The Successful Coach Magazine Jan '14

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The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014 The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014


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The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014


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CONTENT Letter from the Editor …………………………………………………………………………………… 6 Monthly Highlights ………………………………………………………………………………………… 8 FEATURED | Leadership Coaching ……………………………………….……………………………… 9 CELEBRATING SUCCESS | “My World Suddenly Felt Full of Possibilities and Adventures” …………… 11 SPOTLIGHT | The 90 Day Challenge Update …………………………………………………………… 14 META DYNAMICS | Change Matrix and Dynamic Leadership…………………………………………… 15 SHARE YOUR STORY | Say YES and Make It WORK! ………………………………………………… 21 CELEBRATING SUCCESS | Defining Moments ………………………………………………………… 23 MASTERMIND | Mastermind Round Table Has Arrived ………………………………………………… 25 COACHING TOOL | Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff ……………………………………………………… 15 STUDENT ARTICLE | Live Your Dream 2014 – Selected Entry ………………………………………… 29 STUDENT ARTICLE | Live Your Dream 2014 – Selected Entry ………………………………………… 31 Webinar Highlights …………………………..…………………………………………………………… 33 Events Highlights ………………………………………………………………………………………… 35

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The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014

LETTER from the Editor 2014 HAS MUCH TO LOOK FORWARD TO! In our tenth year of delivering coach training, we are ensuring it’s a year like no other! As well as our ICG credentialing pathway now available, we’re also committed to continuing to deliver our national qualifications, and beyond that, so much more…

CREDENTIALED PRACTITIONER OF COACHING (ICG Recognised) This program is ideally suited for training successful and fulfilled generalist life coaches. If you want to take the first step down this journey then this is a great place to start. You can look forward to endless support, unforgettable training and a community like no other.

One of the most in-demand programs we’ve launched is the Meta Dynamics training. This is the next level of NLP, and goes into the structure of experience, so we can coach the cause of the issue, and not the surface level issue. Delivered by Sharon Pearson, its first few events now only have a handful of places remaining.


It comes with a Meta Dynamics Profiling Tool which provides a thorough diagnostic for an individual or a group in terms of their thinking style.

If coaching is where you want to be and operating a successful business is something you aspire to, then this program is perfect. It gives you the tools needed to provide even more value to your clients and shares the most effective ways to present your brand to the market.

Another big leap forward which is now taking off is Thought Dynamics. This is the first ever brand made available to coaches, so that they can operate independently but have all the benefits of a shared brand. This unique development is already proving to be fantastic for the committed coach.

(ICG Recognised)


We don’t think there’s been a more exciting time to be involved with The Coaching Institute and to take your coaching expertise to the next level.

Here’s a snapshot of what’s coming for you! 6

Including both “How to Run a Successful Workshop” and Meta Dynamics Level I this program goes beyond the normal limits of coaching. With unbeatable face-toface time and access to exclusive content the Credentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching offers the highest success rate nationwide.

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META DYNAMICS LEVEL I Certified Practitioner


Join Sharon Pearson, internationally acclaimed expert and founder of Meta Dynamics for this seven day training where you will gain skills and tools that have been modelled from people who have achieved the highest levels of success. Transform your thinking to achieve the results you want.

As a completely unique market proposition we offer members the tools and skills they need to be a successful representative of the brand. Website templates, business cards, graphic work, logos, letter heads and marketing are all provided. How the members turn this model into a success is up to them.

META DYNAMICS LEVEL II Certified Practitioner & Profiler

LEADERSHIP COACHING AT The Executive Coaching Academy

Take your skills to the next level with the Meta Dynamics five day advanced training event. You will expand you understanding of communication, language structure, human behaviour and success. Included in your training is the complete Meta Dynamics Profiling Tool and Diagnostic.

As coaching becomes a crucial part of leadership development so evolves the niche of executive coaching. The Leadership Quotient is the only assessment of leadership potential in the world. This program offers students the opportunity to make a real difference as an executive coach or to create change in the existing workplace.

META DYNAMICS LEVEL III Certified Facilitation Training


This is the ULTIMATE in training and facilitation skills there really is nothing like it. This five day event is a must if you want to conduct group coaching, consulting, facilitation or workshops. Based on adult learning methodologies, understand the frameworks to decode the magic of effective facilitation.

Extended DISC is one of the leading providers of psychometric testing in Australia. It is a unique profiling tool that allows you to measure and make recommendations accurately for your clients growth. By completing this training you to can become a provider of the DISC profile and use it in your coaching sessions.


The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014


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Leadership Coaching AUTHOR SHARON PEARSON, Founder of The Coaching Institute

I define leadership as the ability to impact, influence and inspire others to achieve their potential. It means letting go of ego, of the need to be right, and the desire to have power. That’s a big ask for many people! To be humble, to be wrong, and to not prove a point, to not hold your ground or prove you’re right… IT’S ABOUT BEING PRESENT TO THE NEEDS OF OTHERS CONSISTENTLY. When coaching someone on leadership, it’s a good idea to have some benchmarks that must be present for the client to know they’re developing and demonstrating their leadership skills. These benchmarks are by no means exhaustive, and you need to adapt them for your own style, of course. However, they do provide a simple guide for the new leader.

1. Keep your eye on the prize

An effective leader cannot be distracted from the main game. Whatever that is – for us, it’s ‘Helping create extraordinary coaches’ – stay on target, as they say in Star Wars. There will always be distractions; that’s part of life. The key is that none of them sway you from keeping your eyes on the vision and making that the focus of each and every decision you make.

2. Live the values When you coach someone in leadership, you need to talk about values. The company values need to be front a centre of how decisions are made.

3. Setting an example always An effective leader needs to be the example of excellence in all situations. This means being calm, listening attentively, providing sound judgment, remaining judgment free and holding the line on high standards. It’s not easy, but it’s not negotiable.

4. Delivering results


Leadership INVOLVES:

Leadership is not telling people what to do. It’s being able to show people how to succeed. The best way for this is to do it, or have done it. There is no greater credibility than the credibility Effective achieved through having succeeded at doing the thing others are expected to do. A leader must be able to set the benchmark in terms of results. They’re required to believe it until they see it. Followers have to see it to believe it. The leader, then, must be able to set the standard, so others can know what’s achievable.


The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014

5. Bringing others along There’s little point in being a trail blazer if you’re all alone, because you left everyone behind. The leader brings their team with them. In fact, the effective leader realizes that if no one is with them, all they’re doing is going for a walk.  The team must be beside the leader, in front of the leader and behind the leader, depending on where they’re at in their own development journey.

6. Letting others lead Whomever is right for the job, is the person for the job. Leadership is not about control. It’s not about power. It’s definitely not about the title. Whomever is best to lead in that moment, for that situation, should do so. And if that’s someone other than the effective leader, that’s ideal.

7. Clear direction The effective leader knows exactly where the organization is heading and how to get there. They set the sails for the vision of the company, and stay on course despite rough seas. They are always there with their hands on the wheel, in all kinds of weather, looking ahead and seeing what’s coming. They navigate through the rough patches as if that’s what they were expecting, and never look surprised when the weather changes. It’s all part of what’s involved when you have a big vision, so they may as well get on with it.

8. Patience This is probably one of the most significant attributes of a leader. Patience means repeating yourself many times, saying the same message in different ways and reminding the team why they’re there, what they’re doing and why it matters. Patience means doing this for your entire career.

9. Saying what needs to be said Many people avoid saying what needs to be said. They assume (or hope) that someone else will. They want to avoid upsetting someone, and want


to avoid being known as ‘tough’. They prioritise being liked and ‘fitting in’ ahead of driving results. This costs everyone, especially the person not getting the feedback, as they won’t know how to improve. The effective leader knows that to give the feedback and the guidance to the truest form of championing another.


Stay calm

No matter what, look like it’s all under control. Your client can be going nuts inside, but on the outside calm certainty, always.

There is, of course more to this than just ten tips. There is always more! The key though is to start collecting your own ‘true-isms’ about leadership that seem to work in all contexts and situations, and coach your client to achieve them.

BOOKS I RECOMMEND ON THIS:  Five Levels of Leadership by John Maxwell  Fish by Stephen Lundin  The Speed of Trust by Stephen Covey  7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey  Start with Why by Simon Sinek

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“My world “suddenly felt full of CELEBRATING SUCCESS

possibilities, twists and adventures…” AUTHOR INGRID SEGER-WOZNICKI, Credentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching Student

I had my initial intake on the 16 - 18 July 2013, but then my father died on the 13 July 2013. His death was a total loss for me and incredibly poignant, at so many and varied levels. My father had always been a huge presence in my life - my life choices had been based on seeking his approval, on viewing success through his eyes and through necessity, shaking off his presence seemed my eternal life journey. It felt surreal that in death it seemed he wanted to have the final say. MY INTAKE IN 11 – 13 AUGUST 2013 CAME TO SYMBOLIZE MY METAMORPHOSIS. Prior to my intake, I had spent 14 years as an Accountant for my husband’s and my telecommunication company balancing my role in the company with raising two wonderful boys. We had built up our company from scratch. My job was behind the scenes, ensuring smooth running of the office, bookkeeping and keeping up with legislation/regulations. Prior to establishing our telecommunication company, I had worked either in the corporate or as an academic for 12 years – either at a senior level or as a lecturer. At corporate level, my position was predominantly to assist management with significant and challenging clients, ensuring that negotiations went a specific direction. I was exceptional at strategizing my responses and aligning them with company outcomes. After a couple of years, however, I ended up feeling emotionally fried. So when a colleague asked me whether I wanted to lecture at RMIT University, I jumped on the chance.

I thoroughly enjoyed Academia – I loved being around rich minded people who dedicated their lives to learning and passing on knowledge. I loved the conversations that ensued in the classes, corridors, and during lunch until I discovered the underlying culture that did not appeal to my senses. During that period, I became conveniently pregnant and by that stage, I had picked up two degrees. Whilst I was pregnant, my husband became retrenched and he decided to build a telecommunication company. I promptly resigned and supported my husband in his dream and bringing up our son. Having our company afforded me the flexibility of time to pick up an Advanced Diploma. It was my first step to doing things my way.

My world suddenly felt full of possibilities, twists and adventure. The adventure took me to The Coaching Institute. It seemed therefore, appropriate that I name my coaching business – Matrix Coaching Solutions. Matrix after all means ‘womb’ - I was growing something from within me. My style is the tortoise (Aesop’s tale) and once I find my feet, I am unstoppable. It’s always been my pattern and personal rhythm. Since building our telecommunication company, I had retired from my own life.


The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014

I had put aside my dreams, specific skills that I had learned by rite of passage during my corporate and academic life and I had become somewhat lost on what exactly my abilities were. My world had become little and very safe. In hindsight, the 14 years running our telecommunication company behind the scenes were also good for me. That time helped me to de-clutter my mind and allow me to think without the noise of the outer world. So, I quickly realized after my intake weekend, I had to take things slowly and rediscover myself, my abilities and challenge myself by stretching myself with each result that I planned. I also realized I had to re-acquaint myself with a thirst for achievement in my own right and become comfortable again with my passion and my drive. These qualities had become buried with layers of dust. MY FIRST PAYING CLIENT WAS A FRIEND’S SON-IN-LAW. My friend and I had decided to catch up over lunch and she had confided in me that her son-in-law was having problems. I ummmed and ahhhed in the silent chatter of my mind whether I should offer my services. I decided instead to casually mention that “I life coach nowadays”. My friend nodded and asked the requisite questions but we left it at that. I kicked myself all the way home for not being more courageous, better still, authentic with my communication. Two days later, my friend rang me whether I could coach her son-in-law. I promised myself from then on; that for every client I was privileged to coach, I would add a pro-bono. That way, I would “feel” my confidence and get re-acquainted with the feel of progressive success, what it felt like to experience growth again and adjust to growth.

Fundamentally I gave myself permission to explore my abilities and pull them out from within me at gradual levels. It also allowed me to get used to being in the driver’s seat again, and essentially let myself feel strong and abundant.


I’ve had 24 clients since August – 12 have been pro-bono’s. I’ve also learned to talk about my business anywhere, anytime and to anyone and with conviction of seeing results as a coach. I am re-wiring messages, forming new realities, adopting new skills, trying on thoughts, skills, and perceptions. I watch for responses carefully (my own and others), like I used to but with a different take. This time it’s just for me and my desire to serve in the way I want to experience my world. Inclusively, one of my workshops for business success has been accepted by an Accounting network group in February 2014. Life is truly an adventure! I ONLY MEDITATE ON SUCCESS AND GROWING.

I plan weekly what I will achieve – two things that I am comfortable with and two things that my stomach churns on every time I think about it. Then I have monthly goals, quarterly goals and yearly goals. At my first anniversary with TCI in August, I have a goal of planning a five year goal.

In 2014… I will run workshops at fellowships and businesses. I will write up programs for individuals, fellowships and businesses. I will create my own products. I will have ‘Give-Back to the community” syllabuses. I will have an office with Matrix Coaching Solutions inscribed at the entrance. In the quiet of my soul, I also think I am bigger than even this, but I also admit, I am getting reacquainted with my own power. I am ok with this for now. I am a more refined and more polished version than I was 14 years ago. I will tap into the depth within me when I am ready. This I also know.

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As Helen Keller once said


I am all gratitude and thankfulness to so many people… My husband who has always been my rock in our 26 years of marriage, supporting me in all my dreams… Sharon Pearson and The Coaching Institute, who gave me the ability to dream again… Joe Pane for literally giving me my wings during my intake weekend, as I flew around with my arms outstretched flapping like a plane as I used to as a child… The WOW team, Matt Lavars, (whose name sounds like a Hollywood star) and his cool manner, smoothing out my road so many times (“Don’t try to invent the wheel Ingrid” is stamped in my head Matt)… My mentors, John Sharkey who helped me so much to step up as a coach… The coaches who I have had the privilege of coaching… The TCI community who share of themselves with such generosity of spirit… My clients who have humbled me with their courageous human essence and the many coaching friends I’ve made along the way…

… to all of you – THANK YOU.


The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014

WELCOME TO THE 90 DAY CHALLENGE 2014! Here in the challenge we are all about helping students to find their first paying clients… and once they do that, we teach them how to do it again and again until it becomes easy… just like riding a bike. In true TCI style this year we have upped the ante and added in even more support into the challenge, more content being added, new special webinars, once off interviews with successful coaches and extra special free content from our best programs! Boom! Last 90 days just before Christmas we had 24 students work with their first paying clients ever, that’s 2 a week! Will you be one of our successes in this 90 days? If you said YES, send through an email to the WOW team at and answer this question to gain entry into this exclusive program.

“Why will YOU make this 90 day challenge work?” Speak soon! Matt Lavars


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Change Matrix


& Dynamic Leadership AUTHORS SHARON PEARSON and ELYSIUM NGUYEN, The Coaching Institute WE LIVE IN A WORLD THAT IS CONSTANTLY CHANGING, AND WE’VE BEEN SAYING THAT FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS! Given that change is inevitable, it is amazing how few people appreciate this, let alone embrace it. The energy wasted by some leaders in trying to deny change, ignore change, resent change or resist change, I believe, could be better spent elsewhere. The key is to know how to handle change, so that when it inevitably comes, you have a way to deal with it that is more effective than my friend’s method – ‘Has it stopped, yet?’

This year TCI faced a number of challenges and changes we hadn’t expected. (Whoever does?) To come through these, we could not rely on ignoring them. We certainly couldn’t pretend they weren’t happening. And we couldn’t just carry on as we were, given that one of the changes was one of our top trainers leaving unexpectedly. IF WE USE THE E.S.I.P. DYNAMICS METHODOLOGY, HOW TO HANDLE UNEXPECTED CHANGE BECOMES CLEARER. The E.S.I.P. Dynamics Methodology is a four dimensional examination of a situation, event, team or organization, enabling us to see what’s occurring from many perspectives. It also allows us to think differently about what has happened, so we can see new opportunities.

PHOTOS: Meta Dynamics Level I Training, December 2013


The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014

Change is inevitable. Progress is not. Effective acceptance of change takes personal trust in self.

Change is not the end, it's the beginning.

The longer we resist unwanted change, the less effective we become.


Our thoughts should be occupied with what we can control and influence.

The person most adaptable to change will succeed. Fast acceptance of inevitable change gives more choice.


Change can be to rectify a situation, maintain the status quo, improve the status quo or innovate something new.

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The E.S.I.P Methodology for change management:  What is the ENVIRONMENT or context in which this change is occurring? What ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES does this impact?  Where do we want the ENVIRONMENT to move to, as a result of this change?


If we never had any of this, what would we do to start from scratch? (This question we ask pretty well each day!)

 What does this tell us about our current DECISIONS? What does this tell us about the DECISIONS WE’RE NOT MAKING?  What is the KEY LEARNING from this?  What HAD WE BEEN IGNORING to have this impact us?  What are the OPPORTUNITIES that present themselves from this change?

 What are the STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS to consider about this change?  What CATEGORIES does this impact? What CATEGORIES OF EXPERIENCE could we add?  What CATEGORIES OF EXPERIENCE could we subtract?

 What is CURRENTLY HAPPENING? What COULD BE HAPPENING? What SHOULD be happening? What MUST be happening?

 WHO does this impact? How? WHO does this NOT impact? Why not?  WHO do we need to manage this? WHO DON’T we need to manage this?  WHO IS HELPING? WHO IS HURTING?

If we apply these questions to having a trainer leave unexpectedly, we can see how what we did to manage the process, the change and the opportunities became inevitable…

What is the ENVIRONMENT or context in which this change is occurring? What ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES does this impact? Our NLP student population, Facebook, our web site, our Culture. All are impacted and will have to be addressed. The biggest impact is in the NLP room.

Where do we want the ENVIRONMENT to move to, as a result of this change? Less reliance on one trainer. More alignment with TCI and how we ride. Less ‘hype’, more quiet conversations. Quieter music.

What does this tell us about our current DECISIONS? It tells us we ignored the impact one trainer leaving would have. This was an identified risk that we did not manage, because we ignored it.



The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014

What does this tell us about the DECISIONS WE’RE NOT MAKING? In future we will be clearer about our expectations, the obligations and the requirements of being with us, and not compromise on this. It tells us we did not look to new opportunities, which were always there, as we ‘settled’ for what was there. More questions about new opportunities that our students want and need could have happened sooner and with more desire to bring them to life. Sharon did not ever want to deliver NLP Master Practitioner on an ongoing basis, because of the IP belonging to other organisations and bodies, so lack of autonomy and freedom to explore new content as she learns. It was too restricting, but we ignored this.

What is the KEY LEARNING from this? Stay hungry for new opportunities. Make the harder decisions, sooner. Stay true to the vision. Don’t allow any one part of TCI become separate to it. Keep all of the culture within TCI and on the same page. There are many opportunities that can be actioned and realized without having to have them forced on us.

What HAD WE BEEN IGNORING to have this impacted us? We had to ignore the IP that Sharon has, including Meta Dynamics and Master Mind. There are endless books and manuals waiting to be created, it’s all new content and it’s just there for the taking.

What are the OPPORTUNITIES that present themselves from this change? Many. There is now freedom to develop new brands that we know are closely aligned with our message and are right for our community and where we’re heading.


The biggest opportunity is to get out of the NLP branding space, which is crowded with new trainers who can’t be differentiated from us, so we look like we’re competing with everyone. We never want to compete with everyone! We must always position ourselves as separate to and leading the pack; the unicorn in a sea of horses. The only way to do this is to break free of looking like 1,000’s of other providers out there. This is the launching pad for our own version that no one can compete with – the IP is there for using, Meta Dynamics, and no one can say they have it, until we train them. We’re back to being the market leaders. The other opportunity is to question everything we did because someone wanted it that way. We’re now free to do it from scratch. So Thought Dynamics can come to life – a brand for coaches. It also forces us to think in terms of smaller events – before it was about the size of the room, and we can go back to more intimate sized rooms and deeper conversations.

What are the STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS to consider about this change? Structurally it’s a mess. It’s a huge proportion of what we do, gone and having to be replaced, and we don’t have anything in place for this. This is the biggest challenge. The transition is always the hardest. We’re 90 days away from this being back to regular business, unfortunately. Our students don’t have a trainer, so Sharon has to clear her diary and step in completely so that no one is let down. That matters the most.

What CATEGORIES does this impact? NLP Practitioner, Master Practitioner, Trainer’s Training, Hypnosis, Create Your Extraordinary Life, NLP Power Talks.

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What is CURRENTLY HAPPENING? Unrest, confusion, doubt, questions. Schedules being redone urgently.

What COULD BE HAPPENING? Replace the uncertainty with new opportunities so people know where they’re going and what’s available for them.

What SHOULD be happening? Clear communication, person to person, about what is going on.

What CATEGORIES OF EXPERIENCE could we add? This is the opportunity. What would we do if we had no limits? A brand promise – provide coaches with access to and the right to use a brand, which is recognized, supported and championed by us, which is based on the best methodologies there are in the world of Meta Dynamics and business/leadership coaching. Huge opportunity to give coaches connection to a great brand, so they don’t have to do it from scratch themselves. All the coaches, working alone, now can come together and unite under one brand, still doing whatever they want, but at least now recognized. It takes years for a coach to establish a brand, and it’s done for them.

What CATEGORIES OF EXPERIENCE could we subtract? NLP altogether and replace with Meta Dynamics so we’re not competing with like for like. Marketing hell is being able to be compared to many others.

What MUST be happening? Replacement trainer; replacement programs.

WHO does this impact? How? The NLP students. The hypnosis students. They are expecting and only know the one trainer.

WHO does this NOT impact? Why not? Anyone who joined for the training, rather than the trainer. The more mature members aren’t impacted, because they know we’ll deliver, and they’re flexible enough to roll with change.

WHO do we need to manage this? A great team. Dedicated people who are able to handle the uncertainty of change. Calm people who will go the extra mile to make things right again.


The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014

WHO DON’T we need to manage this? Anyone who is dramatic, gossips, thinks this is an opportunity to judge or critique.

AUTHOR SENTHA GOVIN-VEL Mentor & Facilitator, Mastermind Graduate

Who is HELPING? All of our team. Most of our community.

Who is HURTING? Some of our community. Many of our competitors.

WHAT ELSE? We need to not focus on the noise and the drama; see this as the moment we have been preparing for; stay calm and loving; focus on what we can control and influence; focus on alternative programs that are aligned with us and we’re our community wants to be.

ULTIMATE QUESTION: If we never had any of this, what would we do to start from scratch?  Master Mind Round Table  Thought Dynamics  Meta Dynamics

We trust this real life scenario has given you an idea of how change in the business world can be managed, if you know where to focus and what to concentrate on. Again, the change is going to happen. The well-equipped leader will know how to manage it, as they will know the questions to ask. A lot of the change we have managed this year has been done so through thinking through – not, how do we keep things the same? – but,

we make it better? That’s always a great question!


how do


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Say YES and Make It WORK! It wasn’t easy… It was worth it. I started my journey with TCI at the end of June 2011. I started with Cert IV in Life Coaching (yes, I was testing the waters, LOL!) Day 3 of Weekend Intake, I upgraded to Diploma in Life Coaching (What was I thinking?). Sharon’s honesty and transparency made me realise that I made the right decision in choosing TCI. She said, “I can guarantee, it is not easy, it’s hard work, discipline, persistence,

consistency - if you want to succeed!” Till then, I was living a life pleasing everyone, procrastinated or gave up everything I wanted for myself. Secondary Gain was Self-Pity; I could blame others for my lack of results! FOCS weekend with Joe taught me to say YES to myself! “Say Yes and work out How!” So in the last 2.5 years, I enrolled and completed Cert IV in Life Coaching, Cert IV in Business, Diploma in Life Coaching, NLP Master Practitioner Training, NLP Trainers’ Training, Extended DISC Training and Mastermind Platinum Plus successfully! I SAID YES TO MYSELF! So I went from working full-time to parttime after 6 months, and then left my job to run my business full time in the 2nd year and in the last 6 months, my husband left his job to join our business (he is still in probation! LOL!) As Sharon said, it wasn’t easy! There were days in the first 8 months (till I came to do NLP Practitioner Training in Feb 2012) I was overwhelmed, exhausted, isolated and even felt guilty that I was spending more than earning! It was like 80-hours-week-no-pay job! There were deaths in family; both our mothers had heart failure, major setbacks financially and emotionally! I realised that my old, unresourceful patterns and strategies were coming back for a visit! Knowing what I know now – I couldn’t allow that. I loved using the Reframe Model! What can I learn from this? How can I make it work? I reviewed my Purpose, Goals, Vision and Mission (thanks to Sharon and Mastermind!) I STARTED TO MODEL PEOPLE – like Mentors, Facilitators, and Trainers and TCI community – how are they being and what are they doing and having that I can replicate! (As Sharon says, why re-invent the wheel) - I began to apply what I was learning. Knowledge is truly acquired when you implement and teach it! So I worked harder than ever this time focusing on my Goals, Vision and Mission! In my 2nd year, having completed my Cert IV in Life Coaching, my hours increased so did my experience, credibility and confidence! I BECAME A MENTOR AND FACILITATOR AT TCI! I also got my ICF PCC Accreditation. By the end of 2nd year, I completed all my trainings, assessments, and logged in more hours – decided to go International and ran my first pilot presentation in Singapore! From that I am now heading to Singapore, Malaysia and India in 2014-15! Above all, I am also close to applying for ICF MCC and ICG CPCS/CCMC next year!


The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014


I never compared myself with others

I paced my journey according to my commitments – still wanted to be a School Mum, be there for every milestone for my son, and be available when our families and friends needed us!

Exercised Behavioural Flexibility

Valued Quality Time without giving excuse that I can’t run my business because of family commitments! Or I can’t be a good parent because I am busy with my business!

Modelled Excellence and still do!

Being at Cause – accepting when I am at Effect to turn it around quicker

Learnt to Set Goals and Achieve them

Learning from Setbacks, Challenges and Mistakes

Being Outcome-Driven

Making little progress than no progress everyday – personally and professionally

Reviewing and Reflecting on my Goals, Purpose, Vision and Mission every 90 days!

Paying it Forward

Reading the Recommended Books

Today, I am living my life to my own terms because I made a decision to say YES to myself 2.5 years ago! I thank my husband, Vel and son, Shavin for their cooperation, understanding and support! And THANK YOU, Sharon Pearson, Joe Pane and TCI for everything and for showing me that - Possibilities are endless!

Let’s BE the Change We Wish to See in the World by Saying YES and making it WORK! :)


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Defining Moments… AUTHOR NATASHA WILLIAMS, Mastermind Mentor As I was sitting lapping up the sun the other day I was embracing the quiet tranquillity of the moment, pondering how to start this article. The warmest sensation flowed through every part of my body as I thought to myself "I

love my life so much I'm going to marry it and live happily ever after." SOUNDS A TAD CRAZY RIGHT? IT SURE WASN'T ALWAYS LIKE THIS. Only a few years ago everything was so different. My life pre TCI. Retrenched from a job I loved for 10 years, all my beliefs crashing around me. I declined a really lucrative role because my "orders" were to "get in, sell, get out." At what price? It was my “WTF, there has to be more, I can be so much more, tell me there MUST be more to life” moment. So I walked, well ran away, and I found TCI. And so began my hero's journey. Mentor enters stage left: "Hi, my name is Sharon Pearson, welcome"

Hello new exhilarating adventure! Yes, I've had my share of Storm Troopers and even Darth Vaders - the light bulb epiphany when I realised I was my own worst Darth Vader! I was pretty good at keeping up the appearance of everything being A-OK. How could I possibly be a coach I thought?

Still, I knew I had the answer in me. I had to dump my fear. "Come on Nat, you've done NLP you know better". The overwhelming love, support and extended hand from Sharon and so many of the beautiful team at TCI to help me up is etched blessedly forever in my heart. They showed me the door and finally I believed I had the right to walk through it. A dear friend called with a dream contract that was a perfect values match, I couldn't believe the quantum timing. I sold my house, moved further out and started a new life.


The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014

Six months on I leap out of bed so excited to get started! I've released some 13k's of excess weight, bought a new wardrobe and felt sexy! Every day I get to live my life, meeting business owners, employees, listening and truly serving. I travel a lot, oh bliss, uninterrupted SP time in the car! Hello traffic jam, take your time! The evening comes and I bound home to either a mentoring session with a fellow Masterminder where we share and brainstorm and laugh or bonus time with a webinar where a whole group if us get to play! People ask how I’m not exhausted when all I can think of is how this totally charges my batteries, how lucky am I? SO WHAT WAS THE DEFINING MOMENT?

Took me a while, I think SP had to say it close to a million times to truly get it and not just hear it.

I live to add massive value. That’s pretty much it. I truly live to add value and I am so immensely grateful for the opportunity to completely care. So I’m the one caught dancing at the station, or singing everywhere, beaming as I stride down the street, blissfully bewildered and enthralled in all that is the gift of living my dream. Ask me how I am and I’m likely to respond as I did to my boss the other day; “I am profoundly happy embracing the exquisite moment that is right now.”

Thank you Sharon Pearson, thank you TCI from my grateful happy heart.


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Round Table has arrived! AUTHOR SHARON PEARSON, Founder of The Coaching Institute

It took five years and 100’s of hours of content creation, but it’s finally arrived. AND THE RESPONSE HAS BEEN TREMENDOUS!

Mastermind Round Table is the ultimate business mentoring and development program. It comes with many successes already on the board, and with many messages on how to achieve business success on your terms. There are only going to be 50 places made available for 2014 and most of these places are gone. If you are wanting the very best of feedback for you and your business, and access to a group of passionate people who are all learning together, then this is the room to be in.

You can contact the WOW team at

to find out all about it. Or call Matt on 03 9645 9945.


1. Every few months we get together at a ‘Round Table’ and brainstorm our businesses and what’s going on, all facilitated by Sharon Pearson

2. Each member is provided with access to literally 100’s of hours of content on business success, marketing, sales, mindset, wealth creation, copy writing, web sites, creating products, writing best sellers…

3. Sharon Pearson is making herself available each month for members to phone in with their challenge for a priceless opportunity to brainstorm – this alone is worth the entire investment

4. The Round Table comes with mentors, a 90 Day Kickstart Guide, manuals, templates and so much more for the willing student of business!


The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014

Don’t Sweat


the Small Stuff 90%-10% Rule of Stephen Covey AUTHOR JENETTE LEE, Researcher at The Coaching Institute




You are eating breakfast with your family. Your daughter knocks over a cup of coffee onto your business shirt. You have no control over what just happened.

Don’t let these words fall on deaf ears; they are true and really effective in bringing the best results for your business. It’s actually you, who defines what you are. Whatever you do, your talk, your reactions in different situations all these things define what kind of person you are. You can’t control 10% of the things that happen to you. You can’t control car accidents, you can’t control your boss temper, you can’t control your boyfriend/girlfriend’s mood, you can’t control all these things… But you can control your reactions to them, and that will define your 90% of life.


10% of life

is made up of what happens to you….

90% of life

is decided by how you react.

What happens next will be determined by how you react. You harshly scold your daughter for knocking the cup over. She breaks down in tears. After scolding her, you turn to your spouse and criticize her for placing the cup too close to the edge of the table. A short verbal battle follows. You storm upstairs and change your shirt. Back downstairs, you find your daughter has been too busy crying to finish breakfast and get ready for school. She misses the bus. Your spouse must leave immediately for work. You rush to the car and drive your daughter to school. Because you are late, you drive 40 miles an hour in a 30 mph speed limit. After a 15-minute delay and throwing $60 traffic fine away, you arrive at school. Your daughter runs into the building without saying goodbye. After arriving at the office 20 minutes late, you find you forgot your briefcase. Your day has started terrible. As it continues, it seems to get worse and worse. You look forward to coming home. When you arrive home, you find small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter. Why? Because of how you reacted in the morning.


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Why did you have a bad day? A. Did the coffee cause it? B. Did your daughter cause it? C. Did the policeman cause it? D. Did you cause it?

THE ANSWER IS “D”. You had no control over what happened with the coffee. How you reacted in those 5 seconds is what caused your bad day.

Here is what could have and should have happened. You are eating breakfast with your family. Your daughter knocks over a cup of coffee onto your business shirt. Your daughter is about to cry. You gently say, “Its ok honey, you just need to be more careful next time”. Grabbing a towel you rush upstairs. After grabbing a new shirt and your briefcase, you come back down in time to look through the window and see your child getting on the bus. She turns and waves. You arrive 5 minutes early and cheerfully greet the staff. Your boss comments on how good the day you are having. NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE? Two different scenarios. Both started the same. Both ended different. Why? Because of how you REACTED. You really do not have any control over 10% of what happens. The other 90% was determined by your reaction.

Here are some ways to apply the 90/10 principle. If someone says something negative about you, don’t be a sponge. Let the attack roll off like water on glass. You don’t have to let the negative comment affect you! React properly and it will not ruin your day. A wrong reaction could result in losing a friend, being fired, getting stressed out etc. How do you react if someone cuts you off in traffic? Do you lose your temper? Pound on the steering wheel? A friend of mine had the steering wheel fall off!) WHO CARES if you arrive ten seconds later at work? Why let the cars ruin your drive? REMEMBER THE 90/10 PRINCIPLE, AND DO NOT WORRY ABOUT IT. You are told you lost your job. Use your worrying energy and time into finding another job. The plane is late; it is going to mangle your schedule for the day. Why take outpour frustration on the flight attendant? She has no control over what is going on. Use your time to study, get to know the other passenger. Why get stressed out? It will just make things worse. Now you know the 90-10 principle. Apply it and you will be amazed at the results. You will lose nothing if you try it. The 90-10 principle is incredible. Very few know and apply this principle. It only takes willpower to give ourselves permission to make the experience. What we don’t realise is that everything we do, give, say or think works like a boomerang. It’ll come back to us.


The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014

What we focus on is what we get.

EXERCISE: 1. Think about a situation that is challenging to you and ask yourself which ratio you have been using? 2. Where have you focused? 3. If you were to use the above ratio of 90% of your focus on the solution, what would you do differently? 4. How would you feel? 5. How would it benefit you?

ASK YOURSELF:  Where are you focusing right now?  Is this where you usually focus?  We get what we focus on – what are you getting?  If you were to shift your focus to possible solutions, what would it take?  What do you see as needing to happen to focus on the solutions?  If you were to spend 90% of your time on the solution what would you focus on?  What would happen if you spent 10 minutes a day only focusing on the possible solutions?  If this was ideal for you, what would it look like? How would you feel?  If someone was really great at coming up with solutions, what would they suggest?  How long will you spend focusing on the problem? Do you have a time limit in mind? If you did, what would it be?


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Your Dream 2014 AUTHOR MARK FINCH, Credentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching Student

OFTEN WHEN WE THINK OF OUR DREAMS, WE ARE FILLED WITH A VISION AND A SENSE OF PURPOSE. For some people these can appear as a kind of “fuzzy logic” floating around in the back of their mind. For others it is as clear as a “photograph” or “movie” of tomorrow, filled with colour, joy and excitement. Dreams are a fuel for our soul and a fire for our hearts. In fact, as you're reading this right now, you're feeling your dreams appearing before you, as a firm reminder of your potential... and I know you're loving the landscape. So how can we move ourselves from something fuzzy, to something more substantial to create that “photograph”? Moreover, how can we take that snapshot of tomorrow and manifest it into a reality?

What is it that I want? Most people know exactly what they don't want, but few take the time to actually visualise and conceptualise more of the things they do want. This is, more often than not, fear related and fraught with the feelings of being let down and “you've gotta be realistic!” Isn't this why it's called a dream? In the same way a child creates from playfulness and unconditional acceptance, give yourself permission right now, to discover and play with your imagination and desires. USE THE HEART AS YOUR ENGINE.

Do it now, allow yourself to 'feel' what it is that you want. Allow your deepest feelings, about your greatest passions, move you, and as this happens, allow your consciousness to flood with your most magnificent ideas, creations and strategies. Could you make that vision into a S.M.A.R.T goal and tape it to the mirror in your room? Do it now.

If you have a big enough Why, you'll always find the How. At the end of the day it is your why that drives your dream. It may be the opportunity to connect with someone special, give your children a better life or make that change in the world you've always wanted for yourself and others. It may be about significance, love or variety, perhaps it's something you can't put your finger on? If you're still unsure, again, allow yourself the opportunity to explore. TRY THIS FOR A QUESTION, “FOR WHAT PURPOSE DO I WANT (INSERT DREAM HERE)?” When you've answered that, ask it again. And again. And again. Until you know with great satisfaction what is motivating the dreams you wish to create. Your “Why” is an ally on the battlefield of dreams. It props you up if you're wounded by the excuses and naysayers, and carries you to safety; championing you at the end of your journey, with the warmest of embraces. As you can imagine, with a powerful enough why, your “how” becomes a minor threat on your journey.


The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014

Taking consistent action

Be a sage with your journey

It may take great courage to make the first step on your journey, but like any movement, without momentum it will stop as quick as it starts. From a tennis serve, to formula one racing, to the falling of rain, to the sea lapping at your feet… The idea of action with momentum is at the core of all life.

A sage is described as completely centered and in balance with themselves, the earth, and the universe. They are not affected by external conditions because they have established an internal foundation. In other words, they are backing themselves one hundred percent. A sage understands that experiences of the now will always be undulating like a wave on the ocean, and for that reason detaches from 'rigid' expectation within the journey. In this way, the result manifests just as it should. Your heart becomes immoveable because you have complete trust in the manifestation process. You have committed to the end and to yourself, not the bricks in the path. You are the eye of the storm. You are able to adjust to any circumstance, or to fit into any situation. Stay malleable with the process, the dream is not negotiable. AS 2014 STARTS AND YOU PROGRESS, STAY CONGRUENT TO WHO YOU ARE AND TO YOUR VALUES.

Without continuous momentum, the action will come to a standstill and die. In fact the 'current' of action breathes life into your dreams. Your actions should hook together like links in a chain. One thing will lead to another. When you feel you're momentum dropping off, revisit your dream and “Why”, and as you do, always remember that it's the daily, weekly and monthly goals that are building the pathway before you. Brick by brick. Stone by stone. Pebble by pebble. Grain by grain. ACTION LINKED, VIA MOMENTUM, IS A PRINCIPLE BEHIND POWER AND OVERCOMING ADVERSITY.


Moreover, as the journey unfolds, give yourself permission, right now, to say “Yes!” and work out “how”. Keep stepping, keep moving. The momentum you will gather will snowball with each action you take. This is the way to becoming an unstoppable force. You will become a beacon, not only to others but to yourself.

Live your dream in 2014, I feel like we've already started :)

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Your Dream 2014 AUTHOR JANICE LAWRENZ, Credentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching Graduate

THIS IS MY GIFT TO YOU. You are welcome to use this as a resource for yourself and to share it with your clients.

26 questions (one each fortnight) to ponder on and answer as you journey through 2014. Look back over the year and see, feel and hear how much you have achieved! Congratulate yourself on an awesome job!

D IS FOR DARE: Will you dare to be a salmon swimming upstream? R IS FOR REAL: Which real adventures await you? E IS FOR ECOLOGICAL: Where are you leaving an ecological footprint? A IS FOR ACTION: What is your next bold action? M IS FOR MASTERED: Have you mastered something what you once considered a challenge?

D IS FOR DREAMS: What are your dreams for 2014?

D IS FOR DIFFERENT: How will things be different?

R IS FOR RELEASE: What blockages are you ready to release to be who you want to be?

R IS FOR REJUVENATE: Are you taking time out to rejuvenate and recharge your batteries?

E IS FOR EXCEPTIONAL: What is one exceptional thing you want to achieve this year?

E IS FOR ESCAPE: How will you escape to take time out for yourself?

A IS FOR AWESOME: Have you set some big, awesome, hairy goals this year? M IS FOR MINDSET: Is your mindset holding you back?

A IS FOR AMAZING: Have you given thanks for the opportunity to have an amazing life? M IS FOR MAGNIFICENCE: What boundaries have you pushed through to create magnificence in your relationships with others?


The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014

D IS FOR DONATE: Which charity can you donate to? R IS FOR RIPPLES: When have you taught something you have learnt and in turn created ripples out into the universe? E IS FOR ENTREPRENEURIAL: Which entrepreneurial traits do you think you have? A IS FOR AUTHENTIC: What authentic messages are you delivering in your business and in your life?

Coach & Connect is a great opportunity for you to gather new learnings, connect with your peers and like-minded people on a regular basis and continue to grow as you go through your coaching journey.

M IS FOR MAGNETIC: What magnetic offer can you deliver to your clients?

Coach and Connect is about continuing your growth as a coach through connecting with those who have created successes before you, entering the mindsets of how they created success and also how you can create it too.

D IS FOR DISCOVER: What did you discover about yourself this year?

You can even invite your clients, colleagues, friends, family or anyone you know who will get great value from learning these skills and build a bigger network of like-minded people.

R IS FOR RESOURCES: What value packed resources did your clients receive? E IS FOR EVOLVING: How are you and your business evolving?

Check the Calendar for your next Coach & Connect Event: HTTP://WWW.THECOACHINGINSTITUTE. COM.AU/COURSE-SCHEDULES

A IS FOR ASSESS: How will you assess your business this past year? M IS FOR MESSAGE: What message will you send into the New Year?

COST: $20

S IS FOR SHARE: What is the biggest moment in 2014 you want to share with others?




You have now arrived at the end of 2014. What new adventures

await you in 2015?



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Open to everyone! Want to take your leadership to the next level or become an executive coach? Register here:

Exclusively for Credentialed Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner and Master Practitioner of Coaching students

7.15PM – 8.15PM WEDNESDAY 15TH JAN 2014

7PM – 8PM MONDAY 20TH JAN 2014



Exclusively for Credentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching students.

Exclusively for Credentialed Advanced Practitioner of Coaching and Certificate IV in Business students




The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014



Exclusively for Credentialed Practitioner, Advanced Practitioner and Master Practitioner of Coaching students

EXCLUSIVE BONUS FOR Credentialed Master Practitioner of Coaching students.





Exclusively for Mastermind Round Table Members

Exclusively for Thought Dynamics Members




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META DYNAMICS LEVEL III (NLP TRAINERS TRAINING) WITH SHARON PEARSON This is the ULTIMATE in training and facilitation skills. A must in understanding the frameworks to decode the magic of effective facilitation. LIVE IN MELBOURNE MON 13TH JAN 2014 to FRI 24TH JAN 2014

PERSONAL POWER WITH JOE PANE Conquer today’s challenges and discover your true potential at this breakthrough event! A Free 2 ½ Day Event valued at $1997 WWW.PERSONALPOWEREVENT.COM.AU LIVE IN MELBOURNE FRI 31ST JAN 2014 to SUN 2ND FEB 2014


The Successful Coach Magazine | Issue #3 | January 2014

MASTERMIND THINKTANK & MASTERMIND MASTER CLASS WITH SHARON PEARSON Get in the room with Sharon Pearson along with the best of the best to gain feedback and insights on your business and development. LIVE IN MELBOURNE MON 24TH FEB 2014 to WED 26TH FEB 2014


FOUNDATION OF COACHING SUCCESS WITH JOE PANE The very first and often life-changing step on your coaching journey, the FOCS Intake Training is where it all begins SPEAK TO YOUR COURSE CONSULTANT TO CONFIRM AVAILABILITY ON 1800 094 927

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