Complyatwork september issuu

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Comply at Work safety snippets & business bytes Upcoming Courses


Special Offer


Is Your Business a Safe Place to Work?


Business Bytes


Keeping the Momentum


In the Spotlight


September 2014

Sn Saf ip ety pe ts P2 | Safety Snippets

Tel 01204 77 29 77 mobile 07792 400 503

Comply at Work


Our next One day

Emergency First Aid Course runs on Tuesday 21st October places are already going quickly so let us know as soon as you are able if you would like to make bookings.

All training courses will be held at our new training facility in Horwich, Bolton. Places are limited and go quickly so please register your interest as soon as possible. If you would like a FREE First Aid policy template document, with no obligation, please get in touch with your request and we will e-mail it on!

Call us for further information and costings. Discounts are available for some of our courses. Don’t delay as places are taken quickly! e-mail

Safety Snippets | P3

Sn Saf ip ety pe ts

Special Offer! Did you know that our Retained Advisor Support Service also includes some special offers? • FREE online Driver risk assessment for one individual in your company • FREE onsite review of your PPE/RPE both via one of our trusted partners. Please let us know if you would like us to arrange this for your business, with no obligation.

Source: Indicator

P4 | Safety Snippets

Tel 01204 77 29 77 mobile 07792 400 503

Comply at Work

Is Your Business a Safe Place to Work? In the 40 years since the Health and Safety at Work Act was introduced deaths at work have dramatically dropped by 85% and injuries by 77% - making Britain one of the safest places in the World to work. Yet, according to the latest figures for Britain, 133 people died and over 78K were injured at work last year! So the question remains – is your business a safe place to work?

Evidence of recent years has clearly demonstrated the positive impact that sensible and proportionate health and safety practice has on a business; that "getting it right" can improve staff morale, reduce sickness and absenteeism, increase productivity - and lower insurance costs. Employers recognise, however, that people are tiring of the same old rhetoric and that new ideas and fresh approaches are needed to revitalise motivation for, and interest in, workplace safety. So how do you create a workplace culture of health and wellbeing i.e. get staff to sit up and take notice when it comes to health and safety? It has to come from the top. As an Employer here are some of the basics to consider: • Is the welfare and wellbeing of your staff at the heart of your business processes and policies? • Have you considered within your business - where the risks are; who is at risk; what harm those risks could cause? • Do you consult with staff and encourage them to get involved in H&S in your workplace? We often think of businesses where hazardous activities take place as being "dangerous" and tend to get blasé when it comes to places we regard as "safe" e.g. our homes and offices. Slips, trips and falls, however, are still the most common cause of accidents - and they can occur anywhere!

Therefore proper assessment of the risks in your workplace is essential - whether you're a large multinational or a Micro business; you have multiple locations or just a small business you run from home. The workplace is wherever your business activities take place - be it a vehicle or the middle of a field! So, no matter the type of your business or its size, it's the positive action you take that will make the difference between it being "a safe place to work" or not. Current research has established that lost workdays to stress, anxiety and depression have increased massively (by 70% among public sector employees in the East of England*) and cost billions each year to British businesses. It has also been shown that those businesses that invest in the health and welfare of staff, benefit from all of the above advantages, including better retention of staff and increased loyalty (of both staff and customers), as well as enhancing that business's reputation. As with any assessment of risk, an initial investigation will help to ensure any interventions are sensible, proportionate and targeted. Carrying out a stress audit within the business will enable you to establish attitudes towards stress and existing stress levels, and ascertain the causes of stress. Help and guidance for assessing all types of risk in the workplace are easily accessible on the HSE website.

Another area of concern is workplace stress and associated mental health issues which are one of the biggest causes of working days lost and can occur just as readily in a small business, as it can in a large one.


Source: Isosure

Safety Snippets | P5

Bu By sin te ess s

The Power of Three 1) Talk to at least three percent more existing/past clients every day 2) Talk to at least three per cent more potential clients every day 3) Find three ways to improve your product/service 4) Find three ways to get more out of your staff 5) Find three ways to get more profit out of your business

Source: The Director’s Centre

P6 | Safety Snippets

Tel 01204 77 29 77 mobile 07792 400 503

Comply at Work

Keeping the Momentum! If you’re communicating with an Important Person (your boss, a potential customer etc) and want Meeting One to lead to Meeting Two, agree the follow-up during Meeting One. After all, which is more likely to work? • During Meeting One: “I’m enjoying our meeting, and look forward to developing our ideas over the next few days. When would be good for you, for us to discuss things further?” • After Meeting One: you wait by the phone for them to call. They don’t. You keep looking at your inbox. They don’t email either. You’re now left with the awful choice: do you call them and worry you’re pestering? Or do your wait and feel powerless? Another example: you send a written proposal, but hear nothing back. You’re now worried you’re about to face the Black Hole of Doom where proposals often end-up. You’re back in the “do I pester or feel powerless?” dilemma again. Once again, the solution’s all in the timing: before you send the proposal, say “I’ll send it to you tomorrow. Let’s keep our momentum going. When shall we speak again to discuss it? [They give a time] Great - let’s put that time in our diaries.”

• Right timing: I asked for Communication Two during Communication One • Right content: I said “when shall we speak again?” not “shall we speak again?” (you’re much more likely to get a ‘yes’ if you ask a yes/yes question, not a yes/no) And talking of timing, why is it that you never read to the bottom of my Tuesday Tips?

Finally - The last slide in a presentation is the most important! This is the one thing with presentations click here to see a short video on what it should contain!

Action point This week, I guess you’ll be working on something which could easily lose momentum because the other person doesn’t reply as quickly as you’d like. Ensure there is momentum, by agreeing when you’ll speak again during Meeting One. And avoid that Black Hole of Doom!

In both examples, you will notice that I used the:

Source: Andy Bounds e-mail

Business Bytes | P7

Comply at Work


All delegates at VITA student passed the CIEH Level 2 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace – and attended a Risk Assessment Awareness course - well done all! We have carried out Fire Safety Awareness training for Ladybridge Primary school staff during one of their INSET days – here’s what they had to say: “Thank you for organising the fire training. The session was received well, the presenter was easy to listen to and involved staff as appropriate. He had a good sense of humour which balanced the training. We would definitely use him again.” Cheryl Taylor Ladybridge Primary School Welcome to our new retained clients:

Haigh Plumbing and Heating Ltd Clique Resource Partners Ltd OPS Heating and Plumbing Ltd MCB Electrical Tribune AVS Ltd

Dear Clients, as you may already know, Comply at Work won in the customer Excellence category at the Bolton & Bury Business Awards last week. We are still coming down to earth after a glittering awards ceremony! You can find the link to the Bolton News report here: Finally, a big thanks to you all. Without our Clients none of this would be possible so THANK YOU! From the Comply at Work Team!

The Authority in Access Ladder Log Safety Inspection LSystem add

We thought that I would give you the heads up about the Ladder Exchange which starts on the 1st September and lasts until 31st December this year.

erstor exhibiting e are also at the He Ensure you meet current alth and Safet y North a See the general details at t Bolton 2005) Working at Height (WAHR Arena on the 8-9th Oct ober regulations with our adhesive Ladderstore have been part of this great initiative for For free e ntry stickers, tags, holders andtbusiness over 6 years and we give customers 10% off any orders o the exh ib it that are to replace damaged ladders. If customers are visit http:/ ion packs / www. unsure about the state of the ladder they can always healthand s a f e t yevents. contact us on 01204 590232 and we can advise them or if c o .u k it is a large number of ladders go out to check them.

The Authority in Access Services We Offer • Site Surveys for Bespoke Access Ladder Log Safety Inspection System • Ladder & PASMA Training Ensure you meet current • Special Application design Working at Height (WAHR 2005) • On Site Ladder Inspections regulations with our adhesive stickers, tags, holders and business Visit

or call our team on 01204 590 232 Services We Offer

• • • •

Site Surveys for Bespoke Access Ladder & PASMA Training Special Application design On Site Ladder Inspections

Visit or call our team on 01204 590 232

Comply at Work

adve r tise with us for unde r ÂŁ10 pe r month


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