Complyatwork october 2013

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Tel 01204 772977 or 07792 400 503

Comply at Work safety snippets & business bytes One day first aid course


Legislation update


Free taster session


Personal safety


How annoying is this?


Stop! P7

October 2013

Sn Saf ip ety pe ts P2 | Safety Snippets

Tel 01204 77 29 77 mobile 07792 400 503

Comply at Work

One day emergency first aid course Accredited to level 2 Friday 1 November & Friday 29th November 2013 Call us now for details! Tel 01204 772977 or 07792 400 503 Free manual and id card Hse approved and certificated Competitive price just ÂŁ85 +vat

Please let us know if you have any dietary, access or learning requirements


Safety Snippets | P3

Sn Saf ip ety pe ts P4 | Safety Snippets

Tel 01204 77 29 77 mobile 07792 400 503

Comply at Work

LEGISLATION UPDATE What new legislation will 1 October 2013 bring?

Any more dead certs?

October and April see the most significant amendments to health and safety legislation. So what’s happening this time around and how might you be affected by the changes?

Although October 2013 was originally scheduled as a significant milestone in the government’s drive to cut legislation, it’s taking considerably longer to achieve.

Not so easy In years gone by getting a legislation update was a pretty simple exercise. All you needed to do was look on the HSE’s website which detailed what was happening and when. However, these days the HSE plays its cards pretty close to its chest. Therefore, we can be fairly certain about some changes but less so about others. Note. All amendments to UK legislation are subject to Parliamentary approval. This means that there could be an eleventh hour rethink. RIDDOR Here, the changes are fairly significant. The whole structure of RIDDOR has been revamped and simplified. Fewer major illnesses, dangerous occurrences and ill health/disease conditions will need to be reported to the HSE. Tip. Don’t forget that the HSE uses the information it receives on RIDDOR reports to justify inspections. So ensure all reports are competed thoroughly when filling in the updated online forms.

Note. Don’t think that the lack of action this month indicates a change of heart. There are signs of major changes to come in 2014. These include the revocation of the Factories Act 1961 and the Offices, Shops & Railway Premises Act 1963, a major overhaul of the Construction (Design and Management Regulations) 2007 and revisions to a large number of Approved Codes of Practice. Strict liability For some time, the government has been hoping to amend the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HSWA) to remove strict liability in cases where there has been a breach of statutory duty). It’s also been looking to exempt some self-employed workers from the HSWA. Note. In theory, these amendments should take place now, but they could well be put back until April 2014.

IN SUMMARY: RIDDOR has been simplified with a major revamp; fewer major injuries and dangerous occurrences now need to be reported. New first aid regulations will introduce industry-specific training courses, plus, changes to strict liability and how the law applies to the self-employed may also take effect shortly. Source: Indicator


Safety Snippets | P5

Sn Saf ip ety pe ts To celebrate the opening of our new training facility we are offering a FREE taster session on this fun and interactive yet valuable session Personal Resilience. Places are limited and on a first come, first served basis. Please contact us as soon as possible to register your interest and further details will be issued nearer the time

P6 | Safety Snippets

Tel 01204 77 29 77 mobile 07792 400 503

Comply at Work

PERSONAL SAFETY National Personal Safety day is in October and as we are now into the autumn, and the dark nights are upon us we would like to raise awareness and draw your attention to some simple steps to reduce the risk to your personal safety.

Travelling by car


• At night, park in a well-lit busy place and try to avoid multi storey car parks

P lan your journey, know your route and tell someone

• If you think you are being followed, relax and keep driving until you arrive at a busy place such as a garage forecourt.

– a word to use as a reminder to improve your personal safety. where you are going

L ook confident when you are out and about A lways avoid taking unnecessary risks N ever assume it won’t happen to you

• Keep valuables out of sight, preferably locked in the boot of the car • Lock doors when you are in the car and keep windows closed in busy areas

• When parking your car in daylight, consider what the area will be like when returning to your car in the evening.

When out and about

• When leaving the office in the evening, make arrangements to leave in pairs or groups wherever possible.

• Keep valuables such as wallets/purses secure in an inside pocket

Remember, always report any incident, however trivial it may seem. Not doing so could put others at risk.

• Carry items such as your mobile phone easily accessible in your pocket • Avoid using your mobile phone in public – if you have to use it be sure not to be heard giving personal information such as your home address • Keep to busy, well lit roads and avoid poorly lit and little used areas • If you have to wait around choose a well-lit area/ busy area and look confident

If you require any further information/advice, please contact us to arrange Personal Safety training if necessary, or provide information on equipment such as personal attack alarms. Further useful information can be found here; free-personal-safety-tips/

• If you think you might be attacked shout or scream. Shout a positive command such as ‘call the police’, people are more likely to react if give an instruction. • A personal alarm set off close to the attacker’s head may shock them and give you enough time to remove yourself from the situation • Be prepared to give up your bag or briefcase – these can be replaced! e-mail

Safety Snippets | P7

Bu By sin te ess s

How annoying is this…? You ask someone to create a communication for you. They send it at the last minute; and it isn’t what you wanted. So you have to re-write bits (which is often harder than doing it from scratch) with a very tight deadline (which is always just horrible). It’s easy to think (a) they did this to annoy you, and that (b) it’s 100% their fault. But (a) they didn’t, and (b) it isn’t. Instead, it can often be because of the brief you gave them. So brief them better by explaining: • the benefits to them of creating the communication for you - to increase their buy-in, and help motivate them to do a great job • what you want the communication’s recipient to do as a result of receiving it – to help ensure everyone focuses on the #1 thing – its impact. It also helps keep it shorter • what you want the communication to be like – ‘inspiring’, ‘funny’, ‘robust’ etc - to guide on style and tone • the benefits to the recipient - to help create something persuasive • the recipient’s concerns to ensure your colleague removes them • an overview of content to include and exclude – to give them the structure • the mechanism – a briefing paper, document, slide-set etc. You’ll notice there’s minimal steer on actual content. That’s because they can create that. After all, if you give them everything, it’s not delegation but dictation. This style of briefing helps the recipient of your communication, your colleague and – of course – you… not least because you get your evening back.

Action point Next time you brief someone, use the above - or similar - bullet points to guide them. It’s worth spending an extra five minutes doing this; you’ll get your time back when they send the better first draft to you. Source: Andy Bounds

P8 | Business Bytes

Tel 01204 77 29 77 mobile 07792 400 503

If I were about to walk into a lamp post, what advice would you give me? I imagine… “Stop”

And, by this, I mean meetings that…

And you’d be right. I mean, why would anyone keep going on a path which was only going to get more painful?

• Add nothing to you – stop attending them

Which brings me onto meetings… Some of those you attend will be pointless, useless and mind-numbing wastes of time. To keep going on this path will only make things more painful. My advice to you?

• Add nothing to the business – stop having them

• Include people who can’t contribute – stop inviting them • Substitute discussion for decision-making – stop them being an excuse for inaction • Are too long – stop putting an hour if you don’t need it • Always start late – stop starting them late! It’s disrespectful of everyone’s time • Nobody has done the prep for – stop the meeting, and say you’ll re-convene when people have done the necessary pre-work. Anything else will waste everyone’s time Sounds easy, doesn’t it? But people often don’t welcome this advice. They describe their regular meetings as being in a Comfort Zone. But nobody feels comfortable with them. So, it isn’t a Comfort Zone it’s a Habit Zone. Can you break yours, and avoid that painful lamp post? Source: Andy Bounds


Business Bytes | P9

Comply at Work

a d v e rt ise wit h u s f or u n d er ÂŁ10 p e r m on t h

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