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Super Food for a new lifestyle
Super Food for a new lifestyle
Super Food für neuen Lebensstil
If we think in terms of “super” and “mega”, we very soon come across the category Super Food, whose name is hardly scientifically justified. These are simply foods that are good for the body in terms of their nutrient content and that are possibly, but not necessarily, produced in a climate-neutral way.
These include goji berries with a very high content of minerals and vitamins. This super food, like others, is rich in antioxidants that protect the body from oxidative stress. The list continues with acai and aronia berries, chia seeds, ginger, pomegranates, acerola, physalis, chlorella algae and peanut.
Since advertising the Super Foods business is absolutely vital, the category’s presence on social networks plays a far greater role than “old school” products such as citrus fruits, apples, bananas or tree nuts, which are recognized as healthy and equally or similarly valuable to humans. Their disadvantage is that they are well known and therefore boring because they are not exotic.
Wenn wir in den Begriffen „super“ und „mega“ denken, stoßen wir sehr bald auf die Kategorie Super Food, deren Bezeichnung wohl kaum wissenschaftlich begründet ist. Es handelt sich schlicht um Lebensmittel, die vom Nährstoffgehalt her gut für den Körper sind und möglicherweise, aber nicht zwingend, klimaneutral erzeugt werden.
Dazu gehört die Goji-Beere mit sehr hohem Gehalt an Mineralien und Vitaminen . Diese Super Food wie andere ist reich an Antioxidantien, die den Körper vor oxidativem Streß bewahren. Die Liste geht weiter mit Acai- und Aroniabeeren, den Chia-Samen, Ingwer, Granatäpfeln, Acerola, Physalis, der Chlorella-Alge und – der Erdnuß.
Da die Werbung für das Geschäft mit Super Foods absolut lebenswichtig ist, spielt die Präsenz der Kategorie in den sozialen Netzwerken eine weitaus größere Rolle als „old school“-Produkte wie Zitrusfrüchte, Äpfel, Bananen oder Baumnüsse, die erkanntermaßen als gesund und gleich oder ähnlich
Now a new Super Food is arriving. Long time, no see? Let’s dazzle back! There was once a peanut that is not a nut, but a legume, and that was chased like death and devil out of the German living rooms and the evening TV snack assortment, because in connection with beer it is supposed to make fat, produce gout and be dangerous for allergy sufferers.
Now it comes in fresh clothes as super food, neatly packaged as a health-promoting and perfectly suitable for the modern lifestyle. What has changed? Nothing but the category, because its content of - admittedly good - fats remains the same. But the peanut fits into our lifestyle and is even said to have a life-prolonging effect. Welcome to the club of healthy and at least hardly climate-damaging plants, which are therefore praised to the consumer as sustainable and recommendable.
This revaluation is good for the industry for two reasons: firstly, the outlawed peanut has been replaced on the snack market by more exotic tree nuts such as cashews or macadamias and was on the decline in demand in important sales countries, and secondly, it is in the process of losing a vital subsidy mainstay, especially in the USA, and the revaluation to super food comes just at the right time. Now trade and consumers want to know above all, and this is also a question of sustainability, whether this status will last for a long time and where it derives its justification from.
Gerhard H. Breuer
wertvoll für den Menschen sind. Ihr Nachteil ist: sie sind allseits bekannt und daher langweilig, weil wenig exotisch.
Jetzt kommt da eine neue Super Food auf uns zu. Kennen wir uns nicht schon? Blenden wir zurück! Da war doch einmal eine Erdnuß, die keine Nuß ist, sondern eine Hülsenfrucht, und die wurde wie Tod und Teufel aus den deutschen Wohnstuben und dem abendlichen Fernseh-Snacksortiment verjagt, weil sie in Verbindung mit Bier dick machen, Gicht erzeugen und gefährlich für Allergiker sein soll. Jetzt kommt sie, in neuem Gewand als Super Food daher, frisch verpackt als gesundheitsfördernd und perfekt geeignet für den modernen Lebensstil. Was hat sich geändert? Nichts als die Kategorie, denn ihr Gehalt an – zugegeben guten – Fetten bleibt derselbe. Aber die Erdnuß paßt in unseren Lebensstil und soll sogar lebensverlängernd wirken. Willkommen im Club der gesunden und wenigstens kaum klimaschädlichen Gewächse, die dem Konsumenten daher als nachhaltig und empfehlenswert angepriesen werden.
Diese Aufwertung tut der Branche aus zwei Gründen gut: erstens ist die geächtete Erdnuß auf dem Snackmarkt durch exotische Baumnüsse wie Cashews oder Macadamias verdrängt worden und befand sich in wichtigen Absatzländern auf dem Nachfrage-Rückzug, und zweitens ist sie dabei, zumal in den USA, ein lebenswichtiges Subventions-Standbein zu verlieren, und da kommt die Aufwertung zur Super Food gerade recht. Nun wollen Handel und Verbraucher vor allem wissen, und auch das eine Frage der Nachhaltigkeit, ob dieser Status wohl lange andauern wird und woher er seine Berechtigung bezieht.
Gerhard H. Breuer
If we think in terms of “super” and “mega”, we very soon come across the category Super Food, whose name is hardly scientifically justified. These are simply foods that are good for the body in terms of their nutrient content and that are possibly, but not necessarily, produced in a climate-neutral way.
These include goji berries with a very high content of minerals and vitamins. This super food, like others, is rich in antioxidants that protect the body from oxidative stress. The list continues with acai and aronia berries, chia seeds, ginger, pomegranates, acerola, physalis, chlorella algae and peanut.
Since advertising the Super Foods business is absolutely vital, the category’s presence on social networks plays a far greater role than “old school” products such as citrus fruits, apples, bananas or tree nuts, which are recognized as healthy and equally or similarly valuable to humans. Their disadvantage is that they are well known and therefore boring because they are not exotic.
Now a new Super Food is arriving. Long time, no see? Let’s dazzle back! There was once a peanut that is not a nut, but a legume, and that was chased like death and devil out of the German living rooms and the evening TV snack assortment, because in connection with beer it is supposed to make fat, produce gout and be dangerous for allergy sufferers.
Now it comes in fresh clothes as super food, neatly packaged as a health-promoting and perfectly suitable for the modern lifestyle. What has changed? Nothing but the category, because its content of - admittedly good - fats remains the same. But the peanut fits into our lifestyle and is even said to have a life-prolonging effect. Welcome to the club of healthy and at least hardly climate-damaging plants, which are therefore praised to the consumer as sustainable and recommendable.
This revaluation is good for the industry for two reasons: firstly, the outlawed peanut has been replaced on the snack market by more exotic tree nuts such as cashews or macadamias and was on the decline in demand in important sales countries, and secondly, it is in the process of losing a vital subsidy mainstay, especially in the USA, and the revaluation to super food comes just at the right time. Now trade and consumers want to know above all, and this is also a question of sustainability, whether this status will last for a long time and where it derives its justification from.