Introduction to CAM – Environment Hey, welcome back, how’s everyone doing? Did the conversation continue during the break? AGREEMENT Good! Share with me, where did you guys get to? What’s shifted? There was a couple of you telling me in the break this is avatar conversations being valuable. Yup. Yes, um, we were thinking around something differently, in the mastermind programme, now this is the thing that necessary has to be a line to the purpose, and, the outcome that you are wanting to achieve, for the client, like uh. Which has to be aligned to what you want to achieve from the business That’s right their business yes, when it comes to thought dynamics you’re building culture and accountability and responsibility and awesomeness, We should talk about that during this training actually. It’s a major experiment in culture building. Yeah, I had a really interesting idea I think that sort of could be taken somewhere. And, which is engaging a leader or a team, in some charity work, and have an affiliation with a particular charity, where part of their team development comes through serving that charity…on a contribution level. That’s a great idea. And as part of the mastermind programme, no one’s doing that Uh a couple of groups are around the world. It’s a great idea, it’s a really great idea, you should check out Mine Value. Absolutely Mine Value is in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian based company, and I just saw a post today in fact that part of their mission is to build a million dollar educational centre for people who can’t afford it so the brain drains stop leaving Malaysia, and everyone’s involved in it, and they’ve done that, so they’re on the world map in a very short period of time, like seven years, by having a cultural Imperative beyond profit. I think for bring leaders and different businesses you have on your mastermind programme together to discuss that. Yeah, I wouldn’t call it mastermind, the other meld to use is TEC. TEC
Yeah, The Executive Connection. Which is a worldwide organisation brings in different speakers and has mentors assigned to it. Verses a mastermind which is leader. Which I’m not a fan of. Which is why I’m getting rid of our masterminds programme. The contents great I stand by but it’s me. So you guys are the last members. So the timing has to be disruptive as well, We will get there, you just changed the subject, it’s ok, on the subject you’re on, what you just did was a complex equivalent, so that if I answered that, that makes all that true, and I can’t do that. Cause you said if they are disruptive as then all this no you could have constructive inhibiters that suck. So no… does everyone get what just happened? Like if that then this will work? Nook. Thinking outside the box in terms of mastermind. The disruption is to not be mastermind. It’s to be, the markets wide open for serious business owners on the between 50 million mark, say. There are gaps in markets, the direct marketing market is flogged to death. It really is. Anyway I’m not going to do a lot of that now cause, I could do a day on how to design different masterminds, it’s not the point, but the thinking is right. So keep going with that. What else were the conversations? I think we initially thought that our avatar was for three different areas of the company, but, when you look at the big picture it is actually the same. It’s one. Yeah. Which is really cool Yeah, it can be a market segment, the subtleties can be different but who they are is the avatar. It’s one. Yeah, it really is. The idea of that is to get that going. So one vision statement that anybody in your market can relate to. And then the vehicle under that can be anything as long as it comes back to that. So we have a number of products, if you like, programmes, that everybody gets under that. And if you can’t have one banner, you have to have different websites. Which is what I am trying to say to you, the moment you’ve got two different clients that’s, say you’ve got two avatars, no you don’t, you’ve got two different types of client. You don’t yet have an avatar. Cause the idea is you can always market in one way to that group no matter what. And if it doesn’t appeal you should opt out. Awesome. And anyone it does appeal to will turn up forever cos you’re speaking only to them. Yeah That’s the perfection of it. Good. What else did you discuss? Please…………………….that’s it? yah?
Well we were talking about Facebook actually, and how we disrupt on Facebook, and some of the techniques that even DCI do to leave and on Facebook so that it’s a conversation we will teach and. I don’t think we do nearly enough. And it’s not easy, you can’t just say…be disruptive. Go… Laughter Ok…. It doesn’t work that way. But the Important thing is to do the mega trend, what’s everyone doing, cause when there’s no, clear , there is very rarely a disruption on Facebook. Facebook doing the disrupting, no one in Facebook is really doing the disrupting. So if you look at all the masses doing don’t do don’t do that, you’re heading the right way. So the um, trip-wire, that was a major disruption. did everyone see the trip-wire offer that went Facebook? From Frank Kerns, Russell Brunson, they are all part of the same mastermind, which is where this disruptions coming from, so it’s almost no longer a disruption, but you get a book posted to you, and it’s free and all you need to do is just cover the postage and handling for $5.85, which is a paid lead, who’s given their credit cards, so it’s high trust from the beginning, and that was doing 40 50 70 grand a week, my apologies…a day… for one of them, I know it’s crazy. But then you up sell them, you just send them into a web and into an expensive 8 or 10 thousand dollar programme. Well that’s a million dollar month. That’s a million dollars a month, off one idea, cos it’s disruptive in Facebook space, verses false adds, of 10 of 10 of 10, That’s incredible value too. It’s a no brainer to buy the product. both those books, they’re amazing, I’m still reading them and they are both, I have to bring them back, I might do it tomorrow. That’s what Einstein said anyway. Laughter And then you get this book, filled with value, you know part of all this was a paid buyer, so you’re qualified already, you guys have gone so quiet, what’s going on? Yep? What’s the name of the book? I’m not familiar It doesn’t matter about the name of the book, the strategy, you’ve gone into content, it’s not the point, we are telling you disruptive strategy in Facebook. Dispersive add says ‘get the book for free’ it doesn’t matter what the book is, for $5.85 you pay the postage and handling. So the add is cost neutral, so you can advertise all day, it’s cost neutral, it is an awesome idea. But …True? Yeah there’s going to be a few more in our course including us joining. Laughter
Any other discussions? Nup? Ok. So the next thing I want to think about, get you guys thinking about, are you guys digging this conversation about the mass market verses the disruption space. Gets you thinking doesn’t it? Agreement Get the hand out for them later. Wowowoww I know, to make up for the whole power point subject…. Laughter And I noticed some of you are very familiar with this, but we need to look at it, and it’s the CAM model. And again the same rule applies. So we are going to use the model some of you have never heard of it. So, if you’ve heard of it please just help the conversation. And I’ll go into what all this is, with the CAM model. Everything again is mega trend or a disruption. It is the flow, or it is counter flow. And the companies around the world are being paying attention to. What is catching people’s Imaginations and attention, is the disruption in this model. Not the many who do the model, cookie cut stock but the model is, the ease for environment, this is structure, and, I’ll let you guys figure out if this is true or not, but I’ll say not that boldly, pretty well every company I come across only focuses on model 2. That is my experience, thousands of businesses, the conversation never changes, everyone’s just looking to do it better. Do you want more people doing it better to hire people that can do it, to hire people to do it, to hire people that can do it. why can’t people do it? We need to hire better people, because we are ignoring this part, the above the line part of the equation in every cruise, and wonder why. Did you relate to that what I’m saying? Yeah? So this is a set model although this is the frame the ultimate frame for dynamics, is to realise that if we can move our attention and starting here, and then push down this conversation gets less necessary. This has got, with you guys when we spoke it um sue-Anne’s part of a mastermind one of my friends Curwen, I went and spoke with a mastermind, this is a conversation we had, that. Yeah. And the room loved it. because I think a 100% of the room said that all their attention was here, no one could claim their attention was here and here, and to me that’s just, not just money in the bank, that’s been left on the floor, but culturally, if everyone’s doing this, what’s the rule? Einstein’s habit. Go the other way Go the other way, it just becomes obvious to me, just like two people said ‘tell me you were thinking it’ so if everyone’s doing this core what do you have to do? Everyone got that, you have to!
It just makes good sense that when you look at the companies that are least interesting to you, what do they do? You look at Telstra, what do we think of Telstra? Universally in Australia. What do we think of their culture? There is none. How are they in terms of hitting benchmarks? Laughter. There is. But they’ve got a bunch of people doing stuff. That’s a great example. Telstra is my benchmarked example of ‘everything the majorities doing’ and wondering why it’s not working, or capturing the Imagination of their market or their employees. Imagine working in that environment. Or not. Let’s not. Now what’s a company that’s excites you? Virgin Virgin? yeah. What’s the first thing you think about when you think about virgin? Bridget Branson Huh? Bridget Branson. But what about it, you got to get to useful, cause his only in Virgin right? Pushes the envelope. Pushes the envelope? Light hearted. Speed of message. Fun. Adventurous. Pushes the boundaries Ok, everything you’re describing is environment, everything you are describing. Is environment. What’s another company that electrifies? Apple. It did. It’s fallen down, now look at when did the fully. Describe it. Innovating Innovative. Young fresh, no one is talking about their service…. Telstra! Whaat don’t you like about Telstra? Service! There it is! The companies we don’t admire, we don’t forgive them cos they are crap at this cos they’ve got none of that. But virgin gets it wrong. I’ve flown virgin twice I still fly virgin, sorry I’ve flown virgin more than twice, but the two times I flew it they didn’t have a meal for me. But culturally they’re in my good books, they’ll take a long time to fall down, in my eyes, because of the culture, you wanna be part of the Richard Branson Movement. Whatever that means. Now,
compare Apple when Steve was around, second time, verses Apple post Steve… how do we describe apple Today? They are trying to Improve, they are not trying to innovate They’re tinkering, they are trying to things better, culturally, is there any events which coming from Apple. Nothing. And every book written by Apple, now, is now Apple post Steve Jobs. There the books that are on the market now when Steve was around, I read them all, have you guys read that that white one? It’s amazing isn’t it? everything talks about the Steve factor. That innovation, the launching, the daring to dream. He captured our Imaginations enhanced didn’t he? With what he did. You look at it now and you just think ‘ah Samsungs going to do better’ Samsungs going to do better. That’s it. the dreams dead. Would you guys agree? Yesss The dreams dead, who is going to queue now for an Apple except die hards. The ultimate geeks of the universe. Aren’t they? Agreement. Don’t be like that when I’m talking about you, it’s ok. Lots of laughter Geek of the universe man!!! Rule. No no…..rule!! Laughter Go forth and prosper! So what are you learning from this? There’s this big picture. Idea about it. what does this say about your business, or businesses that you do business with? Talking about the dood totally Yeah. It’s not what people buy. It’s not what ignites the Imaginations of the market what else? Everything the experience to create. Everything’s the experience, good. What else? Lot of the companies they do that and then the put it on the side in a division they disappeared Yeah, so what they do is they create their values. They do it. but they are not living it. see anything below the line open problems, seriously. Everything above the line they are opportunities. It’s very simple.
14.54 Yeah, well I think living with this incredibly challenging, you know, I could really rant today about being a woman in a , and being out there, it’s tiring. I was going to, because that would make me even more of a rock star…but the criticism you get, being out there, when you’re a woman, verses a man, it’s unbelievable. What Richard Branson can get away with was Steve Jobs could get away with, verses how little movable room I have as a chick, is unbelievable, fuck it, I’m still doing it…boy the criticism, not the point, we gotta think about what company do I want to attract the team I want to attract, to attract the clients I want to have, and the moment you get those two pieces in place, some decisions become inevitable. And the moment you know and you guys will recognise that most people play the game here, we need people to do things, who need people to do things, and you don’t admire any of those companies? You have to have a hard look in the mirror. Am I one of those companies? Trying to get people to do things, trying to people to do things, and most of us are. How am I doing? To hard too early? I take in so much, I agree with ah, what you are saying, you’ve got into living by these. Amazing, Never seen a leader in my years there, who is coming done the classroom and telling their missions and values. Still she gets the treatment Amazing. No. you get noticed as a chick as a leader. In the market. What of the chick in Dunlop? Hammered. Hammered. What about Cheryl? Um, Facebook? My apologies I don’t remember her surname. But she wrote the book ‘Lean In”. yeah, she dares to bring her child to work. That’s just outrageous, she should be at home with her baby. What are we in 1810? That’s the reality though. Which is why I think there is very few women leaders in my market. Cos, why would you? So rock on men. Laughter Still rule apparently . Laughter So everyone’s telling me. Especially the women telling me that it’s fascinating. So anyway, this, when we look at your business, how you would you success stamp you’re self out of 10, let’s do future first, for having a culture, that is driven around attracting the right team. Which is driven around catching the right clients. What do you guys give yourselves out of 10? Anyone want to throw out a number or do you just want to do it in your heads and look frowny?
Laughter. Whhoooow. 6. Yeah…you’re not getting away with 6. Numbers? One, three, two Yeah, most organisations till they have this conversation put in the effort, this is an eighteen month journey, it really is, to get good at it. most companies I go to score is about a one. Cos they know cultures Important. Full stop. That’s it. they just know it’s Important. They’ve got no idea how to bring it to life, they don’t know what culture to drive, to get what results they want to get. Would you guys would say was accurate from you’re experience.? Working companies or, yeah. What about structure, yah..sorry.. I work some, the last company I worked for, they would go up to talk, and they would spend a day or two days just thinking about that. And then, it would kind of happen. Yes.. that’s what I hear all the time. Or this ‘we’ll do 360’s’ and that’s it! you never hear about it again. Why do I have to fill out this form? I keep giving you this feedback. There’s always talk but no action That’s it. that’s most companies. What about structure, what would you guys give yourself out of 10? Structure is the infrastructure you have in place to enable people to succeed. A marketing system documented. Laughter all round and general chat A documented events system. Diego, How big is you’re operations. Say all of that again… You weren’t you weren’t, sorry I thought listening in like paying attention to every word I say coos it’s not like you for a job. I usually do I know you do! My apologies for putting you on the spot, we were doing a conversation about structure and we were saying could someone give me an example of it. and someone said the operations place so things are, talk about events operations manual. Oh absolutely, well we have it divided in months and all that stuff but it could go sooner to thinking of the bigger picture and getting to that, so, mainly it’s you guys coming into the room and what the
experience is going to be and from there trickling down to the minor details, like the table cloth you see in there. Yep. It’s all documented. Yeah. But you should say more about that. About the months. So our operations manager, is counted back from the event, by months, weeks, days, and hours. And it’s communication and it’s the communication with you guys, with the crew and everyone, how to communicate with the trainer, if we are catering for the event, everything, absolutely everything, a checklist that’s says everything specifically one needs to be in this room. And then they have on the wall a giant check list, which is every event and the dates something’s meant to happen and they just tick it off as they go through it, So we can run three or four events in a week and it’s for all of us cos of this gentleman and his systems. That’s an example of what I mean. It’s great isn’t it? Marketing had the learning page it should systemised, how do I create email shit. How to do a launch? All systemised. All of that should be in-house. Or with someone and could move to someone else. Or you’re held hostage, by the person whose got the magic powers. You’re sales manual is 300 hundred pages long. Yah. Is that include screenshots? It is starting to now actually. camera and screenshots. Yeah were getting a lot more or this, not my strength, I delegate that, know you’re strength, so what would you guys give yourself for structure? Two, one, two. One. Zero. Boom boom zero. Laughter Takes the pressure off? What have you got? Well, my problem is the mastery of it, Yeah, so mastery is the replicators success at work. So what would you give yourself out of 10 for that? Soooo, probably 3 or 4 and around down to 1.or. 2, well I fired 15 people.
Yeah. Well there you go, that will do it. so the knowledge left if you didn’t have it documented, that’s really, that’s such a challenge to put yourself into. Yeah. All recoverable because you’re talented. That’s the thing you need to understand, you know cos you have amazing talent, you have a song, that you sing pitch perfect every time. See you’ll get yourself out of this, but how you get yourself out of it, needs to be a lot more graceful than the way you got yourself into it. does that make sense? Yeah yes So do you guys give yourself a number out of ten if we stop doing this? Is this too painful for you? Laughter We could sing and dance,? Would that be a happier thing? Ah can I ask a question, is the execution, cos at times we are documenting, and then following that type of thing That’s where we are heading now, Ok, so it’s not the environment that pre empts the incentive to follow the structure…does that make sense? You just changed the question. You’re first question was ‘where does the execution come’? and it comes here. And Immediately follow the structure. Then you asked about environment. It’s a different question. So yes, the environment does determine what will be executed. Alright.. can you obtain mastery? No, it was a one shot and I ……. Laughter It was really cool….what did I say….Einstein didn’t say it, it did. So that works. you wrote it down even then what’s the take. So Implementation is execution. It’s the actions that are taken. And this is where very powerfully you usually are, the unwritten ground rules, come into play. This, everything above the line, is the should, if you like, and everything below the line is the actual. And the differentials between the two is you’re problem. But most companies don’t have any of this in place so they wouldn’t know if there is deferential, they don’t know how they are doing. These are their doing. And doing. And doing. But the actual, the unwritten ground rule is these are the written documented ground rules. So you’ve got the values written down on the wall. Big deal … you’ve got the structures and systems and documents big deal. What actually happens, needs to be the
same as this. And the gap that that differential is you’re problem, and for most companies, it is the grand canyon, of a gap, we’ve got this amazing vision, lalalalalalalalallala nothing to do with vision, just nag and run, run around, and bush fire management. And then six months later, but this was the vision ! or, worse still, yearly performance reviews, to remind people of their values, and they’re not mentioned other days of the year. Wow. How to kill a culture. Before it even gets out the door. So Implementation is not just the doing, cos everybody’s busy. I get that. Everyone is flat out. The question is out of 10 what you would give yourself for matching what you do with the written ground rules of what you said you would do. That’s how you measure execution over Implementation. What would you guys give yourself for that? Or we can dance? What is it? give me some numbers guys? Come on it’s no fun if we don’t …… mumbles Wow ok.. Much higher as in … One try, like it’s getting better? Yeah, you are starting to see this is trending in the same direction? That’s company building momentum or building a profit. Come on guys give me some numbers. Make it interesting. Come on! five five? Ok what you got? three Do you see all the upside to your business? These low numbers are all the up side. Try to get excited. This is all upside. You say it’s a nine, and you’re making money? I ain’t taking you on as a client, cos I got no frigging idea how to Improve it. give me a two and I’m like ‘yeah I’m in, I know exactly where were heading’ this is all up side. Give yourself a zero on this, I’m in. cos I know how much we can leverage the opportunities. So if I see you giving yourself around a three to five, two, one, anyone? Three Ok, and then people always say ‘yeah but people always come first in our company’ if that’s a two or a three, you are b********g yourself, people do not know you’re company, you don’t you’re talk, and you’re organisations living a lie, so how can you say you’re people come first , cos you are making them them lie every day. So don’t tell me you’re people come first. You’ll be getting a course. Too hard? It would come out ok if a man’s saying it. you’d be cool if I was a man.
Laughter I can totally say that. Einstein said it Yeah! See If I just keep quoting Einstein. I’ll be totally ok. So people say, people come first in their company, and then score themselves really low on culture. And on structure, and on unwritten ground rules, which tells me, b*****t. You’re people don’t come first. They actually don’t even register for you cos you’re forcing them to live a lie every day. That’s an ouch. So, thoughts, comments, you’ve all gone really quiet and just staring at me which a little uncomfortable … There’s so much opportunity There’s all upside. In our own organisation, begin to, something I’m really keen on looking into 27.21 is cultural organisation, and that’s sexy. Yeah. It is. And you’ll be sitting across from people and they’ll say ‘our people come first.’ And you say ‘really?’ they ask you a question? Ooooooooooooo Laughter Or something like that if I was a man Laughter I would never do that. Totally read my mind. Absolutely. So talk to me, what are you hearing with this? Let’s go slowly so we take in what it means, the consequence of this to your business. Ahh I have 20 people who are working with me, fired 15 who were the upper management people, down to ground people, my problem was to create a rhythm. What amazing cost saving that was, you Immediately wiped off 100,000 dollars a month in salaries. You did. You did the maths. Million dollar profit just added to your bottom line. But now you haven’t got the other problem all these people reporting to you I have maybe now three, that are efficient to work with me. So, I’m here and the rest are here. I don’t have people with skill, that can talk. The same language, so now I really have to think what do I do. So I’m rolling up me sleeves now…
Yeah, you will need to. You’ve got about six months eighteen months of it being like this, for that to change, but we can talk a lot about that in these two days, I’ve done that, I’ve done that with companies, the challenge, I don’t know how much of this to do now, it’s difficult we having different conversations fit’s, is it cool to do a bit of that now, maybe I haven’t done content yet. The thing to realise is, how you hire and fire without moving forward is going to matter a lot. So, people who aren’t leaning towards the opportunity they have been given, move them on. They have to lean into the opportunity they have been given. You have got rid of every manager in your company. It is all blue sky for everybody there. So everyone should be finding ways, you now back to being entrepreneurial fast mover, that’s what you’ve just done. You’ve got rid of bureaucracy , yeah, with that is meant to come the following advantages. Fast moving, if you’re teams not fast moving whoever is not fast moving, gone. Whoever doesn’t say yes quickly or come up with the idea quickly? Gone. Whoever resists change and innovation when you’re entire company right now will only survive if it changes and is innovating has to go. It becomes very easy to know who can stay and last. Yeah? So don’t keep them around… My husband… you could fire you’re husband? Laughter This is the coach for you, I don’t do family coaching. And there’s a reason for that! Laughter I can turn him around I know I can… Phew! More excitement into the business, he will come around, I got you so, yeah, I now have to recruit, and I am recruiting very slowly now. Yes you do. Yep. So who you’ve got to recruit are people, so I’ll give you, cos I know you want to recruit well , I’ll do a bit on recruitment coming , but I’ll give you how I recruited in the early days. Everything had to be about innovation. Turns up to the interview, and the administrative, faced the administrative, and said ‘so, tell me about you’ that’s a very uncertain question for an administrator. They want criteria they won’t get the answer right on to experiences tell me about you. ‘well what do you want to know? ‘ which is the obvious answer an administrators gonna ask. But I can’t hire energy,’ I’ve got to hire an administrator with a bit of rock and roll, answer the question however you think you should answer it. go ahead.’ We have a bit of a chat around that, they were laughing, her name was Mag, she was with me for like six or seven years. We were laughing away and I said.
‘well ok, that was cool’ so she goes ‘so did I get the job?’ I said ‘I don’t know, do you think you got the job?’ she goes ‘I don’t know’ I said ‘well it starts at 8.30 tomorrow, let’s see what you do’. Laughter Telling me years later, cos she turned up. Phew. I had no idea if she was going to turn up. But That’s the kind of rock and roll personality you want at this stage when you are innovating. So she tells me a little bit later, I don’t know about a year or so later, ‘yeah I stood on the train platform, I’d been given two job offers, well no technically only one cos you didn’t offer me the job, and I wondered if you knew what was going to happen, and the train was going that way, and I had you and I had no idea if I even had the job, cos you never told me. But I wanted the adventure’. Yesssss! That still gives me chills telling that story cos I hired for the rock and roll. Huh? I got chills from that as well You got chills? Yeah.. it’s how I hired Anunga, she came in and wanted a safe administrative job and says ‘so tell me about you’ just open question, and I developed all the way up to operations manager in four years, cause I hired the desire to go to the unknown. And the willingness to go to the unknown, and that’s the thing, cos remember if you are hiring here, where they need everything f*****g explained to them, before they’ll move. F**k that. They cannot be in any company, it’s so frigging tedious and it slows you down and stops you doing what you’ve got to do to build this business. So a standard line from me if someone comes asking a question and I say ‘why are you asking me? Do you need reassurance? I don’t do reassurance, why are you here?’ ‘well I just thought’ ‘no, you’re looking for assurance, go away, come back when you’ve got a question I can help you with’. I am demanding they think. Now it causes them to do two things. Quit, bitch, ‘this chick can’t talk like that’ ‘f**k her’ true story, they quit and bitch. Or they go, ‘this is an opportunity, I’m going to start thinking and figure out what I can do’. And they rock on. That’s how I create people who don’t need me constantly, which is the position you are in right now. Cause you will rescue and answer the question. Does that make sense? Is that helping? Yes. Yes. Yes. There’s a whole much more around that I can do, but what are you guys hearing from this, is this being useful? What are you hearing? awesome Thank you, what specifically? Encourage it. it’s like you said it’s not just about what you present outward it’s what you present in so who you hire and fire. Start to interact…
Totally! We do a whole segment on recruiting performance management. Cos if this doesn’t follow all the way through to here it’s just a lie. Yah Given that space to have a go, reinforces to them that there is trust. trust to have you want them to have to go and you embrace. Which is how you create trust in who you are, I know somebody has trust. Yeah? Mmm Well a lot of these ideas, are matched in speed of trust. If you want high performance and high results, you have to have high trust, you can’t have high trust if you’re micro managing and if you’re gonna micro manage you’re gonna hire duds. So hire the person who doesn’t want to be micro managed. First conversation I had with Diego was, this is Diego his our events manager, the day he become events manager, can came as says ‘Shaz you tell me about…’ his asked me some questions and I said ‘No. figure it out. Go away, work it out…wow me.’ How’d you deal with that? I was ok. Yeah? No idea. Over the end. But, what’s the alternative? I sit there and answer all of Diego’s questions. And he never has to think, he never has to have a go, he never knows what his capable of. How awful. That would kill a dream. Don’t you reckon? If I’d done that, if I’d just sat there and answered you’re questions? I’m so glad you didn’t You’re face though, at the time….. Laughter Really? Can I? can I do that? Laughter…loll Ok!!!! Yes! I think so, which is then honouring the promise that people come first. It’s the only way people can come first, if you help and develop their potential and not just making sure they do their job. Which would have been if I’d answered Diageo’s questions. So I would have been helping, the
person, Implement. That’s it. Culture over. instead I said just go away and think about it. put it in place. Come and wow me. Yah? The job interview was a first experience of environment. Yeah. Everyone’s experiencing environment with me in an interview. Responsibility, with trust it’s all in environment It has to be. I don’t ever care about their skills, their skills can be taught. I’ve learnt, You can’t f*****g hire a guy with attitude, you just can’t, as much as you think you can, get them out. You cannot, the moment you see the crap attitude, that’s it, that’s them. So much for bad judgement, in which case good looking and move on, but if you start seeing bad attitude that’s them, and the only other alternative is you drag them up. Which is where sue-Anne got to. Yeh? In relation to Sue-Anne’s situation this morning at the airport actually, and I picked up a book and I never pick up books at airports, and it was but it called and it was about this…um it’s an awesome book, it you can grab a copy of it grab it. What’s it called again? It’s about Co’s talking about culture and basic first part of the books about culture, and the second half of the book is about leadership. Yeah, six years ago, no one was doing this conversation, I was alone, just leaking about culture didn’t exist. Yah? Have you heard about 36.59 so I’ve done that now for probably for five to eight years. As soon as I reach a Certain number of turnover, I hit the benchmark. Well I don’t care about your business is, I care about your profit. No it has to do with. No it does. The culture, Listen. turnover doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters is you’re profit. It’s all that matters. Have you even a profit number, Yes then be happy. Who gives a f**k about turnover.
I understand yeah. Turnover is b******t. I would rather do a fraction of the turnover we did for the profit used to make, I make less profit now than I did four years ago. Cos the infrastructure to keep up with the volume of the turnover. cos the infrastructure has to run to catch up with rapid growth, and then does, and it’s …. It does, just go for the profit, I make my profit numbers a year, so I don’t need more turnover. And I say to my team leaders all the time. ‘you want the company to grow? Rock on,’ but I’m not gonna drive it. cos I’m making the money I want to make, you guys want to succeed more? Then drive the success.’ That’s a really cool message. Do you guys get that? Agreement Cos, why would I work harder? Seriously, my team see me want to go out of business, than to me? I just took on another job, didn’t I? Sharon I really think we should build another company. Rock on. That’s my answer. The alternative is ‘yeah yeah, let me show you how’ and now I’ve got another job. Why would I do that? I mean I don’t care about the turnover, I just want profit. Certain amount in the bank every month. That’s all that matters. The environment it needs to be longer actually, Yes, we need to talk about that. I agree. We need to do a whole lot more on that. Thank you. I agree and I love your contribution with that. What I want to do now is just get this big picture, Imperative going perhaps a different way you’ve looked at you’re business before. Am I helping with that? Or just, talk to me…the only thing that matters profit, who cares if you’re turnovers $1.20 if you only make a dollar, you make your dollar awesome. That this thing about turnover compared to multi-millions is b*****t. And I was part of that voice for a long time it’s actually b.s. it doesn’t matter. You just bought a job. It’s taken me the last year to get the profit back to where I want it to be. By moving 17 people on. And another bunch of other things that we’ve done, but now it’s back to where I wanted it to be, what I consider an income I want to make. But you’re the business owner honey, if you’re not making the money you want to make, who you’re doing it for. I came back into the business when we got rid of the grownups, it was so bad that my salaries was greater than my income, that’s really bad. Think about it, I’m responsible for everybody’s salaries, and their getting paid more than me? I’m taking all the risks, it’s so f****d up. Laughter Thank you. That’s what I said. Pretty well word for word. Now is there anything else around there you guys want to chat about? Before we go into some detail? Yeah? I love it.
And if you had the right vision, and you had the right action you get…… It is. So the top part is sharpening the axe, the bottom part is using the axe? The person who is going to chop down the tree sooner or later is chopping their tree. If they were, I mean it metaphorically, you spend a lot more time sharpening the axe, and that’s where people don’t put their time. That’s the truth of it. And it’s just as long as we get a client. Implementation. As long as I grow the business, Implementation, and it just seems to be this Imperative that’s being driven for the wrong reasons. It just makes no sense to me. Cool message? Andy how’s this doing for you with your business? Yeah, everything’s resonating big time. Now where are you guys? More Implementation or? Yeah we are, we are starting to systemise everything a lot, definitely in the detail, like we were discussing before, but , it’s getting a lot better. Like culture is something I’m really big and you know I’m constantly trying do to that as well, but we are nowhere near where I want to be of course, ah, but yeah then again I get what you were saying about profit and revenue, again I’m seeing high turnover. Who cares about turnover? Don’t grow the biggest gem. Grow the most profitable gem. Ego aint gonna make you rich honey. It’s just gonna make you look good. And that you cannot make. You just can’t unless you’re there. But you’re not so, Laughter Anyway, what’s the….you can’t back looking good unless you’re Elle McPherson. And you’re not., so, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, not the point, is what I said. So let’s unpack environment. I’ll just give you the basics, the handbook does a really good job of this for you guys buy the way. yeah, I did a handbook, can you guys believe it? I’m serious, it’s so pretty, doesn’t even matter if it’s got words, just looks good. Laughter What’s that? The cover girl The cover girls hot! I’m pretty sure she was wearing leather pants that day. She was wearing leather pants that day, I’m so pulling out the leather tomorrow.
You have to wear them Yeah I have to. Just get the Face book going. Have you guys heard the story the story that last week we had this , we do face book advertising, and it rocks, and one of the comments under the photo, of me wearing brown leather pants that I would never join a school with wear the owner wears leather pants. that’s disgusting! Like ok! Laughter I wonder if it was a boy or girl, anyway. These are what the environments made up of. And I’ll go through each of these and again just give yourselves a score out of effort and just know that’s where the profit is, this conversation. And again I’ve set it up reverse engineer, is this is strong, who do you attract on your team. Who’s going to be who. If this is really strong the vision the values what kind of people are you going to attract? Come on…a match….if you drive this. And if you’re own people match, what’s your marketing going to be like? It’s going to be a match. So who are you going to attract? The match. see Verses most people just like hand over and sell s**t. How can I sell an event, how can I sell stuff, how can I sell a product, how . it’s just, how can I do, do, do, do, instead of starting with the big, is there anyone sold on this really mattering? Have I convinced everybody this is Important? Cool. So the vision is, our vision is live you’re dream, the vision is to be a vehicle of experience of the future. So where are you wanting to take people? Where are you wanting to take yourself? I think of the vision of live you’re dream and I love that. And I love asking myself am I living my dream. And I get very few days I don’t. cause I know I’m not matching right now so come on dream. No it’s a bad day dam it! Laughter It happens. And who can I help live the dream, and the people want to live the dream, they want to be part of what we are doing. Cause that’s what we are striving to do. So it’s an easy match. And it’s broad enough, that the vehicle doesn’t matter that much. We help people live their dream through events, through products, through programmes, through small events like this, the support, there are so many ways we can bring - Thank you so much Diego I appreciate it –that we bring this to life, it doesn’t have to just be, it’s not a tight vision that can only be one thing, like some people have visions statements that are to deliver best coach service training in the world. Don’t laugh, that was ours. Like six years ago. Ok seven perhaps, shut up Trish, I heard your thoughts. Laughter I heard you’re comments. So, the visions got to be broad enough to encapsulate any vehicle for delivery, you can’t just be the delivery. You’re vision cannot be the delivery that would suck. I’m
gonna ask, you can either dance or tell me or who has a vision statement. Wow. Wow. Only two people? That sucks man. I’ve pretty much taken on you’re You’ve taken on ours? Thank you! That rocks. Yeah, enjoy. Now, Matts head of our wow team, Hello Greetings Student support, that’s his job... to wow... Do something Matt! Wow us! No I’m kidding Laughter So our missions finding the extraordinary, is how do we go about making that our future, how do we got about bringing that reality to life. And we believe we can do it through inspiring you to be extraordinary. Or to do extraordinary you gotta have extraordinary. So this is the transportation for us for achieving that future. Does that make sense? Now I don’t know if the mission matters. I don’t know if we need both. But I love the fact that my team did both. This comes from my team. I love that, do you remember the day we did that? It was rock n roll wasn’t it? It was fantastic It was so awesome, what was the crappy vision I had before that? Ah ha ha ha ha Wasn’t it awful? It was alright. You’re so polite Yeah. Yeah. No it wasn’t. It had something to do with developing coaches …it was so much more than that, cause not everybody that comes into the programmes Wants to do that. But they, they all live extraordinary lives.
Yep. They would have been inspired. So if we take on our vehicles to inspire the extraordinary to help the people to live their dream, no matter what we sell within that, as long as we are doing that, we are living the vision. so we can dance, or you can tell me if you have a mission statement. Dancing it is. Values are, votes, and again our team came up with those, there are six to nine month period, a few years ago. I got them all started, and I suggest the dream to the team I think these could be the values, what do you guys think of, what would you say, it took months for them to be shaved. They never came from me, I got the conversation started, all of this, I asked the question, my team answered the question. So there our team values and the handbook does a really good job unpacking the values and how to live them. I got it in details for you on what we hand out when someone is recruited to our company, and how to live it. but those values start with an outstanding results between the talking we are , very proudly, a purpose driven and profit driven organisation, we don’t hide that, so results matter the most the top value goes first and it goes down from there. But if you’re hand book it’s got them all in order, in detail. So ill ask the question and, or we can dance, who has values in their company? Yeah, room to grow! What are your thoughts so far on what we have discussed? I just feel like I’m being a bit information here, talk to me. What are you hearing? What’s significant to you? Yeah? I like the part about the values, it takes months, and this whole take 18 months to a build it a great… I think so, And the book ‘Bitch’, that the third floor, they got together and they got their own values and their own vision and they became like the from the crappiest floor the most awesome floor in the whole.. They did. They didn’t do it; there was one person who was their disrupter. There was a disrupter! It’s always Important as a leader, I always give my team the credit for doing it, but it’s just as Important when training people for leadership. Know that there has to be a leader who drives it, you have to have a disrupter. Give the team the credit and they do for doing this. But the conversation got started by the disrupter. So you can’t sit there waiting for your team to get it. It’s just not gonna happen. Can I expand on that so, are you saying you’re team are coming up with these values? They did, I got them as the conversation started, I sent some emails saying, I was thinking, that’s a separate conversation, I’m thinking it wasn’t those, I just said four values and just got the conversation started.
Cause you want your team involved, you got to get the right team first which sounds like the environment, so , it sounds like chicken and egg a little bit. Do you get the environment… Well this what I did, slow down, when I did that years ago, I know I didn’t have the right team, but I knew I had some bright team. And if people didn’t answer I’d just go up to them, ‘oh I notice that you didn’t respond to that email.’ Respond. Role-play. ‘I noticed you didn’t respond to that email.’ Ah, I didn’t know that it was that Important. ‘Really? You don’t think culture and values are that Important? Tell me more.’ Well, I know they are Important now. ‘Ok. Well we are becoming culture driven by their values, so it would be great if you could get on board and give it some thought. Go away. Nothing happens, rule blah. It doesn’t seem to be Greg perhaps this fine for you this cultural stuff that were doing, what are your thoughts on that? How’s that sitting with you?’ Just being busy, getting stuff done.. You’re getting managed out, that’s what I did. I just managed people out. You are either on board the bus or you are out. I fired someone this morning, the reason I was late was I was firing someone. For not being a cultural match. That what I was doing, in those 10 minutes I was late. Culturally negative, you’re done. That’s how much I mean it guys. But you’ve got to mean it. but the joy when you mean it, is the people who do, love it. They value it! you’re’ not convincing anybody. You’re walking you’re walk. Thoroughly through and through It’s not me. That’s the thing, now it’s going, this is the expectation, you’re not a cultural match, why are you here? Matt would be pissed off if I had to let him go. They’re not a cultural match, they are culturally negative, what the f**k? Be prepared to be the exception. That’s the conversation in our company. Yeah. I’m not sure if this is right or not, is it fair saying that the people who do sing the same song ultimately that’s the you are your own. Yes. There’s a consistency of the values of who you are, it’s not who you try to be when you are at work, that’s exhausting. And it shows up, the movement you are under pressure, if the values aren’t you’re, you will be revealed. And that’s when you have a very disappointing conversation with someone here.
Can you pull people up to like …I don’t think there is too many people to know their own values and beliefs, No not at this level anyway. But if they need organisation. That defies the mark can they fix that? Yes, but it has to be in them. It has to be there idea, it might not be articulated, it might never have heard a conversation about values before, but you’re beliefs are your beliefs. you’re might not be articulated, and the moment you’re are under pressure they are revealed. you’re truth is revealed, when you fail. you’re truth is revealed when you f*** up, that is who you are at heart. That is you’re character. You either man up, or you f*** off. You see it unfold. And that’s were 53.05 under pressure cause otherwise they will never get to know what they are made of or if they are cut out to your culture. So you are talking about earlier when you said about just going someone and giving them the responsibility to own it, you go out and find out how to do it. You go work it out. That means that you making a space where a whole lot of mistakes can be made. They are. And so when the mistakes, so I know that you’re the no mistakes and only feedback, No. there’s f****ps. There’s f****s that cost me money, Yeah! So there…. I’m not a coach right now; I’m a business owner, who wants to make money. You f****d up. Laughter Ok, so Sharon you come to me life’s f*****d up, Yep. No, you come to me. Ok, I’ve come to you, and someone’s f****d up, No, you f****d up. Sharon I’ve f****d up. (you did) so, my option then is, I can why are you telling me you’re fixing it ok
why are you telling me? I haven’t fixed it yet you want reassurance, I don’t do reassurance yep right Go fucking fix it, why am I hearing about it? There are about 27 other employees you could be talking to right now I’m the only one who will listern? I assume you are telling me cos you want to draw all the burden onto me? F*** off that’s what I pay you for.’ That would be the conversation. Laughter But it would be! I pay you to fix it. You f**** it and you are telling me you want me to now fix you’re f*** up . When did I become you’re f*****g mother? I literally have said those words. Haven’t I Matt? Literally that conversation. What am I you’re f*****g mother? You’ve heard it though. I’m your mum now? You’re telling me you’re problems? You want me to fix you’re s***? Where does one go, like if you need, if you feel like you need that support, cos you know… So that support. About rescuing? People don’t, this whole thing about support, people who come and load their problems onto you, are not seeking support, they are seeking rescuing. Don’t ever be fooled. They want to be rescued from the pain of the f****p. It’s not support they want, it would be a different question if they wanted support, they would be like this ‘I f****d up. Do you think this could be the solution? Can I get some guidelines on the best way to proceed? I would love you’re support on how to turn it around’ that’s support. ‘I f****d up, help me?’ f*** that. That’s rescue. Don’t ever do it. no matter what it’s costing you inside, nuts inside, yes you did. That’s gonna cost us money. We had a big one last year didn’t we? Just a little bit Just a little bit. Cost us two million dollars. And my response was, ‘that’s a f*** up…yep that’s gonna hurt badly…you let me know what you are gonna do about that’. Oooohhhh Many? No. One person managed to pull that off. I had to get involved in that. Yeah. But that’s extraordinary, that you give that much space. That’s amazing.
That’s the mission. It doesn’t say in the values, all that until you f*** up. Laughter And that’s why we talk about the values all day every day . That was my other question yeah. The support comes from here, cause we have, we value the values. And taking responsibility, and thinking out of the box, and doing it like that, is where we come from first. So you actually make space in your day to commit and kind of honing and being their line and being there present. Yeah. Every minute of every day is this going to lift the values? Living the values. Is that person living the values? Yeah when we get to recruitment, I’ll get Matt to talk about what his doing right now, to recruit and what we’re doing. You know, the way we put people through some trials. Values driven trials. To see if they can get what it takes to succeed. Most Australians quite frankly have no idea what it means, being high standards consistently they think it’s pay cheque in exchange for do. They just think it’s that. They don’t have these conversations anywhere, so, it’s quite the awakening. So what I’m feeling excited about, is that you’re passion is about creating, it’s actually about creating culture… I think that’s what it is. Creating people at another level rather than just, I mean even though you want profit, that’s Important. Profit happens though because of all that. We have the profit, the profit’s taken care of because of the condition and the way we drive the purpose. What’s that quote that ‘don’t build your business, build you’re people’ Oh I like that. Yeah. Yep. Not Einstein. Laughter Has that helped? Yes…yeah
Good cool. Good discussion. Thank you. Yeah what else are you guys hearing? Yeah? It’s so Important that values match Yes. It’s so difficult. It’s so easy to say, It’s so easy to say, ah, it becomes you’re code of conduct because the code of conduct. Ah it’s the other way around. They did, I’m not kidding. At the start of the conversation they came up with that. I facilitated the conversation, who also was facilitating that day? Pheona? Pheona, but you guys came up with it. Yeah So, it’s not they adopted mine. They, we collectively came up with it. and it’s so easy to say, and so difficult to do. Cos getting blank faces, for most companies, is the norm. Thinking Yeah. Yes. And then there’s the situation, I think the last talk you had there, people live up to their expectations, they … Yeah, and what you culturally experience becomes you’re norm. so their expectation becomes the norm. but that’s why it’s so Important to have the expectations. Right up early. And again, it is easier said than done. Cos, you know it gets tiring being uncompromising. Until you have enough people who are also uncompromising. But in the beginning it’s you. Sue-Anne it’s you right now. You are the only one who knows this. So until you’re team, and you have some people on your team that care about it as much as you do, it’s on you. And the moment they get it, step back and let them get it. and they try and bring it to you and give it back to you saying ‘this is a hard one’ nup, ‘this is what you are made for, this is the moment you want if you want to find out how to grow you want to get ahead in this business, you told me in the interview you wanted to shine, you want fast pace environment, you got it, go forth. That’s it! that’s the moment you got hired for, this is it, don’t come to me, do it’. do you love it? but if you at any time, you’re not seeing them as potential growth, you just seeing them as an employee, you’re not putting people first, you’re putting Implementation first. And then it becomes this self unfulfilling prophecy of to get through the day, I just got to get through the day and you’re team just thinks I just got to get through the day, I just got to get through the day, so what you gonna do just get through the day! And nothing grows from
it. so somewhere in there, the conversation has to change. How’s this sitting with you guys? And again, it sounds easier to say. There’s a reason why, this part of the market is the most popular. It’s way easier to be any company, hiring someone who can do any job, and not complain. It is way easier to have that company. The profit’s are less, but it’s less about thinking or worrying about developing and how they’re going, and whose coming up and how do you help them, and do you let them turn to much road, you’re not moving on, had enough, did you ask too much of them, did you …that’s what consumes me. Did I ask too much? Did I not ask enough? Am I holding them back, am I getting in their way, is that the last thing they can handle? That’s what consumes me. That’s a more interesting conversation than did they do their job? That’s you as their leader, you got to put yourself in your own shoes. Yep. Yeah. The self aware leader is the rarest leader. Cos you understand that? Nup. You can break a lot of mirrors and it’s still the truth. The next one that believes, so what is it culturally everyone believes is possible. Um, this is very rarely a conversation that is articulated in a company. Very few people would be able to sit around and say what they’ve learned is possible. What does everyone believe? You know, there is a constant ethos in our company of, there’s a way find a better way we’ll find a better way around it. that is a constant belief that comes from me. That all my team, like you know, pheona wrote this morning, you wrote a week ago. It’s part of how we write, it’s , we can find a better way. The other belief is, everybody you hire should want to do that can never be finished. A standard question when recruiting is what’s on your to do list for you? I had someone say one time ‘5 things’ I nearly fell off the chair laughing. Bye bye. And just for fun I said ‘what would happen if you had two pages’? that would be unreasonable that would be bullying. Ok! Were done. How longs you’re to do list? I have a little book You have a book? Haha. You seen up the the 25 of may, already. Pages and pages and pages this person would have called it bullying at more than five items. That is really a great question to ask. What’s a long to do list? My record is 36 pages, and that was, that s*** I’ve just got to get done. Geeze shaz, get on with it. so, culturally a belief around a big to do list, is actually incredibly powerful. Beliefs around clock watching, very Important culturally, beliefs around, do I have to have my regular breaks? That whole culture. We had a grown up in our company, do you remember? Where you part of it? oh you’d be so grateful, you’re at home, where
were you? You were, where were you living then? In NSW. see you didn’t know this, but she used to walk around saying, ‘morning tea time!’ cultural killer. Cultural killer. I’ve worked with some of them. Yeah. And what does it do for your culture? Basically telling you I’m your mum, and I’m gonna tell you to stop now and have a rest. I didn’t do my afternoon breaks so, I’m entitled to leave 15 minutes early today. Laughter What did it do for the culture? There was none. I didn’t know whether to shoot her or shoot myself. Yeah. Oh yeah. Ready to go out the door in one minute. I’ve never had that in the history of my company. Yah. One part of my business production, there’s a lot of safety, and they must have a break otherwise..I can be fined for it. Yep. Absolutely, yes. So that part of it, compliance, must take care of it, but there are so many ways to build a great culture, you assign someone as the break monitor, and they get to hand out chocolates, you just empower the team to drive it. it’s your job guys. This is what’s gonna happen it’s part of your role, how are you gonna make you’re rock and roll. The other thing you can introduce is secret wow’s, so the production have to wow each other every month, there has to be a secret wow, shared around. We do that every couple of month we have secret wows, and they’re amazing they’re spectacular, our wows. We will walk you through some of them later. There are so many ways to approach it. I did it a few years ago, in the early stage of my growth, I gave every employee an iPod. At that time it was like 500 dollars, 24,000 dollars for those... I wowed them. And my company grew. Yeah. Yeah. So I’m if I may sue-Anne. I don’t think you are suited to a large company. I don’t think you are suited to having a large company. I think go for the profit with a smaller company. Growth Imperative for you is actually only up to a certain stage and I haven’t heard anything, are you guys with me on this? There’s nothing of her today that would tell me that get bigger for the sake of getting bigger is a good thing for you. You knowing theses people Impacts them.
The problem is I do such a niche market, in Perth, and I couldn’t find more customers to buy from me, so I have to go to Sydney and Melbourne, that’s where the growth starts, then all of a sudden I couldn’t grow any more. Cos to give personalised service takes so much energy… Again, it’s not about growing up in this; it’s about growing across in this. It’s taking the same infrastructure and the same people, and just getting them to cross train into another area. Don’t try moving here. It doesn’t work. Don’t do it for you. Does that make sense? Now where were we though? We were doing something cool. Secret wow’s Yeah. The beliefs. So what are our beliefs around what’s possible. Um, this one is off the charts, if you get it and it happens seriously, so rarely, does any of you’re team search outside of the company for answers? It’s off the charts. Important. Tish does it. you’ve got somebody who does it, yeah, it’s very rare, it’s so rare. To go outside the company to seek ideas. But if you don’t have a constant input of ideas, from other industries competitors, Glam does it a bit, yeah, our dream factory does it. we go outside the company, looking for the ideas to bring in. otherwise this all gets very cultish, and self-congratulate? And very pointless, cos you’ve just convinced yourself everything’s fine, cos you’re not looking out seeing the rock and roll of what’s going out there, thinking ho s**t man there fine. You need that ‘were not that fine’ conversation quite often. Sometimes you see, we are actually keeping goals on, we are rock n roll man, were, better examples of something else. Well when we rock we get worried, cos that means we are about to get complacent, we’ll take our eye off that ball, yeah, so that’s a warning we have, we get good at it, s*** get worried we are about to drop the ball. And that happens. So how much for looking outside the company is as in Important as how much you are looking inside your company. You know where are you going for ideas outside you’re company, is so Important. Without buying them, There are multibillion dollar businesses, being aggregated for this kind of information. It’s that Important to successful businesses. But you keep looking at yourself that myopia self congratulatory view just reassures you; it’s a very false lulling sense of security, as the market dries up. But you wouldn’t know cos you’re so busy making sure you doing you’re thing! So looking out all the time, that’s how guys. Meta Dynamics, find going outside of this industry completely, looking at what else was out there. Do more and do better, it’s a cool belief. Do more do better? Also the attitude around work ethic, you can’t make someone have a work ethic. You know the amount of times
Tish phone me up on a Sunday or I phoned her on Sunday morning we’ve both gone ‘what the f***?’ that’s normally how the conversation starts. Laughter ‘what the f***? How?’ it’s generally a what the f*** conversation on a Sunday morning. You were involved on a public holiday, what the f*** conversation. You just gotta have a team that cares. Seven days a week . If you have a team that only cares Monday to Friday, it’s not care. It’s job. And it just can’t be that. You guys know as a business owner what it takes to succeed. Success doesn’t pause on a Friday afternoon. Yeah? So I can see very clearly about that one, which team members do and which don’t. so if they don’t, so you kind of teach them that? Nah. You can’t teach bad attitude. Laughter. Put it to the test! Give them a call on a Sunday and say you need something. I’ve done it. they had the conversation with me once. And it has worked. I literally in the last performance reviews, I said somebody, and you fobbed that responsibility of cos it was a day off for you? Who the f*** are you? Deal with it, it’s yours. You had an opportunity there to wow that other person is thinking just move it over to them. Nice I like your application. Is that how you want to play in this company? The answer was no. they stepped up, they’re all over it. so, yeah, but you’ve got to give the speech. You’ve got to give the what the f*** speech. And that’s one of my favourite speeches, I’ve got post from everyone in my team. In my office file. She stormed in with the design issue. Slammed her desired issue slap bang on the table. Do you remember that poster you guys gave me? It’s funny Laughter F***. Well played balance I think once in a while point of view must be very safer… If it’s a crisis, a ‘you’re not there for me’ don’t expect me to be there for you. And I know she’s there for me and I know he’s there for me, and that reason I’m always there for them. Hence we never have to worry about who we can trust and when. Trust doesn’t stop on Friday afternoon at 5pm. Is that a must for your people…
Yah. Recruiting f*****g hard. Recruiting man, to recruit this type of culture? But also once the culture is the culture, extraordinary people couldn’t be anywhere else. Because they want that culture. Cos it’s so distinctive, that is a brand, the culture is you’re brand. People either want to be part of it or not. Yeah! And I think that’s cool. Takes us about half a day to figure it out. Or it takes people here about half a day, takes me about a couples of minutes. I can almost tell how someone sit’s whether they are a culture match. Can you remember? Were you there? That was hilarious I walked past ‘why is he still here?’ Laughter What’s he doing in my company? And then I did this to Matt so matt, what’s it take? Ooohhhhh laughter He just got winked at for somebody is sitting back and yet there still here. Um, where else were we going? Is this interesting guys? I just want to feel different ideas, around attitude. So, having said that it’s, nobody has to tell me where they are, if someone takes half a day, I just make sure they are ok. I’m not monitoring it. Do you know what I mean? Like if you’ve got a meeting , be on time to your meeting but , if someone’s got to go to the dentist, or something like that, I’m not noticing it. I actually say ‘why are you telling me?’ rock on! And I’m really generous when it comes to people wanting unpaid leave, or whatever guys, as long as when I need you, you don’t move. Like Tish, how many Saturday nights did we do with a bottle of red? Too many. Last year in the crisis… Many many many Her and I, and who else? Mary-Anne, and Nat, and we were sitting around in our homes getting pissed just managing this crisis, cos we got through Saturday night to midnight. Pming each other on face book, holy f*** here we go again, cos everyone gets drunk and gets rude on Saturday night apparently. Laughter You can’t be rude when you’re sober.
Public holidays. Public holidays…so, having each other’s backs builds trust faster than anything I know, but anyone who doesn’t have my back? I can’t trust so I know when I can’t trust with a crisis, which is good to know. Ben? Well if we don’t get through the crisis, nobody is gonna get f*****g paid. Let’s be clear, were get through this crisis or we aint. It’s not like we’ve got a choice here. Yah? I have question for Tish. On her days off, I’ve got to fix this first, I’ve got to fix this first. On facebook…. Laughter Take the time, take the time that you need. Yeah. Yes.. You know Tish? On her days off, she posts onto our secret group and says ‘won’t be available today.’ It’s you’re day off!!! I just go back. ‘Ok….’ Laughter It’s you’re day off!!! And, on a Sunday, if she’s unavailable for the day, she’ll let us know if she‘s unavailable for the day. That’s crazy, just go. And even though you say you’re off? You’re still on telling us what you’re doing at the reservoir. Laughter And that’s the other part of the culture, people who are gonna sing that song, I mean if that’s not to Tish and Diego’s song, or Matts, I don’t know what is. This is what they would be doing if they were with us our not. This is you’re song. Were on a mission. Were not on a money tree blah blah blah Yeah. It’s not I must do the task not responding on facebook. Were on a mission, this needs to be done, Yeah, it’s not just mission though, you try taking facebook away from Tish. Laughter. Or Diego, let’s take away the map My people… Laughter and clapping.
That was a joke I’m sorry!!! Meanie. So that’s Important, it’s not just culture, it’s hiring people that they would sing that song with you or without you. Like, Tish values you a lot, the culture you have created for them, cos her face just lit up every time… I’m not going to take credit for that. Tish created that culture. Diego created the events culture. They did it to what they bring. That’s’ the thing, the mistake people make is, people who want to join our company suddenly be culturally positive. Because they are going to hang around Imagining it’s me. It’s not, it’s everybody expects it of each other, if you hire culturally matched people, well they will contribute to the culture. They are the culture, the companies not the culture. You could take the coaching institute away and there would still be these extraordinary people singing this song. Is that making sense? Is this Important guys? To me it’s everything. Everything flows from being able to do this create here. How much of this is benchmark? All of it. to within an inch. All of it. performance reviews are completely culturally positive reviews. Every value, vision, and take it into leadership. Given feedback on CAM, all of it. it’s just a cultural review, it’s not even A performance review it’s just a cultural review. But nobody waits until the cultural review to hear how their doing. If you’re culturally negative you hear it. it’s all real time. As it was this morning when I was late. That’s what you needed. Were done. You can’t have it. you just can’t have cultural negative, it drags everyone down, it means you’re a liar. Yeah? So the attitude, there’s more around that to discuss I just can’t remember what it is. Standards, if you guys want to ask any questions please. Standards is what you sell, it’s how well you ride it’s, how you walk you’re talk. Don’t agree to everything I’m saying, if you’re not being all of this, cos in which case, if you’re not being all this you don’t agree with it. face that. Face that mirror. You could agree with all this, but if you’re not doing this, you don’t agree with this. Yet. So don’t hide, be the self aware leader, if this isn’t how you ride, somehow you don’t get this, or you don’t agree with it. or you found a different way, that you think suit’s you better. But don’t hide from the reality, agreeing with it and not doing it. that’s a f******g lie. Does that make sense? And it takes time to fight for it to have it. it really does, you know it took me about 5 years to, god I’m not there yet, the arrogance to even think that I’m not, but 5 years to this to everyone we have in our company is this. All the time. Or they’re gone. And everyone expects that. It took five years. Cos you gotta grow into being that uncompromising. And it’s so much easier to compromise guys. I don’t need the bad press. Really. Do you know what I mean? I don’t need the latest person who
quit, bitching about me on facebook, I just don’t need it. it’s much easier to compromise and say we’ll figure it out, let’s make it on your terms and be the nice one, but it culturally kills. So, this a type of road, than the middle road of keeping everybody happy. This whole thing like employers got to keep you happy. It’s b******t. Do you guys hear what I’m saying like cultures like these articles coming out about ‘what the workplace should be’ you guys with me? No you should be. The ‘put it on the employer ‘ is a lot. If you want to be an extraordinary company, be f*****g extraordinary. But that doesn’t intend to happen, so being uncompromising is a tough road, but if you keep being uncompromising for long enough you’ll eventually attract people who are uncompromising and they wouldn’t have it any other way. And that’s why you have got to flag for them, see standards of what you expect in yourself, that’s not what I’m saying about being uncompromising unapologetically, and the expectations are then finally are what you can ask of others. It’s the last thing on the list. What I’m prepared to ask of you is only based on what I have already asked of myself. A hundred times. If you can’t have a expectations conversation.. set up, I drinking. Laughter. I’m surrounded by mothers. The expectation conversation can only happen once the standard has be demonstrated, as an everyday practice. it can be quite shocking to say I’m going to change the culture, to some big evangelistic event, to new expectations when you haven’t shown it’s the standard that you adhere to. So when you go back into your company, you don’t suddenly rock and roll them. Upset the apple cart in one big blazing glory of expectation on them. That’s too much. You have to be it for a while. Usually about a month. And then you start communicating that expectation. And you get to say cool things like ‘you might have noticed there has been a difference in me, I’m trusting you have’ or ‘perhaps you might not have noticed, but I just want to share with you that over the last month this is where I’ve got to’ and then you have the right to say, that one of the expressions, I’m going to attribute it to Ghandi I think it’s wrong but it was a, no it wasn’t Ghandi, there was a religious guru I don’t know how to pronounce it respectfully in India, and a mother came and said ‘I can’t get my kid to stop eating sugar I’m really scared’ ‘go away for a month,’ comes back a month later, ‘you asked me to go for a month why?’ ‘well you asked me to help your son to stop having sugar, I had to give up sugar…first. And now I can say stop having sugar.’ That has lived with me all the time as a leader. Have I walked that talk for long enough to congruently say stop having sugar. And so, I’m very quiet and don’t teach or have views around areas where I’m not, if I’m having sugar I’m not going to talk about that area. So be very mindful that those blind spots to you will be where you’re paying the price in your company. You can’t tell people to be on time if you’re late to meetings, and you can’t tell people to be prepared for meetings if you’re not prepared for meetings. You can’t expect people to great sales if you can’t do great sales or can teach them how to do great sales, there has to be …. You can’t’ there’s a
difference between abdication and delegation. Abdication is oh I hope they can do this. I hope they do their job. Verses delegation, this is how we are gonna do this. Or this is why this matters, this is what we want, tell me how you are going to do it. See the ultimate leadership sentence is ‘what are your ideas?’ that’s the ultimate leadership sentence. What are your ideas? Where are going to take that? Say to someone else, ‘where are you going to take that?’ it’s all them driving it. That’s all of this is designed for that conversation, it’s irrelevant that’s you’re mark. Where are you going to take them? Where is our business? You turn it to them. The next level down is thinking this might matter, what would you do? You get guidance that make sense? Excellent next level down, a little less empowering. this really matters, this is what needs to happen, come back with ‘how you are going to do it’ next level down. ‘This really matters this is what is to happen this is how to do it’ I’m going down this list. Next level down. Seriously why are they in the company. This really matters, cause this needs to happen, this is how I’m going to do it now I’m going to sit with you repeatedly, as you do it. you’re goal is to get to ‘what’s you’re ideas?’. What are your thoughts? ‘where are you taking it?’ and then what you mean to do as a leader is just guide those thoughts. But they have to come from you’re team. Or you are constantly held hostage by your business. Does that make any sense? So my mentoring of teachers, I ordered a social media book. Remember? Yeah.. ’30 Ways to Build Social Media’ you don’t remember it? God yay me. Laughter. Yeah that thinking is trust. And then they are going to go and ask a dumb question. How do we deal with that. Is that where is needs to be? But it’s only that top level question to go all that way down, is to not lead. It’s to control, it’s to micro manage Anything below, ‘I think this really matters’ ‘what are your thoughts on this’ is management. And anything above that’s the leadership. Does that make sense guys? Agreement I have a question relating to blind spots, is that where well I personally, for everything perfectly. So where there are stretches, and you have to walk the talk, to get the best out of your employee, what do you do with those blind spots? Do you self educate? Or.. Well you have to educate enough, that you can delegate and empower. And you have to know what the benchmarks are of success. When I come in as a coach or mentor, one of the first areas I get involved in is where they have blind spots and they don’t know how that’s done, they don’t
know they have a problem. They’re held hostage. I’ve got to wrestle that back. So that tends to be, and for some companies it’s every area. They have blind spots in every area about how that came about. Or how to replicate that so it’s not mastering it’s, they got away with it until now. So, yeah, it’s very much, what do you need, how do you benchmark, how do you do that. The answers I don’t know, you got a problem. That’s f*****. Cause they couldn’t do any of these levels. They just keep going. Go. Laughter Go, yeah? Verses, the empowered leader can say ‘what are your thoughts? And they will give you all these ideas, but they are already doing them. That’s the ultimate empowerment is for your team that is already doing them without prompting. They’re just driving it, there just wow you. That’s the goal. That’s the goal standard. I have my team about every week .someone will say ah thought you should know, I just blah de blah de blah. It’s like wow! It’s just Improvement. And my question to that is ‘how did it come about? just teach me’ and that’s how they get acknowledged and validated and empowered and rewarded, they get to share with me, how they came about. And they get to share their thinking about it Marilyn, not how they used a system that was written for them to follow and just blinding adhered to, I don’t care about the task tell me about thinking that lead to that innovation. All the stuff that’s documented, nobody should brag about. It’s called paid….work. that cool? You were paid to do that. Everything beyond that? That’s what you’re here for. The rock n roll. The innovation, the wow the extraordinary, the invention the idea. That’s what you get to brag to me about. But don’t come and brag you hit benchmark, that’s called paid. That’s so the norm. I know. Helping? Yeah. Don’t get too excited when you’re team hit benchmark. Or come close to it, that’s what they are paid for. They knew that going in. Cool? It’s the conversation. The structured conversation Yeah. Good. What are you guys getting from this? I wanna pause, we are going to have a break in about five minutes, can I just get some indicators of how this is sitting with you guys, what are your thoughts? I haven’t been rushing this conversation. Do this content it’s so much faster. I wanted to let it sit and land with you. It is a foundation for the house. It really is, cos, the other thing that goes in there is the goals and the purpose of the company, so, goals can sit in structure and environment. Because I’m, uh, I don’t really understand how my company, everyone looked up all the employees looked up to the management in there because the drilling company for everyone, and he just, did.
Oh that’s so sad, So why he were talking about what was going wrong in that company They compromised on that. That’s where it happened, they compromised on that. They weren’t making profit. And what happened was, instead of making profit, they every quarter, profit margins went down. And their shares were going down. Because they were getting … Isn’t that so true for companies that, especially public companies, the short term 90 day profit Imperative, you have to report a profit every 90 days on the stock market. They can’t make top dog decisions. You know good reason not to give public. Good point thank you. What else? In appreciation for the depth of such a structure, and what it takes an organisation to Implement it live it breath it, bring it to life. But that is the rewards are so great. Well then you have extraordinary conversations with your team. You want to be here, conversation you to talk with them, they want to be with each other. You know, these people hang out together, cos we are all thinkers. And we are hired for the ability to think. And we all know this you know, if someone’s slipping a little bit, she’s turned around, front desk. She’s turned around, we’ve got an administrator who’s struggling for a while there, and we just all put our laser like cultural focus on her and she’s starting to shine now. She’s getting it. she got the ‘are you on the bus or off?’ ‘I’m not getting off the f*****g bus’ that was her response. Ok, then this is what we need to see. And we all started fighting for that with her, and now she’s culturally fine again. That we let it slip and we reminded her, that’s a good save. Yay? I don’t think most companies learn their values. I don’t think that’s true. We can do pop quizzes on who knows their values, like really. I don’t think most team members in any company know their values. Yeah they’re probably go t … They have. That’s not knowing it, that’s having it. People don’t deserve their value. Like customers how do you live with that? How do you set your standards, on a customers Yeah. One of the easiest ways, I’ll talk about feedback and culture tomorrow, we will see how we go, if someone does something, you’re just going to reflect what value you live in. and this will tell you. It’s awesome. That tells you how fast everyone knows their values. Ah yeah I didn’t think about that. Yeah I’ll have a think about it. yeah I don’t know. Go to learn your values. So now it wasn’t enough they did good, now they’ve got to know it’s the values, see I just raised the
standards. That’s great, how did you live with the values. Ah shit I just wanted to tell you, I know you just wanted to tell me, I just expect you to do well now I wanna know how you know it’s culturally positive, go on a limb. That’s a different conversation. From a leader verses ‘good job’ Laughter. Of the companies of the mission and religion it comes from a board of directors, and they just bring their gown, and just like force it on your desk. Ok. Sure. Let’s not do that. Cause you learn it from here. Well I don’t have a board of directors so that’s not going to gage it. yah? Something that I found really exciting that I’ve only just realised. Sometimes I’m a little slow like we’ve only had this ..a thousand but um, each set, reinforces and strengthens the one product how the mission, reinforces, so inspiring the extraordinary, exploring more. There is a hierarchical Imperative. So by the time it comes out to expectations and you reinforce yourself every single step of the way..and you get stronger. That’s it. so these expectations, ties with the bottom ranking people, you can’t have an expectation with a person until everything above it is in place. That’s why it’s last. Cause people who don’t converse until you’re prepared to put them last. You know what I mean, you’ve got to walk you’re walk before you talk you’re talk, before you can ask anyone. On anything. It’s respect I think so. Yeah. Cool. What else? Yah? I mean to interaction with all team members, it’s bringing the conversation and the consistency of the standards so the higher level conversation you’re having a system. Cause people bringing in the ah, structure, and the thoughts. Yeah, and it comes self perpetuating, you’re team expects that conversation. And then creates that conversation. And if they forget it and they easily get back on track with it. cause it’s just the cultural Imperative all the time. How’s that looking to our values? Cool. What else? Yah? I really like what you said,
Mm, you be a evangelistic darts all firing? Got a bit excited? Also that the conversation you have with the teams, so what are your ideas? What’s you’re thinking behind this? Um, Yeah, well the thing on not going public so on Thursday, what’s today Tuesday? Yeah so, the day you go back to your company you can’t be puppy doggy excited, cause you don’t yet what you are capable of in terms of the standards. So you might have, you might repeat you don’t understand and on day 27, neeeeaa.. that’s the only conversation you can have. And you’re team will do 20% less than that. This is as good as it can get. So you can agree with everything I’m saying , but until you have done it you don’t agree. You have to do it, and then see where is sinks to. Or if it goes up. And whatever that is, you’re team will do 20% less. So you better be good. But you’ve got to know how good you are over time. So no point in knowing how good you feel you are right now. This is pointless. This is just a pleasant conversation. Well what came up to me was that we were in the position because we are the leaders we are now, so, it’s the Implementation of the idea and we have to become in whatever time you become that . cause that’s the actual biggest challenge. Before this self mastery slow down. Yeah. It is self mastery always. The rest of the team so, and it hearing the stuff the first time is just brilliant. Ok this is great but now you just integrate it and Implement it. So you are breathing it? it shouldn’t be a strain, it shouldn’t be ‘oh yeah I’ll talk to them about that’. It has to be automatic. How many years in a row……yah? Thank you I just saw the real connection in here today, every time. It’s actually who I am. Yep yah, actually you’re avatar you are their ideal… that’s who you need to be for your market, for your avatar. You must be living the dream that they wish they have. Then you’ll always know you have a great market.. The rest is easy The rest is easier, I wish it was easy. It’s never easy firing someone. It should never be. To Implement you’re stage and watch yourself, what you are doing with thing, it’s not so easy, but because if you are natural it who you are, then it’s easy. You become that person. And it’s congruent.
Yeah, exactly. That’s why I have high trust with my market. Because I am very consistent. And the consistency is very admirable, to anybody who’s not. Because everybody has dreams and aspirations in feeling that consistency. Because they know their rewards. So as long as you are consistent you are always going to be attractive. That’s why I say go a month, and see how consistent you really are, cause that’s all you can ask of anyone around you. What else? Yah? Just a small thing you mentioned not rewarding people. For reaching expectation or benchmark. And that in a sense is becoming bigger trend in business, and why we should do something different. Yeah, it’s a mega trend run away from it. and literally say, For reaching and 1.35.41 you’re buyers. Mmm interesting. Yeah, I tend to do random bonuses like I’ll just announce random bonus if you get to this I’ll give you that, and just whatever. I just randomise it. but I know, people, like every studies said nobody does anything for money. The money might be part of it, but it’s really not, it tends to be number 7 or 8 on a list of what matters, and you know and I never used to believe that. And cultures actually very very high. Cultures high. Knowing you’re values is actually the highest. Knowing that you matter. So, took me a long time to get my head around that, because I didn’t know how to help people feel they mattered. Cause I was a poor leader. So I replaced it with money. Which meant I got people who were driven by really poor motivators. They wouldn’t do anything unless it was for the money. So I created a very poisonous culture I didn’t, does that make sense? So that’s why it takes awhile sometimes to get out of this. So how do you disconnect from the money Imperative when you think that’s the only way you can leverage someone. It’s crappy but, everyone’s got to go through it. You know don’t judge till you walk to the steps. But then you start realising it’s actually not getting great results. So there has to be a different way, and eventually you’ll start trying a different way but it does take time. Cos this is how you put up with the pain of throwing money in the …..cos it doesn’t. Anybody else? I like it where it sort of carries on in the when somebody hit their benchmark language, now that creates that values for the step for… It is. It’s going the extra beyond. Absolutely. And so they actually embedding that, by telling themselves and … Yes. And slamming it out loud and articulating how it’s a values thing. We are going to do a cultural thing tomorrow. Seeing there a lot of us concerned about messing with the culture, but we are
going to do cultural wows tomorrow. Wednesday afternoons 2.30 we just get together and do cultural wows. We just get together and share wows. So I might say ‘Karen you really wowed me’ I’m wows for, and we, people just fight to give the wows. It’s just extraordinary. But just this fighting to give the wow. Which is self perpetuating, and self generating, and none of it’s about hit benchmark. It’s lead the way with the values, or, you hit the benchmark but this is the way you did it. and there’s this just a lot of talk about how people ride not just the fact that they did. Cos that’s passing anyway. So, we’ll see how we go with everyone there. It’s just a few of us but, it’s really worth appreciating, in inaction. And seeing it in action. Anybody else? Yah? I’m looking in that mirror that you were talking about before, and, I’m a sole trader so I don’t have a team around me yet. But it’s really hitting home for me, exactly how Important, I thought I walked my talk, and so much that I do, but to really push myself to the next level and to really make sure that I can reach my potential, Yeah you do they are you’re clients. Yes, yes, They are you’re team, they are taking their cues from you. We’ve all got a team, even if it’s just family, and I don’t mean just, we all have a team. Who look to us for certain cues and clues and they say things I would never turn to us for, because they have spotted the inconsistency it’s almost an unconscious, that’s b*******. Or it’s just yes you can trust them for that. You know what I mean. But there’s some people you go to for a certain things. And you can do it at any time. The ultimate measure is this, too many people need reassuring, when you tell them about a problem you’ve got. I’ll say it again. The ultimate measure of leadership. Too many people need reassuring, when you tell them about a problem you’ve got. Because they then worry about what’s going to happen to them. Self interest. The ultimate measure of leader, is the person you tell your problem and they go ‘how can I help you?’ and it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a leadership title, or leadership responsibility, anyone can do that at any time. And it’s like 2% of the world can do that. That’s the truth, everybody else will protect them from problems. They can’t handle it. and whoever can’t handle the problem? Can’t’ handle responsible leadership. Just don’t even go there. Whoever you can tell your problem to, and their first thought is how can I help you with that? Leadership potential. But most people’s first instincts is to worry and self interest. How does that effect me. Is that going to affect me, what do I have to do, well the tension, do you get what I’m saying? The first level of leadership is, what do they do when you tell them you’re problem, they should they’re first thought should be how can I help you? Cos leadership is service. To others. That’s what leadership is. That’s all it is. It’s service to others. So were going to go for a break now for 20 minutes
Half past four? Yep? I’ll hang around for questions of course, and go down and see my team. How’s this section been guys? A very thoughtful section. That I’ve enjoyed the fact that we haven’t rushed through it. do I get a round of applause? Applause I know, barley I mean E is a giant unpack. I hardly scratched the surface with it. ok well keep the conversations going, we’ll come back in 20 minutes, and well dive in more detail, and we’ll get down into structure, and I trust this is valuable advice. Awesome. Thank you. Rock n roll
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SHARON PEARSON Disruptive Leadership Module 1 | Live Training Transcription - Environment Edition 1 | Version 3 | December 16 Published by The Coaching Institute Copyright 2016 Š The Coaching Institute All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher. In some instances, people or companies portrayed in this book are illustrative examples based on the author’s experiences, but they are not intended to represent a particular person or organisation.
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