D1 – P4 CAM Model – Implementation How you guys going? (Happy noises) Ok, so, tell me where you’re at with this. What’s its well, what’s it’s stretch, what are you noticing, what’s needed in your business other than everything, I get that. Laughter From that conversation you had, what are the, what’s key, what’s standing out for you? In your business That’s a very easy way to not be the mass trend. So many coaches are so beige. Yeah…. Very beige. Very much asking basic questions and not thinking inductively. They are very deductive, it’s like ok, tell me what’s the challenge, stop challenge stop challenge. Whereas you need to be the kind of coach that goes ‘that’s not the challenge it’s this’ you gotta redefine the problem that makes it interesting…..and truthful by the way. The problems never the problem. Yeah cool. What else? What else stood out for you? I’m surprised that’s still out cos that’s not a conversation we have but I glad that stood out. Laughter Yeah? Inconsistency for me, I find it easier to try and think about those things in purse or in pocket but this really be consistent. About what am I doing all the time? Ok. Yes. Absolutely, you gotta mean it. It takes a lot to get beyond humility. It really does, you can do it brute force but after a while, you actually need something that’s quiet consistent and sustainable. Cool. What else? Creating a culture, cos it’s just me, at the moment and my clients, so it’s that like I guess as a mother I always think about, you know the only way I can, the way I caring, is that I be the example, more than tell I think, so I guess that’s the same feeling I have, when I’m running my own business, is that I need to be that. Whatever it is I’m willing to. Yeah. You can’t be anything but that. No It all starts with us. Any, I love that that’s great. What else? What else stood out? please Having the environment drive every conversation that I have, cos what I’ve been noticing is that at times I might go structure first or people or implementation that I get the top the environment but it slows down. So having that drive of all conversations. Yeah, well I was thinking about this last night, and the way I see it, I think I can remember, you know how your thoughts are genius just as you’re going to sleep? Yeah laughter This is one of those moments; this is all downhill from there. So I’m gonna have a go, but, once someone, you want a person to do well, so you give them something to do, but if you
don’t give them the strategy or the manual to do it, how well can they do? Or, you hire someone that you want to do well, you give them tasks to do, and they’re good enough to develop a strategy to do it. That’s great. But they don’t have the thinking… the strategy we learn to buy the moment not the long term. So again you need the environment. So it just keeps flowing up, constantly no matter where you start the conversation. You want someone to do well so you give them a task to do, and if you specify all of this and you tell them exactly about it and you tell them why it matters which by the way is very traditional management. You know a lot of management books say you gotta create buy in for your team. And you gotta explain to them why it matters, I don’t agree with that. They have to explain to me why it matters. Well, if I say there’s any kind of truth they say it’s completely true. So why does this matter? And they can figure it out they can think so now you not just got them doing something well, you got them thinking about the strategy of it, and thinking about the strategy so you’re now creating growth in the person. They’re potential. But if all you do is get someone to do the task well, all you’ve got doing is someone doing a job. And you’re a liar about your culture. Does that make any sense? How did I pull off the thoughts before the dream? Was that ok? I did ok? Yeah? Thank you I appreciate that. I appreciate encouragement. Yeah? So it’s imperative if you get here, and realise that’s the gold standard for anybody on your team. And you didn’t really think about why it matters. What is that’s gonna happen, how it’s gonna happen and replicate it, with other people. Cos otherwise it’s constantly this person that does the job well. This person does the job well. This person does the job well. If you don’t elevate it to this, this person can never become that for many. There’s no reachability. Digging it? But at the heart of it you gotta hire people who wanna think. And most people, I’m pretty sure it’s Einstein that said it. Henry Ford said ‘most people would rather die than think.’ And that’s true. Thinking is incredibly difficult and it’s much easier not to think, cos then you have to abdicate responsibility. Wasn’t me, you didn’t tell me. Cos you stopped having a brain? That’s the conversation. Anything other than that is that conversation. Cool what else? Yeah? Some um, not sure how I got to this, or whether it fits in, I feel like there’s something there about a kind of intense focus and creating clarity, so creating it thinking it and doing it, so having the clients finding the clients, creating the relationship, and being really fitted to that, but, also not taking all of it too seriously. Oh sure. Like bringing up a whole lot of fun, and kind of letting go enough, that I can allow for things to … Yeah. It has to be detached compassion. It can’t be attached compassion. Yeah. Not an attached. You’re too much in the game. My own significance. Being able to... Attached compassion is significance, it’s ego. Detached compassion is you caring about how their doing. Not caring about how you’re doing in the drama. Which is not the point. Good. Yep?
then about I have the power Yes. As long as you hire the people who want to be empowered. And I say now most the planet doesn’t even know that conversation exists. The number of people we interview, and we say ‘so tell me what you’re looking for’ ‘I want more of a challenge’ I find it so hard to hire these people and this is why. Because then they say they want more of a challenge. What they’re saying is, they think they want more. But they’ve never had more. And the reason they haven’t had more in the previous jobs, is because they couldn’t handle more. So what they’re saying, their want, they actually can’t hack. So we sometimes then give them a pun, and I go ‘you said you wanted more’ ‘yeah but not this much’ ‘oh, so were f****** goldilocks now, it’s not quite right?’ you know the whole, it’s gotta be just right? Laughter This much challenge, we got this much, so that tells you on a bad day that will not be a bed for you. So, in terms of recruitment when it comes to this model, I ask the question ‘what is it you are looking for’ and they say ‘well I wasn’t challenged enough I was really bored at the last job’ be very suspicious. The indicators that I’m looking for is ‘tell me more about that’ ‘well they just didn’t just have enough to do, I’m really could of handled a lot more, I like a fast paced environment’ that’s better than, ‘I don’t know I just didn’t feel challenged enough’ if they can’t articulate well, they will fail in an innovative environment. Cos they’ll come in and they will tell you, you’ve given them too much. Cos seriously, they’re gonna goldilocks you, and then you’re now you’re on the back foot worrying about are you giving them too much or not enough. Can anyone relate to this; they’ve had this? Yeah So the moment you hear that, I give the feedback, I always give feedback in the interviews, were going into recruitment tomorrow, but I give feedback in interviews, I say ‘do you want the feedback now, or do you want the standard reason why you’ve been rejected later by mail?’ and I say ‘the standard letter will say “you are unsuccessful for this role all the best” do you want to hear the reason why? Or do you want the standard rejection letter?’ They will all say I want to know why, and I say ‘are you sure?’ And they say ‘yes’ and I say ‘because what you really want is just the amount of challenge that suits you, and you don’t really know what that means’ ‘yeah I do’ ‘no, you don’t’ and that’s why we can’t take the risk on you’. Cos you’re untested yet in a very challenging environment, you just think you like the idea of it. It’s like people want to say ‘I want to be able to play the guitar’ I can totally relate to I wish I could. But I don’t want to do the ten years of practice; I just want to be able to play the guitar. I like the idea of it. And I see those little f******s at fourteen years of age… Laughter And they do at age minus twenty, how… You just can’t play a song Exactly. Yeah. But that’s the thinking behind the recruitment when it comes to CAM, careful of what people say they want more of, or less of, what they’re telling you is they haven’t overcome that yet and they haven’t experienced it yet. So you’re probably heading to a problem. You want to hear ‘I’ve had really fast paced and I loved it, then I went to a new one thinking it would be like that and it’s not, not fast paced enough, I really need a
place that I’m challenged more. And then I’m at my best’. Now you’re having a great conversation. But ‘noo, I’m just ready for more challenge’ if you are ready for more challenge you would have got more challenge. Cool? Like seriously, any team member you have to spell out, how to take on more challenge, they’re not ready for more challenge. The person who wants more challenge, guess what they’ll do? They’ll find and create more challenge. They will seek it. They will find ways to be more useful. If they’ve got to be told you gotta tell them twice or three times, stop telling. They’ve reached their capacity, and they’ll eventually leave and they will say to the next employer ‘I want more of a challenge; they didn’t give me a challenge’. It’s fine, just know the truth. They maxed, if they wanted more, they would have claimed it. Especially in an environment like this. When anyone can own this company, run this company or buy this company. Any day of the week I don’t care who runs this company, whoever’s capable of it, rock on, I’m not standing in anybody’s way. So imagine the kind of excuses you have to come up with to get in that environment. About why someone hasn’t succeeded. There’s nothing standing in your way, you can have any role in the company you want, what’s the excuse then? Laughter Seriously, what could you say? I got this once ‘I want more structure’ I can’t do that. Laughter So this is my introduction to implementation. To unwritten ground rules. To, how to rise, all about getting things done, but how to get things done. It’s the gracefulness. The idea when you’re getting things done. Is people have gotta to feel that they, have, there’s a feeling of belonging in it, so no one felt left out or isolated, where it could have been prevented, they’ve gotta feel empowered is that it gonna? So enough information to rock on, but not too much that you spoon fed them. There’s nothing empowering about that. They’ve gotto feel that they know where it’s heading, or they’re taking it where it’s heading. Depending on their level of responsibility, capability, leadership. And this is pretty well where thinking stops by the way. For people who are followers, they gotta know where it’s heading, and they gotta dictate where it’s heading, they need to know what the benchmark is. They need to know what the target is that they’re needing to hit. And they gotta know that they contributed. To the purpose. Now, what I see, many times when I come into organisations where I work with, you know businesses and masters or whatever, the people get it when they get there, ugly, or they get there with people feeling left out. Or they get there with people not understanding how they got there. Or they get there with people feeling confused about that process or isolated by the process or pissed off by the process, um when we had grownups in the company that was pretty well a daily event. But it got done, it was so ugly how it got done it was just disconnected everybody from, there was no vision left when I came back. None. It was gone. It had blown up. By the way, it takes less than five days to destroy a culture. And take up to ninety days to get if back. So all five of these need to be in place when you implement, it’s not enough, if you give someone something to do and you say you’ve ticked the box at the CAM the implementing, you gotto know that they’re feeling great about what they’re doing, that they’re empowered to be able to do it, that they absolutely know what they’ve got available to make it happen, or they are creating what’s available in terms of structures, they’ve gotto know what benchmark they’ve gotta hit or they’ve decided the benchmark they can hit if they’re rock n rolling if they are doing something they’ve never done before, and then they gotta know they contributed to the vision, or learn a way not to and they won’t do that again. That’s gotta be happening all the time, that’s graceful arrival. Leadership is graceful arrival. It’s not
just getting it done at all costs. It is not getting it done if people are feeling like crap, it is not getting it done if people are feeling left out, it’s graceful arrival. You guys digging this? General agreement I made that name up last night. Just as I was nodding off. Enjoy. Thank you What are your guys thoughts on that? You guys can join in too. Just… you’re sighing… f*** I just think I love the term graceful arrival; it’s just so…complete You guys get that? Yep completely, especially in the fast lesson to environment and want to be add momentum but, to do it gracefully, it just takes it to that … And do you know the alternative? Have you experienced the contrast? Who’s experienced ugly arrival? It’s very tiring isn’t it? That ugly arrival, and that whole thing, whenever you see ugly arrival never be pleased that you arrived. Cos you lost the opportunity to get it graceful. It’s a great benchmark It really is. No. It’s very very tiring. It’s a very exhausting culture to be part of. That’s all we saw when we had the grownups. It was ugly arrivals. All the time, and in the end nobody arrived. The uglier it is the less arrivals you’ll start having, which means less momentum you start having which means eventually the culture dies. It just perpetuates, yeah? There’s a lot more focus on the implementation over the arrival.. There is. It’s all about who’s doing what. And then it becomes, as soon as the conversation to who’s doing what it turns into blame, I thought they were doing that, and the moment it becomes that momentums gone again, so it’s basically you’re just watching this whole house of cards just collapse. Whenever there’s ugly arrival if you don’t have all five, all the five benchmarks of implementation in place, it’s ugly. And the moment its ugly people start to blame, or separate themselves from the mission, or find ways to disconnect from what happened, it’s almost like it wasn’t me. When I came back, when the grownups left, and the number of times I heard, in the first month, ‘I thought so and so was doing it’. ‘I didn’t know that was my responsibility’, ‘oh I didn’t know you wanted that’ ‘I didn’t know you meant that’ like I was suddenly god? It was so f*****. I used to go home with red wine, let’s be clear here, alcohol helps. Laughter Whatever, Laughter
Just thinking the work I’ve got ahead of me, so that conversation changes, completely around, so it’s ‘I’ve got that’ ‘don’t have to think about that Sharon’ you know there are four departments I don’t have to think about them at the moment, there’s one I do, it’s ok, but most the departments I don’t have to think about, because this is…it’s graceful arrival. That’s your benchmark, it’s not are they hitting the benchmark, it’s not are they doing their job, is are they doing gracefully? Now if that’s happening, people should be developing, cos if you’ve got people who are figuring out, how to get it done, they have to think. No one has to think if you’re given a system; - could you just go through this list and just tick it off? There’s no thinking required so there’s no development, is everyone getting that? But we don’t have a check list for it, what are your thoughts? I think blah means what are your thoughts? What do you reckon? What do you reckon? Think it’s a bit of rock n roll? Alright, let me know how you go with that. Now I’ve got someone who’s gonna… verses… so blah de blah de blah, here’s the check list, I can’t even imagine doing this to you. Laughter Step away from the Tish, Laughter As long as somebodies got the checklist their growth is just being tapped. But it’s up to the team, you’ve got to hire well enough that they get the check list and they improve it without being told. That’s potential. Is that making sense guys? But as long as you’re having to mother them through them belonging, as long as you’re having to take care of them feeling empowered and included, as long as you’re having to show them all the steps required, as long as you’re having to spell out the benchmark, they don’t have leadership. They just don’t, don’t even bother going near the conversation, their not to blame, they’re just not ready yet. They don’t even see, all of that, all they see is ‘do I feel included?’ ‘Do I buy into it?’ it’s all about themselves, ‘do I have the systems to improve?’ they’ll only start getting lots of questions to someone ‘I don’t know how to blah blah, ‘I don’t have a sense of blah blah’ ‘I’m not getting answers to this question’ you have a problem person cos they need everything micro stepped out for them. Every time is that not boring? Guys, talk to me. If you’ve had any experience leading people that is just up to ten years. You must have tears though when the teams leader opposed to new ugu. Or, Yeah! Absolutely… and in the beginning, you’re assessing if they can break through the line into creation. Of a better system. And anybody who can’t do that step can’t go any further, beyond their job. That’s it. But that’s all ok if they do their job well? Yeah, if that’s all they want, but then if the conversation becomes ‘I want more of a challenge,’ dude, there it is, but they don’t see it, the person who’s, it’s the blindness, so you can’t see what you can’t see, if they can’t see that they think they want challenge, all you can do is make this, now you’re micro managing but you’ve got to make this job more empowering. Cos they can’t do it for themselves. They don’t know how to redefine, remember we don’t have job descriptions, so if the individual doesn’t know how to redefine their role, they are very limited in what they can do in the company. Now the flip side in Midas, we have two people, don’t touch. It’s that. Every day, unbelievably well, benchmark all the time, it’s phenomenal, but I can tell you now, it’s only phenomenal cos they drive the
systems, their driving the improvements they’re talking about all the time, I don’t know what they’re discussing, but it’s awesome. That’s how I know. Benchmarks improved. Remind me who Midas is again? Who do you think minus is? The dud with the golden touch Who do you think minus is? Finance! King Midas, everything he touched turned to gold. Haha Laughter So, through this model, would I be correct in my saying that, your graceful arrival is very much about others focus the results are all focus not self-focus. Good. Totally. Everything below the line is self, everything above the line, is others. And this is why this is the game changer, you’re capacity to design a system that helps others, it’s reachability for the followers. Does that make any sense? Yep? The manual, get the level, but if their reasonably excellent, tell you re… That’s why; you don’t have a job description, you know that someone you would never get in the way of someone impacting all the way up the five levels, and contributing to the gracefulness. Over however far they can go. Every time they change they re-document? Yeah. That’s down to your new benchmark Yah.. the standard question is have you documented. Just continue the spiel improve improve improve Yeah, definitely.. And you can see the gaps in the company where that doesn’t happen. It’s catch up the whole time. This team, so we’ve got, wow team at the back of the room, not the whole team, but you guys experienced that didn’t you? Talk a little bit about that. When you sucked… Gasps That was funny…nobody laughed…like you and I know… Laughter So, for a long time there was no use of much structure at all. And even worse than that we had a whole lot of people that didn’t value structure. Including myself, for ages it was like there was a lack of awareness of why it would even be a good idea. Which is a weird thing to say, Now you know what you know Knowing how, I don’t know how the f*** we do without it. Really.
But there was no way, I could have ever of said to you, or to you, structure really matters. Yep I had other people who were rescuing you. Cos there’s nothing you can do to make someone get this. No one gets it cos you tell them. It’s got to be self-driven. No, it’s something within them saying wow, it’s like suddenly you just see it, it’s like it’s been sitting there the whole time and suddenly you’re noticing that there’s a stain on the carpet and it’s been there for twenty years. It really is. So, carry on, is there anything you wanna add? Yeah, I mean in terms of.. This is Darcy, Hi Darcy, In terms of adding structure to what we do now, it was it was driven internally by each of us to start the value it. I think that we realised that if were on mission, then structure is critical … if were on mission but were just implementing, then were just doing and doing and doing, and then really what’s really the mission. It doesn’t really makes sense because you’re just doing something, with nothing to actually aim for, nothing to actually structure and to actually go for that’s what I found. Yah. And you guys sucked. We sucked, so bad. How would you have done that? Laughter Another really important thing to consider is that, as Sharon was saying below the line and above the line, below the line it was completely just about us, so the thing we were considering was like are we gonna get in trouble or not, or do our job right or not, it was very very s*** thinking. External focused. Uh, yeah. And now when we’re improving things it’s always how is this gonna affect the team? Or how is this gonna make the role better for the next person to come up. How can you, make you’re role better for when you move onto the next whatever you do, the next person comes in and this can be taken care of, even better or the same way that you are. It’s a completely different way of thinking. Matt’s ability to lead the team in that way as well has had a direct reflection I know on myself, and the teams, the other team members, because his allowed us to grow, his allowed us realise the value of structuring , and the value of environment ourselves, and he realises that it had to come from within us. Rather than managing us and saying, no structure. Huge difference. Yeah. So what are you learning guys? Thank you I appreciate that. What are you guys learning? What’s your take outs? Other than structure is cool. Yah?
With structure that’s where you can reproduce the same results, that was a great example where he said he approaching it in the ok, how am I doing what I’m doing so that the next person that moves into this role can do… Reachability. For me or even better, how do I need to set it up. It's this, they were doing tasks which meant nobody could anywhere and no one could improve… cos they weren’t taking care of the strategies behind the tasks. Someone else was. And that’s where you can have consistency you’ve got that in place. Yeah. Good. It's something to do with values as well like valuing if I’m doing something and I do it well, and I just kind of go yayayay ooo fabulous, and then I have a bad day the next day and I don’t do it so well, and I’ve not noticed what I’m doing so the benchmark , everything. You gotta know what you’re heading towards what matters. Otherwise what’s the evidence? The number of times that team said ‘yeah yeah we think did pretty well’ ‘based on what?’ ‘Well I felt like we had a really good conversations’ who gives a crap? Do you remember that? Yup oh. Laughter That’s that thinking, stopping and think straight Yeah it is, and knowing what to attend to. There was someone here? Yeah? It's interesting hearing it in that way cos I can see a few team leaders within our group, who have been doing that quite naturally, but I didn’t realise it was actually happening, and they’re the ones who are you know, stepping up the most, being the leader of the team. Absolutely, great, good, well they’re the people to nurture, cos their the out layers of normal corporate behaviour. Like, they’re not here just to have a job, their wanna develop and contribute to it, so you should be nurturing and encouraging that in all kinds of crazy ways. Really. You did great! I love that you developed that, what else could you be doing? Or, I love that you’ve been doing that, how else can we stretch this, or have you thought about doing that in another department? Which is what we get people doing. Or I love how you do that, could you take this to the department with people who are struggling with that. Then it becomes a team collaboration, graceful arrival. It’ not just you did good. It’s graceful, it’s a good thing! Do you reckon? Do it... Dare yah... There was a lot of ownership taking orders from structure this, holding the structure Yeah. Implementation without structure, is great for the, when we get to the CIO model, for the rock n roll, the innovation, but for core, it should all be structuralised to the f***, it really should, like, there should be no moving parts to this surprising; In core. There should be no surprises in core whatsoever, except for improvements. Any surprise in in core that’s a problem. That’s the way to look at it. Innovations you can have rock n rolls and
the surprises, and you should, and that’s fun, but the momentum is built by the stability of the sameness as at core. Yeah? Because you’ve got all this amazing structure in place it enables you to disrupt the crap out of the team, which is brilliant… Or they disrupt themselves Yeah and they disrupt themselves which is brilliant and It also enables the companies to go so you can go overseas, you can do anything Yeah, we can do that, we can do like strength, for the next intake in Melbourne, which is awesome, we’re going to Asia, yeah exactly. The measure always and I’ll say it again, is how do your team members handle the shit hitting, that tells you how far you can go into those innovations, if core gets unstable and your team gets unstable, you can’t intervene, cos you’re just gonna have to shrink constantly. Cos there’s no trust, so the core, if you looked at it that size, that can never move. I don’t think people are gonna change, but the core must be a stable consistent trustworthy, piece of the puzzle. To enable you to expand to innovation. But if you expand to innovation, and there not attested team; You’ll get out there and they’ll leave you on a limb. Cos shit hits when innovation starts. That’s a big deal. So the team better be very core of your very mission focused, and very grounded. Yeah we faced challenges last year, and the team was just phenomenal, you know they just protected, the core, maintain core, core stays stable, through it all, because these are the tested people during tough times, they just came through it brilliantly. But if I’d had the grownups, that would never of happened. There’s no way, you know I walked in one day, were you here Matt when I walked in and four people left, cos they think I’m a dick? Or an arsehole? Or a bully? Yeah, in one day, and all I did was walk in and go ‘I’m not really seeing you living your values’ and that was it, she’s a bully, their outta here. They stormed off. Good. No I like that, not at the time, but that’s when you have a very unstable core, you can’t innovate, does that makes sense? Cool. 28.23 next step, the out lines, a manager will absolutely kill that. How do you mean? I always get surprised when in hear about other companies, what do you mean? Micro managers, will suck the life out of somebody who actually wants to go the …. You guys are all nodding like you know this. Agreement noises That’s why where here. You don’t say to them, ‘stop micro managing me?’ No You don’t? Why not? Not when it’s a male who’s 30 years above you who wants to confine you , and his the expert, so if you come up with an innovation or come up with new systems cos if you’re growing, then you can outgrow them
Oh my god for that seriously I say that weekly take over the f****** company let’s go hurry up seriously. Grow grow….or start your own either way. Laughter I’m really funny Can we tell them that? Yeah exactly Challenging the micro manager well my experience, shut down they shut you down, they will block you, and stop from you assuming… This is hilarious; well you guys are giving me wonderful contrasts for how to suck. Talk about ungraceful ugly arrival. You just described it. Man I get someone who’s a rock star in my company and the stuff they get into and support, and mentoring, you know you’re doing well when you get mentored by me, you know you suck when you’re not. It’s really simple, I will pour resource and time and effort, and I’ll be available, you need me? I’m there, you need me? I’m there. But if you keep playing small game dicking around here going ‘why, why, what’s wrong?’ no no time. You rewarded the behaviour you want to see, guys reward the behaviour you want to see, everything you guys are telling me is people punishing the behaviours that I just, I pray for in everyone in my company. I don’t understand. It stems from a fear from someone else, so that there managing from a place of fear. That’s hilarious. You guys actually want guys around you that are better than you don’t you? Exceptional talent and get out of their way. Totally, or hire culturally match young people who are going to develop the talent. Cos in this industry you can’t hire talent for coaching, cos it’s such a niche industry in Australia. So everyone has to be developed. It’s fascinating; you can’t actually hire anyone who’s managed a coaching company as well as ours. Does that make sense? Yeah. I think what’s really valuable is not having that hierarchy, called management. Where company in the direction. Yeah, cool I agree. So, my other rule I have in the company is no hierarchy feedback. If anybody doesn’t honour that, they get feedback. Can you say that again though No hierarchy feedback, and if someone is to do that. They get feedback. So something happened a few weeks ago, and the person got the feedback cos I didn’t give them feedback. F*** that. There’s no hierarchy in feedback. And I will hammer anybody who doesn’t give them feedback. Who should give them the feedback. Its bulls***. That’s talking and not walking the talk; there should be no hierarchy in feedback. That got you really quiet. Laughter Is there no possibility of no job descriptions. Like there’s obviously, something that works in that category area, for me
Dysfunctions…then improve benchmarks, but could you please improve this? It needs your special touch. Rock on. Done. So it’s not a marketable traditional form job description… Yeah I would never do that, I have to do it as an RTO, which we loath, we got it in the back office. But I would never limit anybody to a job description. Do you guys get the logic of that? Agreements Yeah functions are benchmarks. So the role must include, so, Carls here now, his from dream factory, and he knows somebody’s been someone who works hard, rock on. Ah copywriting, leads, sales at the moment. Lodgers The new wow team, launching our events, making sure they are full, managing in between any of those things, Or not then cos you dreamed of something else. Making sure Sharon has tea. Yeah. But could you imagine if you had a job description? Laughter I’ll still be someone’s assistant Hiring and firing It’s only been twelve months. Yeah he would still be, he came as a marketing assistant, and he’d still have the role marketing assistant for the job description. But he couldn’t not in the company around me. Cos the moment you see talent, you just, you, I just don’t understand everything you shared about how you suppressed talent, I think that is just, that is such a lie, the culture is such a lie that they do that to people. Yeah. Yeah, and that’s something that gets buried. The next generation of bureaucrats, right? Yeah Yuck! Move on. Um just so you can understand it, it’s the leadership within a team if someone is out getting the of the team habit that, all dynamic play out of it. Um, that’s a really great question. We had that happen, last year. Was it last year? I actually don’t know when it was. End of last year.
End of last year. We had somebody, managing mentoring the leader of the team, and it was clear they were really struggling, and somebody was coming up and, and everybody was telling me it was too early for them. They’re not ready for that, they’re not ready for that, and I just thought b******t, nobody’s gonna know until, their found out. So we just had a, you gotta remember the company’s very transparent, and it’s, and you gotta say it, so I called this leader in and I said ‘you seem to be really struggling’. And this person thought I was gonna fire them. ‘yeah I really am, I know, what’s really best for the company I’ll go if you want me to go, I totally understand that, you know if you want me to resign, want me to move on I think I’m stuffing things up’ I said ‘b******t, you’re culturally awesome, and I know you’ve got a song in you, I just don’t think you are singing your songs’ she goes ‘no I’m not singing my song’ so I said ‘so, you got three months, go find your song, in the company.’ Just go do different things, until you find your song, we will figure out what to do about the leadership’. ‘Really?’ Relief. Found her song. Now there doing their song. Does that help? Agreement Yes, that’s an amazing story. I was doing this. Laughter Same it’s like oh wow! Laughter That’s an Indian face Lots of laughter!! So that’s an exact example of what becomes possible, when you are with people who aren’t driven by ego, when you are driven by people who want to do the right thing by the culture, and by the company, you know her first thought was, you know do you want me to resign, do want me to go, I’ll go part-time , I’ll do whatever you want, I’ll go where you need me, I said ‘ I don’t know where, I haven’t seen your song, go find your song’. Spend three months finding a song. That seemed to work. Now she has a song. And she sings it really well. And we have a new team leader who’s you know, his ok. Laughter Do better Do well do better. Do more. That’s that’s Sharon’s mentoring That’s the standard mentoring, when I’m in a rush, do better do more. Yah? Another great example of where this has worked for us is the company cleaning day. So the TCI we had at the company cleaning day and all of us were invited to come. And we came up with a whole new mission together as a team. Which was extraordinary that whole day was phenomenal, where typically you’d think it would just be the leaders. I don’t know how many leaders in the company that would come together but, we were all invited by Sharon
and the leadership team, to come and give tribute. And we came up with inspiring extraordinary. Which is outstanding. We love it. So much better than the sucky one before. What was it? Develop….. Whatever!! Laughter They’re also telling me the transparency of that day when everyone got to tell everybody where they sucked and where they rocked. Remember when everyone ran kicking their feet back? That was pretty important. Yah? So how much preparation does the whole team have to do before they come to this meeting? You know, to contribute. I don’t do anything…what did you guys do? Do you guys do preparation? I rocked up and wore cool glasses. Remember the glasses I wore and the hat? That was my contribution. What did you guys do? We got across there, we created a document for everyone that was, that let everyone know about the company goals, so the big picture of what we want to achieve as a company. So everyone was across that we were all working together. And what that meant for them and their individual parts. And then we bring that together, then I think we brainstormed how each individual team could do something better. Or maybe even what are we not thinking about. Oh yeah…you guys ask the question ‘what’s five things your department could do better or differently?’ Yep Yep. I think dream team had like two hundred things. Yeah we ran out of space. Laughter We’ve since done them all, that’s fine. Yeah Laughter It was about getting everyone up to the speed that they wanted to be at as well. There were some people that opted in completely to the idea, like Darcy you know just stepped up and knew that document inside out, you knew every going on of every department. And then came fully prepared. You brought a lot to that meeting, because of that. Other people knew less, when they arrived, and they brought a little bit less, but they still got a lot out of it. There was quiet a variance between the different members but it worked really well.
And then after it, lots of people went out and learned even more. So it actually inspired them to learn if they weren’t already inspired, it was really great. Yeah, and I think it also helped create a culture more transparency… I don’t think were where we need to be but were getting there. Well everyone in the company was privy to goals, and measurements and different, you know lots and lots of figures within those goals documents that, you know you wouldn’t always have openly discussed. Unless you’re a publically listed company, so it was really really transparent. Which was great. Thankyou. Good question. And I got to prepare by choosing all the really wonderful environmentally cultural anchors that we have, so our rewards and our secret wow’s and our values we set them up on the table so the environment was everything. Represented symbolically. For everybody. And then we had secret wow’s going during the day people covered in confetti or sparkles or Coffee, or massages, a massage train at one stage. Yep good day. I want to ask a question about transparency, in terms of like what you profit, is that all shared with the team? Turnover absolutely, profit…no. I only share that which affects people and affects benchmarks. Is there a reason for that? Cos I, never give information to someone that is going to cause overwhelm because they can’t control or influence it. So the sales team, all they need to know, is their sales, it doesn’t help them knowing, what the Midas team might have saved, or, turn around not paying the invoices. It just doesn’t help them do their thing. So, and the thing I’ve learnt is when you, people say are you gonna, I’m just trying to be honest. That is the worst line in the world it justifies the worst behaviour. Never ever say ‘I’m just being honest’. Never say it to anybody, never for the rest of your life say the line ‘well I’m just needing to be honest’. What you’re doing is wanting to unload your pain onto somebody else, so they will fix it. Don’t say it. Cool? Small rant…I’m back. Laughter But honesty for the sake of honesty, doesn’t serve. It causes overwhelm, and anybody who wanted to know the figures about a company, all they had to do was ask. But they don’t so they are not ready for that information. You only give the information you believe is relevant and useful to you. So no one’s asking for information, they do not believe is useful or relevant to them. So you don’t give it. it is vitally useful and relevant to me. So I’m across it. You can only be across average if you’re ready to be payed attention to. You will never pay attention to something you don’t believe is vital to your success. So you’re not asking about it, you’re doing believe it’s vital to your success. So knowing about it is useful. So people come up to me and say ‘so keep telling me more or that’ and I ask them why? I’m
just interested, no not a good enough reason. I’m not here for your entertainment. Straight answer every single time. They come to me and say ‘I want to know more all about it,’ I say ‘why?’ they say ‘I really wanna start thinking I can help’ and I say ‘yep, I’m all yours I’ll tell you everything.’ But somebody who comes with ‘I’m just curious about, I’m just curious about how that worked?’ ‘why?’ ‘ah I’m just kind of curious’ f*** off. I’m not here for your entertainment; I’m not here to be television here for you. Or your amusement. Or someone comes to me ‘ oh what happened there?’ ‘why are you asking?’ ‘Ah just looked interesting’ well don’t be a f******g voyeur, come and do something useful. The information can only be revealed by someone, their ability to see it as useful, just wanting to know it is not a reason. Cool? I didn’t do anything, it was you…. Laughter Yah? How big was the gap, what you see now what I hear now Seventeen people were managed out in four weeks Four weeks Hm hm. So what sanity did you have? Such a great question. I don’t think this is working, yeah, and we don’t have Diego Can you stand closer for the mic. Do you wanna do something? Would you rather? Would you like to touch? You didn’t say that No I didn’t Laughter I would never speak like that But that’s ok, you just have to talk. Ok I stand hear? I do that? Ok Um, how much sanity I had left…I had none. How did you manage? Well you just do, you own the business you are responsible for salaries, and your responsible for the members, that’s what leadership is, I don’t know how to answer that question it comes with the job, but that’s it you don’t give don’t know what that means, you only give the numbers to the people who can influence the numbers, if they can’t influence
the numbers f*****f. Fair? Yeah? Anything else? Where just gonna chat now for the last five minutes. If I was a bloke you’d be fine with that. Yeah? What are some of the greatest learnings been you know on top of the business… patience, Yeah, people who don’t know me, say I’m impatient, people who do know me say I am the most patient person they know. I am the most patient person, people who know me, know I’m the most patient person they know. Can I give you an insight, say through the time, through like last year, it was, we went through some challenges with the company, and, throughout that whole time, Sharon was probably the one of the only people that knew every single thing that was going on, and, every time I went into Sharon’s office, the response I got was as if nothing was going on. As if I was the most important person. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen you, maybe once, I don’t know, maybe actually from trainers training being pissed off or something. But I don’t think ever ever ever seen you look like or let me be aware of anything that’s been going on for you. Never Never once. Never. Not even close actually. Yeah that’s the feedback I get, all the time, people who know me, or take the time to know me, say I am the most patient person they know, and when I’m with them it’s for them. Carl gets a little bit of me. So I’ll phone him, and say ‘I’m allowed one minute to rant’. And he’ll go, ‘ok go’ WHAT THE FU** DA DA DA DA DA DA DA ‘ Laughter And he goes ‘yep, you’re right.’ ‘Ok I’m done’ but anyway ‘da da da da da da da’ Laughter And I’m timed, and he says ‘that was only fifteen seconds’ ‘well f*** it I’ll take longer’ Laughter But what’s the point? Like really. Allow them to grow even more Yeah. Calling people a ship let’s people grow a lot quicker. So, even if you have to call them the same ship for two years call them the same ship for two years, and never ever deviate. And consistency, until you start changing that, that ain’t changing. Till you change that, that ain’t changing. Until you change that, that aint changing, until you change that, that ain’t changing, Matt, how many times did we do that? You just gotta do that, cos if they keep coming in and asking, you keep serving. To your own insanity, because eventually they will hear in a way they can get. But in the meantime love the fact that they care enough to be curious. That’s what you gotta love, they keep turning up curious. Makes sense? Yeah. Cool. Anything else? We got a couple of minutes left? So was this one day crossing the line, so no one went ahead?
Yeah…you could even drop the line below that, the worst employee, the worst team member, someone who just wants to belong. They’ll have very little impact on your company. If you could share a couple of things, on your and your techniques, learning to see, cos when you you have many levels. It’s the first time I heard anybody that can keep these certain levels. Yeah, good point. Well I think if you can’t dimensionalise you can’t experience it. That’s just my view; I have to be able to dimensionalise at least three different ways to know that I know it. So that’s, I’m very much these dimensions. So that’s why you get models. You have to have different perspectives of the same problem, or even if you see the problem, you know when you see part of the planet? You’re not going to notice the dark side. You’ll only see the light, and think it’s a very light place, b******t man there’s a lot of dark. You gotta know the dark, to make the decision. So you practice this yourself, you know this? You, how do you go and keep on proving your thinking, expanding your thinking out. Uh, I’m very curious person, it’s part of my personality, to be very very curious, Are you funny too? I’m way funny, Laughter I’m way funnier than him for example. Laughter I’m hilarious He says. Um and I’m curious about diversion thinking, I’m not interested much in conversion, I’m not, my strength is not conversion thinking. Conversion thinking is sameness, or one. I am an entrepreneur that if I have to also be responsible for and I’ll say it bluntly, cleaning up after me. The company’s f*****. It is. My strength, my song, is taking us in new directions. I need a team who can sweep. It’s called sweeping, for entrepreneur’s, it’s actually a term, you need sweepers for entrepreneur’s, if people don’t sweep in every department, the company is absolutely hamstrung. And right now I’m having to sweep in one department, and it’s hamstrung in what I can do, what the company can do, cos I’m having to backtrack over my own decisions. The best way to use me is to have you make a decision and everyone go that’s f***** awesome. And then they just brainstorm in all different ways for weeks until it comes to life, that’s the best way to use for me. That should be my job, but at the moment I’m doing both, which hamstrings us. Doesn’t it? It’s tough. Where can you see went wrong. Where did you see in serving? With the department, the team leader just wasn’t up to solving the problems they had. Yeah it couldn’t arrive gracefully it was looking ugly so I had to come in. It was ugly arrival, ugly arrival that’s all you need to know. It was ugly arrival, it was not even belonging. So I was absolutely needed to go in and retrain. It’s telling me it’s all in that model. It’s ugly or
graceful arrival, the moment you see ugly arrival your about to see momentum go in and you have to help or I have someone that can do that, and I’m the only person who can. Which is fine, cos I can. I’ve done it so many times. Cool? Good question. Anything else? Yeah? In the implantation um, so when you get a client, you spell that structure, getting the client to articulate why it’s important to assist them, and creating what needs to be created. Yeah. Sometimes the best way to get a client there is to point at their b********. This is one of my favourite lines at the moment. Just cos you sound reasonable, doesn’t make your idea reasonable. Laughter I’ve had grownups use a really reasonable tone and their idea is completely messed up. Well that’s my style, obviously, to say ‘just cos you sound reasonable, doesn’t make your idea reasonable.’ That’s a turkey. And as long as you can back it up with facts as to why, they will come up with a different reason why, that will help them, cos contrast is helping them learn, so a lot of my mentoring with anybody, in the world, doesn’t matter what their role is with me, is the contrast. So tell me what’s working and tell me what isn’t. The contrast tells them where they need to flow. Tell me what you haven’t got happening that tells me where we need to flow. The contrast causes the growth. Not just steady, the best metaphor for this is you put a frog in a pan of cold water. Is everyone getting the metaphor? You put the frog in the pot and you slowly turn up the heat It’ll boil to death. You drop it in hot water it’s gonna aim to get out. The same thing when you go and mentor, it’s been boiling for so long, they’re not noticing the damage. You come in you see sharp contrast, you can see, man that’s a mess. That’s about to bubble over and make a mess of everything. So the contrast is why the mentor is so valuable. And I think that’s the role I play best in the company. I’m the mentor who gives the diversion thinking, rather than just being insular within the same thinking. Conversion thinking the sameness the agreement. That’s slow boiling, in any direction. It’s still slow boiling, so you need diversion’s to come and say like I do with you it’s like with you’re doing great with that but you haven’t thought about over here, the contrast is where the growth can be experienced cos any, if you’re here, you see this contrast there’s your gap, awesome. Rather than….what are we doing, how do we do it, it’s just the sameness yeah? So diversion thinking is a big part of my mentorship. It’s pointing out the opposite, the different the missing, the gap. Being the agreeable mentors useless. It’s very rare that I say, give yourself credit for … or you’re doing this………’s, you’re not hired for that and anyone who needs you for that nots going to pay a lot. And not going to do a lot. Because they are going to settle for belonging. And there’s no profit there. You need it, but it’s not where the profit is. That was a full answer. Guys that’s a wrap, how did we do for day one? Awesome clapping Kicking some goals and kicking some arse and all that stuff, were gonna have a go tomorrow morning opening with having our team leaders up to chat with you guys, if we can rally everybody in the same room at the same time, so you can question them, cos I think, it’s one thing to hear it from me, spouting off what the company is, but I rather hear it from them. What’s their version of it. And quiz them and find out how they experience it. Making sense? Good thing to do? Cool. You know guys we are starting at ten tomorrow?
Yep excellent. We don’t give you any homework; I think this is just a wrap. Have drinks hang out, what you reckon? Or not, you could put all this into play and by tomorrow have a different company, round of applause
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SHARON PEARSON Disruptive Leadership Module 3 Live Training Transcription - Implementation Edition 1 | Version 3 | December 16 Published by The Coaching Institute Copyright 2016 Š The Coaching Institute All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher. In some instances, people or companies portrayed in this book are illustrative examples based on the author’s experiences, but they are not intended to represent a particular person or organisation.
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