the response they needed. 10 minutes away from STATION Creating a new incubator model F for 600 of our entrepreneurs. included a mix of several elements. There is a desire to create more First, there was an opportunity to coliving spaces because housing buy a unique and historic building There is a growing in Paris is very difficult to come located in the center of Paris which desire in many by and in some cases near was a quickly growing ecosystem impossible for entrepreneurs that was capable of attracting countries to make to access. For example, some top talent from around the world. entrepreneurship landlords will require a fullSecondly, the local ecosystem time work contract, making 3x actually needed more international accessible the rent as salary and having a visibility and cohesion, which is France-based guarantor. This is what STATION F brings to the table. just not possible for many of our The entire neighborhood is under entrepreneurs who often don’t construction and should be radically Consequently, all the relevant pay themselves a high salary or transformed within the next 3-5 public services were brought may not have family or guarantors years. STATION F has made this together directly on site at in France, therefore, Flatmates neighborhood incredibly dynamic, STATION F. The startups can is an inexpensive, easy-to-use innovative, diverse and brings a lot book meetings through one housing option that is really of people from around the world central platform and they are meant to cut out the hassle of to this area. There is now a need oriented towards the correct looking for housing. There are for more housing and services for the STATION F population 60 flexible meeting rooms provide startups with multi-use shared spaces. and so a program dedicated to smart cities and construction, run by Impulse Partners was initiated. One of the companies to come out of their program is called Colonies, an innovative coliving startup that raised €11 million. Bulldozair is another Station F startup that attended YCombinator and develops software tools for construction. There is a lot of extension projects in the pipeline and in 5 years’ time STATION F could even evolve to be a small startup city.




THE CIV IC UNIVERSIT Y Richard Brabner believes universities can and should be key drivers for local change. At the UPP Foundation

UK HE IN NUMBERS +£95bn total contribuition 1million jobs 2million educated students 450,000 international students

he introduced the Civic University Agreement.

+12 % Growth of HE Market every year

Universities need to work with local communities to define what they will offer and which major local strategic needs they will seek to address



The story of how cities have developed is in and providing new jobs. Post-industrial cities many cases closely linked to the development such as Bilboa and Pittsburg have involved of their universities. For example, in Britain universities in helping to weave communities the first universities were started almost back together and the Paris-Saclay project nine hundred years ago, and the country south of Paris includes the university and has experienced the growth of different businesses working together to develop types of institutions during various political a research campus clustered with housing and industrial phases. From the Victorian which will develop a new sustainable district. ‘Redbrick’ Universities of Manchester and Birmingham, to the expansion of the new The civic role that universities play – remodernist universities of the technological cognising the contribution they make to their revolution of the 1960s and lastly the host towns and cities has therefore never transition of polytechnics - Britain’s technical been more important. In many communities, institutions, from 1992 onwards. Now in the university is the centre of civic life. The the 21st century, there is the creation of activities that this includes can be hugely a knowledge economy with a flourishing varied - helping local business adapt to sector. Universities currently contribute over technological change, working alongside £95bn to the economy, supporting 1 million schools, supporting economic local growth jobs, and educating over 2 million students, and culture and training and developing including 450,000 from around the world - as new community leaders in every field from such they are vital to the British education politics to the arts. But while many universities system and local economies helping to have a proud civic history, and the breadth regenerate new districts, with the former of civic activity undertaken by almost any London Olympics site in East London, UCL’s university is impressive, relatively few have Here East, being a prime example. Globally, what we might call a strategic approach the HE market is growing by 12% a year, to civic engagement. Very few conduct a with rapid growth in Asia and the Americas, robust analysis of the needs of their local meaning ever increasing competition for communities and develop a civic mission to students, staff, and funding. The coming overcome these challenges, where the idea wave of automation and reindustrialisation of “left behind” communities and regions is will offer many opportunities but also leave a powerful force. Alongside being global many increasingly left behind and isolated hubs, universities also have an opportunity and this is where universities increasingly have and even a responsibility to address needs been assisting in regenerating urban areas that are closer to home.

The emphasis on looking beyond the local community is not just a choice that universities have made. They have been encouraged by governments that have not followed through on commitments to the idea of “place”. So, this challenge – how universities can reinvigorate their civic mission for the 21st century – was the question the UPP Foundation Civic University Commission asked over a 12-month enquiry in 2018-19. The enquiry concluded that it is not enough to just be civically engaged with a list of local projects that the university supports, and local committees that university staff sit on. For an institution to be truly a Civic University, it was believed important to place the civic role alongside teaching and research as one of the core purposes of the university. This will of course require resources. Here, both universities and government should play their part. In an era where the UK Government is talking the talk on the importance of place-based approaches to policy, and supporting left behind communities, governments should create a dedicated ‘Civic University Fund’ focussed on how universities can support this, with a priority towards more disadvantaged areas of a country. But universities themselves are autonomous institutions – who have been around and will outlast any one government, and so they should also recognise the importance of this role.

Universities are forged in, from and through society. But how much civic responsibility can we expect from our institutions? Must universities reflect the changing attitudes and preferences of societies? How can universities act with care, taking it as part of an The central recommendation from The UPP institutions’ being Commission was that universities can take a to be civic minded? vital first step by adopting the Commission’s

idea of a Civic University Agreement, setting out what they will offer local communities and which major local strategic needs they will seek to address. This needs to be based on listening to the local community, and working in partnership with further education colleges, local government, major employers, and the creative and cultural institutions. Universities should also think hard about where they can most make an impact in areas such as widening participation and access, and through their role as employers themselves. Following the publication of the Commission’s report in February 2019, over 50 universities in the UK have pledged to develop a Civic University Agreement in partnership with their communities. This goes to show the

impact of the Commission and the appetite within the sector to support the places they are from. Consequently a guide has been published for universities to prepare their agreements and the Office of Students (a UK Department of Education body which acts as a regulator for higher education) has published a report detailing the synergies between access and participation regulation and funding. In 2020 The UPP Commission will be establishing a new organisation – the Civic University Network, which will support the sector spread best practice and be a strong advocate for the civic role. Universities have an irreplaceable and unique role in ensuring that their host communities thrive, and a need to recognise that their own success is bound up with the success of the places that gave birth to them. Some, universities have existed for centuries and some are barely 30 years old, but regardless of their age, many have grown up with a strong civic mission. Universities globally should build upon this heritage and focus on how they can create institutions which help to overcome the challenges communities face in the 21st Century.

Richard Brabner is Director of the UPP Foundation. His work explores the interface of universities in cities and how universities can contribute to thriving cities and regions.




THE PER IL S, PROMISES AND POTENTIAL OF BE ING A DIGITAL NOMAD From the desk of Alessandro Mazzi, Lily Moodey asks why work is more than something to pay the bills and fund kite surfing trips.

Alessandro Mazzi founded AMLegal at the age of 23 outside of his home country and after teaching himself the ins and outs of an emerging industry. In short, Alessandro Mazzi lives in what many consider to be a new world of work.



The global market value of flexible workspaces is estimated at approximately $26 billion. The Estonian government is this year offering the world’s first digital nomad visa. It’s clear, flexible and mobile work is only on the rise, even for traditionally place-bound professions such as law. I sat down with Alessandro Mazzi, founder of AMLegal, his Amsterdam-based but digitally nomadic company providing legal guidance to startups. He talked about working in a coworking space, the opportunities of digitised work, and what ‘Generation Z’ and beyond demand from their learning pathways and working environments.

Setting the scene Alessandro and I sit for coffee at a small table in the corner of the WeWork floor in which we both work-- me in an office and him at a space on the shared table right next door. In the half-hour before lunch, the space in which we grab coffee gets increasingly loud as our colleagues and coworkers perform intricate kitchen ballet of arranging lunch shifts at the giant lunch table/ping pong court. When I ask about the origins of his company, Mazzi speaks of his business proposition in a nononsense way. He found, three

years ago, that a lot of startups weren’t considering the legal aspect of their work, especially at the beginning, not because there wasn’t a need but because there wasn’t an easy way of doing it, between costs and the difficulty of scheduling appointments. “There is a need to be nimble in the digital age,” he emphasises. “There is a need to be nimble in the digital age.” A desire to be nimble has molded his career thus far. Two years ago, one year into his business venture,

Alessandro started focusing on an emerging industry, blockchain, where there weren’t many experts around. “There is this whole new technology and a new way of handling data and information,” he says. After studying he spent a couple of months solely researching and writing, for blogs and online journals. “Then suddenly people saw me as an expert,” he says, highlighting that for this topic, an expert was at that point someone with a year of experience. The world is changing fast and specialisms are important, especially to many start-up companies where niche issues need to be resolved.

There’s so much to learn. So it shouldn’t be that you spend the first ten years of work doing what you are told to do in order to figure things out for yourself later “for this topic, an expert was at that point someone with a year of experience. “ He didn’t start immediately in a coworking space. In fact, he was skeptical of the idea, preferring to work from home, cafés and bars. It wasn’t until a friend brought him along to this WeWork that he really considered paying the fee. After talking to one of the community managers and being offered a deal, he decided to take the leap. “I made a deal with myself too,” he says “I promised myself each month for the next few months that I had

to pay for the space through the clients I found in the building.” How long did it take to pay off? He answers with a grin, “first month, nothing. Second month, nothing. Third month, I found someone who paid for my past three months. I gave myself such a naieve rule but it actually worked out.”Now, Mazzi has several clients that he’s brought here and enjoys collaborating with others in the building. He likes the physical contact with people here, and the instantaneous feedback he can get from colleagues. “Sometimes I forget how amazing it is that if you need a logo you can just go to

someone in the office and say “hey how much for a logo?” he says, mentioning the same environment in the other WeWork’s he’s been to in Berlin, Munich and Canada. Structure: some structure Coworking brings a bit of structure to Mazzi, who makes sure I know that he’s not the person who comes here at nine and leaves at five. “I like my flexibility,” he says, “I can grab a coffee somewhere and work there for some time before coming in.” Even better, owning his own company and working flexibly enables his travel TREND REPORT 2020


and lifestyle. He travels home to Italy frequently to visit his parents, takes holidays, and enjoys “being able to make [him]self immediately available to help a friend in need.”

Suddenly, people saw me as an expert. An expert is someone with a year of experience Some of his clients, however, especially those within the office building, haven’t gotten used to this way of working. He’s had to teach some of his clients that there’s work he can deliver remotely, sometimes faster. However, he finds it striking that most of his biggest clients, revenue-wise, he’s never seen. Their business relationship is based on Skype, where he says its as if they are seeing each other. “We trust each other 100 per cent,” he says, “but we don’t meet in person. Ever.” “We trust each other 100 per cent,” he says, “but we don’t meet in person. Ever.” Sensing the answer, I ask what the downside of working this way can be. “Making rules for yourself, turning off,” he says, “ I recently started to train myself to turn off during certain times of the day. Because I never really turn off, ever.” Like many in this “footloose” generation, Mazzi consistently expresses a desire to experience things outside of his bubble, a desire he doesn’t see in his parents generation. During university, although he studied law which is usually very related to a specific state, he wanted to focus on international law to get outside 60


of Italy as soon as possible. He studied to get the highest grades he needed to leave Italy, then went to Australia for an exchange. What came first, the ability to live and work remotely or the desire to live life differently? To Mazzi, it’s the desire to live differently and the freedom to do it. When I ask what his purpose is, he says “the core motivation is to find clients and make them successful. And I have the freedom to be creative in how I do that.” He’s aware it’s not that simple, though. He hopes to grow and hire people and worries that his flexibility will suffer. He’s had several internship requests and expresses that he would love to be able to teach an intern both the work and the work style. “It’s probably not the environment an intern needs though,” he sighs, since he can’t commit to being in 9-5. But I wonder whether this is the very question we should be exploringwhat does an intern need in the new world of work? Talking to Mazzi certainly makes me feel like we shouldn’t be training interns to sit at desks 9-5 anymore. And he agrees that training young people to work in the way they can and want to could teach discipline, preparing people more for the realities of innovative jobs. “I have to fight every day for my work, I have to be kind to people, I have to be sharp,” he says, “there’s so much more to learn instead of- for the first ten years of your work- you do what they tell you to do and then afterwards you figure out yourself.”

Where are the boundaries when you are your work?



of co-workers reported they felt healthier than they did working in a traditional office setting


of workforce will be freelancers, temps, independent contractors and solopreneurs by 2020


is the average age of remote workers


of respondents says lack of community challenges remote happiness the most


SOURCES: officevibe.com, and.co

According to Mazzi, young people need to be prepared to constantly reinvent themselves. Jobs are getting easier. Challenges are getting bigger but with the amount of information we have, it’s easy to become an expert in something. So the best way to survive in this generation, he says, is to be able to adapt. “It is impossible to give up. You have to be like “okay this doesn’t work anymore” and re-invent yourself.” The future of his own job? “The big question is what will be left given the advancement of technology,” Mazzi responds. “What do people value as human activities? Law?” He finds that lawyers focused on very standardised work will not survive. Lawyers that are more strategic advisors will still be around. And technology will have a lot to offer that field. In the mean time, he’s keen to talk about the great parts of technology. “I think inspiring people with what technology can give us, the good parts, is great. Instead of being dependent, the beautiful part is that we can travel anywhere.”



report higher incomes

have better interactions with others after coworking



to communicate with other devices and connect to networks easily. This poses a number of privacy and security issues for those operating multi-tenant buildings, including, purpose-built student accommodation. Students must feel reassured that as they surrender their data to their accommodation providers, it will be managed responsibly while allowing their devices to work seamlessly.


BA L A N C I N G AC T S With the race to integrate smart technology in and across student housing, what concerns are shared amongst stakeholders? Adam Willerton shares some of the key results and insights from ASK4 Studies.



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Aside from phones and laptops, entertainment tech is becoming a staple of the student living experience. Smart speakers and home assistants need to be able

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Housing The vast majority of new students have grown up using technology and the internet, with an increased awareness of the digital footprint they create and leave behind. Organisations can streamline the way students are able to learn and live, but are young people happy to sacrifice their data in exchange?

of s t uden

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We live in an age of data. Data collection has moved beyond the digital realm and can be generated from an act as simple as walking down the street. For customer-facing organisations, the treasure trove of information on offer is extremely valuable, allowing them to tailor products and target audiences with accuracy. For customers, however, the appeal of efficiency and convenience is diminishing against questions of privacy and data use.

ASK4 commissioned education and technology research specialist Red Brick to produce the Data and The Student Experience Report, which analyses the relationship between students and their accommodation providers with regard to data collection. The report delves into student attitudes towards their personal information and looks at how accommodation operators can use this data ethically, and in a way that appeals to their residents. This is an important contribution to an ongoing discussion about student accommodation and students’ expectations towards privacy when living in student accommodation. Too Much Data One of the key findings from the report is that students are not only savvy about how their data is collected and used, but that they wish to have more control than ever before when it comes to limiting access to it. Students know what their data is worth and recognise that is an asset that can be managed or refused. For instance, 50% of students surveyed agreed that their data is useful to organisations, with 25% viewing it as a commodity that they can sell, which suggests that it should not be given away freely. What’s more, 86% of respondents said that they believe organisations collect “too much” data, implying that students wish to be selective about the

types of information they share. There are many circumstances in which students would be happy to surrender their data to their accommodation providers, but this relies on a culture of transparency. Furthermore, 67% of respondents stated that “greater transparency about how [their] data is collected and used” would make them more comfortable with sharing it with organisations. Simply harvesting students’ data with a vague promise of “improving service” will not suffice; students want to know what information is being collected, and how this will be used to enhance their experience. Almost 40% stated that accommodation providers are among the types of organisations they would most trust with their data, and there is an opportunity to solidify this trust by effectively communicating the types of information being gathered and for what purpose. Transparency and openness about data generation, collection, utilisation and purpose to operators and providers of student housing is key.

than just a place to stay. This is likely to yield benefits for providers, including repeat bookings and students recommending their accommodation to friends. Students recognise that sharing data can enhance their residential experience but that doesn’t mean they will do so uncritically. Accommodation providers and operators have a responsibility to ensure that students’ data is gathered conservatively, handled appropriately, and used in ways which will offer genuine value to their residents, and by extension, themselves. This should be viewed as an opportunity rather than an obstacle to be overcome, with providers having the chance to garner good faith and a strong reputation among their customer base.

This report was made possible with the support of:

For further information and to download the Data and The Student Experience report, including references, visit: www.ask4.com/data-andthe-student-experience

Taking Responsibility and Creating Opportunities Along with location, amenities and security, it is clear that data policy is a consideration for students when selecting accommodation. Accommodation providers must strive to fulfil this obligation, not just for regulatory compliance, but to help shape the culture in their organisation and carry out their duty of care for residents. ASK4’s report considers a number of areas in which providers can utilise their students’ data, not only to directly benefit their operations, but to the advantage of their students too. With a focus on security, wellbeing, allocation, building design and overall experience, there is a strong case to be made for using data to provide a home for students, rather TREND REPORT 2020


Communities that Care It is one of the paradoxes of our time. We live in a moment in history of intense urban densification. A time when technology is developing at incredible speed providing numerous opportunities for socialising and networking yet at the same time many city dwellers have never felt has lonely and isolated. Although loneliness has often been linked to the elderly, it is a major issue with young people as they become more transient, moving to cities to study and work. Coliving and coworking can help to resolve some of the current housing pressures in cities however it also has huge potential to assist in reducing the loneliness and mental health epidemic through developing communities in shared spaces and activities. In addition to the societal benefits this also creates opportunities for the coliving and coworking sectors as spaces and services become part of the attributes and added value of a development.







SMART TECHNOLOGY & PBSA In 2019 Glide and The Class of 2020 released the report, Smart Technology and PBSA. The study explored what the next generation of student accommodation will look like in Europe and the United Kingdom by talking to students and operators. Clare Trigg and Zachery Spire explain how technology will become increasingly integral to both student experience and operations teams.

[1] Class of 2020 Smart Technology and PBSA Whitepaper

[2] How a Virtual Concierge increases resident satisfaction in Build-to-Rent

[3] What does European PBSA investment mean for students across Europe?

[4] Eurostat - Learning mobility statistics



Background UK student accommodation has seen record levels of investment with property developers providing student accommodation (PBSA) in every major city with great locations, hotel-type amenities and easy transport links to universities. The extra choice brings competition amongst accommodation operators. Competition on price, location, entertainment and student experience. In the most recent Eurostat Learning Mobility Statistics international students studying in Europe were estimated at 1.6 million bringing with them various expectations of what constitutes fast and reliable Wi-Fi and which are desirable amenities for students to interface with technology. Our research indicates that mobile connectivity plays

a significant role in defining the student customer journey of the future. Some students will be well travelled and street smart while others will be away from home for the first time – but all will require logistical and emotional support and all will depend on Wi-Fi to get it. European students raised on smartphones rely on technology. Almost all plan on attending university and a further 73% rank high speed internet as the most important feature of their accommodation. In this competitive new market, operators need to differentiate their properties to maintain 100% occupancy and profitability. With fibre broadband speeds hitting 1Gbps (Gigabit per second), what role can smart technology play in making a PBSA property stand out from the rest? How can Purpose Built Student Accommodation operators stay ahead of the competition? There is significant opportunity for operators across Europe to pioneer emerging technologies and leap ahead of the competition with the right brand of student experience. Enriching student experience with Wi-Fi and applications beyond what has gone before and peace-of-mind that students studying overseas are safe and well connected. Wi-Fi is indispensable in delivering a successful student experience. The dependency on fast, reliable, pervasive and high-speed Wi-Fi will only increase as students need

Insights and data from smart technologies are used to develop strategies and action plans for operations, communications and marketing — PBSA Operator

World population

6.3 Billion

6.8 Billion

7.2 Billion

7.6 Billion

Connected Devices

500 Million

12.5 Billion

25 Billion

50 Billion

Connected devices per person









higher bandwidth. Entertainment services control of facilities and the environment like Ultra High Definition (UHD) streaming will be important in maintaining a positive and Virtual Reality online gaming will become relationship between operator and student. mainstream and previously local services like Virtual concierges used in the hotel industry playing music have become cloud services enrich and personalise guest engagement like Spotify, resulting in the need for higher but as more sophisticated amenities bebandwidth. come part of the fabric of modern student This means a robust future-proof infrastructure accommodation, operators could use similar as the foundation for smart amenities applications as a single point of reference are key trends for the future of student to enhance every aspect of the student accommodation. Any deployment of smart experience. technology must be done in a joined up and efficient way to drive the maximum benefit. These features do not require any changes to the fabric of a building. This means one of the big benefits to operators is that a virtual How can technology improve the student customer journey? concierge app can be introduced to older properties to invigorate user experience, With over 30 years delivering Wi-Fi to restore a competitive edge and introduce PBSA and through significant technology operational efficiencies. The classic virtual disruption, Glide knows that SFI™ is the ideal concierge feature set should be of particular infrastructure to unlock best-in-class student interest to operators retro-fitting smart experience. Consumer markets are flooded fibre and introducing older properties to a with Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This modern portfolio. general exposure of a multitude of devices to the masses makes the job of creating a When operations teams are student specific experience challenging. With using smart technologies the Glide’s exposure to a variety of property engagement with students markets we know what a successful technology is higher — PBSA Operator driven experience looks like. Modern PBSA are not just deliver spaces to sleep in – they are environments that inspire and enhance the lifestyle of students. If operators are to enhance that lifestyle with first class services then swift and frequent communication with the front desk and TREND REPORT 2020




How can technology best be utilised during the student pre-arrival phase?













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How can technology enrich student experiences?



This report was made possible with the support of:

When asked about possible application of smart technology, students had a number of practical suggestions like the ability to review a room with 360° video before booking or arranging a room before they arrive as well as track progress and finalise the booking. A dedicated online pre-arrival platform allows for regular notifications to help students become more familiar with their university city relieving stress and uncertainty. These services should be run through a common interface e.g. a virtual concierge app.





Building management systems running on the same infrastructure can be integrated and controlled by that same interface. Preinstalled and remote smart heating and lighting controlled by the student means better comfort levels enriching student experience and students mindful of green credentials. Studies show that student accommodation is the main place of study on any university campus so the quality of the environment should be appropriately managed by technology particularly water quality and high CO2 levels which can cause stress. Conclusions Installing gateway technologies like Smart Fibre Infrastructure™ (SFI™) and multiprotocol Pervasive Wireless as part of a managed service gives operators the foundation to unlock the potential technology has to enhance and enrich the experience of living in student accommodation and realise ambitious operational targets. Glide has gone beyond evangelising disparate technologies and designed a complete service that futureproofs student accommodation.










FOCUS GROUP RESULTS Students’ perceived usefulness of smart technology in PBSA

Smart sensors to know if washing machines are free in the laundry is one example of how implementing smart technologies could help with satisfaction — Student TREND REPORT 2020



Re-humanising the university experience Reflecting on the importance and influence of the physical campus and student residences on staff and student wellbeing, Angela Spangler of WELL consultancy offers insights how we can cultivate a campus-wide culture of health.

University Estates and Student Experience Universities are special places for students, faculty and employees who call the campus their home. The campus becomes transformational in shaping repeated behaviors that ultimately form lifelong habits and can impact decisions that are made around how to build a life outside of academia for each person who spends time living in, learning from, or shaping these unique environments. For students, the opportunity to establish future healthful behaviors becomes a paramount driver to consider developing an overall campus wide health promotion plan. For faculty, the university is a place to create new research and pour passion into teaching, which often means long hours spent on campus. And for all, the university is a place that fosters innovation and growth – where the phrase ‘higher learning’ captures more than what is learned in a classroom, but also what develops in every moment of a daily experience. The physical campus has always been responsive to the dynamic needs of higher education. From the library to the theatre, lecture hall to the lab, a university is at the forefront of shifting paradigms and experimentation. Just as technology has transformed campus spaces to meet the learning needs of a new generation of student, so too must they reflect our evolving understanding of what it means to be healthy, sustainable and ultimately thriving in our environment. 70


The physical campus has always been responsive to the dynamic needs of higher education. From the library to the theatre, lecture hall to the lab, a university is at the forefront of shifting paradigms and experimentation

The Evolving Campus Landscape Globally, schools are challenged with a multitude of pressing issues ranging from meeting the diverse needs of the individuals they serve, to addressing increasing prevalence of mental health issues stemming from increased stress, depression and anxiety which can all be exacerbated by heightened pressures of the academic setting. WELL seeks to address some of the biggest health challenges that communities face today, such as epidemics of chronic diseases, mental health issues and overall lack of well-being. Introducing WELL WELL is premised on a holistic view of health: human health as not only a state of being free of disease - which is indeed a fundamental component of health - but also of the enjoyment of productive lives from which we derive happiness and satisfaction. Healthy spaces protect us from that which can make us sick, promote practices that can keep us well, and facilitate opportunities for us to connect with one another and live our lives to the fullest. The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) is leading the global movement to transform buildings and communities in ways that help people thrive. WELL is focused exclusively on the ways that buildings and communities, and everything in them, can improve our comfort, drive better choices, and generally enhance, not compromise, our health and wellness.


The aspiration is to advance healthy buildings for all people spending time on university campuses around the world. The way that buildings are designed, constructed and maintained can impact the way we sleep, how active we are, what we eat and how we feel overall. The WELL Building Standard uses innovative, research-backed strategies to advance health, happiness, mindfulness and productivity in our buildings and communities. It is the first-of-its-kind building certification program that places human well-being at the center of design, construction and policy decisions. WELL benefits people, without sacrificing the planet and scaling these strategies through the recently launched, WELL Portfolio program creates the perfect opportunity to live into healthier values in an equitable and inclusive way for the entire campus community at leading institutions around the world. The WELL Building Standard, part of WELL certification, is an evidence-based system for measuring, certifying and monitoring the performance of building features that impact occupant health and well-being. Students Driving the Demand for Healthier Environments Increasingly, students, staff and faculty members are looking for educational facilities that meet their holistic needs – spaces which support their health and well-being – as well as their academic needs.





Physical Environment Social Environment Personal Environment

[1] Lerman, K. How Millennials are reshaping health and wellness. Quirk’s Media. February 2015. Article number: 20150209. [2] Zachery Spire PhD

ONS aged 20-24 2016/17 Survey 2016 Survey 2017 Survey 2018



+26 %

Millennials have a different, broader definition of what it means to be healthy, compared to older generations of Americans


Millennials have a different, broader definition of what it means to be healthy, compared to older generations of Americans. “They view their health more holistically, trying to maintain balance on a spectrum from sick to well and in terms of small, everyday choices, not just the big ones.” The resulting study found that millennials are relying much less on ‘traditional’ healthcare such as doctor’s visits, and instead seeking ways to lead healthy lifestyles, such as through fitness, good nutrition and overall life balance.[1] Measuring the Impact of WELL and Celebrating an Early Success While there are presently a few dozen schools around the world pursuing WELL Certification on their campus in individual buildings ranging from student health centers to dormitories, student union buildings to academic buildings we are thrilled to welcome our first WELL Gold Certified academic building into the growing network of certified projects around the world. Chou Hall, an academic building on UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business campus, is devoted entirely to student learning and interaction. The student-centered building provides cutting-edge facilities to accommodate future advancements in management education - a place where classroom and digital learning work to foster community and provide world-class education. Thinking beyond the classroom environment, the building includes meeting spaces, the Spieker Forum event space, and a cafe for both students and teachers to collaborate and learn. “From the start of the Chou Hall construction project, we focused on building a student-centric academic space that reflected our school’s unique culture and how we value sustainable impact,” said Haas COO Courtney Chandler. We sincerely hope Chou Hall is the first of many student-centric academic spaces specifically designed to amplify student and staff health and wellbeing.




0% Life Satisfaction

Life Worthwhile


Low anxiety



regenerating an entire city block with Scape Swanston in Melbourne, highlights the power of urban campuses to regenerate cityscapes. By increasing mixed use developments and bringing together student housing, coliving and potentially a hotel with coworking and other commercial spaces together with public transport, Scape focuses on how urban campuses can foster thriving communities that benefit all stakeholders. Retail tenants benefit from close proximity with their customers, while office tenants benefit from access to students and university resources.

Scape Franklin’s urban campus will include 48,688m2 of mixed-use commercial and residential space. Top-right: Scape offers both vibrant social and private spaces for students at its 25,528m2 Swanston location Bottom-right: At street level, Scape Swanston blends housing and retail into the urban space

What is an Urban Campus? The urban campus puts university-living at the heart of cities, or new urban districts and generates talent ecosystems. These allin-one campuses create synergies between PBSA, local services and their cityscapes. Across these mixed-use developments, space and place come together to create urban catalysts contributing to thriving urban life for students, young professionals and the community to live, learn, work and play. High profile examples of urban campuses include UCL’s plans for a new university site in East London at the former 2012 London Olympic’s site – known as Here East the 6,000 sqm campus will bring together students of a range of disciplines with nearby entrepreneurs, performers and researchers which are part of the start-up programmes at the campus. In France, a prominent project today is the 72



Urban Campuses live, learn and work Urban campuses focus on the long term in developing innovative and sustainable strategies

Université Paris-Saclay - just outside of Paris this new campus will be developed as a new urban district to accommodate 65,000 students. The university development is planned in phases but will go hand-in-hand with several student accommodation projects as well as the expansion of local services and shops. The first 6 residences are managed by CROUSS. By 2020, 5000 new student residences will be built in different types (rooms, studios, and shared rentals) as well as housing for 2500 university staff members. Regenerating Cities The Australian operator Scape believes there is scope for deeper integration of PBSA and city living into mixed use developments to form urban campuses. It recently acquired the ATIRA portfolio and is seeking to expand its portfolio with new development around urban campuses of universities such as RMIT in Melbourne. Scape’s positive experience

Scape is building out their approach to the urban campus with their landmark mixedused development at Scape Franklin. Scape Franklin will combine office, teaching and commercial space with PBSA and city living. This collider zone of the best and brightest students with industry leaders, and businesses looks to drive collaboration and innovation with and in the education industry. Scape Swanston and Franklin are precursors to a wider adoption of urban campuses when public and private actors recognise the benefits and role urban campuses can play in talent attraction and retention. With deep, organic relationships forming between students and industry, potential employers can identify talent early and retain them in these activated urban hubs. This will help to create sticky precincts in cities.

Looking Towards the Future As young consumers, students increasingly demand convenience and immediacy. Today’s time constrained students demand locations providing high quality services, rich in amenities and conveniences. Urban campuses aim to create better living and learning experiences, increasing the desirability to stay in vibrant cities such as Melbourne, post university. Blurring the lines in traditional PBSA with mixed-use ecosystems is a game changer and a sustainable approach to providing student housing while regenerating urban environments. The future of urban living is not as we know it, but we have an opportunity to make cities more liveable places for all.



Professor Dr. Martin Paul is


President of Maastricht University and chair of the YUFE alliance. He


has held several academic positions

How can universities save the European idea?

Director of YUFE and was


in Germany, the United States and the Netherlands and more recently is active in academic management. Dr. Daniela Trani is Managing one of the main developers of the YUFE proposal.

University of Maastricht (NL)

SOURCE: heacademy.ac.uk 0







University of Bremen (DE) University of Eastern Finland (FI)



University of Essex (UK) Carlos III University Madrid (ES)

University of Antwerp (BE) University of Rome Torvergata (IT) University of Cyprus (CY)



In the ongoing debate about the future of Europe, polarised opinions have not been helpful to foster a sensibile dialogue as it has been seen over the last few years in many European countries. Sometimes the impression is that there is an “either-or” discussion and both sides accuse the other of one-sidedness and political blind spots. The pro-Europeans are easily labelled as blind followers that jump over the Brussels cliff like lemmings and the Eurosceptics as right-wing extremists wanting the European idea to implode out of pure selfishness. Such stereotypes are certainly not helpful to move ahead together, and polarization has never boded well for societies, generally. It goes without saying that a common European approach and unity has been a guarantor for peace and prosperity over the last 75 years. This is in sharp contrast to the negative experiences of a Europe built solely of national states, which has led to conflict and war. Universities are responsible to educate the European citizens of the future and, therefore, need to play an active role in re-defining what is meant by a sustainable Europe.

on part-time and flexible learning and for fulltime students, part of supporting students will be developing housing solutions that facilitate cultural exchange, mutual support and integration with the local community.

The alliance is committed to excellence, not to elitism - YUFE is an open community which will build and develop a new university model based on involving a range of students, who are seen as partners. Since it is wise “to practice what you preach” student representatives will also act as board members in the planning and organization of courses and the wider university system. Being inclusive as an academic institution remains a challenge. That is why YUFE have joined forces with KIRON, a German NGO that uses digital tools to help young people enter academia – especially those that come from first generation families, those that are economically challenged or are refugees. The goal is to create an inclusive European university on multiple locations, which is accessible for everybody, not only those coming from privileged backgrounds. Internships which will enable Maastricht University responded to a long- students to work with local authorities and awaited call to develop a joint European the business community amongst others University platform to identify and address will be an important part of an outward common issues in different European coun- looking education. These could include tries and launched the YUFE alliance - an working with the developing sustainable acronym for Young Universities for the Future ecosystems near Maastricht, creating more of Europe. The alliance was formed together efficient public transport systems in Cyprus with universities from Madrid, Rome, Antwerp, or contributing to solving socio-economic Bremen, Essex, Cyprus and Eastern Finland issues in Essex. It is envisioned that the and a number of associated partners to new model of university education will have create a new concept of how a truly European far-reaching effects across communities, university could look like and which are helping to transform them for the better. currently in the process of turning the proposal One example of this is implementing the into a leading model of a new model of principle of “Citizen Science”, where an university education in Europe. The new institution not only responds directly to the university will bring talented young people needs of society, but also involves them in from its different locations together to work in discussing “Science for Society”. In the end, a range of disciplines in Maastricht, whilst at it is the aim to create a common ecosystem the same time having the opportunity to study for a new generation of Europeans that are at the other locations part of the YUFE alliance seeing the regional strengths in different and therefore gain a range of academic and countries as a base for a new European cultural experience relating to different idea that is built on inclusion, not division. regions of Europe. The university system European universities, therefore, should not will provide a range of open courses and a only learn and study society, but also take virtual campus that will foster student and an active role in their communities. staff mobility. There will also be an emphasis

TOP 5 OUTBOUND ERASMUS COUNTRIES (2016/2017 academic year) SOURCE: Erasmus+

France 43,905 Germany 40,959 Spain 40,079 Italy 35,606 Turkey 17,008

TOP 5 INBOUND ERASMUS COUNTRIES (2016/2017 academic year) SOURCE: Erasmus+

Spain 48,595 Germany


UK 31,727 France 28,722 Italy 26,294

























D E PA R T U R E Upon departure, we wish our student residents a fond farewell. We want to take the opportunity to get feedback on students’ time in our residences. We hope that students have created and sustained a space and place of home and leave with a lasting positive impression.


This report was made possible with the support of:
























A R R I VA L Arrival is about a seamless transition for students. From concierge services to our family zone, our staff is focused on answering queries and reducing any stress student and parent may be experiencing. We want students to feel at home from day one.































PR E - A R R I VA L Pre-arrival for Sodexo is about students meeting our staff, speaking with our residency living team, viewing their new home away from home (either physically or virtually) and engaging with our Student Living app.














RESIDENCE LIFE Social interaction and connecting with fellow students in a living and learning environment is the key to success. We create this environment by providing intelligent, thought-out spaces which are safe, secure and well managed by our residency living team.















I loved how easy everything was to find and how supportive staff were. The reception area was where I spent nights doing work or playing pool and it had everything I could have needed.


“The Student Living by Sodexo family have managed student accommodation for over 25 years within both university and private residences. There’s a genuine empathy and care that’s inherent in our people which helps to realise our mission, which is to deliver a home from home service in a safe and secure environment, supporting students as they develop into young adults who thrive as individuals and make lifelong connections. We do this by weaving our facilities management services with pastoral services as our standard way of working. And we are excited to evolve our service further with the development of our overarching residency living model, Student +, which underpins our ability and desire to create communities that care. We measure our success through SkyFactor, a global residency living survey, which enables us to understand our successes and areas for development. This allows us to ensure that our teams are continually reflecting and growing.



Our people make our business and they are the heart beat that delivers our pioneering residency living offer, enhancing the quality of life and experiences of our residents. Our residency living model is built around our core mission of improving the Quality of Life of those we serve. Student living by Sodexo has developed our residency living model with our changing demographic of students in mind. We tailor our events to be inclusive and ensure that we have tangible outcomes which are continually reviewed. Today’s students are the next generation of role models and innovators; they are pioneers, trendsetters, adventurers, philosophers, artists, teachers and scientists. Our communities are where they live, learn and grow into their future roles within the university and the wider community. From the moment a student applies to live with us, they are guided through their journey with tailored welcome experiences, exclusive events and dedicated support throughout every step of the student journey.

In recent years mental health has become a topic at the forefront of political, sociological and economical interest with media outlets, academic professionals and even members of the Royal Family discussing this on an increasing basis. For example, at Student Living by Sodexo, we place equal importance on mental health and physical health. Our team is trained in mental health first aid, mental health awareness and, when possible, Applied Suicide Intervention Skills (ASIS). Our overarching aim is to support students throughout their journey, from pre-arrival, arrival, living and departure, by providing an environment that supports positive health and wellbeing and creates a community. Creating communities that care is at the very heart of our residence life and residential living work.

We create a ‘home from home’ atmosphere where students can comfortably live and learn. Our sites are small communities and we aim to also engage the larger community across our buildings. We often play host to ‘site nights’ where all of our sites come together and undertake a range of initiatives and programmes aimed at engaging students and staff, including: ‘speed friending’, salsa nights and our new ‘flat chats’ initiatives. These initiatives allow our staff to visit every two weeks with a specific topic such as sleep hygiene and making friends, all to boost social connections. In essence, we and others we have learned with see a value in recognising students’ need to feel connected to our staff and peers. We recognise a need for students to trust our team in order to allow for students to open up about any issues or stresses that may be

Throughout the year if I ever needed anybody to talk to or if I needed any help with anything the reception staff (Mark, Emma and Lisa) were always there! All the staff are very welcoming and positive all the time which made a huge difference to the stay at New Bridge Street. — STUDENT REVIEW

affecting their time at university. A small issue for one person may be all consuming for another, if it is important to our resident then it is important to us. We are proud to have a team who are passionate about delivering the best experience for our students ensuring they are proactively dealing with any concerns. Our people are what make our communities strong and our students succeed. Alongside programming and planning, education is a key focus of our residency living program. In the past punitive methods

of dealing with unacceptable behaviour have left students in debt, upset and disgruntled with their living arrangements. We seek to educate and promote reflection and reflexivity of behaviours to ensure our residents understand how individual actions influence the wider community. Investing, caring and developing is our priority. We can help shape the students’ futures and ensure they have a blended community that allows them to grow as individuals and succeed in their studies.

Tom Martin Residency Living Manager Tom is a highly experienced residency living manager with a demonstrated history of working in the consumer services industry. He is skilled in event planning, customer service, counseling, crisis management and operations. His care ethic guides his lens on provision and operation of student residences at Sodexo.




Oh the places you’ll go In a reflection piece, Zachery Spire PhD, Head of Research & Training at The Class of 2020 shares his lessons learned and vision for the future

Much has been made of the so called marketisation and monetisation of post secondary education. In parallel to moves from elite to mass and now universal post secondary education, student housing has evolved in form, functions and stated purpose across history. As more and more questions are raised about the purpose of a post secondary education for individuals, society and consequences of debt on life courses, it is timely to consider the relationship between public and private investment in post secondary education, student housing and the cascading influences on students, institutions, providers of student housing and their wider communities. My starting point - As a child growing up on a farm, I was fascinated with cities. The lights, the buildings, the diverse sights, sounds, smells all made me feel the world was so much bigger than my own backyard. Every time my family went in to town for a quick shopping trip or to see friends I loved being in the urban. The urban felt connected, it felt diverse, a multiplicity of people and pluralities. I thought, this is the sort of place I belong. As a consequence, I pursued my own post secondary education in cities (Los Angeles, San Francisco Bay and London). My studies centred on student housing and student engagement. Three key concepts shaped my work: space, time and home. 80


Space - In the urban, space has been defined in ever numerable and diversifying manners. From physical space has come questions about social space and the relationship of physical and social space to personal space. As I moved from the abstract in academia I was confronted with a critical realism. In all my concern over the meaning made of student housing I had skipped over the reality of money and investment. I was concerned about staff and student experience and engagement, but all of that largely absented a discussion over who and how these spaces we have called purpose built student housing facilities came to be. Post secondary education remains a clear desire for many people from diverse backgrounds. But what space is there for diversity if money is driving the forms, functions and stated purpose of purpose built student housing for the foreseeable future? What sort of ethic of care is required when it is unclear who and how student housing will next evolve? At The Class of 2020, we have opened up the space for proactive student housing discussion through Regional Sessions and Academy training programmes. It is our intention to positively influence the living space for students, staff and their wider communities. Time is a critical component of my experience moving in and through academia and the private sector of student housing. History is a powerful anchor for imagination and creativity; revisiting experiences and deepening understanding requires an allowance and awareness of time to work through life. . I have had the privilege to work with incredible teachers and teams, learning with an in numerous communities. Time has shown me that the story is always unfolding, always emerging and gaining complexity in light of new evidence, experience and imagination. At times, evidence that we are consolidating what we have known and learned into new forms and functions with new language to give purpose to whether, and how, students’ housing is in any way, shape and form a constituent part of experiencing post secondary education. Time is key as we build, and, as Ram Dass might say, we walk each other Home…

Home has always been something I daydream about. I wonder about how I, and how others, constructed our idea of home at the interface of imagination and reality. How did we manifest home in our lives? Is home a physical place? Is home a psychic place that manifests in our physical realities? Is home something we share in, co-create with our family, friends…something else? And in relation to student housing, how does student housing influence students’ engagement in post secondary education and expectations for housing after living in institution and private provided student housing alternatives. Student housing alternatives are in a consistent state of change. Often, what was imaginative five years ago becomes the new normal for now. Like smart meters and smart speakers, amenities that were once an idea of potential technology are now a normal component of numerous student housing developments. It would be easy to get into an arms race over amenities in student housing. However, it has been my experience in studying and working in and with student housing that relations play the most critical role in shaping student and staff engagement, experience and satisfaction. Coffee talk is as important in 2019 as warm welcomes and fond farewells have been for decades. All this work remains the outcome of human social activity and needs as much care and concern now as ever.

The concepts of Physical, Social and Personal space are critical to how we understand and make meaning of student and staff experience with student housing Next year is graduation year for The Class of 2020 and we are excited to be restarting The Class Academy. We will focus on student housing, student wellbeing and issues confronting operators, providers, staff and students in cities. We will explore how student housing can create a solid homebase and gather feedback from partners about the issues and trends at the leading edge of their work. We want to create spaces and give time to practitioners, policy makers, operators, providers, institutions and students. We are excited and hopeful that as we graduate from the past, live in the present and create the future we will generate new and exciting opportunities to work with our partners, institutions, housing authorities, students and our wider communities. We hope you will join us as we graduate from The Class of 2020 and forge the next chapter in our history. TREND REPORT 2020



Ambitions for a Collective approach to Coliving in Cities How can we improve the lives of those living in cities today? By The Collective team.

Old photos of cities from decades ago are fascinating... In many places of the world, it not only provides a sense of nostalgia, but also serves as an interesting historical reference point on what has changed and what has not. With growing urbanisation, cities have become hubs of economic, social and political power, driving development through the concentration of ideas, skills and resources. This has brought incredible technological advancement, creation of new types of music and arts, as well as an exploding population within global cities. Unsurprisingly, global housing stock within cities has not caught up with time both in terms of quantity as well as quality, resulting in unaffordability and forcing many urban dwellers into subpar accommodation. There is also a lost sense of community and increasing loneliness, with many people moving into city for work often not having any strong local support networks. I don’t see urbanisation as being reversible, so the question is; how can we improve the lives of those living in cities today? At The Collective, this is a question 82


we have been pondering for a decade and our solution is to provide a new type of urban accommodation. Our coliving spaces are beautifully-designed, well-managed and highly-efficient, with a focus on both functional convenience and community spirit. To deliver on those, we have become one of the largest developers, owners and operators of coliving properties globally. To date, we have raised more than $900 million, and are currently developing a pipeline of +6,200 beds in London, Dublin, Germany, New York, Chicago and Miami. We currently have 1,500 beds in operation, with our flagship scheme The Collective Old Oak (a 546-bed ground-up development) boasting 97% occupancy for three consecutive years since its opening. In the past summer we launched The Collective Canary Wharf, which features 705 short and long stay units alongside shared spaces such as a rooftop swimming pool, spa, virtual golf, coworking spaces, a grab-and-go café, and a global fusion restaurant on the 20th floor with exceptional views of London. As we continue to refine our product offering and embrace consumer demand for flexibility, The Collective

Canary Wharf will offer members the ability to stay for one night up to a year. Our vision is to design truly iconic spaces that are brought to life for both our members and the public through art, cultural programming, food and drink – The Collective Canary Wharf represents an exciting example of this ambition.

Now, The Collective hopes to transform its position as leading edge developer of coliving spaces into cutting edge contributor to sustainable cities. Looking forward, I am excited about how coliving can help with making city life better for hundreds of thousands of people around the globe, and making community once again a core part of our urban living.

This report was made possible with the support of:

The Fizz, a brand of International Campus, will offer 777 coliving and student housing apartments across 3 buildings in Hamburg next year.


SOURCES: Australian Government, Department of Education, CBRE, Centraal Bureau voor Statistiek (CBS), Central Statistics Office (CSO) (Ireland), Cushman & Wakefield, Danmarks Statistik (DST), Database for Statistikk om Høgre Utdanning, Educationinireland.com, Experienceinvest, Gobierno de España – Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion Y Universidades, Government of the Netherlands, Governo Italiano – Ministrio dell’Instruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR), Higher Education Authority (HE A), Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft (IW), Irish Universities Association (IUA), JLL, Kences, Knight Frank, Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU), Nuffic, OECD, QS World Rankings, Rebuilding Ireland – National Student Accommodation Strategy, République Française - Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation, Savills, SCB (Sweden), Statistics Poland, Statistik Austria, Statistisches Bundesamt, Study.eu, Studyinaustralia. gov.au, Studyinaustria.net, Studyinbelgium.be, Studyindenmark.com, Studyinsweden.se, Studyingin-germany.org, Studyportals, Uib.no, Uio.no, Usn. no, Universitetskanslersämbetet (UKÄ)






Foreseen demand by international students continues to pressure PBSA Australia continues to be a high demand market for higher education and student housing. A strong higher education sector coupled with growth in demand for PBSA fuels strong supply and demand tailwinds for near term growth across the country. NEW DEVELOPMENTS



Investment in development of PBSA continues across Australia. By late 2019, there will be approximately 86,000 PBSA beds across Australia’s six major higher education markets. The development pipeline is strong, with Melbourne currently accounting for around 50% of the expected supply. GSA has developed two new PBSA facilities in Melbourne, operated by The Student Housing Company. The first, Infinity Place, completed in February, providing 355 new beds. The second one, Park Avenue, will bring another 369 PBSA beds to Melbourne. In Perth, GSA and The Student Housing Company have developed the Boulevard, a PBSA bringing 573 beds to market. By 2022, it is estimated that total supply in the six major higher education markets will be over 100,000 beds. 12,000 will have been developed from second quarter 2018 to second quarter 2019. Continued demand for student accommodation reflects strong international demand for higher education in Australia, especially across the four key universities: Monash, RMIT, University of Melbourne and University of Sydney. Australia continues to be an attractive place to study. Australian universities and cities continued to improve in global rankings. Australian cities have also become more affordable globally. Cost of living and global rankings are key drivers of demand together with a strong and stable economy. By the end of 2019, there will be approximately 86,000 beds in PBSA across Australia’s six major higher education markets. The development pipeline is strong, with Melbourne currently accounting for around 50% of the expected supply.

TRENDS/ ISSUES - UNESCO (2019) noted Australia is the world’s third most popular destination for education, accounting for 7% of the world’s 5 million foreign students. International student enrolments have increased by 73% over the last five years. Geopolitical issues across North American, the United Kingdom and United States are fueling strong demand for Australian higher education and PBSA.

The Student Housing Company’s Perth project, The Boulevard has 573 beds and a great view.

TRANSACTIONS Infinity place Melbourne, 335 beds

Imbalance in supply and demand of PBSA makes Sydney an attractive market for investment. However, there are significant barriers to entry. These barriers include the value associated with competing land uses, particularly residential. This has had a cascading influence resulting in a relatively low development pipeline. The influence of the affordability of student rents on the viability of investment will continue to be a critical issue for Sydney in the next 12 months. Melbourne has continued to be the most active market for student accommodation in 2019 with a pipeline of 16,137 beds, which remains largely static from 2017 despite the completion of a number of schemes. Melbourne’s PBSA development pipeline has remained static in the past 12 months at around 16,000 beds. Approximately 4,706 beds are under construction and due for completion in 2019, with a similar number forecast for completion in 2020.

COUNTRY STATS Top Countries of Origin: China, India & Nepal

Top institutions: Australian National University, University of Melbourne & University of Sydney

Student population:1,332,822 International: 374,320 (28%) Average domestic course fee: 15,000 - 60,000 AUD International fee: 15,000 - 60,000 AUD

Average monthly PBSA rent: 320 - 1,700 AUD

National student housing provision rate: 10%










BELGIUM Austria continues to maintain a high proportion of international students in Europe. With small scale, interest from international investors for PBSA in Austria continues to be low.

In Austria’s growing student housing market, housing yields for Q1 2019 showed prime net student housing yields holding at 4.25%. 10 year government bonds were set at 0.31% and yield of new bonds stood at 3.94%. Greystar is actively working to add capacity as part of their overall portfolio growth strategy totaling $4.5bn (USD). IC Campus, in partnership with The Fizz, have opened up Main Station (Vienna), bringing 195 apartments into the Vienna pipeline for Autumn 2019.

Higher education in Austria is run according to a binary system. The binary system is parallel provision of academic education and higher professional education. Education is compulsory from ages 6-15 and can also be offered by private schools. Higher education is offered at three types of postsecondary institutions: public universities, universities of applied sciences and private universities.

A key issue for student housing in Austria continues to rest with international students and their long term stay in the country. For many students, finding somewhere to live for the duration of their higher education course. Where students live and how students live upon course completion is becoming a key concern for the Austrian government.


The Fizz has 195 apartments at their Main Station project in Vienna

COUNTRY STATS Top Countries of Origin: Germany, Italy & Turkey

Top institutions: University of Vienna, Vienna University of Technology & Universität Innsbruck Student population: 376,700 International: 99,040 (26.3%) Average domestic course fee: €18 Non-EU: €1,450

Average monthly PBSA rent: €250 - 500 National student housing provision rate: 6%





Interest in Belgium’s higher education institutions continues to grow. Demand by Erasmus+ and study abroad students to influence the supply, demand and distribution of student housing, coliving and coworking spaces across the country.

Growth in Belgian higher education reflects acceleration of a globalising higher education landscape. Transparency of Belgian study possibilities and higher mobility of European and international students is a key driver for Belgium higher education and a byproduct of the Erasmus programs. Demand is also effected by students’ geographical situation, low maintenance and housing costs, the Lisbon agreement 2020 and a trend of prolonged studies. Student numbers across Belgium have been on a steady climb from ’1112 to ’16-17. Students have a strong influence on Belgiums’ five largest cities: Antwerp, Leuven, Ghent, Brussels and Liège. The approach to addressing students’ demand for housing amongst these major cities will have a strong influence on the development and distribution of students and housing across the country over the next five years. In Brussels, Xior has opened Alma-Roxi, bringing 339 units online this September.

In Belgium there is very little university accommodation. Social housing is scarce and continues to fall short of growing demand from students. Between 2013-2016, there was a strong increase in students; this trend is expected to continue in the near term as students look beyond the UK and across continental Europe for countries offering English Taught Programmes. Quares is investing across Brussels, Antwerp and Luik where they have 5, 15 and 1 site respectivel. These sites encompass 267, 202 and 146 rooms with valuation between €7.6 and €29.6 mln.

Xior Alma Roxy in Brussels, 339 units

COUNTRY STATS Top Countries of Origin: France, Netherlands & Luxembourg

Top institutions: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, University of Ghent & Université Catholique de Louvain

Student population: 508,270 International: 61,102 (12%)

Average domestic course fee: €835 - 906 Non-EU: €2,400 - 15,000

Average monthly PBSA rent: €200 - 700

National student housing provision rate: 11%






Student housing provision continues to feel the pressure of low supply.



Student housing provision continues to feel the pressure of low supply and overwhelming demand by students in higher education. The percentage of public and private student beds remains a fraction of the students in higher education countrywide. Burgeoning demand for French higher education continues. In general, student housing provision remains well below total students in higher education. While public and private PBSA provision remains around 15%, in major city regions there is even lower student to student bed-spaces. Paris’ student to student bed-space ratio is approximately 9.5% and Toulouse at 13.2%. With strong international demand for higher education and a desire for recognised qualifications, demand for French higher education looks set to rise. In particular, growth in demand from Asia has accelerated as the region continues to show strong interest in European higher education. As the ‘plan 40,000’ proposes, private market and student halls of residence with a preference for international students and students not on grants is set to rise. However, balancing private market, social housing landlords and student halls of residence will continue to be a point of concern. Without doubt, investment in the Paris region will be a key cornerstone for portfolio development across

the French landscape. However, building out of Paris, numerous regions (i.e. Nantes) will require scaling and scoping provision, pricing, building types and planning in line with local housing authorities and national housing policy and planning frameworks.

With one-fifth of the French population and generating one-third of the GDP for France, Paris is a key area of interest for real estate investment. Due to a tax incentive scheme allowing private investors in build-to-let accommodation to deduct 11% of such investment from their annual taxable income for a period of nine years, capturing market share from the dominant ‘private landlord’ segment and reaching 40,000 new units

nationwide by 2020 remains in focus. This would bring total halls of residence to roughly 220,000 bed spaces, a 20% increase from last estimates of 2017/18. In focus are the growth in student housing, coliving and coworking.

In reflectiong in tensions between affordability and accessibility of student housing, CEO Meka Brunel of Gecina remarked: “to reestablish confidence and trust, the challenge is also to successfully accomplish urban densification to become more fluid and inclusive.”

COUNTRY STATS Top Countries of Origin: China, Morocco & Algeria Top institutions: Paris Sciences et Lettres Research University, Ecole Polytechnique & Sorbonne University Student population: 2,680,400 International: 343,386 (12.8%)

Average domestic course fee: €170 - 20,000 Non-EU: €2,770 - 20,000

Average monthly PBSA rent: €250 - 1,000

National student housing provision rate: 13%


Top and bottom: New developments from Cardinal Campus in Lyon and Montpellier


17% 12.1%




11.9% 10.9%
















IREL AND Denmark continues to showcase strong social and private interest in purpose built student accommodation. Student numbers remain stable and ‘where’ and ‘how’ students live continues to be a strong mix of current and affordable housing alternatives. The market for student housing in Denmark is driven by strong domestic and international student demand for higher education. In Copenhagen, search for student accommodation remains challenging as coverage of purpose-built student accommodation remains a fraction of all students. Approximately 15-16% of total students are covered by the supply of purpose-built student housing. Meanwhile, teh coverage rate across Denmark remains roughly 25%. In the years 2018-2022, 24 new High quality and affordable are not mutually exclusive. Rather, investors and developers must take into account the influence of location, surrounding amenities, access to shopping, proximity to institutions and availability of public/private transport links into city centres. Changing demographics and the general lack of supply of student housing should attract the attention and interest of investors.

One of the more notable issues in Danish student housing revolves around land use, and, the decision by the Danish government to guarantee housing to students in the capital city. A number of authors have discussed how Denmark has put itself on a path to guaranteeing students housing in Copenhagen. The proposal would see the Danish government land a deal with the municipalities in the capital area to develop and sustain student housing for students in higher education across their courses.

development projects will be built, which will correspond to approximately 6,000 new student housing units in Copenhagen. While student numbers have remained relatively stable, and the student housing development is at its highest level, it will still fall short of current demand.

Ireland is addressing its student housing head on. With a National Student Accommodation Strategy, the government is hoping to address the dearth of housing for students and growing concerns over supply.



COUNTRY STATS Top Countries of Origin: Norway, Germany & Romania

Top institutions: University of Copenhagen, Technical University of Denmark & Aarhus University Student population: 271,458 International: 60,245 (22.2%)

Average domestic course fee: €0 Non-EU: €6,000 - €16,000

Average monthly PBSA rent: €250 - €900

Projects amounting to a total of 28,000 PBSA bed spaces are demonstrating strong growth in the sector and enhancing the mix of accommodation available to students during a time of accommodation shortage in the general rental sector. In a survey completed by the government, 29% of colleges outside of Dublin feel that there is a shortage of private beds. 100% of colleges in Dublin feel that there is a shortage of private bedspaces in the city. 75% of colleges surveyed do not believe there is sufficient zoned land to aid student accommodation close to their college and 50% of colleges plan to carry out new construction in the coming year. Concentrating on Dublin and Cork, GSA in cooperation with Uninest Students completed Dominick Place in Dublin bringing 320 beds to market. Estimated for early 2020, Highfield Park (514 beds) and Brewery Quarter (420 beds) are set for completion, bringing much needed relief to two of the most demanded on Irish student cities.

REBUILDING IRELAND as of the end Q1 2019


PBSA beds had been completed since the launch


Bed spaces were under construction


Additional beds had planning permission granted


Were at the planning permission application stage

National student housing provision rate: 25%

GSA Highfield Park in Dublin, 514 beds

COUNTRY STATS Top Countries of Origin: USA, China & India Top institutions: Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin & National University of Ireland Galway Student population: 189,147 International: 25,172 (13%)

Average domestic course fee: €0 - 30,000 Non-EU: €9,000 - €35,000

Average monthly PBSA rent: €400 - €1,000

National student housing provision rate: 17.7%






City cores continue to drive the balance between housing, business and goverment.





As Germany’s student housing market matures, investors and officials alike are looking to emerging markets of coliving and coworking to address steady demand by young professionals for living and working space. After decades of Studentenwerk dominating the total number of student bedspaces in the German context, the idea that provision of inexpensive and basic housing is the sole purpose of a hall of residence appears to be outdated. Places in a hall of residence should continue to be priced in relation to the limited budgets students have available to them (either domestic or international students). Still, students’ expectations have moved on. With the Bologna Process setting a framework to harmonise degree courses throughout Europe, a significant increase in educational mobility appears concentrated in specific countries like Germany. Students entering a master’s programme often leave their bachelor’s programme study location. The Bologna Process and ERASMUS+ programme have made student mobility and access to advanced degrees outside of a student’s home country more accessible. With changing student populations have come changing expectations of student residences. In the past, a small room with communal washroom facilities was standard. Now, demand and supply of student housing has moved investment towards individual ensuite style rooms with shared kitchen facilities and study spaces. The hall of residence concepts are undergoing ever newer, more creative designs and appear in competition with each other for ever growing lists of amenities to highlight and draw prospective student residents’ attention. While this may have numerous benefits to students around options and opportunities in the types of student housing they are engaging with, it might also lead to an ‘arms’ race amongst

developers, operators and providers growing ever keen to build the next ‘luxury’ student accommodation. A consequence of this approach may also be the distancing of students who live in the longstanding student halls to be perceived as marginalised by those entering into the newer, shinier and ever more pricey student halls of today. While it is unclear whether, and if/how, developers/ operators/providers will continue to develop new typologies of student halls and integrate ever more into the prospective student halls, investors entering the German market may find space in the mid-tier provision while numerous existing operators/providers are developing for what many have called the top-tier of the German market.

COUNTRY STATS Top Countries of Origin: China, Russia & India Top institutions: Technical University of Munich, LMU Munich & RKU Heidelberg Student population: 2,863,609 International: 393,579 (13.7%)

Average domestic course fee: €0 Non-EU: €650 - €30,000

Average monthly PBSA rent: €250 - €800

National student housing provision rate: 11%


For Germany, the merger of Corestate and CRM consolidated the mission and vision of two major players. Corestate and its coinvestors invest in residential real estate (both existing properties and Project Developments) in major German cities and their catchment areas. Their focus is on high-quality residential properties with a strong tenant structure. The German student housing market is now entering a mature and developed state. Moreover, whether and how the

typologies of student housing are keeping pace with students who are arriving as digital natives remains an open question. Students’ preferences and satisfaction in housing continues to evolve, while the middle tier offer of new types of housing for students and young professionals remains a key interest for investors, developers, institutions and their wider communities.


One of the key issues in Bundesstaten throughout Germany is the issue of land utilization. Balancing the public and private development of existing public lands and the reshaping of whether, and how, existing land utilization may be revisited and revised to increase supply of student halls and other alternative housing types remains a hot topic of public debate. With central policy makers shaping the macro level discussion and local housing authorities responding to dynamic

supply and demand for housing across their populations, land use policy remains a key consideration. The political economy of land remains a key consideration for the investment and divestment in student housing across the German context.

SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE INVESTING In the first study to analyse the difference in performance between SRI and conventional investing approaches, Union Investments commissioned the Research Centre for Financial Service and Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin to explore the advantages and disadvantages of SRI. Some of the key insights from their analyses included: SRI does not deliver worse returns when compared with conventional investing. The majority of existing studies did not classify sustainable investments as having a lower risk/return profile. In the case of sustainable funds, the greatest performance potential is often derived from using a best-in-class approach.

Student housing in Germany is a segment of particular interest as it generates higher returns than general residential investments. However, the yield spread with residential properties in recent years has been on the decline. In the last several years, CBRE and others have observed prices are rising and yields are declining. Up to 2015, they noted that predominantly small-scale individual transactions were the general norm. From 2015 up to the present, not only have the number of transactions risen but development projects are increasingly emerging as the focus. While existing properties were still predominant transactions back in 2015, developments and conversions accounted for over 50 per cent of all purchases registered in 2016 and 2017. With investors like Global Student Accommodation (GSA) entering the market, CBRE noted that investment volumes of the biggest property transactions were again in Hamburg and Berlin.






Public private partnerships highlight the PBSA debate.


The great debate of a ‘north’ and ‘south’ divide has become magnified in the supply, demand and development of student housing, coliving and coworking developments across italian cities. Students and young professionals, single families and the elderly are all facing tensions of supply, demand and distribution of work, life and housing.

ERASMUS+ 2017 IN ITALY Source: European Commission

Higher education School education Vocational education & training Adult education Youth


Demand for residential and alternative asset class investments is driving demand and supply of student housing, coliving and coworking spaces across Italy. As CBRE noted in their 2019 Real Estate Market Outlook, ‘community’ is at the heart of demand for developing new typologies of student housing, coliving and coworking spaces. The demand for these typologies of living, working and community development is robust. Cities like Bologna and Firenze are addressing the steady stream of student and non-student demand by exploring new public-private partnerships, attracting both the attention and investment of foreign capital in order to generate new and creative solutions to the live-work-learn triad. The triple helix of government, universities and private providers collaborating is intensifying as demand continues to outpace supply across Italy.

Grants: €128.54 million €10.3 million €857,718 €30.3 million One of Campus X’s stylish rooms at their Belfiore location


COUNTRY STATS Top Countries of Origin: China, Albania & Romania

Top institutions: Politecnico di Milano, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna Pisa & University of Bologna Student population: 1,654,680 International: 76,351 (4.6%)

Average domestic course fee: €510 - 20,000 Non-EU: €510 - 20,000

National student housing provision rate: 3% The Student Hotel in Bologna has 361 rooms for students and students at heart.



€6.8 million €80.2 million

Participants: 66,978 9,612 455 11,502

3,328 42,081

Projects: 996 25

INVESTMENTS Average monthly PBSA rent: €200 - €1,000

There is a strong focus on the geographic concentration of work across a ‘northsouth’ divide in Italy. To the north, Milano, where concentrations of young people and commerce are highlighting the evolution of student housing, coworking and coliving. To the south, a heavy reliance on manufacturing and agriculture are highlighting divisions in the country with the concentration of diverse activities across a growing regional divide. While the north-south divide highlights a desire to cooperate, it has become clear that more abundant work and housing are driving the attractiveness of northern cities. These pressures will continue to amplify issues of accessibility, affordability, participation and representation in higher education, work and living typologies.

Investment in student housing, coliving and coworking spaces are concentrated in specific cities and regions. For example, Milan, Firenze and Rome are seeing increasing activity and interest from across the student housing, coliving and coworking sectors. In the south a divestment out of education, housing and work is accelerating.










Policy is shaping the investment field for PBSA

At our regional session, hosted by Loyens & Loeff, demand for development of PSBA in cities, with specific interest in Amsterdam, highlighted the prospective value of Student Experience bringing a 600 studio development to the city, slated for completion in the second half of 2020. In addition AM, in their Crossover project, are bringing much needed development to Amsterdam with 166 units. Student Experience International Amsterdam, 600 studios, to be completed second half 2020

Top institutions: Delft University of Technology, University of Amsterdam & Eindhoven University of Technology


With such a gap in supply and demand, investment into purpose built student accommodation continues to be of central concern. Institutions and private providers alike are focusing on developing, in partnership, new student housing within ‘travel to university’ areas surrounding cities (i.e. Amstelveen for Amsterdam, Haarlem for Amsterdam, Groningen).

Student population: 747,958 International: 85,500 (11.4%)

HE IN NUMBERS Average domestic course fee: €2,060 Non-EU: €1,906 - 32,000

Average monthly PBSA rent: €380 - 625

National student housing provision rate: 18%







Other HEIs



SOURCE: CBS Stock Balance +73.921 +8.775 +2.570 +261

Netherlands Amsterdam The Hague Rotterdam

Initial stock vs Final stock



Top Countries of Origin: Germany, Italy & China




Increasing numbers of English Taught Programmes (ETPs) and international student demand for Dutch higher education has accelerated the gaps between the supply and demand for student housing. Alongside increases in ETPs, the Dutch government has supported strengthening recruitment of international students, whose higher fees and spending bring an appreciable value to the Netherlands. In a time of Brexit and tensions in and across the European Union high demand for ERASMUS+ programmes growth is expected to persist.




Demand for residential property in the Netherlands continues to accelerate. The trend of demand for residential property is evident in the sharp rise in rent levels across urban areas throughout the country. Strain on housing supply in a number of Dutch cities (e.g. Amsterdam) has been related to a sharp increase in demand as cities develop knowledge centres where a high concentration of governmental funding and resources towards these hubs for technology (i.e. Eindhoven, Delft) is having a cascading influence on housing supply, demand and distribution. Demand by expats and students staying in cities after their studies is compounding the supply-demand gap for residential property, including available land for built-to-let, build-to-rent, purpose-built student accommodation and single family housing.





Trends in supply, demand and distribution of student housing, coworking and coliving in the Netherlands continues to accelerate. The Netherlands is well positioned to continue to be a hot spot of demand.





Demand of surrounding countries is driving demand for PBSA



In Poland, interest and investment in purpose-built student accommodation continues to grow. With strong fundamentals and growing interest in Polish cities as centres for investment, the country continues its ascent up the international interest ladder. The majority of student houses in Poland (2017/2018 academic year) are owned by public HEIs - in the 449 pubblic HEI dormitories 122,119 beds were offered. Private higher education institutions offered a total of 35 student houses with only 3,892 beds. Private investors add another 6,500 beds to total supply. New projects in Kraków, Gdańsk and Warsaw are to be completed in 2019 and 2020 In the next few years supply of beds in Poland will increase by as much as 10,000 bed spaces, assuming all planned projects are completed. Approximately 1/4 of the pipeline is currently under construction: three projects in Kraków; two in Gdańsk, three in Warsaw and one in Wrocław. Some of the most active private investors in the PBSA sector in Poland are: BaseCamp, Student Depot, Gent Holding, Golub GetHouse, IC Campus, Silver Rock and Metropolitan Investment. Apart from private investors, new developments are also planned by public universities. University of Warsaw plans to build a dormitory with approximately 300 beds of high standards. A similar investment is planned by the University of Rzeszów, sets also to refurbish two operating student houses. Both Student.com and Savills found that students opt for a private space as opposed to a shared room, however students still value communal spaces. Gym, garden/patio and grocery stores were pointed at as the most favourable amenities in dorms and some students are willing to pay an extra fee for these additional facilities.




71,540 55% Warsaw

23,298 33% Krakow

8,625 12%

TRENDS/ ISSUES - By nationality, the

SOURCE: UNESCO Institute for Statistics

largest group of foreign students in Poland are comprised of the country’s eastern neighbours- Ukrainians (55%) and Belorussians (8%). The total number of students from these countries is growing each year and is especially visible in academic hubs like Warsaw and Lublin.


1,290,245 68% Warsaw

258,910 20% Krakow

157,693 12% One of Campus X’s stylish rooms at their Belfiore location

COUNTRY STATS Top Countries of Origin: Ukraine, Belarus & Norway Top institutions: Jagiellonian University, University of Warsaw & Warsaw University of Technology Student population: 1,291,870 International: 72,743 (5.6%)

Average domestic course fee: €0 Non-EU: €2,000 - 50.000

Average monthly PBSA rent: €90 - 450

National student housing provision rate: 10%


Poland continues to emerge as a solid space for further investment in purpose-built student residential accommodation. With the sixth largest student population in the European Union, amounting to 1,347,481 students enrolled in higher education programmes. International students account for 5.10% of the total number of students, a level similar to levels in Italy and Spain. Students, both domestic and internationa sl, are a group of residents rapidly growing in importance to Polish cities and market development. Students with increased purchasing power are having a big influence on residential, retail investments and city centre developments and urban diversity. In parallel, low tuition fees and cost of living combined with a wide range of English taught courses and job opportunities continue to position Poland as an attractive market for domestic and foreign students and investment. Notably, population of students is declining, but more for part-time programmes and the number of international students is rising.

SOURCE: World Bank






Czech Republic


SOURCE: World Bank






Czech Republic


SOURCE: StudyPortals






International students and Erasmus+ shaping Spain HE






Students seeking a warm, welcoming and hospitality driven higher education environment are continuing to be drawn to Spain’s higher education sector.

Good universities, a strong culture, welcoming atmosphere and robust tourism blend to make Spain an attractive space to develop. In Madrid, Student Experience is expected to bring Pozuelo, a 600 studio facility, online in 2021. In Barcelona, GSA in partnership with Nido and Universitat de Barcelona are developing two Residencias with 350 and 505 beds respectively. Alongside these projects, Xior has developed Diagonal Besos, adding 225 beds in July 2019. While WP Carey and Livensa Living have brought Diagonal Alto online in August, adding 378 beds to the PSBA market in Barcelona. Spain again topped the rankings as the preferred destination of Erasmus students. The number of inbound Erasmus students received by Spain continues to grow at a compound annual rate of 4.4% (2007/08 to 2015/16). JLL estimates that some 473,254 young people will need student accommodation in the coming year. While demand is growing, last estimates set purpose built student accommodation beds in Spain at just over 93,000 bed spaces.

Spain reflects how the future is blended. From Erasmus+ to recruiting international study abroad students, demand for study places, purpose-built student accommodation, coliving and coworking spaces are evolving throughout the country. From Barcelona to Madrid to Valencia, demand for student places and student housing continues to accelerate. While the short term is bright, the management of university and private provided student housing will be vital to the sustainability of blended cities across Spain.

Livensa Living Diagonal Alto, Barcelona, 378 beds


Xior Barcelona Diagonal Besos, 225 beds

The bullish trend witnessed over previous years continues into 2019 with numerous new accommodation units (all student residences) offering additional beds. This growth is expected to persist thanks to the development of new projects estimated to increase capacity by 6.2% through 2019. The number of beds available at accommodation owned by public universities has significantly reduced over recent years. However, growth has been overwhelmingly positive in the case of privately managed accommodation not connected to public or private universities. For example, The Student Hotel is expanding quickly in Spain, other European cities and further afield. It will open 300 rooms in Q3 of 2019 in a prime location in the city centre of Madrid, showcasing the best in class and most innovative student housing / coliving / coworking. The Madrid project is in line with The Student Hotel’s strategy to quickly expand in the main Spanish cities and create 3,000 rooms in Spain in the next four years. Additionally, Nexo and Collegiate are developing and opening new PBSA in Barcelona.

COUNTRY STATS Top Countries of Origin: Colombia, Italy & Peru

Top institutions: Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona & Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Student population: 1,594,844 International: 139,701 (8.7%)

Average domestic course fee: €750 €20,000 Non-EU: €750 - €20,000

Average monthly PBSA rent: €350-1,300

National student housing provision rate: 6%











Norway continues to develop its position as an international knowledge economy. The government has adopted and adapted a framework to attract and retain international students and talent.

There is growing political and social interest in increasing Norway’s position in the international knowledge economy. By extension, interest in recruiting international students is also on the rise. Financial and political investment in areas such as research and the establishment of centres of excellence aim to accelerate Norway’s development as it strategically positions itself as a hub for knowledge and technology. Like many peer countries, Norway has devised a framework aimed at increasing international student Norway is a leading innovator in the development of frameworks to explore and understand student satisfaction with various typologies of student housing. Judith Thomsen and Terje Andreas Eikemo have led the charge with their explorative study of student satisfaction with and in student housing across the Trondheim region. Their data was generated through a quantitative survey which emphasised: (1) type of tenancy/ ownership, (2) the impact of demographic variables, (3) housing location, (4) housing characteristics and (5) Individual facilities (kitchen/bathroom). The survey data indicated students’ satisfaction with their residence centred on: the type of tenancy/ownership; the quality of different housing characteristics and the location of a students’ residential accommodation to university and nonuniversity community facilities. In Thomsen and Eikemo’s study, individual facilities and demographic variables did not have a significant effect on housing satisfaction.

mobility, attracting and retaining higher education students. This manifests itself as a number of policy and economic reforms aimed at developing Norway’s competitiveness to recruit and retain international talent.



COUNTRY STATS Top Countries of Origin: Sweden, Russia & Germany

Top institutions: University of Oslo, University of Bergen & NTNU

Student population: 275,610 International: 24,155 (8.8%)

Average domestic course fee: €32 - 64 Non-EU: €32 - 9,500

Average monthly PBSA rent: €300 - 800

National student housing provision rate: 8%


Portugal exemplifies how shifts in social attitudes towards higher education and housing are getting realised in the southern European region. As a destination for Erasmus+ and study abroad students, Portugal student housing growth in supply and demand is being realised in diverse new housing typologies throughout the country. Portugal continues to be a prime destination for ERASMUS+ and international students on study abroad courses. Portuguese universities who students perceive as having good reputations and high quality of life feature in reports by JLL and Savills. With an open and welcoming social atmosphere, warm climate and environment Portugal continues to attract domestic and international students.

Specialist PBSA operators include: Collegiate, U.HUB, Private Investeros and SPRU. These operators provide over 600 rooms in Lisbon, while PortoAlto, PORTO STUDIOS, and WORLD SPRU Porto provide under 300 in Porto. However, growth in demand for alternative student housing and nonuniversity provided student housing has laid the foundation for future investment from both domestic and international student accommodation investors. Student demand for purpose built student residences with dining facilities, gyms, internet and other amenities is prompting the development of new typologies of student housing throughout the country. In Porto, WP Carey with Livensa Living, have opened Porto Campus, with 572 beds, bringing much needed bedspace to the Porto market. In Lisbon, Milestone has completed work on 220 apartments in Porto Asprela and is set to complete a 192 apartment scheme, Carcavelos Lombos, in early 2020.

COUNTRY STATS Top Countries of Origin: Brazil, Angola & Spain

Top institutions: University of Lisbon, Universidade do Porto, University of Coimbra

Student population: 372,753 International: 49,708 (13.3%) Average course fee: €900 - 4,000 Non-EU: €950 - 4,000

Average monthly PBSA rent: €150 - 950

National student housing provision rate: 3 - 6%

Milestone Carcavelos 192 apartments in Lisbon






Economies of scale are dominating discussions of PBSA



As a mature student housing market, consolidation of housing providers and operators has resulted in increased aconomy of scale and stable marginal growth rates. Like student housing, coliving and coworking are also gaining strong interest and investment, especially in London. Research indicates UK students’ satisfaction with purpose-built student accommodation is strong. The number of bed spaces due to be built for the 2019/20 academic year is 25% higher than last year. Some 29,000 purpose-built student bedrooms are due to be completed across the UK by the start of the 2019/20 academic year, up 25% from 23,000 in 2018/19. While universities continue to provide the vast majority of student accommodation bed spaces (64%), private developers are expected to build nearly 90% of the beds to be built for the 2019/20 academic year and 82% of the total beds due to be completed by 2021. Student accommodation has seen strong returns on investment, a drive towards increased economies of scale brought about through mergers and acquisitions. The 625,000 bedspaces mean that approximately 34% of people studying in the UK have access to dedicated and purpose-built student accommodation bed spaces. This provision rate compares favourably to other countries, such as the Netherlands (18%), Germany (11%) and Australia (10%). In Exeter, GSA in partnership with The Student Housing Company has opened Clifford House, bringing 312 new beds to a rising local market in the UK. As noted in the Crosslane UK report, the maturing UK market faces a number of geopolitical issues. However, strong demand from China may mean little or no drop off in demand for PBSA.


In 2018, student housing investment topped 17 billion USD (13 billion GBP) the third year consecutive year where investment exceeded 16 billion USD. Investment in UK PBSA continues at a strong pace. Foreign direct interest and investment , especially from sovereign wealth funds, for student accommodation in the UK continues to grow.


As students reframe enhanced amenities, social spaces, flexible payment schedules, access to public transpor t links and favourable pricing, greater focus on branding, segmentation and provision will foreground quality of amenities, location and connection to local provisions and public transport links to and from institutions.

As AXA Investment noted, Brexit dominates the outlook. The outlook for 2019 remains focused on the UK’s decision to leave the European Union (EU) and the path it follows thereafter. We continue to believe the bleak implications that the UK would face, if it left without a deal - and particularly without a transition in March - will force a political acceptance of the arrangement that the government has brokered with the EU (or a mildly amended version).

COUNTRY STATS Top Countries of Origin: China, India & USA

Top institutions: University of Cambridge, University of Oxford & University College London

Student population: 2,343,095 International: 458,490 (19.6%) Clifford House Exeter, 312 beds

Average domestic course fee: £7,500 - 12,500 Non-EU: £4,300 - 27,700

Average monthly PBSA rent: £200 - 2,000

National student housing provision rate: 30%

Hox Park, Egham, 499 beds












Setting the scene, higher education in Sweden continues to be governed by government policy and practice. Supply, demand and distribution of student housing continues to be dominated by the government. Higher education in Sweden continues to be governed by the Higher Education Act and the Higher Education Ordinance set out terms for access, participation, recruitment and retention in Swedish higher education institutions. Across the 51 state sponsored universities, the vast majority of Swedish student accommodation is subsidised, developed and operated by the government. As such, there have been strong headwinds to invest, develop and operate private provided student accommodation throughout Sweden. Total enrolled students (undergraduate and postgraduate) remain stable. Between 2013/14 and 2017/18, total enrolled students fell from 405,878 to 405,539. However, while total enrollment remains relatively stable international students continue to rise. Between 2013/14 and 2017/18, international student numbers rise from 39,884 to 44,362 (an increase of 1.1%).

The Higher Education Act and Ordinance continue to shape Sweden’s approach to supply and distribution of housing across cities. Swedish student accommodation remains a subsidised and component part of students’ participation in higher education. There remains strong headwinds against external and private investment and development of student accommodation.

Increase of International Students between 2013 and 2018

1.1% # English Taught Programmes

100 COUNTRY STATS Top Countries of Origin: Germany, France & China Top institutions: Lund University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology & Uppsala University Student population: 403,287 International: 37,852 (9.4%) Average domestic course fee: €0 Non-EU: €9,700 - 15,000

Average monthly PBSA rent: €250 - 625

National student housing provision rate: 22%



Sustainable Relationships in Student Accommodation

Student Roost focuses on: safe, secure, social and well designed student housing that is value for money. They are an owner/ operator of 54 Student Accommodation communities, spread across 20 cities and providing a home away from home to 20,000 students in the UK. Through a dual strategy of existing building acquisition and new developments they have added to their portfolio in a considered way to ensure buildings provide residents with great locations, facilities and most crucially, value for money. The importance of Ethos At the heart of the Student Roost ethos, is the desire to retain customers throughout their period of study. This approach supports the community feel of our buildings and allows a diverse, but likeminded group of residents, to form close bonds as they share some of the most important years of their lives. In addition, Student Roost teams aim to inspire residents to recommend living at their buildings to fellow students and friends. These objectives frame the form, functions and purpose surrounding Student Roosts provisions. The idea of retaining students is, of course, not new to the PBSA sector. Across the UK, numerous operators offer financial incentives to ‘rebook’ or ‘refer-a-friend’. Student Roost took the opportunity, designing a new brand and operating platform, to go further. With an experienced leadership team, they mapped out every policy, operational process, product and aspect of building design that traditionally provide the blueprint for operating Student Accommodation in the UK and asked one simple question, “What more can we do to

Purpose built student accommodation continues to be a key asset class in the UK. In his column, Nathan Goddard highlights how both the operational and social ethos of Student Roost serve as an example of how revisiting some of the basics can raise student satisfaction and retention in PBSA

make the decision our residents take to stay living with us for multiple years an easy one?”. This challenge required us to turn much of the way the PBSA sector positions our products on its head. From rethinking the way we categorise room classifications to ensuring transparency of pricing; changing our payment approach to allow students to pay monthly at no extra cost and supporting our residents budgeting by moving the first payment date to after student loans are paid: put simply, we ask and continue to ask ourselves, what makes it easier for our residents? The Value of Operations Similar questions were asked of our people and operational model. Reflecting on the need for 24/7 customer care we operate every building with 24/7 on-the-ground customer service teams; ensuring a true round the clock service, rather than simply a presence. This has enabled us to focus on customer contact that now defines the way student communities are operated, to a more customer-facing ethos that is always delivered with a smile. Effective facilities for Student Residents Recent history has been a time to ask some searching questions about how best to design new buildings and refurbish the properties we have acquired. Research and internal reflections by Student Roost have led us to a design approach that supports the building of communities within our properties. Rather than factoring in standalone social facilitiesthe benefits of which are more influenced by being able to market a shopping list of facilities that look good on a marketing website – for example, creating open-plan, multifaceted communal rooms that allow Generation Z to control how they use their spaces. Crucially, this supports a focus on resident wellbeing, allowing diverse groups of young people to feel alone but together, together but alone as they experience their own version of University life. As such, putting an emphasis on the development of staff and students mental health and physical wellbeing, is vital to creating and sustaining a community that cares. TREND REPORT 2020


Nido is the Platinum Sponsor of this years Conference. We asked them to share their vision, insights and ideas for innovation.

Creating spaces for


Nido is a UK based student accommodation provider. Along with several locations throughout the UK (i.e. London, Birmingham) they are expanding their pipeline into Europe, including: Netherlands, Ireland, Portugal and Germany. From 2,000 beds, Nido has expanded to over 10,000 beds. At Nido, the goal is to make sure that students’ days will be ones to remember. Location is key when picking student accommodation, which is why they hand-select each residence to make sure students are close to their university and the city centre, so students never have to worry about being late to a class or a party. Their awardwinning service will make you feel like you are in a ‘home away from home’. Nido supports students living their best student life, so they have got event calendars that will introduce students to new friends, experiences and accomplishments throughout their stay. Nido Student is more than just a room, it’s where lie-ins, lectures, lunches out, library time, and nights out create memories.

unique features. From table-tops made from recycled yoghurt lids to dedicated Zen rooms, every space is designed with students and the things they care about first. We create spaces for communities of savvy, demanding, aspirational, intelligent and creative students. We’re conscious of our impact on the environment, of how our spaces directly impact the emotions of our customers, and how technologybuilding integration is increasingly a normal part of life for these digital natives; a norm, not an extra. Sustainability We asked our students and they value sustainability just as much as we do. Nido’s are constructed sustainably and designed to encourage sustainability in our customers. One thing in particular our Nido students wanted to see

less of was single use plastics. So every new Nido features a Nido water re-fill station which our students use with their chilly bottles. We also use locally sourced and long-lasting materials. In particular we use materials that are 100% recycled, like Forbo’s zero-waste energetic floor and Smile Plastic’s tabletops made from plastic bottles, yoghurt pots and food packaging. Wellbeing Wellbeing is on the agenda for young people, and it’s firmly on ours. Our Nido team offer 24-hour service and support 7 days a week and we work with local charities and organisations to support our communitie’s happiness and health. Like many student accommodation providers and operators note, the environment has a direct impact on mental health, particularly in

Left: Reception area of Nido Porto a 1028-bed scheme in Portugal Bottom: Private Dining Room of Nido Groningen

Nido Spaces Research commissioned by Nido suggests 76% of students residing in Nido residences are worried about the future of our planet. 40% practice yoga to deal with their anxiety and stress. 1 in 10 wish to start their own charity, and most think that Instagram provides the best platform to engage with one another. Nido spaces are created based on our four brand focusses on sustainability, wellbeing, community and design and tech. Each Nido has a host of 108




Like many student accommodation providers and operators note, the environment has a direct impact on mental health, particularly in young people

young people. So Nidos now include spaces like zen areas, yoga studios, running tracks, tranquil study spaces and roof gardens. Student accommodation providers are also striving to increase biodiversity. Nido hopes to increase teh use of indoor plants by 15% in the next year. We know that plants reduce stress levels, sharpen mental focus, and purify air. Natural light and colour choices are also important for promoting positive mental health. A recent study into the enduring popularity of millennial pink found that millennials frequently link this colour directly to markers of childhood nostalgia (toys, milkshakes, cartoons) so its use in a space can subconsciously boost a student’s mood.

Students want to live in instagrammable spaces that have the wow-factor and allow them to live, study and work in a vibrant, like-minded culture. Every Nido is different, but our ambition to create thoughtful, sophisticated and adaptable spaces is evident throughout. Our eyes are on the future. Not only of our business, but of the planet and its people. Nido believes that those who live with us will shape tomorrow. They’re going to make the world kinder, more sustainable, healthier, smarter and we are here to play our part.

Design & Tech Technology is evolving faster than ever. Students are tech-savvy and generations of digital natives quickly adapt to shifts in the way technology is used and consumed. A key focus is the integration of tech within the fabric of our buildings to better enable our communities to live, study and interact. Features like built in LED lighting and speaker systems controlled via voice or apps allow students to personalise and adapt spaces for a variety of uses or moods. New types of spaces like ted talk areas, gaming rooms and projectors in reception spaces provide new forms of tech integration. Like many student accommodation providers, Nido has partnered with Technogym to shake up our gym areas and introduce some of the most hightech gym equipment on the market. Community Student accommodation operators and providers think a lot about how to bring people together in safe and engaging ways. We celebrate 110


different cultures, ways of life and beliefs of the people who live with us, so our communal spaces are designed to encourage friendship and conversations and are set up to be adapted for a variety of events and uses. Long tabletops set within casual study spaces creates a relaxed, coffee-shop vibe in the day and double as DJ or bar area in the evenings. Private dining rooms ensure anyone can host a dinner or birthday party in a fully kitted out, sophisticated space.

Students want to live in instagrammable spaces that have the wow-factor and allow them to live, study and work in a vibrant, like-minded culture. Every Nido is different, but our ambition to create thoughtful, sophisticated and adaptable spaces remains throughout

Top: Social and study space in Nido Groningen Bottom: Social and study space in Nido Utrecht



Save the Date


February, 25th | Pan European Session LONDON March, 17th | Spain & Portugal Session MADRID April, 7th | CEE & Austria Session VIENNA April, 23 rd | NL Session ROTTERDAM

image credits P.2)

Nido Student

P.46-47) STATION F, photo by Patrick Tourneboeuf


De Key


Bouwfonds Property Development


Top left: Siemensstadt 2.0 (siemens.com/a32)


Top right: Bouwfonds Property Development

Bottom left: Berlin-Tegel Airport

Bottom Left: Leap


The Student Hotel

P.54-55) STATION F, photo by Patrick Tourneboeuf


Top centre: The Collective

P.58-61) Photo by aStudio

Bottom right: Quarters



P.64-65) Scape

Top: Cohost


Bottom Left: The Nate





Top right & bottom right: Scape

Bottom left: Scape


The Fizz by IC Campus



P.84-85) GSA


Top right: HMLET

Top right: HMLET


The Fizz by IC Campus

Middle right: Cohost


Xior Student Housing

Bottom Left: WeLive


Cardinal Campus

P.26-27) The Student Hotel



P.28-29) EFFEKT architects for SPACE10, Local Materials Village


The Student Hotel





Isokon Gallery (http://isokongallery.co.uk)


Student Experience


Top right: HMLET



P.36-37) EFFEKT architects for SPACE10, Shared Courtyard View


Xior Student Housing

P.37) Top: EFFEKT architects for SPACE10, Grow, Eat, Share


WP Carey

Bottom right: EFFEKT architects for SPACE10, Street View



P.38-39) Sege Park, Malmö - Courtesy of City of Malmö


The Student Housing Company

P.42-43) Top: Matthias Hollwich, Skyler Aging tower


CRM Student

P.44-45) Matthias Hollwich, Skyler Aging Tower

P.108-109-110-111) Nido Student

July, 2 nd | IT Session MILAN

CLASS Annual Trend Report is a production of The Class of 2020 Foundation

Chief Editor: Ryan Manton

September, 15th | Conference preview NEW YORK CITY

More information: www.theclassof2020.org

May, 19 th | DE Session DUSSELDORF June, 9 th | FR Session PARIS

November | The Class Conference 2020 AMSTERDAM

www.theclassof2020.org 112



Printed in November 2019 in Amsterdam, Elco Print

Editor: Zachery Spire Assistant Editors: Lily Moodey & Kristen Zupancic Research support: Angela Caredda, Marianna Magagnoli & Tim Neijndorff Art Director: Christian Pappalardo Front Cover: Chiara Vercesi


All Rights Reserved TREND REPORT 2020


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Join The Class of 2020 The Class of 2020 is Europe’s leading platform on student living. Our vision is for cities to attract and retain the brightest young minds, and for them to lead the way to social and economic success in return. We provide cutting edge research to develop individual solutions for the ever-changing, modern urban landscape. Our in-depth regional sessions, educational workshops, and annual Conference provide our growing network with a stage to identify the current needs and shape the student living of tomorrow.

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