Patagonia Snow 2015 Catalog (U.S.)

Page 1

Keep Jumbo Wild

Words: Mike Berard Right: Jumbo Valley. Central Purcell Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. Garrett Grove

The Fight to Protect Jumbo Glacier For 24 years, residents of the Kootenays in British Columbia, Canada, have been largely opposed to a proposed year-round ski resort in the heart of the Central Purcell Mountains—a region that encompasses both cherished alpine backcountry and critical core grizzly bear habitat. At the time this story was going to print, the provincial government had just dealt would-be developers a significant blow by deeming the ski resort project not “substantially started”—a finding that would require developers to return to square one to reapply for an environmental assessment certificate in order to continue with their plan. As the developers contemplate their next move, local skiers, snowboarders, climbers, wildlife conservationists and First Nations peoples staunchly hold their line, hopeful that with this ruling, the quarter-centurylong battle may be nearing an end. But whether the developers redouble their efforts or their opponents celebrate victory—what a long, strange trip it’s been.


The first time Leah Evans stood in southern

development and a year-round ski resort.

would reach 11,217 feet—B.C.’s highest ski

British Columbia’s (B.C.) majestic Jumbo

Then they told her something even

resort. Over the past 24 years, Italian-born,

Valley, she remembers, “All the large trees

more shocking.

Vancouver-based architect Oberto Oberti

were shining, reflecting in the lake. There

“You’ll have to save this place.”

has tried to get “Jumbo” (local shorthand

were more glaciers than I have ever seen

So in seventh grade, in 2000, when

in one place. It has been etched in my mind

Evans’s teacher asked her to write an

drafting table and into reality. Beyond the

ever since.” The Rossland, B.C.-raised skier

essay about a controversial topic, this

small, bizarre victory of having an imaginary

had been brought to this rare, wild environ-

wild valley—threatened with one of B.C.’s

town of Jumbo legitimized as a Mountain

ment in the Purcell Mountains as a preteen

most contentious developments—was her

Resort Municipality (Jumbo the town has no

outdoorswoman, by parents she refers to

immediate choice. “I feel like people don’t

residents, no infrastructure and no tax base,

as “first-generation adventurers.” Together,

know what is back there. It is so huge, and

but has a mayor and town council), there

her family had traveled via a ‘70s-era motor

you’re so small. You have to go to understand

has been very little movement. Spend time

home to Alaska, the Yukon Territories

the magnitude of what could be lost.” She’s

speaking to residents of the Kootenays—

for the proposed development) off the

and Bella Coola, but Evans immediately

been writing the Jumbo essay ever since.

B.C.’s famous ski and snowboard mecca—and

felt a unique, powerful connection to the

you start to understand why. Very few

Jumbo Valley.

Glacier Resort would offer 5,900 vertical

residents want this thing.

feet of year-round skiing on a proposed

a hard truth: The Jumbo Valley was in

20–30 ski lifts over 5,925 hectares of terrain

26-year-old Evans says. “I’ve grown up with

danger of being marked with a real-estate

spanning four glaciers. The highest terrain

the issue, and the government hasn’t been

As she stood there, her parents revealed

At full build-out, the proposed Jumbo

“I’ve watched it unfold my whole life,” the

Left: Ghost town. The Jumbo Glacier Mountain Resort Municipality stands empty—a wilderness with no residents and no buildings—but still has a mayor and a town council. Garrett Grove Right: In 1974, activist John Bergenske helped establish the Purcell Wilderness Conservancy Park, the only intact ecosystem in southeastern B.C. After several days traversing the contested Jumbo region, Bergenske pauses for a moment in the Jumbo Hut. Garrett Grove Below: Local skiers and snowboarders largely oppose the proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort, preferring to ride lifts at existing local resorts or tour into the backcountry under their own power and experience. Garrett Grove

listening. How can the plan still be alive when

that our beliefs should be acknowledged and

like Jumbo Glacier Resort; with a promise

so many people have said ‘no’ for so long?”

recognized on the same basis of other belief

of new, vast, lift-serviced terrain, one might

systems in this world.”

understand why. But the ambitious Jumbo

a Kimberley, B.C.-based organization with

Glacier Resort build-out plan includes 5,500

a mission to “protect biodiversity and

Invermere. He’s an Association of Canadian

hotel beds and 750 staff beds, while nearby,

encourage sustainable communities,” has

Mountain Guides ski guide, a professional

locally owned ski resorts like Panorama,

Those who say “no” are myriad. Wildsight,

stood with locals in staunch opposition

member of the Canadian Avalanche

Kicking Horse and Revelstoke struggle to

of Jumbo. “There are so many reasons to

Association and the newest director of the

stay viable in an industry that’s been on a

oppose the Jumbo Glacier Resort,” says

Jumbo Creek Conservation Society. Smith

steady decline for over a decade. What’s

Wildsight Executive Director Robyn Duncan:

has been backcountry skiing in the Purcells

built is built, and the effects on environment

for the past decade and guiding in this range

and community of any ski resort are not small nor easily reversible. They’re also especially

“the threat to grizzly bears, a glacial water


Brodie Smith, 29, was born and raised in

supply, the fact that the area doesn’t need

for the last five years. He believes building

another ski hill, the desecration of sacred

a resort is shortsighted. “There’s a reason

poignant when resorts operate well under

First Nations territory and the end run around

Europeans and other people from around the

capacity year after year, as many do. Any

the democratic process. We’re united in our

world flock here to experience the wilderness

community or group of communities must

deep sense of place and our commitment to

of North America: They have very little left.

closely and fearlessly evaluate the need

keep Jumbo wild.”

By creating ski resorts,” says Smith, “we don’t

for another resort. It must ask itself and its

stand to gain more wilderness, only lose it.”

government: Do we need another ski area

Since 1946, local hunter, fisherman and

trapper Nolan Rad has mined the Purcell

Range’s deep, dark veins; logged their flanks;

For the past two decades a ubiquitous East

And then there is the collective community:

and pulled fish from the crisp streams that

Kootenay bumper sticker has proclaimed an

bisect the valleys. For the past 20 years, he

almost universal desire to keep “Jumbo Wild.”

here when so much hangs in the balance? * * * An immense, solitary creature, the grizzly

has served on the Jumbo Creek Conservation

The overwhelming sentiment seems to be that

Society. The Shuswap First Nations Band—the

communities in the Kootenays don’t want this

bear is more fragile than we believe, each

closest to Jumbo’s proposed site—agreed to

resort, don’t need it and consider themselves

requiring up to 2,000 square kilometers as a home range. When the home ranges of many

the project, citing “practical and meaningful

stronger without it.

economic opportunities,” but the much larger

Ktunaxa First Nation has opposed it, claiming

snowboarders around the globe ride lifts

of Jumbo Glacier Resort will most likely do—Ursus arctos horribilis will feel the effects.

The vast majority of skiers and

bears are fragmented—as the development

the Jumbo Valley is within a spiritual area

and love them, even those who claim the

called Qat’muk, the home of their Grizzly Bear

backcountry as their chosen playground. So

Fragmentation in the trans-border British

Spirit. “The Grizzly Bear Spirit is an important

there’s an inherent tension in the fact that

Columbia-USA region puts the resulting

part of our spiritual beliefs,” says Ktunaxa

many might drool in anticipation of, and

smaller grizzly populations at higher risk.

spokesperson Kathryn Teneese. “It is our view

initially support, a new ski-area development

DNA surveys done over a decade ago across


Those who say “no.� Facing: Pat and Baiba Morrow of Wilmer (top left); Car talk (top right); Chief of the Ktunaxa, Kathryn Teneese of Cranbrook (middle left); Ursus arctos horribilis (middle right); Jim Galloway of Brisco (bottom left); Christine Gagatek of Invermere (bottom right) Above: Jumbo (top left); Elder of the Ktunaxa First Nations, Herman Alpine of Cranbrook (top right); Loni Funnel, Norm Funnel and Susanne Bailey spell it out (middle left); Theodore (middle right); Ktunaxa storyteller and spiritual leader Joe Pierre of Cranbrook (bottom left); Nolan Rad of Invermere (bottom right) Photos by: Garrett Grove, Steve Ogle and Jasmin Caton

Left: John Bergenske, Jasmin Caton and Leah Evans during a week-long ski traverse into the Jumbo Valley. Garrett Grove Right: Alex Yoder, Jumbo Pass area. British Columbia, Canada. Steve Ogle

the central and south Purcell Mountains found that there were

you when you mention the word Jumbo in any public venue. This

significantly fewer grizzly bears in the Purcell Mountains than

is what community is—people finding a common voice in support

the B.C. government estimated—in some cases, that number

of their needs. In the Kootenays, those needs are often wild,

was not far from the threshold for being considered threatened

untamed places. A real-estate development and a government

by B.C. government standards. Dr. Michael Proctor—one of the

designation don’t make a community. People do, and the people

world’s leading bear biologists—says this is disturbing, not only

who live here have never wanted Jumbo Glacier Resort.

for Jumbo, but for all Purcell grizzly bears. “Keeping this core

anchor subpopulation healthy, intact and unfragmented is likely essential to maintaining the long-term self-sustainability of

“I was standing on a peak in Jumbo this winter,” says Evans.

“I looked out at the glaciers and thought, ‘Who’s going to live here? Who wants to live here?’ People find a place that speaks to their

the larger Canadian regional Purcell-Selkirk grizzly, as well as

heart and they settle. They did that in the Columbia Valley more

maintaining the international grizzly bear distribution extending

than a century ago. No one has wanted to put down roots in the

directly south into the United States.”

Jumbo Valley. Why would they? It’s so wild and raw. If there was

In other words, if bears cannot live and thrive in the Jumbo

supposed to be a community back there, there’d already be one.”

Valley, they may have trouble regionally in the long run.

ski resort that would deliver deep, light Purcells powder year* * *

Oberto Oberti has maintained that his dream is to build a

round in a location similar to his native Europe’s alpine regions. Backcountry skiers and splitboarders already love the Jumbo

Despite the creation of a resort municipality of Jumbo and some

area for its wide-open glacial turns, so why wouldn’t lift-access

hastily poured concrete foundations at the proposed resort site,

skiers? But the people who live in the communities most likely

Canadian Environment Minister Mary Polak still determined in

to be affected—skiers, snowboarders, hikers and climbers among

late June of 2015 that progress was insufficient. She found that “the physical activities undertaken ... did not meet the threshold

them—have asked themselves the question and answered it. They don’t want a resort here. They can visit more than a dozen

of a substantially started project” and that Glacier Resorts Ltd.

established ski resorts within a three-hour drive—including

would have to apply for a new environmental certificate to con-

Invermere’s own Panorama Mountain Village—and can still ski,

tinue. Meanwhile, for locals, certain facts remain obvious: There

hike and climb Jumbo Pass via their own two feet and a heartbeat.

is no town of Jumbo. No one lives there. Real towns spring up

They don’t need to impact raw lands that remain sacred to other

organically where like-minded people settle. They take time and

humans and critical for wildlife survival. Given the complex and

shared effort to develop into authentic communities, and this

often bizarre interplay between the Jumbo developers, the

corner of British Columbia is filled with great examples: Nelson,

British Columbia government and the opponents on the ground,

Golden, Revelstoke, Argenta, Rossland, Fernie, Invermere. You can

the convoluted battle over the Jumbo Valley may well rage on,

see community on the bumper stickers, in the roadblock protests

but the reasoning of the residents of the Kootenays has always

and during town council meetings. You can hear it in passionate,

come down to a starkly straightforward statement:

informed voices on Canadian Broadcasting Corporation morning talk shows. You can feel it in the sense of unity that rises around 08

We have enough already.

In the heart of British Columbia’s Purcell Mountains, where grizzly bears roam through one of North America’s most important wildlife corridors, lies a deeply wild place that needs our protection.

Learn more about the issue and take action at

What if? The possibilities are only endless if the questions are, too.



Optimal Visibility Hood is specially engineered with a Cohaesive® embedded cord-lock

In a helmet-cam, pole-mount world where any experience

system so you can adjust your

can be shared by social media nearly at the speed of its

fit easily with one pull.

happening, hero status is achieved at 240 frames per second and lasts about as long as an extended-life battery.


But the stubborn fact remains: Beneath any outstanding

RECCO® Avalanche Rescue Reflectors are embedded discreetly in all our Backcountry

backcountry experience—shared publicly or held private—there

Touring and Snow styles. They’re

lies a slow, deep accumulation of unglamorous practice, the

permanent, virtually indestructible

shared wisdom of many, and an infinite loop of “What if?”

and always “on.”

questions that may lead as often to retreat as to success. Like intelligent backcountry travel, building intelligent


Articulated Patterning with

backcountry equipment requires experience, constant

fully taped construction gives

evaluation, picking apart decisions, balancing many variables

you total freedom of movement,

and digging deep enough to see the whole picture. It’s the

while sealing out weather and eliminating bulk.

only track around dangerous pitfalls. Asking “What if?” also fuels the exploration required to break through to new levels. To unlock new potential, you have to imagine it first.


Elasticized Strap at the low back connects to any Patagonia®

When Patagonia’s Alpine and Snow designers joined forces

Snow pants and select Alpine

to create our new Backcountry Touring collection, their line of

pants to prevent gaps.

questioning went something like this: Can we make wearable it perform and protect on both the skin up and the ride down,

Cohaesive® Embedded Cord-Lock System has two

even in the worst imaginable big-mountain weather? What if

contact points for intuitive one-

we put it through the heaviest use by the most visionary riders

handed operation, either inside

equipment cleaner, functionally better and more elegant? Will


the pocket or at the hem.

and alpinists in the world, asked them what they thought and incorporated their best ideas? What if we could do all that and still use the most sustainable materials and supply-chain


lower-leg area stands up to ski

practices in the apparel industry today?

edges or crampon snags.

Blasting ahead with what you know only takes you to the end of what you know. We’d rather use our experience to make

Scuff Guard in high-abrasion

the best gear we know how to make—then pick it apart again

Low-Profile Adjustable Zipper Cuff allows easy access to boot

and explore what we don’t know yet.

buckles; a two-snap closure

That’s our favorite terrain.


system with integrated cord management fits snugly with either crampons or climbing shoes.



Reconnaissance Jacket and Pants














Wearable Equipment For Moving in the Mountains

PowSlayer Lightweight, durable protection for quick-strike missions in deep, changeable conditions

Riding both in and out of bounds demands gear that does both effortlessly. The PowSlayer Jacket and Bibs offer top

This season, Patagonia presents a compre-

level, lightweight, breathable protection

hensive system of baselayer, outerwear

and performance—ideal for chairlift pow

and packs for those who go deep into the mountains under their own power. Each piece in our Backcountry Touring collection addresses the specific needs of self-supported winter backcountry travel, balancing critical protection with excellent breathability and total

laps, steep bootpacks or dips into the backcountry. Built with 3-layer GORE-TEX® Pro fabric for the highest level of durably waterproof/breathable and windproof protection, in a Snow Relaxed fit that’s looser for easy layering and total freedom of movement. See page 18.

freedom of movement. Each style features the construction, materials and details that matter most for serious play in the winter alpine. From quick-strike powder missions to multiday approaches, ascents and descents, now you can customize your kit for going deeper into wild places, where the commitment is far greater—and the rewards far sweeter.

Bren Mackenzie and Brett Eyben, dwarfed by the Jumbo Valley. British Columbia, Canada. Steve Ogle

Snow Relaxed Fit

PowSlayer Jacket and Bibs





A hybrid soft-/hard-shell kit with

Protection against the burliest

The perfect soft-shell balance

maximum breathability and

weather, this lightweight, super-

of breathability and weather

protection for more committing

packable shell is essential for

protection, ideal for steep

backcountry powder missions

extended travel deep in the

terrain, up or down

winter high country

Extended and habitual resort riding often

Sometimes just moving across wild terrain

Just reaching a steep line might require

leads to a natural curiosity about what’s

is the objective (but who would turn down

ropes, ice axes and crampons—but it

beyond. When you expand your range to

a choice line or two along the way?). For

will definitely require a precision-fit

seek out off-piste pillows and bootpack

longer trips through snowy terrain, pair

kit offering total freedom for crisp

chutes, you need huge breathability, great

the Refugitive Jacket with the KnifeRidge

movement. The KnifeRidge Jacket and

protection and a tad more room. The

Pants for a light, versatile kit with

Pants are for skiers, snowboarders and

Reconnaissance Jacket and Pants deliver.

streamlined performance and protection.

climbers who go steep both ways. Built

Built from a supple, double-weave soft-shell

Built with 3-layer GORE-TEX® fabric with

from stretchy Polartec® Power Shield®

fabric throughout the body, paired with a

GORE® C-Knit™ backer technology for the

Pro fabric for remarkable breathability

stretch waterproof/breathable 3-layer shell

optimal balance of stretch and lightweight,

and waterproof protection, in an Alpine

fabric in high-movement areas, in a Snow

in an Alpine Regular fit that’s just right for

Regular fit that’s neither slim nor

Regular fit that’s a bit more tailored than the

climbing or skiing. See page 17.

oversized. See page 16.

Snow Regular Fit

Alpine Regular Fit

Alpine Regular Fit

Reconnaissance Jacket and Pants

Refugitive Jacket and KnifeRidge Pants

KnifeRidge Jacket and Pants

Snow Relaxed fit. See pages 14–15.


Get Your Kit Together

New 2









In a winter kit, no layer is an island. In

in the mountains requires a personalized

best-integrated layers for any objective.

fact, it’s only as good as the layer next to it.

kit that’s simple, versatile and adept at

Here’s one of our favorite systems for expanding your range deeper into the

Like reading the weather or route-finding,

handling moisture from the inside out

assembling the right layering system is a

and the outside in. Patagonia’s online

mountains, anchored by the Reconnais-

critical winter backcountry skill. Moving

kit builder tool can help determine the

sance Jacket and Pants.

free shipping on orders over $75

Reconnaissance Jacket and Pants

Our most breathable snow shells, the Reconnaissance Jacket and Pants are made for high-output, muscle-powered lines deep into the backcountry or just beyond the gates. They’re built with supple, doubleweave soft-shell fabric throughout, paired with a stretch waterproof/breathable 3-layer shell fabric on highexposure areas for a hardworking blend of breathable comfort and protection. Fully taped construction seals


out moisture and a DWR (durable water repellent) finish sheds snow and muck. Snow Regular fit.


4 6


all styles imported


1. Reconnaissance Jacket 30340 I $399.00 2. Capilene® Lightweight Crew 45641 I $49.00 3. Capilene® Thermal Weight Balaclava 28690 I $35.00 4. R1® Pullover 40109 I $129.00 5. Reconnaissance Pants 30350 I $349.00 6. Capilene® Lightweight Bottoms 45681 I $49.00

7. SnowDrifter 30L 48195 I $169.00 8. Beanie Hat 29020 I $39.00 9. Powder Town Beanie 29186 I $39.00 10. Ultralight Down Hoody 84767 I $349.00 11. Midweight Snow Socks 50095 I $35.00

Kit Builder Online Design the perfect layering system for getting after it all winter long, from next-to-skin baselayers to moisture-moving midlayers to weather-beating shells and toasty parkas. Visit and explore all your options. 15

KnifeRidge Jacket and Pants

From the Andes to Chamonix to the Chugach—and every steep in between—skiers and climbers unite in their quest for all things frozen. Our KnifeRidge Jacket and Pants aid the mission with a unique balance of soft-shell breathability and hard-shell protection in a fully seam-taped, lightweight and stretchy 3-layer Polartec® Power Shield® Pro fabric that’s waterproof in all but a downpour. Soft and pliable, they slide easily over layers and withstand abrasion, while articulated patterning encourages high-stepping or hop-turning. Alpine Regular fit.





Ascensionist Pack 35L 47995 I $149.00 [ available online ]


Men’s KnifeRidge Jacket

Men’s KnifeRidge Pants

Women’s KnifeRidge Jacket

Women’s KnifeRidge Pants

83565 I $449.00 I XS-XL Regular fit I 532 g (18.8 oz)

83595 I $379.00 I XS-XL Regular fit I 539 g (19 oz)

83570 I $449.00 I XS-XL Regular fit I 524 g (18.5 oz)

83600 I $379.00 I XS-XL Regular fit I 496 g (17.5 oz)

Refugitive Jacket

Made for the high-country escape artist, our Refugitive Jacket combines fully waterproof/breathable hard-shell protection with soft, light, breathable GORE® C-Knit™ backer technology for stretchy, agile protection on steeps, ups or downs. The hybrid 3-layer GORE-TEX® construction breathes throughout, with a robust stretch fabric along the upper back, shoulders and backsides of the arms. A finely engineered hood fits equally well with or without a helmet; water-tight, 2-way pit zips dump heat on lung-busting climbs. Alpine Regular fit.


all styles imported


Men’s Refugitive Jacket

Women’s Refugitive Jacket

83615 I $499.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit I 425 g (15 oz)

83620 I $499.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 374 g (13.2 oz)


PowSlayer Jacket and Bibs

Like the best ski partners, PowSlayers know when to stand back and let you go first. Built with zero-bulk construction for the deepest days, they’re lightwearing, supple and immune to the elements. Made with 3-layer GORE-TEX® Pro fabric for the highest level of waterproof/breathable and windproof performance, and cut a bit looser for total freedom of motion, they handle any condition, whether you’re piecing together your descent in a


blower squall or skinning back to camp under a head of steam. Snow Relaxed fit.



all styles imported


7 5






[ men’s available online ]

1. PowSlayer Jacket 30311 I $699.00 2. Slopestyle Beanie 28971 I $29.00 3. Nano-Air™ Jacket 84255 I $249.00 4. Lightweight Snow Socks 50085 I $29.00 18

Leah Evans puts a finishing touch on the day. Jumbo Pass, British Columbia, Canada. Garrett Grove

5. Capilene® Thermal Weight Zip-Neck 43662 I $99.00 6. Capilene® Thermal Weight Bottoms 43692 I $89.00 7. PowSlayer Bibs 30330 I $599.00 8. SnowDrifter 20L 48190 I $129.00


Left: Brodie Smith, Alex Yoder and Max Hammer investigate otherworldly terrain beneath Mount Macbeth. Jumbo Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Steve Ogle Right: Max Hammer makes the first descent of a couloir with the Jumbo Glacier just behind. Steve Ogle

Snow Jackets Men’s

Untracked Jacket

A favorite updated this season with a more tailored silhouette, refined design lines and an elegant embedded cord-lock system, the Untracked Jacket offers warm, low-bulk versatility for powdery freeride descents. Built with 3-layer GORE-TEXÂŽ fabric for durably waterproof/breathable and windproof protection and a soft, brushed tricot backer for extra warmth. Snow Relaxed fit.

Untracked Jacket 29866 I $599.00 I XS-XL I Relaxed fit I 714 g (25.2 oz)


Primo Down Jacket 30473 I $649.00 I XS-XL I Relaxed fit I 970 g (34.2 oz)

Versatility in a more tailored fit; 2-layer GORE-TEX速 fabric.

Keep your heat on frigid days; 2-layer GORE-TEX速 fabric.

all styles imported

Powder Bowl Jacket 31390 I $399.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit I 1,009 g (35.6 oz)

Rubicon Jacket

Snowshot Jacket

29437 I $299.00 I XS-XL I Relaxed fit I 1,123 g (39.6 oz)

30941 I $299.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit I 831 g (29.3 oz)

Durable, all-mountain performance for the coldest days.

More tailored fit, fully featured and focused on utility.



Snow Jackets Women’s


Primo Down Jacket

Untracked Jacket

30478 I $649.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 836 g (29.5 oz) Keep your heat on frigid days; 2-layer GORE-TEX® fabric.

29876 I $599.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 629 g (22.2 oz) Low-bulk freeride jacket; 3-layer GORE-TEX® fabric.

Insulated Powder Bowl Jacket

Powder Bowl Jacket

31446 I $479.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 964 g (34 oz) Lightweight, efficient warmth; 2-layer GORE-TEX® fabric.

31406 I $399.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 828 g (29.2 oz) Season-long versatility; 2-layer GORE-TEX® fabric.

free shipping on orders over $75

PowSlayer Jacket 30311 I $699.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 522 g (18.4 oz) Wearable equipment; 3-layer GORE-TEX速 Pro fabric.

all styles imported

Rubicon Jacket 29462 I $299.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 948 g (33.4 oz) Warmth, durability and all-mountain performance.

3-in-1 Snowbelle Jacket

Insulated Snowbelle Jacket

31678 I $349.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 1,094 g (38.6 oz) Fully featured utility in a feminine silhouette.

31108 I $299.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 896 g (31.6 oz) Extra warmth and coverage; fit for movement.



Snow Pants




PowSlayer Bibs

KnifeRidge Pants

Untracked Pants

30330 I $599.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 473 g (16.7 oz)

83600 I $379.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 496 g (17.5 oz)

29911 I $449.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 581 g (20.5 oz)

Total weather protection, zero-bulk construction; 3-layer GORE-TEX® Pro fabric.

Lightweight and stretchy; Polartec ® Power Shield® Pro fabric offers breathability and protection.

Low-bulk warmth for freeriding; 3-layer GORE-TEX® fabric.

Slim Insulated Powder Bowl Pants

Powder Bowl Pants

Insulated Snowbelle Pants

31431 I $299.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 669 g (23.6 oz)

31128 I $199.00 I XS-XL I Slim fit I 658 g (23.2 oz)

31475 I $379.00 I XS-XL I Slim fit I 706 g (24.9 oz)

Season-long comfort; 2-layer GORE-TEX® fabric.

Warmth and comfort. Fully featured.

Lightweight, efficient warmth; 2-layer GORE-TEX® fabric.

[ short inseam available online ]

[ short and long inseams available online ]



Reconnaissance Pants

Untracked Pants

30350 I $349.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 496 g (17.5 oz)

29901 I $449.00 I XS-XL I Relaxed fit I 678 g (23.9 oz)

Total weather protection, zero-bulk construction; 3-layer GORE-TEX® Pro fabric.

Superbreathable comfort; double-weave soft shell with added protection in high-exposure areas.

Low-bulk freeride pants; 3-layer GORE-TEX® fabric.

all styles imported

PowSlayer Bibs 30322 I $599.00 I XS-XL I Relaxed fit I 581 g (20.5 oz)

Powder Bowl Pants

Insulated Powder Bowl Pants

Snowshot Pants

31486 I $299.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit I 760 g (26.8 oz)

31456 I $379.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit I 887 g (31.3 oz)

30688 I $199.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit I 678 g (23.9 oz)

Versatility in a more tailored fit; 2-layer GORE-TEX® fabric.

Lightweight, efficient warmth; 2-layer GORE-TEX® fabric.

Fully featured utility in a more tailored fit. [ short inseam available online ]

[ short inseam available online ]





Men’s Capilene® Thermal Weight Zip-Neck

Men’s Capilene® Thermal Weight Boot-Length Bottoms

Men’s Capilene® Thermal Weight One-Piece Suit

43657 I $99.00 I XS-XXL I Slim fit I 176 g (6.2 oz)

43680 I $85.00 I XS-XXL I Slim fit I 122 g (4.3 oz)

43701 I $199.00 I XS-XXL I Slim fit I 340 g (12 oz)

[ women’s available online ]

[ women’s available online ]

more styles and colors available online

all styles imported



Women’s Capilene® Thermal Weight One-Piece Suit

Women’s Capilene® Midweight Zip-Neck

Women’s Capilene® Midweight Crew

43706 I $199.00 I XXS-XL I Slim fit I 295 g (10.4 oz)

44455 I $69.00 I XXS-XL I Slim fit I 167 g (5.9 oz)

44435 I $59.00 I XXS-XL I Slim fit I 153 g (5.4 oz)

[ men’s available online ]

[ men’s available online ]

more styles and colors available online



Sign of the times. Portions of the proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort sit directly in major avalanche paths—a fact that has hampered developers’ plans. Jumbo Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Garrett Grove

The Sweetgrass crew and friends at work on the upcoming film Jumbo Wild. Top left: Steve Ogle; All others: Garrett Grove

© 2015 Patagonia, Inc.

For decades,


skiers, riders, alpinists, conservationists, and First Nations have fought a large-scale ski resort deep in the Purcell

A New Species of Ski Film Nearly a year ago, director Nick Waggoner of Sweetgrass Productions dove into the quarter-century-long fray unfolding at his doorstep in British Columbia.

Jumbo Wild Learn more. Watch the film. Get involved.

Jumbo_Ad_Backcountry-FP.indd 1

Illustration: Andreas Lie

Mountains of British Columbia. After 24 years of opposition, what more will it take to keep Jumbo wild for good?

7/28/15 6:50 PM

Would-be developers of Jumbo Glacier Resort envision a

intrigue, grassroots activism, guerrilla demonstrations,

four-season ski resort and real-estate development that

government stop-work orders and impassioned community

would impact approximately 6,000 hectares of the wild

outcry against a resort that developers promise would be “a

Central Purcell Mountains—but local community members

snow rider’s dream.” All the while, a vast, raw environment,

continue to push back. In a new film, Waggoner and his

sacred to many First Nations people and critical for the

crew trace the fascinating and convoluted development of

existence of the grizzly bear, hangs in the balance.

the Jumbo story, from the developers’ initial presentation to the Canadian government for plan approval in 1993 to

To see the Sweetgrass film and learn more about the

today. The Jumbo story unfolds still, complete with political

Jumbo issue, visit


Laura Yale and Nicolas Teichrob take the scenic route home after a visit with Glacier Dome. British Columbia, Canada. Steve Ogle

Left: What goes up … Alex Yoder makes tracks both ways. Steve Ogle Right: What goes up must also be washed. Jumbo Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Steve Ogle


Dual Aspect Hoody

Soft Shell

Trudge through blowing wind and snow. Pause. Flake the ropes. Go. On long approaches and cold routes, the Dual Aspect Hoody blurs the line between midlayer and shell. A weather shedding, breathable and durable soft-shell fabric insulates and protects high-exposure areas (but layers smoothly under a jacket if the storm builds). Polartec® Power Dry® fleece everywhere else offers low-bulk warmth, stretch and breathability.



Men’s Dual Aspect Hoody

Women’s Dual Aspect Hoody

83200 I $249.00 I XS-XXL I Slim fit I 448 g (15.8 oz)

83205 I $249.00 I XS-XL I Slim fit I 391 g (13.8 oz) [ black available online ]



all styles imported

Core Warmth

Men’s R1® Hoody

Women’s R1® Full-Zip Jacket

40074 I $159.00 I XS-XXL I Slim fit I 364 g (12.9 oz)

40138 I $159.00 I XS-XL I Slim fit I 318 g (11.2 oz)



Extended Comfort

Reversible Hi-Loft Warmth

Men’s R2® Jacket

Women’s R3® Hoody

25138 I $169.00 I XS-XXL I Slim fit I 405 g (14.3 oz)

25708 I $199.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 428 g (15.1 oz)

more styles and colors available online


100% Traceable Down Insulation

Men’s Down Shirt 84745 I $199.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit I 272 g (9.6 oz)

all styles imported

Men’s Fitz Roy Down Jacket 84585 I $349.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit I 380 g (13.4 oz)

Women’s Down Sweater

Women’s Down Sweater Hoody

84683 I $229.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 346 g (12.2 oz)

84711 I $279.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 371 g (13.1 oz)


available only at and select Patagonia® retail stores 40

more styles and colors available online

Silence is frozen. Max Hammer savors a moment of quiet snowfall. Jumbo Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Steve Ogle

Synthetic Insulation

Nano-Air ™ Hoody

Warmth + stretch + breathability: Nano-Air™ styles combine a breathable liner with breathable, stretchy, warm-when-wet synthetic FullRange™ insulation and a weather-shedding nylon shell with a DWR (durable water repellent) finish. Go hard all day with perfect warmth, zero swamp factor.

Men’s Nano-Air™ Hoody 84260 I $299.00 I XS-XXL I Slim fit I 386 g (13.6 oz)


Women’s Nano-Air™ Jacket 84255 I $249.00 I XS-XL I Slim fit I 292 g (10.3 oz)

all styles imported

Women’s Nano-Air™ Hoody 84265 I $299.00 I XS-XL I Slim fit I 335 g (11.8 oz)

Men’s Nano-Air™ Jacket

Men’s Nano-Air™ Vest

84250 I $249.00 I XS-XXL I Slim fit I 354 g (12.5 oz)

84270 I $199.00 I XS-XXL I Slim fit I 252 g (8.9 oz)



Synthetic Insulation

Sketchy conditions. Leah Evans in the Jumbo Hut. British Columbia, Canada. Garrett Grove

Men’s Nano Puff® Pullover 84021 I $169.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit I 286 g (10.1 oz)

all styles imported

Men’s Nano Puff® Jacket 84211 I $199.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit I 335 g (11.8 oz)


Women’s Nano Puff® Jacket

Women’s Nano Puff® Hoody

84216 I $199.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 281 g (9.9 oz)

84226 I $249.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit I 292 g (10.3 oz)

more styles and colors available online

Leah Evans and Jasmin Caton strap in and buckle up for the bootpack. Selkirk Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. Garrett Grove


SnowDrifter Packs

Built for searching out the untracked, our new line of backcountry-specific packs serves the full menu of winter outings, from swift and steep to long and deep. All SnowDrifter sizes offer multiple options for carrying skis, snowboards and ice axes in your preferred configuration. With smart features like locking cam buckles for secure adjustments and oversized grab handles for use with gloves, all SnowDrifters have ample capacity, convenient access, dedicated space for snow safety tools and all the details that can help make a tour more float than flounder. Built with

all styles imported

burly Cordura速 fabrics to resist puncture, abrasion and fickle weather. Available in 20L, 30L and 40L.




diagonal ski carry

splitboard carry

vertical ski carry

SnowDrifter 20L

SnowDrifter 30L

SnowDrifter 40L

48190 I $129.00 I One size I 953 g (2 lbs 1.6 oz)

48195 I $169.00 I S/M, L/XL I 1,106 g (2 lbs 7 oz)

48200 I $199.00 I S/M, L/XL I 1,814 g (4 lbs)

more colors available online


Duffels & Packs

Black Hole™ Bags

Skiers, snowboarders, climbers, trekkers and surfers have dragged, dropped, hucked and bounced them into every corner of the globe, and still the mighty Black Hole™ bags endure and evolve. Made with burly high-denier polyester fabrics with a TPU-film laminate and DWR (durable water repellent) finish, they’ve been revamped this season with smart features focused on a single mission— to protect and transport your gear to hole and back.





Black Hole™ Duffel 45L

Black Hole™ Duffel 60L

Black Hole™ Duffel 90L

Black Hole™ Duffel 120L

49336 I $99.00 I 765 g (1 lb 11 oz)

49341 I $129.00 I 1,106 g (2 lbs 7 oz)

49346 I $149.00 I 1,417 g (3 lbs 2 oz)

49351 I $169.00 I 1,673 g (3 lbs 11 oz)

black hole ™ duffel colors


free shipping on orders over $75


Wear- and WeatherResistant Fabrics stand up to unnecessary roughness and stave off rain, snow and mud


Daisy Chain lash points accommodate additional gear


Webbing Handles on duffels have a snap closure; haul loops at either end let you link multiple bags


bluesign® approved Components include main shell fabric and some hardware (buckles and D rings)


Removable Straps make hauling a duffel (or hauling ass to make your flight) easy


Self-Stuff Pocket allows for lowprofile duffel storage between trips


all styles imported


Black Hole™ Wheeled Duffel 45L

Black Hole™ Wheeled Duffel 120L

49376 I $299.00 I 3,175 g (7 lbs)

49386 I $349.00 I 3,912 g (8 lbs 10 oz)

black hole ™ wheeled duffel colors

Black Hole™ Pack 25L

Black Hole™ Pack 32L

49296 I $129.00 I 680 g (1 lb 8 oz)

49331 I $149.00 I 850 g (1 lb 14 oz)

black hole ™ pack colors



Left: Patience pays off as Kye Petersen revels in some long-awaited fresh. Esplanade Range, British Columbia, Canada. Garrett Grove Right: When it storms, this is how we roll. Max Hammer and Alex Yoder, British Columbia, Canada. Steve Ogle


Men’s Sportswear

1 2





7 5


8 5



1. Polar Lineup Cotton/Poly T-Shirt 38726 I $29.00 2. Flying Fish Midweight Crew Sweatshirt 39404 I $49.00 3. Bivy Down Jacket 28321 I $249.00 4. Bivy Down Vest 27586 I $179.00 5. Long-Sleeved Fjord Flannel Shirt 53947 I $89.00


6. Long-Sleeved Buckshot Shirt 53856 I $79.00 7. Performance Straight Fit Jeans 56025 I $119.00 8. Straight Fit Cords 55930 I $89.00 9. P-6 LoPro Trucker Hat 38016 I $29.00

free shipping on orders over $75

Wanaka Down Jacket 28472 I $399.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit

all styles imported

Tres 3-in-1 Parka 28387 I $529.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit


Hi-Loft Down Hoody

Stormdrift Parka

84902 I $279.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit

28100 I $449.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit



Men’s Sportswear



Cotton Quilt Snap-T® Pullover

Reclaimed Wool Snap-T® Pullover

25370 I $149.00 I XXS-XL I Regular fit

50385 I $199.00 I XXS-XXL I Regular fit



Down Snap-T® Pullover

Shelled Synchilla® Snap-T® Hoody

27245 I $199.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit

25470 I $199.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit





available only at and select Patagonia® retail stores

Better Sweater® 1/4-Zip 25522 I $99.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit

Synchilla® Snap-T® Pullover

Lightweight Synchilla® Snap-T® Pullover

25450 I $119.00 I XS-XXL I Relaxed fit

25580 I $99.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit

all styles imported

Better Sweater® Jacket 25527 I $139.00 I XS-XXL I Regular fit


more colors available online


Walking the Ground Two skiers talk about wild places, community and defending the mountains that move them

Top right: Leah Evans and Jasmin Caton get granular before a week-long traverse in the Jumbo Valley region. Garrett Grove Bottom right: Route-finding in real time. Garrett Grove

Jasmin Caton and Leah Evans both live and work in southeastern British Columbia: Caton as a ski guide and co-owner of Valhalla Mountain Touring; Evans as founder and director of the freeski program Girls Do Ski in Revelstoke. Caton has been skiing the backcountry since she was a child, while Evans comes from a hard-charging, competitive freeskiing environment. We spoke with them just after they’d completed an eight-day ski traverse through a section of the Jumbo Glacier backcountry, to see for themselves the site of the proposed and hotly contested Jumbo Glacier Resort.

You’d never skied together before this trip.

Jumbo resort have ever actually walked

How’d the dynamic work?

on that ground.

to appreciate the environment, but also to

Jasmin: A trip like this with new people

Jasmin: I totally agree. Having looked at

protect it?

can leave you with a feeling of, “Hmmm,”

the plans and then seeing the terrain with

Jasmin: A huge part of my job is capturing

but this was definitely a “YES.” Hanging

my eyes, I just … the pieces don’t add

people at a fresh state and then modeling

out with Leah has inspired me to try some

up. The glaciers are crumbling and big,

an appropriate interaction with the environment. We’re recreating in this

more exciting stuff. Our skills are really

with real relief and craggy rocks. There

complementary, and we can offer each

are proposed ski lifts where the terrain is

space, and we need to do it well. I also

other a lot.

totally rugged, there are runs that end at

guide a lot of the same people year after year so I see their evolution, see them tune

Leah: For sure. I watched everything

huge icefalls. Even if I wanted this resort

Jasmin did because she has such depth

to happen, I feel it’d be destined to fail,

in and make connections about climate

of experience out there. I’d see her do

or be much less than it’s supposed to be,

and snow conditions.

something with her pack or something,

in a very half-assed way.

and I’d say, “Um, I’m going to do that with my pack, too.” I want to learn as much as I can from her.


So you try and inspire your clients not just

You make your living skiing, but you both had very different ways you might’ve gone. Leah: I grew up in Rossland and went to

You went to see where the proposed Jumbo

university in Virginia on a field hockey

Glacier Resort would be if it came to pass.

scholarship. But my heart was just not in it.

Leah: I guess I don’t think of it as something I do, it’s the way I am. As a teacher, you are the example of how to interact with a place. There’s a community of people right now that’s changing how we interact with the backcountry. It’s such an exciting time.

Can you describe it?

It was a matter of committing full-heartedly

Leah: I’ve skied in big mountains my entire

to something, and for me it was skiing.

life, but I definitely felt like, “Whoa, this

Jasmin: Academics were a huge part of

the extreme side of the backcountry. And

is jumbo terrain.” And to put a ski area in

my life, and I was given a great scholarship

yet the quiet and the expanse are a huge part of the actual experience for people.

Most ski movies today seem to celebrate

that valley makes no sense. As a forest

to university to study hydrogeology but

firefighter, I spent two years in this one field

never really left behind the mountains. I

Leah: I think we’re getting burnt out on

picking up sticks, I got to know each tree

find meaning in guiding that I never found

the speed of everything like Facebook

and log. Then they came and logged it, and

working a science job. I guess it’s how I

and Twitter. We want to be unplugged.

until then, I’d never felt what it was to be an

express my concern about nature and the

There’s something very organic about

environmentalist. I guess I’d love to know

wilderness. Guiding may seem frivolous,

getting up, putting your boots on and

if the people who are making plans for the

but it’s not frivolous at all.

going walking. It’s quieter but it’s more


adventures, but community is what makes it home. Squamish (where I work as a rock climbing guide in the summers) is my place, and so is Valhalla. Leah: Revelstoke is definitely home. It’s this little pocket where I’m normalized, where all aspects of my life are accepted. Does the prospect of the Jumbo development throw a new light on your home and community? Leah: It takes time to build a community— whether it’s my community in Revelstoke or my wider mountain community—to make connections, to learn how resources are being used. I think the prospect of Jumbo is a sad but galvanizing moment. powerful. When you come out of a trip like

adjustments that hopefully keep the

Jasmin: Having something to stand

the traverse we just did, you’re not sure

numbers game from catching up to you.

behind, beyond our personal adventures,

you want to turn on your phone ever again.

It’s almost hard for me to get into Leah’s

has made for deeper conversations and

Jasmin: There’s a group of people I’ve

head and emulate an athlete like her, who

connections. People’s passion for the

guided several times who’d never done

skis with such confidence, because my

issue, and how they dedicate their energy

“ Without exception, every person who stands on top of a mountain on a calm day after touring there says, ‘It’s so quiet.’” anything other than cat-ski, but this year

brain is so in the habit of assessing, where

toward it, inspires me. It’s made me

they requested a week-long tour. I would

I think, “That looks fun, but what if it goes

realize how much I respect people who

never have predicted that. What drove

wrong?” I’m always asking, “What if?” So

care about and act on things beyond their

them to this touring thing, because they

to push myself physically to ski the way

personal pursuits.

definitely struggled physically … I think,

I know I can, I need the right balance of

even if they didn’t know they were seeking

confidence and caution.

it, they were drawn by the nonmechanized

Leah: I’ve always wanted to push myself,

nature of it. The silence, the expanse, the

see how fast I can go, what I can jump.

deeper commitment. Because in the end,

That always worked for me. But I got in

without exception, every person who

an avalanche recently and it rattled me.

stands on top of a mountain on a calm day

Now there’s a voice in my head that never

after touring there says, “It’s so quiet.”

existed before. Now I think, I love all these

It’s hard to avoid a discussion of risk when we talk about backcountry skiing. What is your relationship to risk and how do you manage that reality? Jasmin: There’s a saying, “You live and die by your habits.” The days I log in


people (my family, friends, community), and all these people love me. For me not to respect their love for me isn’t an option. I want to be here for a long time, so I’m going to have to re-evaluate the equation that had been working for me.

What actions would you be willing to take personally to oppose Jumbo? Leah: Making people aware of the issue is one of the biggest things we can do to protest the build-out. I want to be on the educational side of things, presenting the issue to people, youth especially, and encouraging them to get outside in nature, to think about democracy and how it should work. Jasmin: I’ve been involved in civil disobedience in the past, and I would certainly spend some time waving signs at a protest. But planning trips that raise

backcountry terrain every winter is well

Your work takes you both to some incredible

awareness of the landscapes at stake and

over 100, so I always try to be vigilant with

places, but what makes a place home?

educating my clients would be a better use of my skills. But I’m staying in this

my assessments and to err on the side

Jasmin: Community. The people I work

of caution—hopefully not so I’m robbing

with. My husband. My dog. If I was there

fight. It’s shown me that it’s essential to

myself of experience, but regrouping all

by myself, a place wouldn’t be my place.

my happiness to be involved in something

the time. You have to make tons of small

The landscape might allow for all sorts of

bigger than just myself and my adventures.

Left: “My brain is so in the habit of assessing. I’m always asking, ‘What if?’” – Jasmin Caton Garrett Grove Above: “I’ve skied in big mountains my entire life, but I definitely felt like, ‘Whoa, this is Jumbo terrain.’” – Leah Evans Garrett Grove Right: Evans and Caton raise a can to the trip. Garrett Grove


Women’s Sportswear



5 1







New New



1. Insulated Prairie Dawn Parka 28290 I $249.00 2. Vanilla Beanie 28966 I $39.00 3. Pom Beanie 28975 I $39.00 4. Long-Sleeved Fjord Flannel Shirt 53915 I $89.00 5. Classic Retro-X® Vest 23082 I $179.00 6. Re-Tool Snap-T® Pullover 25442 I $119.00

7. Corduroy Pants 55060 I $89.00 8. Fitted Corduroy Pants 55055 I $89.00 9. Better Sweater™ Gloves 34673 I $49.00 10. Double Weave Woven 53885 I $89.00 11. Bivy Jacket 27740 I $249.00

This catalog refers to the following trademarks as used, applied for or registered in the U.S.: 1% for the Planet®, a registered trademark of 1% for the Planet, Inc.; bluesign®, a registered trademark of bluesign Technologies AG; Cohaesive®, a registered trademark of Cohaesive Garment Technology Inc.; Cordura®, a registered trademark of INVISTA North America S.a.r.l.; FSC® and FSC Logo®, registered trademarks of the Forest Stewardship Council, A.C.; GORE-TEX®, GUARANTEED TO KEEP YOU DRY® and designs, GORE® C-Knit (C-KNIT)™ and GORE-TEX® Pro, registered trademarks of W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc.; Polartec®, Power Dry® and Power Shield® Pro, registered trademarks of MMI-IPCO, LLC; RECCO®, a registered trademark of Recco Invest AB. Patagonia® is a registered trademark of Patagonia, Inc. Other Patagonia trademarks include, but are not limited to, the following: Better Sweater®, Black Hole™, Capilene®, FullRange™, Nano-Air™, Nano Puff®,®, R1®, R2®, R3®, Retro-X®, Snap-T® and Synchilla®. Prices are valid through December 31, 2015.

Tres 3-in-1 Parka 28407 I $529.00 I XS-XL I Slim fit

all styles imported

Fiona Parka 28358 I $299.00 I XS-XL I Slim fit


Downtown Parka

Stormdrift 3-in-1 Parka

28468 I $379.00 I XS-XL I Slim fit

28110 I $479.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit



Women’s Sportswear



Mixed Snap-T® Pullover

Cotton Quilt Snap-T® Pullover

50395 I $179.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit

25280 I $149.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit



Down Snap-T® Pullover

Lightweight Synchilla® Snap-T® Pullover

27255 I $199.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit

25455 I $99.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit





available only at and select Patagonia® retail stores

Better Sweater速 Icelandic Coat 25081 I $179.00 I XS-XL I Slim fit

all styles imported

Better Sweater速 Coat 25657 I $179.00 I XS-XL I Regular fit

Better Sweater速 Jacket

Better Sweater速 1/4-Zip

25542 I $139.00 I XS-XL I Slim fit

25617 I $99.00 I XS-XL I Slim fit



Left: Brodie Smith, Jamie Whiteside, Alex Yoder and Max Hammer break trail to the summit. Steve Ogle Right: Max Hammer, pack animal. Jumbo Valley, British Columbia, Canada. Steve Ogle


2015 Snow

“American Dave” Rosenbarger


Inset: Christian Pondella

Recognized as one of the world’s preeminent ski mountaineers, Dave Rosenbarger epitomized the pure passion skier— someone deeply committed to the sport, unmotivated by cameras or limelight. He was a calculated risk-taker dedicated to climbing

articulate and valued product testers. Many of the

and skiing some of the most challenging lines in

Backcountry Touring designs in this catalog trace

the world. Known for an effortless style on steep,

back in part to Dave’s observations and input. Deeply

precarious terrain, he was as well-known for his

respected by his fellow ambassadors, he was the

unmistakable personality. Dave contributed to our

instigator of many powder-laden adventures that we’ll

Patagonia family in myriad ways—he had a natural

never forget.

eye for product design and became one of our most

He will be deeply missed.


Dave Rosenbarger polishes the Col des Cristaux. Chamonix, France. Cedric Bernardini



Cover: The first time she saw it as a young girl, the vast Jumbo Valley carved itself into the heart of skier Leah Evans. Years later, she’s part of the movement to protect the valley from development. Evans carves her wish into the table of the Jumbo Hut. Central Purcell Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. Garrett Grove

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S H I P P IN G on orders over $75* *not valid in Patagonia® retail stores or with the Patagonia Pro Program


we guarantee everything we make

1% for the planet® Patagonia pledges at least 1% of sales ($68 million to date) to the preservation and restoration of the natural environment.

Built for searching out the deep and untracked, our new SnowDrifter packs carry the essentials you need to move smoothly through the backcountry. With a close-fitting, slim-profile design, plenty of capacity and dedicated space for snow safety tools, all SnowDrifters have multiple carry options for skis, boards and ice axes. See page 47.

all styles imported

SnowDrifter Packs

the only place to find everything we make

New New New

SnowDrifter 40L 48200 I $199.00

SnowDrifter 30L 48195 I $169.00

SnowDrifter 20L 48190 I $129.00

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