DL Meta Trends of DL Transcription

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Meta Trends and Disruption Transcription


Meta Trends and Disruption How ya going? It’s been awhile. Good to see you. Disruptive leadership really is the culturally its innovation and doing what the market isn’t doing. I can’t remember who said it, but someone, I’m really bad at naming quotes that someone said “if you don’t know what to do what works, just do what everyone else isn’t doing”. Who was that? It was someone cool like Einstein or, it was the higher calibre “A” grade quote. Not like your “B” grade celebrity quote. Like there was so many people talking about, eh lets go with Einstein. So, you can take a lot from that in terms of how we run our business. Cause a lot of the times we don’t know what to do, and we are working it out all the time. And you’ll always feel like that in a bit of business. So what do you do? How do know what to do? Well if you can’t find a benchmark for what to do, just do what everyone else isn’t doing. And that applies in marketing, it applies in sales, in culture, it applies in customer service in how you deliver, if you’re in events, can you run events. So all of this, all the time, Greeting people So all the time, it’s about, what does challenge in the status quo because that can be exhausting. It’s not about just challenging what is, it’s about asking what’s the majority is doing. Cause what the majorities doing is just copying each other. Can anyone think of any examples of where that’s true? I can only think of three, can you guys think of an example in your businesses? Where you can see what the majority is doing? Who can identify majority patterns in their market? Yeah what’s your majority patterns? Um, business coaching where they do templates and it’s a process... Wonderful, yeah, I will give you another one in the coaching field, I say once you you’ve tailor made your business, you tailor make your client. Like 90,000 other coaches. And they think that’s unique. What’s a majority trend in your market? Well multi seeker events like banking Yeah, absolutely. It’s true. Email the regular kind every month, ect electrics mass kind of Absolutely, I also think email would go under majority trend. So it’s about finding different ways other than email, not to say emails dead, even though the markets where I make a buck tell you it is, it’s not. But it is a majority trend. What are some other majority trends? The more majority trends you can identify the more ways you can do it differently. What some other majority trends? In my market cutting costs,


Yeah, discounting, discounting is a majority trend. I need a least twenty of these; disruptive leadership is the ability to think not just be fed the information, so let’s go let’s get a view from everybody the majority trend. Buy one get one free…. Yeah. There definitely a majority trend with marketing, they call the direct response marketing it’s not where the marketed tells you why you should be with them. Inforstrutchers or rewards? Yep. So, you get this bonus, this bonus, this bonus, everyone’s doing it. Which they weren’t just five years ago. But now it’s a different type of market where it’s a seller’s ladder. And they are saying you get this you get this you get this and you get this. Five years ago that was wow. It was Huge. Convergent are dropping now cause it’s now a majority trend. So we’ve got to come up with something to disrupt that trend. What else? There’s more. People are always talking about themselves when they are marketing, and this is what I do, And I think it’s wonderful, cause you will always make money in a market where the marketer is talking about themselves. You’ll always make money in that market. Cause then they’re not talking about what they should be talking about which is the potential buyer. That’s a great trend to counter. Definitely, what else? Yeah? Just scratching? Ok... Opting to the free cool new thing on the web site. Yeah. So, definitely only five years ago, a game, the optima strategy was no majority trend. It’s now a majority trend the innovation or destruction is full page websites. We only built our web site for the sixth time, finished it last September, where now in the process of redoing the web site to be away from majority trend. Do you know what I mean by full page web sites? Um, Glam can you at some stage, or Joe, just get us a name of one, we will put it up just so the people can see what the new disruption is, because googles changed its algorithm , the majority trend have opt in the top above the folders aren’t going to work anymore because the algorithm would scrolling. See you got to be able to scroll, but I’ll tell you now, full page web sites will be the majority trend within two years, so if you want to be ahead of the wave, you have got to do it now. Does this making sense? Come on there are more majority trends… What’s the difference between a lane page and a full page web site? Well both, they’re different things. So ones a web site where you can multi click and have multi click experience and it works. Or go. But both of them, they are both majority trends, the new disruption is a full page, which we are going to show you. That’s the disruption. And landing page used to be a disruption. I think nine years ago, we were having a landing page, when we got the first landing page, we blitz it was a disruption. It’s not a disruptive, between our own page and it’s not a disruption any more. Yeah?


EBook? Yeah eBook is completely 8 years ago, it really is, it’s so yesterday, it is such a killed majority trend. Now you need to have a short book that gives incredible content in it and clips through to other videos, and other experiences. It’s got to be full, that’s a disruption, but it’s almost not a disruption now, so you’ve got to come up with the thing, what is the patterns, or what are you learning from this conversation that you didn’t realise five minutes ago… Not being disruptive at all. Yep. You are being majority. Great, what else have you learnt from this conversation? We’ve only talked for six minutes, You’ve got to move really fast Yep. Excellent so there is again, a really cool guy said this, I’m going to attribute this to Einstein, buy I don’t think it was… 6.43 that I know who is was… Laughter You’re going to here all the cool quotes for the next two days, but someone was measuring the rate of disruption in the innovation market place that used to be a thirty year trend. We now do a three month trend. So, that is a huge opportunity for anybody who can be disruptive and is prepared to do this patterned conversation. What else are you learning? What else have you learned in the last few minutes? Its ever revolving It’s ever revolving, ok but now applied to you…how disruptive are you based on this? Where do you fit in this? Are you part of a major trend? Or are you a disrupter? Let’s go. Trends. Trends. Good. It’s working out nicely so far. Now nobodies talked about recruitment. Go through every aspect of a business and what’s the trend. What’s the trend in recruitment? It’s seek plus interview, plus offer, that’s a trend. Behavioural interviewing Yep. You do that, you are in a major trend. So who are you going to attract? Followers who are comfortable with major trends. Sure, that’s a major trend. Yeah. LinkedIn used to be a disruption. Now it’s actually a major recruitment major trend. So I wonder what the next one’s going to be. Who loves Facebook hands…? Laughter Before Facebook, there was no they were going to advertise it. How are we going to solve that? You get there don’t you? And that’s now a disruption, and now with the leads, we can’t keep up with the leads it’s awesome but I can tell you now, its trending one way only it is not going to trend up. Does everyone get that, because that’s going to become yesterday like within ninety days, its yesterday’s news so what’s the next? That’s how fast we’ve got to be, huh?


It is, trust me Facebook will have something else in mind today. They will have another way to monetise their million multibillion dollar go public. Come on keep going through all the company, and a market and an industry, what are the other major trends or disruptions? And if you want to think of it a different way I also do it is I’ll look at the disruptions, and I work backwards. What are they countering? So for example, Facebook advertising is a counter, it’s a disruption, what are they disrupting business beautifully. Ah Joe what’s our split now in our add between AdWords and Facebook percentage. Uh about 80% in Facebook That disruption, who else is doing this around the room, Laughter We have lots of money we are not with google (in singsong voice) Google right now is sitting around fuck Facebook. How can we disrupt them? So where going to watch that, that will unfold in the next few months as well, when they realise, our budget which is not small, it’s not huge for googles twenty five, thirty grand a month, there are some companies that invest a million dollars in Facebook and AdWords advertising a month, and they are trending towards Facebook, you gotta see that googles just going to have to play. I am going to make a prediction that YouTube gonna trending to something that looks a lot like Facebook. Yeah That’s where it’s going to head, so they can monetise their true adds that people actually watch not in three seconds you can leave it and you just pause with your mouse over it. Three…two… Don’t go too early you’ll open the fucker. CLICK!!!! Laughter Who’s done that? Verses Facebook it’s part of your fee, you part of his fee, YouTube is gonna becoming his fee. That’s my prediction, is there any way google can disrupt Facebook advertising, because it’s a consumer driven experience, not a company driven experience. You guys cool with this? So let’s keeps going, we are at the other maze of major trends, where’s the disruption? Um, sales meetings, internal meetings, within organisations, structure Yeah. A standard meeting that has no outcome. That driven, and is it done walking around or something like that, that’s a major trend. So you wouldn’t do that in your company? Great. What else? In the training room rather than doing by PowerPoint, you can now download an app so that everybody with a phone can have their own microphone. That’s amazing. That’s a disruption. That’s great. Want one Really?


I want me some of that. Keep going guys, the better you get at this, with or without me, the better you will do in your business, cause if you become a trend spotter you know you gotta do something else. It’s just about countering the movement, constantly. Or being in the front of a new movement. The only reason we do the business we do in a saturated market. How many suppliers are there now Glam? How many suppliers? Of coach training. Thirty plus? All competing, Probably more, now we are going international more there still There will be hundreds. In a space with a high price point. Low trust. Everyone competing, if we don’t think in terms of disruption constantly, there is now way we can maintain what we have, we’ll go backwards, we have to go backwards. Who’s experienced that in their business? Where you just kept doing the trend, doing the trend, doing the trend, and you start noticing the market shares are going down, or the sales are going down, or it’s getting harder to get people to turn up. Who’s noticed that? Yah. It’s because you’re riding the trend of the majority. And people have seen it, and I can tell you the best thing that sells is the new, the different, the innovative, the disruptive, that’s what sells, there comes a point where you’ve got to get out of flogging it, the moment it feels like you’re flogging it. Do you know what I mean by that? The moment it feels like it’s harder or wow this is uphill, or we’ve done this to death, before then you got to find a new way. You must reinvent. Is this cool guys? You guys are really quite, cause you’re really impressed or what? Laughter What’s going on…yup? We have a business that hires space in the centre of a shopping mall, pull up stands and leave them for a week and generate, for the next three weeks then repeat. but we find about after 6 months, maybe 8 months maximum, per a week, down to flog that flog that flog that. Instead of like you said get out before. Before, the moment you see the trend, how you do it, must be disruptive or you must do something else, that’s the only conversation you can have. It’s the only conversation we have in our team leader meetings; it’s how you disrupt what we are doing really well. Because we can see the trend. Everything has a shelf life, do you get that? Everything has a shelf life, so you just got to think in terms of...how I do reposition on this shelf so it catches people’s eyes again. It’s hilarious, we are building a new web site and, tears go through the roof for 2 weeks, because, in people’s minds we haven’t opted in, I’ve seen that word so I web its new, therefore what’s on offer must be different, so they opt in, we have a spike, the moment we did something new we did an offer, you were part of this speech when we said 6 people can become part of it, and we got flooded with people saying, being part of doing our course for free, six classes or something, we got flooded, the response rate was unbelievable, because its new and it’s a disruption, and nobody else is doing it. So that’s the conversation we are going to have to have next two days. It’s not how do you do what you are


doing better, its questioning whether or not you should even be doing it. And that’s true disruption. It’s questioning the entire premise of should it even be there. The second red question in terms of disruption is, if we didn’t have this, what would we do differently, or what would we do instead? And I can tell you now that from modelling amazon, google, go look at those disrupters, biggest disrupters in the history of the marketplace. Record industry and what google has done to the yellow pages around the world. Yellow pages and opportunity to sell years ago in Australia for what? 8 billion dollars? Something stupid. Then they outbid for less than a billion. It’s very predictable. Because google, who reckons, is anyone here opening nova page? Where was it last year has anyone taken it out of plastic wrapper in years. I have a 21 year old and an 18 year old, and they don’t know, they don’t even know to use them. The road directory or a refaxed for that matter. Yes! There were rolodexes? Hilarious, They don’t know how to use a road map. Yes my rolodex that’s my records draw. It’s my book store, it’s my gps, what else is there? It’s my rolodex, it’s my video store if I feel like it. Lots n lots of laughter And we wonder why we queue for the next launch of one of these. This represents 6 different major disruptions in the market place. In one twike. And whose feeling resentful of the yellow pages that still turns up and costs all those trees? I’m really resenting it. I keep saying to them …stop sending me a tree. I don’t want it. I have what I want; I can search anything in any directory, who feels the same way? And why aren’t they reading the signs? And more importantly, why are advertisers still spending their money there? We hold the moment, we worked out what google was 16.42 and we went down fast, no cancelled, why are we just spending those thousands of dollars? And we were in a position, we were one of the first coach training to advertise in the yellow pages, so we got the number position we wanted, cause once you have the number one position you can keep it, ducked didn’t let anyone else have it. I think there are any coaching schools now in the yellow pages. Anyway, so, what else, what are some other major trends, yeah? With sales, they only, the sales person is the only one that does the sales in your organisation. Oh wow, we were just having a conversation about that. That’s so true. That is yesterday. It really is. Or what about this, you have a sales presentation. So let me walk you through the slides, to show you what our product is. That is a major trend that is completely in 1930’s. It really is. Oops. Please! All businesses, like menses Menzies? They have just one structure that runs from your home. They have one demonstration, they sell their products.


Party plan. Yeah does anyone do that thing ? does that still work? Yeah Yeah? Laughter I do cause I like the underwear I don’t actually know what to do with that information. Selling underwear, so kinky I love it. That’s awesome. Um, the trend um one of them tried to get online and failed, and they couldn’t disrupt, cause they were still on a major trending up. See you can’t live trending up and create something else cause everyones still digging its still fresh which is, does that make sense? Was it Amway? Who tried to go online and failed? Cause the distruption the market wasn’t ready for the disruption. So that’s the other thing to think about it the market paid for this form of innovation, or this form of disruption. Or am I too early? Or that business at my work, stopped the market Yeah. And I think a lot of the reason you love it is cause, you love people and being part of that community. I built all in semi block high range advertise, and to see if we get more, and I do Facebook faces, and I tried to go online, cause they won’t understand, they don’t see the distinction here. So I’m still trying to a disruption Yeah finding a disrupting way of doing it. And then you compare it to Zafros, which is a multibillion dollar shoes online, and everyone told them, and lost their shirts in the beginning, this will never work, no one’s going to buy shoes online, cause they want to try them first. Now they are the biggest shoe company in the world. So don’t stop asking the question. Cause the weirdest stuff gets sold online now. Yeah? I think managements another new trend I agree. Yah, tell me… Ah, so, you have your manager in each department within the company, you have your set way of dealing with people and they communicate. Hr.? Yeah, I think Hr. is a mega old trend. Because it pushes responsibility and ownership for the journey away from the team member, or the team leader, and it makes it hr.’s problem, that’s very old school. Unless you’ve got an exceptional person in position, a friend of mines in hr. she’s just... She’s rock n roll? Yes, she went for a new job and she recreated her role…she wouldn’t be called hr.


But I don’t think she is, and that’s the disruption, that was introduced, we have, we have cultural, cultural ambassadors, that’s not hr., they don’t have hr., you can’t say unless they charge rock and roll, that’s not hr., it’s the disruption. Now, all this is leading to as leaders, who we want to attract on our team? So follow the bouncing ball logic here, if you’re doing the major trend, who are you attracting? It’s the people who want to fit in. Because it’s familiar and stable, and comfortable. But who do you want to attract? The misfits Laughter You want to attract who? Talk about it. Innovators the early prompters and what’s the benefit of doing that, what’s the next bouncing ball, who does that means what you attract in terms of the clients. And there it is that’s the full picture, that as long as were, if we are playing safe and predictable, um, recognisable gain. We are going to attract a very recognisable team, which is going to be very recognisable safe place in terms of markets. You want the innovators in the early adopters, cause they spent more, spent it faster, need less evidence, and will actually make your thing a success. Does that make sense? But if you’re saying trend, and your team is saying trend, and you clients are saying trend, there is going to be a later adopters, see the little bra, that’s really famous around the world as innovators the early adopter the later adopters then who gives a fuck cause they never spend anything? The draft they named who cares nearly 30 years is evidence and like adopters will do before they buy. So whatever, but if your here in a fun spot, of innovators and early adopters, and your team are early adopters, and innovators and early adopters, your clients are going to be innovators and early adopters, and they are going to spend fast and more stay loyal longer as long as you stay as an innovator. And that’s the fun of why, I just decoded one of the reasons why, fun in the beginning around the block. Cause they met that free criteria. Culturally recognised as complete disrupters for the market place and so all the innovators and early adopters have to queue because they want to be part of the disruption movement. Yah? Love it. Which I thinks amazing considering what they are up against. I can’t believe they have so many murders. And I actually not kidding. They are in the 80’s they were crushing the electric cars and hiding what they have, trying to suppress the industry. And now they are actually building these power stations, that’s huge. The few of them, they also have a new way of dealing with customers, getting rid of the dealership model and going directly to the market place. That’s a major disruption. A hundred years of thinking. Of petroleum Wow that is awesome disruption. I love that. That’s exciting, can it get to Australia do you think? Certainly they are in Sydney


Really? Can we tell someone like Jeep? Laughter Sort of another tangent that I only , I assume that cost of putting disruption in your business, can be quite high cause you make some mistakes in new technology, or the new way of moving forward. Like you’ll say let’s try this, it may not work, so does that mean you have to factor into your business that there’s going to be an overhead that you haven’t thought of before running a disruptive business, That’s not what we are having is it, we are leaner than we have ever been think the higher cost is doing nothing and keeping your eyes shut and pretending it will stay this good. Assume everything you try doesn’t work. Laughter We are encouraged to make mistakes. Our hit rates pretty good, and has been for a few years, we are willing to really mess up, You talked about the system… Core improvement innovative, we will talking about that in this training. So that needs to be part of …. Yeah, we are going to talk about a model for how it innovates, we will get to the punchline now, 50% of what what we do is core, and maintain the status quo. 20-30% improves what we’ve got, and 25% disrupts and does stuff we’ve never done before. So the margin, how far we can fall isn’t too bad, unless what we are protecting, around core, has already got its use by date, which it has for a few of the markets in the room. In which case you predicting in core is a waste of infilstrucure. Because you should be innovating, I am talking to you, you should be innovating cause that road has ended. You just haven’t realised it yet. So what’s the cost on that? Does that make sense? What’s the cost on that verses, let’s start innovating now, when we still have a base, we can still hang onto what we had, verses what we had has died and now we are desperate to get something new, I’m going to give you a great example of this, I know some people who run a successful business, they got it back I don’t know how. Google AdWords banned them for life. Three or four years ago. They were never allowed to advertise on AdWords, ever, under no account. And it’s a totally poor call, there is nothing reasonable you know, googles prime projective, you know their mission statement? Do no evil… it hilarious. Laugh in the face of that bullshit right now, seriously... bullshit. These guys got banned for life so they went from thirty staff to four overnight. So the cost of not being ready, for a bad day, is a lot higher than repairing from great days. That’s the way, so, our conversion now in our company is a lot these days how to replace consultant selling. We are reinventing a very very successful highly profitable business. With absolutely no evidence that we need to. That’s our attitude, were way ahead of lets panic curve, and really fighting for innovative, today, because we


can see that mega trends run a race. Even if they are a popular trend they are going to run out of road. So, you had something to say? Is your ratio of 50% there because you have already got a very solid core business and so you can afford to have a bigger proportion in…..? Great question. Yep. Can we do that when we get into the content? Yep sure Cause that is a great question but we need to unpack that pretty fully. That’s a great question. Yah? Yeah mega trends is great Good. But I also heard ah make your decisions. Who told you that? Einstein… Laughter Well what was the saying? Well it was probably the decision making Say it again One of them is to make decisions quickly, and then change them just a little bit mmm. I agree with that. And how is that different to what I’m saying? It’s just that, trends in the market, we are in a world where there is rapid change happening. And making a good decision. I think that’s what I’ve been saying for forty minutes. I think I’ve been saying exactly that. But if you change slowly, in a slowing market, you’re dead in the water. If the waters not flowing and you’re still having to row for harder and harder, what does it take for you to realise this, you’re you’re running out of water. There are people in this room that know what I am talking about, you’re out of water. And you keep pouring water into the river to try and keep the boat floating… and the energy it takes to do that? That’s the fastest decision that needs to be made. So I see what you just said is the same as what I’m saying, but I’ve reversed it. The fast decision is wow, this mega trend is saturated. We need to be fast to make a new decision. Well it’s also about saying mega trend you know you’re pre-empting life span Totally, and enjoy it. And make money and feel, its fun. It’s awesome. Just know the used by day coming and it’s going to start smelling on the shelf. That was a good metaphor. Laughter


Einstein said that… Roars laughter The other thing to consider, is in terms of where clients want to… so now I want to reverse engineer this conversation, is this cool conversation? Agreement Now we are reversing the conversation coming from the other end, what clients do you want to attract? Who’s your ideal client? Because you’ve reversed engineered this entire conversation you’re left with the same conversation. The same answers. About how your business needs to be. Do you know your ideal client? We do. Do you? Yes? No? Maybe? Not prepared to commit either way, I want to understand the question more. Laughter I do, I never find the real problem here because, on a disc model, my client is 30.03. Really? Our targets small business owners, I find, I’m going to pay you great success so I know that... Awesome, good for you. Now if I try and disrupt their bullshit Well its, yeah they don’t. None of my clients like hearing what I say. But they also know it’s the truth. And I think that’s your decision as well. And I need to reposition myself so I’m getting rapport with them. Mm mm hang on. I’ll say what I said again now, and I think you’ll find this is true, just let me say it again and hear it. None of my clients like hearing the disruptive message. But they all know it’s true. And they’re relieved that you said what they’ve been thinking, but no one else has said or done anything about. That’s why I get my business cause I say what is, and they go “oh my god of course it’s that, can you help us with that?” Well of course. Cause they can’t do that alone. You say that it’s the safety and stability the fact that theirs is going to be change Yeah, so this is the way I do it, we are not going to cancel the current model. We are going to protect the old, whilst we build a new, so the income maintains it’s very important to maintain current cash flow. I get that I’m very respectful of that. So in the beginning and until they start seeing there’s a whole conversation on this to have, but until they start seeing some runs, or seeing the wings, or seeing oh my god the of course that make sense? You have to do a fair lot of hand holding, but then after a while, they realise, of course this is not the only way it could be. And it becomes obvious. And that’s for any energy type, it’s not a dis profile thing, it’s just… I want to make this better as I can business thing. Which at the end of the day will overcome, any profile if you’re in


business and working as hard as business owners work. Cool? Now let’s reverse engineer from a client perspective, do you all know your ideal clients. Anyone else? Yes? No? Anyone will pay? Laughter Yeah, well, we have multiple clients You’ve got three or four. Major clients. So let’s talk about that these boards seems a long long way to you and I’m gonna move things. Laughter I can. I can. Laughter So, if we look at everything we’ve just discussed, and thank you for that dig in the conversation, if we look at it in terms of our ideal average client or avatar, our avatar is looking to achieve, certain feelings, that’s why they are gonna buy your stuff. So if your main stream mega trend, think about whom you’re probably going to attract, if your innovative new fresh, think about who you are going to attract. Then decide well who do I want to be attracting? Now to me, it makes best sense to be attracting, innovators, early adopters, who have already tried the short cuts. And are over it. So, there’s, three parts to any market, there’s the people who never do anything, there’s the people who do the same as everybody else, and then there’s the outliers, who tried everything else and know the majority sucks. And they are prepared to be in the minority, where the real results are. Just try what I just said on. Does that make sense? Yeah? There’s people who never do anything, there just going to keep flogging, flogging and hoping they respond, there’s the major part of the market which is maybe if I just buy one more, give it a tweak or one more short cut, or one more non Botox the next cycle. Whatever, the majority market. Who are burnt out by the way? Suspicious, sceptical, will only buy on a discount. You have to under-price, over deliver, they’re never satisfied, they are always complaining, nothings ever good enough, and the reason why is because their never prepared to put in the effort to make their shit work. Do you relate to this in your market? It’s killing yeah. So that market as much as it looks attractive, cause it’s the majority, they do majority rules, which is the popular vote is to put in the least effort, to expect the most back, for the least contribution, to complain constantly, to constantly blame others for their lack of results. To think that something’s going to quickly fix it. That there is any such thing as an overnight success, it’s a very attractive market but it’s full of shit. Are you guys relating to this? But it’s very attractive, cause you can make the first sale of them. What you can’t do is make a second, it’s so hard. Whereas this market is your lifetime market, this is your 800,000 dollar investment. And they are not going to even question it. Because they have done that for long enough, they’ve done this for longer enough, and now it has to mean more to them. And they are wanting a more, and I’ll explain what I mean as we are talking, they are wanting more organic experience. They are wanting a more grounded real genuine, we’ve got


time to do this right, experience, and they’re very suspicious of everything this market wants. Yeah? They are very suspicious of the overnight, cause they have been around the block enough times that bullshit. And they don’t want to be with the popular vote. They don’t want to be where the majorities hanging, cause these guys are all talking naively, and b.sing themselves about what it’s going to take to be a success, and they are over it. And they won’t hang out with them anymore. This market, whilst it’s really not hard to work them over, it’s easier to work them over than these guys, it really is. These guys want the real deal. They want to know what it really takes; they don’t need snappy overnight success marketing. They don’t want any customer’s supports saying “yeah we can do that! That’ll happen!” with over enthusiasm. They’ve heard it all before. They want a grounded organic real experience of what it’s going to take them, they want the truth. This is counter and completely disruptive to all marketing in the world right now. You guys get that don’t you? General agreement. That all the marketing in the world right now is “yayay bonus! Bonus! Its freeee! Easy!” the hype. In this room, who is already suspicious of that type of marketing? A show of hands. You all are. Why do you think anyone else is different? But we still market like that? That’s insane! You don’t believe it, why do you think your market will? Cause you think they are idiots? So you are selling to idiots now, what that tells me what you think of your market… yeah? It sucks… is this making sense guys? Too hard, too early? All good So were going back to these guys, we need a team, and we need to lead a team, that is also like that. That is prepared to put in the effort. That understand it’s not an overnight success. That is willing to get innovative in its thinking. That’s willing to find a way, that is wanting to work in a company that is the real deal! Clicking? So I’m reverse engineering the same conversation. Cause you can hire a whole bunch of sameness, the popular vote is, put in the least effort for the maximum pay. You’re the boss, you tell me what to do, I am not responsible for anything. Tell me where I need to sit, tell me what I have to do, I’m done its 5 minutes to 5. Blahhhckkk. Never had it never will. Or you can have a team, who is self-driven and acts like it’s their own business. Then when they are on the phone to someone, to one of your clients, they are going to really care about them and give they’re full experience. And that’s why we have lifetime value clients that have 70, 80, 90 hundred plus 100,000 dollars we earn it, that’s not happening just because we are smiling, we are working so hard, to make it possible that they would want to connect with this community. And the great feedback we get is, people in our community have been around for years, they think they are tired of us, they go somewhere else. To get a different experience. They call in America for like a weekend event cause they need something different. “Ohh I shouldn’t have done that” awesome! Then you should have stayed here, now you have a contrast to know. You want that. But if you’re marketing here, you’re getting the event hoppers. The ole “I’ll try anything because I’m nothing market”. Einstein should have said that. Laughter


No I’m taking credit for that one. It’s true, they will take anything cause I’m worth nothing market. I’ll keep popping from solution to solution until something sticks. Whereas if you are marketing over here you get every right to get shitty when someone pulls that on you. It’s like….bullshit. We told you upfront this will take some effort, we told you you would have to dig in, we said we’d support you; we haven’t held anything back, bullshit you’re going to go and do the next shiny thing… stick. And we’ve got a team will do that. So, what are you hearing? Talk to me. What’s the keys? The suspensions? Yah! We’ve got a lot of changes that we need to make that has to start from the top Yes, yes it does… which we gonna about to talk about in the next two days. If you are wondering how this happens, it happens with you. Your team will never drive this. Nope, you will always get the team you deserve. And your business can only grow as rapidly as you do, so that’s a great observation. What else? You want the clients that are keen to move as fast as you can move Yah. Well actually you do it. That’s the other way round teaching. You move fast cause that’s what they want. That’s what they want to experience, that’s why apple brings out a new phone, and then an iPad mini, then where do you go from here, it’s like they keep changing the sizes. I think that’s run its course. That’s now a mega trend, but anyway, it wasn’t. What else are you hearing? Yah? I’m hearing that, well what I’m thinking about is who do I need to be? To be that persons, I need to be all of this and I need to be innovative, in order to attract those clients… so I think that’s key in who do you need to be… Yah... if you’re a leader of your clients, or a leader of your team who needs to lead clients, the conversations the same. I mean as far as you are prepared to. And that’s who you’ll get as clients. Yah? It’s essentially what you said before; it’s about creating a culture. And that’s what we are going to talk about. At the end of the day it is the culture has to be one with innovation. From floor to ceiling. Literally. Share compelling vision that has great purpose in there. They create the mission together Yes, and it pumps people, their excited by it. And they are grateful to be part of it. As a client or as a team member. That’s the feeling, we are wanting to build. And it takes effort. But it takes just as much effort as it does to be in this market. Its hard work, which’s in business who agrees it’s pretty tough work to be in business. Well they are both just as much effort, just one gets more lifetime value and is more fun, yeah… and yeah it’s easier. Yah? Yeah I love just making the distinction between the two markets, I’m just thinking about my business how, how I’m always preaching this stuff, but, I’m contradicting myself all the time. You’re right in the middle. Your marketing is right slap in the middle


Yeah and that’s attracting who I don’t want, which is just frustrating for me and everyone else so…and they don’t get the results they deserve because…. Well they’re going to buy the solution thinking buying the solution was the solution. And that’s hilarious! That this market does that. They literally buy the solution thinking, I press go on the computer, fix me. Agreement That’s it! That’s the whole conversation they have, they don’t see all they want to see, they don’t see all the steps that it took to build the by step. They just think … I press the button. Laughter You don’t even have to get them to commit, they are already ready to go, whereas the other ones are very Convincing, working so hard to convince. These guys they are ready, they are old enough and ugly enough…that’s not selling...yeah Lots of laughter can’t understand And that message is, simply because you’re not convincing, nobody is, Yeah, I like that, well said If you don’t like it then It is what it is, I’m not trying to romance, this is the difference, and this is the romance, that’s the marriage. I’ll be cruder; this is the one night stand, that’s the relationship. And these guys hop right out. These guys stick. Do you love that? Yeah, I like that. I have two questions Nope. Oh ok So you always get the one night stands… Yup, well you actually don’t, I know you may not… Well you said you don’t. There will always be a market for the masses. So you just go and forget that part altogether just cut it out, or do you sort of tailer your business to the market Yeah, with a, we definitely do for this market we definitely, this mass market? Yeah It’s all attitude, we work this as a mass market that’s completely under marketed to, and that’s why we are so good at it. These guys were mass marketers as well, “yeah flog it to her mate; I don’t think you can beat me


deary”. So I’m over here doing what you guys aren’t doing, were picking up another mass market. Decisions though, you know. Ahh, when you realise the alternative then you start competing on price and stuff and you watch your numbers go down and start realising what a flog it is to get people in the room. Yeah I get that yeah, that’s happening. Yeah, that’s why to me it’s not scary, it’s the scary alternative is to do nothing. Here’s the solution, it’s this mass market, to me that’s Christmas. Where there’s this alternative market that did this? Awesome stuff. Mark? You’re also saying mass market is the short term instant gratification No I, he said mass market...I’m telling you this is a mass market. I’m telling you this ….. Also a long term commitment… Yah! And there are huge market. Completely under marketed to in a way that they respond to. How you market is who you get a respond to. Well let’s take awnings for example… Let’s do that. Laughter. So let’s says there’s a market that will always want cheap awnings. Do you design that in your business as well and then say as an alternative that if you want the real stuff… Can I answer that? Yeah I’m a niche market, its like royals Royce, at some point High priced elite Yeah, and for 25 years, I’m trying to systemise what the home need, like so I am working towards that cause the market wasn’t right yet, but hopefully in about 18 months, I can do what I call ishade online, I pick up phone, when I have five items, like Ikea, you know the shelves the things they do very well. The windows, for courtyard and I can’t online marketing Oh...I don’t think so, I don’t think that’s the disruption, I think for awnings, the disruption for awnings is awnings and, and, and, it’s an experience that they get from you, not just the one thing. Did you ever consider expanding your product line to try and get more clients in there? I have 12 lines in a niche market


But are they all awnings? They are all sunshade awnings yes Ahh wow You mean go into furniture, go into something different? Well not furniture more coverings, you’re the experience. Hang on let her have experience right now. It’s her business…Stop rushing I have 12 ranges meaning, like I do horizontal, vertical inside, outside, etc., so it’s really a big range, but I get the experience, and then I give them what they want. But it is a lot of work. Yep… do you charge a lot? I charge a lot. Very small market. Yes it is. So now I’m looking into the bigger market, hopefully my, also find a way to market to them, that they need also basically but not the crap. Ok. So, to answer your question…that’s two markets. And you should have two markets. You should do this. Giorgio Armani, money exchange. Yes I know that one yeah No, it’s what I said. There not. Sometimes sell up but they don’t generally, its two markets, this is your five thousand dollar jacket; this is your five hundred dollar jacket. But it’s got part of the same brand. And what you should be doing is positioning yourself as a designer, the best in the world; you should have a mini book, that tells design principles, on awnings. And then this online brand, this is mentioned, Ishade by eshade Yes! You should do that. There the two markets that you do, but you don’t stop, you are wasting your time, trying to get the exclusive elites to try and buy online and one hat fits all. There’s no way, as a buyer, cause I spend….. Laughter Yah, I go shopping and the economy just goes up by ten. Laughter I land, and they thank me, seriously I arrive at the hotel and the bus boy says thank you for coming back. Which shop shall we take you to first? The point being, you are never going to standardise me, and I’ll talk about what this market wants in a tick, does that solve your problem? Do that. I wanted ah, something that ah, some gallery’s do to give your clients an experience if you’re offline, is you send a picture of your wall or your window, where you want to hang the artwork, or where you want to put your awning, and then complete the software, and it


shows you what your window would look like with that awning, so they can start the experience. Yep. I would put that in here, what they pay for is you coming and doing it in their home. Is over the elite market. Yeah, for you guys it should be a mastermind programme at 30 or 40 or 50 thousand dollars. That’s exclusive to your company. That’s the elite. It over here and you just get amazing guest speakers all year. Who are coming. Its global one. It’s just this huge amazing events company, of amazing list of people who are into success. This position that this elite group that gets together. Twice a year, with amazing speakers. And content in between, it’s your 50,000 dollars sale. Do the maths… do 10 it’s a good year. That’s profit. Does that make sense? And then the speakers, they get to come along; anyway we’ll talk about what you can do with that. So does that help you? Yeah? So do that. Yeah, and it’s easy for us to say it, and I’m not saying it’s easy, but you’ve been experiencing the same challenge now for years, so at least now you’ve got a new possibility about how to solve the challenge, rather than just trying to keep solving the same challenge the same way which must get very frustrating and tiring after a while. So that’s the way to do it. The other thing you should do is 50.46 really keen landscapers? And designers. And give the client concepts. And then you say, awnings, outside awnings Yeah? And you say this is the landscaper that works really well with this style of awning, looks like you do some landscaping as Well, do you want me to hook you up? No commission, nothing, nope could do a referral but probably not, and in return when they go landscaping they’ll say these are the awnings you are going to need to go with this, we have an exclusive relationship with blah. Yeah? And then you do that with landscapers, Builders Only good builders though, not the mass standard builders. No disrespect if you’re in that company but it’s not the mass 250,000 dollars home builders, you need to go for some more for this markets are exclusive, and then this market lower price, what are some of the major housing builder companies? Metrocom There you go! Thank you everybody! In this market it’s more your Metracon, your leggo house. You know what I mean, so, mass more cookie cup. Yeah? I want to contribute something to this, um up in Brisbane I’m friends with an owner who has a unique France, so a lot of pieces are antique and they’re from France and they are imported. And he had, amazing bench with some guy called Belanterious, it was a dinner for his clients, yes we paid for the dinner, the whole shop it was catered for, and he had some author as well to a speak on a talk on his books, we actually got an experience of the furniture, we got the great speaker, Talk we wanting, this we want, experience more than anything, and we will spend a premium for any experience, when I buy art, I don’t want whatever you said about the programme, I have the artist come to my home. Or the dealer comes to my home. And works with me for half a day over a glass of


champagne working out where to put it. That’s the experience I’m talking about at these price ranges. Don’t just deliver my art, it can’t just be turning up, it’s not ikea, this market can never be treated like ikea. You will kill it. This market what records the mass? Masses? The popular, the megatrend. You can cook and can’t have that. Loving it? Do that. You’ve had, almost a throw away life, you mean a mini book You need a mini book. With colour. Yeah. You guys need a book. Get a book. An authority book. Credibility book. Great link generator. We had people doing our programme, deal from books; we had a prospect become a student, a 40,000 dollar client. They got my book, Simple Strategies for Business Success, from a second hand book store for a dollar. Laughter Awesome. It’s never been about the book making money, it’s about how many books do we have to sell for a 40,000 dollar client? So who’s got tonnes of ideas so far already? Yah, ok so we are going to pause, and you guys are going to have 10, 15 minutes, start generating ideas for your business now, or questions for you to answer. So get clear on the avatar, start jotting down what are some ideas you’ve already got, that you could, you don’t have to, implement, to be more disruptive and a bit more ahead of the trend, so you’re not like everybody else. And I can tell you now, if you’re a coach, please do not write down, ill tailer make unique solutions for my clients. That is not making unique that is making the same as 90,000 coaches. Cool, does everyone know what they’re doing? You can work as a team, you can work individually, ready go. That was fun. That was awesome Guys, we’ll just a have a brief intermission so I can check how you are progressing with the exercise, are to doing well with it, what you are experiencing doing it, just a little evidence check on how you are going, before we spend some more time on it. Can I have this table? How are you guys travelling with it? Yeah really good, I was just ah, just discussing some stuff that I’ve been thinking, and this is something that really excites me about again trying to change our trend marketing, to track the right market. I was just saying how ah a little bit, I’m stuck in doing the same sort of market for so long, cause we have had success, but, we look I know there will be a lot more success and a lot less pain, with the market that we actually want to attract. Ok, good. The way we look at it is never cancel a current hotel room, until you’ve got a hotel room ready to go. That’s the standard thing I say in my company all the time. With literally for events and everything metaphorically. So protect what you have, always protect core. Core pays the bills now. But keep investing in the new core. Until it starts showing to return. And then efforts start shifting as the returns come in. yeah? So you don’t just chuck old,


and evangelistically just dump what you have been doing, that would , that’s business suicide, it’s not for google, cause they came in as an interrupter from the beginning, it’s not for Amazon, it’s not iTunes, they’re all disrupters from day one. Apps, you know apps store from day one. But once you’re in apps store, you have got to protect the current billions, as you innovate whatever the next version of an app is. Or an app store is. Does that make sense? So as you transfer from mega to a disruption, you protect your old. Anybody else on this table? Yeah? I found that when things when I say I must go programme, I immediately fall to what’s currently in a mastermind programme, then I’m thinking, well how do I innovate that, so the question was, how do I innovate that, or do I dump that all together and try something different? Both questions should be considered. Absolutely. How do you just disrupt, how do you what they are doing better, is a dangerous question. Cause everyone says they’re better. So you’re actually not actually giving a market advantage to yourself? We do it better than them. You all say that. So you’re right it needs to be a disruption, something that’s different, the metaphor I used last week in the training, is the same metaphor for here. Whatever market you go into, you have to be seen as the tiger in the grass. So for those of you who weren’t in the room, and I know a number of you were, just picture us biologically years ago, when hunting, and everything was grass. But what we paid attention to, was the tiger, or what we thought was a tiger in the movement. But we just count grass. So anything that looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, probably is a duck. We discount it. Anything different, that we don’t necessarily recognise, we pay attention to and give a lot more heed to. And that’s what disruption actually is. So when you think in terms of mastermind, what’s the tiger that everyone’s not paying attention to, or would want to. And never ask the market what they want. Cause they want grass. Chuckles and agreement They do! Anybody else from this table? Just about distinction, what we just learn earlier from you. I have Esay and I have the other market we just talk about, and I was a bit lost with what to do with Esay, a new life of excitement, to really make Esay um distinctive, while I’m making them distinctive I’m telling the mass market what they are. They can’t afford me, but at the same time I’m building them that I can buy … That’s it. Yeap that’s it. And the other thing you should do around your exclusive market? Your brand is covering five amazing looks. And name the looks. That would give you a market advantage. That’s five tigers. Yeah. Welcome to our online showroom, did you know there were five major looks that the best designers in the world use when they come in and design homes? Here are those five looks explained to you and how we can conceptualize them using our audience. Now they have to buy your awnings to get the best looks that the five designers use in the world. They have to buy you. You got to do that, exactly that. Did you have your hand up? No no


I think you did. You scratched your head, I’m onto you. I just started this tape a couple of months ago… Thanks for being here. Ahh, thank you for the opportunity. That also just looking at what is, what hasn’t been done in the market. So in terms of being in the entertainment industry what I would want, and I’m looking at hearing what this market is all about, so that what team market is actually looking for. Say So when you say you’re in the entertainment industry, what aspect. Performer, and being in the producing side of things as well, so I’m looking at kind of two strengths at the moment creating packages completely different to what is already seen so you’ve got your agents and your managers, but I want to be able create packages that train and not waiting for the job. But create a career possibility for these people. And to the concept. So for pro acting rather than reacting. Cause that market the agents are a very reactive market. Front call. And um, working with creative people, That’s a really great innovation. That’s an immediate disruption in that market. I agree. Do that. When’s this gonna happen? You are going to get people talking about you. Where’s the down? It’s awesome. Yeah great! What about this table. Thank you. What about this table, you guys got stuff going on? Yep, I’m gonna really clear up the last week’s programmes as well as this one, where we need to go. So, obviously um, you mentioned the mastermind but it’s not just about that. About bringing everything weve been handing over to other people, now for internal. So we can start creating something. Well the risk in your market is the big nest of people who can say no, which is, you know, it’s not replicable what you can have, rather than, I’ve said that constantly, the lack of replicability is the danger of that business. But the moment you’ve got the base, the core is replicable; you can rock and roll with all these different speakers. It’s more rock and roll rather than the core, yeah. Good what else? We worked on an idea about a looking at their age and their quality what they enjoy what are their problems Ok good, do this now for your staff. What about this table? Well I’m feeling like I should go home I should get back on a plane and go back to Brisbane cause I’m feeling very What’s in Brisbane? That’s where I live


Oh my apologies. I was thinking a good TV show there, a good café, what am I missing out on? I’m feeling a little bit overwhelmed at the moment, I haven’t, you know I don’t have, my business isn’t anything much. Then, do it for a great business. And learn stuff. Sorry? Do it for a great business, and learn something. So, what do you mean? So pick google and do it. Do it pick amazon, and do it. Right Your overwhelm is of no interest to me. I don’t do reassurance. So… Ah I don’t need you to … Yeah but with you sharing it with the group is kinda whatever. So why don’t you just pick amazon, or pick google, or pick a great company and do everything I’m just sharing, with a great company so you can learn. Yeah, well I’m don’t have a problem with my overwhelm, I feel ok about it, and Except you want to get on a plane and go back to Brisbane? Really? No. Ok. No. Laughter. No that was an exaggeration. Ok. Little bit... So, and it was really good to then kind of speak with everyone else, and get an idea of what they’re doing, and hear about everybody else’s journey and yeah. Ok. Thank you They were helpful and I got some great ideas, from you, from Mary, yeah. Thank you. Who else? I sort of get the feeling that this market is a very personalised market? Nice


Yeah. Looking for something really outside of the box. Some communicated on a one to one level, and maybe more of an understanding of exactly the experience you are talking about Yeah. Frank Kerns is really good at, remember Frank Kern, his gun in that market; he doesn’t do one on one unless it’s 10 or 20 thousand a month. So, no, it doesn’t need to be one on one, that’s actually a myth. There are ways and we will hopefully get into the two days how to crank that experience without having to be with the person. Or there is nothing scalable. Frank Kern does that, without even thinking about it. Yeah. Absolutely. What else? Um by keep on questioning my Company name, but….. I’ve given that a lot of thought at this stage just do against the tick. Yeah. Yeah, but I agree with what you’re saying, we are very vulnerable to external speakers. To our business so, I think things like the core programme, on the book side I just have a bit of a dilemma, do you have a book brand personnel do you have it around a business? No you have it around ideas, Ideas. Yeah and you might have a couple of chapters done by some key people, that aren’t necessary speakers for you. Yeah, just be very careful cause of the vulnerability of who you would have contributing, it wouldn’t necessarily be with key speakers. You would have the opening done by perhaps John, the A John not the, um, you’d have, excerpts and chapters and interviews done by different success stories in this industry or around the world. Which is a great amalgamated way, it’s a great um, can’t remember the word, good thing I’m a linguist. Um Laughter, Aaaaaahhhhhh, aggregate! It’s a great aggregate, thank you team! Tim is so thoughtful and kind. Tee suggested its aggregated is the word, aggravated? Noo. Laughter Aggregator. So you aggregate the chapters. In twelve different messages, from twelve success stories, in your types of space. Um, it’s a wonderful lead generator. And if you would go further, they would spin off into online programmes of your own. That doesn’t need an event. Perhaps, you would want to do that. Or not. However you’re right. Yes! This table. Five minutes to go. Are you nuts? How did that time go so fast? Because we are having fun. Oh my god! That whizzed by! Go! Now! Technology will continue to contribute, in the training experience in the rooms. So, embracing more of what’s available, in that space, which also yes a mastermind, but you


know but with a speaker that might be a futurist. To link the clients, that they can do stuff with what’s happening so they can do something So the groups that follow online, is 99 up…up 99 I always get it the wrong way round. Whichever, if you type it in it comes up. 99 u. My apologies. Follow them and they’ve got some really good futurists and disruptors, you come and speak, and, provide wonderful conceptional way to look at this type of content. There on this page with this content. So they are easier to follow than google, or amazon or iTunes, cause you watch them disrupt but you gotta de code and reengineer how they are disrupting. Whereas if you go onto the speakers, they just tell you how to do disrupting. So it’s almost like the decodering. Which is helpful when articulating these ideas, which make you very valuable as a speaker and a mastermind. Coordinate it. Because you are decoding something that seems uncodable, you know why do people queue for apple? This is why. Yeah. Cool. What else? This table. Well I actually was pleasantly surprised cause I have been thinking about this over the last couple of weeks, and I’ve been looking at a lot of my competitors thinking ok so how can I be different? And where narrow the gaps? So, and I think it also permeates um right through the company, so from your values to what you market, your copy, how you do sales, Yeah, I agree, great, completely agree, its one message to everybody and the moment that message has to change in that brand, you are in the one. Which means you’re the one. Yeah. Great insight. Anybody else? How you doing? Great yeah Yeah? You written stuff? Yes, copious amounts Copious Copious amounts. I was sort of looking at the different advertising, so I have some that I was Can you speak up? Dealing with um, interpersonal relationships, and how they affect the company or how they affect… Well family businesses are real tough, geek. The avatar tends to be the family dysfunction. Just so you know. Yes, well that’s where it is, and its working, not just working on that, but also working on the business side. Doing everything at the same time. Yeah. And not just focusing on playing out their family dynamics on their business landscape, which is hilarious. Very interesting


Yeah, it would be. Keep in mind that you can only have, an avatar, if you’re a coach you can only have one avatar. You can’t say I’ve got lots of different avatars, what you have different clients. But you need to have an avatar, which is the one person, if you ever get that one type of client, every single day, all the day, be delighted to have them, and they always rave about you. Who is that one? Your avatar is not who your clients are. You have three types of clients. The clients that you think you have, the clients you wished you have, and the clients you want to have. You don’t have, does this make sense guys? It’s the ones….everybody tells me who…your avatar is who you want to have, and the idea is to match it with who you actually have. So it’s who you have, who you wanna have, and who you are kidding yourself you have. That’s what most people have as a market. Yeah? I’ve heard it described as a bullseye, your bullseye is your avatar, which doesn’t mean that you won’t attract someone whoes….. Allies…sure And who might be targeting younger generation, but it doesn’t mean they won’t get Me... Grannies…. Laughter hysterical laughter Timing! Timing! Different to where they are targeting. Yeah. Its true but it doesn’t make it your avatar, they’re the out lie-ers, your avatar is your one person, that ideally describes who you will do business with, every single day and gladly, and happily spend money with you every single day and recommend you. You’re saying you’ve lots of different clients. You’re not saying that you have identified your avatar. Which is the one person, so when you send emails, you can’t send one email right now, because your appeal all these different people. But the best market to be in you send one email and It3 will appeal to the person and will buy. And you do that all the time, which is what we are doing with you guys. What type of message in your email marketing, what type of message on your website would appeal to your ideal raving fan? And that’s who you write to; you don’t write to everybody to appeal to anyone, you just want to appeal to them. But the moment you try to have a bit each way, you’re trying to appeal to them, and you slip in a market email that’s yelling at them or telling come on to the mass, you completely disregard everything they care about. Cause then you are trying to appeal to two avatars. You just messed up your marketing. Does that make any sense guys? It a really important discussion. And it can’t be undervalued. The importance of knowing your avatar, and only marketing to your avatar. And when you know who you’re marketing to, then your create a team that digs those people... their a match. They don’t get annoyed by them. Or resentful towards them or wish they’d do better. They’re into them. So in your market you have one avatar. It’s this pay all the time, that’s all the time, you’re in the same position. They


spend all the time, they rave about you, they recommend people to you, they turn up, they do what they mean to do , they’re doing the squats, never complain about it, and keep paying you even if they don’t turn up! Isn’t that your dream client? That’s your avatar. How you describe it is who you actually have, which then, the more it gets broken up into all different types, that’s the mess. Here you actually have, is the train wreck. Cause you can’t appeal to all of them all the time, you can’t be everything to everyone, and just marketing suicide. Cool? And then there’s the market that you hoped you have. How’s that guy as a discussion? General agreement We have run out of time already, um, has this been a valuable exercise so far? Happy agreement Yeah. Maybe keep going in the break? Tim that was a hint for you to tell me how long the break is? Its forty minutes for lunch Ah it’s a long break. Too long…too long…we got conversations to have…people want to go and get lunch? So back in the room at 10 past 2? Would that be right? I’m gonna stick round for any questions, happy to personalise into your business. Has this been worthy of our overhead session guys? Agreement Worth a round of applause? Applauding lol Doesn’t the room look amazing? Again…and beautiful handbooks that we are never going to refer to, it’s there… Laughter Alright, we’ll see you guys in about forty minutes. Thanks everybody. Music playing




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