Comply at Work June 2013

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Tel 01204 772977 or 07792 400 503

Comply at Work safety snippets & business bytes One day first aid course Hazardous Dust Fire Drills Legionella Resilence Training Improve your marketing materials

June 2013

Sn Saf ip ety pe ts

One day emergency first aid course

P2 | Safety Snippets

Tel 01204 77 29 77 mobile 07792 400 503

Comply at Work

One day emergency first aid course Accredited to level 2 NOW Friday 6th September 2013 Call us now for details! Tel 01204 772977 or 07792 400 503 Free manual and id card Hse approved and certificated Competitive price just ÂŁ85 +vat

Please let us know if you have any dietary, access or learning requirements


Safety Snippets | P3

Sn Saf ip ety pe ts

Hazardous dusts Does your company carry out any work that creates dust - for example by cutting, chasing, grinding and sanding, abrasive cleaning, drilling, hand sweeping? Do you see dust as: Not top of the list as a workplace health risk, more a mess or a nuisance? A reduced risk by working outdoors? A short term health risk, as once the coughing stops or the nose is blown everything is fine? Breathing in dust may be bad for me but isn’t really linked to any specific long term health risk? Then ask yourself this question: ‘how many people do you think die prematurely from breathing in respiratory agents, things like inorganic fibres/dust, organic dusts, gases and irritants and fumes?’

P4 | Safety Snippets

The HSE estimates that there are approximately 10,000 premature deaths annually, from Occupational Cancers and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), caused by breathing in respiratory agents. In response, leading groups in Construction, including Constructing Better Health (CBH) and the HSE, have formed the Construction Dust Partnership (CDP). Its aims include raising awareness throughout industry about lung diseases related to hazardous dust in the workplace and to promote the appropriate controls to prevent these diseases, particularly for those undertaking high risk tasks. In the meantime, if you would like to learn more about the health risk and hazardous dusts in the workplace, visit the COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) page on the HSE website for guidance on COPD, its causes and symptoms. Comply at Work are members of the CBH and have access to their advice and guidance which our Clients can tap into. Please get in touch to discuss any issues.

Tel 01204 77 29 77 mobile 07792 400 503

Comply at Work

Burning issues with Fire Drills… Many of our Clients ask about best practice in regard to Fire Evacuation Drills. Please find below an outline you may wish to refer to in order to ensure compliance: 1. All employees should receive instruction and training appropriate to their responsibilities in the event of an emergency. It should be based on written instructions. 2. The instruction should be given by a competent person, at the commencement of employment and subsequently at intervals at least once and preferably twice in every period of twelve months. The instruction should include training in the following a) the action to be taken upon discovering a fire; b) the action to be taken upon hearing the fire alarm; c) raising the alarm, including the location of the alarm call points and alarm indicator panels;

l) a roll call procedure where appropriate; m) in addition to the above, certain categories of staff will be required to be trained in matters peculiar to their particular responsibilities at the time of the fire, e.g. Department Heads, Supervisors, Security Staff, Telephonists, Engineering and Maintenance Staff. 3. At least once and preferably twice a year a practice fire drill should be carried out simulating conditions in which one or more of the escape routes from the building is obstructed. During these drills the fire alarm should be operated by a member of the staff who is told of the supposed outbreak and, thereafter the fire routine should be rehearsed as fully as circumstances allow. 4. A record of the instruction and training given, together with the fire drills held shall be entered in the log book, and shall include the following matters:a) The date of the instruction or drill;

d) the correct method of calling the fire brigade;

b) The duration of the instruction or drill;

e) the location and use of fire equipment;

c) The name of the person giving the instruction;

f) knowledge of escape routes, including any stairway not in regular use;

d) The names of the persons receiving the instruction;

g) knowledge of the method of operation of special escape door fastenings; h) appreciation of the importance of fire doors and the need to close all doors at the time of a fire and on hearing the fire alarm;

e) The nature of the instruction or drill. 5. In all premises one person should be responsible for organising fire instruction and training and in larger premises a person or persons should be nominated to co-ordinate the actions of persons in the event of fire.

i) stopping machines and processes and isolating power supplies where appropriate; j) the operation of all escape doors, not in regular use, to ensure that they function satisfactorily; k) evacuation of the building to an assembly point at a place of safety (where members of the public are present, this will include reassuring them and escorting them to exits, etc.); Comply at Work can assist your with Fire evacuation procedures, fire marshal training and fire drill supervision. Please get in touch to discuss your specific requirements.


Safety Snippets | P5

Sn Saf ip ety pe ts

As part of your “duty of care� to your employees, you are required to ensure that your potable water supply is clean and safe for usage.

P6 | Safety Snippets

Tel 01204 77 29 77 mobile 07792 400 503

Comply at Work

Legionella The “Approved Code of Practice” L8 states that “the risk from exposure to legionella should be prevented or controlled; precautions include keeping the system and the water in it clean” As part of your “duty of care” to your employees, you are required to ensure that your potable water supply is clean and safe for usage. MWS (UK) Ltd offers a range of services to ensure that you are compliant with the health and safety law with regards to Legionella control within your water systems. These include:Legionella Risk Assessments

MWS (UK) Ltd

Hot & Cold Water Monitoring and Inspection Services

Clean and Disinfection

Training Services

Analytical Services

If you would like to discuss the above or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us and mention Comply at Work’s Newsletter: MWS (UK) Ltd Tel: 01204 533 544 Email: Web:


Safety Snippets | P7

Sn Saf ip ety pe ts P8 | Safety Snippets

Tel 01204 77 29 77 mobile 07792 400 503

Comply at Work

Resilience Training Beating stress before it beats you! Research has shown that the number one reason for staff absenteeism is due to stress. If you’ve not been affected yourself, you’ll know someone who has!

Our Resilience Training is proactive, preventative & designed to build your ability to manage in difficult situations. We use evidence-based positive psychology and emotional intelligence techniques to dramatically increase your resilience factors with strategies, skills and proven techniques to prepare you for challenging times. We will be offering FREE taster sessions lasting around 2 hours from September onwards. These can either be at our new training centre in Bolton or on your site. Demand is likely to be high, so please contact us soon to register your interest!


Safety Snippets | P9

Bu By sin te ess s

Action Point Review your current marketing material, asking “if I knew nothing about this company, would I get in touch?” Use the above list to help improve it. And, when creating new material, use the list in the order it appears. So, start with a name/number to call, and then work backwards to the title, then the free advice… You’ll find you end up with shorter, and much more compelling, material.

P10 | Business Bytes

Tel 01204 77 29 77 mobile 07792 400 503

Improve your Marketing Material The objective of most B2B marketing materials is to trigger enough interest that your target gets in touch. So, your aim is to convince people to call, not convince them to buy.

Free advice. When people read your marketing material, you want them to think “well, I’ve never thought about it like that before”. Include top tips, common errors people make, etc, so they feel compelled to find out more.

This means the only criterion when deciding on content is “will this persuade someone to get in touch?” This is very different to “will the content sell our products/ company, so the readers know everything, and could buy without even speaking to us?”

Include a brief example of your ability to deliver. Remember: facts tell, stories sell. Include a testimonial and/or very short case study. The best ones contain (1) an impressive customer name and (2) the impact you caused, not just the work you did.

This new focus makes your content

Include 1-2 jaw-dropping credentials (if you have them). “Our customers include the Royal Family” is pretty compelling. “We have 17 offices and here’s our map” isn’t.

• shorter (good for them) • cheaper (good for you), and • more focused (good for you both) Examples of content that convinces people to call are: A name and number to contact. If you don’t include your contact details, they don’t know how to contact you. So they won’t. And, if you don’t include a personal contact, they won’t know who to contact. After all, emailing “office@…” doesn’t make people feel very special, does it? Have an engaging title and/or subtitle. A title’s only aim is to convince someone to want to read on. Unengaging titles like “About us”, “Our services”, and “Our history” just don’t engage. A better formula is “Helping you to (insert benefit)”.

Mention your unique way of doing things (if you have one, and it’s interesting). Only include things that others can’t say. So “unparalleled market knowledge” isn’t unique – everyone says things like this. Better is: “All agencies do A, B and C. But we find this results in (bad thing). So, we also do D and E, which gives you (good thing)”. If in doubt, make it shorter. Remember, you’re looking to convince people to call, not buy. And the best way to trigger interest? Almost always, through word of mouth. Next week’s Tip will show simple ways how to achieve this. But, for now… ...see our Action Point opposite Source: Andy Bounds


Business Bytes | P11

Comply at Work

a d v e rt ise wit h u s f or u n d er ÂŁ10 p e r m on t h

At Finchey Ltd, we aim to be your dedicated supplier. We promise to offer 100% Customer dedication followed up by our Customer Service delivery. Our Team is focused on providing Quality Products at Great Prices, we have a National Business Development Manager who has experience of working with a leading manufacturer in the industry and we believe we can carry that expertise forward to offer you the best service at the best prices. Finchey Ltd was formed as we felt that there was a gap in the market for excellent customer service and leading-edge industry advice coupled with quality products that cater for all budgets and business sizes. We fully understand your business needs & requirements for your PPE supplies, therefore we aim to give the most competitive quote in the market place for with right products that do the job. For your FREE, no obligation quote please contact our Team on 01204 417151

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