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Rules for Outstanding Business These are guidelines we’ve been collecting from different sources over the past few years. A ‘rule’ is decided when we believe it meets the following criteria: It’s been proven to provide great results It’s sustainable It drives culture, not just results You may develop or already have your own Rules of Business. The key is ensuring that what is shown to meet the criteria – is considered to be best practice based on actual results (not personal preference) – is what you have. 1. It’s all about the client... 2. Live the values – all of them – all of the time 3. Be unapologetically uncompromising 4. Start with the end in mind & be clear on the purpose for every process 5. DTRT 6. Act as if it’s your own successful business & you are world famous for your successes! 7. Add value 8. Make each day your masterpiece 9. Building relationships; maintaining relationships; adding value to the relationships is the best prevention of problems there is – basically, give a shit about people rather than notice them when something goes wrong or you need something from them 10. Talk is cheap – deliver results or join a book club 11. Be the solution, never the problem 12. There is always a way, right now, to improve this
13. Be the person others seek out for solutions of the BIG stuff 14. Never feelings, always facts 15. Always have criteria for success 16. Build a community where everyone belongs, feels special & is kept in the loop about what’s going on – or they will start their own without you 17. If you don’t measure it, you don’t want it 18. You’re not doing a great job if you’re ‘doing it’ – greatness is to inspire others to become AWESOME at adding value 19. Adversity creates breakthroughs – unless the adversity is from within – then it creates chaos 20. Build a culture people love not because everyone likes each other – that gets old fast – but because it shows them how to succeed 21. Be transparent about your successes, your failures & what’s being learned – leave the ego at the door 22. If you don’t communicate what you’re doing it’s the same as you not doing it – the only value is perceived value 23. Wow them or be one of the pack 24. Focus on how others perceive it and feel about it FIRST, SECOND and THIRD 25. People must feel included, special and informed – always 26. Speak up and say it when you see a problem – unreasonable friends are diamonds 27. Own your shit & don’t make us smell it 28. If the market zigs, you zag 29. If you don’t know the answer get informed – we can’t afford your ignorance 30. Say what you mean and mean what you say
31. History is only useful if it’s a guide for how to improve 32. You’re either building momentum or in our way 33. Business is a dictatorship – if someone isn’t making the decision about what to do next, it’s a club 34. Make EVERYONE feel included and valued, always 35. If you see someone making excuses, call them on it NOW 36. Never do ‘good’ – do outstanding 37. Every decision must be replicable and sustainable – if everyone did what you just did, what would happen? 38. Don’t sit on the fence – have an opinion and put it out there – how else are you going to learn? 39. Never argue about what can’t be done or for your limits – it destroys trust & you look small & petty 40. Take action and improve during implementation 41. As you implement, communicate what you’re doing so others can understand, contribute and assist – it is the source of inspiration for others 42. Be generous with your time, your focus, your knowledge & your care 43. Set an example every day of the highest standards in manners, certainty & respect 44. I don’t care who’s right, I care what’s right – what will move us forward 45. How you respond in a crisis is the true measure of your character 46. Be disciplined, organised & prepared 47. There is no short cut – success comes from learning, doing & repeating 48. Make a decision! The failure to act is failure
49. Only argue a viewpoint if you have achieved a result – otherwise shut up & learn 50. Persevere 51. Don’t join in because you ‘like’ it – join in because you will add value – we’re not here for your amusement 52. Back yourself 53. Keep to your commitments, regardless of how tough it is 54. Have a plan 55. Passion is contagious 56. Develop the Environment, the Structure and the Systems to allow others to shine 57. Be 10 times more prepared for every meeting than anyone else 58. Trust is built by you saying what you mean and meaning what you say 59. Seek responsibility & the honour it entails 60. Start it, DO it, complete it & repeat – ‘start ups’ fail for a good reason – they’re always ‘starting’ & never delivering 61. You’re either growing or holding us up – move! 62. Run your business like it’s in crisis or you’ll get complacent 63. Communicate WHY it matters before you communicate what you want done 64. Unwritten ground rules have to match the formal rules 65. Manage for long term success, not so you put the fire out 66. Have a plan & a contingency plan 67. Set the example
Here’s what we use, divided into the four dimensions of experience (yes, some are a great fit in more than one dimension):
Environment: You… 1. You are the example 2. Live the values – all of them – not just the ones that make you look good 3. Be unapologetically uncompromising 4. How you respond in a crisis is the true measure of your character
The business… 5. Start with the end in mind & be clear on the purpose for every process 6. Results build momentum which builds success 7. Adversity creates breakthroughs 8. We can discuss it all day, but someone has to make the call, and then let’s do that rather than the second chair guesswork
The market… 9. Build a community where everyone belongs, feels special & is kept in the loop about what’s going on – or they will start their own without you 10. The only value is perceived value – f you don’t communicate what you’re doing it’s the same as you not doing it 11. If the market zigs, you zag 12. Passion is contagious
Structure: You… 1. You are the example 2. If you don’t measure it, you don’t want it 3. Be disciplined, organised & prepared 4. Have a plan
The business… 5. Develop the structure to allow others to shine 6. Know what the benchmark is with criteria for success 7. Be strategic with the planning 8. Be prepared for contingencies
The market… 9. Always exceed what others do 10. Have what supports excellence 11. Whatever is repeated, replicate 12. Don’t defend a structure that impacts client experience
Implementation: You… 1. You are the example 2. Start it, DO it, complete it & repeat 3. Be the solution, never the problem 4. Make a decision! The failure to act is failure
The business… 5. Talk is cheap – deliver results or join a book club 6. Only argue a viewpoint if you have achieved a result – otherwise shut up & learn 7. Every decision must be replicable and sustainable – if everyone did what you just did, what would happen? 8. Take action and improve during implementation
The market… 9. Add value 10. Wow them or be one of the pack 11. Persevere 12. There is always a way, right now, to improve this
People: You… 1. You are the example 2. DTRT – Do the right thing 3. Building relationships; maintaining relationships; adding value to the relationships is the best prevention of problems there is – basically, give a shit about people rather than notice them when something goes wrong or you need something from them 4. Be the person others seek out for solutions of the BIG stuff
The business… 5. Don’t just develop people to do their jobs – develop them to their full potential beyond the role 6. If you don’t know the answer get informed – we can’t afford your ignorance 7. If you see someone making excuses, call them on it NOW 8. I don’t care who’s right, I care what’s right – what will move us forward
The market… 9. Say what you mean and mean what you say 10. The market wants to know they matter 11. Give the market belonging, significance and the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than themselves 12. As you implement, communicate what you’re doing so others can understand, contribute and assist – it is the source of inspiration for others